Teheran - Tehran

Teheran (ook gespel Teheran) (Persies: تهران), is die hoofstad van Iran. Dit is 'n bruisende metropool van 14 miljoen mense en sit aan die voet van die hoë Alborz-bergreeks.

Lugfoto van Teheran


Teheran is 'n kosmopolitiese stad, met groot museums, parke, restaurante en vriendelike mense. Dit verdien ten minste 'n paar dae van u Iraanse reisplan.

Die stad kan ongeveer in twee dele verdeel word - noord en suid. Die noordelike distrikte Teheran is welvarender, moderner, kosmopolitieser en duurder, terwyl suidelike dele minder aantreklik, maar goedkoper is.

Ten tye van die Zand-dinastie was dit 'n klein stadjie wat betekenisvol was vanuit 'n strategiese oogpunt. Die eerste van die Qajar-konings, Agha Mohammed Khan, het Teheran in 1778 as die hoofstad van die land aangewys, en die grootste deel van die groei het begin tydens die bewind van 'n volgende Qajar-monarg, Fath-Ali Shah. Die kasteel wat Agha Mohammed Khan gebou het, moes die nuwe majestueuse geboue bevat.

Terselfdertyd het die stad se bevolking verdubbel. Vanweë die toenemende betekenis van die stad is hekke, pleine en moskees gebou, en dit was in die tyd van Nassereddin Shah dat die stad se meesterskets voorberei is en moderne strate gebou is. Later is groot sentrale pleine soos Toopkhaneh-plein (nou Imam Khomeini) en 'n hele paar militêre geboue gebou. Alhoewel die Qajar-dinastie in 'n tydperk van agteruitgang was, het Teheran gou die vorm van 'n moderne stad aangeneem. Die struktuur van groot regeringsgeboue, nuwe strate, ontspanningsentrums, stedelike diensorganisasies en akademiese en metodiese sentrums is begin, selfs al is die meeste van die ou hekke en geboue verwoes en die stad se ou argitektoniese materiaal vervang deur 'n hedendaagse.

Teheran het homself ook 'n onbenydenswaardige reputasie verdien as 'n rookmisvolle, verkeersverstopte en kenmerkende uitbreiding van beton wat met 14 miljoen inwoners uit die nate bars. Maar u kan ook 'n eindelose aantal lekker en gesellige plekke in en om die stad vind - as u weet waar om te soek. Teheran is 'n stad met meer as 800 parke, almal versorg. Die stad is amper 'n kilometer hoog bo seespieël en is gevolglik koeler as ander stede in die Midde-Ooste. Die somertemperature is nogtans baie warm, in Julie is dit gemiddeld 33 ° C (91 ° F) en gewoonlik 38 ° C (100 ° F). Die lug is geneig om baie droog te wees.

'N Kombinasie van faktore maak Teheran 'n aangename plek om te besoek: die droë klimaat wat saans koel is, die nabyheid van die berge, die parke en tuine waar blomme dwarsdeur die jaar blom, die stegies van bome in die laan of selfs kleiner strate, en selfs die water wat van die bo-stad afloop langs diep en wye geute wat gedurende die lente soos klein riviere lyk. Die Alborz-reeks in die noorde van Teheran, wat die hoogste piek in Iran bied, bied fantastiese toestande vir skieliefhebbers in die winter. In die winter is die berghotelle en ski-klubs by Shemshak en Dizine 'n paar dae per week vol. Sommige spesialis-skiërs beskou die sneeuwaarde in Noord-Teheran as een van die voortreflikste ter wêreld.

Gaan in

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Met die vliegtuig

1 Imam Khomeini Internasionale Lughawe (IKA IATA) (55 km suidwes van die middestad, Robat Karim treinstasie (ایستگاه راه آهن رباط کریم) ongeveer 3 km noordwes naby lyn 1 'Kahrizak' ~ 20 km NO). Die enigste lughawe in Teheran waarheen internasionale passasiersvlugte werk. Teheran Imam Khomeini Internasionale Lughawe (Q734729) op Wikidata Teheran Imam Khomeini Internasionale Lughawe op Wikipedia


  • Metro die maklikste manier om die middestad te bereik, is met die metro-lyn. Lyn nommer 8 verbind lughawe A met metro lyn 1 (rooi lyn) (75000 rials, wat vir die volledige netwerk gebruik kan word, Maart 2019). Loop onreëlmatig: 06:50, 08:10, 09:30, 10:50, 12:10, 13:30, 14:50, 16:10, 17:30, 18:50, 20:10.
  • Busse tussen die lughawe en die stad (bv. Haram Metro-stasie) loop elke 30-60 min 07: 00-23: 00. Hulle vertrek reg voor die hoofuitgang en kos 20,000-30,000 rial. Daar is onbevestigde berigte dat daar elke 4-5 uur 'n pendelbus tussen IKIA en Mehrabad-lughawe ry.
  • Huurmotors kos 'n vaste tarief van 800,000 rials (of US $ 25 of € 20 vanaf Oktober 2017), vra by die taxi-toonbank. Die rit van / na die middestad neem 45 minute sonder verkeer, maar kan meer as 90 minute neem met verkeer. Daar is 'n hokkie wat taxi's direk buite die aankomssaal organiseer. U kan ook onderhandel met taxi's wat passasiers by die aankomssaal aflaai, want anders sal hulle leeg na Teheran moet terugkeer. Huurmotors na die naaste metrostasie (Haram-e-Motahhar) kos 500 000 rials.
  • Pendeltaxi's en groen minibusse tussen die lughawe en Shahed Station op die rooi lyn van die metro ry. Dit kan 'n maklike opsie wees om vanaf die stad na die lughawe te gaan, maar dit sal moeilik wees om pendeltaxi's op die lughawe te vind, aangesien baie nie daar stop nie. Met 7000 rials vir 'n metrokaartjie en 40 000 rials vir 'n pendeltaxi (hulle sal probeer om u af te ruk of om bagasie in te bring, al is daar plek, dus sorg dat u net een sitplek inneem as u nie wil betaal nie ekstra), is dit waarskynlik die goedkoopste opsie in die stad waar u nie lank vir die bus hoef te wag nie (pendeltaxi's vertrek as dit vol is). Gaan uit by die Shahed-stasie na die parkeerarea (daar is net een uitgang en u kan dit nie mis nie) en links sien u groen minibusse. Dit neem ongeveer 30-40 minute van daar na die lughawe. Laaste vertrek omstreeks 21:30.
  • Metrolyn 1 (rooi) Bedags is daar 'n metro vanaf IKA na Teheran. Die treine loop uurliks, dus kyk na die skedule (Sep 2017).

2 Teheran se Mehrabad-lughawe (THR IATA). Mehrabad word slegs vir binnelandse en vragvlugte gebruik. Dit is verbind met Teheran Metro Line 4. Mehrabad Internasionale Lughawe (Q513684) op Wikidata Mehrabad Internasionale Lughawe op Wikipedia

Ondanks die waarskuwings in sommige reisgidse is daar geen uittreegeld vir buitelandse reisigers nie, nie in Mehrabad of op die Imam Khomeini-lughawe nie. Die uittreegeld is slegs van toepassing op buitelandse reisigers wanneer hulle Iran op land of per see verlaat.

Met die trein

Daar is minstens een trein per dag (sommige oornag) vanaf die Iranse stede soos Mashhad, Isfahan, Tabriz, Kerman, Yazd, Sari, Gorgan, Ahvaz en Bandar Abbas. Binnelandse kaartjies kan by enige stasie gekoop word, by reisagentskappe of aanlyn op verskillende webwerwe van treinoperateurs, soos Raja, Fadak, BonRail[dooie skakel], Joopar, en Behtarinsafar. U kan ook een van die Iraanse OTA's gebruik om u kaartjies aanlyn te koop. Alibaba word aanbeveel.

N internasionale trein vanaf Ankara, die Transasia Express, loop twee keer per week. Daar is 'n ekstra internasionale trein vanaf Van via Tabriz ook.

  • 3 Teheran-treinstasie (ايستگاه راه آهن تهران) (Naaste metrostasie is Rahahan). Teheran-treinstasie (Q4453688) op Wikidata Teheran-treinstasie op Wikipedia

Met die motor

Die verkeer is baie druk, maar het verbeter met die voltooiing van verskeie nuwe tonnels en snelweë (wat deur die plaaslike bevolking 'autobahns' genoem word). U kan redelik maklik vanaf Turkye en die suidelike dele van Iran inry. Alhoewel Iran nog altyd 'n groot aantal ryongelukke gehad het, het die polisie ongelukke toegeslaan en is bestuur nou veiliger as voorheen. Dit is moontlik om 'n motor te huur op die IKA-lughawe, Mehrabad en in die stad.

As u paaie en grondvervoer gaan gebruik, is daar 'n webwerf wat deur die regering se ministerie van vervoer en stedelike ontwikkeling onderhou word hier of hier wat paaie se status publiseer. U moet dit dalk gebruik Google Translate om die teks te verstaan ​​wanneer u deur die bladsye navigeer.

Met die bus

Byna elke stad en verafgeleë dorpie in Iran het busdienste na Teheran - honderde busse wat elke dag in en uit die hoofstad stroom. Die meeste busse kom by een van die vier groot busterminale aan:

  • 4 Westelike busterminaal (Terminal-e-gharb, Azadi-busterminus), Noordwes van Azadi-toring ('n wandeling van tien minute noordwes vanaf Azadi Square en 'n paar minute noord van die metrostasie Azadi Square). Die grootste, besigste en best toegeruste terminale van Teheran. Die meeste internasionale busse, en dié wat na die Kaspiese See streef en bestemmings wes van Teheran, kom en kom hier af. Die bus na Jerevan kos 1 800 000 rials en vertrek daagliks om 13:00. (Q5685485) op Wikidata
  • 5 Oostelike busterminaal (Terminal-e-shargh) (7 km noord-wes van Emam Hossein-plein). Hanteer busse vanaf die provinsie Khorasan, en enkele dienste vanuit die noorde. (Q5873355) op Wikidata
  • 6 Suidelike busterminaal (Terminal-e-jonoob), Morsali, (neem metro lyn 1 na Terminal-e-Jonoob-stasie en gebruik dan die ondergrondse pas oos na die busterminal). Bedien bestemmings suid van Teheran, bv. Kashan, Qom, Isfahan en Shiraz. Kaartjieprys vir Isfahan ongeveer 300 000 rials en 600 000 rials vir Shiraz. Teheran Southern Bus Terminal (Q65718545) op Wikidata
  • 7 Beihaghi-busterminus (Terminal-e-beihaghi, Shahvand Beihaghi), langs Arzhantin Square (ongeveer 1,5 km suid-wes van die lyn 1 Mossallah-metrohalte (gedeelde taxi's na die terminale kos in September 2016 10 000 rials) of noordwes van die metrohalte Shahid Beheshti). Die stasie het dienste vanaf die meeste belangrike bestemmings in Iran, waaronder Mashhad, Esfahan, Rasht, Shiraz, Tabriz en Yazd. 'N Kaartjie vanaf Esfahan kos 255 000 rials (Sep 2016). (Q56361691) op Wikidata

Kry rond

35 ° 41′15 ″ N 51 ° 25′17 ″ O

Om verkeerverstopte, uitgestrekte Teheran te omseil, is 'n ware geduldstoets. Terwyl taxi's die beste opsie is, is dit duurder as die res van die land. 'N Groot plaaslike busnetwerk sal u ook feitlik oral bring waar u moet gaan, solank u die roetes en Persiese lynnommers kan verstaan. Die ware ster van Teheran se vervoerstelsel is egter die metro.

Met die bus

Teheran het 'n goedkoop, maar verwarrende busnetwerk. Sommige benodig voorafbetaalde kontaklose kaart (min 5 000 rials), wat u kan koop by hutte langs die bushaltes en metrostasies wat gebruik word as u van die bus afklim, en sommige moet kontant betaal word (tussen 1 000 en 4 000 rials). Die busse is in twee afdelings verdeel, slegs mans (die voorste gedeelte) en slegs vroue (die agterste gedeelte).

In die BRT-lyne is die afdeling slegs vir vroue aan die voorkant. Die fooi word ook op die stasie betaal, met die voorafbetaalde kontaklose kaart (gedeel met Metro), of aan die wag betaal.

Aangesien busnommers, roetebeskrywings en ander inligting in Persies is, is dit die beste manier om verward na 'n busterminaal te kyk; 'n plaaslike persoon sal sekerlik stop om te help. Elke buslyn het 'n sekere en byna onveranderlike pad, maar net mense weet presies watter busstasies vir 'n sekere pad bestaan. U mag nie 'n kaart of gidse verwag wat selfs in die Persies die busnetwerk of busstasies toon nie. Selfs om die busbestuurder te vra, sal ook nie vir u 'n goeie hulp wees nie. As u in 'n bus klim en 'n sekere stasie soek om aan te gaan, vra dan een om u te help - u sal vind dat baie mense u meestal wil help om u weg te vind.

Bus vinnige vervoer (BRT)

Die BRT-busse is rooi gekleur. BRT's het spesiale lyne en reis baie vinnig van Azadi-plein (wes van Teheran) direk na die Ooste (Terminal-e-Shargh). Spoorwegplein (suid van Teheran) direk na die noorde (Tajrish-plein). Azadi-plein tot gratis universiteit (noordwes). Azadi Square na South Terminal en parkway brug (noord van Teheran) na Jomhuri Square. Kostes 1 000-3 000 rials. Dit is die beste manier om te reis tydens baie verkeersure (07: 00-09: 00 & 16: 00-20: 00). BRT het baie stasies naby hoofstrate. Alhoewel u weens die skare moontlik nie 'n leë sitplek in die bus sal vind nie, gee mense hul plek aan u as hulle weet dat u 'n toeris is. Die vroue en mans sitplekke en rye is apart.

Met die metro

Teheran Metro

Teheran s'n metro-stelsel het sewe lyne wat u vinnig van die een kant van die stad na die ander sal laat draai sonder om die geraas, besoedeling en chaos van Teherani-verkeer te hanteer. Baie inwoners het egter besluit om hul motors te verlaat en met die metro te pendel, so verwag groot skares tydens spitstye.

Daar is sewe lyne, maar die twee bruikbaarste is lyne 1 (noord na suid - van Tajrish-stasie na Haram-e-Motahar-stasie) en 2 (oos na wes) wat by die sentrale Imam Khomeini-stasie aansluit. Alle stasies het borde in Persies en Engels. Treine ry elke tien minute of minder gedurende spitstye (15 minute op Vrydae en vakansiedae) van elke dag omstreeks 05:30 tot 23:00.

Lyn 6 (pienk lyn) is vanaf April 2019 vanaf Shohada Square op lyn 4 na Dowlat Abad geopen. Een tussenstasie is oop. Die res van die lyn en sy stasies is nog in aanbou.

Kaartjies geldig vir 1 of 2 ritte (insluitend die verandering van lyne) en kos 10 000 rials vir 'n enkele (Maart 2019). Daar is kaartjiehokkies by elke stasie. U kan ook 'n kontaklose tariefkaart koop, wat die beste opsie is as u baie metro's wil gebruik, of minder moeite wil hê deur 50 000 rials vir 'n kaart te betaal en dit op metro's en 'n paar stadsbusse te gebruik (as u dit gebruik betaal, betaal u gewoonlik minder as enige ander kaartjie, aangesien dit die langste reis op die netwerk hef). Daar is twee toegewyde vroue-waens aan elke punt van die trein. Vroue kan in elk geval kies om aan boord van die ander waens te reis, maar selde.

Daar is 'n paar programme vir Android- en iOS-toestelle om passasiers te help met die gebruik van die metro. U kan probeer om die Teheran Metro app wat gemaak is vir buitelandse reisigers. Eerstens kan u uself op Google-kaart (met stasies gemerk) en u bestemming bevind om te besluit in watter stasie u kan aankom en waarheen u wil aankom. Daarna kan u dit op die stasiekaart kies om 'n teksuitleg te kry oor die aanwysings en lynveranderings, sowel as 'n reistydskatting.

Met die taxi

Ou belasting

Net soos in die res van die land is daar privaat en gedeelde taxi's in oorvloed in Teheran, al is dit miskien moeiliker om die vervoer van 'n gedeelde taxi te midde van die verkeer en chaos, terwyl private taxi's duurder is as in die kleiner stede. Sien die Get Around-inligting op Iran vir besonderhede oor die vlag van 'n taxi. As u met 'n gedeelde taxi wil rondry, is dit die beste manier om van vierkant tot vierkant te spring, want bestuurders sal huiwerig wees om u op te laai as u geskreeu bestemming te ver van hul roete afwyk. Op elke plein vind u sekere plekke waar die privaat taxi's in 'n ry staan ​​en bestuurders die passasiers na 'n bestemming laat roep. (kom meestal voor in die tye wanneer die aantal wagende taxi's die aantal passasiers oorskry). In hierdie geval sal hulle wag totdat die motor vol passasiers word (meestal een persoon voor en 3 mense agter, uitgesluit die bestuurder). Andersins moet die mense in 'n tou staan ​​om te wag dat die taxi's kom. Dit is die geval tydens spitstye (ongeveer 07: 00-08: 00 en 17: 00-20: 00). Al hierdie is afhanklik van die vind van hul gewone stasie op die plein. U kan hulle ook vra om vroeër aan te gaan na u bestemming waar u wil, maar u moet hul totale fooi tot by die bestemming betaal. Die koste van so 'n rit vanaf Azadi-plein na Vanak-plein is ongeveer 10 000 rials vir elke persoon. Die meeste bestuurders is egter baie swak in Engels.


Snapp is ook die Iranse weergawe van Uber in Teheran, wat redelik goedkoop is en die prys word vooraf bereken. Die app kan afgelaai word vanaf Google Play Winkel en Apple App Store[dooie skakel] en is beskikbaar in Engels en Frans, maar 'n plaaslike SIM-kaart is nodig om dit te aktiveer. Alhoewel die bestuurders dalk nie goed Engelssprekend is nie, praat die ondersteuningslyn Engels goed en kan dit die kommunikasieprobleme tussen u en die bestuurder hanteer.

Motorfiets taxi's is 'n spesialiteit in Teheran en bied 'n manier om vinnig deur die stad se verkeersverstopte strate te vleg. U sien baie van hierdie bestuurders langs die pad staan ​​wat almal 'motor' noem en verby ry. Motortaxi bestuurders kan selfs meer selfmoord lyk as die gemiddelde bestuurder van Teheran. Stem saam oor 'n prys voorheen jy vertrek en verwag om iets minder te betaal as om 'n privaat taxi te huur.



  • 1 Die Azadi-toring (Persies: برج آزادی, Borj-e Āzādi), Kuy-e-Mehr Abad (Azadi Square Metro Station). Die jarelange simbool van Teheran is gebou om die 2500-herdenking van die Persiese rykdom te herdenk, wat elemente van Sassanidiese en Islamitiese argitektuur kombineer. Die ingang van die toring is direk onder die hoofkluis en lei na die Azadi-museum op die kelderverdieping. Moenie op die gras sit nie! Beamptes jaag mense weg. Azadi-toring (Q1140026) op Wikidata Azadi-toring op Wikipedia
  • 2 Mausoleum van Ayatollah Khomeini (Die graf van Imam Khomeini), naby Behesht-e Zahra, begraafplaasweg (بزرگراه بهشت ​​زهرا) (Metro: Haram-e-Motahar NW 300m,). Die reusagtige mausoleum is aan die suidelike rand van die stad. Die blote grootte van die heiligdom / winkelsentrum is genoeg om die reis die moeite werd te maak. Vroue kan chadors by die ingang leen. Sakke moet gratis by een van die saamgestelde deure gelos word. Toegang is gratis. Mausoleum van Khomeini (Q1076004) op Wikidata Mausoleum van Ruhollah Khomeini op Wikipedia
  • 3 Milad-toring (برج میلاد) (vanaf Metro Tarasht 3,5 km NO of vanaf Metro Hemmat 4 km W), 98 21 8436 1000. Die Milad-toring van 435 m is die vierde hoogste toring ter wêreld en die 12de hoogste losstaande struktuur ter wêreld, en dit is byna oral in Teheran sigbaar. Kaartjies vir toegang tot die waarnemingsitkamer moet vroegtydig bespreek word. Daar is verskeie restaurante in en om die toring, en 'n middelmatige kunsgalery. 2 besigtigingsdekke bestaan: binnenshuise koepel op 305 m - 350 000 rials, buitekyk op 250 m - 120 000 rials. Milad Tower (Q622796) op Wikidata Milad Tower op Wikipedia

Historiese terreine

  • 4 Golestan-paleis (Persies: کاخ گلستان uitgespreek 'Kakheh Golestān', Rose Garden Palace, Gulistan Palace), Khordad Sq. 15, Pamenar (پامنار) (M: Panzdah-e-Khordad 300m), 98 21 3311 3335, faks: 98 21 311 8338. 09:00 - 18:00, museums sluit om 17:00. Die oudste van die historiese monumente in Teheran. Die kompleks bestaan ​​uit 17 paleise, museums en sale. Die Golestan (Rose Garden) sitadel is een van die hoofsaaklik besoekte plekke in Teheran, wat die Qajars se koninklike woning was, en sy tuin is 'n oase van koelte en vrede in die hart van die stad. Die hoofgebou, argitektonies pretensieloos, huisves 'n museum met voorwerpe uit die Qajar-periode in die selfbelangrike styl van die vorige eeu. In die Golestan-tuin, 'n paviljoen van een verdieping aan die regterkant en 'n entjie van die ingang, skuil een van die bes georganiseerde museums in Teheran. Dit bevat ongeveer dertig uitstallings waarin byna alles wat verband hou met Iran aangebied word, wat die kritieke oorspronklikheid van die Iranse lewe in verskillende provinsies in die land uitmaak. Golestan Palace is by die UNESCO Wêrelderfenislys in 2013. Toegang tot 150 000 rials in die tuine, 300 000 rials vir die hoofgeboue en ander minder belangrike kamers (skilderye en voorwerpe), 80 000 rials vir ander geboue en museums. Meer as 1 miljoen rials in totaal as hulle van plan is om almal te besoek. Golestan-paleis (Q210610) op Wikidata Golestan-paleis op Wikipedia
    • 5 Takht Marmar (Marmer Troon). 'N Skouspelagtige terras (iwan) is in 1806 gebou in opdrag van Fath Ali Shah Qajar (r. 1797-1834). Versier deur skilderye, marmergravure, teëlwerk, pleisterwerk, spieëls, emalje, houtsneewerk en traliewerkvensters; die troon verpersoonlik die beste Iranse argitektuur. The Marble Throne is een van die oudste geboue van die historiese Arg. Die bestaande troon, wat in die middel van die terras (iwan) geleë is, is gemaak van die beroemde geel marmer van die Yazd-provinsie. Marmer troon (Q4267023) op Wikidata Marmer Troon op Wikipedia
    • 6 Khalvat Karim Khani (Hoek terras). Hierdie gebou was 'n deel van die woonhuis van Karim Khan Zand. Die basiese struktuur daarvan is soortgelyk aan Takht-e-Marmar. Daar is 'n klein marmer troon binne die terras. Die struktuur is baie kleiner as Takht-e-Marmar en het veel minder versiering. Dit lyk buitengewoon, maar die waardevolle grafsteen van Nasser-ol-Din Shah het sy weg na hierdie uithoek van die paleis gevind. Hierdie marmersteen met 'n begeerde beeld van Nasser-ol-Din Shah is inderdaad 'n plek om te aanskou. Khalvat Karim Khani (Q65921478) op Wikidata
    • Hoze Khaneh (Lentehal (Vijverhuis) کاخ شهوند). Die Hoze Khaneh is tydens die Qajar-oor as somerkamer gebruik. 'N Spesiale verkoelingstelsel met pompwater vorm 'n ondergrondse stelsel van strome (qanats) in klein damme binne die kamers. Hierdie stelsel word nie meer gebruik nie. Europese verf hier gehuisves.
    • Negar Khaneh (die galery). Hier is die skilderye van die koninklike hof, met die Europese verf in die Hose Khaneh en die werke van Iranse skilders in die Negar Khaneh (die Gallery). Die werke van Iraanse skilders is bedoel om die evolusie van die skilderkuns in Iran gedurende die Qajar-era aan te toon, en word in twee afdelings uitgestal. In die suidelike deel van die Negar Khaneh is die werke van vroeë Qajar-meesters soos Mirza Baba, Mehr Ali Afshar, Ali Akbar Khan Mozaien-ol-Douleh, Aboul Hassan Sani (Sanie-ol-Molk) wat Kamal-ol was- Molk se oom.
    • Talar Berelian (Hall of Brilliance). Die saal is gebou deur Nasser-ol-Din Shah-gebou om 'n ander saal met die naam Talar Bolour (Crystal Hall) te vervang. Die Bolour-saal is deur Fath Ali Shah gebou deur die klam verwoes. Die Berelian Hall is bekend vir sy spieëlwerk en kandelare.
  • 7 Niavaran-paleis (کاخ نیاوران), Pourebtehaj / Pvrabthaj (پورابتهاج) (vanaf die metrostasie Tajrish 4,5 km O; taxi's vertrek vanaf Tajrish Square; vra om afgelaai te word by Niavaran Square ("maydoone Niavaran"); 'n taxi "dar baste" moet 20,000-30,000 rials kos; Terwyl daar taxi's by die voorhekkie is, is 'n goedkoper opsie om 'n munisipale bus te gebruik wat by Tajrish Square eindig, as u die paleis verlaat; soek 'n bushalte op Niavaran St. wat naby 'n tak van die Refah Bank is), 98 21 2228 2012. Dit is 'n historiese kompleks wat bestaan ​​uit verskeie geboue en 'n museum. Die Saheb-Qaranieh-paleis (صاحبقرانیه), uit die tyd van Naser al-Din Shah van die Qajar-dinastie, is ook in die kompleks. - Jahan Nama Museum(کاخ‌موزه‌های نیاوران): Niavaran Palace, Niavaran Ave., telefoon 98 21 228 2012, Faks: 98 21 228 2079. - Bioskoopmuseum(موزه سینمای ایران): Niavaran Palace Museum, Niavaran, 98 21 228 2012/5. Niavaran Palace Complex (Q1984633) op Wikidata Niavaran-kompleks op Wikipedia
  • 8 Masoudieh-paleis (Emarat-e Masoudieh), 98 21 3399 2013. 08:00 - 17:00. Gebou in 1879 vir die prins Mass’oud Mirza - die seun van Nasseredin Shah, die goewerneur van Isfahan. 200 000 rials. Masoudieh Mansion (Q5958245) op Wikidata
Saadabad-paleis, Teheran
  • 9 Saadabad-paleis, Vali Asr Ave (Die Saadabad-paleis en museumkompleks kan te voet vanaf Tajrish Square bereik word. Loop Sa'dabad St. op, verby die Arg-winkelsentrum en draai links as u Afraz St. bereik. Draai regs by die volgende kruising en stap Javdan St. af, draai weer regs by die volgende kruising. Gaan tot by die einde van Taheri St. waar die suidpoort geleë is. Toegang tot die park is gratis, maar u moet vooraf alle kaartjies vir die museums wat u wil besoek by die hek koop. Wees versigtig vir verkeer terwyl u daar loop!), 98 21 228 2031, faks: 98 21 228 2079. 'N Paleis gebou deur die Pahlavi-dinastie van Iran in die Shemiran-gebied in Teheran. Die kompleks is vir die eerste keer in die 19de eeu bewoon deur Qajar-vorste en koninklike familie. Dele van die Saadabad Palace-samestelling is museums waarin besoekers kan dwaal en die ryk geskiedenis van Iran kan bekyk. Die kompleks bestaan ​​uit die volgende museums: Klara Abkar Skildermuseum, Hossein Behzad (miniatuur) skildermuseum, Abkar Miniatuur Museum, Beeldende Kunsmuseum (18de en 19de eeuse Europese skilderye), Kamaleddin Behzad Miniatuur Museum, Mahmoud Farshchian Miniatuur Museum, - Mellat Palace Museum, Militêre Museum (موزه نظامی), Mir Emad Kalligrafie Museum, Etnologiese navorsingsmuseum, Iranse Nasionale Oorlogsmuseum Groen Museum (Shah Reza Somerpaleis), Watermuseum (behoud, herstel en inkomste-werking van water in Iran). Rojat-paleis, Ebrat-paleis (moeder), Vaartuigmuseum (Ashraf-paleis), Dafineh Museum, Farideh Diba-paleis, Natuurhistoriese museum. Ander geboue op ingewikkelde gebied: Shahram-paleis, Prince-paleis, Leila-paleis, Farahnaz-paleis, Hamid Reza-paleis, Gholamreza-paleis, Nasiri-paleis, Twin Ghajar-paleis. Sa'dabad-paleis (Q1969012) op Wikidata Sa'dabad-kompleks op Wikipedia
    • Groen paleis. Gebou in 1922-1928. Belangrikste dele daarvan: wagkamer, Reza Shah-werkkamer, seremoniesaal, Reza shah-eetkamer, gang, Reza Shah-slaapkamer, seremoniesaal.
    • Nasionale Kunsmuseum (موزه هنرهای زیبا?, Afrika-museum) (in die distrik Baharestan.). Deel van Saadabad-paleis; geskenke aan die Shahs van Chinese, Indiese en Afrika-afvaardigings.
  • 10 Spionagekuil (Taleghani metro stasie). Sluit om 18:30. Die voormalige Amerikaanse ambassade wat in 1979 deur rewolusionêre studente bestorm is, is nou 'n museum. Anti-Amerikaanse propagandaskilderye versier die mure van die verbinding. Ten spyte van die amptelike vyandigheid is Iraniërs in die strate rondom die voormalige ambassade vriendelik teenoor Amerikaners en ander buitelanders. 200 000 rials (Mrt 2019).


  • 11 Azadi-museum, Azadi-plein (Persies: میدانِ آزادی) (M: Azadi Square Metro Station), 98 21 602 3951, faks: 98 21 600 8168. Die Azadi-museum is onder die Azadi-toring geleë.
  • 12 Tesourie van die nasionale juwele, Ferdosi St (فردوسی), naby die hoek van Jomhuriyeh Eslami Ave (Metro: Saadi 300 m NO of M: Imam Khomeini 200 m; kyk vir die swaar ysterhek en geweer-wagte langs die Sentrale Bank). Sa-Di 14: 00-16: 30. As u goud en glinsterings wil kwyl, kyk hier. U sal 'n versameling van die duurste juwele ter wêreld sien. Hoogtepunte sluit in die wêreld se grootste ongeslypte robyn, die grootste pienk diamant ter wêreld (die See van die Lig) en 'n losstaande goue bol wat van 34 kg goud gemaak is en 'n verstommende 51 366 edelgesteentes. Die versameling bestaan ​​uit 'n stel krone en trone, ongeveer 30 tiaras, talle aigrette, swaarde en skilde met juweelbesighede, 'n groot hoeveelheid kosbare los edelgesteentes, waaronder die grootste versameling smaragde, robyne en diamante ter wêreld. Dit bevat ook ander items wat deur die Shahs van Iran versamel is tydens die 2500-jarige bestaan ​​van die Iranse koninkryk. Toegangsfooi vir 200 000 rials. 'N Insiggewende 6 000 rials-inligtingsboek is beskikbaar. Tesourie van nasionale juwele (Q5949273) op Wikidata Tesourie van nasionale juwele op Wikipedia
  • 13 Nasionale Museum van Iran (Bastan-museum van Iran, Persies: موزهٔ ملی ایران Mūze-ye Millī-ye Irān), 30ste Tir (سی تیر) (M: Imam Khomeini 200 m SE, - 30ste Tir St. en Imam Ave. Kruising), 98 21 670 2061 (/6), faks: 98 21 670 2648. 08: 00-19: 00 (Maart 2019). Dit het keramiek, klipfiguurtjies en kerfwerk wat dateer tot in die 5de millennium vC. Dit is die kombinasie van twee museums, die ou gebou (toegangsfooi: 300,000 rials) wat gewy is aan die voor-Islamitiese versameling wat dateer uit die Neolitiese periode tot die Sassanid-periode en die nuwe gebou (toegangsfooi 200,000 rials) wat gewy is aan die Islamitiese geskiedenis van Iran van 1400 jaar. Building One bestaan ​​uit drie sale. Die drie sale bevat artefakte uit die onderste, middelste en boonste paleite, sowel as die Neolitiese, Chalkolitiese, vroeë en laat Bronstydperk, en die Ystertydperk I-III, deur die tydperk Mediaan, Achaemenid, Seleukid, Parthia en Sassanid. Die post-Islamitiese deel van die museum is in 1996 ingewy en bestaan ​​uit drie verdiepings. Dit bevat verskillende stukke erdewerk, tekstiele, tekste, kunswerke, astrolabes en adobe kalligrafie uit die 1400 jaar lange Islamitiese geskiedenis van Iran. Vind ook hier: Islamitiese tydperk museum. 200,000 rials, 300,000 rials. Nasionale Museum van Iran (Q1631008) op Wikidata Nasionale Museum van Iran op Wikipedia
  • 14 Safir kantoormasjienmuseum (Persies: موزه ماشین‌های اداری سفیر, Ambassador Museum, موزه سفیر), Nr 232, Kalantari? Cross, Noord-Iranshahr straat ?, (خیابان ایرانشهر) (Van M Ferdosi Noord?), 98 21 8832 0320, faks: 98 21 8831 8804, . F 11: 00-16: 00, Sa-W 09: 00-19: 00, Do 09: 00-18: 00. Dit is in 2008 gestig deur Frashad Kamalkhani, die eienaar van die museum. Dit bevat 'n versameling vroeë kantoormasjiene.
  • 15 Saad Abad Beeldende Kunsmuseum (Persies: کاخ سعدآباد, Kakhe malakeye madar, White Palace), Darband, Zafaraniyeh, Tajrish, Valiasr St. (vanaf M: Tajrish 1,5 km NW). Gebou in neoklassieke styl, in 1920.
  • 16 Glasware Museum van Teheran (موزه آبگینه و سفالینه, Abguineh Museum), Behjat Abad. - Jomhoori (of Jomhouri?) Ave., of Republic Street?, Sytyr (30ste Tir) St, No. 55-75 ?; (vanaf M: Hassan Abad 0,7 km NO), 98 21 670 8153, faks: 98 21 670 5614. Di-So 09: 00-17: 00. 25 000 rials vir buitelandse toeriste, 2 500 rials vir Iranse volwassenes. Abgineh Museum van Teheran (Q1479500) op Wikidata Abgineh Museum van Teheran op Wikipedia
  • 17 Iran se nasionale tapytgalery en tapytmuseum (Persies: موزه فرش ایران), Dr Fatemi (دکتر فاطمی) (vanaf M: Enqelab-Eslami 1,5 km N, naby Laleh Park, Fatemi en Noord-Kargar kruising). Dit vertoon 'n verskeidenheid Persiese tapyte van regoor Iran, wat dateer uit die 18de eeu tot nou. Dit het 'n biblioteek wat 7 000 boeke bevat. Tapytmuseum van Iran (Q970335) op Wikidata Tapytmuseum van Iran op Wikipedia
  • 18 Reza Abbasi Museum (Persies: موزه رضا عباسی), Seyed Khandan, 972 Shariati Ave (voor Seyed Khandan-brug; dit kan met die Resalat-snelweg bereik word; vanaf M: Aliabad 500 m NO), 98 21 863001-2, 98 21 863003, faks: 98 21 863006. Di-So 09: 00-17: 00. Die versamelings van hierdie museum is vernoem na Reza Abbasi, een van die kunstenaars in die Safavid-periode, en behoort tot 'n tydperk vanaf die 2de millennium vC tot die vroeë 20ste eeu. 25 000 rials vir buitelandse toeriste, 2 500 rials vir Iranse volwassenes. Reza Abbasi Museum (Q7319720) op Wikidata Reza Abbasi Museum op Wikipedia
  • 19 Teheran Museum of Contemporary Art (Persies: موزه هنرهای معاصر تهران), North Kargar Ave. (کارگر شمالی), 98 21 88963200, faks: 98 21 886 1664, . Do-Sa 10: 00-17: 30. Vertoon die werke van groot kunstenaars soos Van Gogh, Pablo Picasso en Andy Warhol. Die versameling van hierdie skilderye is gekies deur die voormalige keiserin Farah Diba. Teheran Museum of Contemporary Art (Q1756399) op Wikidata Teheran Museum of Contemporary Art op Wikipedia
  • 20 Darabad Museum of Natural History (Dar-abad Natuur- en Wildmuseum), Muzeh, Dar-abad (Vanaf Aghdasiyeh Metro Station 2 km N), 98 21 22803539, faks: 98 21 228 8254. 20 Maart-20 Sept: M-Sa 08: 30-20: 30, 21 Sept-19 Maart: M-Sa 08: 30-18: 30 Sondag. Iran se bekendste museum vir natuur en wild. (Q5958443) op Wikidata
  • 21 Voormalige Qasr-gevangenis (Gevangenis Ghasr, زندان قصر), Marvdasht? Qelichkhani?. Gesluit of verhuis? Nou is daar die Islamitiese rewolusiehof? (دادگاه انقلاب اسلامی) - Dit is in 1790 in die vorm van 'n paleis in die vorm van 'n paleis van Fat'h Ali Shah van die Qajar-dinastie gebou. Qasr-gevangenis (Q4993148) op Wikidata Museum van die Qasr-gevangenis op Wikipedia
  • 22 Tydmuseum (Tamasha-gah Zaman, تماشاگه زمان), Asad Abad? No. 12, Baqdadi St. (Baghdadi Bahar), (Zaferanieh St., Vali Asr Ave., Farmaniye distrik, noord van Teheran - Bus BRT 7 na 'Baagh Ferdows'), 98 21 241 7336. Evolusie van tydmetingsinstrumente. In 'n gebou (700 m²) met 'n tuin (0,6 ha). Hossein Khodadad House (Q5938023) op Wikidata
  • 23 Geldmuseum (تماشاگه پول), No.1, Daman Afshar (نبش کوچه دفینه), Mirdamad Street (Mirdamad Blvd?), Vali Asr Ave (vanaf Metro 'Haghani' NW 1 km), 98 21 879 5994, 98 21 877 4745, faks: 98 21 877 4744. Muntstukke en banknote uit verskillende historiese tydperke. Dafineh Museum (Q5929072) op Wikidata
  • 24 Voormalige Towhid-gevangenis, nou die Edification Museum (Ebrat Museum), 11, Martyr Yarjani St, - Kushk Mesri St. (Ferdousi Ave., Imam Khomeini Sq. (ميدان امام خميني) - vanaf Metro 'Imam Khomeini' 300m NW). Toere daagliks 10:00 & 14:00. Persies: بازداشتگاه توحید. Die gevangenis van Shah word ouer. Dit was 'n nie-amptelike aanhoudingsentrum in Teheran, wat teen teenstanders van die Islamitiese Republiek Iran gebruik is totdat dit in 2000 gesluit is.
  • 25 13 (Martelare?) Aban Museum (شهدا), Imam (Sepah) Sq. (vanaf M 'Emam Hossein' NW 0,7 km), 98-21 670-1915. Sa-Do 09: 00-20: 00. Skilderye, beeldhouwerke van mense, konings, kunstenaars en wetenskaplikes. Meesterwerke van "Seyed Ali Akbar Sanati".
  • 26 Lugmagmuseum, Karaj-snelweg (جاده مخصوص کرج) (Ekbatan Metrostasie 1 km suid), 98 21 600 9318, faks: 98 21 600 8168.
  • 27 Akskhaneh Shahr (Fotografie Museum), Bahar-e-Shiraz Ave (Vanaf die metrostasie Haft-e-Tir, 0,8 km oos), 98-21 884-8993. Antieke foto's, gereedskap en toerusting.
  • 28 Muntmuseum (سکه), Imam Khomeini Avenue, Amnar (امنار) (M: Imam Khomeini), 98 21 311 1091, faks: 98 21 311 3936. Bank Sepah Coin Museum (Q5913546) op Wikidata
  • 29 Dr. Hesabi-gedenkmuseum, 8 Hesabi St., Zaferanieh, Vali Asr Ave (M 'Tajrish' 0,9 km, hoek van die 17de straat), 98 21 223 1676, faks: 98 21 221 8548. Mahmoud Hessabi-museum (Q5953394) op Wikidata Mahmoud Hessabi-museum op Wikipedia
  • Etnologiese museum, 15 Khordad Sq (Sa ’d-Abad-paleis?), 21 311 0653, 98 21 311 3335.
  • 30 Geologie Museum, Meraj Blvd?., Azadi Ave, 98-21 600-7537, 98-21 607-1981 (tot 1990), faks: 98-21 600-9338. Daagliks 09: 00-12: 00, beperk tot skoolkinders.
  • Haft-Chenar-wildmuseum, 21 573 8745, faks: 98 21 573 8747. Sa-Do 09: 00-18: 00. Persies: تنوع زیستی حیات وحش
  • Geskiedenis Museum, Afrouz St., Pirouzi Ave., Shohada Square, 98 21 878 8680, 98 21 878 8681, faks: 98 21 877 4744. Vertoon 500 kunswerke oor die 200-jarige geskiedenis van Teheran.
  • 31 Iran Historiese Motormuseum (موزه خودروهای تاریخی ایران در), Snelweg Lashkary, snelweg Karaj (Vanaf Metro Chitgar SW 2,7 km - langs Sepah Store), 98 21 44 52 5892, faks: 98 21 44 53 7763. Do V Sa 08: 00-20: 00. Die versameling bevat 45 keisermotors, 2 koninklike waens en 3 motorfietse. Nasionale Motormuseum van Iran (Q13218982) op Wikidata Nasionale Motormuseum van Iran op Wikipedia
  • Iranse museum vir elektriese nywerhede? (صنعت برق ایران), Afrouz St., Pirouzi Ave., Shohada Square?, 98 21 326 2328. (Q5949621) op Wikidata
  • 32 Geskiedenis Museum, Qobadian St., Vali Asr Ave. (Vanaf Metro Haghani NW 0,5 km), 98 21 878 8683. Su-F 09: 00-13: 00; 14: 00-20: 00.
  • 33 Malek Nasionale Museum en Biblioteek (عکسخانه), Baq Melli, Imam Sq, 98 21 672 6653, 98 21 672-6613, faks: 98 21 672 7364. 08:30-13:30. Kunsversamelings, munte, seëls, matte. Malik Nasionale Museum van Iran (Q6743603) op Wikidata Malik Nasionale Museum van Iran op Wikipedia
  • Nasionale Kunsmuseum (Kamal-ol-molk St, Baharestan Sq), 98 21 311 6329. Dit was deel van die Golestan-paleis, maar nou is dit in 'n regeringsgebou geleë. Dit is 'n klein museum, maar met goeie meubels en skilderye.
  • 34 Natuurhistoriese museum, 9 9 Qaem Maqam-e-Farahani Ave (M Mofateh 1 km oos), 98 21 884 3498, 98 21 882 4513, faks: 98 21 883 1297. Sa-W 07: 00-12: 00; 13: 00-15: 00. Natuurlike monsters met betrekking tot geologie, dierkunde, plantkunde, fossiele van plante en diere op vier vlakke.
  • Rassam Arab-zadeh Carpet (فرش) Museum, 7 First Boustan, Pasdaran Ave, 98 21 284 9775, 98 21 284 7911, faks: 98 21 284 7912. Sa-Th 09:00-20:00. Small rug exhibit (30 pieces). (Q25423558) op Wikidata
  • 35 Saba House (صبا), No. 92, Zahiro-Islam St., Baharestan, 98 21 311 1246. Sa-M W-Th 08:00-16:00. Iranian Musician Memorial Museum. (Q5907487) op Wikidata
  • 36 Stained Glass Painting Museum (نقاشی پشت شیشه), No.348, Hedayat St., (Sadi Ave.) (Hedayat & Tonekabon Intersection,), 98 21 752 6777. Tu-Sa 09:00-18:00. (Q5704480) op Wikidata
  • Tehran University Science Museum (Tehran University), 98 21 611 2629, 98 21 611 2701.
  • 37 Telephone, Post & Telegraph Museum (پست و تلگراف), Imam khomeini Ave, 98 21 670 0503, 98-21 671-028, 98-21 674-454, faks: 98 21 670 9170. Tu-Su 09:00-12:00; 13:00-15:00. Post- en kommunikasiemuseum van Teheran (Q5700418) op Wikidata
  • Zoological Museum (تنوع زیستی) (Agriculture Faculty of Tehran University).
  • 38 National Museum of the Holy Quran (موزه ملی قرآن کریم). (Q47531288) op Wikidata


A1one (aka Alonewriter, tanha) graffitis and street art works are a sort of interesting stuff in Tehran's Urban Space. A famous local graffiti artist is at the centre of controversy about whether his work is art or vandalism, and you can see his early works on the Tehran-Karaj Expressway, on the southern side walls UP in Ekbatan and Apadana districts. A more recent work of stencil art is found at the entrance of the Saba Art Institute. - Kolahstudio-an Art Basement, Iranian Underground Arts.


Parks and recreation

  • 1 Tochal Mountain (تله‌کابین توچال), end of Velenjak St, Zafaraniyeh (Metro line 1 to Tajrish station, then minibus (15,000 rials) or a taxi to the telecabin entry gate. From the entry gate a minibus service (10,000 rials) can take you to the 1st station), 98 21 22404001-4. Th F 06:30 till sundown, Sa Su Tu W 08:30 - 14:30. A recreation area on Mount Tochal that offers hiking trails, a ski resort, gym and other activities. It's also a great place to get some scenic views over Tehran and enjoy a little peace and quiet in contrast to the bustling city. Usually people get to the top using cable car. Embarkation point of which is at the 2 gondola lifts' 1st station. However, if you're energetic (or strapped for money), you can simply hike all the way up. You can also start walking and hop on one of the telecabins at the next station when you get tired. If going to the top, bring a jacket, even in summer, as the summit is 4,000 m above sea level so it can be chilly. There are lots of restaurants and cafes near the 1st station and entrance gate, and only one canteen upper on the mountain - at the 5th station. Besides, there is an alpin coaster at the base of the gondola lifts that offers a scenic ride for 200,000 rials. Tickets range from 100,000-380,000 rials depending on how far up the mountain you want to go. Skiing 650,000 rials which also has a side bonus of priority boarding the cabins.
There are also two alternative ways of hiking up the mountain:
  • 3 Darband, Darband (taxis to Darband go from Tajrish metro station). This is the alternative way to climb Tochal mountain. The walk goes across a canyon to Tochtal (مسیر کوهپیمایی به توچال از طریق دربند). Short-ride chair lift is also available here and leads to the upper platform, operates only during weekend Th–F 07:00–18:00.
  • 4 Darake (دركه), Darakeh (the easiest way to get there is to take a taxi or minibus from Tajrish Square). This is another entry point into nearby mountains. Like Darband, Darake hiking trail begins with tens of open-air restaurants alongside a stream.
The Tabiat Bridge
  • 5 Jamshidieh Park, Niavaran district, Omidvar (from M: Tajrish 3 km NE or from Aghdasiyeh Subway Station 2.5 km NW). It is one of the most picturesque and beautiful parks in Tehran. It is at the base of the Kolakchal Mountain. Mellat Park in Valiasr street is one of the largest recreation areas in the Middle-East. Niavaran Park is one of Tehran's famous and most pleasant public city parks. It is in the Niavaran district and is immediately south of the Niavaran Palace Complex. Additionally there are some large parks called "park-e-jangali" (literally "forest park") around (and some inside) the city which are very popular among the locals for picnic. The most famous one is Chitgar in the west of the city and is accessible via Karaj road.
  • 6 Ab-o-Atesh Park and the Tabiat Bridge (پارک آب و آتش و پل طبیعت) (the closest metro station is Shahid Haghani (line 1); the park is also a 15-minute walk away from Vanak Sq). The Ab-o-Atesh (lett. "Water and Fire") Park is one of Tehran's newest and most impressive. The highlight of the park is the Pol-e Tabiat or Nature Bridge, which offers spectacular views of north Tehran and the Alborz mountain range. Populated by the well-to-do urban middle classes of Tehran, this friendly park offers a plethora of cafes and restaurants, most of which can be found along the Rah-e Joobi of Wooden Road Food Court (رستوران‌های راه چوبی) in the southern section of the park (nearly all of the restaurants there are open only after 20:00 as it is customary for Iranians to eat dinner late in the evening). The park and its surroundings also offer other services, such as a skate park.
Chitgar lake in snow.
  • 7 Chitgar Lake (دریاچه چیتگر). Also known as the Lake of Martyrs of the Persian Gulf, is an artificial and recreational lake in the north of Chitgar Park. The total area of this complex is about 250 hectares; 130 hectares across the lake, and the rest of it goes for the coastal zone and resorts. The lake has good weather and it's host to migratory birds in some seasons. Chitgar Lake (Q16047980) op Wikidata Chitgar Lake op Wikipedia
  • 8 Paradise Garden, Baq-e Ferdous Park? (باغ فردو س), Delbar (From Metro 'Tajrish' West 1.1 km).


  • 9 Tehran City Theater (Tehran Theater of the Performing Arts, Te'atr e Shahr, Persian: مجموعه فرهنگی و هنری تئاترشهر), Enghelab és Vali Cross Street (تقاطع خیابان انقلاب و ولی‌عصر) (From M Enqelab-Eslami 0.5 km east), 98 21 66460592, faks: 98 21 66460594. Architect Ali Sardar Afkhami designed the main building in the 1960s, later (1972) expanded.
  • 10 Talar Vahdat Theater. Roudaki Hall (Q2389872) op Wikidata Vahdat Hall op Wikipedia


University of Tehran Entrance gate

It is easy to find work in Tehran, but you must have a university diploma to be applicable for good jobs. Although there is some inflation, many of the people in Tehran have good and well paying jobs. Like every other big developing world city, there's a big difference between poor and rich.


Geld omruil

For information on Iranian currency see Iran#Buy.

You can exchange your currency in most banks after filling out between two and five forms, but the exchange rate in exchange offices (sarraafis) is always better than what is offered by banks. It is much advisable to go to one of these 1 money exchange offices at Ferdosi Ave (close to Jewels Museum). Such offices can also be found in other parts of the city, but are far more scattered. Ask them to show you a copy of their license, issued by the Central Bank of the country and/or the local guild. A list of licensed sarraafis of the whole country, in Persian (Farsi), can be found hier. This list includes phone numbers and addresses as well as license numbers and dates.

Also, most exchange offices in Tehran don't exchange before 09:00, when the daily rate gets fixed.

Do not exchange your money with one of the many individuals offering to exchange along Ferdosi St. It is much riskier and illegal. They might be criminals offering counterfeit money.

As for March 2019, exchange offices in Tehran were not exchanging, and they announced lower rate than at the airport. The best rate was (surprisingly) at the airport, and higher than stated at XE Currency Exchange. Accommodation can be paid in euros, so you do not need to exchange all the money for the trip. In March 2019, they were changing 151,000-153,000 rials for €1; 170,000-173,000 rials for £1; 139,000 rials for US$1 (dollar rate as of 26 Apr 2019) - at the airport, first floor (departures).

Bazaars and shopping malls

Besoek die Bazaar, very appropriate for shopping. It ranges from cheap things to very expensive luxury things. You can find almost anything in the Bazaar, from clothing to carpets, kitchen accessories, decorations, jewellery....

Daar is ook talle winkelsentrums in the city. Valiasr Street and Tajrish Square (also includes a traditional bazaar) are two of the many locations full of shopping centres in Tehran.

  • 2 Grand Bazaar of Tehran (بازار), Panzdah-e-Khordad St (0.5 km SE from metro Panzdah-e-khordad. Ask for Zaid Mosque (امامزاده زید) at Northern limit of the Bazaar). Wander around Tehran's massive bazaar. The main entrance on 15 Khordad Ave leads to a labyrinth of stalls and shops that were once the engine room of Iran's commodity markets and one of Imam Khomeini's greatest sources of conservative, pro-Revolution support. As usual, shops are clustered according to the products they sell. If you're planning on heading out into remote areas, the bazaar is an ideal and cheap place to stock up on almost anything you need. Teheran Grand Bazaar (Q1548608) op Wikidata Grand Bazaar, Teheran op Wikipedia
  • 3 Milad-e-Noor Mall, 2nd St/Farahzadi St (north 0.5 km from Pardisan Park -).
  • 4 Behjat Abad Market (Bazar Roze Behjat Abad), Aban Street (خیابان آبان) Karimkhan St (from Shahid Nejatolahi Subway Station SW 0.7 km - east from Behjat Abad Park). For those interested in cooking, Behjat Abad Market offers a good variety of fresh ingredients all year round.
  • 5 Palladium Mall, Moqadas Ardabili St (BRT Line 7, Homayooni stop (همایونی)). The confectionery shop next to the supermarket is perfect for shopping souvenir sweets. Though on the pricey side by Iranian standards, the quality of the sweets is also high. Look out for the Tehranis who are wearing traditional black chadoors; they are a distinct minority among the well-to-do clientele of this ultra-modern mall.

Computer software

Due to Iran's refusal to sign the Bern Convention, the sale of pirated software is legal in the country. However, bringing the software home is likely to be illegal and may carry large fines or jail sentences if caught. The software might also not include the correct ID keys and therefore might not work on your computer. Buyer beware!

Places where pirated software is for sale include the bazaar at the corner of Vali-e-Asr Avenue and Enghelab Avenue, Bazar-e-Reza, Bazar-e-Iran, and the "Paytakht Computer Complex", a modern complex of seven storeys filled with computer equipment at the intersection of Vali-e-Asr and Mirdamad. The prices at the "Bazaar Reza" (at Charrah-e-Vali-e-Asr) are usually cheaper. Some of the computer equipment that is sold in Iran are cheap knockoffs.

  • 6 Paytakht Computer Complex, At intersection of Vali-e-Asr and Mirdamad (from M 'Haghani' west 1.7 km).

Jewellery & gold

Jewellery & gold boutiques in Geisha, Milade Noor, Karim Khaan St. Golds, gems, and diamonds.

Bags & shoes

Designer bags and shoes such as Gucci, Versace, Dior, Armani in Golestan shopping centre & Milade noor.


Prices quoted on the menu may exclude an 8% tax, a 10-15% service charge, and a 10% tip. Be prepared to add as much as 1/3 to the prices quoted on the menu.


You'll find cheap & good enough abgoosht stew in any of the places they call ghahvekhuneh (قهوه‌خانه) which you can find in any non-strictly-residential area. Just ask for a ghahvekhuneh or get this قهوه‌خانه printed and show it. Nice traditional working class ambience as a rule.

You can find several food courts around Tehran with a variety of cuisines from Thailand, India, Italy, China and Turkey.

  • Delsin Sandwiches, Jordan Blvd, in Golfam St. Kebab and sandwich joints are found everywhere. This one has interesting salad, and humus (lebanese mezeh). They have roast beef, chicken, turkey sandwiches that comes with fresh vegetables, like mint and basil. andwiches priced between US$2-4.
  • Dizi Sara, Jordan Blvd. A hangout of the rich and famous. Abgosht (meat stew) 400,000 rials.
  • Falafel Stalls, 15 Khordad Ave (across the road from the bazaar). 10,000-25,000 rials.
  • Food Court at Jaam-e-Jam Mini Mall, Corner of Vali Asr Ave & Taheri Street. A sight to see - not for the food. This is the closest thing in Iran to a pick up bar. Teenagers push the limits on acceptable clothing. Has western import products in several stores underneath. There is also a decent bakery here with western type bread.
  • Iranian Traditional Restaurant, 28 Keshavarz Blvd (near Agha Bozorg Mosque, underground, down a staircase east of the Canon/Konica shop). Young Iranians flirting, smoking flavored water pipe, and eating. The dizi is recommended. Dizi: 55,000 rials.
  • Super Star Fried Chicken (SFC). The Iranian version of KFC. Serves very good chicken burgers.
  • 1 Traditional Restaurant Karimkhan, Karim Khan Bridge/Blvd. A cozy place serving fantastic Dizi among other traditional dishes. Cute little canaries are flying around. Dizi: 170,000 rials.
  • 2 Restaurant Moslem, Bazar, District 12 (North West corner of Sabzeh Meydan Square), 98 21 5560 2275. Huge (very huge!) portions that are hard to finish. That is why most of the locals pack about half the portion for take-away (free). The canteen-like place is super crowded at lunchtime and the people form a long queue. Get an ordering number at the entrance first. Upstairs you can watch the bustling square while enjoying your meal.
  • When in the Bazaar, don't miss out the 'Sharafol-eslam' restaurant in the Bazaar. It is very famous for its kebabs and chickens, excellent food, excellent quality, you'll never have enough. It gets really crowded though, which requires some patience.


  • Barbod Restaurant, 87 Seoul St.; Vanak Square.
  • Coffee Shop & Veggie Restaurant at Iranian Artists' Forum, Baghe Honarmandan, Moosavie Str, Taleghani Ave. (just behind the Den of Espionage (former US Embassy) inside the Iranian Artists' Forum building. There are two restaurants at Artists Forum, the vegetarian one is reached from inside the building (turn right as you go in) and has a terrace overlooking the park), 98 21 88310462. Fantastic place to stock up on those much needed vegetables. The menu is pure veg and very, very good. Also, great coffees and desserts at very reasonable prices. Serves pizza, sandwiches, and salads
  • Dizi, near Karimkhane-e Zand St. downtown. A beautiful Dizisara. With many Miniature paintings on walls and a nice meal of Abgusht (traditional Iranian soup-like food, but way heavier than normal soups), it is worth a visit for lunch. Not open for dinner.
  • Farid, 39 Shahid Sereni St (5-minute walk from Vali Asr Street). Speciality is the steamed blue fish.
  • Hani, Corner of Vali Asr Street & Motahari Street. Delicious Iranian food served buffet style.
  • Iran Tak, 431 Vali Asr Street (Just north of the metro station. Look for the unmarked ornate blue tile entrance and a staircase down to the basement). Ambient cellar restaurant with ornate chandelier and fountain. Popular with young people since water pipe smoking is allowed for both men and women. Try the lamb leg dishes. Complete meal with drink: 250,000 rials.
  • Khayyam Restaurant (200m south of the Khayyam metro station, opposite the mosque). Beautifully decorated, originally part of the mosque. 300-year-old building restored in 2002. Typical Iranian food.
  • SPU Restaurant, Darakeh Square, 98 21 224 19494. Iranian food. Ranked as one of the best outdoor restaurants in Tehran.


  • Alborz Restaurant, Nikoo Ghadam Alley & North Sohrevardi Avenue. Many locals regard this as a fairly good chelo kababi in Tehran.
  • Bistango @ Raamtin Hotel, 2153 Vali Asr Street. European décor and cuisine. Serves high-end dishes such as filet mignon, caviar, prawns.
  • Divan, Fayazi Blvd (Fereshteh) (SAM Shopping Center - 8th Floor), 98 21-22653853. Fusion Persian food in a luxurious setting. Consistently ranked as one of the best restaurants in Tehran.
  • Monsoon, 8 Gandhi Street (Shahid Ghandi Shopping Center). The best Asian restaurant in Tehran, serving good Thai curries and decent sushi. European décor and music.
  • Nayeb, 2220 Vali Asr Street (Across the street from the Raamtin Hotel). Traditional Iranian food served in style.


  • Bahar Confectionary, Sarcheshmeh Crossroad (Beside Keshavarzi Bank). The oldest Confectionary of Iran founded 1938. birthplace of paderazi and sugar bread. Best Known for traditional Paderazi and Shekari cookies. Quality is guaranteed. Diverse range of cookies and pastries are available.


For information on popular drinks in Iran, see Iran # Drink


Coffee shops are a great place for people watching as well as drinking.

  • There is a string of coffee shops on the south side of Jomhuriyeh Eslami Ave, a couple of hundred metres west of Ferdosi St. You can stock up on coffee beans and related paraphernalia, or even sample a cup for 4,000 rials.
  • Cafe Naderi - serves coffee, tea and pastries to a mix of Tehran's intelligentsia and bohemian elite. It's a great place to sit and watch hip young guys eyeing gossiping girls while old men reminisce about the "good ol' days" under the Shah.
  • Gramophone Cafe, Charrahe Vali-e Asr (Vali-e Asr St. - In front of Theatre building). If you want talk to your friends, you can go to Gramophone coffee shop, listen to nice music, and have a nice coffee. Some of people who work there can speak English. Ask for Beiruz.
  • Crystal Coffeeshop (at the top of the Borj-e Sefid Hotel) along Pasdaran Ave, Definitely worth a visit if in the area for the relaxing drink and view.

Tea houses

  • Azari Traditional Tea House - Just north of the train station. A bit far from the center but worth the trek. The atmospehere here is unique, from the moment you enter from the beaded doorway. This is a popular hangout for people of all ages. Features an eclectic collection of water pipes and tea pots.
  • Chai bar (Anjoman Khoshnevisan), 145 North Salimi Blvd (Farmanieh), 98 21 22210310. In a beautiful historic garden in Tehran. It is an ideal place to spend late afternoons/evenings. It offers great selection of teas and coffees as well as sandwiches.
  • Gandhi Shopping centre. For trendy cafes filled with liberal Iranians. You will find about ten coffeeshops as well as a few very good restaurants, including Monsoon.

Juice bars

  • In many places you can find fresh sickly-sweet carrot juice - as well as some other juices - for just 30,000 rials a cup.
  • By most main bazaar in Tehran you can get a drink of blended honeydew melon with ice and sugar. Its delicious and extremely refreshing on a hot day. In the summer, you can try Khakshir a locally made amazing drink which is refreshing.


The old-styled Mosaferkhanehs and budget hotels are often low quality and overpriced. The reason is that Iran has had very limited exposure to the outside world. In many low budget places there are no European toilets or even no toilet paper and staff can be rather unfriendly with no English-speaking ability. However, a couple of modern hostels have opened in Tehran.


  • 1 Tehran Heritage Hostel, No. 22, Kamal-ol-Molk, Baharestan Square (Walk 100 meters to the west in Kamal-ol-Molk Street from Baharestan Square Metro Station.), 982133988739. 24 uur. Inboek: 14:00, uitteken: 12:00. The newly renovated Tehran Heritage Hostel sitting in a 100-year-old-building opened in January 2018. The location is very central and Baharestan metro station is just around the corner. Dormitories have beautifully designed bunk beds with private curtains, individual lockers, sockets and light on each bed and private rooms are en-suite, beautifully decorated with stunning bed linen. Useful and friendly staff, they can book your bus or train tickets for you. Dorms from €5; yurts from €15; private rooms from €25, accepts payment in euros. Payment with card for a fee.
  • Firouzeh Hotel, Dolat Abadi Alley, Amir Kabir St, 98 21 33113508, 98 91 24361974 (Cell), . Uitteken: 14:00. Good hotel with very friendly receptionist, Mr Mousavi, is a good source for information, especially regarding embassies and visas. Great place for breakfast, tea and meeting other travellers. Internet and wifi available. Single: US$28 (870 000 rials, Sep 2016); double: US$30.
  • Hotel Hafez, Bank Alley, off Ferdowsi Street, 98 21 66709093, . Location quite good, 5-min walking to National Jewelry Treasure and Turkish Consulate, with nearby currency exchange places. The duty manager (an old gentlemen) is very nice and speaks good English. Rooms are good and clean, bathroom water is hot. Can help you book train/bus/flight tickets, car/van or even visa renewal. Ontbyt ingesluit. Free Wi-Fi, but signal is not good in the room. Double: US$74.
  • 2 See You in Iran Hostel in Tehran, No. 2, Vahdati-Manesh (3rd) Dead End, South Kheradmand St., KarimKhan Ave, 98 21 88832266, . Accommodation for cultural exchange. It features eight private rooms, two dorm rooms, an event-based café, a spacious outdoor garden and is run by a multilingual team.
  • Mashhad Hostel, #388 Amir Kabir Street, Opposite Seraj Mosque, 98 21 33113062, . One of the cheapest accommodation in Tehran. Nothing fancy and not exactly very nice but the obvious choice for those on a budget. Has a small kitchen with possibility to boil water and a dial up Internet connection. They do laundry for a reasonable price of 30,000 rials. Dorm beds, single or double. Price for double Dec 2016 500 000 rials.
  • 3 Hotel Naderi, 520, Jomhouri Ave, 98 21 21 6670 8610, . One of the cheapest hotels outside the grubby Amir Kabir Street. Still in central Tehran but Jomhuri Ave. has more restaurants than Amir Kabir St. Hotel Naderi is an old famous hotel where writers and intellectuals still meet in the downstairs Cafe Naderi. Some bathrooms are very old and somewhat dirty but the beds are reasonably clean. Ask for a room in the back to avoid the noise. Not to be confused with Hotel New Naderi. 300,000 rials for a single.
  • Hotel Saadi, 375 Laleh Zarno St (get off Metro at Saadi Station. Walk down Jomhouri, it's very close from the metro, the intersection is Laleh Zar to the left and Laleh Zarno to the right. Go right and then the hotel is on right side of street about 200-300 m.), 98 21 33117653. Small hotel with free Wi-Fi for guests. Single: 850,000 rials; double: 1,240,000 rials.
  • 4 7 Hostel (Seven Hostel), No 5, Dideh Baan Alley, Fakhr-e-Razi St, Enghelab St, Enghelab Sq (http://sevenhostels.com/addresses-and-directions), 98 21 88 68 15 16, . In a villa not too far away from the center; it offers a veranda, kitchen and patient help for your time in Tehran. Dorm US$10; single/double starting from US$40; includes bread, butter, cheese, and jam breakfast.
  • 5 Tehran Hostel, Malekoshoara bahar St. Gohar Alley . N.2 (Close to Taleghani Metro Station), 98 912 725 7703, . Uitteken: middag. Nice little hostel in a residential neighbourhood. Mori the manager is very nice and helpful. Clean dorm and bathrooms (only two (?) for the dorm). It's a good place to meet other travellers: those who just arrived and those who are about to leave. Free Wi-Fi and breakfast: Mr. Mori gets fresh bread every morning and you are free to use the guest kitchen to fry some (free) eggs, boil water for tea and use the fridge. It takes some time to get to the sights but the location is nicer than most of the central hotels. Double €35, dorm €12.50.
  • HI Tehran Hostel I (Bahar St. Branch, #2, Corner of Firooz Abadi Dead End., Tabatabaei Alley, Bahar Shomali Street (Take off from the Haft-e-Tir Metro station on the red line(Line 1). Leave at Mofateh Street exit. Go straight down until you see Shimi Alley (کوچه شیمی), turn left into Shimi alley and follow it until you get to Bahar-Shomali Street. Cross the street. Tabatabei alley on the other side of street is right in front of you. We are #2 on your left-hand side in Tabatabei alley.), 98-912-053-0663, . Inboek: 14:00, uitteken: 12:00. Private rooms, mixed dorms and female dorms €13 per bed per night. This place is clean with a super friendly staff, with a large variety of dorms and private rooms. Beautifully designed and noticeably clean private & dormitory rooms, working space, study & working room, kitchen & serving space, a green front garden which is a place to meet locals & get to know the local culture while relaxing and enjoying a traditional drink or meal, 24/7 reception, secured lockers, CCTV protection for common spaces, free Persian-style breakfast. €11-100.
  • Hi Tehran Hostel II (Enghelab St. Branch), #854, beside Abiverd Alley, Between college crossroad and Ferdowsi square, Enghelab St. (get off at Ferdowsi station(Line 4) from south Ferdowsi Exit; walk for 3 minutes toward west; after Abiverd Alley you will reach the hostel which is No. 854), 989120530663, . Inboek: 14:00, uitteken: 12:00. Hi Tehran Hostel II (Enghelab St. Branch) is in the most famous historical/political street of Tehran, full of cafes, restaurants & art centers. 150 meters from Ferdowsi St and its metro station & exchange shops. The newer of the two Tehran Hostels, it is in a renovated historical building which dates back to first Pahlavi period. Beautifully designed with clean private & dormitory rooms and other amenities as in its sister hostel. 24/7 reception, secured lockers, CCTV protection for common spaces, free Persian-style breakfast. £9-100.
  • 6 Bibi Hostel, No. 13 Ramsar Street, Ferdowsi Square (near Darvaze Dowlat Metro station and BRT (bus rapid transit) station), 98 912 378 0600, . Inboek: 14:00, uitteken: 12:00. It's near various cafes and Iranian restaurants popular with tourists and locals.


  • Amir Hotel, 325 Taleghani Ave. Between Iranshahr and Forsat, 98 21 8830 4066, 98 21 8830 4069, faks: 98 21 8882 4505, . 70 nice rooms with a great location. Gewild onder sakereisigers. Double: US$83.
  • Atlas Hotel, #206 Taleghaani Ave (7 minutes walk west of Taleqani metro station), 98 21 88907475, 98 21 88906058, 98 21 88900286, 98 21 88900288, faks: 98 21 88800407, . Inboek: 14:00. Two-star hotel in convenient location and good rooms. Insist on a room in the rear building as rooms in the front building face the very noisy Taleghaani Avenue. Must pay in USD or euros. Ontbyt ingesluit. Single: $48; double:$76; triple: $97.
  • Ferdowsi International Grand Hotel, No. 20, Kooshk e Mesri street, Ferdowsi Ave (Along Ferdosi Street North of Imam Khomeini Metro Station), 98 21 66727026, 98 21 66727031, faks: 98 21 66711449. Very nice and posh rooms and fantastic breakfast buffet. Centrally location. Sterk aanbeveel. Single US$99; double $140.
  • Ideal Apartment Hotel (هتل آپارتمان ایده آل), Fatemi Sq Kamran Alley, No. 10 (in a small quiet street just off the busy Fatemi/Vali Asr intersection), 98 21 88920841, 98 21 88920850, faks: 98 21 88920839. Offers apartments with kitchens and separate sleeping rooms. While not palaces, they are good for self-caterers or people who face a longer stay in Tehran. Staff is motivated and speaks English. US$80 including buffet breakfast.
  • Iranshahr Hotel, No 81, South Iranshahr Street, 98 21 88846650, 98 21 88820518, . Opened in 1953; renovated in 1981. Nice rooms and good service. Single US$70; double $98.
  • Hotel Mashad, 190 Mofatteh St, near Talequani ave., . Rooms are renovated but small. Some rooms have a view into the former US embassy complex. Single US$59; double $84.
  • Hotel New Naderi, off Jomhuri-ye Eslami Ave #53, Gohar Shad Alley, 98 21 66709530, 98 21 66703761, 98 21 66701356, 98 21 66709531, faks: 98 21 66709532, . By 'new', they mean 1970s. Clean rooms. Single US$44; double $63.
  • Parasto Hotel (Parastoo Hotel), Mohammad Buyk Alley, off Jomhuri-ye Eslami Ave (Near the British Embassy, a bit of a hike from Ferdosi Metro), . Basic hotel popular with tour groups. Rooms can be smoky or dirty. Single US$25; double $39.


  • Espinas Persian Gulf Hotel, 126 Keshavarz Blvd. Opened in 2010, it is one of the nicest hotels in Tehran. 224 rooms, gym, sauna, pool. Single US$168; double $224.
  • Esteghlal Hotel, Crossroads of Dr. Chamran Experessway & Valie-Asr Ave. (near Elahieh and the International Expo Center), 98 21 2266 0011, 98 21 2266 0025, . Formerly a Hilton hotel. 15 floors, 550 rooms, built in 1962.
  • Homa Hotel Tehran, #51, Shahid Khodami St., Vali-e-Asr Ave., Vanak Square, . Double: 3,700,000 rials.
  • Raamtin Residence Hotel, 2153 Valiasr Ave (directly across from the gas station), 98 21 8872 2786, 98 21 8872 2788, . 50 spacious rooms with leather couches. Single 3,200,000 rials; double 3,900,000 rials.
  • Simorgh Hotel, 1069 Vali Asr. Nice location on cosmopolitan upmarket section of Valiasr St. Saei Park is almost next door and a beautiful green/concrete oasis in a deep valley. Hotel was once the Miami Hotel, and on the top floor is still the Miami Restaurant. Fairly good food - try the estrogen (sturgeon) fish kebabs, and the chicken cordon bleu. Good coffee in ground floor cafe. Rooms are comfortable and well equipped although rather dark. Business centre with fast internet and wifi in most rooms. Terrific indoor pool with separate bathing times for men and women. The hotel cars are in very poor condition, better to take a taxi from the street. Single US$168; double $205.


For information on mobile phone operators and using the internet in Iran, see Iran#Connect

You need to use a proxy server, VPN or a software like Freegate of Psiphon to access Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and some websites; otherwise, you might see hierdie bladsy which shows that the site you want to access is filtered and blocked by the judiciary system. You also need to use Freegate to check your bank account balance; otherwise, your account might get blocked due to the sanctions against Iran.

Internet cafés

  • Ferdosi Coffee Net - Enghelab Ave, (a few doors east of Ferdosi Square) is hard to find (look for the small sign plastered to a building) has two banks of computers.
  • Pars Net - one of south Tehran's hottest coffee nets, dishing up reasonable speed. It is on the eastern side of Ferdosi St, between Jomhuiyeh Eslami Ave and Enghelab Ave, across from the British embassy. They also provide fax and long-distance phone services.
  • Coffee Net Firouzeh - In Tehran's south in the nice and very friendly Firouzeh Hotel
  • Iranian Trade Centre - around Valiasr Square offers several Internet cafes (coffee nets).

In addition to the above caffes, there are many others in all parts of the city.

3G and 4G internet connections

With a copy of the information page of your passport and a copy of the page with Iranian entrance seal and also, your visa, you can buy SIM cards and access the internet with GPRS, EDGE, 3G and 4G technologies. SIM cards are available in places like post and government e-services offices (Persian: singular: Daftar-e Pishkhan-e Khadamat-e Dowlat دفتر پیشخوان خدمات دولت; plural: Dafater-e Pishkhan-e Khadamat-e Dowlat دفاتر پیشخوان خدمات دولت), in big shops and at the Imam Khomeini airport. At least some shops refuse to sell SIM cards to British nationals.


Mobile Communications of Iran(IR-MCI) of Hamrahe Avval همراه اول is a cellular phone company that provides SIM cards with 3G technology. You need to activate special packages to access the internet with less cost. This company has the largest cellular phones network subscribers and its numbers begin with 091. IR-MCI SIM cards have better signal coverage on roads.Irancell is another company that provides 3G service along with the other cellular phone services. Its SIM card numbers begin with 093 and 090.RighTel (رایتل) is anothe company providing reliable 3G internet connections.


Irancel, Rightel, MCI all have 4G coverage in big cities.

Wireless portable internet connection

Irancell Wimax is one of the wireless internet networks available. MobinNet ISP Company is another service provider which provides wireless portable internet connection.

Bly veilig

See also the warnings at Iran#Stay safe.

Considering that the population of Tehran is around 15 million, it is still one of the safer cities to visit in global terms. Violent crime is rare and exercising common sense and taking the usual precautions against pickpockets in crowded areas should ensure a hassle-free visit. Most areas are safe even late at night, although it is not advisable to take a private taxi at 02:00 for example (but the lack of public nightlife means that few tourists would be out at that time in the first place). South Tehran (or the areas south of the Tehran Bazaar) is the only area that should really be avoided after dark, as some of the more deprived neighborhoods are there.

Traffic in Tehran is very dangerous and should be considered to be among the worst in the world. Even though crossing the street might at first seem impossible, drivers usually do a very good job avoiding pedestrians. Still, try to cross the street when the locals do as there is safety in numbers. The rate of traffic accidents is disturbingly high, so faith should not be put on drivers' skills alone.

Traffic congestion is very acute in Tehran and driving habits are dangerous. Exercise extreme caution when crossing the street.

Die fake police that have traditionally targeted tourists in Esfahan have also found their way to Tehran. These are usually uniformed men in unmarked cars flashing fake IDs and requesting to see your passport or to search through your luggage. You should ignore such requests and head to the nearest police station ("kalantari") if you feel unsafe. However, it can be somewhat hard for the untrained eye to tell these apart from real police.

If you decide to smoke the qalyan (waterpipe or hubble-bubble), make sure that you are not unintentionally smoking opium or any other kind of drug. Alhoewel drugs and alcohol are illegal in Iran, it is not impossible to get them, especially in Tehran. The government has banned smoking qalyan and cigarettes in public places, so finding a good place to smoke can be a challenge. If you really want to try the qalyan, do it only at a qahvekhane recommended by a Western guidebook or travel website.

Emergency services phone numbers

  • Police: 110 (has English-speaking operators)
  • Fire department: 125
  • EMS: 115
  • Road EMS: 115 or 112
  • Road Status Information: 141


The traffic in Tehran is horrendous. To get a break from it, head to the parks in the north of the city.


Gaan volgende

  • If the hustle and bustle of Tehran becomes too much, it's possible to go to the Caspian Sea for a day or two. The holiday town of Ramsar is about five hours away, and the drive across the Alborz Mountains is spectacular. A taxi round-trip for a day shouldn't set you back more than 500,000 rials (ask for taxis near Azadi Square).
  • 2 Namakabrud (Shahrak-e Namak Abrud, Persian: شهرک نمک ابرود,Shahrak-e Namak Ābrūd; Namak Abrood, Namak Ābrūd, Namak Ābrūd Sar, Namakrūd Sar), Chalus County, Mazandaran Province (190 km North.-about 4.5 hours away). Villa city and gondola lift in beautiful green coasts of Caspian Sea. - Violet and box-tree parks
  • Qom — about 2 hours away southwest of Tehran by bus and one hour by car (120 km) is the most religious city of Iran followed by Mashhad
  • 3 Shemshak ski resort (پیست اسکی شمشک), Rudbar-e Qasran District, Shemiranat County, Tehran Province (1–2 hours north-east of Tehran in the Alborz Mountains.). its steep slopes are considered appropriate for expert skiers and boarders. The slopes lie at an altitude of 2550m to 3050m above sea level.
  • 4 Dizin ski resort (دیزین), Teheran-provinsie (70 km north of Tehran). This is a larger ski resort with more facilities and is considered better for beginners and intermediates. Die oorde bied 'n mate van wedywering onder die plaaslike bevolking, en sommige 'Shemshakis' beskou diegene wat in Dizin ski as 'kinders in die park' en Shemshak beskou as die plek vir 'ware skiërs'. Die ski-seisoen: van Desember tot Mei.
  • 5 Sorkheh Hesar Nasionale Park (پارک ملی سرخه‌حصار), Rey County, Teheran-provinsie (17 km oos van Teheran - Naby Ray - Teheran 20ste distrik - Met die motor vanaf Khojirweg 14 km (8,7 myl) na Khojir, vertrek in Zereshki Fork.). Perfekte voëlkykplek op 'n hoogte van 1,547 m.
Hierdie stadsgids vir Teheran is 'n bruikbaar artikel. Dit bevat inligting oor hoe u daarheen kan kom en oor restaurante en hotelle. 'N Avontuurlustige persoon kan hierdie artikel gebruik, maar verbeter dit gerus deur die bladsy te redigeer.