Newport (Rhode Island) - Newport (Rhode Island)

Newport is 'n pragtige kusstad in Rhode eiland dit is bekend vir sy herehuise, inkopies en natuurskoon.



Vanderbilt se herehuis "The Breakers"

Een van die grootste stede in die toekoms Verenigde State Gedurende die koloniale tyd is die afname van Newport in die vroeë 19de eeu goeie nuus vir vandag se besoekers, wat een van die land se grootste versamelings van ongeskonde koloniale argitektuur kan ervaar; as Newport dieselfde pad gevolg het as sy voormalige eweknie-stede, sou die historiese geboue dekades of selfs eeue gelede gelykgemaak kon word. Maar Newport is nog meer bekend vir 'n ander historiese tydperk: die Gilded Age van die laat 19de en vroeë 20ste eeu, toe sommige van Amerika se mees prominente families opvallende somerhuise gebou het, wat hulle langs die waterfront 'huisies' genoem het. Baie van die herehuise is nou oop vir toere.

Newport is ook bekend vir die aanbieding van die Newport Folk Festival en die Newport Jazz Festival en vele ander feeste en skoue. Geplaveide strate en baksteenpaadjies beklemtoon 'n luukse toeristiese middestad met baie winkels, galerye en uitstekende restaurante, alles naby die water. Newport is aan die suidekant van Aquidneck-eiland geleë en het verskeie fyn strande, rotsagtige kranse en baie geskiedenis, waaronder 'n ou fort.


Die somerweer vra gewoonlik vir kortbroeke, kort moue en swembroeke. Newport is ook omring deur water. U kan 'n sweatshirt vir die nag inpak, want dit kan 'n bietjie koel word. Neem seker dat u 'n sambreel saambring, want Newport is nie juis onoorwinlik vir reën nie. Dit sal ook 'n wonderlike tyd wees om u sonbril uit te breek, want die somer is die gunsteling seisoen van die son.

Gaan in

Met die motor

Om in Newport te kom, of op enige plek op Aquidneck Island, kan u een van die drie brûe neem: die Claiborne Pell Bridge (wat deur baie inwoners bekend staan ​​as die Newport Bridge), vanaf Jamestown, Die Sakonnetrivierbrug, vanaf Tiverton, of die Mount Hope Bridge, vanaf Bristol.

Met die vliegtuig

  • T.F. Groen Lughawe (PVD IATA) in Warwick bied baie goedkoop en gereelde vlugte na baie stede in die Verenigde State. Dit is ongeveer 45 minute weg.
  • Bostonse Logan-lughawe (BIM IATA) is baie groter en word gewoonlik vir die meeste internasionale vlugte gebruik. Dit is 1 uur en 35 minute weg.
  • Newport-lughawe (NPT IATA). Geleë 20 ​​minute weg in die omgewing Middletown, hierdie lughawe is klein en bied nie kommersiële vlugte aan nie.

Met die bus

RIPTA bestuur 'n snelbusdiens vanaf Voorsienigheid elke 30 minute.

Per boot

Block Island Ferry bestuur daagliks verskeie veerbote Blokkeiland en Valrivier. Van Voorsienigheid, Seastreak Ferries bied vier daaglikse retoere aan met 'n reistyd van net minder as een uur. Daarbenewens, Ferry Jamestown en Newport bied 'n rustiger reis vanaf Jamestown, oorkant die baai en eilande tussenin.

As u met 'n privaat boot reis, is daar baie jachthavens in die Newport-hawe wat dokplek bied vir seilbote, motorbote, miljoen dollar-seiljagte en selfs cruiseskepe wat anker in die hawe plaas.

  • 2 41 grade Noord, 351 Thames St., 1 401 848-7950. Geriewe sluit in: restaurante, toilette, drywende dokke, aanlegplek vir seiljagte tot 250 m, portierdiens, diens aan die skeepskant en meer. Verbygaande tariewe vir 2009: op aanvraag beskikbaar (2007 verbygaande tarief: $ 7,50 per voet).
  • 3 Bannister's Wharf Marina, 24 Bannisters Wharf, 1 401 846-4500. Geriewe sluit in: dieselbrandstof, petrol, ys, wasgoed, restaurante, toilette, storte en 'n reishysbak. 2009-tariewe: beskikbaar op aanvraag (2008-tariewe: $ 5 per voet per nag). Bannisters Wharf het 'n baie aangename personeel en 'n uitstekende ligging op dieselfde pier as die Black Pearl en 22 Bowen-restaurante. Daar is 'n wonderlike speelkamer aan die oorkant van die straat vir kinders, asook afslagpryse vir klante.
  • 4 Brenton Cove Moorings, 68 Long Wharf, 1 401 849-2210.
  • 5 Brewer Street Boat works Ltd., Kommersiële werf, 1 401 847-0321. Geriewe sluit in: dieselbrandstof, petrol, wasgoed, instandhoudingsfasiliteite, olieherwinning, uitpomp, toilette en storte. 'Uitstekende instandhoudingsdienste en herstelwerk en installasies. Elektroniese verkope en diens. Handelaar vir Raymarine, Si-Tex, Simrad, B&G, Furuno, Sea / Datamarine, KVH. Cummins mariene diesel gesertifiseer. ”
  • Brown & Howard Marina, 21 Brown & Howard Wharf, 1 401 846-5100. Swaai dokke kan vaartuie van 30 tot 250 voet akkommodeer. Geriewe sluit in: huur van huur, dieselbrandstof, drywende dokke, wasgoed, uitpomp, storte, spa en draadlose internet. Voorlopige koers van 2009: $ 5,50 per voet per dag. Goeie jachthaven in die middestad met baie moderne fasiliteite, maar beperkte dokplek. Bespreek lank voor die tyd.
  • 6 Bokkie-eiland Marina, 5 Marina Plaza, 1 401 849-5655. Geriewe sluit in: kabel-TV, dieselbrandstof, drywende dokke, petrol, hotel / akkommodasie, ys, internettoegang, wasgoed, instandhoudingsgeriewe, uitpomp, restaurante, toilette, skeepswinkel, storte, spa, swembad, tennis en draadlose internet. Dit is 'n lang lys van geriewe en uitstekende fasiliteite. Dit is 'n wonderlike jachthaven om te besoek. Die ligging op 'n bokkie-eiland maak dit egter een van die verste jachthavens in die middestad. Daaglikse verbygaande tariewe Vate onder 80 '$ 4,25 / ft. Vaartuie meer as 80 '$ 5 / ft (pryse kan onderhewig wees aan spesiale geleenthede)..
  • 7 Ida Lewis seiljagklub, 186 Wellington Ave, 1 401 846-1969. Ida Lewis Yacht-klub verwelkom beide lede en nie-gedenkwaardiges om die marina te besoek. Die ligging aan die suidekant van die hawe maak dit 15 minute se stap na die middestad. Die uitstekende personeel en diens maak dit 'n waardevolle bestemming.
  • 8 Newport Harbour Hotel & Marina, 49 America's Cup Ave, 1 401 848-3310. Geriewe sluit in: kabel-TV, hotel / akkommodasie, ys, internettoegang, wasgoed, toilette, storte en 'n swembad. Verbygaande tarief van 2009: $ 5 per voet / per nag (5,50 vir spesiale geleenthede / vakansie). Hierdie hotel is bekend vir sy uitstekende ligging in die middestad van Newport. Dit is egter ook bekend vir sy verouderde en te duur kamers.
  • 9 Newport Marina Ing, Lee’s Wharf, 1 401 849-2293. Geriewe sluit in: kabel-TV, drywende dokke, ys, internettoegang, wasgoed, piekniekarea, uitpomp, restaurante, toilette, storte en 'n swembad. Tariewe van 2009: $ 5 per voet per nag plus elektriese (bote van meer as 70 voet. $ 5,50 per voet) 'n Goeie keuse. Die jachthaven is langs die IYRS en bied nie net 'n sentrale ligging vir restaurante nie, maar bied ook 'n wonderlike uitsig op die klassieke seiljagte langsaan. Die verhitte swembad is wonderlik, net soos die bar-b-ques, piekniektafels en gesinsvriendelike omgewing. Hierdie jachthaven is in die middel van die aksie, maar vermy die skild en gebrek aan veiligheid by ander jachthavens. Nuwe drywende dokke maak dit ook bootvriendelik.
  • 10 Newport Shipyard, 1 Washington St., 1 401 846-6002. Geriewe sluit in: volledige herstelgeriewe, draadlose internet, restaurant en spyseniering op die perseel, bemanningsgeriewe, veilige dokgebied. Voorlopige tariewe van 2009: $ 4,95 per voet per nag (15 Mei - 30 September). As een van die bekendste werwe aan die ooskus, is dit die eerste plek vir megajagte in Newport. Dit is op loopafstand van die winkels en restaurante in die middestad en beskik oor die beste jaghersteldiens in Nieu-Engeland.
  • 11 Newport seiljagsentrum, 4 Kommersiële werf, 1 401 847-9047. Geriewe sluit in: kitsbank, dieselbrandstof, droë stoor, fiksheidsentrum, drywende dokke, petrol, kruideniersware, ys, wasgoed, instandhoudingsfasiliteite, olie-herwinning, pomp, restaurante, toilette, storte en 'n swembad. Tariewe van 2009: April-14 Junie: $ 2,75 / ft 15 Junie-Sept. 5; $ 5 / ft en 1–9 Julie: $ 5,50 (minimum verblyftydperk van 3 nagte) 6 September - November: $ 2,75 / ft en $ 4 / ft (Vrydag, Sat & Sondag van die vakansie-naweke). Dit is 'n wonderlike jachthaven op 'n wonderlike plek. Baie professionele personeel en goed onderhou fasiliteite. Dit word geassosieer met die Marriott, sodat u die gimnasium en die swembad in die hotel kan gebruik. Dit bied 'n verskeidenheid dienste vir mense wat die beste geniet en verwag.
  • 12 [dooie skakel]West Wind Marina, 1 Waite's Wharf, 1 401 849-4300. Geriewe sluit in: kitsbank, dieselbrandstof, drywende dokke (bote tot 220 m), ys, wasgoed, olie-herwinning, pomp, toilette, storte, 2 restaurante op die perseel, 2 kroeë op die perseel en 1 nagklub. Tariewe van 2009: $ 4 tot $ 5 per voet per nag, skakel vir meer inligting. West Wind Marina spesialiseer in die hantering van kleiner seiljagte in die reeks van 50–80 voet, maar kan baie groter seiljagte hanteer. Fantastiese middestad met hul eie restaurante op die perseel.

Kry rond

41 ° 29′17 ″ N 71 ° 18′45 ″ W
Kaart van Newport (Rhode Island)

Newport is 'n wonderlike stad om te loop, te ry en ander vervoermiddels te gebruik, behalwe motors in. As u plekke in Newport besoek, sal u sien dat die meeste mense loop of fietsry. Baie mense gebruik fietse, bromponies en brommers om deur die stad te kom. Die meeste van die restaurante en winkels is in die hawe geleë, wat ideaal is om te stap, veral in 'n koel somersnag. Parkering van u motor kan op sekere tye van die jaar redelik moeilik raak, wat nog 'n voordeel is om te loop. As u besluit om u motor na die middestad te neem, is daar verskillende plekke met parkeermeters. Die meters duur slegs kwartiere (15 minute) en dimes (5 minute) en laat u toe om 3 uur te parkeer. Benewens meters, is daar baie parkeerterreine wat ongeveer 15-30 dollar kos vir parkering.

Daar is ook die opsie om die openbare vervoerowerheid van Rhode Island te gebruik

  • R.I.P.T.A., 1 401 781-9400. RIPTA het outentieke trollies wat deur Newport reis en busreise regoor die staat Rhode Island aanbied.
  • Newport Trollie, 1 401 849-8005. Hierdie meer stylvolle en stadsagtige cruiser, geborg deur die RIPTA-busmaatskappy, bied dieselfde hoeveelheid passasiers as 'n bus op 'n meer waaierige, skoon en aangename rit. Die trollie doen ook herehuis- en skilderagtige toere deur Newport.



Fiets en brommers


  • Newport Pedicab, 1 401 432-5498. Daar is oral in die somer trapkarretjies. U kan groepe vind wat deur die hele Newport op klante wag. 'N Pedicab-rit is 'n maklike rit huis toe na 'n nag op die stad. Bykomend tot die gemak, is pedicabs ekovriendelik en veilig. Newport-pedicab bied 'n "betaal soos u wil" -beleid aan; daar is geen vasgestelde tarief vir u rit nie, maar maak seker dat u 'n fooitjie gee soos u dit reg sien!


Cliff Walk
  • Bekende Cliff Walk (aangrensend aan Easton's Beach). Opgewy in 1975, hierdie 3,5 myl. (5,6 km) openbare toegangsweg is 'n pragtige wandeling, en twee derdes van die roete is maklik om te loop vir alle ouderdomme. Die kranswandeling bied 'n paar van die mooiste uitsigte in Nieu-Engeland, en die natuurlewe is oral te sien. Die Cliff Walk bied 'n pragtige uitsig oor die see en bied 'n blik op die beroemde Newport Mansions, aangesien dit in 'n nasionale historiese distrik geleë is. Die staproete begin by Newport se First Beach en volg die kus tot by Ocean Drive van die eiland. Pas op terwyl u loop gif klimop. Sommige dele van die Cliff Walk val steil in die water af, so gaan voort en verby ander wandelaars op eie risiko. Rotse kan glad wees en dele van die loop is nie goed geplavei nie, dra dus behoorlike skoene. Die Cliff Walk kan van 2 tot 4 uur duur, afhangend van hoe vinnig jy loop. Alhoewel fietse nie toegelaat word nie, is honde so lank as wat hulle aan die leiband gehou word. Die Cliff Walk bied nie verversings of piekniekareas nie, dus eet dit of pak ligte versnaperings soos granola-stawe in. Die Cliff Walk-ure is van sonop tot sononder en die besienswaardigheid is gratis. Die noordelike punt is toeganklik vir gestremdes en baba-waens toeganklik. Daar is verskeie maniere om die Cliff Walk te verlaat, wat almal terug lei na Bellevue Avenue en die voorkant van die herehuis. Om na die motor terug te stap, kan 'n rukkie duur, dus die gratis RIPTA-trollie is 'n lewensvatbare opsie om terug te keer na u voertuig. Newport Cliff Walk (Q16982763) on Wikidata Newport Cliff Walk on Wikipedia
  • Breton Point State Park, Oseaan rit.
  • The Ocean Drive. Dit is 'n rit van 10 myl langs die pragtige kuslyn van Newport. Langs die rit sien jy Green Bridge, The Private Beaches (Gooseberry Beach, Hazards Beach, Bailey's Beach), Brenton Point State Park, Castle Hill Inn, en baie pragtige huise wat die oewer omhels.
  • 1 Fort Adams, 1 Lincoln Dr., 1 401 841-0707. Die fort met meer as 180 jaar geskiedenis is die grootste vesting aan die kus in die Verenigde State en bied seisoenale begeleide toere aan wat die soldaatskwartiere van die eiendom, die Naval War College Museum-uitstalling, pragtige argitektuur en ingenieurswese ten toon stel. Behalwe vir die prag wat Fort Adams is, kan u ook die uitsig oor die Newport-hawe en Narragansettbaai sien. Fort Adams is nie net 'n historiese deel van Newport nie, dit is ook die tuiste van verskillende feeste en geleenthede wat op die fort se ses en 'n halwe paradegebied en grasperke plaasvind. Sommige van hierdie feeste sluit in die familiedag, 'n viering vir gesinne, veral diegene met klein kinders, wat narre, gesigverf en ander prettige aktiwiteite en besienswaardighede insluit. Fort Adams is ook die tuiste van die jaarlikse George Wein's Folk Festival, George Wein's Jazz Festival en McGrath's Public Clambake. Toegang tot $ 10; ouderdomme 6–17 $ 5; 5 en onder gratis. Fort Adams State Park (Q5470706) on Wikidata Fort Adams State Park on Wikipedia
  • Fort Adams State Park. Miskien is Fort Adams een van die mees versorgde ondernemings op Aquidneck Island. Die bou van die fort van 30 jaar het in 1824 begin en is gebou deur honderde immigrante wat nuut in Amerika was. Die fort is tydens die burgeroorlog deur die Naval Academy gebruik. Dit omvattend geboude fort bevat meer as 500 kanonne, waarvan sommige bewaar is en vandag gesien kan word. Die klipstruktuur word slegs ontspan vir feeste, en dikwels vir trou-onthale vanweë die pragtige ligging. Fort Adams kan aan die regterkant van die Newport Bridge gesien word in die kruising.
  • 2 Veertig stappe. Terwyl u Cliff Walk ervaar, moet u op die uitkyk wees vir Veertig stappe; 'n kriptiese en ongelooflike stel trappe wat direk na die oseaan onder lei. Gedurende Newport se Goue Eeu was die Veertig trappe 'n bymekaarkomplek vir die bediendes en werkers uit die nabygeleë herehuise. Hier het hulle naweekdanse gehou en die Ierse liedjies en musiek gespeel wat hulle aan die huis herinner het. Daar is nie net historiese betekenis agter die struktuur nie, maar ook veilig vir swemmers, hardlopers en wandelaars. Forty Steps (Q49468717) on Wikidata
  • 3 Newport Gulls Baseball Team, 20 Americas Cup Ave., 1 401 849-4982. Die span speel 'n somerskema van 42 wedstryde, bestaande uit 21 tuiswedstryde, plus 'n Team USA-uitstalling en die uitspeelwedstryde op die historiese Cardines Field, wat dateer uit 1908. Die New England Collegiate Baseball League bestaan ​​uit 12 spanne in al 6 nuwe Engeland verklaar. Die Gulls bied ook ses somerkampe aan wat regdeur die Aquidneck-eiland geleë is, wat die jeug van Newport County bevoordeel. Volwassenes $ 4; Ouderdomme 13–18, seniors en militêre ID's $ 2; onder $ 12 1. Seisoenpas is $ 50. Newport Gulls (Q7018859) on Wikidata Newport Gulls on Wikipedia
  • 4 Internasionale Tennis Hall of Fame, 194 Bellevue Ave., 1 401 849-3990. 09:30 tot 17:00. 'N Niewinsgewende instelling wat die geskiedenis van tennis bewaar. Gebou in 1880, toon die ikone van tennis. Besoekers van alle ouderdomme kan na hierdie historiese casino kom en die kunsgalery en die plate wat die groot spelers herdenk, ervaar. Volwassenes $ 11, bejaardes, militêr of studente met ID $ 6, onder $ 16 4, familietarief $ 20. International Tennis Hall of Fame (Q52454) on Wikidata International Tennis Hall of Fame on Wikipedia
  • Ballard Park, 226 Bellevue Ave, 1 401 619-3377. As daar 'n spesifieke gebied in Newport sou wees wat as perfeksie van die park beskryf sou word, is Ballard Park die ongeëwenaarde toonbeeld van parke in Rhode Island, wat nog te sê in Newport. Die park self word omring deur 'n digte bos en word ook deur 'n massiewe klipmuur in die agtergrond geskadu, wat 'n baie unieke omgewing skep om enige soort gebeurtenisse te hou, soos verhoogmusiek, paadjies en familiepieknieks. Die eienaars van Ballard Park het in die verlede baie soortgelyke openbare geleenthede aangebied, wat almal as groot suksesse in die gemeenskap beskou is.
  • 5 Castle Hill vuurtoring. Hierdie vuurtoring van 1890 is van graniet en het 'n pragtige uitsig. Castle Hill Light (Q5050138) on Wikidata Castle Hill Light on Wikipedia


Soos die grootste deel van Newport, het die Newport Mansions geskiedenis. Die herehuise verteenwoordig meer as 250 jaar van geskiedenis en argitektuur met klankreise deur die ondernemings. Die herehuise is 'n skouspel om te sien vir almal wat dit besoek. Elke instelling, volledig bewaar, het 'n ander geskiedenis, sommige van die Women's Right's Movement in 1920 met Griekse en Romeinse beeldhouwerk, ander wat verdubbel as kunsgalerye uit die 19de eeu, en ander met indrukwekkende tuine, kompleet met beeldhouwerk. Toegangspryse wissel per toer, of dit nou een eiendom van u keuse is ($ 14,50 vir volwassenes en $ 5,50 vir kinders van 6-17) of 'n vyf-toer toer na u keuse ($ 31,50 vir volwassenes en $ 10 vir kinders van 6-17). Toere deur die gewilderde herehuise, soos die Breakers of Hunter House, is 'n bietjie duurder as die res. U kan u kaartjies op die perseel by enige van die huise koop, of vooraf aanlyn of 1 401 847-1000 (uitbreiding 102).

Die Newport Mansions bestaan ​​uit elf historiese terreine, almal met verskillende argitektoniese aspekte, geskiedenis, interieurs en landskap. Van hierdie elf is sewe nasionaal erkende historiese landskappe. Die Newport Mansions vertoon nie net historiese huismuseums nie, maar is ook gasheer vir verskillende galas en funksies op die grasperke en binne die herehuise self. Die Newport Flower Show, kinderwagens en spesiale toere is net 'n paar ekstra funksies om te sien by die Newport-herehuise, insluitend die wonderlike verskeidenheid vakansieversierings wat gedurende die seisoen aangebied word.

Newport Mansion-toere is nie net vir diegene wat belangstel in historiese argitektuur of Rhode Island-geskiedenis nie, maar ook vir alle ouderdomme weens die stap deur toere, klankinligting en die algehele grandiose aantrekkingskrag van die landgoed.

Parkeer in die gratis parkeerplekke op straat wat deur alle eiendomme van die Preservation Society aangebied word (met die uitsondering van die Hunter House waar u op straat kan parkeer). Laat 'n uur en 'n half per huis ten volle geniet van alles wat die Newport Mansions bied, van hul pragtig uitgebreide interieur tot hul ruim en asemrowende terrein.

  • 6 Astor's Beechwood Mansion, 580 Bellevue Av, 1 401 846-3772. Hierdie herehuis in private besit is nou gesluit vir die publiek. Beechwood (Q4879682) on Wikidata Beechwood (Astor mansion) on Wikipedia
  • 7 Belcourt-kasteel. Bellevue Av. Gebou tussen 1891 en 1894 vir Oliver Belmont. In private besit, maar oop vir die publiek. Belcourt Castle (Q2837861) on Wikidata Belcourt of Newport on Wikipedia
  • 8 The Breakers, Ruggles Ave. Gebou tussen 1893 en 1895 deur die familie Vanderbilt. Die Bewaringsvereniging van Newport County besit The Breakers. The Breakers (Q1786400) on Wikidata The Breakers on Wikipedia
  • 9 Chateau-sur-Mer, Bellevue Ave. Chateau-sur-Mer (Q5087517) on Wikidata Chateau-sur-Mer on Wikipedia
  • 10 Chepstow, 120 Narragansett Ave. Chepstow (Q5091728) on Wikidata Chepstow (mansion) on Wikipedia
  • 11 The Elms, 367 Bellevue Ave. Een van die pragtige historiese Newport Mansions in hierdie straat. The Elms (Q7731834) on Wikidata The Elms (Newport, Rhode Island) on Wikipedia
  • 12 Hunter House, Washington St.. Hunter House (Q15226908) on Wikidata Hunter House (Newport, Rhode Island) on Wikipedia
  • 13 Isaac Bell House, Bellevue Ave. Isaac Bell House (Q6076045) on Wikidata Isaac Bell House on Wikipedia
  • 14 Kingscote, Bellevue Ave. Kingscote (Q6413180) on Wikidata Kingscote (mansion) on Wikipedia
  • 15 Marmerhuis, 596 Bellevue Ave. Marble House (Q2650982) on Wikidata Marble House on Wikipedia
  • 16 Okerhof, Ochre Point Ave. Ochre Court (Q7076384) on Wikidata Ochre Court on Wikipedia
  • 17 Rosecliff, Bellevue Ave. Rosecliff (Q2166814) on Wikidata Rosecliff on Wikipedia
  • 18 Rowwe punt, Bellevue Ave, 1 401 847-8344. Rough Point (Q7370843) on Wikidata Rough Point on Wikipedia


  • Internasionale Tennis Hall of Fame by die Newport Casino, 194 Bellevue Ave., 1 401 849-3990, tolvry: 1-800-457-1144, faks: 1 401 849-8780. Beskik oor die enigste professionele tennisbyeenkomste wat in Noord-Amerika op gras gespeel word, sowel as die International Tennis Hall of Fame Museum, wat die grootste versameling tennismemorabilia ter wêreld bevat. Die Newport Casino bied ook verskeie fasiliteite vir spesiale geleenthede, insluitend skemerkelkpartytjies, onthale en vergaderings.
  • [dooie skakel]Museum vir seiljagvaart, Fort Adams Dr. (in Fort Adams State Park), 1 401 847-1018, faks: 1 401 847-8320, . Middel Mei-Oktober, 10:00 tot 17:00. $5/$4.
  • 19 Newport Kunsmuseum, 76 Bellevue Gem, 1 401 848-8200, faks: 1 401 848-8205, . Arbeidsdag tot Gedenkdag: M-Sa 10: 00-16: 00, So middag-16: 00; Gedenkdag tot die Arbeidsdag: Maandag 10:00 tot 17:00, so middaguur 17:00. Toegang tot volwassenes vir die museum is $ 10 en kinders onder 5 jaar is gratis. Newport Art Museum (Q7018775) on Wikidata Newport Art Museum on Wikipedia
  • 20 Naval War College Museum, 686 Cushing Rd, 1 401 841-4052. Die hele jaar deur, M-F 10:00 tot 16:00, 12:00 tot 16:00 oor naweke Junie-September. Geslote vakansies. Bespreek minstens 24 uur voor die tyd vir besprekings. Besprekings en identifikasie van foto's is nodig vir toegang tot die vlootstasie. Naval War College Museum (Q6981970) on Wikidata Naval War College Museum on Wikipedia
  • 21 Samuel Whitehorne House Museum, 416 Thames St., 1 401 849-7300. Samuel Whitehorne House (Q7412924) on Wikidata Samuel Whitehorne House on Wikipedia
  • 22 Touro Synagogue National Historic Site, 85 Touro St., 1 401 847-4794. Middae exc. Sa. Ure wissel volgens seisoen. Die Touro-sinagoge is in 1762 ingewy en dien vandag 'n aktiewe gemeente. Die gemeente is in 1658 gestig deur Sephardim wat uit die Inkwisisie in Spanje en Portugal gevlug het en op soek was na 'n toevlugsoord van godsdienstige vervolging in die Karibiese Eilande. Toertye wissel, volwassenes $ 5, jonger as 13 jaar. Touro Synagogue (Q1355822) on Wikidata Touro Synagogue on Wikipedia
  • 23 Nasionale Museum van Amerikaanse Illustrasie, 492 Bellevue Ave (by Vernon Court), 1 401 851-8974. Somerure: Vrydag 15:00 Toer, sa / son 11: 00-17: 00. Museum in die historiese Vernon Court huisves werke van Norman Rockwell, J. C. Leyendecker, N. C, Wyeth, Maxfield Parrish, en meer. Algemene toelating. $ 18 Volwassenes, $ 16 Seniors / Militêr, $ 12 Studente, $ 8 Kinders (slegs 5-12 jaar oud). National Museum of American Illustration (Q6974447) on Wikidata National Museum of American Illustration on Wikipedia


  • Operahuisfliekteater, 19 Touro St., 1 401 847-3456. Die Operahuis word tans opgeknap en is nie oop vir die publiek nie. Die bioskoop het drie skerms, twee kleiner teaters op die eerste verdieping en een groter oop teater op die tweede verdieping. Die operahuis is sedert 1968 in bedryf en speel steeds die mees onlangse en relevante films. Bel vir toere deur die teater of om vrywillig te wees in die herstel van hierdie historiese baken.
  • 24 Jane Pickens Fliekteater, 49 Touro St., 1 401 846-5252. Hierdie unieke kunshuisbioskoop is in 1834 as 'n kerk gebou en in 1919 omskep in 'n teater met twee verdiepings. Die teater het slaapplek vir 500 mense. Jane Pickens se pragtig gerenoveerde interieur is die perfekte omgewing om na die nuutste onafhanklike films en dokumentêre films te kyk. Die teater kan verhuur word vir privaat funksies soos fondsinsamelings, partytjies, sakegeleenthede, troues en herdenkings. Met sy klein verhoog kan Jane Pickens ook kunstenaars en filmmakers akkommodeer om hul werk vir 'n privaat gehoor of vir die algemene publiek te debuteer. Hierdie teater is een van die enigste bioskope in Rhode Island wat weer klassieke films vrystel wat die publiek weer kan geniet. Vandag behou die teater sy sjarme deur die kunste onder die publiek te bring deur middel van films, films, optredes en meer. Besienswaardighede wissel van die vrylating van "The Artist" in 2011 tot die La Corsaire van die Bolshoi Ballet. Jane Pickens Theatre (Q43258826) on Wikidata


Newport bied 'n verskeidenheid aktiwiteite deur die jaar aan. Gedurende die somerseisoen is watersport baie gewild onder koerante en toeriste. Seil- en boottoere is ook vanaf die lente beskikbaar, terwyl 'n skaatsbaan buite 'n uitstekende plek is om gedurende die winter te wees. Inkopies en dobbelary is ook 'n uitstekende toeriste-aantreklikheid gedurende die hele jaar in Newport. U kan selfs 'n kostoer maak en verskeie restaurante proe, sodat u weet waarheen u vir middagete of aandete moet gaan terwyl u in Newport is.

  • Adirondack II, Bowens Wharf, 1 401 847-0000. Besoek die Newport-hawe op 'n klassieke '80 Schooner, ervaar 'n ander uitsig op Newport vanaf die water. Beskikbaar vir privaat charters, en bied daaglikse kaartjie seile meerdere reise per dag, vertrek vanaf Bowen's Wharf.
  • Avontuur watersport, 5 Marina Plaza Bok-eiland, 1 401 849-4820. 09:00 tot 18:00. Houly-huur, jetski's, waverunners, buiteboordbote, kajakke vir een en twee persone. Halfdag- en voldagseil-, visvang- en motorjag-charters. As u nie ervaring het om te vaar nie, is privaat boottoere beskikbaar met 'n kaptein / gids met uitgebreide plaaslike kennis. Bied ook vir die entoesiastiese fotograaf, sonsopkoms en sonsondergang mariene fototoere deur Newport Harbour en die East Passage van Narragansettbaai saam met 'n plaaslike fotograaf.
  • [dooie skakel]Aquidneck-kwekers Woensdag Boeremark, Memorial Blvd. en kapel St.. Bemark op Memorial Boulevard tussen Chapel en Edgar, van 14 tot 18:00, wat elke week loop, reën of skyn, ook tot einde Oktober. Verkopers van regoor Rhode Island, vars produkte en gebak, en 'n verskeidenheid kunsvlyt.
  • Die M / V Gansett, 1 401 787-4438. Hawetoere met 'n ander uitsig. Klassieke houtvaartuie wat in Maine gebou is, vaar daagliks vanaf die privaat dok by die Inn on Long Wharf op 142 Long Wharf. 'N Klassieke houtvat wat deur Maine gebou is; later op die dag, geniet u roomys en toppings; saans, bekroonde "Stuffies" - RI-gevulde quahogs. Ligte drankies komplimenteer die kaptein altyd. Kundige gassprekers vertel die besienswaardighede van hierdie betowerende hawe en die onderste baai. Privaat huurbriewe beskikbaar.
  • Ongelooflike Grace Harbour-toer, Sayer's Wharf, 1 401 847-9109.
  • Vaar / vaar. Newport Seilskool en Toere. Bokkie-eiland Marina, Dock A5. Bied 1-2 uur ontspanningstoer deur Newport Harbour. Vir diegene wat meer prakties is, is kursusse beskikbaar in drie ervaringsvlakke. Beginners is welkom.
  • Newport Power Joga, 112 Williams St., 1 401 619-4540. Bied alle vlakke klasse, verhitte krag vinyassa, en stadige vloei / herstel. Enkele klas inloer: $ 13; met studentidentifikasie, militêre aktiewe diens, bejaardes (65 jaar en ouer): $ 10. Matte te huur, handdoeke en water te koop, blokke beskikbaar vir gebruik.
  • Sovereign Bank Skating Centre, 1 401 846-1600 uitbreiding 200. By Newport Yachting Centre. Die Sovereign Bank Skating Centre bring 'n "Norman Rockwell" -landskap na die Newport-waterkant vanaf November tot Maart. Hierdie skaatsentrum bied skaatslesse, huur en slypwerk aan. 'N Skaatsentrum buite die Newport Harbour het 'n pragtige uitsig oor die water en is groot pret vir volwassenes en kinders. 'N Konsessiestandplek en parkeerplek is ook beskikbaar gedurende die winterseisoen.
  • Skydiving, 1 401 845-0393. Sky Dive Newport is oop van 1 April tot 31 Oktober, sewe dae per week van 09:00 tot sonsondergang. 'N Tandemsprong word aangebied met 'n instrukteur, wat bestaan ​​uit 'n val van 40 sekondes, en ongeveer vyf minute valskermrit. Praktiese opleiding is beskikbaar by Sky Dive Newport.
  • BranderplankrySurfer's End at Second Beach in Middletown moedig surfers van alle vermoëns aan, net langs die pad van Easton se strand af langs die Newport-dorpslyn. Vir meer ervare branderplankryers, Ruggles strand is 'n warm plek vir groter deinings en growwer golwe. Eilandsport om die hoek van Easton se strand, bied u 'n wye verskeidenheid surfklere vir vroue, mans en kinders, klere, bykomstighede en toerusting. Die winkel is 'n uitstekende plek vir enige surfer se behoeftes, met 'n groot pakhuis agter in die winkel, met nuwe borde, gebruikte borde en plakkate wat herstel moet word. Island Sports het ook 'n vragmotor gevul met beginners-branderplankies wat aan die einde van die branderplankryer geparkeer bly, wat maklike toegang bied om 'n plank te huur of lesse direk op die strand by 'n professionele branderafrigter te betaal. Oorkant die straat van Island Sports is Elementêre Surf & Skate wat meer op klere gerig is, maar die webwerf bied 'n gratis, lewendige opdatering van die branders op die strand; om as surfer te laat weet of dit die moeite werd is om af te slaan en golwe te vang. Albei het 'n sagte vriendelike verbruikersatmosfeer en is kundig om personeel te help.
  • 1 Bubbles Duik Sentrum, 55 Kapel St., 1-401-338-2250. Di, Do-Vry: 15:00 - 18:00, Sa: 10:00 tot 16:00.
  • 12 meter handves (Daaglikse kaartjies seil aan boord van 'n 12 meter seiljag), 1 401 851-1216. Bied twee uur middag- en aandvaarte aan boord van 12 meter seiljagte. Nie 'n tipiese hawevaart nie, maar 12 meter Charters se kaartjie-vaarte kombineer die geskiedenis van Newport met die ervaring om op Narragansettbaai te vaar. Geniet historiese toerisme-aantreklikhede in Newport, insluitend Fort Adams en die Newport Bridge, vuurtorings en weelderige landgoed, vliegdekskepe en geskiedkundige skoenbote, en leer die geskiedenis van die vaar in Newport.
  • Newport Pilates, 92 William St., 1 401 619-4660. Die enigste pilates-ateljee in die stad. Voorsien matklasse, hervormingsklasse, kadillakklasse.
  • Newport Storm-brouery, 293 J.T. Connell Rd, 1 401 849-5232. Die Newport Storm Brewery is 'n redelike nuwe toevoeging tot die Newport-aantreklikheidslys. Dit is 'n klein brouery, maar die bier is oral in Rhode Island en sommige dele van Massachusetts en Connecticut bekend. Vir $ 7 kan u 'n draai maak by die tuiste van die Rhody-bier. U kan ook proe en 'n glasie huis toe neem as 'n aandenking. Moenie bang wees vir diegene onder u wat nie van bier hou nie. Die brouery bied ook 'n toer en proe van hul eie rum vir $ 9, en u kan nog steeds 'n glas huis toe neem! $ 7 of $ 9.
  • Rhode Island Rooikos Toere (Aanwysings vir vergaderings sal op die kaartjie wees), 1-866-736-6343, tolvry: 1-866-736-6343, . 'N Prettige 3-3½ uur lange kulturele-, wandel- en proe-toer wat u deur historiese buite die gebaande weë lei en na 6 van die bes bewaarde geheime eetplekke van die plaaslike bevolking. Regionale voedsel van sommige van die talentvolste sjefs in Nieu-Engeland. Reën of skyn, die beste om vooraf toere te bespreek vul vinnig op.


Newport is bekend vir sy pragtige strande. Daar is 'n verskeidenheid openbare en private strande in die Newport-omgewing. Baie strande in Newport en Middletown is binne 'n paar strate van mekaar af en het verskillende funksies. Sommige is ideaal om te swem, visvang en sandkastele te maak, terwyl ander piekniekareas het en 'n groot branderplankry. Sommige van Newport se strande bied gesinsgeleenthede en vermaak gedurende verskillende tye van die jaar. Al die strande in Newport het 'n pragtige uitsig en is ideaal vir 'n bietjie ontspanning.

  • Bailey's Beach, Ocean Ave. Hierdie strand is een van die eksklusiefste strande aan die Ooskus. Hierdie private strandklub was histories 'n somervakansie vir ryk Newport-gesinne. Tennisbane is beskikbaar vir lede, maar daar is geen parkeerplek of konsessie-staanplekke in hierdie privaat klub nie, maar net lekker sonbaai en geselsies. Alhoewel die strand meestal buite perke vir die algemene publiek bly, het nie-lede toegang tot die noordoostelike deel (natuurlik deur 'n heining van die res geskei). Hierdie afdeling word in die volksmond Reject's Beach genoem, hoewel klublede dit delikaat "die openbare doel" noem. Bailey's Beach (Q4848314) on Wikidata Bailey's Beach on Wikipedia
  • Eastons Beach (Eerste strand), Memorial Blvd. Hierdie strand het 'n wonderlike uitsig oor die pragtige Cliff Walk, sowel as oseaan-swem, strandplank, branderplank, sambreel en strandstoelhuur. 'N Skaatsplankpark, speelplek, seisoenale karrousel en 'n verkenningssentrum vir "Save the Bay" is beskikbaar vir kinders en tieners. Die konsessiestand is seisoenaal, dus as u gedurende die buiteseisoen besoek, moet u 'n middagete inpak. Piekniektafels, binne- en buitestorte en toilette is beskikbaar. Parkering is $ 10 op weeksdae van Memorial Day tot Labor Day en $ 10-15 in die naweke. Die strand is oop van 09:00 tot 18:00 en die parkeerterrein sluit om 21:00. Gratis parkeerplek is beskikbaar in systrate langs Memorial Boulevard. Daar is restaurante binne loopafstand.
  • Fort Adams State Beach. Geleë in Fort Adams State Park in Ocean Avenue. Behalwe toere deur die park, bied hierdie historiese terrein 'n pragtige strand met piekniek- en visvangareas. Toegangstoep en openbare badkamers is ook beskikbaar.
  • 2 Kruisbesstrand, Ocean Ave. 'N Privaat strandklub wat daagliks toegang tot die publiek toelaat; toegang is gratis vir gaste, maar parkering kos u. Selfs volgens Newport-standaarde is die natuurskoon besonder opvallend, met groot huise wat bo-op kranse rondom die water sit en groot rotsformasies waarheen besoekers kan waag. Storte, stoelverhuur en parkeerplek is beskikbaar vir gaste. Die konsessiestand is een van die beste van die staat, met verrassend vars en kreatiewe opsies; moenie weggaan sonder om die aarbei-limonade te probeer nie. Seisoenale parkeerkaarte is ook beskikbaar vir diegene wat nie genoeg kan kry nie. Gooseberry Beach (Q5584121) on Wikidata Gooseberry Beach on Wikipedia
  • 3 Gevaarstrand, Ocean Ave. Dit is 'n privaat strand met parkeerplek in die omgewing. Badhuise en 'n konsessiestand is beskikbaar vir diegene wat lidmaatskap het. Hazard Beach (Q49321134) on Wikidata
  • Kings Beach, Wellingtonlaan. Dit het 'n gratis oprit vir die boot, maar hierdie strand is redelik klein. Dit het 'n wonderlike uitsig oor die Newport Bridge. Kings Park bied ook piekniektafels en braaiplekke aan.


Daar is baie plekke in Newport en die res van Aquidneck Island om te gaan visvang. Soutwaterhengel op gestreepte bas, blouvis en tautog (swartvis) is die regte manier om te gaan. Omdat u op 'n eiland is, is daar baie plekke om van te hengel. Van die beste plekke met maklike toegang tot die publiek is Fort Adams, Brenton Point, Castle Hill en enige van die openbare strandgebiede. U kan ook 'n vissersboot in een van die vele jachthavens huur.

Rhode Island het 'n wet aanvaar wat vereis dat alle vissers 'n lisensie moet bekom om in die waters van die staat te hengel. Die lisensie kos $ 7 en moet een keer per jaar hernu word. To qualify you must go to the local Wal-Mart (by the rotary on Connell highway) and pay the small fee to legally fish while you stay in Newport.

  • Newport Sport Fishing Charters (Newport Quest Fishing Charters). This collaboration is a state-wide experience, boats leaving from Newport docks and fishing towards Block Island.
  • The Saltwater Edge. Privately owned operation, located just outside of Newport within a mile of first beach (Easton's). Saltwater activities range from fly fishing, surf-casting and light or heavy tackle; staff providing a compilation of offshore and onshore experience.
  • On The Rocks Newport Charters, 1 401 359-3625. Fly fishing oriented, and light tackle and fly fishing gear provided. Other than Newport areas also covered are Narragansett Bay, Westerly and Watch Hill.


  • Art Newport, aboard SeaFair- the fine art mega-yacht. This 228-foot, 2,800-ton privately owned yacht is one of the ten largest in the United States. Groundbreaking in scale, ingenuity and style, the yacht - which remains dockside during each event - pairs international fine art glass, paintings, photography, sculpture, jewelry and collectables with harbor view dining and special events.
  • St. Patrick’s Day Parade. This is the place to be for St. Patrick’s Day. The parade kicks off the day, while countless parties and festivities follow until the wee hours of the night. Parade route: City Hall to Washington Square to Thames Street and ending at Saint Augustine’s Church.
  • Bowen’s Wharf Christmas Tree Lighting, 1 401 849-2120. First Saturday in December, America’s Cup Ave. Frosty the Snowman arrives at 4:30PM, children’s musical program begins at 5PM. The mayor lights the tree at 6PM and Santa arrives by a Coast Guard Crash Boat (weather permitting) immediately after tree lighting.
  • Christmas at the Newport Mansions, Bellevue Ave, 1 401 847-1000. Marble House, the Elms and the Breakers are open and decorated for the holiday season. Celebrate a timeless holiday season amid elegantly decorate surrounding. All three houses are adorned with period-inspired ornaments, elaborate yuletide decorations and ring with music of the season.
  • Newport Winter Festival, 1 401 847-7666. Citywide. Features more than 150 individual events combining food, music and entertainment for all ages. Includes concert series, sand sculptures, chili cook-off, citywide scavenger hunt, ice sculpting competition, children’s fair, pizza cook-off and fantasy auction.
  • 4 Newport Jazz Festival. The Newport Jazz Festival is a famous annual festival held every August at Fort Adams State Park. It was first founded by jazz pianist George Wein in 1954, and has hosted many famous jazz musicians ever since. Newport Jazz Festival (Q577042) on Wikidata Newport Jazz Festival on Wikipedia
  • Newport Waterfront Events.
  • Sunset Music Series, 1 401 846-1600. Throughout the summer, the Sunset Music Series features national and international entertainment overlooking beautiful Newport harbor. This upscale event is set in a great location and allows entertainers to expose themselves to the public. 2,500 seats are reserved under a colorful waterfront tent with a separate tent for VIP receptions.
  • Newport Waterfront Irish Festival, 1 401 846-1600. Each Labor Day weekend, the Newport Waterfront Irish Festival offers a celebration of Irish music, culture, food, libations and crafts. This event provides quality family entertainment and an authentic cultural experience. It is a community celebration that features five stages of national and international entertainment, an Irish Marketplace with Irish and handcrafted items for sale, a dance hall and a children's play area. A festival great for all ages!
  • Tall Ships, 1 401 846-2720. Once a year, during the summer in July and August, the tall ships come into Newport docks from all over the world. This huge celebration is a place to meet sailors, pirates and mariners from all over the world, as well as go onto the boats and see the deck. This event can be extremely crowded and at times difficult to maneuver around the crowd. Ticket prices vary on the day you plan on going and the ships you plan on seeing.
  • Black Ships. Japanese American society.
  • Taste of Rhode Island, 1 401 846-1600. The Taste of Rhode Island offers a unique experience featuring food, crafts, talent and culture. This annual event includes over 100 exhibitors comprised of restaurants selling appetizer size portions of the areas finest cuisine, beverages, craft and marketplace vendors. Live entertainment, strolling acts, a wine garden, and children's activities are some of the exciting happenings to be enjoyed.
  • International Great Chowder Cook-off, 1 401 846-1600. The Great Chowder Cook-Off provides an opportunity to taste the Nation's best chowder in the downtown Newport. The Cook-Off features over 25 international and national restaurants competing for the coveted title of Best chowder in the Nation in 3 categories: clam, seafood, and creative. This event offers 3 stages of continuous entertainment, culinary demonstrations, a community tent with activities for children.
  • International Oktoberfest, 1 401 846-1600. The ending of the fall festival season, an authentic German Oktoberfest celebration with lively Bavarian music from throughout New England, delicious German food and American cuisine (seafood, pierogies and more), an International Biergarten, Weingarten, and special area for children.
  • Newport Spring Boat Show, 1 401 846-1115. The largest Spring Boat Show in the Northeast. A first class exhibition of brokers and dealers selling brokerage boats, past-season and new models. Booths offer attendees an array of products, services and accessories throughout the boat show.
  • Newport International Boat Show, 1 401 846-1115. The third largest in-water boat show in the country covers over 14 acres of Newport's waterfront. Hundreds of exhibitors offer a full spectrum of new boat related products and services to any boating enthusiast. Music, food, and fun abound at one of the leading boat show in the world.


  • Newport National Golf Club, 324 Mitchell’s Ln, 1 401 848-9690. Newport National is an 18-hole public course which offers great views and picturesque holes throughout. With paths made of sea shells, players may feel as though they are on a remote island. For a public course, Newport National offers a great location to play and enjoy a day on the links. In-State Summer Green Fees: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday after 1PM: $70, Friday and Saturday: $110, After 2PM: $80, Sunday before 1PM: $95. Out-of-State Summer Green Fees: Monday-Thursday: $125, Weekend and Holidays: $150.
  • Newport Country Club, 280 Harrison Ave, 1 401 846-3701. Newport Country Club is one of the oldest and most beautiful courses throughout the state. With a mansion for the clubhouse, the facilities are second to none and one hole is more breath-taking than the next. It was the location for many professional golf tournaments including the U.S. Open, the Women’s U.S. Open, as well as the U.S. Amateur.


Newport is a great place to learn and take classes in a variety of different activities. Scuba diving and sailing are two incredible summer activities that you can learn in Newport. Learn to dive at the Newport Diving Center and learn to sail at the Newport Sailing School. There are art classes available at the Newport Art Museum. The classes are offered year-round and are an enjoyable option if you find yourself in Newport during the “off” season (September to May).


Newport has become a great destination for shopping. During the Summer it is extremely popular because in the Downtown area there are so many stores and they are all within walking distance of each other. It is a great way to spend a day, park the car in any of the nearby parking lots and walk around as long as the weather is good!

  • Brick Market Historic District, Brick Market. Located between lower Thames street and Americas Cup Avenue, in the heart of Newport. The Brick Market is a year-round family friendly outdoor shopping area, with 25 shops ranging from corporate, small businesses and places to eat, and selling everything from jewelry to clothing to handmade gifts and souvenirs. The open-air market is made up of three parallel rows of businesses, and plenty of outdoor seating. Brick Market Place is open daily for visitors and locals alike.
  • Be Dazzled, 225 Goddard Row (Brick Market Place), 1 401-849-3290. M-Th 11AM - 7PM; F 11AM - 8PM; Sa 10AM - 9PM; Su 11AM - 7PM. Be Dazzled creates and manufactures high quality costume jewelry. This little boutique has women's custom jewelry and accessories, hair clips, stretch bracelets, and scarves. The jewelry is sparkling, fun and affordable; most pieces are under $24. Their slogan is “Wear everyday pieces at everyday prices."
  • The Magic Studio, 433 Thames St # 4, 1 401 841-0735. Past Ben & Jerry's and before the Newport Yacht Restoration. The fun magic store sells magic, jokes, kites and juggling. The sales staff are very knowledgeable with magic, juggling and kite products. The sales staff are able to demo magic tricks. The products range from a dollar and up. The store is neat and clean.
  • Cabbage Rose, 493 Thames St, 1 401 846-7006. Right before O'Briens Pub on lower Thames you will find this organized and clean outlet for a more semi-casual look appropriate for women ranging form preteen to adult. Clothing options range from clean cut denim and Rhode Island themed graphic tees to white ruffled blouses and night-on-the-town dresses. The store is set up in a rather small studio-like layout. Items are moderately priced and sales are occasionally offered.
  • Music Box, 160 Thames St, tolvry: 1-877-66-MUSIC (68742). A thriving multi media destination for any consumer on the hunt for DVDs, CDs, cassettes, video cassettes, records, posters, nicknacks, stuffed animals, toys and trinkets. The shop consists of middle isles filled with CDs, old records towards the back, season collections of sitcoms and reality television shows on the far left side and various non-music related merchandise on the outer walls of the store. Newer CDs are more expensive; the older the CD the lower the price. Young shoppers are watched carefully to the point it is almost uncomfortable, otherwise staff is usually very helpful and readily available.
  • Pink Pineapple, 380 Thames St, 1 401 293-6625. Located a block down from America's Cup just beyond the cusp of the beginning of Thames Street lays this small vibrant boutique on the first floor of a three story building. The environment is confined to limited space; cramped with numerous racks and shelves of clothes and jewelry that may come across as overwhelming. Pink Pineapple's fashion is focused on bright, bold and pieces that make a statement; extremely popular with a younger crowd. Merchandise can be rather pricey, but the quality and uniqueness is that set apart from other stores you may come across in the area.
  • [dooie skakel]Pleasant Surprise, 121 Swinburne Row (Brick Market Place), 1 401 846-1202. Pleasant Surprise is a contributing shop in the Brick Market Place community, providing a fun, playful, colorful and comical atmosphere for shoppers. This store is what some may refer to as an adult joke store, offering merchandise ranging from hand painted party themed Margarita glasses and quirky birthday cards to silly animal hats and fun home accessories. The store is appropriately organized providing a busy and stimulating shopping environmental; it is near impossible not to touch, play, read or laugh at anything you may see. Prices are moderate and by visiting the shop you will add some comic relief to your shopping experience. They offer shipping and there is an ATM.
  • Trendz, 435 Thames St, 1 401 619-3838. Trendz has re-located further up Thames Street, having a more central location in the shopping strip. The store strictly focuses on jewelry such as earrings, necklaces, rings and bracelets, but occasionally may offer headbands or other hair decor. Merchandise is organized by color, type, style and polish (whether the pieces are garnished with silver or gold). Trendz provides costume jewelry with extremely reasonable prices, appropriate for fun everyday accessories or a quick fix to dress up any outfit in an affordable way.
  • Tropical Gangsters, 375 Thames St, 1 401 847-9113. Nestled in the middle of lower Thames, Tropical Gangster resides as a female fashion icon for locals and tourists alike. This store's modern themed layout provides and organized and encouraging environmental for shopping. The fashion focuses on the latest styles for woman's dresses, skirts, shoes and shirts. Plenty dressing rooms are readily available, but prices are expensive and the staff is not the friendliest. Styles are not particularly unique compared to competing boutiques in the area.
  • Green Envy Eco-Boutique, 223 Goddard Row, 1 401 619-1993. Opened in 2008 by a University of Rhode Island graduate, Green Envy Eco-Boutique is a unique shop which offers items held to extremely high environmental and ethical standards. The store offers a variety of clothing, jewelry, accessories and gifts which all fit the "eco-friendly" label the owner has worked hard to enforce. Each piece of merchandise meets requirements held by the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO). The staff is extremely knowledgeable and committed to furthering their environmental causes. Green Envy Eco-Boutique truly practice what they preach.
  • Tourist Trap, 107 Swinburne Row (Brick Market Place), 1 401-846-4531. daily from 10AM – 10PM. Tourist Trap is perfect for picking up Newport related souvenirs, items ranging from tee-shirts and sweatshirts to bumper stickers and coffee mugs. The store is filled with knick knacks and fun souvenirs of all shapes and sizes. They offer gift certificates, gift wrapping and shipping and accept debit cards, all major credit cards, and cash, although there is no ATM.


The Newport restaurant scene is a pretty elaborate and lavish experience. From places like Sardella’s and The Red Parrot to the more upscale places like The Mooring and 22 Bowen, Newport offers a variety of dining experiences. The night life carries a stigma all its own. For the simple fact that most bars and clubs are all within walking distance of each other, getting around in downtown Newport is a breeze. From the authentic cobblestone Thames Street to Broadway Street, there are plenty of places to lose yourself in a Cape Codder or a Martini.


  • 1 Annie's, 176 Bellevue Ave. An inexpensive breakfast option. The menu features classic diner food and their Early Bird Special is a substantial meal. Although this establishment provides access to an ATM (charging $2.50), credit cards are not accepted.
  • Corner Café, 110 Broadway, 1 401 846-0606. They have outdoor seating along Broadway. The Fitsy’s Irish fry up is a specialty that costs around $10 but it is well worth the price. The fry up has eggs, black and white pudding, grilled tomatoes, bangers and hash browns making it a large classic Irish breakfast.
  • Flos Clam Shack, 4 Wave Ave, 1 401 847-8141. Closed Jan. Fried seafood, raw bar, cold beer. Excellent fried clams close to the beach.
  • 2 The Hungry Monkey, 124 Broadway. The Hungry Monkey offers a variety of eggs and omelets; the chourico omelet is a popular choice, as are the stuffed waffles. For those with a larger appetite, you can order the Gorilla Special: a combination of 3 pancakes, 2 eggs, your choice bacon, sausage or ham, and steak with home fries.
  • Ocean Coffee Roasters, 22 Washington Sq, 1 401 846-6060. Diner serving breakfast until 2PM. Bagels, muffins, soups, salads, too.
  • Beluga Froyo, 217 Goddard Row, 1 401 619-3991. Rhode Island's first self-serve, frozen yogurt shop, froyo, bottled water. @belugafroyo on Twitter. Dog-friendly patio.
  • Pour Judgement, 32 Broadway, 1 401 916-2115. Cheap food and a wide variety of draft beers on lower Broadway.


  • Belle's Cafe, 1 Washinton St, 1 401 846-6000. Open for breakfast and lunch, Belle's Cafe is a casual eatery located inside the grounds of the Newport Shipyard. Along side their freshly prepared meals, Belle's also offers a variety of prepared foods that can easily be stored in a day bag or cooler for the day's activities. With an extensive breakfast and lunch menu available for takeout or delivery to your boat, this is a great option if you are looking for a quick bite to eat while cruising around Newport Bay.
  • 3 The Black Pearl (Bannister's Wharf). The Black Pearl is one of the more popular restaurants in Newport, and it features a selection of grilled shrimp, baked cod, sea scallops, and New England lobster. You also have your choice of sitting in the tavern, or out on the patio depending on the season. From the patio you have a nice view of the water as well as the various boats and yachts tied to the surrounding docks.
  • Brick Alley Pub, 140 Thames St, 1 401 849-6334. Extensive, massive menu including steaks, seafood, drinks, pasta dishes, children's menu and serve great clam chowder. Custom made salad bar with decorative walls and accessories every place you look. Very, very busy place with a friendly staff.
  • Buskers, 178 Thames St, 1 401 846-5856. Buskers is a middle-of-the-road traditional Irish pub restaurant. Here, the bartenders have the authentic Irish accent and a fully stocked bar. The atmosphere is appropriate for both families with children or just a group of friends looking for a few good laughs of Guinness drafts. Buskers is complete with a menu full of variety with appetizers, sandwiches, Irish fare and entrees.
  • Diego's Mexican Restaurant, 11 Bowens Wharf, 1 401 619-2640. Diego’s combines classic Mexican style cuisine with a modern twist, successfully combining the fresh fish Newport is known for with classic Mexican preparation. They focus on fresh ingredients, homemade sauces and bold flavors. They also have a long list of Mexican-inspired cocktails, and provide seating at an outside patio and inside.
  • Fluke Wine Bar & Kitchen, 41 Bowens Wharf, 1 401 619-4100. Relaxed modern American cuisine with a heightened focus on fresh, local and seasonal produce and seafood. Dining rooms on the second and third floor of the building provide a stunning view of Narragansett Bay and the Newport Bridge.
  • Midtown Oyster Bar, 345 Thames St, 1 401 619-4100. Offers two outdoor patio seatings with views of the bay, three different bars, and private rooms. Their focus is on fresh and local seafood and they have an impressive raw bar menu, offering approximately 10 different raw bar options.
  • Mooring Restaurant, Sayers Wharf, 1 401 846-2260. Waterfront seafood restaurant featuring one of the state's most extensive wine lists.
  • The Red Parrot, 348 Thames St, 1 401 847-3800. The atmosphere in this restaurant is casual and light-hearted. The menu includes lobster, oysters, corn dogs and fries and is family-friendly.
  • Perro Salado, 19 Charles St (Just off Washington Square), 1 401 619-4777. opens 5PM nightly. Mexican restaurant located in an old Victorian home. Serves dinner only. Two floors of seating with a lively but small bar downstairs. The well lit rooms, some of which have fireplaces, offer a charming atmosphere perfect for a date night or a friendly gathering. They are very accommodating for parties with small children, too, especially if you arrive before 6. Fish tacos and Yucatán pork are favorites. Reservations recommended.
  • [voorheen dooie skakel]Smokehouse Cafe, Sayers Wharf, 1 401 848-9800. Outdoor eating featuring ribs, smoked corn and crab chowder, along with plenty of other smoked items.
  • Wharf Pub & Deli, 37 Bowen's Wharf, 1 401 846-9233. Pub with a family atmosphere. Good beer selection.
  • Gas Lamp Grille, 206 Thames St, 1 401 845-9300. Serves an eclectic menu with dishes like wasabi tuna wrap. They also host live entertainment during late spring and all summer long.
  • Cappy's Hillside Cafe, 8 Memorial Blvd (At the intersection between Memorial Blvd and Bellevue Ave near the Tennis Hall of Fame), 1 401 847-9419. Daily 11AM-1AM. Cappy's is a local sports bar. This is a great spot for enjoying a drink and watching the game in an open, friendly environment. Cappy’s offers billiards, fuseball, and an outdoor smoking area.
  • People's Cafe, 282 Thames St, 1 401 619-1022. Daagliks van 06:00 tot 17:00. Converted from an old bank, with walls are covered with modern paintings from local artists, People's Cafe offers customers a unique dining experience. Sundays offer a buffet brunch special until noon accompanied by local musicians. Prices are reasonable, especially considering the beautiful décor and good service.
  • Sardella's Restaurant, 30 Memorial Blvd, 1 401 849-6312. M-Sa 5PM-10PM, Su 4PM-10PM. Winner of the Best Italian Restaurant in Newport several years running. Live jazz music on Wednesdays. Two-for-one dinner specials Monday-Wednesday.
  • 4 Scales & Shells, 527 Thames St. A strictly seafood restaurant that carries a wide variety of fish such as grilled fish (salmon, mahi mahi and bluefish) as well as a wide selection of wines. The entrees feature muscles marinara, linguine with clams, and lobster fra diavolo.
  • 5 Yesterday’s, 28 Washington Square. Yesterday’s features a wide selection of entrees that is sure to have something for everyone. Here you will find a variety of club sandwiches, pizza, burgers, salads, pasta, soups among other items. There is also an extensive list of draft beers and cocktails available.


Newport is one of the state's quaintest sea towns. It harbors some of the finest seafood restaurants in the area. However, if seafood is not your style, Newport still has plenty of other fantastic dining options. Places like 22 Bowen or The Mooring are some of the most upscale places you can go in Newport short of having dinner at The Breakers. The atmosphere is high class. These places are great for anniversaries, celebration dinners, and expensive couple's nights out. The menu is only rivaled by the wine lists. Both are quite extensive. You can get some of the best seafood in the state at these places, while also finding exquisitely prepared chicken or steak.

  • Clarke Cooke House, 1 Bannisters Wharf, 1 401 849-2900. May–October the restaurant offers an open air atmosphere, menu and even a sushi bar.
  • 22 Bowen's Wine Bar & Grille, 22 Bowens Wharf, 1 401 841-8884. Serving prime beef, New England's finest seafood, 35 wines by the glass and over 500 labels on their wine list, visit them and enjoy "a little bit of tenderness".
  • Castle Hill Inn & Resort, Ocean Dr, 1 401 841-8884. The inn's chefs artfully craft fresh local fish, regional meats, and produce into a distinctly native seasonal menu, served in four dining rooms. It was awarded the Wine Spectator Award of Excellence for five consecutive years.
  • Dining at the Viking, tolvry: 1-800-556-7126. The Hotel Viking specializes in local seafood and New England cuisine.
  • Spiced Pear, 117 Memorial Blvd (Chanler Hotel), 1 401 847-2244. Most of the tables look out onto dramatic oceanfront views, as you dine on one of several tasting menus, each with the option of wine pairing. A chef's table is also available for a nightly Gourmand Tasting Menu.
  • 6 White Horse Tavern, 26 Marlborough St (at Farewell St), 1 401 849-3600. Su-Th 11AM-9PM, F-Sa 11AM-10PM. A meetinghouse for Rhode Island's General Assembly in colonial times, they provide top-notch food and service. Reservations and jacket required. White Horse Tavern (Q7994832) on Wikidata White Horse Tavern (Newport, Rhode Island) on Wikipedia


Newport is known for its lively night scene. Whether you want to enjoy a quiet cocktail, hang with the locals, or dance along to a live band, you will find a place in Newport to suit your preferences. “Downtown” Newport has bars all within walking distance of one another. Many bars are located just a few blocks from most hotels and inns, making a scenic walk an easy choice. Most bars are in the downtown area including upper Thames Street, lower Thames Street, America’s Cup Avenue, Memorial Boulevard, and Bellevue Avenue.

There are too many bars in Newport to include them all, below is a diverse collection of the best. Walking or taking a cab is recommended to avoid the dangers of drinking and driving, and the nuisance of finding a parking spot.

Listed below is a suggested "bar hop" for lower Thames Street and America's Cup Avenue. Beginning with Pelham East, you can walk to each bar in the order it is listed. Remember that the bar hop is for both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Try a drink from each, but remember to be responsible.

  • The Fastnet Pub, 1 Broadway, 1 401 845-9311. Daily till 1AM. Thursday-Sunday 10PM-1AM, live music. This genuine Irish pub is easily the best place in Newport. They have live Irish music on Sundays, it's always full but not packed, and the service & ambiance are great. Start here: you won't regret it.
  • One Pelham East, 276 Thames St, 1 401 847-9460. Daily till 1AM. Thursday-Sunday 10PM-1AM, live music.
  • Studio 3, 3 Pelham St, 1 401 324-6111. Th-Su 10PM-1AM. DJ or live music, and dancing.
  • Newport Blues Cafe, 286 Thames St, 1 401 841-5510. Fridays and Saturdays 6PM-1AM. Dinner till 10PM, kids eat free with purchase of an adult meal, live music starting at 10PM (must be 21 or older after 10PM).
  • Boom Boom Room, Bannister's Wharf, 1 401 849-2900. Th-Su 9PM-1AM. Their legendary club is located beneath The Candy Store Bar. Disc Jockey Torry Mars and Music Composer Chips Hanson playing dance music from all genres and artists like "Frank Sinatra" to "Black Eyed Peas".
  • The Porch, Bannister's Wharf, 1 401 849-2900. Daily 6PM-1AM. Enjoy the scenic view of Newport Harbor.
  • Rhino Bar & Grille/Mamba Room Night Club, 337 Thames St, 1 401 846-0707. Daagliks. Th-Sa 10PM-1AM, live music or DJ, students never pay cover.
  • Red Parrot, 348 Thames St, 1 401 847-3800. Su-Th 11AM-11PM, F Sa 11AM-1AM. Three floors of bars! Daily drink specials.
  • O'Brien's Pub, 501 Thames St, 1 401 849-6623. Daily 11:30AM-1AM. Outside bar open seasonally. Outdoor patio includes plentiful seating and fountain, both dog and kid friendly. Kitchen offers a gluten free menu. Open year-round serving pub-style food inside by the fire in the winter.
  • Fifth Element, 111 Broadway, 1 401 619-2552. Come in for their drink and meal specials in a casual dining atmosphere.
  • Cafe di Mare, 11 Bowen's Wharf, 1 401 847-2962. Daily 10AM-10PM (summer); 10AM-10PM (winter). Italian specialties, soups, salads, sandwiches, espresso, ice cream, frozen yogurt, shakes, floats, and sundaes.
  • 22 Bowen's Wine Bar and Grill, 22 Bowen's Wharf, 1 401 841-8884. Daily 11:30AM-11PM. Newport's Prime Beef steakhouse on the water with seafood, extensive raw bar, and over 600 wines.
  • Cookie Jar, 29 Bowen's Wharf, 1 401 846-5078. Summer: Su-Th 6:30AM-11PM, F Sa 6:30AM–7:30PM; fall: Su-Th 8AM-9PM, F Sa 8AM-11PM; winter: daily 8:30AM–5:30PM. Fresh baked cookies, coffee, and beverages. Can even do boat orders!
  • Newport Fruit and Smoothie Co., 30 Bowen's Wharf. Seasonal. Exotic fruit smoothies and fresh squeezed lemonade.
  • The Wharf Pub and Restaurant, 37 Bowen's Wharf, 1 401 846-9233. Daily 11:30AM-11PM. Pub style restaurant, gourmet sandwiches, and a dinner menu.
  • Jimmy's Saloon, 37 Memorial Blvd, 1 401 846-5121. Daily 11:30AM-1AM. Lunch, live music, locals favorite.


There are a few big hotels, and an abundance of bed & breakfasts. In season, it's expensive everywhere, and many places require multiple night stays. Newport is a great place to go visit for the day but also offers many lodging options such as hotels, bed and breakfasts, and various campgrounds.

  • Architect's Inn (George Champlin Mason House), 2 Sunnyside Pl, 1 401 845-2547. Home of Newport's first architect and a beautiful inn.
  • Armistead Cottage Bed and Breakfast, 55 Hunter Avenue ( Between Catherine St and Champlin St), 1 401-848-7123, . Inboek: 14:00, uitteken: 11:00. Close to Newport's Cliff Walk, First Beach, historic Bellevue Avenue. Full 3-course breakfast served each morning $139-$339.
  • The Almondy Inn, 25 Pelham St (Gas-lit Historic Hill district), 1 401 848-7202, faks: 1 401 848-7299. A Victorian bed & breakfast. This elegant 1890s home has been restored to its original glory and is located within walking distance of many fine restaurants, antique shops, etc.
  • Castle Hill Inn & Resort, 590 Ocean Dr, tolvry: 1-888-466-1355. Located on a secluded 40-acre peninsula. Features a restored Victorian Inn as well beach houses and cottages. The Castle Hill lighthouse is also within walking distance.
  • Chanler Hotel (The Chanler at Cliff Walk), 117 Memorial Blvd, 1 401-847-1300, tolvry: 1-866-793-5664. The only hotel on Newport's famed Cliff Walk, and one of the most historic hotels in New England, The Chanler is surrounded by acres of manicured gardens and overlooks the gorgeous waters of the Atlantic and pristine sands of Easton's Beach. Preserving the refinement and beauty of The Gilded Age. $479.
  • Cliffside Inn, 2 Seaview Ave, 1 401 847-1811. A historic Victorian inn, completely renovated in 2011, steps to the Cliff Walk. $159–$475.
  • Marshall Slocum Guest House, 29 Kay St, 1 401 841-5120, tolvry: 1-800-372-5120. It offers a full breakfast, afternoon refreshments, and nightly sweets. Inclusive packages with mansions, tours and a lobster dinner are also offered.
  • Newport Beach Hotel & Suites, Corner of Memorial Boulevard and Wave Ave, 1 401 846-0310. A luxury beachfront hotel within walking distance to Cliff Walk and 1 mile to downtown Newport. Accommodates up to 200 for group meetings and retreats.
  • Newport Marriott, 25 Americas Cup Av, 1 401 849-1000, faks: 1 401 849-3422.
  • OceanCliff I II, 65 Ridge Rd (on Ocean Drive near Fort Adams), 1 401 846-6667. Inboek: 16:00, uitteken: 11:00. This timeshare resort offers condominiums for rental. All condominiums are fully stocked with linens, full kitchens, appliances, and other necessities. 1 and 2 bedroom units available. 5 miles from the center of town: bring your own transportation if you plan to stay here.
  • Thames Street Guest House, 15 Thames St (Between Poplar St and Bridge St), 1 401 846-8471. Inboek: 15:00, uitteken: 11:00. Circa 1856 George Champlin Mason Victorian Bed and Breakfast in Historic Point section. King size beds, private baths, A/C, two blocks to waterfront and downtown. $99-250.
  • Hotel Viking, One Bellevue Ave. A historic spa hotel atop Newport's Historic Hill neighborhood with views of Bellevue Avenue offering various guestroom and luxury suite choices.
  • Villa One Twenty, 120 Miantonomi Av, 1 401 619-5993, tolvry: 1-877-481-2759, . A boutique inn which has been luxuriously decorated in an eclectic yet relaxed European style.
  • William Gyles Guesthouse/Newport International Hostel, 16 Howard St, 1 401 369-0243. Beds start at $19 per night during winter, $35–59 per night during summer, and $25–49 during the shoulder seasons..

Bly veilig

Though many visitors awed by Newport's mansions, immaculate public gathering places and well-preserved historic sites would be surprised to hear that the city has a higher-than-average crime rate, it is generally very safe in the areas where tourists would typically find themselves. Like in most areas that attract large numbers of tourists, the crime rate is inflated because when visitors fall victim to crime, the statistics, which measure crimes per resident, reflect the crime but not the presence of the non-resident visitor. Nonetheless, Newport is a major destination and as such, visitors should be as alert as they would be in any dense area where criminals may seek to target people who are on vacation and therefore less aware of their surroundings.

One area where visitors should be particularly cautious is the Cliff Walk. Though crime is virtually unheard of here, more than a few people have been injured, some of them seriously so, while wandering off the path. The Cliff Walk's dramatic views come with dramatic drops. If you stay on the path no matter how tempting it may be to get a closer look, you'll have nothing to worry about.

Gaan volgende

Ferries go to Blokkeiland in the summer.Rhode eiland has other travel destinations, or try Kaapse kabeljou of Boston in Massachusetts.

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Hierdie stadsgids vir Newport het gids status. Dit bevat 'n verskeidenheid goeie gehalte-inligting, insluitend hotelle, restaurante, besienswaardighede en reisbesonderhede. Dra asseblief by en help ons om dit 'n ster !