Adelaide - Adelaide

Adelaide van die rivier Torrens

Adelaide is die hoofstad van Suid-Australië. Dit lê aan die oostelike oewer van Golf St Vincent in die sentrale, suidelike deel van die Australiese vasteland. Adelaide is die vyfde grootste stad van Australië, met 'n bevolking van meer as 1,2 miljoen. Meer as driekwart van die Suid-Australiërs woon in die Adelaide-metropolitaanse gebied.

Adelaide is op 'n vlakte tussen die rol Adelaide Hills en die Golf en word begrens deur baie van Australië se beroemde wynstreke. Die Barossa-vallei en Clare Valley streke lê in die noorde, die McLaren Vale en Langhorne Creek streke in die suide en die koeler klimaat Adelaide Hills streek in die ooste. Vanweë die nuwe wêreldoorsprong as 'n broeikas vir godsdiensvryheid, is die argitektuur in die stad bekend as die Stad van Kerke. Baie van die argitektuur in die middestad word behou vanaf die koloniale era. Die erfenis-argitektuur, wat sterk beïnvloed is deur die heersende style wat destyds in Engeland gewild was, is soortgelyk aan baie Europese stede wat in die 19de eeu gebou is. Die stad is gebou volgens 'n roosterplan, met boomryke stadstrate wat buitengewoon wyd en ruim is vir 'n Australiese metropool en ses stadsplein wat deur parkgrense begrens word.

Die nabyheid aan premie-wyn- en voedselkwekgebiede, sowel as immigrasiegolwe uit Duitsland, Italië, Griekeland, Viëtnam, China en Indië, het 'n unieke multikulturele fynproewerskos en kafee-kultuur in die stad en binne-voorstede geskep. Hierdie kafee-kultuur word ondersteun deur Adelaide se wêreldwye reputasie vir die kunste en veral die kunstefeeste wat in Maart aangebied word, insluitend die Adelaide-fees en die Adelaide Fringe Festival, wat die tweede naas die Edinburgh Fringe Festival is.

Die stad is die tuiste van Adelaide Oval, bekend as een van die toets krieketse mees skilderagtige terrein en was herontwikkel om AFL-sokkerwedstryde gedurende die wintermaande aan te bied. Australiese sokker het 'n lang geskiedenis in Adelaide en AFL-wedstryde word op Adelaide Oval in Noord-Adelaide gespeel. Adelaide en die omliggende wynstreke is ook gasheer vir die Toer ondertoe, wat die grootste fietswedren in die Suidelike Halfrond is en die eerste skof van die UCI WorldTour.


Die Suid-Australië tydsone is 30 minute agter Australiese Oosterse Standaardtyd (AEST) gebruik in Victoria of Nieu-Suid-Wallis. Dit is ook anderhalf uur voor die Australiese Westerse Standaardtyd (AWST), wat in gebruik is Wes-Australië. Suid-Australië hou daglig besparingstyd toe, soortgelyk aan ander suidelike / suidoostelike state, maar anders as Wes-Australië, Queensland, of die Noordelike Gebied.


Klimaatkaart (verduideliking)
Gemiddelde maks. en min. temperature in ° C
NeerslagSneeu totale in mm
Bron: BOM
Keiserlike bekering
Gemiddelde maks. en min. temperature in ° F
NeerslagSneeu totale in duim

Adelaide is die droogste hoofstad van Australië, met somers wat warm en droog is, en met winters wat reën en koel is.

In somer, is die gemiddelde maksimum 29 ° C (84 ° F), maar daar is heelwat verskille en Adelaide kan gewoonlik 'n paar dae per jaar verwag as die dagtemperature bo 40 ° C styg. Reënval is lig en kom gereeld voor in die somer. Die gemiddelde in Januarie en Februarie is ongeveer 20 millimeter (0,8 duim), maar heeltemal reënlose maande is geensins ongewoon nie. Vanweë die gereelde warm weer, is feitlik elke openbare gebou, binnenshuise toeristebestemming en die meeste openbare vervoer volledig lugversorg.

In winter van Junie tot Augustus is die gemiddelde maksimum 15–16 ° C (59–61 ° F) en die minimum is gewoonlik ongeveer 8 ° C (46 ° F). Die winter het gereelde reënval, met Junie die natste maand van die jaar, met 'n gemiddelde van ongeveer 80 mm. Ryp kom algemeen voor in die valleie van die Adelaide Hills, maar elders skaars. Adelaide ervaar geen sneeu in die middestad self nie, alhoewel 'n bietjie besprenkeling soms op 'n hoër grond aan die bokant van Mount Lofty en in die Adelaide Hills waargeneem kan word.

Herfs en lente is stadige, geleidelike veranderinge tussen die uiterstes van die somer en die winter. Vanaf middel Februarie tot einde Maart gaan Adelaide in mal Maart feesseisoen van kuns-, musiek- en sportfeeste om gebruik te maak van die matige weer. Die lente is ook 'n goeie tyd om Adelaide te besoek, want blomme blom gewoonlik na die reën van die winter.


Inheemse geskiedenis

Die eerste mense wat op die Adelaide-vlaktes gewoon het, was die Kaurna mense, waarvan die gebied uitgebrei het vanaf wat nou is Port Broughton na Adelaide se noorde, suid tot Kaapse Jervis aan die suidpunt van die Fleurieu-skiereiland. Die Kaurna het op die Adelaide-vlakte gewoon in gesinsgroepe wat genoem word yerta, 'n woord wat ook verwys na die gebied wat die familiegroep ondersteun. Elke yerta was die verantwoordelikheid van volwassenes in Kaurna wat die land geërf het en 'n intieme kennis van die hulpbronne en kenmerke daarvan gehad het. Adelaide is ryk Inheemse geskiedenis en lewende kultuur kan ondersoek word by Tandanya, 'n kultuur- en geskiedenissentrum in Aboriginal in Grenfellstraat. Tandanya is gratis om te besoek en toere is beskikbaar teen 'n lae koste.

Europese nedersetting

'N Lugfoto van Victoria Square in die middestad, wat 'n integrale deel was van Adelaide se "roosteruitleg" -plan wat in die vroegste dae van die nedersetting ontwerp is.

Na die kartering van die kuslyn van Suid-Australië in die vroeë 19de eeu deur die Europese ontdekkingsreisigers Matthew Flinders en Nicolas Baudin, is 'n ekspedisie langs die Murray-rivier gehou wat gunstig gerapporteer het op land aan die kus van Golf St. Vincent. Terselfdertyd was Britse hervormers gretig om 'n kolonie te vestig wat gebaseer was op vrye nedersetting eerder as op die vervoer van gevangenes, aangesien al die destydse Australiese kolonies gestig is. In 1834 is die South Australia Company gestig en het die Britse parlement oortuig om 'n wet te aanvaar wat 'n kolonie vir vrye setlaars in Suid-Australië geskep het. In Desember 1836, na 'n reis van tien maande deur 'n vloot skepe van Engeland, het die eerste goewerneur, John Hindmarsh, die skepping van die nuwe provinsie in 'n seremonie in die voorstad Glenelg aan die strand verkondig.

Nadat William Light gewikkel het tussen die koloniste, die eerste landmeter van Adelaide, het hy 'n stadsrooster van breë boulevards ontwerp, omring deur parkvelde, met een sentrale plein (Victoria Square) en vier kleiner vierkante (Hindmarsh, Light, Whitmore en Hurtle) aan die suidelike oewer van die Torrens. Light se oorspronklike ontwerp, met klein veranderinge, bestaan ​​tot vandag toe grotendeels.

Die stad se vroeë bedrywe was gebaseer op mynbou en landbou, met Engeland as die belangrikste uitvoermark. Die betreklik radikale politiek van baie van die vrye setlaars het daartoe gelei dat Adelaide die vroeë progressiewe hervorming was, insluitend die geheime gedrukte stembrief, die eerste jurisdiksie ter wêreld wat vroue in staat gestel het om te stem en hulle vir die parlement te verkies en vroeë vakbondwese en aktivisme.


Na die Australiese federasie in 1901, het Suid-Australië begin om na sekondêre vervaardigingsbedrywe oor te gaan, 'n proses wat deur die langtermynregering van die konserwatiewe premier Thomas Playford na die Tweede Wêreldoorlog oorgedra is. Playford het probeer om vervaardigingsondernemings soos General Motors aktief na Suid-Australië te lok deur goedkoop grond en lae belasting aan te bied. Dit, tesame met die toenemende alombekendheid van motorvervoer, het gelei tot die relatiewe lae digtheid van Adelaide, aangesien werkers naby die fabrieke gewoon het waar hulle in die buitenste voorstede gewerk het.

Massamigrasie uit Suid-Europa het die Anglo-Keltiese kultuur van Adelaide getransformeer, met Griekse migrante wat hulle hoofsaaklik in die westelike en innerlike suidelike voorstede gevestig het, en Italiaanse migrante in die oostelike en noord-oostelike voorstede. Hierdie kulturele identiteite bly tot vandag toe, met kontinentale delis en kafees 'n algemene kenmerk van die middestad van Adelaide.

Terwyl die ekonomie van Suid-Australië hoogty vier, verloor sy openbare en kulturele lewe 'n groot deel van die vroeë radikalisme, met blou wette wat vereis dat kroeë en kroeë om sesuur die aand moet sluit, wat die 'sesuur-swell' veroorsaak. Die White Australia-beleid het ook beteken dat inwoners van Adelaide oorweldigend van Europese agtergronde was.

Kosmopolitaanse hoofstad

In die 1960's het 'n dramatiese verandering in die kulturele lewe van Adelaide plaasgevind, met die aanvang van die Adelaide Festival of Arts en Adelaide Fringe Festival, wat die kunstekultuur van Adelaide verander het. Aan die einde van die dekade is die eerste Labour-regering sedert die dertigerjare verkies. Teen 1970 word Don Dunstan premier van Suid-Australië. Dunstan was 'n transformerende figuur en wou Adelaide hervorm in die vorm van 'n moderne kosmopolitaanse hoofstad. Die regering van Dunstan het die sesuur se beurt beëindig, Rundlestraat met die voetganger geskep en Rundle Mall gebou, en die Feessentrum gebou en 'n middelpunt vir kuns in Adelaide geskep. Sy regering het 'n reeks progressiewe hervormings ingestel, waaronder Suid-Australië die eerste jurisdiksie in Australië om homoseksualiteit te wettig. Hierdie keer was daar ook veranderinge in Australië se immigrasiewette, wat meegebring het dat Viëtnamese en Chinese migrante by vroeëre golwe van migrasie aangesluit het en die skepping van gemeenskappe in die noordwestelike en westelike voorstede, asook Gougerstraat se veeltalige Chinatown-distrik langs die Adelaide Central Market.

Nadat hy aan die einde van die 1970's die regering vir 'n termyn aan die konserwatiewes verloor het, het Labour in die 1980's onder John Bannon teruggekeer. Premier Bannon, 'n meer sakevriendelike leier as Dunstan, wou die ontwikkeling van Adelaide se stad dryf, aangesien die bou van Adelaide se hoogste gebou wat tans bekend staan ​​as Westpac House en die ontwikkeling van die Adelaide Convention Center en Adelaide Casino. Slegte banklenings het egter die staatsondersteunde staatsbank van Suid-Australië in die vroeë negentigerjare laat ineenstort, wat 'n groot redding van die regering vereis en die staat diep in die skuld gedompel het.

Herlewing na die Staatsbank

In die negentigerjare onder die Liberale regering onder leiding van premiers Dean Brown, John Olsen en Rob Kerin, het die konserwatiewe regering batesverkope onderneem en die regering se dienste verminder om die staatskuld te verminder. Hierdie vermindering in staatsuitgawes, sowel as die afname in die Australiese vervaardiging na die afskaffing van die tariefmuur deur die federale regering, het gelei tot stadige groei in die Suid-Australiese ekonomie en wydverspreide emigrasie na die oostelike hoofstede, veral Melbourne.

Arbeid het in 2002 teruggekeer na sy amp onder Mike Rann, wat Adelaide se nywerheidsbasis wou hervorm om te fokus op onderwysdienste, mynbou en verdedigingsbedryf, asook om sy sterk punte in wyn te bou. Die regering van Rann het baie belê in die heropbou van die stad, met die opknapping van openbare vervoer, die bou van 'n nuwe sentrale hospitaal en die herontwikkeling van Adelaide Oval. Na tien jaar met premier Rann as leier, verkies Labour in 2011 Jay Weatherill as premier, wat hierdie agenda grotendeels voortgesit het, maar met 'n hernieude fokus op die transformasie van openbare ruimtes in die middestad deur die verslapping van beplanningsbeperkings en verswakte dranklisensies vir klein tralies.

Die middestad van Adelaide in die nag, Mei 2013.

Gaan in

34 ° 55′36 ″ S 138 ° 35′57 ″ O
Kaart van Adelaide

Met die vliegtuig

  • 1 Adelaide Internasionale Lughawe (ADL IATA) (ongeveer 7 km ten weste van die middestad en naby gewilde toeristestrande by Glenelg en Henley Beach). Die Internasionale Lughawe Adelaide is verbasend goed verbind en het daaglikse internasionale vlugte na hubs in Asië, die Midde-Ooste en Nieu-Seeland, wat eenstopverbindings regoor die wêreld moontlik maak. Meer gereelde vlugte verbind via Sydney of Melbourne goedkoper kan wees. Adelaide-lughawe (Q14302) op Wikidata Adelaide-lughawe op Wikipedia

Reisigers van Asië kan direk vlugte vanaf Hongkong (aan Cathay Pacific), Singapoer (aan Singapore Airlines), Kuala Lumpur (aan Malaysia Airlines), Denpasar (aan Jetstar Airways) en Guangzhou (aan China Southern Airlines). As u 'n begroting het, kan u vlieg Denpasar en Kuala Lumpur met Malindo Air. Reisigers van die Midde-Ooste of Noord-Afrika kan daagliks vlieg op Qatar Airways van Doha. Reisigers van Europa kan met een van hierdie vervoerondernemings 'n eenmalige reis na Adelaide neem.

Reisigers van Suid-Afrika kan eers direk vlieg na Perth en maak dan verbinding met 'n binnelandse vlug na Adelaide.

Reisigers van Nieu-Seeland kan daagliks 'n direkte vlug van Auckland af vlieg Air Nieu-Seeland. Reisigers van Noord-Amerika of Suid-Amerika kan eenstop op Air New Zealand via Auckland reis of na 'n gereelde binnelandse vlug vertrek na die eerste landing in Sydney, Melbourne of Brisbane.

Huishoudelike dienste in Australië sluit gereelde dienste aan in elke hoofstad van die vasteland met diensverskaffers Qantas en Maagd-Australië. Jetstar is 'n begrotingsdiens wat minder gereelde, swaar afslagdienste bedryf, hoofsaaklik na Melbourne, Sydney en die Goudkus.

Streeksdienste en bedrywighede word verskaf deur Regional Express Airlines (Rex), Alliance Airlines, Cobham Airlines en Qantaslink vlugte wat deur beide Cobham Airlines en Alliance Airlines bedryf word. Hierdie dienste is hoofsaaklik beskikbaar in plaaslike streke en sentrums in Suid-Australië, waaronder Mount Gambier, Kingscote, Port Lincoln en Whyalla.

Daar is slegs een terminale vir internasionale en binnelandse vertrek; gevolglik is oordragte relatief naatloos. Die lughawe het kitsbanke en wisselkoerse. Kos en inkopies is beskikbaar op die land sowel as in die lug. Kluise is beskikbaar in die motorhuurarea op die parkeerterrein, insluitend 'n paar groter kaste wat in fietsbokse pas. Gratis WiFi is beskikbaar in die hele terminale.

Tussen die lughawe en die stad

Adelaide Metro is gereeld JetBus J1 / J2 / J7 / J8 verbind die lughawe met die City, Glenelg en 'n paar groot winkelsentrums. J1-dienste vertrek elke 15 minute 08:00 tot 18:00 elke dag na die stad, minder gereeld van 05:00 tot 23:00. Die reis na die stad duur ongeveer 25 minute gedurende die spitstyd. Daarbenewens bied JetBus J1X 'n spoeddiens vanaf die lughawe na die stad van Maandag tot Vrydag uurliks ​​tussen 05:00 tot 10:00 en 16:00 tot 21:00 met 'n sirkelroete rondom die middestad vir meer gemak vir hotelle. Dienste na Glenelg is bedien elke halfuur, minder snags. Dienste na die Arndale-, West Lakes- en Marion-winkelsentrum is weeksdae per uur.

Busse vertrek vanaf 'n enkele stop links (wes) van die korttermynparkeerterrein buite die hoofterminaal. Alle busse in alle rigtings vertrek vanaf hierdie eenstop, so kyk na die voorkant van die bus om seker te maak dat dit op pad is waarheen u wil gaan! Intydse businligting is beskikbaar vir hierdie stop en alle Adelaide Metro stop of via toegewyde programme vir u slimfoon soos metroMATE.

Die JetBus is deel van die Adelaide Metro netwerk, dus die standaard kaartjies en tariewe in die Publieke vervoer afdeling is van toepassing, en 'n kaartjie wat op die JetBus gebruik word, kan volgens 'n ander bus, trein of tram gebruik word. Metrocards is ook op die lughawe te koop vanaf 'n outomaat langs die JetBus-stop.

Huurmotors is beskikbaar onder in die voorkant van die terminale. 'N Taxi na die stad kos gedurende die oggendpiekuur ongeveer $ 30 en op ander tye ongeveer $ 20, wat dit net so voordelig kan maak as die JetBus vir 'n groep. Bestuurders sal altyd die meter gebruik, maar 'n toeslag van $ 2 is betaalbaar bo en behalwe die opgemerkte bedrag vir die bakkies vanaf die lughawe.

Groot nasionale huurmotormaatskappye gebruik kiosks op die grondvloer naby bagasie-eis, insluitend AVIS, Begroting, Europcar, Hertz, Spaarsaam en Redspot Sixt. Die parkeerterrein is op die grondvlak reg oorkant die terminale.

Met die motor

Adelaide is minstens 'n dag se ry weg van die hoofstede aan die Australiese ooskus. Die kortste ryroete van Adelaide na Melbourne duur 8–9 uur. Daar is 'n paar snelwegafdelings, maar die paaie is meestal tweespoorpaaie van snelweggehalte.

Van Melbourne, Adelaide is 736 km (457 myl) via Horsham (Nasionale snelweg 8) of 901 km (560 myl) via Mount Gambier (Nasionale snelweg 1). Die reis via Mount Gambier lei u deur die Coonawarra wynstreek, een van die bekendste Cabernet Sauvignon-streke in Australië en is ook gerieflik vir 'n sytoer via die Groot Oseaanweg. Die reis via Horsham is meer direk, maar het minder toeriste-aantreklikhede.

Van Sydney, Adelaide is 1 422 km (884 myl) via Wagga Wagga en Mildura (Nasionale snelweg 20). Snelwegtoestande van Sydney na Wagga Wagga verminder ure van die reis. Hierdie roete gaan ook naby Canberra, Die nasionale hoofstad van Australië, wat 1 196 km (743 myl) van Adelaide af is.

'N Ander opsie vanaf Sydney is die 1 659 km (1031 myl) roete via Broken Hill (National Highway 32), wat u deur die Outback en een van Australië se mees historiese myndorpe neem. Die 2 031 km (1 262 myl) roete vanaf Brisbane gaan ook via Broken Hill.

Adelaide is die naaste hoofstad aan Perth, die reis van 2.550 km (1584 myl) oor die Nullarbor is steeds moeilik, maar dit is 'n unieke rit deur sommige van die mees afgeleë plekke in die bewoonde wêreld. Net so reis die 3,027 km (1884 myl) noordwaarts Darwin via Alice Springs reis deur die ware Outback en Uluru is slegs 'n paar uur vanaf die hoofweg noord.

Met die trein

Groot suidelike spoorweg ry langafstand toeristetreindienste na en van Adelaide. Die Ghan hardloop na Alice Springs en Darwin, Die Overland hardloop na Melbourne, en die Indiese Stille Oseaan hardloop na Perth, Broken Hill en Sydney. Hierdie reise is treinervarings en bied slaapplekke en die geleentheid om u motor saam te neem in die trein. Dit neem egter aansienlik langer as 'n vliegtuigrit. Die Ghan en die Indiese Stille Oseaan is gewoonlik ook duurder as wat 'n vliegtuigkaartjie sou wees, maar die Overland is gewoonlik goedkoper - selfs die ekwivalent van 'n Overland-kaartjie van 'n besigheidsklas is vergelykbaar met 'n ekonomiese vlug van Adelaide-Melbourne op 'n volle -diens lugdiens. Die treine hou ook tussentydse haltes op 'n aantal landelike plekke, wat gerieflik kan wees as u kleiner dorpe by u reisplan betrek. Let op dat Great Southern Rail-treine nie wifi het nie.

Hierdie interstate treine vertrek vanaf die 2 Adelaide Parklands Terminal net buite die stad. Vanaf Richmondweg kan jy per motor of bus na die stasie ry. Sedert die sloop van die Keswick-stasie is daar geen aansluiting op die voorstedelike spoornetwerk nie. Daar is ook huurmotors beskikbaar vir alle aankomendes.

Daar is geen landspoorwegdienste in Suid-Australië nie.

Met die bus

Interstate busse word bestuur deur 'n aantal afrigtersondernemings, insluitend Windhond, Vuurvliegie en V / lyn. Die reis vanaf Melbourne duur ongeveer elf en 'n half uur, met dag- en oornagdienste. Die reis vanaf Sydney kan tot 24 uur duur en per definisie oornag reis. Tariewe is minder dan met die trein en die meeste vliegtuigreise, ten minste op die Adelaide-Melbourne-roete, maar as die tydsberekening net reg is, kan 'n goedkoop vlug van Adelaide-Sydney goedkoper as die bus wees.

Streekbusse na stede en dorpe in Suid-Australiese lande word ook bestuur deur die interstate busmaatskappye, maar plaaslike Suid-Australiese busondernemings insluitend SkakelSA en Premier Stateliner lewer dikwels meer gereelde dienste.

Byna alle interstate en streekbusse vertrek vanaf die 3 Adelaide Central Bus Station by Franklinstraat 85 in die stad. Die Sentrale Busstasie is 7 dae per week van 05:00 tot 21:30. Dit het moderne geriewe sowel as 'n kafee en dit is oorkant die straat van die Adelaide Central Market, 'n Coles-supermark en Chinatown.

Per skip

'N Verskeidenheid cruiseskepe besoek die 4 Port Adelaide-passasierterminaal tydens die vaartuigseisoen, wat elke jaar van November tot April duur. 'N Lys van skepe wat in Adelaide aankom, is beskikbaar by Flinders Hawens.

Kry rond

Per fiets

Fiets SA, 53 Carrington St. (ongeveer 15 minute stap SE van die busstasie), 61 8 8168-9999. Bedryf a gratis fietshuurdiens geborg deur 'n groep middestadsrade. Fietse is gratis beskikbaar by meer as 10 plekke regoor die stad en in die voorstede, maar moet voor 16:30 of 17:00 naweke M-F terugbesorg word, anders betaal u 'n fooi van $ 25. Daar kan gereël word dat fietse oornag gehuur word teen 'n ekstra bedrag, maar alle huur word gestaak as die temperatuur na 38 ° C voorspel word. 'N Lys van huurplekke word op Bicycle SA se webwerf gelys Fietse is deurlopende modelle met mandjies aan die voorkant en 'n stewige agterste draagstuk (maar u moet bande of bande hê). Voorste remrem, agterrem is 'n irriterende agterpedaal. Shimano 3 spoed naaf rat. Hulle voorsien u ook van 'n lang, stewige kombinasie-sluit- en fietshelm wanneer u 'n foto-ID agterlaat.

'N Gewilde rit is om van die middestad af langs die rivier Torrens tot by West Beach te ry, dan af na Glenelg en terug. U kan nie met u fiets op die Glenelg-trem of enige bus ry nie, selfs buite die spitstyd, maar u kan dit met die trein neem. 'N Alternatief om die tram vanaf Glenelg terug te neem, is om 20 minute verder suid langs die kus te ry na Brighton Station op die Noarlunga Center Line, waar daar redelike gereelde treine is na Adelaide.

Publieke vervoer

Akkurate vervoeraanwysings kan verkry word deur Google en Apple Maps. Om rond te navigeer, voer net u "na" -adres en "vanaf" -adres in (of gebruik die huidige ligging) op u toestel (iPhone, Android ingesluit) en kies dan die ikoon vir openbare vervoer. Inligting oor intydse aankomelinge is beskikbaar op die Adelaide Metro-webwerf of 'n aantal programme vir slimfone (bv. Transittimes). Gebruik die tyd voordat u voertuig arriveer om die nabygeleë omgewing te bekyk.

Kaartjie- en roete-inligting

Metropolitaanse trein-, trem- en busdienste word onder die verenigde handelsnaam bedryf Adelaide Metro en gebruik 'n verenigde kaartjiesisteem, "Metroticket".

  • Adelaide treinstasie InfoCentre, Adelaide-treinstasie, Noord-terras, tolvry: 1300 311 108. Daagliks 07: 00-20: 00. Of die Adelaide Metro webwerf is die besoekplekke vir rooster- en roete-inligting. Akkurate inligting oor openbare vervoer is ook beskikbaar via Google Maps, wat 'n maklike reisbeplanner het as u 'Transit'-aanwysings op die webwerf of 'n slimfoon kies.

Enkelreiskaartjies met onbeperkte vervoer vir twee uur word op busse, trems en op groot treinstasies vir $ 5 piek en $ 3 af piek verkoop. Alternatiewelik is 'n dagkaartjie van $ 9,10 beskikbaar, wat 'n onbeperkte reis binne die Adelaide Metro-gebied vir 'n hele dag moontlik maak.

Reisigers wat langer as 'n paar dae in Adelaide is, moet 'n Metrocard vir $ 10 koop, met $ 5 se waarde ingesluit. Reise op Metrocard kos $ 3,19 piek en $ 1,75 laer as piek. Metrocards word by die belangrikste treinstasies (Adelaide, Elizabeth, Gawler, Noarlunga Centre, Oaklands, Mawson Lakes en Salisbury) verkoop, asook in die meeste koerante en winkelwinkels. 'N Lys met liggings is op die Adelaide Metro webwerf. Metrocards kan aangevul word waar dit ook al verkoop word, sowel as op treine en trems met muntstukke of groot kredietkaarte.

Daar is ook 'n besoekerspas van $ 25 wat gebruik kan word vir onbeperkte reise op die netwerk vir 3 dae. Na die periode van drie dae kan die pas aangevul word en net soos 'n normale metrocard gebruik word.


Adelaide Metro trein

Die Adelaide Metro treinstelsel het vier hooflyne, met twee addisionele taklyne.

Reis noord:

  • Die Buite-hawe-lyn, wat via Port Adelaide op die Le Fevre-skiereiland in die noordweste van die stad oploop. Die Outer Harbour-lyn is gerieflik vir die Semaphore-toeristiese gebied, die historiese maritieme distrik in Port Adelaide en die Queen Street-kafee-strook in Croydon. Die Grange lyn vertak van die Outer Harbour-lyn by Woodville.
  • Die Gawler Line, na Gawler Central in die noorde van die stad, deur Ovingham, Mawson Lakes, Salisbury en Elizabeth.

Reis suid:

  • Die geëlektrifiseerde Seaford Line, wat strek tot by Seaford in die verre suide van die stad, via die strandvoorstad Brighton en Noarlunga Centre. Die Seaford-lyn bied toegang tot strande by Brighton en Hallett Cove, en tot Westfield Marion by Oaklands. Die Tonsley-lyn vertrek van die Seaford-lyn en dit werk slegs Maandag tot Vrydag tot die vroeë aand.
  • Die skilderagtige Belair Line wat strek tot by Belair in die voetheuwels van Adelaide deur Blackwood en die suid-oostelike voorstede van die stad. Die Belair-lyn is nuttig om toegang tot die Belair Nasionale Park te kry.


SouthLink Adelaide Metro bus

Die Adelaide Metro het 'n uitgebreide busnetwerk, gesentreer in die stad. Volledige kaarte en inligting is beskikbaar by die Adelaide Metro webwerf. Die meeste hoofweë, insluitend kafee-gebiede soos The Parade, Prospect Road, Henley Beach Road, King William Road en O'Connell St is 'Go Zones' wat gereeld busse op weeksdae het, minstens elke 15 minute tot vroeg in die aand. Adelaide se busnetwerk strek tot by die buitenste voorstede, na die Adelaide Hills in die ooste, tot by McLaren Vale in die suide (alhoewel daar min busse is) en tot by Gawler in die noorde. Dit dek nie die Barossa-vallei nie. Die frekwensies in die buitenste voorstede is baie laer as in die stad.

Die O-Bahn is 'n snelweg vir busverbindings wat na die noordoostelike voorstede van Adelaide loop. O-Bahn-busse ry vanaf Grenfellstraat in die stad, betree die O-Bahn by Hackney en stop by die wisselaar Klemzig, Paradise en Modbury. Nadat hulle op die O-Bahn geëindig het, ry die busse dieselfde as 'n gewone bus om die bestemming te bereik. O-Bahn-dienste kom baie gereeld voor, so dikwels as elke 3 tot 5 minute gedurende spitstyd tot wisselaars en elke 15 minute buite die piek.

Wees gewaarsku dat die busfrekwensie ná 19:00 skerp afneem, met tussenposes per uur in die buitenste voorstede, halfuur langs Go Zones en elke 15 minute op die O-Bahn. Al die dienste word omstreeks middernag beëindig. Gaan dus na u roosters en verwag om 'n taxi te neem indien nodig na hierdie tyd. Baie basies Na middernag busdienste langs beperkte roetes werk uurliks ​​na middernag Slegs op Saterdagaande.

Die gratis City Loop (99C) bus ry elke 15 minute op weeksdae van 07:40 tot 18:00. Op Vrydae loop dit ook snags 6-9: 20 uur elke 30 min., Saterdae 08: 00-17: 00 elke 30 minute en Sondae (en openbare vakansiedae) 10: 00-17: 00 elke 30 min. Dit het kloksgewys en antikloksgewys roetes, elk met ongeveer 30 stopplekke om al die belangrikste kulturele en kommersiële sentrums in die stad in te neem, vanaf Victoria Square en Adelaide-treinstasie ingesluit. Die busse het toegang tot opritte op die grondvlak.


'N Tram by die Moseley Square-tremterminus in Glenelg

Adelaide het 'n tremlyn wat vanaf die Adelaide-vermaaklikheidsentrum in Hindmarsh langs die North Terrace tot by die Botaniese Tuin loop. 'N Tweede lyn begin vanaf die Royal Adelaide-hospitaal deur die stad, dan af deur die suidwestelike voorstede tot by die strandvoorstad Glenelg. Die treinstasie is 'n maklike stop om tussen die lyne te wissel. Reis in die stad tussen die Adelaide Entertainment Centre, Botanic Garden en South Terrace vry, terwyl u na Glenelg 'n kaartjie of 'n Metrocard benodig. Kaartjies kan op kaartjiesmasjiene op alle trems gekoop word of by sommige haltes.

Die tram is nie net gemaklik vir die gewilde toeristebestemming Glenelg vanaf die stad nie, maar stop ook by Rundle Mall, Victoria Square naby die Adelaide Central Market en by North Terrace naby Adelaide Railway Station. Deur noord met die tram te reis, neem u Hindmarsh en Bowden, die tuiste van die Adelaide Entertainment Centre-lokaal vir stadionkonserte, asook 'n gewilde kafee en restaurantstrook langs Port Road en die systrate langsaan.

As u 'n motor bestuur, is dit 'n gerieflike (en gewilde) alternatief vir parkering in die stad is om by die vermaaklikheidsentrum te parkeer en die trem na die stad te haal. Dit kos net $ 4 vir 'n hele weekdag, wat baie goedkoper is as stadsparkering.

Te voet

Die middestad is relatief kompak en kan maklik te voet bedek word. Die meeste besienswaardighede is gesentreer rondom die blokke tussen North Terrace en Victoria Square aan weerskante van King Williamstraat. Die kernwinkeldistrik Rundle Mall is heeltemal voetganger. Die distrik Gougerstraat en die Adelaide Central Market is ook goeie bestemmings vir 'n wandelende reisiger.

Reisigers wat graag verder wil draf, kan gewilde drafbane langs die Torrensrivier en deur die Parklands gebruik.

Met die taxi

Adelaide Onafhanklike taxi's

Adelaide het drie belangrikste taximaatskappye wat 24/7 werk:

Cabs in Suid-Australië is wit (selfs die wat deur 'Yellow Cabs' bestuur word) en dit is duidelik gemerk. Dit is gewoonlik moontlik om gedurende die kantoorure in die stad 'n taxi in die straat of van 'n groot hotel af te neem, maar in die voorstede moet u gewoonlik een van die gelyste maatskappye bespreek. Daar is 'n aantal taxi-staanplekke wat gedurende die naweek snags deur die Taxi Council beman word. Taxistaanplekke onder toesig bied ekstra veiligheid met ligte en toesig deur 'n portier en 'n veiligheidsbeampte. Hulle werk van 23:00 tot 03:00 op Vrydae en 23:00 tot 17:00 op Saterdae. 'N Kaart van plekke is beskikbaar op hul webwerf.

Volgens die staatsregering moet alle taxi's in Adelaide 'n gereguleerde tarief hef, volgens die tydstip waarop die reis begin. Tarief een is die normale tarief en tarief twee is 'n hoër tarief wat van Maandag tot Vrydag 19:00 tot 06:00 geld, en oor naweke en openbare vakansiedae. Bestuurders gebruik die meter amper altyd en is wettiglik daartoe verplig. Betaling kan met kontant, EFTPOS, debiet- en kredietkaarte en Cabcharage geskied. Dit is 'n goeie idee om die bestuurder te laat weet as u van plan is om met 'n ander metode as kontant te betaal voordat u begin, aangesien die masjiene onbetroubaar kan wees.

Met die motor

Adelaide se middestad en voorstede soos Glenelg, Norwood en Prospect is maklik om te loop en met openbare vervoer te ry. As u egter baie tyd buite die middestad gaan spandeer of 'n reis na 'n wynstreek beplan, is 'n motor nuttig om lang reise met die openbare vervoer of in die geval van die Barossa-vallei te vermy. enigsins.

Anders as ander Australiese staatshoofstede, het Adelaide nie 'n snelwegnetwerk wat direk na die middestad lei nie. Die snelweë wat bestaan, begin in die buitenste voorstede en het die doel om verkeer na die nabygeleë plattelandse dorpe te vervoer. Spoedbeperkings op die meeste hoofweë word aangedui teen 60 km / h, maar die standaard snelheidsbeperking is 50 km / h as geen spoedbeperking gepos word nie. Spoedbeperkings word streng toegepas, en selfs om so effens bokant die spoedgrens te kruip, kan u 'n kaartjie verdien met 'n boete van $ 350.

Al die Adelaide-paaie sowel as dié deurgaans Suid-Australië tolvry is.

Groot nasionale huurmotormaatskappye gebruik kiosks op die Adelaide-lughawe op die grondvloer naby bagasie-eis, insluitend AVIS, Begroting,Alfa, Europcar, Hertz, Spaarsaam en Redspot Sixt.



Parke en tuine

  • 1 Die Adelaide Botaniese Tuin. Die tuine is stil en ontspannend, alhoewel dit in die hartjie van die stad is. Hulle bevat baie groot grasareas ideaal vir ontspanning, en net buite die tuine is die stadsparklande waar balspeletjies en pieknieks gehou kan word. Daar is 'n kafee in die tuine en 'n serre. Vry. Adelaide Botanic Garden (Q4681683) op Wikidata Adelaide Botanic Garden op Wikipedia
  • 2 Tweejaarlikse konservatorium. Dit is die moeite werd om te besoek, dit simuleer 'n tropiese reënwoud-mikro-ekostelsel, kompleet met mis wat van die dak af val. Die ruimte huisves 'n aantal reënwoudbome en lae-reënwoudplante uit Noord-Australië, Papoea-Nieu-Guinea, Indonesië en die nabygeleë Stille Oseaan-eilande, waarvan baie in hul natuurlike habitat in gevaar is. Be warned, it is warm and humid inside. All walkways have full wheelchair access. Free entry.
  • 3 Montefiore Hill (North Adelaide). Provides a spectacular view of the city, especially at night.
  • Other lookouts include Windy Point along Belair Road, and Skye at the end of Kensington Rd.
  • 4 North Terrace. Driving east from West Terrace will take you past the new Royal Adelaide Hospital, the University of South Australia's City West campus, the new University of Adelaide's medical school, the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI), the Adelaide Convention Centre, the Casino (Railway Station below), Parliament House, Government House, the State Library of South Australia, Migration Museum (free entry), Art Gallery of South Australia (free entry), the University of Adelaide, the University of South Australia's City East campus, the site of the old Royal Adelaide Hospital, and the Botanic Gardens. It is an attractive, tree-lined boulevard in a South Australian colonial tradition.
  • 5 Cleland Conservation Park (about 12 km from the CBD). Popular with hikers and cyclists and has great views over the Adelaide Hills. Some highlights are the Cleland Wildlife Park, the Waterfall Gully and the Mt Lofty Summit. Cleland Conservation Park (Q3083320) op Wikidata Cleland Conservation Park op Wikipedia
  • 6 Morialta Conservation Park (about 10 km from the CBD). Famous for its ridges with waterfalls that are particularly impressive during the winter and spring when the water flows at its strongest. Morialta Conservation Park (Q6912146) op Wikidata Morialta Conservation Park op Wikipedia
  • 7 Belair National Park (south of Adelaide), 61 8 8278 5477, . Summer 8AM-9PM, winter 8AM-7PM (closed during Christmas). Here you can walk around and enjoy the green areas, and there are also some tennis courts and a playground for kids. In the park you can also find the Government House that used to be a summer residence. There's a fee to enter the park by car, but it can also be accessed by the Belair train line, a 35-minute trip from Adelaide. Belair Nasionale Park (Q643818) op Wikidata Belair Nasionale Park op Wikipedia
  • 8 Rundle Lantern light display, Cnr Rundle St and Pulteney St. From dusk to midnight every night with 750 light panels.
  • 9 Adelaide Zoo, Frome Road. Daily 9:30AM-5PM. The only place in the southern hemisphere to see giant pandas. The zoo also boasts meerkats, lions, tigers, a family of capybaras and some quokkas. Adelaide Zoo (Q3244627) op Wikidata Adelaide-dieretuin op Wikipedia

Museums and galleries

The River Torrens passing near the University of Adelaide
  • 10 Migration Museum, 82 Kintore Ave (north of the State Library). Daily 10AM-5PM, closed Good Friday and 25 Dec. The museums showcases stories of immigrants to South Australia throughout history with photos, stories and items. Migrasie Museum (Q6844330) op Wikidata Migration Museum, Adelaide op Wikipedia
  • 11 Art Gallery of South Australia, North Terrace (half-way between Kintore Ave and Frome Rd, between the South Australian Museum and the University of Adelaide.), 61 8 8207-7000, . Daily 10AM-5PM, except 25 Dec. Great place to see art of all genres. Free cloakroom/baggage store. Vry. Art Gallery of South Australia (Q705557) op Wikidata Art Gallery of South Australia op Wikipedia
  • 12 South Australian Museum, North Terrace (next to the Art Gallery of South Australia). Daily 10AM-5PM, except Good Friday and 25 Dec. Best collection Australian Aboriginal collection in the world and the largely Victorian Pacific cultures gallery is neat too. Vry. Suid-Australiese museum (Q2546445) op Wikidata Suid-Australiese museum op Wikipedia
  • 13 National Wine Centre, cnr of Botanic and Hackney Rd, Hackney, 61 8 8303-3355, fax: 61 8 8303-7444, . M-F 9AM-5PM, Sa Su & public holidays; tours & tastings 10AM-5PM. A part of the University of Adelaide, here you can learn more about Australian viticulture, wine and food in general and there's of course also wine bar. National Wine Centre of Australia (Q6979426) op Wikidata National Wine Centre of Australia op Wikipedia
  • 14 Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute, 253 Grenfell St. M-Sa 10AM-5PM, closed Sunday & Public Holidays. Here you can experience many kinds of Aboriginal art and culture. There are music, dance and theatre performances and exhibitions of visual art. Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute (Q7682408) op Wikidata Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute op Wikipedia
  • 15 Bay Discovery Center, Moseley Square, Glenelg (Glenelg; take the historic tram). Museum dedicated to the culture and history of South Australia, housed in Glenelg's historical town hall.
  • 16 Port Adelaide Lighthouse. A 25-metre lighthouse that was first set up in 1869, at the entrance to the Port River, then moved to the Neptune Islands out in the sea before being moved to its current location. Nowadays it's an exhibit of the South Australian Maritime Museum, listed on the South Australian Heritage Register and lit on Saturdays just for show.
  • 17 National Railway Museum, 76 Lipson St (Port Adelaide). Daily 10AM–4:30PM. Australia's largest railway museum, housed in and around the former Port Dock goods terminal. There are trains and equipment on display, and also photos and other documents. You can take a small train ride around the premises, and there are special events when you get to take trips onboard some of the other trains. adult $12, concession $9, child $6, family $32.
  • 18 South Australian Aviation Museum, 66 Lipson St (Port Adelaide). Daily 10:30AM-4:30PM. Two hangars with aircraft (mostly military) and engines on display. There are guided tours where you can learn more about individual planes. adults $10, concession $8, children $5 (under 5 years free), family $25.
  • 19 South Australian Maritime Museum, 126 Lipson St (Port Adelaide), 61 8 8207-6255. Daily 10AM-5PM. Exhibits related to the maritime history of the region, from the first European explorers sailing the waters to immigrants arriving by boat and the Australian Navy of today. $15, concession $9, child $6, family $34.50 (2 adults & up to 5 children).. Suid-Australiese Maritieme Museum (Q18165679) op Wikidata Suid-Australiese Maritieme Museum op Wikipedia
  • 20 Gawler National Trust Museum, 59 Murray St (via Gawler train line). Tu-F 1-4PM. Showcasing the local history of the town of Gawler. $3 pp.
  • 21 National Motor Museum, Shannon St (in Birdwood), 61 8 8568 4000, fax: 61 8 8568 5195. Daily 10AM – 5PM, closed Christmas Day. Cars and motorcycles from all eras on display, also historical car parts, car-related items from repair manuals to petrol station signs and toys. Nasionale Motormuseum (Q15261134) op Wikidata Nasionale Motormuseum, Birdwood op Wikipedia



The pier at Glenelg Beach
  • 1 Glenelg beach. The historic beachside suburb of Glenelg has a jetty, the Grand hotel and many restaurants and cafés. Very popular with young and old, lots of volleyball competitions.
  • 2 West Beach. Ideal for family walks and swimming. It is reasonably close to both Glenelg and Henley Beach. At Henley Beach there is Henley square which hosts some 15 restaurants - an excellent dining venue. All the beaches along Adelaide's coastline are excellent white sand beaches, some with public toilets and cold water showers. If you want to 'wet a line' there are jetties at (suburban beaches, from north to south) Grange, Semaphore, Henley Beach, Glenelg, Brighton and Port Noarlunga.


  • 3 Adelaide Oval. During the summer months get down to the Adelaide Oval for a cricket match. Australia plays host to a couple of touring nations each summer and they will play a few matches at this beautiful ground which is just minutes from the city centre. Tickets for internationals tend to be snapped up quickly, but domestic matches are frequent and equally exciting.
  • AFL, the peak league for professional Australian Rules Football. Home games for the local teams the Adelaide Crows and Port Adelaide Power are played at Adelaide Oval in North Adelaide. Getting tickets shouldn't be a problem - check out the AFL website for more details.
  • SANFL, the state Aussie Rules league, has 5 games per weekend at a number of locations throughout the city and suburbs. Norwood Oval, home of the Redlegs, is situated on the Parade in Norwood which is home to a variety of restaurant, café and pub options for after the game.
  • Adelaide United (soccer), Hindmarsh Stadium.

Performance art

  • 4 Format Collective, 15 Peel St (off Hindley St). A two-storey performance space with a permanent zine store. Hosts small art shows, some of the more experimental gigs, discussion panels and performance art. Much of this is concentrated in the yearly Format Festival which is on at the same time as the Fringe Festival and is considered a more experimental alternative, although there are things on all year round. Known for its hipsters, Japanese beer, and nostalgic games of four-square.


One of the best times of the year to visit is during Mad March, when a multitude of festivals and events are held. These include the Adelaide Fringe, the Clipsal 500 Car race, the Adelaide Festival, WOMADdelaide and the Adelaide Cup horseracing carnival.

  • 5 Adelaide 500 (Superloop Adelaide 500). During mid-March, the Adelaide 500 supercar racing event is very popular, sporting massive street parties, huge concert line-ups and many fanatic Adelaidians. Adelaide 500 (Q4635078) op Wikidata Adelaide 500 op Wikipedia
  • 6 Adelaide Fringe Festival. During late Feb-March, the Fringe Festival (second largest of its type in the world) and Festival of Arts bring the city alive with music, arts, dance and culture from all over the world. Both are large and very popular events visited by people from all over the world. Adelaide Fringe Festival (Q4681716) op Wikidata Adelaide Fringe Festival op Wikipedia
  • 7 WOMADelaide (World of Music Arts and Dance). A hugely popular music festival now held every year in March. People come here from all over Australia and overseas. It shows Adelaide at its very best. WOMADelaide (Q7953896) op Wikidata WOMADelaide op Wikipedia


  • 8 Haigh's Chocolate Factory, 154 Greenhill Rd, Unley Park. M-Sa 11AM, 1PM and 2PM. A factory tour. Haigh's was established in 1915 and is one of the best chocolate makers in Australia. 5 minutes from the CBD, the tour will give you a glimpse on how this fine chocolate is made and they give free samples. Free but bookings essential.
  • 9 The Adelaide Casino, North Terrace (Next to Adelaide station). Adjoining the Festival and Convention centres. Adelaide Casino is South Australia's only licensed casino, and offers not just great gaming, but also three restaurants, and four bars, including the Oasis bar and Grandstand sports bar. Valet parking is also available.
  • 10 Coopers Brewery. The only remaining large family-owned brewery in Australia, well known around the world for their bottle conditioned ales. Founded by Thomas Cooper in 1862, the Brewery is run by the family's fifth generation, Tim and Glenn Cooper. Take a tour, all proceeds from the tours go to charity.


Three different universities call Adelaide home, of which the University of Adelaide is the best regarded. The other two universities in the Adelaide area are the University of South Australia en Flinders University. There are opportunities for international students to enroll in these universities, either as degree students, or as part of exchange programmes with foreign universities.


Rundle Mall
The nineteenth century interior of the Adelaide Arcade.

Unlike the "big four" Australian cities, top-end luxury brands like Louis Vuitton, Gucci and Prada do not have a presence in Adelaide. The Victorian 1 Adelaide Arcade that runs south from Rundle Mall has a fine collection of boutiques and specialist shopping such as numismatics, antiques and chocolatiers. Another good place to look for semi-luxury items would be Burnside Village in the eastern suburbs.

Malls and shopping precincts

  • 2 Rundle Mall, 61 8 8203 7200. A pedestrian-only shopping strip, with many arcades and side streets coming off it. Runs parallel to North Terrace. Over 800 shops.
  • 3 Tea Tree Plaza (TTP for short). A medium-sized shopping centre with over 250 shops. Tea Tree Plaza is the terminus of the Adelaide O'Bahn dedicated busway which begins in the city centre at Hackney Rd. It is easy to get there from the city centre; most of the buses that stop on the Grenfell St stops travel to the TTP interchange via the O'Bahn busway. It's easy to see from a distance as it has the large antenna and supporting pyramid type structure, well-known to the locals, on the roof of the Myer department store. Ample parking is available around, on top of, and underneath the complex. The much smaller Tea Tree Plus shopping centre is right next to Tea Tree Plaza.
  • 4 Westfield Marion Shopping Centre. Adelaide's largest shopping centre with over 400 shops. There are direct buses from the city centre.
  • 5 Harbour Town. Mid sized mall undergoing an expansion, featuring outlet shopping, situated up against the western edge of the Adelaide Airport. Only a short bus ride from the Airport, and 30 minutes from the city centre.


  • 6 The Central Market (between Grote and Gouger St, west of Victoria Sq). Tu-Sa. All your fresh fruit and veggies under one Victorian roof. You can borrow a shopping cart from Coles Supermarket next door to stop your arms being pulled from their sockets by all the goodies you'll buy. It's not just vegetarians that will salivate here since foods and non-foods of every variety compete for the best displays. Cheap multi-storey parking adjacent. Adelaide Central Market (Q4681685) op Wikidata Adelaide Central Market op Wikipedia
  • 7 Chinatown. A pedestrian-only area (Moonta St) adjacent to Central Market.
  • 8 City East IGA, 116 Hutt St, 61 8 8223 1112. Won best IGA Supermarket in SA for its amazing food range, including: Greek, Italian, Chinese and Indian.
  • 9 Gaganis Brothers, 9-13 Bacon Street, Hindmarsh 5007 (car parking on site or Grange Road Bus), 61 8 8346 5766. M-F 8:30AM-5:30PM, Saturday 8:30AM-3:30PM. A food wholesaler but sells to the public with an amazing selection of ethnic foods. Most items available in larger quantities.


The BYO culture

While fairly unusual in the rest of the world, it's common for restaurants in Australia and New Zealand to allow patrons to bring bottled wine to dinner. This practice is called 'BYO' - 'bring your own'. Originally resulting from a loophole in liquor licensing laws, BYO is now a great opportunity to enjoy some of the wine which you have bought in a wine region, or to visit a local 'bottle shop' and enjoy a wider selection at lower prices.

Nowhere in Australia is BYO more common than in Adelaide. Most restaurants in Adelaide which serve alcohol will also allow BYO, though it's a good idea to call ahead to make sure. It's common for a charge called 'corkage' to be applied to the bill. Corkage will typically be around $10–$15 per bottle, though higher charges are not unheard of. Corkage is applied even if your wine is under a screwtop rather than a cork, like virtually all recently produced Australian wine.


Central Market in the Adelaide city centre.

The City caters to virtually every different taste and price range. Adelaide has one of the largest number of restaurants and cafes per person in Australia and most of the best are in the City.

  • Gouger Street, Chinatown and the Central Market precinct is a multicultural food and wine paradise. Best known in Adelaide for good quality Asian food at a reasonable price, Gouger Street attracts a wide range of clientele from lawyers and public servants from the adjacent courts and State government precinct to new migrants. Chinatown and Gouger St is the hub of Chinese cuisine and culture in Adelaide and there are a wide range of Chinese restaurants along the strip. Other Asian cuisines are also featured including Thai, Vietnamese and Indian. On the northern side of Gouger St, the Adelaide Central Market has a great range of hawker style food stalls as well as a few older European cafes. The last decade has also seen the emergence of high-end dining on Gouger St, with a number of more expensive options joining the long standing and locally famed Argentinian restaurant, Gaucho's.
  • Rundle Street and the East End is the traditional hub of Italian and Greek cuisine in Adelaide, but there are also newer Chinese, Thai and Japanese restaurants. Like Gouger St, it has options across the spectrum of budgets, with the western end of the street closer to Adelaide University catering more to the budget end while the eastern end is more upmarket. The East End laneways off of Rundle Street have a range of smaller, quirkier cafes - Ebenezer Place, Bent Street and Union Street all have a few alternative options.
  • Waymouth Street and Pirie Street have emerged as new eating destinations over the last decade, particularly for an upmarket lunch. Waymouth Street, on the western side of King William Street, has a range of high end cafes, bistros and bars, while Pirie Street has a few new cafes.
  • Hindley Street is best known for its bars and nightlife, but has a range of multicultural food options, particularly Middle Eastern and Asian. Die Leigh Street and Bank Street laneways have also emerged as dining destinations in their own right.
  • Hutt Street is smaller scale and offers a small variety of upmarket restaurants that please most tastes, and also has a wide variety of gourmet shops and supermarkets.
  • The South West Corner of the City's square mile, south of the Gouger Street precinct, is more residential but includes some of Adelaide's most interesting dining experiences sprinkled among the heritage homes and apartments.

North Adelaide

  • An eclectic mix of small restaurants and cafes make Melbourne Street an interesting place to eat.
  • The variety of take-aways, pubs, cafes, bakeries and restaurants that line most of O'Connell Street means you won't be wanting. A local speciality to try is the AB, a dish consisted of shredded yiros meat on top of hot chips and topped with chille sauce, tomato sauce, barbecue sauce and garlic sauce, of which there are two shops that claim to have invented the dish; Die Blue & White Cafe en North Adelaide Burger Bar.


  • The Parade, Norwood has a long stretch of shopping and cosmopolitan dining. Buses from the CBD numbering 122-124 or a very short taxi ride.
  • Jetty Road / Mosley Square, Glenelg has a variety of restaurants and pubs at the end of a 30 minute tram journey.
  • Stuart Road, Dulwich features two cafes, a licensed restaurant and a very good bakery. Catch the 145 or 146 from North Ter which heads along Fullarton Rd and up Dulwich Ave.
  • King William Road, Hyde Park is an upmarket strip of fashionable cafes, coffee shops and restaurants.


There are a lot of budget eateries in Adelaide. They don't usually look like much from the outside but most have something going for them - the reason that they are still in business. It pays to look through menus plastered onto doors. Cheap eats should be anywhere from $8–14 for a main, and no more.

  • 1 Elephant walk, 76 Melbourne St, 61 8 8267-2006. Particularly interesting because it is a small, cosy cafe which is very dimly lit. Each booth is separated by straw screens so you can't really see the other patrons. It opens at 8PM and if they're full, you'll have to wait outside for a table.
  • 2 Nano Cafe, 23 Ebenezer Pl (in East End), 61 8 8227 0468. Daily. Italian home-style food, great breakfast, good coffee, value for money, breakfast & lunch only, fresh daily. $5.80-15.
  • 3 Dumpling King, 95 Grote St. Plates of 10-15 dumplings, steamed/fried, pork/chicken and prawn, for $6.80-7.80.
  • 4 Food courts off of Moonta St. Many different Asian cuisines at cheap prices. All you can fit on your plate for varying prices plus made to order food.
  • 5 Hawker's Corner, 141 West Terrace (cnr Wright St.). Much the same as the food courts but open at night. Cheap but tasty with a wide range of food.
  • 6 Cafe de Vili's, 2-14 Manchester St (off South Rd, after Richmond Rd). Vili is an Adelaide producer of pastries, especially pies and pasties. This unpretentious eatery at their factory serves full meals in addition to pastries. Shift workers and night owls regularly eat there because it is open 24 hr, 7 days. It is a minor Adelaide icon. It has a second location at 426 Main N Rd in the Blair Athol district.
  • Fasta Pasta (multiple restaurants around Adelaide). The fast food version of pasta; although found in other states its popularity in South Australia is due to the chain having started in Adelaide. Expect to pay from $10 for a plate of pasta.


  • 7 Amalfi, 29 Frome St, 61 8 8223 1948. This little Italian place just off Rundle St has a loyal following and is usually jam packed. It has an inventive range of pizzas and pastas, with quality a cut above the other Italian cafes filling Rundle St.
  • 8 Chefs Of Tandoori, 292 Unley Rd, 61 8 8373 5055. As the name suggest, founded by Indian chefs who deserted the Tandoori Oven across the road. Good Indian food at a very reasonable price.
  • 9 Fellini, 102 O'Connell, 61 8 8239 2235. This St. Large North Adelaide cafe is packed to the rafters every weekend. The menu is Italian-based pasta, pizza and so on, but what keeps the punters coming back is the large size of the menu and inventiveness of the dishes.
  • 10 Hotaru Japanese Restaurant, 162 Gouger St, 61 8 8410 2838. Cosy Japanese restaurant with wonderful food, particularly the fresh sashimi, various sushi rolls and the grilled eggplant. Home-made sesame ice cream and green tea ice cream. Hotaru is off the main Gouger St area.
  • 11 Jasmin, 31 Hindmarsh Sq, 61 8 8223 7837. One of Adelaide's best Indian restaurants. Beautifully decorated, with classical music playing and impeccable service. The very hot curries (vindaloo and tindaloo) are especially good. You might also consider trying the mixed entree or orange sponge cake.
  • 12 Nu Thai, 117 Gouger St, 61 8 8410 2288. Slightly more expensive than Regent, with a more adventurous menu. They have a huge blackboard inside with a long list of specials which change regularly.
  • 13 Raj on Taj, 109 King William Rd, 61 8 8271 7755. Good, reasonably priced Indian food. There are two Raj on Taj restaurants, one in Hyde Park and one nearby in Unley. The Hyde Park one is the better of the two.
  • 14 Regent Thai, 165 O'Connell St, 61 8 8239 0927. Excellent and consistent standard Thai menu. The friendly proprietor Chang was a refugee from the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. Try the oysters in coriander sauce, the red curry chicken, or ask for a whole fish steamed with ginger and shallots. Its sister restaurant at Glenelg, Phuket, is worth checking out as well. Mains $13-18..


  • 15 Magill Estate Restaurant, 78 Penfold Rd, 61 8 8301 5551. Magill. While the food here is good, the real stars are the view and the wine list. This restaurant is owned by Penfolds, probably Australia's best-known premium red wine maker, and overlooks the vineyards on their Magill property, not far from the city centre. The grapes grown on this estate are used to make the Magill Estate label single vineyard Shiraz. The wine list allows you to order back vintages of the Penfolds and other wines going back 20 or more years.
  • 16 Windy Point Restaurant, Windy Point Lookout, Belair Rd, 61 8 8278 8255. Windy Point Lookout, Belair Rd. Nice ambiance, excellent service and good food prepared in a unique way with a nice view of the city skyline. For those who wish to have a less formal setting, the adjacent cafe also offers a good selection. Usually only open for dinner from 6PM onwards, though lunches are possible with prior arrangements.
  • 17 Shiki Restaurant, North Terrace (Intercontinental Hotel Adelaide), 61 8 8231 2382. Japanese restaurant with a nice atmosphere in one of Adelaide's premier hotels. Mainly known for its teppanyaki but also serves other Japanese dishes like sushi, sashimi and tempura.


There are pubs and bars dotted all around the CBD, but a few districts are worth singling out. Rundle Street and its neighbouring area known simply as "The East End" have a number of popular pubs. Hindley St used to be notorious as the seedy home of Adelaide's strip clubs and bikie bars, but it, and "The West End" have undergone a renaissance. The eastern end of Hindley Street is more mainstream, whereas the western end, west of Morphett Street has a few trendier and more alternative venues. The seedy places are still there, but so too is a university campus and a number of trendy bars and clubs. Also important are Gouger Street and its many restaurants but with an increasing number of bars and pubs. O'Connell Street is home to a few of North Adelaide's popular pubs.

There are also many bars in the suburbs of Adelaide which usually are busier on Thursday and Friday evenings. Quite a lot of the locals will go to the hotels in the suburbs on Thursday and Friday evenings, and go into the Adelaide CBD on Saturday evenings.

Smoking in pubs and clubs is banned under South Australian law. Many drinking establishments have outdoor areas where smoking is permitted.


Melbourne is not the only Australian city with a buzzing "laneway culture": Adelaide's Exeter Lane, off Rundle Street, at night. On the left is The Exeter Hotel, one of Adelaide's most well known pubs/drinking establishments.

As a rule, pubs seem to be located in hotels.

  • 1 Grandstand, North Terrace (Adelaide Casino, North Ter.), 61 8 8212 2811. Su-Th 10AM-late, F Sa 11AM-5:30AM. Situated on the 1st floor of Adelaide Casino, Grandstand is Adelaide's premier venue for watching all live sporting events. Featuring several TV screens showing all the action from Fox Sports, Setanta and Main Event, Grandstand also has full Keno and TAB facilities. A bar menu is also available, as are regular great drink promotions.
  • 2 Crown & Anchor, 196 Grenfell St, 61 8 8223 3212. M-W 11AM-3AM, Th-Sa 11AM-4AM. Situated just off Rundle St, this Adelaide institution is often referred to as "The Cranker", or less kindly, the "Crowd of Wankers" attracts those of an alternative bent. Goths, metalheads, punks and hippies all mingle in this multi-roomed venue, sipping beer. But don't worry, piercings and tattoos aren't essential to have a good time. Music playing could be just about anything.
  • 3 Worldsend, 208 Hindley St, 61 8 8231 9137. M-F 11AM-late, Sa 4PM-late, Su closed. Serves food all day. This lively pub features a beer garden and a solid restaurant. The crowd is generally early to mid 20s, many from the nearby Hindley Street campus of the University of South Australia. While it definitely has a strong pub feel, the music is more like a bar, with live jazz and funk, house and drum'n'bass (rather than rock) the order of the day.
  • 4 The Exeter, 246 Rundle St, 61 8 8223 2623. This friendly old-school pub is much frequented by students from nearby Adelaide University and TAFE. At night, it has an alternative feel drawing crowds from all areas. Two back rooms contain a great little restaurant. The curry nights on Wednesday and Thursday are popular. Small music venue, mostly showcasing live alternative bands. M-Su 11AM-late.
  • 5 The Archer, 60 O'Connell St, 61 8 8361 9300. Modern, hip feel and a large range of beers on tap. Be aware that it has to close earlier than most places (usually midnight) due to residential noise restrictions.
  • 6 The Cumberland Arms (The Cumby), 205 Waymouth St, 61 8 8231 3577. M 9AM-midnight, Tu 9AM-1AM, W-Th 9AM-3AM, F Sa 6PM-4AM, Su 6PM-2AM. In a strip of bars and clubs along the southern end of Light Square adjacent to Hindley St. The Cumberland was bought out and refurbished some years ago. Nowadays it's a cozy spot which does a good job of being all things to all people. The front bar areas conceal a dance floor within, where a DJ is invariably playing house, and an outdoor area around the side. The popularity of "The Cumby" is cyclic, but if it's not happening, one of the adjacent places will be.
  • 7 The Grace Emily, 232 Waymouth St ((Opposite "The Cumberland)), 61 8 8231 5500. The Grace has plenty of trinkets behind and around the bar to keep one's eyeballs busy whilst nursing a Coopers or bloody mary. Local, interstate and overseas bands play most nights. Every Monday night Billy Bob's BBQ Jam sees a variety of local bands strut their stuff to impress the crowd with 3 or 4 songs (though perhaps more by popular demand) whilst a sausage sizzle out the beer garden feeds the hordes - a highlight of an otherwise quiet evening in Adelaide.
  • 8 The Austral, 205 Rundle St. Rundle St. On the main street for shopping and nightlife in Adelaide, which is really the same long street as Hindley St but with a different name either side of King William Road, and the pedestrian only Rundle Mall in the middle. The Austral is the unofficial backpackers pub of choice.
  • 9 The Original Coopers Alehouse (also known by the original name still on the front facade The Earl of Aberdeen), 316 Pulteney St (10 minute walk from the Rundle St-Pulteney St intersection), 61 8 8223 6433. The only pub to hold the complete range of Coopers beers on tap, including the Vintage Ale. Also serves good food, including schnitzels and pizzas, in the attached Arnou Woodfired at the Earl restaurant.
  • 10 The Stag, 299 Rundle St (cnr of Rundle and East Tce). More up market establishment, with good views of the parklands from the al fresco seating, good range of drinks and weekly live music. The second floor balcony literally overlooked the old Formula 1 street circuit and was always crammed with race fans. With the shortened Clipsal 500 course this is no longer possible, but still a good place to go after the days races.
  • 11 The Union Hotel, 70 Waymouth St Adelaide, 61 8 8231 2144, . Open most days 11AM-1AM. Good value meals every night including cheap pizza night every Monday. On Friday nights the crazy is dialed up with Generation Pop, a mix of pop music from retro to modern and very popular with the after work crowd (7:30PM-1AM). Saturdays is Get Back, Adelaide's only weekly retro dance club playing music from the 1950s-80s (8PM-1AM). Entry is free to both nights. Crowd is a healthy mix of ages, even after dark.


  • 12 Zhivago, 155 Waymouth St. This West End bar attracts a friendly, relaxed, mid-20s crowd.
  • 13 First Lounge Bar & Restaurant, 128 Rundle Mall (in the Richmond Hotel), 61 8 8223 4044. The only nightspot on Rundle Mall. First started life as a chilled out cocktail bar, but rapidly became popular as an after-work spot on Fridays, and could now also be filed under "clubs". On weekends they are packed out and play commercial house, but on weeknights it reverts to the original cocktail bar atmosphere.
  • 14 Fumo Blu, 270 Rundle St, 61 8 8232 2533. Below ground cocktail lounge in the heart of Rundle St.
  • 15 The Unley (formerly Boho), 27 Unley Rd, Parkside, 61 8 8271 5544. Burlesque themed bar, with live music and burlesque and period performances, a 5-minute drive, bus or Tram ride South of the CBD. Half-price cocktails Wednesday and Sunday 6-9PM.
  • 16 Rocket Bar, 142 Hindley St, 61 8 8212 7433. Inconspicuously located off Hindley St (it's a door with a sign above it). Live venue hosting international/interstate and local alternative indie acts. Also home to indie/alternative Modular nights and Abracadabra on Fridays. Open every weekend until late.


  • 17 Jive, 181 Hindley St. Open every weekend and sometimes during the week.. 300-person capacity mainly live venue that hosts local and interstate rock/alternative/indie acts. Also home to indie/alternative dance club Gosh! on Saturdays after the bands.



There is a choice of backpacker accommodation around the central bus station.

  • 1 Adelaide Central YHA, 135 Waymouth St, 61 8 8414-3010, fax: 61 8 8414-3015, . $75, en suite: $90, dorm: $25.50 (YHA/Hostelling International members 10% discount)..
  • 2 Adelaide Travellers Inn, 220 Hutt St, 61 8 8224-0753, . Nomads Mad card members receive $2 off per night or their 7th night free.
  • 3 The Austral, 205 Rundle St, 61 8 8223-4660. The Austral is a pub which provides accommodation upstairs from the bar area. Rooms are clean and fairly quiet despite the bar downstairs, although the mattresses aren't great quality. Bathrooms are shared. Close to Adelaide's centre. Double $55, single $35.
  • 4 Blue Galah, 62 King William St, 61 8 8231-9295, toll-free: 1800 221 529, fax: 61 8 8231-9598, . Just one block from Rundle St Mall but no smoking rules not enforced so best to avoid if you do not carry your own gas mask/filtration system. Not the cleanest or quietest place but has a great bar with balcony overlooking King William St and CBD. Wi-Fi: $5/day, $15/wk. Dorm: $24 (weekly rates too); private single/twin/double: $70.
  • 5 Hostel 109, 109 Carrington St, 61 8 8223-1771. Small, quiet, modern, secure & centrally located. Very clean. Free internet.
  • 6 My Place Adelaide, 257 Waymouth St, 61 8 8221 5299, toll-free: 1800 221 529, . Very clean, good social vibe, free breakfast & free bus to Glenelg beach. BBQ nights, beach volleyball & soccer organised.
  • 7 Plaza Hotel, 85 Hindley St, 61 8 8231-6371, fax: 61 8 8231-2055, . Double $72, single $66.
  • 8 Shakespeare International Hostel, 123 Waymouth St (150m north of Bicycle SA free bike hire & central bus station), 61 8 8231-7655, toll-free: 1800 556 889, fax: 61 8 8211-6867, . Check-in: noon, check-out: 9:30AM. Good compromise between cleanliness and price, this hostel attracts an eclectic mix of long term residents and tour parties leaving early from the nearby bus station. Has a large lounge for socialising and the kitchen is kept surprisingly clean. Will not store passports safely so, if this is a concern, pay a bit more at the YHA a few doors down.


  • 14 Quest Adelaide Central (Quest on King William), 82 King William St, 61 8 8217 5000, fax: 61 8 8217 5050, . Serviced apartments available for short-term or long term rental. 1-bedroom apartments from $145 short-term or $135 for long-term rentals.
  • 15 Mansions on Pulteney (Quest Mansions), 21 Pulteney St, 61 8 8232 0033, fax: 61 8 8223-4559, . Serviced apartments available for short-term or long term rental. Studio apartments $138 short-term, $111 long-term. 1-bedroom apartments from $196 short-term, $158 for long-term rentals.
  • 16 Esplanade Apartments, 80 Seaview Rd West Beach, 61 8 8353 0443, fax: 61 88 356 4478, . 1-bedroom from $75, 2-bedroom from $90.
  • 17 Rydges South Park Adelaide, 1 South Terrace (next to the southern parklands), toll-free: 1300 857 922. Views to the Adelaide Hills and features 97 rooms with 9 spa suites.
  • 18 Oaks Embassy, 96 North Terrace, 61 8 8124 9900, . Check-in: 2PM, check-out: 10AM. In CBD, This property contains a range of apartments with free Wi-Fi,indoor heated swimming pool access, gymnasium and parking facilities.
  • 19 iStay Precinct, 185 Morphett Street, 61 7 3246 1732, . Check-in: 2PM, check-out: 10AM. A collection of 1 and 2 bedroom apartments with kitchen and laundry facilities, Jacuzzi, an indoor heated pool, spa, and steam room.
  • 20 Oaks Liberty Towers, 25 Colley Terrace, Glenelg, 61 7 3246 1741, . Check-in: 2PM, check-out: 10AM. This property consists of seaside apartments that are suitable for vacations or business trips. Free Wi-Fi, swimming pool access and gymnasium facilities are available.


Bly veilig

The Australia-wide emergency number is 000. The ambulance service, fire service and police are available through this number. For non-emergency police assistance, dial 131 444.

Adelaide is considered a safe city, and much more so than other Australian capitals. People should however exercise personal safety, particularly at night.

The city parklands are poorly lit and are best avoided after dark due to the presence of intoxicated people. If you need to cross the parklands to reach the suburbs, stay near the road. Catching a taxi or public transport is recommended at night.

Trains in Adelaide are generally reliable and arrive and depart on schedule. (Buses can be slightly more variable.) There are security guards on all trains after 7PM and many rail services have bus connections available.

At night, police actively patrol the city centre, especially Hindley Street, the latter being where many of the city's nightclubs and bars are. Taxi ranks are near the Adelaide Casino on North Terrace, the Hilton Adelaide Hotel on Victoria Square, and the junction of Rundle Street and Pulteney Street outside the Hungry Jacks fast food outlet. Most regular public transport services end before or at midnight, but special After Midnight bus services operate Saturday night only, travelling from the city to brightly-lit points throughout Adelaide's suburbs.

Stay healthy

Adelaide's remote location in the world's driest continent means that all of its drinking water is sourced from the River Murray or local reservoirs. Although the water is perfectly safe to drink, it does make tap water unpalatable to those not used to it and is best drunk filtered.


There is extensive free Wi-Fi access (port 80 only) in the CBD and the airport provided by Internode.



The Consulate for the United Kingdom has closed, therefore the British High Commission in Canberra is the closest.

  • DuitslandGermany, PO Box 90 - Rundle Mall,, 61 8-8224-068. M-F 10AM-1PM strictly by appointment. Honorary consulate only.
  • ThailandThailand, Room 9, 144 South Terrace, 61 8 2311333. M-F 11AM-3PM, except Thai and Australian holidays. Honorary consulate.

Gaan volgende

The German settlement of Hahndorf, nestled in the Adelaide Hills, is a popular spot for tourists and locals alike.
Autumn colours of Stirling
  • Adelaide Hills, including the Mt Lofty Summit, provides spectacular views of the Adelaide metropolitan area. The Adelaide Hills are a series of villages, each having its own unique character. In particular, the towns of Hahndorf and Stirling are worth visiting.
  • The wine regions of the Adelaide Hills, McLaren Vale, Barossa Valley en Clare Valley
  • Kangaroo Island. Explore the natural environment.
  • Flinders Ranges. Head north to explore the natural beauty and frontier history of the Flinders Ranges and Wilpena Pound
  • Victor Harbor, just an hour or so drive south of Adelaide. Granite Island is one of the few places you can see Fairy Penguins in their natural habitat. Visit the nearby surf beaches in Pt Elliot, Middletown and Goolwa.
  • Whispering wall, at the Barossa Reservoir.
  • Yorke Peninsula is a popular holiday destination for Adelaidians, and less touristy than Victor Harbor, with towns dotted along the coast and the rugged Innes National Park at the foot of the peninsula.
  • Alice Springs, 1,500 km of driving. Main stops on the way are Port Augusta en Coober Pedy. Eventually, heading through the Northern Territory you will reach the turn off to Uluru.
  • Melbourne, via Coorong National Park, followed by the Limestone Coast and finally the Great Ocean Road before arriving in Melbourne.
  • Eyre Peninsula. Visit the historic town of Port Lincoln where you can see the massive tuna farms as well as going diving with Great White Sharks (in a cage) or swim with the dolphins and the seals.
Routes through Adelaide
Port AugustaPort Pirie N Die Ghan-roete icon.png E END
Port AugustaPort Pirie W Indiese Stille Oseaan roete icon.png E → Gladstone, PeterboroughBroken Hill
END W Die Overland route icon.png E Murray BridgeMelbourne
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