Aarhus - Aarhus

Aarhus (ook Århus geskryf en uitgespreek Oar-Hoos) is die hoofstad op die Jutland skiereiland in Denemarke. Met 'n bevolking van meer as 345.000 is dit Denemarke se tweede grootste stad en het die jongste bevolking.


Aarhus-skyline met ARoS-kunsmuseum en die historiese kloktoring van die Aarhus-stadsaal.

Aarhus staan ​​bekend as 'The City of Smiles' (Deens: Smilets By). Hierdie slagspreuk het waarskynlik begin as publisiteit om die stad se beeld te verbeter, maar dit het nietemin vasgevang. "City of Cafés" is 'n ander naam wat die stad met trots dra: sy rooster koffiewinkels illustreer Aarhus se elegante mengsel van kosmopolitiese stadslewe en skilderagtige kleindorpse sjarme.

Aarhus is 'n universiteitsstad en sentrum van onderwys en het 'n groot studentepopulasie en een van die laagste media-ouderdomme van enige stad in Europa. Die kulturele toneel hier floreer altyd: Aarhus is al lank 'n broeikas vir Deense kunstenaars en kunstenaars, en dit is ook die tuiste van Aarhus Festuge, Skandinawië se grootste kultuurfees, wat einde Augustus tien jaarliks ​​gehou word. Maar dit is nie die enigste ding wat toeneem nie: Aarhus, saam met die Oos-Jutlandse metropolitaanse gebied waarvoor dit as die middelpunt dien, is die snelste groeiende gebied in Denemarke in terme van bevolking, met 'n groot bouboom wat plaasvind nuwe hoogtes wat soos sampioene op die skyline uitspruit. Dit is dus geen wonder dat Aarhus gekies is as die Europese hoofstad van 2017 in 2017 nie, met 'n volledige reeks gebeure die hele jaar deur die hele stad en streek.


Aarhus C

Aarhus C

Aarhus City is die sentrale distrik en die mees aktiewe gebied van die stad met verskeie interessante en spesiale buurte, waaronder hierdie:

  • Indre deur (Inner City) is die ou middeleeuse kern van die stad wat voorheen ommuur en omhein was tot 1857. 'n Groot deel van die middestad is voetgangers. Die Latin Quarter is 'n klein spesiale kwartier met geplaveide straatjies, lae geboue en ou meenthuise wat behoue ​​gebly het.
  • Vesterbro, noord en wes van Indre by, is meestal 'n woongebied. U sal egter verskeie belangrike besienswaardighede vind, waaronder die Botaniese Tuine, die Old Town-museum en die hoofuniversiteitskampus.
  • Øgade-kvarteret is 'n woonkwartier direk noordwes van die Latynse wyk en bied ook 'n unieke stadsomgewing met lae geboue en kleurvolle meenthuise, meestal rondom die 1850- 1920's. Die meeste strate van die kwartaal is vernoem na Deense eilande.
  • Aarhus Ø is 'n nuwe woonbuurt aan die hawe.
  • Trøjborg is noord van die middestad en is soos 'n klein stadjie in die stad. Die gebied is in die vroeë 1900's ontwikkel met meestal vier- of vyfverdieping-woonstelblokke in baksteen. Dit was 'n werkersklasbuurt. Dit is 'n ietwat rustige woonkwartier, maar bevat ook 'n sentrale winkelstraat met restaurante en 'n bioskoop.
  • Frederiksbjerg is nog 'n kwart met sy eie bekoring en karakter. Hierdie gebied is suid van die breë spoorwegwerf in die middestad geleë en is hoofsaaklik in die laat 1800's ontwikkel en die meeste van die oorspronklike geboue is bewaar. Dit is 'n lieflike mengsel van die bedrywige straatlewe, restaurante, spesialiteitswinkels, klein besighede en woongebiede. Meestal lae geboue en meenthuise, met verskeie klein parke tussenin.

Aarhus N

Aarhus Nord (Aarhus-Noord) is 'n groot posdistrik wat die noordelike dele van die stad bevat. Dit bestaan ​​meestal uit rustige woonbuurte, maar spog met natuurlike besienswaardighede soos die Risskov-stedelike bos, die Egå Engsø-meer en 'n paar strandparke. Die distrik is ook die tuiste van verskeie onderwysinstellings, 'n groot sakepark, 'n nywerheidspark met ligte nywerhede en 'n groot streekshospitaal. Sommige van die woonbuurte in Aarhus N, soos Skejby en Vejlby, is voormalige voorstedelike dorpies wat met die stad saamgesmelt het.

Aarhus V

Aarhus Vest (Aarhus-Wes) is miskien die grootste posdistrik en bevat al die westelike buurte van die stad. Die meeste daarvan is woongebiede met meer onlangse ontwikkeling, maar sommige woonbuurte, soos Åby en Hasle, is voormalige voorstedelike dorpies of afgeleë plase wat met die stad saamgesmelt het. Daar is verskeie natuurlike besienswaardighede in hierdie groot gebied, insluitend die Brabrand-meer en die natuurterrein van Skjoldhøjkilen, en baie geleenthede vir sport.

Viby en Højbjerg

Viby (amptelik Viby J, met J vir Jutland) is 'n voormalige spoorwegdorp wat saamgesmelt het met die uitbreidende stad. Dit word soms nie-amptelik Aarhus S (Aarhus-Suid) genoem Højbjerg, Skåde en Holme, drie aangrensende distrikte en buurte. Daar is 'n bietjie aktiwiteit rondom die sentrale plein van Viby Torv, maar andersins is hierdie suidelike dele van die stad hoofsaaklik residensieel. Marselisborg-woude en die Moesgaard-museum is die twee belangrikste besienswaardighede hier.

Wanneer om te gaan

Aarhus montage (seisoene) .jpg
Klimaatkaart (verduideliking)
Gemiddelde maks. en min. temperature in ° C
NeerslagSneeu totale in mm
Bron:w: Aarhus # Klimaat
Keiserlike bekering
Gemiddelde maks. en min. temperature in ° F
NeerslagSneeu totale in duim

Namate die seisoene verander, verander die karakter van Aarhus dienooreenkomstig. In die winter is buitemuurse aktiwiteite beperk en dit is hoofsaaklik 'n tyd vir binnenshuise. Dit is ongewoon dat alles in sneeudae bedek is en dat die temperatuur nie normaal koud is nie, maar die dagligure is beperk, die bome staan ​​kaal en die lug is dikwels neerdrukkend grys. Die stad is steeds vol mense, maar die straatlewe in die buitelug is vir die meeste besoekers oninspirerend, behalwe vir die Kerstyd van Desember. Die middestad is versier, en namate Kersfees nader kom, verkoop meer straatverkopers soet lekkernye en trooskos soos æbleskiverpannekoeke, glühwein en amandel met suikerglasuur.

Vanaf April-Mei en eindig met Oktober-Nov, het die stad meer te bied. Die beukbome het in die eerste Mei in blare uitgebars. Daaglikse ure en temperature neem vinnig toe gedurende hierdie maand. Nadat hulle hierop gewag het, is die burgers vinnig besig om die parke en groen ruimtes te vul; straatlewe toon veel meer intensiteit en diversiteit, en verskeie buitelug-geleenthede vind plaas. Aarhus, soos die res van Denemarke, is egter tydens Paasfees byna met leë strate toegemaak.

Belangrike besienswaardighede in Aarhus is gedurende die somer oop, maar 'n hele paar restaurante is vir 'n paar weke gesluit, hoewel nie alles tegelyk nie; daar is nog baie geleenthede. As u egter van plan is om 'n spesifieke eetplek te besoek, moet u dit vooraf bevestig. In Julie en Augustus verlaat baie inwoners die stad of reis hulle na die buiteland. Universiteitstudente het vrye tyd van hul studies en baie besoek familie in ander stede, werk elders of reis. Werkende mense het vyf weke betaalde vakansie en byna almal spandeer dit gedurende hierdie seisoen. Om hierdie redes kan die middestad verlate in die middel van Julie tot vroeg in Augustus voorkom, en die kans is groot dat u meer besoekers as inwoners sal teëkom. Dit sal dus 'n goeie idee wees om 'n besoek aan Aarhus te kombineer met uitstappies na die nabygeleë platteland en besienswaardighede in die somer. Vanaf middel Augustus begin dinge weer in die stad gebeur as inwoners terugkeer. Dit is nog somer en binnekort tyd vir die jaarlikse Aarhus Fest.

Gedurende September begin die temperature afkoel en word dit winderiger, maar daar is steeds baie dagligure in die dag en die weer is gewoonlik goed. Vanaf Oktober begin die blare aan die bome geel en rooi word, en enige spoor van die somer eindig met die aanvang van November. September en Oktober is ook 'n goeie tyd om te besoek as u buite- en natuurervarings by u reis wil insluit, bring net meer warm klere saam. Oktober en dele van November is 'n besonder mooi tyd van die jaar in stadsparke en woude met al die lewendige kleure van die herfs.

Toeriste inligting

Soos die meeste ander plekke in Denemarke, word die amptelike toeristewebwerf van Aarhus bestuur deur VisitDenmark, 'n openbare-private vennootskap met gratis toerismedienste. Die webwerf van Aarhus word genoem Besoek Aarhus.

Die hoofkantoor vir toeriste-inligting in die stad is in die Dokk1 biblioteek gebou aan die hawefront. Vra die personeel by die inligtingstoonbank en hulle sal u help. In die somer is ekstra personeel wat toeriste spesifiek bedien, daar om te help. Daar is ook 'n aanraakskerm beskikbaar met interaktiewe toeriste-inligting oor die stad, en 'n oorvloed gratis inspirerende en insiggewende pamflette oor besienswaardighede en gebeurtenisse in die streek. Afgesien van inligting, hulp en inspirasie, kan u ook 'n AarhusCARD hier, 'n toerkaart met afslag op vervoer- en kulturele instellings deur die stad.


Baie Dene kan gereserveer word vir vreemdelinge, maar vriendelik teenoor toeriste, en gee u gewoonlik aanwysings en advies in goeie Engels. Aangesien Aarhus 'n groot stad is, sal dit skaars 'n probleem wees om hulp of aanwysings in byna vlot Engels te kry.

Gaan in

Met die trein

By die Aarhus Sentrale Stasie aangekom.
  • 1 Aarhus Sentrale Stasie. Treine ry een of twee keer per uur van Kopenhagen (København) na Aarhus en duur ongeveer vier uur. Die tarief vir volwassenes is kr 399, met 'n addisionele kr 30 om 'n sitplek te bespreek (Mei 2019). 25% afslag is beskikbaar vir persone van 25 jaar of jonger, of ouer as 65 jaar. Aansienlike afslag kan ook verkry word deur te koop Oranje Kaartjies vroegtydig. Besonderhede oor DSBse tuisblad. Aarhus Central Station (Q2601548) op Wikidata Aarhus Central Station op Wikipedia

Dit is ook moontlik om vanaf Aarhus 'n trein na ander dele van die Jutland-skiereiland te haal. Daar is treine wat die meeste dae noordwaarts na Aalborg ry en een keer per uur weswaarts na Skjern of Struer. Treine vanaf Hamburg daag 'n paar keer op, maar dit is duur (€ 50-86 eenrigting, Julie 2017). Nietemin, as u ongeveer twee maande voor u reis bespreek, kan u een van die min kaartjies vir € 30 ('Europa-Sparpreis' genoem) koop. Vir meer inligting, besoek die Duitse nasionale spoorwegonderneming DB

DSB het 'n verpligte bespreking ingestel op treine van en na Duitsland in Julie 2019. Alhoewel Denemarke in die Schengen-gebied is, word paspoorte deur die doeane by die toegangspunte nagegaan.

Kaartjies wat in treine gebruik word, is ook in busse bruikbaar, en as u van Kopenhagen af ​​reis, kan u u kaartjie die res van die dag gebruik om sonder ekstra koste in Aarhus rond te kom.

Die Katexpress 1 is een van twee hoëspoed-katamarans wat passasiers en motors vir Mols Linien vervoer.

Met die bus

Busse het 'n aantreklike manier van reis tussen Aarhus en Kopenhagen geword, vanweë hul aansienlik laer pryse. 'N Interbus neem ongeveer 'n uur langer as 'n ekwivalente sneltrein, maar die tariewe is gewoonlik tussen 40% (standaardkaartjies) en 90% (die goedkoopste Saver-kaartjies) laer as die volle prys vir treinkaartjies.

  • Flixbus. Na Odense en Kopenhagen
  • Kombardo Expressen. Met die veerboot direk na Kopenhagen

Per boot

  • Mols Linien. Veerboot na Odden die noordwestelike kus van Seeland. Aansienlike afslag deur u kaartjies vooraf te bespreek. Openbare vervoerverbindings na en van Odden is nie baie goed nie, tensy u Kombardo Expressen gebruik (direkte bus via die veerboot tussen Aarhus en Kopenhagen). As u sonder 'n motor per veerboot in Aarhus aankom, laat u ook 'n bietjie vas, want daar is geen openbare vervoer na en van die nuwe dok nie; die middestad is 4 km se stap.
  • M / F Lilleøre. Vanaf 26 April 2021 verbind 'n nuwe klein katamaran-veerboot (geen voertuie behalwe fietse), M / F Lilleøre, die middestad van Aarhus met Samsø. Die veerboot dok aan by Dokk1 in Aarhus en in Sælvig op Samsø.

Met die vliegtuig

Aarhus Lughawe
  • 2 Aarhus Lughawe. Die Aarhus-lughawe is redelik klein, maar dit word nogtans deur verskeie Europese lugrederye bedien. Vlugte vanaf Londen Stansted-lughawe word ook aangebied deur die goedkoop lugdiens Ryanair. Geleë ongeveer 45 minute met die bus vanaf die stad, 925X Lughawebusse arriveer en vertrek vanaf Banegårdspladsen by die sentrale stasie. Kaartjies word in die bus verkoop en eenrigtingkaartjies kos 115 kr. Aanvaarde geldeenhede (slegs rekeninge) is: Deense kroon, Amerikaanse dollar, Britse pond, Switserse frank, euro, Sweedse en Noorse kroon. Belangrike kredietkaarte word ook aanvaar. Met die taxi moet u ongeveer 650 kr betaal om die middestad te bereik. Aarhus-lughawe (Q1341664) op Wikidata Aarhus-lughawe op Wikipedia
  • 3 Billund-lughawe (BLL IATA). Hierdie lughawe bied baie vliegverbindings aan en dit is ongeveer 90 minute met die bus. 912X Lughawe-busse arriveer en vertrek vanaf Aarhus Rutebilstation (die sentrale busstasie) en ry via Banegårdspladsen by die sentrale stasie. Kaartjies word in die bus verkoop en eenrigtingkaartjies kos kr 162. Aanvaarde geldeenhede is Deense krone en euro. Kredietkaarte word ook aanvaar. Billund-lughawe (Q598121) op Wikidata Billund-lughawe op Wikipedia
  • 4 Nordic Seaplanes, Østhavnsvej 37, 8000 Aarhus C, 45 70 20 00 60, . Watervliegtuigverbinding vanaf Kopenhagen (40 - 50 min). Normale kaartjie kr 1.897 (inkl. Handbagasie), maar die pryse wissel na gelang van die tyd van die dag. Middags vertrek is dikwels 'n bietjie goedkoper. Word meestal deur sakereisigers gebruik. Bied ook besigtigingstoere oor Aarhus aan, kr 697 (Junie - Augustus). Belangrike kredietkaarte word aanvaar. Nordic Seaplanes (Q24007895) op Wikidata

Kry rond

56 ° 9′22 ″ N 10 ° 12′25 ″ O

Op voet

Die hele stad is skoon en goed georganiseerd loop 'n uitstekende en aangename manier om rond te kom. Die middestad het 'n uitgebreide voetgangersone, en byna elke dorpspad in Denemarke het sypaadjies. As u verder wil aandurf, is daar verskeie roetes vir oefen en rustige kuiers ingestel. Bekend as "sonstrale", hulle vermy swaar verkeer paaie en sluit natuurervarings in.

Per fiets

Fietse is maklik te huur in die sentrale dele van die stad. Donkie Republiek bied fietse wat 24-7 by verskillende straatplekke afgehaal moet word, insluitend 'n oplaaiplek buite die sentrale stasie. Die fietse word maklik aan hul helderoranje kleur herken en daarvoor word hulle via 'n telefoonprogram betaal. U kan ook 'n fiets by verskeie fietsverhuurwinkels, insluitend die, fiets kry Bikes4Rent suid van die Sentrale Stasie.

Alhoewel Denemarke oor die algemeen baie plat is, moet u daarop let dat Aarhus 'n paar van die steilste paaie in die land het, en dit kan 'n groot uitdaging wees as u nie fietsry nie. Die meeste paaie is egter 'n briesie en op langer ritte kan u gewoonlik u roete beplan om die moeilikste bestygings te vermy as u die "Aarhusiaanse Alpe" vrees.

Die middestad van Aarhus het 'n netwerk van fietsstrate (Deens: Cykelgader) waar fietsryers voorkeur kry. Hier kan fietse die hele baan gebruik en motors mag nie verbysteek nie. Nie alle bestuurders respekteer hierdie reëls nie (miskien omdat hulle nie daarvan bewus is nie), dus moet u steeds oppas vir motorverkeer.

Met die spoorlyn

'N Gestileerde kaart van die Light Rail-stelsel met geplande uitbreidings en hooflynspoorlyne vir verwysing

Die elektriese ligspoorstelsel "Aarhus Letbane"het sy eerste lyn einde 2017, as die eerste spoorstelsel van sy soort in Denemarke, geopen en is die komende jaar op verdere uitbreidings in die voorstede beskikbaar.

Kaartjies kan gekoop word met kredietkaarte by elektroniese erwe op geselekteerde haltes, en die kaartjies is volledig versoenbaar met die plaaslike geelbusstelsel (en andersom). Fietse kan teen 'n ekstra bedrag saamgebring word, alhoewel dit nie op die Skolebakken - Universitetshospitalet in die middestad lê nie, gedurende weeksoggende en spitstye in die middag (07: 00-09: 00 en 15: 00-17: 00). Die treinskedules, belangrike inligting en die soneringstelsel kan op die Letbanen-webwerf nagegaan word.

Met die bus

Geel busse bedryf plaaslike roetes in die stad

Daar is twee busstelsels in Aarhus, wat albei bestuur word deur Midttrafik. Geel busse plaaslike roetes binne die stadsgrense bedien, en Blou busse dien munisipale en streeksroetes. Die blou busroetes ry deur die middestad, so as u langer moet reis, hoef u nie tussen die twee stelsels te wissel nie. X-busse is blou busse, waarneembaar deur 'n groot X-teken. X-busse stop minder, is toegerus met gratis WiFi, het gewoonlik toilette en jy mag eet en drink. Alle blou busse het beperkte laairuimte vir swaar bagasie, fietse, ens., Wat u kan gebruik as u die chauffeur in kennis stel. U kan die geel stadsbusse met alle deure betree. In die blou streekbusse is die ingang slegs by die voordeur.

Blou busse ry deur die middestad, maar bedryf langafstandroetes

Kaartjies wat met blou busse (en treine) gekoop word, kan ook gebruik word om met die plaaslike geel busse te ry, maar nie noodwendig andersom nie. Op die geel busse moet u 'n kaartjie by outomate in die bus koop, anders loop u 'n boete. U kan kontant op die bus gebruik. Buskaartjies vir reis binne die stadsgrense is kr 22, of kr 11 as u jonger as 16 is. Tot twee begeleide kinders (jonger as 12 jaar) reis gratis. Kaartjies is ook beskikbaar as 'n multi-reiskaartjie (10-reis), wat wissel in prys, afhangend van hoe ver u wil gaan (kr 170-). Goedkoper kaarte is ook beskikbaar vir mense jonger as 16 jaar. Uiteindelik is daar kaartjies waarmee u 30 dae lank alles kan ry, met pryse afhangend van hoe ver u wil reis. Vir die beplanning van busreise word aanbeveel om die amptelike webwerf vir reisbeplanners vir alle Deense openbare vervoer te gebruik: Reisplanen. Dit is ook beskikbaar as 'n app.

U kan enkelkaartjies, multi-reiskaartjies en toeristekaartjies vir Midttrafik-busse en Letbanen in die Midttrafik-app koop. Hierdie app is beskikbaar in die App Store en Google Play.

U kan ook 'n AarhusCARD wat beskikbaar is in verskillende tydperke - 24, 48, 72 of 120 uur en u gratis vervoer bied met Letbanen-spoorweg en alle Midttrafik-busse, insluitend busse na die lughawe (Aarhus en Billund). Die AarhusCARD bevat ook gratis toegang tot meer as 25 museums, besienswaardighede en aktiwiteite.

Nagbusse is ekstra busse en roetes van en na die afgeleë distrikte en voorstede dwarsdeur die nag. Die tarief is dubbel die normale prys.

In die hele Denemarke kan treinkaartjies ook gebruik word om plaaslike buslyne te ry as u binne die tyd op u kaartjie op die bus klim.

Met die taxi

Met die motor

Aarhus het baie goeie openbare vervoer en in die middestad is die meeste besienswaardighede binne loopafstand van mekaar. 'N Motor is dus eintlik net nodig as u die platteland wil verken. Daarbenewens kom u agter dat parkeerplek in Aarhus C beperk en taamlik duur is. Gratis parkeerplek is skaars, behalwe op enkele plekke soos Tangkrogen, voor Ceres Park & ​​Arena en by sommige winkelsentrums.

Alhoewel verkeer selde heeltemal tot stilstand kom, is die ringpaaie en strate in die middestad baie druk. Dit gesê, as u 'n motor benodig terwyl u in Aarhus tuisgaan, is daar verskeie motorhuurondernemings met sentraal geleë huurstasies.

Onthou om aan fietsryers toe te gee. Aarhus is 'n heuwelagtige stad, en fietsryers wat afdraande ry, sal kruisings gereeld vinnig nader.


Baie besienswaardighede en geleenthede in Aarhus is gratis, en daar is 'n interessante straatlewe, dus selfs met 'n begroting kan u 'n aangename ervaring hê.


Met 'n geskiedenis wat dateer uit minstens die 700's in die Vikingtydperk, het Aarhus baie historiese geboue, waarvan sommige van nasionale belang is.

Aarhus-katedraal (1300) in die middestad.
  • 1 Aarhus Viking Museum, Skt. Clemens Torv 6, 45 89 42 11 00. M-W F 10: 00-16: 00, Do 10: 00-17: 00. Klein Viking museum regoor die katedraal in die kelder van die Nordea Bank. Die museum fokus op plaaslike geskiedenis gedurende die Vikingtydperk en die meeste van die vertoonde artikels is op die terrein opgegrawe. As u in die algemeen oor die geskiedenis van die Vikingtydperk belangstel, besoek die groot Moesgaard Museum (MoMu) suid van die stad. 30 kr vir volwassenes. Viking Museum (Q4992847) op Wikidata Viking Museum (Aarhus) op Wikipedia
  • 2 Museum Aarhus. 'N Permanente tentoonstelling binne die Old Town Museum is in die lente van 2017 geopen. Die museum vertoon Aarhus se geskiedenis met die aandag op die afgelope 150 jaar, die periode toe dit uitgebrei het van 'n klein provinsiale hawedorp tot sy huidige status as tweede grootste stad.
  • 3 Aarhus Domkirke (Aarhus-katedraal), Domkirkepladsen 2, 45 86 20 54 00. Daagliks Mei-Sep 09: 30-16: 00; Okt-Apr 10: 00-15: 00. Die pragtige katedraal is meer as 800 jaar oud en die langste en hoogste in Denemarke. Dit het 100 jaar geneem om te bou en dit is die oudste gebou in die stad wat nog staan. Daar word soms konserte gereël en die toring bied 'n goeie uitsig. Agter die kerk is Aarhus Cathedral School, ook met 'n geskiedenis van 800 jaar. Gratis ('n fooi vir die toring). Aarhus-katedraal (Q491260) op Wikidata Aarhus-katedraal op Wikipedia
  • 4 Vor Frue Kirke (Kerk van Ons Dame), Vestergade 21, 45 86 12 12 43. Middeleeuse kerk met 'n interessante kriptaalkerk in die kelder. Die kriptaalkerk, gebou omstreeks 1060, is een van die oudste klipkerke in Skandinawië. Deur 'n deur aan die linkerkant van die hoofkerk kan u in 'n voormalige priorij met 'n atriumtuin ingaan. Vry. Church of Our Lady (Q1472113) op Wikidata Church of Our Lady (Aarhus) op Wikipedia

Afgesien van die ou kerke, is die Latynse wyk in die middestad het baie historiese huise in 'n bewaar omgewing, loop net in die geplaveide strate en kyk. Daar is baie nisboetieks, kafees en restaurante.

Verskeie professionele gidse reël historiese wandelinge in die stad.


Daar is baie museums rondom Aarhus en Denemarke in die algemeen, maar baie van hulle is nie museums in die gewone sin nie, meer soos tematiese en interaktiewe kulturele sentrums. Die drie hoofmuseums in Aarhus is die Old Town museum, ARoS Art Museum en Moesgaard Museum.

Den Gamle By (die ou stad)
Moesgaard Museum.
  • 5 ARoS (Aarhus Kunsmuseum), Aros Allé 2, 45 8 730 66 00. Di-F 10: 00-21: 00; Sa So 10: 00-17: 00. Een van Denemarke se grootste museums. Kyk na die '9 Spaces', 'n doolhof van swartmuurgalerye. 'N Werk van die Yslands-Deense kunstenaar Olafur Eliasson, "Your Rainbow Panorama", bied 'n pragtige uitsig op die dak van die stad in 'n sirkelvormige loopbrug met reënboogkleurige vensters. Daar is 'n kafee met eetkamer-opsies in die sitarea by die ingang en 'n gevierde fynproewersrestaurant met die naam ARoS Wyn- en voedselsaal op vlak 8 van die museum (hierdie restaurant is tydelik gesluit). kr 140 (volwassenes), kr 110 (studente en jonger as 31), gratis vir persone onder 18. ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum (Q296962) op Wikidata ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum op Wikipedia
  • 6 Den Gamle By (Die ou stad), Viborgvej 2 (By die Botaniese Tuine), 45 86 12 31 8. Opelug museumdorpie wat bestaan ​​uit 'n versameling van 75 oorspronklike Deense geboue van 1597 tot 1909 wat uit alle uithoeke van die land versamel is. Daar is historiese winkels en eetplekke, die meeste getrou aan die tydperk. 'N Paar personeellede en vrywilligers geklee in historiese klere dra by tot die atmosfeer, en soms word geleenthede gereël. U kan 'n heen-en-weer perd- en koetsrit deur die museum se geplaveide strate of deur die buitepark koop. 'N Nuwe toevoeging tot die kompleks wat naby voltooiing is, toon die stadskultuur en geboue uit die 20ste eeu, waaronder 'n bakkery, verskeie winkels, 'n plakkaatmuseum en 'n jazzklub. Vir die viering van die Europese hoofstad van kultuur in 2017 het die museum ook nuwe permanente uitstallings ingewy wat fokus op plaaslike geskiedenis en klassieke Deense juwele uit die 20ste eeu. Maak ook seker dat u 'n bietjie tyd in die groot omgewing spandeer Botaniese tuin en die nuwe Kweekhuise. kr 135 (volwassenes), kr 70 (studente), Botaniese tuin en kweekhuise gratis. Die ou stad (Q1186756) op Wikidata Die ou stad op Wikipedia
  • 7 Kunsthal Aarhus, J.M. Mørks Gade 13 (Gaan na Mølleparken. Kunsthal Aarhus is oorkant die rivier geleë.), 45 86 20 60 50, . Di-F 10: 00-17: 00; W 10: 00-21: 00; Sa So 12: 00-17: 00. 'N Kunssentrum wat kontemporêre kuns bevorder. Dit is in 1917 gebou en is een van die oudste kunssentrums in Europa. Lekker kafee. Vry. Kunsthal Aarhus (Q4661711) op Wikidata Kunsthal Aarhus op Wikipedia
  • 8 Kvindemuseet (Vrouemuseum), Domkirkepladsen 5 (Langs die katedraal.), 45 86 18 64 70. Di Do-So 10: 00-17: 00; W 10: 00-20: 00. Hierdie plek is gevestig in die ou stadsaalgebou langs die Aarhus-katedraal en fokus op die belangrikheid van geslag in die verlede en vandag. Die Women's Museum bied wisselende uitstallings oor die kulturele geskiedenis van geslag aan en beskik oor 'n billike versameling historiese dinge wat met vroue verband hou. U kan publikasies oor voormalige uitstallings wat u gemis het, deursoek of koop, of algemene boeke wat verband hou met die rol van geslag. Sommige titels is in Engels. Die vrouemuseum het 'n lekker outydse versierde kafee en op Sondae is middagete by die inskrywingsfooi ingesluit. 40 kr. KØN - Geslagsmuseum Denemarke (Q6449744) op Wikidata Women's Museum, Aarhus op Wikipedia
  • 9 Moesgaard Museum, Moesgård Allé 20, 8270 Højbjerg, 45 8739 4000, . Di-So 10: 00-17: 00; W tot 21:00. Stomp argitektuur: 'n uitgestrekte prisma van 'n gebou wat half begrawe is in 'n grasheuwel. Die sentrale trap bied 'n innoverende roete na menslike evolusie en prehistorie. Die museum bied groot veranderende tematentoonstellings uit kulture regoor die wêreld aan, maar is ook 'n fantastiese plek om veral die Deense prehistorie te bestudeer. Die belangrikste permanente besienswaardighede in hierdie verband is 'n kunsmatige rekonstruksie van 'n groot kruiwa uit die Bronstydperk waarin u kan loop, en twee vondste uit die Nordiese Ystertydperk: Grauballe Man, die enigste heeltemal bewaar moerasliggaam, en die indrukwekkende offer van wapens uit Illerup Ådal. . Die museum is in Oktober 2014 in die nuwe gebou heropen. Uitstekende museumrestaurant en kafee. Die groot historiese landskap onder die museum is ook die moeite werd om te besoek, en is gratis en toeganklik die hele jaar. 170 kr (volwassenes), 110 kr (studente en 65), gratis vir kinders onder 17 jaar. Moesgaard Museum (Q3299384) op Wikidata Moesgaard Museum op Wikipedia
  • 10 Museum vir Antieke Kuns (Antikmuseet), Victor Albecks Vej 3 (Op die Universiteitskampus), 45 87 16 11 06. Su-Do 12: 00-16: 00. Die fokus van die Museum van Antieke Kuns se versameling word deur die Universiteit van Aarhus gevestig op kunswerke en artefakte uit die antieke Griekeland, Rome, Egipte, die Nabye Ooste en elders in die Middellandse See-gebied. Hul versameling antieke Griekse munte is een van die grootste in Europa. Vry. Museum vir Antieke Kuns (Q12301953) op Wikidata Museum of Ancient Art, Aarhus op Wikipedia
  • 11 Natuurhistoriese museum (Naturhistorisk Museum), Wilhelm Meyers Allé 210 (Op die Universiteitskampus), 45 86 12 97 77. Daagliks 10: 00-16: 00; gesluit 25-26 Des en 31 Des 1 Januarie. 'N Ander museum wat deur die Universiteit van Aarhus aan u gebring is, is die vier uitstallingsale wat die rolstoel toeganklik is vir die Natuurhistoriese Museum, en besoekers leer oor meer as 5 000 verskillende diersoorte wat van oor die hele wêreld afkomstig is, wat in reproduksies van hul natuurlike habitats vertoon word. kr 95, gratis vir onder 18 jaar. Natuurhistoriese museum (Q12328428) op Wikidata Natuurhistoriese museum, Aarhus op Wikipedia
  • 12 Steno Museum (Steno Museet), C. F. Møllers Allé 2 (Op die Universiteitskampus), 45 87 15 54 15. Di-F 09: 00-16: 00 (open om 10:00 Jun-Aug), Sa Su & openbare vakansiedae 11: 00-16: 00. 'N Wetenskapsmuseum met die fokus op medisyne en sterrekunde, met 'n verskeidenheid uitstallings, waaronder (onder andere) 'n planetarium, 'n medisinale kruietuin, 'n Foucault-slinger en historiese artefakte soos ou röntgenmasjiene en chirurgiese toerusting. Baie interessante en interaktiewe uitstallings hier vir oud en jonk. Daar is 'n kafee wat ligte middagetes bedien en 'n geskenkwinkel met cool opvoedkundige speelgoed vir kinders: chemiese stelle, kristalgroeiende kits, sterrekaartjies, ens. kr 30, gratis vir onder 18 jaar. Wetenskapsmuseums (Q18356068) op Wikidata Science Museums, Aarhus op Wikipedia
  • 13 Museum Ovartaci, Katrinebjergvej 81 ('n kort entjie noord van die universiteitskampus), 45 41 85 62 90, . M-F 10: 00-16: 00, Sa So 12: 00-16: 00. 'N Kunsmuseum wat kuns vertoon wat spesifiek deur psigiatriese pasiënte geskep is. Die museum fokus veral op die naamgenoot Ovartaci, 'n transgender-geestelike pasiënt wat 56 jaar lank in die stad se voormalige geesteshospitaal in Risskov gewoon het tot sy / haar dood in 1985. Begeleide toere kan vooraf bestel en gereël word. kr 50, gratis vir onder 18 jaar.



Skjoldhøjkirken 01.jpg
Aarhus-katedraal en die kleiner Vor Frue Kirke (Our Lady of Church), vanaf die vroeë Middeleeue en in die middestad, trek baie besoekers, maar Denemarke is ook bekend vir sy uiteenlopende moderne kerkargitektuur. Daar is verskeie moderne argitektuurkerke in die buitenste distrikte van die stad. Ravnsbjerg Kirken (Ravens-hill Church) in Viby is 'n monumentale modernistiese kerk in rooi-bruin baksteen uit 1976 en met 'n interieur wat duidelik geïnspireer is deur die Noorse heidense mitologie. Die kleiner Møllevang-kerk naby die botaniese tuine is ietwat soortgelyk aan inspirasie. Die Skjoldhøj-kerk in die westelike deel van die stad is 'n moderne kerk wat in 1984 in witgekalkte baksteen gebou is. Dit kyk uit oor 'n tuin en begraafplaas wat ontwerp is deur Sven Hansen, wat ook die parterre-tuin by die konsertsale ontwerp het. Sankt Lukas Kirken (St. Luke's Church) op Frederiksbjerg in die middestad vanaf 1926 is 'n goeie voorbeeld van neoklassieke argitektuur met minimalistiese versierings, so tipies van Skandinawiese ontwerp. Die toring en kruis van 35 m is op die grootste deel van die stad se skyline sigbaar. In die buitenste distrikte is baie ouer witgekalkte klipkerke voormalige dorpskerkies, nou verswelg deur die uitbreidende stad.
Binne-detail vanaf die stadsaal van Aarhus
Die ryk versierde Aarhus-teater

Enigiemand wat die Europese argitektuur waardeer, sal baie interessante plekke in Aarhus vind, van Middeleeuse geboue tot moderne ikone. Alhoewel Aarhus een van die oudste dorpe in Denemarke is, is die grootste deel van die middestad in die 1800's en 1900's tydens en na die industriële rewolusie opgerig, en u sal nie veel groter strukture uit die 1600's en 1700's vind in vergelyking met byvoorbeeld Kopenhagen nie. .

Moderne argitektuur is volop met baie noemenswaardige geboue soos die universiteitskampus in geel baksteen, die futuristiese Dokk1, die residensiële Isbjerget (die ysberg) aan die hawe, Musikhuset (die konsertsale) en die Moesgård-museum vanaf 2014. Opvallende argitektuur in die stad bevat ook 'n bietjie post-modernisme, baie Nordiese funksionalisme en in die besonder historisme wat volop is. Die Aarhus-katedraal wat in die 1100's begin is, is die oudste gebou in die stad, maar daar is verskeie bewaarde middeleeuse houtraamgeboue, meestal in die middestad, met die oudste datering uit die 1500's.

  • 14 Rådhuset (Die stadsaal), Rådhuspladsen 2, 45 89 40 20 00. Hierdie gebou word beskou as een van die hoogtepunte van die Deense argitektuur, ontwerp deur die beroemde argitekte Arne Jacobsen en Erik Møller in samewerking met die ewe gevierde meubelontwerper Hans Wegner. Bekleed met grys Noorse marmer, lyk dit miskien van buite af vir die onopgeleide oog, maar die binnenshuise ontwerp is baie meer intrigerend. Elke Saterdag van 10: 00-11: 30 word rondleidings rondom die binnekant van die gebou gereël. Vir 'n fooi kan u die kloktoring besoek en die uitsig geniet. Daar is verskeie interessante standbeelde rondom die stadsaal. Geniet die dramatiese bronsbeeld en fontein van "Agnethe og Havmanden" naby die ingang van die stad in die rigting van die Sentrale Stasie. Dit beeld 'n toneel uit 'n Deense sprokie oor Agnethe wat verlief raak op 'n man. Van hier af kan u deur die stadsingang en die Town Hall Park stap en meer bronsbeelde en gedenkstene waarneem. Die park is baie lewendig in die somer, aangesien mense geneig is om hierheen te stroom sodra dit warm word. Moenie die "Grisebrønden" -beeld (die put van die varke) met die kwylende en piepende varke, by die Stadhuisplein misloop nie. U kan ook goeie worsbroodjies by die Town Hall Square koop.
  • 15 Aarhus Universiteit (Aarhus Universiteitskampus). Ontwerp deur bekende Deense argitekte C. F. Møller, Kaj Fisker en C. Th. Sørensen (waarvan laasgenoemde die aangelegde tuin ontwerp het), is dit nog 'n noemenswaardige stuk argitektuur. Die eerste geboue was in 1933 klaar, maar daar word nog steeds met die konstruksie voortgegaan, en almal hou 'n algemene kenmerkende ontwerpkode in geel baksteen. Hier vind u die Staatsbiblioteek, 'n baken hoogtepunt vir die stad, plus 'n groep museums (die Museum vir Antieke Kuns, die Natuurhistoriese museum, en die Steno Museum) waaroor u meer kan lees in die "MuseumsDie afdeling self is ook die moeite werd om te besoek, ongeag die tyd van die jaar. University Park (Q12343602) op Wikidata University Park, Aarhus op Wikipedia
  • 16 Aarhus-teater (Oorkant die katedraal). As argitektuur meer u ding is, sal u graag die Aarhus-teatergebou binne-en-buite bestudeer. Gebou omstreeks 1900 in die Deense weergawe van Art Nouveau (bekend as skønvirke), is die gebou propvol argitektoniese besonderhede uit die geskiedenis van die teater en die interieur is selfs meer sappig versier as die buitegange. Guided tours (in Danish) on some Saturdays.
  • 17 Frederiksbjerg. Historicist architecture is abundant in this neighbourhood where large-scale construction of urban planned townscapes took off in 1898. Go to the square of Sankt Pauls Kirkeplads, uphill and south of the central station. The square is surrounded by notable historicist apartment blocks, each with their own peculiarity. Look up, take it slow and enjoy the variety. From here, there are numerous options for the architectural walk. A stroll down Odensegade towards Ingerslevs Boulevard is a good choice.
  • 18 Mejlborg. Finished in 1898, this was the first large apartment complex to be erected in Aarhus, built where the Northern city gates were demolished two decades before. Gothic Renaissance at its finest. There is no public access, but the detailed facades and metal clad onion dome can easily be enjoyed from the street. Good idea to go here by the historic street of Mejlgade and backtrack by the coastal promenade Kystvejen. Take it slow and be sure to look up, there are many more historicist waterfront buildings to experience here.
  • 19 Varna Palace (Varna Palæet), Ørneredevej 3, 45 86 14 04 00. Another well-known architectural landmark of Aarhus, and a bit of a change of pace from the modern style that predominates over larger parts of the city, Varna Palace is a palatial Neoclassical resort pavilion. It was designed for the Danish National Exhibition of 1909 by native Eggert Achen and is found in the outskirts of the Marselisborg Forests, south of the inner city. The Varna Palace now serves as the headquarters of the local Odd Fellows Society, but with a public onsite restaurant. Varna Palæet (Q12340589) op Wikidata Varna Palæet op Wikipedia

Green spaces and nature

Aarhus has a few large parks and several smaller green spaces. The largest and most notable parks includes The University Park, Aarhus Botanical Gardens and The Memorial Park. The city has some nice woodlands, beaches and countryside within easy reach.

Aarhus University Park
Mindeparken and the Marselisborg Palace.
Aarhus Botanical Gardens
Marselisborg Deer Park (Dyrehaven) in the Marselisborg Forests.
  • 20 Aarhus Botanical Gardens (Botanisk Have), Peter Holms Vej, 45 89 40 44 00. Daily 24 hours. Founded in 1873 as a research garden for students at Aarhus University, nowadays the Botanical Gardens have been repurposed more as a pleasant outdoor space for citizens to enjoy during the warm months. However, for laypeople who may be interested in botany, there are still thousands of different species of plants on display throughout this 21-hectare expanse, all labelled in Latin and Danish. The bulk of the place is a hilly outdoor expanse of open lawns, ponds, and landscaped gardens, with tropical plants to be found in a large greenhouse complex, designed in the modernist style (of course) by the prominent architectural firm of C. F. Møller. There's a small children's playground onsite, ample facilities for picnicking, and a café in the greenhouses, serving light lunches. Vry. Aarhus Botaniese Tuine (Q3198468) op Wikidata Aarhus Botaniese Tuine op Wikipedia
  • 21 Aarhus University Park. The University Park at the university campus is a soothing spot of greenery in the city centre and it is open year round. It is a celebrated piece of landscape architecture with rolling hills, open lawns, large old oak trees and a couple of duck ponds. If there, be sure to visit the southern section as well, known as Vennelystparken. It is the oldest park in Aarhus, dating to 1824, and is a bit different from the main park. University Park (Q12343602) op Wikidata University Park, Aarhus op Wikipedia
  • 22 Brabrand Lake (Follow the pathway along the Aarhus River from the city centre). Die Brabrandstien pathway leads upstream the river all the way to the Brabrand Lake nature site in the western parts of the city. Brabrandstien is a 20-km-long safe and tranquil corridor of greenery perfect for hiking, cycling and rollerblading. There are several spots for picnicking and resting, and even though it doesn't feel like it, you are always close to the city and its bus lines, if you don't want to backtrack. It is not possible to bath in the lake, but you can go there by canoe from the inner city if you want some alternative action. Brabrand Lake (Q9019885) op Wikidata Brabrand Lake op Wikipedia
  • 23 Den Japanske Have, Randersvej 395, 45 40 72 73 71. Garden May-Sep: Sa Su (and most weekdays) 09:00-15:30. Restaurant Jun-Aug: Sa Su 11:00-16:00. Located in Lisbjerg on Aarhus' northern outskirts, this is a large, authentic Japanese garden laid out in traditional chisen kaiyu style designed for promenading. There is an onsite restaurant and café (Park13). While the garden is only open for visitors in late spring and summer, larger special events, such as concerts, are occasionally arranged in the winter. Vry.
  • 24 Marselisborg Forests (Marselisborgskovene). A 3,700-hectare expanse of woodland stretching along the coast of Aarhus Bay south of town, Marselisborg is one of the most visited forests in Denmark. Aside from Ballehage Beach, Tivoli Friheden amusement park, and Varna Palace described elsewhere in this article, other amenities for visitors include: Marselisborg-woude (Q12326206) op Wikidata Marselisborg-woude op Wikipedia
  • 25 Aarhus Forestry Botanical Garden (Forstbotanisk Have). Established in 1923, this arboretum at the north end of the Marselisborg Forests is small (5 ha) but packed with over 900 species of trees and bushes from all over the world. It's a pleasant place to take a load off, but it's prohibited to disturb any of the plants, and falling tree branches are a persistent danger in windy weather. Vry. Aarhus Forestry Botanical Garden (Q12312046) op Wikidata Aarhus Bosbou Botaniese Tuin op Wikipedia
  • 26 Marselisborg Deer Park (Marselisborg Dyrehave). This 22-hectare enclosed section of Marselisborg serves as a low-key sort of zoo or safari park, with a few species of native woodland animals such as deer and wild boars dwelling peacefully in the hilly, not especially thickly-forested environs. The deer park is open from dawn to dusk year round, but for safety's sake it's best to avoid visiting during mating season in the autumn (Sep-Nov), and in the early summer when the does are nursing their calves (June-July). Marselisborg Deer Park (Q17111098) op Wikidata Marselisborg Deer Park op Wikipedia
  • A trio of preserved historic water mills dating from the 16th, 17th, and the 18th centuries hearken back to the time when this land was a series of tenant farms owned by the barons of Moesgaard Manor. 27 Silistria, a former grain mill, is now the clubhouse of OK Pan Århus, Denmark's longest-running orienteering club. Skovmøllen, the oldest of the three, has again been a working mill since 2000, and also a restaurant. 28 Thors Mølle, an old powder mill, has served guests since the 1700s and is now exclusively a restaurant.
  • 29 Moesgaard, Moesgård Allé 15. A southern part of the Marselisborg Forests, Moesgaard contains a marked history trail, The Prehistoric Trail, running from the Moesgaard Museum(q.v.) right down to the beach, with reconstructed Stone, Iron, and Viking Age houses and tombs, runestones, etc. If history isn't your thing, just enjoy the beautiful and varied nature of this place; in the spring and summer, it is worth a visit just for that. If you want to eat or drink, start your tour with a meal at the excellent Aarhus Golf Club restaurant near the museum, drop in later on at the old watermill of Skovmøllen in the woods or bring your own supplies and have a picnic lunch at the Moesgaard Beach. Vry. Moesgaard Museum (Q3299384) op Wikidata Moesgaard Museum op Wikipedia
  • 30 Mindeparken (Marselisborg Mindepark, Memorial Park). This memorial park offers a panoramic view of the Bay of Aarhus. Many larger events are held here and when the weather permits, citizens flock to relax in the park area. The park is centred around an extensive lawn but has several interesting sections of different designs, including a grove of Japanese cherry trees and a flower and sculpture garden. It also contains the largest World War I memorial in the country, commemorating 4,000 dead Danish soldiers. Vry. Mindeparken (Q12327291) op Wikidata Mindeparken op Wikipedia
  • 31 Riis Skov. Presented to the citizens of Aarhus in 1395 by Queen Margaret I, Riis Skov is the oldest public forest in Denmark. It is a very popular (and semiwild) green getaway from the bustle of the city, on the waterfront just a short distance northeast of the city centre, next to the charming neighborhood of Trøjborg. At Riis Skov you can have a barbecue on the beach (just bring coal and food); swim, play or soak up some sun at the baths of Den Permanente; or enjoy some upscale dining in a traditional Danish setting at Sjette Federiks Kro. Riis Skov (Q7333935) op Wikidata Riis Skov op Wikipedia


  • 32 Dokk1 (Dock-one, Dokken, Urban Media Space), Hack Kampmanns Plads 2, 45 89 40 92 00. M-F 08:00-22:00; Sa Su 10:00-16:00; Staff available M-Th 10:00-19:00; F 10:00-17:00. This large state-of-the-art public library and culture centre at the harbourfront is the largest public library in northern Europe, and is designed as a public meeting place for all kinds of activities. Enjoy the peculiar and futuristic architecture or engage in the library's many activities. Guided tours are arranged at regular intervals. Good café and an interesting four-section outside playground (adults may try the slides too). There is a specialized toddlers' play section inside. Large subterranean robotic car park below the building. Great for kids and adults alike. The whole building is accessible to people who use wheelchairs. Vry. Dokk1 (Q16856305) op Wikidata Dokk1 op Wikipedia
  • 33 Marselisborg Palace (Marselisborg Slot), Kongevejen 100, 45 33 40 10 10. This small summer residence of the Queen of Denmark is situated just west of Mindeparken. The surrounding garden-park is fenced, but open to the public when the Queen is not in residence. It is dotted with sculptures from the private art collection of Prince Consort Henrik, the Queen's late husband. Marselisborg-paleis (Q492981) op Wikidata Marselisborg-paleis op Wikipedia


For a city its size, Aarhus offers a multitude of things for visitors to do. Public events are generally oriented for folks of all ages and budgets, so whether you're a solo visitor, a family, young, old, handicapped, on a tight budget, or in the mood to splurge, there's much to choose from.

Guided tours and sightseeing

  • City Sightseeing (Hop-on-hop-off Aarhus) (Hop on at 8 spots around the city). May-July: daily 09:00-16:00. See Aarhus from an open double-decker bus. With an audioguide in eight languages you can hop on or off at 8 stops on the route around the city. Buses come and go every half-an-hour so you can spend as much time in each spot as you would like, but it takes 70 minutes to complete the circuit if you don't hop off at all. Suitable for the handicapped. €26.72, children under 16: €13.02.
  • 1 Bicycle tour (Cycling Aarhus), Frederiksgade 78 (Frederiksgade is a sidestreet to the Town Hall Square), 45 27 29 06 90, . May-Oct: daily 09:00-13:00. Participate in a guided bike tour around the city. There are several tour themes to choose from and if you are a group of four or more people, you can design your own personal tour with the guides. The guides are all fluent in Danish and English. kr 75-299.
  • 2 Aarhus Culture Walks, Banegårdspladsen 1 (Go to the Central Stations main entrance), 45 42 42 19 25, . Sa 11:00 and 14:00. Every Saturday at 11:00 and 14:00 o'clock, two-hour culture walks starts off from the square outside the Central Station. Just show up or book on-line and save 10 percent. The tours covers both present and older times city life, architecture, art and local stories. Tours on other days of the week and with more personalized themes can be arranged for groups of five or more people, but it costs €100. Children: Free, Adults: kr 150; Seniors: kr 120.

Theatre & performing arts

  • 3 Aarhus Theater, Teatergaden, 45 89 33 23 00. The city's main theatre. A luscious outstanding art nouveau interior design. You can dine or have a drink or coffee at Café Hack to the left of the main entrances. Aarhus-teater (Q1138832) op Wikidata Aarhus-teater op Wikipedia
Aarhus Theater
  • 4 Bora Bora, Valdemarsgade 1. Bora Bora is a small dance and visual theater located in a cultural centre that was once a school.
  • 5 Filuren, Thomas Jensens Allé 2. Another small niche theater with room for up to 150, located inside the large building complex at the Concert Halls. Filuren is both a theater in itself and a theater school for youth. A nice alternative thing to do if you are with children. Each play has a strictly enforced age limit (usually 3, 4, 5 or 13 years), so be sure to check out the programme beforehand. kr 65.
  • 6 Helsingør Theater. A reconstructed historic theater building from the town of Helsingør north of Copenhagen, now at The Old Town museum complex and still a working theater with room for an audience of 220. Throughout the year, you can catch summer operas, intimate classical concerts and occasional plays here. Not the most active theater in Aarhus, but certainly an interesting visit especially for aficionados of period architecture. Helsingør-teater (Q12316174) op Wikidata
  • 7 Teater Katapult, Godsbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3, 45 86 20 26 99, . Inaugurated in 1995 and located today in the new Godsbanen cultural centre, Teater Katapult is probably the largest alternative theater in Aarhus. The focus here is on fertilizing, stimulating and nurturing the local scene in Aarhus, "catapulting" new talents and projects of a more offbeat bent into the limelight. Several plays are put on monthly, mostly with timely themes explored from a local perspective and presented so as to stimulate debate. kr 170 (kr 60 for people under 25 and discounts for students and pensioners). (Q12342960) op Wikidata
  • 8 Svalegangen, Rosenkrantzgade 21, 45 86 19 19 44, . The second-largest theater in Aarhus, located on Rosenkrantzgade just off the major pedestrian street Ryesgade. There is a nice café attached. Svalegangen (Q12004128) op Wikidata
Street performance (ILT Festival)
  • 9 Teater Refleksion, Frederiksgade 72, 45 86 24 05 72, . This is a good example of one of the many small niche theatres in Aarhus. Located in a tranquil backyard in the city centre, Teater Refleksion specializes in puppet and animation theatre of a high international standard. Equally suited for children and adults. Most performances can be enjoyed without knowledge of the Danish language. Sometimes workshops. (Q12342961) op Wikidata
  • 10 Teatret Gruppe 38, Mejlgade 55 B (In a backyard in the Latin Quarter), 45 86 13 53 11, . Every day 09:00-15:00. This small theatre is touring around the world on a regular basis and to accommodate an international audience in Aarhus, a special programme in English has been launched for 2018. There is a small café at the theatre, pay a visit for a cup of tea and see if this place is for you.

Every second year in May, Aarhus is host to the International Living Theatre (ILT) festival, with the next event taking place in 2019. For a number of days, thespians from all over the world meet up here and share the universe of stage art in its broadest sense with each other and interested participants and audiences.


There are three mainstream movie houses in Aarhus, and a number of smaller niche theaters.

  • 11 CinemaxX, M. P. Bruuns Gade 25 (in Bruun's Galleri), 45 70 12 01 01. The largest and most high-tech cinema in Jutland, showing mostly mainstream Hollywood blockbusters with Danish subtitles, some in 3D. Large lounge parlor with a candy store (no outside food or drink!)
  • 12 Nordisk Film Biografer Aarhus C, Sankt Knuds Torv 15 (opposite the Catholic church on the high street near the central station), 45 70 13 12 11. Another large mainstream cinema with nine large screens and a 4DX film theatre. Lounge parlor with café and large candy store.
  • 13 Nordisk Film Biografer Trøjborg, Tordenskjoldsgade 21, 45 70 13 12 11. Daily from 15:00. A smaller mainstream movie theater in Trøjborg, with five screens and a café.
  • 14 Øst for Paradis, Paradisgade 7, 45 86 19 31 22. Showing a mix of indie and European arthouse films with some mainstream Hollywood fare thrown in for good measure, Øst for Paradis (East of Eden) comprises three stories of what is left of an old former craftman's guild complex from 1868, most of which was destroyed during the Second World War. The cinema has seven screens, equipped with state-of-the art digital technology. There is a cozy café at the cinema with newspapers and cultural magazines to browse, as well as a nightclub (Café Paradis) on the top floor.
  • 15 Slagtehal 3, Mejlgade 50. If you're into horror movies, head here: these folks show them every Thursday. 50 kr.

Live music

  • 16 Fatter Eskil, Skolegade 25 (behind the Aarhus Theatre near the river). Tu-Sa. Housed in an old building from the 1700s in the city centre, Fatter Eskil hosts bands from Denmark in a diverse mix of genres, but mostly blues and rock. kr 40-80, usually free before 22:00.
Musikhuset — The Concert Halls.
  • 17 Gyngen, Mejlgade 53. Gyngen is a music venue, restaurant and café all in one. A smaller place than Voxhall and Train, mostly featuring lesser-known bands and artists in a relaxed atmosphere.
  • 18 HeadQuarters (HQ), Valdemarsgade 1. Tu-Sa from 19:00. HeadQuarters is a cultural venue for theater, dance and music located in the basement of the same old school building where Bora Bora theater is. There are usually three concerts per week on a tiny stage, as well as club and DJ nights.
  • 19 [dooie skakel]Musikhuset (The Concert Hall). The largest concert hall in Scandinavia, Musikhuset has seating for more than 3,600 people in six halls with a large variety of events and concerts throughout the year: classical performances, rock and jazz concerts, operas, musicals, chamber music, as well as more intimate performances on some of the smaller stages. Good restaurant and café.
  • 20 Radar (behind the Scandinavian Center and the Concert Halls). Located in the cultural centre of Godsbanen, Radar hosts many concerts and music events.
  • 21 Studenterhus Aarhus (Stakladen), Nordre Ringgade (on the northern outskirts of the university campus). Built for student activities and assemblies and equipped with a cantina, Studenterhus Aarhus also hosts concerts and other cultural events, usually twice monthly. The largest stage has modern sound technology and room for 750 standing or 450 seated guests.
  • 22 Tape, Mejlgade 53. The latest in a long line of venues to call this building home, Tape's focus is on independent organizers with a diverse musical appeal, ranging from free jazz to punk to dancehall. Here you stand a good chance of experiencing many acts from the local underground.
  • 23 Train (at First Hotel Atlantic). Train hosts a large variety of modern contemporary music concerts and other events, from rock, pop and jazz to hip-hop and electronica. There is an onsite lounge, nightclub and cocktail bar (Kupé).
  • 24 Voxhall, Vester Alle 15 (at Mølleparken in the city centre), 45 87 30 97 97. A good, tightly planned schedule of mainstream rock and pop concerts, occasionally dipping its toes into other genres, Voxhall is Aarhus' venue of choice for big-name acts from abroad. A relatively small stage, but room for many people. The associated venue of Atlas is just as active, but mainly focuses on other genres, including world music and folk. Tickets are usually bought at the door, but if you're going to a major concert, buy beforehand! Nice wine and tapas bar in the building at Pica Pica.

Festivals and events

  • 25 Aarhus Festuge. The whole city is decorated for partying and filled with music, theater, food, experimental architecture, film, literature and other events during this 10-day multicultural festival held every year in late August and early September, the largest of its kind in northern Europe. Vry. Aarhus Festuge (Q258417) op Wikidata Aarhus Festuge op Wikipedia
Outdoor concert (Aarhus Festuge)
  • Aarhus International Jazz Festival. Held every year in the summer, following the Copenhagen Jazz Festival. Hundreds of concerts, many of which are free and open to the public, with a mix of nationally and internationally famous names as well as local up-and-coming talents. Aarhus International Jazz Festival (Q17509342) op Wikidata Aarhus International Jazz Festival op Wikipedia
  • 26 Classic Race Aarhus. An annual race and classic car festival held every May in Mindeparken. The next race will be from 17 to 19 September 2021. (Q23014597) op Wikidata
  • ARoS Triennial. A continuation of the former and hugely popular biannual Sculpture by the Sea — Aarhus event, the ARoS Triennial is a citywide art and sculpture exhibition held every three years. The next exhibition, titled Mythology, will take place in 2020. The outdoor installations can be experienced in June and July while the museum exhibition runs from April through September. Several pieces from former sculpture festivals are on permanent display around the city, including the kinetic sculpture Snake in Mølleparken close to the ARoS Art Museum. Outdoor exhibitions are free.
  • LiteratureXchange (Aarhus International Literature Festival), 45 88 43 80 00, . A new literature festival with an international outlook. First held in the summer of 2018, the 2021 festival event will be celebrated from 10 to 20 June with more than a hundred events around the city. Talks, debates and readings with celebrated writers along with more experimental happenings and small offbeat events. The 2019 festival featured international hotshots like Mario Vargas Llosa, Pierre Lemaitre and Yasmina Khadra and regional talents such as Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir (Iceland), Klas Östergren (Sweden) and Per Petterson (Norway). Danish, English and other languages.
  • Moesgård Vikingetræf. Open for visitors 10:00-17:00. A large Viking event held every summer in July at Moesgård beach, with reenactments, markets, workshops, and living-history presentations. Interesting activities for all age groups. The 2020 event was cancelled due to the pandemic. According to the organizers the Moesgaard Viking Moot will be back in 2021. A ticket gives you access all three days of the event and also to the Moesgaard Museum (MOMU) close by. Be aware that because of the event's popularity it can be very difficult, if not impossible, to find a place to park a car nearby. It is recommended to take a bus or bike or hike through the Marselisborg Forests to get there. Biking from central Aarhus would take under an hour. 140 kr (Free for those under 18). Moesgård Viking Moot (Q25038242) op Wikidata Moesgård Viking Moot op Wikipedia
  • Northside. A three-day, three-stage annual summer music festival featuring a range of well-known national and international stars.
Street performances (Aarhus Festuge)
  • SPOT festival. A music festival, show-casing local amateurs and up-and-coming bands for a few days in early May every year. The festival also arrange several concerts around town throughout the year. In 2021, the festival will run from 17th to 19th June. SPOT Festival is meant as a rendezvous between the Danish and international music industries and is headquartered at the Concert Halls and the conservatory but with concerts all over town. Small and large concerts from a tightly packed programme of many musical genres. Also talks and interviews with musicians and the music industry as well as conferences and networking opportunities. In the last few years, SPOT Festival has also included films and fashion. kr 790 for everything (day-tickets are also available). SPOT (Q7580030) op Wikidata Spot (musiekfees) op Wikipedia
  • Århundredets Festival (Festival of The Century), All over town. Århundredets Festival, or Festival of The Century in English, is a broadly appealing knowledge, art and culture festival held every year in the first half of March across the city. The festival alternates between a historical era theme and a present theme relating to current state of affairs. In 2021 there will be no festival but in 2022 it will be back. The theme will be 'Revolution'. The festival is arranged in a collaboration between the city's many educational and cultural institutions, Aarhus University and Aarhus Municipality, and includes a plethora of events, happenings, debates and lectures based around the annual theme. Everything is conducted in Danish as one of the festivals main purposes is to incite public debate among people and a broad engagement, but some events could be of interest to visitors who don't know the Danish language.

In 2022 Aarhus will host The Ocean Race, an international yacht race.


Almost the entire coastline of Denmark consists of publicly-accessible sandy beaches well suited for leisurely activities, and the Aarhus area is no different. Beachcombers might want to be on the lookout for petrified belemnites and sea urchins, but you shouldn't expect to spot any amber in this part of Denmark.

The municipality offers real-time updates of water quality, temperature, etc., at area beaches, on a website and via a free mobile app. Be aware that there is increased wave activity throughout the entire bay whenever the catamaran ferry is passing through. The phenomenon is harmless and only lasts 5-10 minutes, but small children are sometimes frightened by this, especially when it happens on an otherwise calm day.

There are several beach parks in Aarhus. The whole Bay of Aarhus is popular with activities in the summer.
  • 27 Åkrogen. An unpatrolled beachpark located some distance north the city centre with shallow, balmy, and clean waters. The beachpark is centred around a marina, from which it stretches north and south. It is especially popular with windsurfers and kitesurfers. At the marina there are several eateries and access to bathing facilities for a fee. Huge lawns with room for sports and other activities in connection with the beaches. The beach itself is not the best quality, it is rather narrow and somewhat stoney in most places, but nontheless Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail rated Åkrogen one of the world's ten best beaches. Åkrogen (Q25044234) op Wikidata Åkrogen op Wikipedia
  • 28 Ballehage Beach. This lovely stretch of white sand south of town benefits from a stunning location nestled against the hilly greenery of the Marselisborg Forests, yet within easy walking distance of popular sights like the Marselisborg Deer Park en Varna Palace as well as a number of restaurants. Popular with swimmers, sunbathers, and picnickers, Ballehage boasts calm and clean waters, as well as amenities such as toilets and changing areas. Ballehage (Q27658981) op Wikidata Ballehage Beach op Wikipedia
  • 29 Bellevue Beach Park. Another popular beach in a verdant yet often crowded setting, you'll find Bellevue Beach on the northern outskirts of town just past Riis Skov, facing Aarhus Harbor in the distance. Bellevue's sands are delightfully white and powdery, and the water is shallow and balmy, but notably less clean than other beaches listed here, especially after heavy rains. Amenities includes public toilets, drinking water, trash bins, and a small kiosk. You can get a meal at the café in the adjacent Bellevuehallerne sports complex and there are several small eateries in the immediate neighbourhood. Bellevue Beach (Q28225945) op Wikidata Bellevue Beach, Aarhus op Wikipedia
  • 30 Den Permanente. Bathhouse open dawn-dusk Jun-Aug; beach open year round. The name translates to "The Permanent", and reflects the fact that this place is as much about the indoor public bathhouse as the outdoor beach (or more; the latter is quite small). Changing rooms, showers, public toilets, and lifeguards are all provided. The tiny beach immediately south of the bathhouse has been designated as a nudist spot, but welcomes everybody. The historic inn Sjette Federiks Kro, located just up the hill in the forest, is the place to go for a nice traditional Danish meal after your swim. The sea bath was opened in 1933 but has been rebuilt several times since then. It was renovated in 2019. Den Permanente (Q5256478) op Wikidata Den Permanente op Wikipedia
  • 31 Moesgaard Beach (Moesgaard Strand). 12 km from the city center and further south than Ballehage Beach, Moesgaard Beach is patrolled by a lifeguard during the summer months, and the water is even cleaner. There are large green areas here, a car park, toilet facilities, and a kiosk with fast food items, beverages, candy and ice cream for sale in the summer. You can reach the area by road (bicycle, car or bus) through the forests, on foot by The Prehistoric Trail from the Moesgaard Museum or from the beachside. If you go by bus, one option is to take Bus 31 from the Aarhus Bus Station. Moesgård Beach (Q23753270) op Wikidata Moesgård Beach op Wikipedia

Swimming pools

There are a total of four public indoor swimming pools throughout the city that can be used most of the year. Be sure to check up, as some are closed for extensive periods in the summer. Same price at all venues: kr 45; special prices for children and groups. You can rent towels and bathing suits at some places, but it is expensive.

"Havnebadet" harbour baths opened in June 2018
  • 32 Aarhus Svømmestadion, F. Vestergaards Gade 5, 45 86 12 86 44. All week. If swimming specifically is what you want to do, this is a better option than Badeanstalten Spanien, with an outdoor pool (summer only) to go along with the indoor one. Nonswimmers not allowed. There are also two associated sports halls known as Frederiksbjerghallerne. Bring your own lock for your personal locker, or buy one at the reception for kr 25.
  • 33 Badeanstalten Spanien, Spanien 1 (at the central bus terminal), 45 89 40 20 70. M-Th 08:00-20:00, F-Su 08:00-16:00. The pool at this renovated historic bathhouse from the 1930s hosts many families and children on weekends, but Badeanstalten Spanien is so much more than just swimming: there's a luxury co-ed wellness section (kr 90) with saunas, steambaths, spas, infrared heat lamps and other facilities. The building also houses a fitness centre, a couple of small boutiques offering massage, beauty treatments, wellness products and a café. Spanje Openbare baddens (Q12302722) op Wikidata Spanje Openbare baddens op Wikipedia
  • 34 Gellerupbadet, Dortesvej 43, Brabrand (in Braband, in the middle of Gellerup Park), 45 86 25 69 01. W-M. If you're a family with kids, Gellerupbadet is the swimming venue for you, with special shallow heated pools and a sauna, plus a large climbing wall in the hall.
  • 35 Havnebadet (Aarhus Havnebad), Irma Pedersens Gade (Go to Bassin 7 on Aarhus Docklands). 11:00 to 19:00 every day (June-August). Large floating bathhouse in the northern parts of the harbour, part of the developing docklands district. Designed by renowned architecture company BIG, Havnebadet was inaugurated on 30th June 2018. The open-air bathhouse has several pools, including child friendly paddling pools. It is open to the public from June through August. The surrounding area is still under development, but a number of small shops offers coffee, drinks, ice cream and some food. Vry.
  • 36 Lyseng Svømmebad, Lysengvej 4, Højbjerg, 45 87 13 33 85, . Sa-Tu and Th. Located in the outer district of Højbjerg to the south of the city centre, this is a swimming hall complex for everybody. Three pools to choose from: a shallow one with swimming toys for the kids, a deep one with diving boards, and swimming lanes for exercise and competitions. Sauna in both the men and women departments. (Q12325291) op Wikidata


Throughout the city there are a number of sports complexes, small and large stadiums, indoor sports halls, and several facilities for street sports. Apart from the free street-level activities, you'll need to be a member of a team to visit most of these places, but sometimes hourly rental or trial lessons are offered.

Full stadium for a football match at Ceres Park & Arena.
  • 37 Aarhus Skøjtehal, Gøteborg Alle 9 (behind the green-roofed watertower at the junction of Randersvej and Ring 2), 45 86 10 42 19. Aarhus Skøjtehal is an indoor ice rink offering ice skating in season, including occasional "ice disco" events and hockey matches. In winter, an outdoor ice skating venue is set up in the inner city park outside the Concert Halls. kr 45. (Q12300337) op Wikidata
  • 38 Ceres Park & Arena (Stadion) (on the outskirts of the Marselisborg Forests next to Tivoli Friheden). The home pitch of local soccer team AGF, Ceres Park & Arena holds around 21,000 spectators. If you're a soccer fan, don't miss a home game (played on Saturdays or Sundays) as the atmosphere is amazing during game night!
  • 39 DGI-huset, Værkmestergade 17 (behind the Bruun's Galleri shopping centre), 45 86 18 00 88, . DGI-Huset is a sports centre of about 5,000 m² in the city centre where you can engage in many kinds of indoor sporting activities. If you're not a member of a team, you can still play badminton or football, or pay by the hour to tackle one of the large climbing walls. Children are welcome and accommodated with a special play area, and there's also an onsite café. Weekends and holidays often see discounts on admission. Free entry, courts kr 100 for an hour.
  • 40 Jysk Væddeløbsbane, Observatorievejen 2 (behind the Ceres Park & Arena, enter from Carl Nielsens Vej), 45 86 14 25 11. Horse racing. kr 40.

Aarhus hosts many large sports events on both national and international level. You may want to attend or plan your visit around one of these events. In March 2019, the city was host to the World Championships in Cross Country.


Canoes for rent at Folkestedet

In the summer from early May through September you can rent canoes at the central community centre of Folkestedet and paddle along the Aarhus River for short or extended journeys.


The are several good spots for recreational fishing on the harbourfront with good chances of catching cod, mackerel, herring, and flatfish (Although eating the latter and other bottom-feeders is not recommended if caught in the harbour). In the countryside surrounding Aarhus streams and lakes likewise offer many opportunities for angling for trout, roach and bream. You will need to buy a Angler Fishing License.

Horse riding

A few places offers horseback riding as an alternative way to experience the immediate countryside.

  • 41 Møllegård Islandsheste, Ormslevvej 325 (Bike, hike or drive towards the small village of Ormslev west of Aarhus), 45 23 30 16 50, . Year round. Try some guided horseback riding on Icelandic horses in the countryside west of Aarhus city. Depending on your skill level, you will be guided by professionals on site, and when deemed qualified you can begin exploring the surrounding area on the back of a horse. The nature around Årslev Lake and Brabrand Lake close by offers a memorable nature experience. Icelandic horses are a sturdy breed, but smaller than most other horses, so the weight limit is 90 kg. This place is open for both single visitors and groups year round. 450 kr for 1½ hour (w. guide and equipment).
  • 42 Seldrup Islandsheste, Fuldenvej 119 (Bike, hike or drive to the village of Beder south of Aarhus), 45 22 47 81 10, . Tour hours varies, but tours are scheduled every Wednesday. Horseback riding on Icelandic horses in the beautiful forests and countryside south of Aarhus. All tours are with guides. Only helmets are for rent here, remember to bring your own boots and long trousers. Please book and arrange everything a few days in advance. Tours varies in length and price. Ride for 1½ hour every Wednesday 10:00-11:30 for 300 kr.
  • 43 Rønbækgård, Rønbækvej 35 (Bike, hike or drive to Søften north of Aarhus), 45 28 15 73 01. F 15:30-16:30, Su 15:00-16:30. Rønbækgård is in the forest of Himmerigskov between the suburban villages of Trige, Søften and Hinnerup north of Aarhus. Beginners, as well as the more experienced, can participate in guided tours on Icelandic horses every Friday and Sunday afternoon, tailored to the riders skill levels. Visit, or call, in advance to arrange and book. Tours on other days of the week can be negotiated. F 250 kr, Su 350 kr.


Die East Jutland region has many options for golfers. The courses are of a high quality and often situated in beautiful settings. As part of this region, Aarhus has several options:

View across the golf courses at Mollerup Golf Club.
  • 45 Aarhus Golf Club, Ny Moesgårdvej 50, Højbjerg (close to the Moesgård Museum and the Marselisborg Forests), 45 86 27 63 22, . Boasting a great view of the Bay of Aarhus and the excellent bistro and restaurant UNICO (which you can visit even if you're not a golfer), the Aarhus Golf Club has 35 years of experience and more than 1,000 members. 18 holes.
  • 46 Aarhus Minigolf, M. P. Bruuns Gade 25 (At Bruuns Galleri), 45 21 85 05 18, . For something different, how about a round of mini-golf on the rooftops of the inner city? Take the elevator to the top floor of the Bruuns Galleri shopping halls at the central station to access the rooftop terrace. There is a large eatery right next to this place and a small bar outside at the playing field. Closed in the winter. kr 60.
  • 47 Lyngbygaard Golf, Lyngbygårdsvej 29, Brabrand, 45 87 44 10 70. West of the centre in the district of Brabrand. Play either 18 or 9 holes, with five tees on every hole. Challenges for all levels. Onsite restaurant.
  • 48 Mollerup Golf Club, Mollerupvej 7, Risskov (9 km from the centre, in Risskov, on the southern slopes of the Egå Valley), 45 86 78 55 56, . Apart from the golf facilities, Mollerup is known for its beautiful setting near the forest of Mollerup Skov and the lake area of Egå Engsø, with a view across the valley here. 18 holes. Café and restaurant. Mollerup Golfklub (Q12327522) op Wikidata


  • 49 Battlearena Lasergame, Sylbækvej 7-9 in Brabrand (Go to the Brabrand Lake west of the inner city), 45 86 22 14 44. 09:00-23:00. Indoor lasergun battles for six or more people. Minimum age is 8 years old. Call in advance to book and pay. Instructions and equipment is part of the package. Bring your own food and drink or buy drinks at the place. Smallest package is 1 hour for 150 kr per person.
  • 50 Eventpark Højbjerg, Søren Nymarksvej 8 (Near Christian X's Vej, just beyond Ring 2), 45 86 14 16 00 (Rush), 45 60 19 87 52 (Eventhall). 09:00-18:00. A cluster of activity game arenas and an event venue, located in an otherwise uninteresting area of light industry in the south of the city. Rush Aarhus is a trampoline park for kids and adults alike. Every Friday and Saturday evening 20:00-22:00, Rush after Dark parties are arranged. Eventhall[voorheen dooie skakel] is a multi-purpose arena for all kinds of activity games; try to be a sumo wrestler, play bungee-basket or shoot your friends in a paintball game. Savvaerket is an event venue with occasional concerts and cultural happenings. kr 109 (1 hour at Rush) or 125 (1 hour at Eventhall).
Aarhus Street Food
  • 51 Food markets, Ingerslevs Boulevard, . W-Sa 08:00-14:00. An outdoor farm and artisan market with fresh vegetables, fruit, bread, fish, meat, cheese, and some prepared foods sold by local producers. There's also a small permanent café here with good coffee. 52 Aarhus Central Food Markets en 53 Aarhus Street Food are two indoor food markets since 2016 in the city centre near the central station. Each offers a culinary world tour ranging from craft beers, charcuterie, and luxury porridge to pad thai, fish & chips, and Afro-Caribbean barbecue. Both food courts are open every day of the week. Vry.
  • 54 Godsbanen, Skovgaardsgade 3 (behind ARoS and the Concert Halls), 45 8940 9948, 45 2920 9043. A new centre for cultural productions of all kinds: theatre, concerts, performance, film, art exhibitions, finders-keepers markets, and more. There is a restaurant and café here too. Even if you are not interested in participating in anything in particular, Godsbanen is worth a visit for its strange and unique architecture, including the DIY commune known as Institut for (X) agter die hoofgeboue. Hier pas mense tuine op, speel sokker, skaatsplank, speel straatsport, partytjie hou en leef selfs. Die atmosfeer is 'n vriendelike, uitnodigende aanslag op die anargistiese 'vrystad' - u sal niks van die dekadensie van Christiania hier. 'N Groter deel van die dorp is laat in 2018 gestoot om plek te maak vir nuwe bouprojekte, so besoek dit nou as u enigsins belangstel. Vry.
  • Speelgronde. Aarhus het baie klein (en 'n paar groot) speelgronde in en om die stad, waarvan die oorgrote meerderheid gratis is. Kloden by Dokk1, Legeland in die Storcenter Nord-winkelsentrum, en die buitenspeelplekke by Mindeparken en die Botaniese Tuine is gewilde keuses. By Børnenes Jord in die middestad word binnenshuise en buitenshuise speelgronde bygewoon deur professionele persone wat toesig hou oor kinders en ook geleenthede reël. Kommersiële webwerwe sluit in Leo se Legeland in die noordelike distrik Skejby en die Legelandet kompleks in die westelike distrik Brabrand, albei met fasiliteite vir kinders van alle ouderdomme tot 17 jaar.
Pretpark Tivoli Friheden.
  • 55 RaceHall, Hasselager Centervej 30 (Beyond Ring 2, naby Eventpark Højbjerg), 45 86 28 01 70. Gaan na 'n kart-karwedren in die grootste binnenshuise renbaan in Europa. 'N Amerikaanse eetkamer op die perseel. kr 310-580.
  • 56 Royal Scandinavian Casino, Stoor Torv 4 (in Hotel Royal oorkant die katedraal), 45 86 19 21 22, . Daaglikse 24 uur, speeltafels open om 19:00. Speel 'n ronde roulette of 'n kaartspeletjie en hoop op die groot prys, neem 'n blaaskans van die aksie oor 'n koppie koffie in die Royal Café of aandete by Queens Garden restaurant, sluit aan by die partytjie by die Royal Casino-kroeg, of kyk net na die bronsbeelde by die hoofingang, ontwerp deur die plaaslike kunstenaar Hans Krull. Inskrywing kr 70 na 19:00 (kr 20 voor 19:00).
  • 57 Tivoli Friheden, Skovbrynet 5 (suid van die middestad aan die buitewyke van die Marselisborg-woude), 45 86 14 73 00. Kyk op die webwerf vir skedule. 'N Pretpark met achtbanke, reuzenrad, spookhuis en soortgelyke klassieke vermaak. Ook restaurante, 'n dansvloer en 'n groot verhoog wat af en toe konserte en groot geleenthede aanbied. Spesiale skedule rondom Kersfees. kr 70, reiskaartjie kr 135, -.


Maak geen fout daaroor nie: Aarhus is 'n universiteitsdorp. As die tuiste van Aarhus Universiteit, die grootste in Skandinawië, plus nege ander hoëronderwysinstellings, tel Aarhus se studentepopulasie een uit elke vyf inwoners - 'n statistiek wat beslis die jeugdige lewenskrag in die stad se eet-, naglewe- en kulturele tonele verklaar.

Alhoewel u nie aan een van Aarhus se kolleges en universiteite gematrikuleer het nie, bied die stad nog steeds baie informele leeraktiwiteite en kursusse oor alle soorte onderwerpe.

  • Afgesien van graadkursusse, 1 Aarhus Universiteit (AU) bied ook 'n aantal onafhanklike akademiese kursusse in Engels aan, sowel as ...
  • Folkeuniversitetet (Folk University), wat lesings en seminare oor baie gewilde akademiese onderwerpe aanbied, met 'n meer ontspanne en minder tegniese toon wat op leke gemik is. Die onderwysers kom uit 'n streng akademiese agtergrond (baie is professore aan die AU) en is toegerus om opgedateerde kennis uit die voorpunt van navorsing te lewer. Alle kursusse is in Deens, dus dit kan 'n goeie geleentheid wees om u taalvaardighede op 'n intellektueel stimulerende manier uit te oefen.
  • Dokk1', 'n nuwe sentrale biblioteek en kultuursentrum, bied 'n oorvloed kulturele geleenthede, byeenkomste, seminare en besprekingsgroepe met verskillende kulturele noemenswaardighede.
  • 2 FO-stad (Frederiksgade 78C) is 'n groep geboue wat weggesteek is in 'n binnehof agter die City Hall Square, wat dien as sentrum vir 'n verskeidenheid kursusse in algemene onderwys, vergaderings en konferensies. Daar is 'n kafee op die perseel (Kafee Nicolai) en soms markte waar die studente hul eie kunsvlyt en kunswerke verkoop.
  • FOF is 'n jarelange program vir volwassenes wat allerhande kursusse aanbied met gekwalifiseerde onderwysers, gewoonlik saans, op verskillende plekke in die stad. Hier kan u kitaar leer speel, vir u baba kook of 'n vaarbewys verwerf.
  • 3 LærDansk Aarhus. As u die doel is om Deens te leer, is dit die beste plek om na te gaan. Die taalkursusse hier is meestal gerig op buitelandse studente aan die Aarhus Universiteit en immigrante, maar is oop vir almal. Kursusse word by beide die LærDansk-kantore (Paludan-Müllers Vej 82) en die AU-kampus gehou.


Inkopies doen in die Latin Quarter.
Bruun's Galleri, een van verskeie winkelsentrums met spesialiteitswinkels in die middestad.

Die voetganger sone in die middestad is die beste plek om te gaan inkopies doen - en dit is direk buite Aarhus Central Station en die busterminal, dus jy kan dit nie mis nie. Dit is propvol klein spesialiteitsboetieks en kafees, maar ook groter winkels: plekke van Salling en Magasin du Nord departement winkels; drie H&M afsetpunte; verskeie supermarkte. Die hoofstraat van Strøget is die plek om na eksklusiewe Skandinawiese klere-, ontwerp- en juwelierswinkels te gaan soek. Daar is ook 'n aantal groter boekwinkels waar u boeke in Engels kan koop, insluitend gidse en kaarte.

  • 1 [voorheen dooie skakel]Bruun's Galleri (in die Sentrale Stasie, betree per motor of een van die vyf ingange op straatvlak, ook deur die stasie). Die grootste stadsentrum in Denemarke. Daar is 95 winkels om van te kies, plus die grootste en mees gevorderde bioskoop in Jutland.
  • 2 Latynse wyk (langs die Aarhus-katedraal, begrens deur Mejlgade, Nørregade en die perseel van Vor Frue Kirke). Nog 'n winkelgebied in die ou stadskern, in die Latin Quarter, vind u klein onafhanklike winkels, asook van die oudste kafees in die stad. Hier is iets vir almal: unieke klere, meubels en ontwerpboetieks, baie met 'n onmiskenbare Deense aanvoeling (kyk na die Bang & Olufsen Hi-Fi-winkel vir 'n besonder goeie voorbeeld), kunsgalerye by die winkel, platewinkels, tatoeëerhuise, haarsalonne, om nie te praat van talle geleenthede om net die atmosfeer en straatlewe te geniet nie. Elke jaar in Mei of September vier die winkels en besighede in die omgewing die Latiner-fees vir 'n paar dae, met geleenthede en konserte. Latin Quarter (Q6496462) op Wikidata Latinerkvarteret, Aarhus op Wikipedia
  • 3 Museums Kopi Smykker, Skt. Clemens Stræde 7, 45 86 12 76 88. M-Sa. Een van slegs vier winkels in Denemarke wat hoë kwaliteit reproduksies van oorspronklike Viking-juwele verkoop. Baie verskillende variëteite.

Buite die middestad sluit die opvallende inkopiegeleenthede in:

  • 4 Bazar Vest, Edwin Rahrs Vej 3 (in Brabrand, 10 minute se stap vanaf City Vest). Di-So 10: 00-18: 00. 'N Internasionale basaar van 110 klein winkels waar u allerhande ingevoerde artikels en etniese kos kan koop. Sorg vir 'n maaltyd, 'n kapsel en u skoene reggemaak, of wat van 'n waterpyp, 'n regte Persiese tapyt en 'n spesiaal ontwerpte Arabiese parfuum? Baie kombuise, van Grieks en Turks tot Somalies en Indies. Goeie shawarmas, falafel en soet Arabiese lekkernye. Soms gebeurtenisse soos markdae met spesiale afslag of konserte met Midde-Oosterse kunstenaars of wêreldmusiek. Groot parkeerterreine. Vry.
  • 5 Stadsvest (op Silkeborgvej verby die Ring 2 Ringweg). Hierdie winkelsentrum is in die westelike deel van die stad en het ongeveer 30 winkels en kafees.
  • 6 Storcenter Nord (in die noordelike deel van die middestad naby die Botaniese Tuine, op Paludan Müllersvej net verby die Ring 1-ringweg). Ongeveer 50 winkels, waaronder 'n verrassende verskeidenheid eetplekke en 'n groot binnenshuise speelplek met plek vir tot 150 kinders. Eet u middagete terwyl u kinders langs u speel. Groot parkeerplekke in die kelder en op die dak.

Selfsorgondernemings met 'n begroting moet 'n rooi kleur soek Fakta of geel Netto; dit is die volopste afslag kruidenierswinkels in die stad. Ander afslagopsies is Aldi en Rema.

Sommige plekke, veral restaurante, bereken 'n toeslag van enkele persent ekstra vir aankope wat met buitelandse kredietkaarte gedoen word, weens bankkoste.


Hierdie bladsy gebruik die volgende prysklasse vir 'n gewone maaltyd vir een, insluitend koeldrank:
Begrotingtot kr 100
Midde-reeks100-300 kr
Splurge300 kr en meer

Aarhus is algemeen bekend as een van die beste eetplekke in Denemarke. Die beste plekke is egter nie noodwendig op die mees prominente adresse geleë nie; daarom word 'n bietjie blaai aanbeveel as u veral belangstel in lekker eet. Pryse neig na die laagste punt - ideaal vir permanente kontant-gegorderde universiteitstudente - maar dit is nie noodwendig 'n aanduiding van lae gehalte nie; u kan verbasend goeie kos op sommige van hierdie goedkoop plekke vind. Verskeie plekke bied middagete aan.

Met 'n immigrantebevolking van ongeveer 15% het Aarhus baie geleenthede vir etniese voedsel; Italiaanse, Griekse, Midde-Oosterse, Chinese, Viëtnamese, Thaise en Japannese kosse is die algemeenste kookkuns, en weer is pryse gewoonlik redelik bekostigbaar.

Die meeste restaurante sluit die kombuis om 21:00, maar u kan gewoonlik terugsit en u maaltyd geniet solank u wil. Op fynproewersplekke is dit 'n goeie idee om vooraf 'n tafel te bespreek, en dit word sterk aanbeveel vir groepe van vyf of meer mense. Anders loop u die kans om in die deur van die hand gewys te word as gevolg van die onverwagse werklading of gebrek aan ruimte. Baie restaurante is gedurende die hele jaar vir lang tydperke gesluit; gewoonlik in die somermaande of Jan-Februarie, moet u vooraf seker maak of u van plan is om 'n spesifieke plek te besoek.

Braai en hamburgers

In die afgelope paar jaar het Aarhus 'n ware "burgeroorlog" beleef, met burgerkosvoëls van goeie gehalte wat oral opduik en sorg vir sterk mededinging. Aarhus het ook verskeie keuses vir Amerikaanse en tradisionele Deense braai. Midde-Oosterse tariewe soos kebab, shawarma en falafel kan by talle eetplekke in die naglewedistrikte aangebied word, en daar is verskeie Mexikaanse plekke.


Benewens wat hieronder gelys word, sal geen besoek aan Denemarke volledig wees sonder om 'n beskuldiging van a Pølsevogn (worswa): straatverkopers wat 'n verskeidenheid worsbroodjies, wors en soms hamburgers verkoop. Die middestad het verskeie, waaronder een voor die sentrale stasie en 'n ander by die City Hall Square, waarvan die meeste deur 'n Deense besit word. liefdadigheid wat die oorskot aan behoeftige kinders skenk.

A Pølsevogn by Lille Torv. Op hierdie plekke kan u straatkos in Deense styl kry.
  • 1 Burger Boom, Østergade 14, 45 87 30 30 20. Daagliks 11: 00-21: 00. Hierdie nuwe 'veglustige' in Aarhus se genoemde 'burgeroorlog' is 'n klein plekkie in die middel van die stad met 'n kort, maar soet spyskaart van hamburgers en patat wat teen goedkoop pryse verkoop word. Die hamburgers is minimalistiese konstruksies met 'n opvallende gebrek aan groente-bolaag om die smaak van geroosterde plaaslike vrylopende beesvleis nie te verdof nie. Slaai en tamatie kan gratis bygevoeg word, vertel net wanneer u bestel. Patat kom as gewone patats of gelaaide kaasbraaie. Burger Boom se manier van doen was gewild, en 'n ander en 2 groter plek begin in 2020, ook reg in die middel van die stad. Burgers vanaf kr 50.
  • 3 Die Burger Shack, Frederiksgade 39, 45 23 45 67 27. Su-W 11: 30-21: 00, Do-Sa 11: 30-4: 00. Hulle braai hier 'n gemiddelde burger, perfek gedoen met alle vrylopende en plaaslike beesvleis. Die bakkies knapperige gebraaide hoender is ook goed, maar die beste item op die Shack-spyskaart moet hul patat wees, bedien met 'n afstof van parmesaankaas en vars tiemie, met u keuse van spesiaal gemaakte mayo's aan die kant. . Drie plekke in die stad: die oorspronklike plek in die sentrale voetgangersone, 'n plek in Skolegade, reg in die middel van die besige partytjietoneel by die Aarhus-rivier, en een in die noordelike distrik Trøjborg. Burgers vanaf 55 kr, friet 30 kr.
  • 4 Havnens Perle, Sverigesgade 1A (In die noordelike hawedistrik), 45 86 13 22 56. 08: 00-22: 00 die meeste dae. Roadhouse-styl Deense braaiplek by die hawe, gewild onder dokwerkers en ander inwoners van 'n blouboordjie. Geniet 'n varsgemaakte burger, worsbroodjies, gebraaide hoender, gebraaide varkvleis, vis en skyfies, of verskillende warm maaltye, insluitend tradisionele Deense gebraaide varkvleis met wit pietersieliesous en aartappels (125 kr), 'n stewige gereg wat 'n groot tapbier nodig het. Ontbyt en middagete word ook bedien, waarvan laasgenoemde bestaan ​​uit smørrebrød (Deense toebroodjies met oop gesig op rogbrood). Baie plek om buite te sit as die weer dit toelaat. Die kwaliteit van die voedsel kan sleg wees, veral as dit oorvol is. Burgers kr 89 en ouer. Worsbroodjies kr 28. Warm etes vanaf kr 49.
  • 5 De Fyrretyve Røvere, Frederiks Alle 81 (Op Frederiksbjerg), 45 25 40 40 67. Elke dag. Relatief nuwe eetplek, deel van 'n vlaag van gehalte braaiplekke van Midde-Oosterse inspirasies regoor Aarhus. Goeie pitas met lamsvleis, beesvleis, pittige hoender of tuisgemaakte falafel in kombinasie met ander Midde-Oosterse lekkernye. Pitas kr 65, sye is ekstra.
Daar is baie eetplekke langs die kanaal. Bone's Restaurant.


Van die beste braaiplekke in die stad is in Amerikaanse styl.

  • 6 Been s'n, Åboulevarden 20 (by die rivier naby Europaplads), 45 87 30 04 00. Daagliks 11: 00-21: 30. Amerikaanse braai in twee verdiepings. Bone's is 'n gesinsvriendelike Deense restaurantketting met eetplekke regoor die land. Middagete elke dag.
  • 7 Memphis Roadhouse, Christiansgade 32, 45 87 30 04 00. Ma Di 16: 30-20: 00; W Do 16: 30-22: 00; F Sa 11: 00-22: 00; So 11: 00-21: 00. Regtig goeie Amerikaanse braai in die suidelike rookkuns-tradisie. Middagete naweke.


In Denemarke is daar talle Italiaanse restaurante, wat van gourmet-etes tot kitskos-opsies soos pizza en panini voorsit. Kwaliteitsroomys was voorheen nie 'n baie gewilde soetbederf in Denemarke nie, maar dit kan verander, aangesien talle roomysverkopers regoor die land opgeduik het. In Aarhus sluit hierdie tendens ook Italiaanse ysies van gehalte in.


Pizzeria's is volop in Aarhus, en 'n paar daarvan is uitstekende pizzas

Pizzeria's is volop in die stad, insluitend die afgeleë distrikte. Sommige plekke doen ekstra moeite:

  • 8 [dooie skakel]Caffé Ispirazione, Ålborggade 19 (Op Frederiksbjerg), 45 91 53 26 78. Die ure wissel. Kyk uit vir groen stoele buite die winkel. Gewoonlik 10: 30-21: 00, maar altyd Dinsdae gesluit. Uitstekende pizzas en baie goeie ysies. Ook toebroodjies rondom middagete. Hierdie plek fokus ekstra op organiese bestanddele. Breë diversiteit en vegetariërs en veganiste het hier baie opsies. 79-129 kr vir pizzas.
  • 9 De Martino, Trøjborgvej 8F (om die hoek van Casa Mia, 1 minuut se afdraand na Riis Skov), 45 31 38 93 49. Daagliks 16: 00-21: 30. Pizzeria van goeie gehalte in Trøjborg, wat ook pasta, risotto en outentieke Italiaanse kalfsgeregte bedien. Kinders se spyskaart en wegneemete beskikbaar. 75-95 kr vir pizza.
  • 10 Delizioso, Silkeborgvej 243, Åbyhøj (By Silkeborgvej en Åbyhøj Square), 45 72 40 36 50. Ma-Sa 11: 00-21: 00, So 16: 00-21: 00. 'N Pizzeria en kafee-restaurant by die Åbyhøj-stadsplein. Die spyskaart is meestal pizzas en pasta's, maar ook panini, slaaie en Italiaanse vleisgeregte, van uitstekende gehalte. Middagete-aanbiedinge van 11: 00-15: 00. Afhaal beskikbaar. 85-95 kr vir pizza.
  • 11 La Trattoria, Frederiks Allé 130, 45 32 16 27 52, . Daagliks 11: 00-21: 00. Italiaanse restaurant en kafee met 'n eenvoudige spyskaart met pasta, pizza en toebroodjies. Geregte is hoofsaaklik in die begroting, maar 'n paar is duur. Wegneem aangebied. Pastageregte en pizzas van ongeveer 70 kr. En middagete-pizza bied 40 kr.


Italiaanse restaurante is baie in Denemarke, en Aarhus bied ook 'n paar fynproewersplekke aan.

Goeie restaurante met 'n breër en meer omvattende Italiaanse of Italiaans-geïnspireerde spyskaart sluit in:

  • 12 AmoRomA, Vestergade 60 (in die westelike punt van Vestergade), 45 86 19 30 77, . Daagliks. AmoRomA se eienaars is geleë in 'n ou, bewaarde houtraamhuis en maak gebruik van hul ervaring met die bedryf van hul spesiale kruidenierswinkel. Il Mercatino in Mejlgade vir hul spyskaart met lekker Italiaanse kos wat in 'n romantiese omgewing bedien word. Baie goeie pizzas.
  • 13 Gäst, Banegårdspladsen 14, 45 23 62 35 72, . Daagliks. Hierdie Italiaans-geïnspireerde fynproewersrestaurant in die Burgemeester-hotel by die sentrale stasie is een van die beste restaurante in die stad. Middag- en aandspyskaarte.
  • 14 Restaurant Martino, Marselisborg Havnevej 46 B (by die Marselisborg-seiljaghawe), 45 86 18 19 69, . Daagliks 10: 00-21: 30. Martino bedien wonderlike Italiaanse-geïnspireerde fynproewersgeriewe met die klem op seekos. Orde à la carte vanaf hul wye spyskaart of kyk na hul keuse van seisoenale twee-, drie- of vierganggeregte prix fixe etes. Spesiale middagete is van 11: 00-16: 00 van krag. Buiten sitplek as die weer dit toelaat.



Daar is baie opsies vir 'n goedkoop Asiatiese maaltyd. Chinese restaurante bied gewoonlik 'n paar goedkoop middagete aan à la carte skottelgoed, en wegneemkassies. Opvallend is ook 'n groep Vietnamese en Thaise plekke langs Vesterbrogade, verby Vesterbro Torv en langs Nørre Allé en Nørregade.

  • 15 Com Viet, Nørregade 8 (aan die noordelike punt van Nørregade), 45 60 48 18 73. Di-Do 12: 00-21: 00; V Sa 12: 00-22: 00. Vietnamese restaurant aan die einde van Nørregade. Warm maaltye is tipies £ 85, maar daar is verskillende opsies vir klein geregte soos loempia's, slaaie en toebroodjies vir £ 45 en hoër.
  • 16 Den Grønne Papaya, Nørre Allé 23B, 45 86 12 76 80 (30 34 62 49). Su-F 16: 00-20: 00. In die middel van Nørre Allé word hierdie klein klein plekkie gevind wat lekker en bekostigbare Viëtnamese kos bedien. Verskeie geregte is vegetaries, wat pas by die naam, wat vertaal word in "The Green Papaya". Slegs twee tafels, maar gelukkig word wegneemetes aangebied. Die hoofgereg is tipies kr 65-75.
  • 17 THA, Frederiks alle 120 (Op Frederiksbjerg), 45 32 21 10 21. Di-So 17: 00-21: 15 (Maandae gesluit). Klein plek, groot geur. Hierdie klein Thaise kombuis in die suidelike omgewing van Frederiksbjerg het net 'n paar sitplekke en die meeste maaltye word hier as wegneemetes verkoop. Baie goeie kos en vriendelike diens. Hoofmaaltye kr 90 (tweegang-spyskaarte kr 120).
  • 18 [dooie skakel]Vnoodles, M.P. Bruuns Gade 11 (Gaan na die arkade buite die Bruun's Galleri-kompleks), 45 24 22 68 99, . Elke dag van 12:00 tot 22:00. Kwaliteit Vietnamese straatkos, insluitend die gewilde Phở-sop. Twee-verdieping eetplek reg by die Sentrale Stasie. Alles kan as wegneem geneem word. Hoofmaaltye vanaf 79 kr.
Asiatiese restaurante, en veral soesji-restaurante, is volop.


Sushi oorheers die lys van goedkoop Asiatiese restaurante in Aarhus: behalwe die onderstaande, nasionale kettings Karma Sushi en Sota Sushi het twee plekke elk in die middestad.

  • 19 Saichi, Jægergårdsgade 81 en Nørregade 28, 45 87 80 00 08 (Jægergårdsgade), . Ma 12: 00-21: 00, V Sa 12: 00-23: 00, So 16: 00-21: 00. Saichi is 'n oorspronklike Japannese restaurant en die sushi en sashimi wat u hier kan kry, is een van die allerbeste in die stad. "All you can eat" -reëlings beskikbaar met spesiale afslag vir middagete. Ook 'n paar ander Japannese geregte en 'n goeie keuse van sake, shochu en natuurlik Japannese bier. Neem afslag af. Die kombuis sluit een uur voor die restaurant. Daar is twee Saichi-restaurante in Aarhus, een in Nørregade naby die Latynse wyk en een in Jægergårdsgade op Frederiksbjerg. Sushi-spyskaarte vanaf 130 kr.
  • 20 Sushi Springtime, Park Allé 9 (by Park Allé oorkant die stadsaal), 45 22 55 55 44, . Di-So 16: 00-21: 00. Moontlik die beste en mees outentieke sushi-restaurant in Aarhus, met 'n sjef en eienaar wat in Japan opgelei is. Oorspronklike Japannese tee. Bestel vroegtydig, verkieslik 'n dag of meer, en veral as u met 'n groot partytjie opdaag, want alles word op bestelling gemaak.
  • 21 [dooie skakel]Die Suid-Indiër, Nørre Allé 51 (In die buitewyke van die Latynse wyk), 45 81 470 470, . M-F 17: 00-22: 00, Sa So 12: 00-22: 00. Die Suid-Indiër is een van slegs 'n paar plekke in Aarhus wat Indiese kos bedien. Baie goeie en outentieke Indiese kos hier, met die fokus op die Suid-Indiese Chettinad-streek in die besonder. Sop, bredies, kerries, verskillende brode en baie Indiese spesialiteite, alles word in 'n gemaklike en gesellige omgewing bedien. Goeie opsies vir vegetariërs en veganiste. Enkele volle maaltyd vanaf 107 kr, driegang prix fixe spyskaarte vanaf 179 kr.

Internasionale fynproewers

Terwyl gourmet-etes in Denemarke tradisioneel Franse kookkuns beteken, bevat die groot en diverse lei van sulke restaurante in Aarhus ook Italiaanse en Spaans-geïnspireerde fynproewerskos, seekosrestaurante en New Nordic. Drie plekke is met 'n Michelin-ster bekroon en verskeie word in respekvolle voedselgidse genoem, waaronder die White Guide wat spesifiek oor die Nordiese lande handel.

Die meeste groter hotelle het hul eie restaurant, gewoonlik met internasionale tariewe van ordentlike gehalte teen middel pryse, en sommige met uitstekende etes. U hoef nie 'n kamer daar te hê om daar te eet nie. Raadpleeg die afdeling "Slaap" of individuele hotelwebwerwe vir meer inligting. Verder in die platteland, tradisionele herberge (kroer) bied ook kulinêre ervarings, wat beide inheemse Deense en internasionale gourmet-kookkuns insluit, veral teen die middelste pryse.


Internasionale fynproewerskos van uitstekende gehalte kan aangebied word vir middelklaspryse. Selfs as u begroting tot die middelklas beperk is, gaan kyk ook na die "Splurge" -restaurante, aangesien daar van tyd tot tyd bekend is dat duurder plekke spesiale promosiekortings aanbied.

Die Latin Quarter het baie restaurante
  • 22 Kähler Spisesalon, M.P. Bruuns Gade 33, 45 86 12 20 53, . Daagliks tot 21:30. Op hierdie plek kan u kies om u ontbyt, brunch, middagete of aandete te eet, of te sit vir 'n koppie tee of koffie en die atmosfeer en mode geniet Kähler keramiek. Die spyskaart is uiteenlopend en van baie goeie gehalte, en voeg kreatiewe draaie by die patroon van tradisionele Deense en Noordse kookkuns, soos geïllustreer deur hul versierde oop toebroodjies. Dit is ook die mense agter 23 Kähler Villa Dining, 'n luukse fynproewersrestaurant in 'n herehuis in Risskov wat uitstekende Nuwe Nordiese kookkuns aanbied. By Kähler Spisesalon: ontbyt kr 89, aand à la carte aandetes vir 189 kr en driegang prix fixe aandete met wyn en drank vir 649 kr.
  • 24 Latynse brasserie en creperie, Klostergade 2, 45 86 13 78 12, . Su-Do 18: 00-22: 00, F Sa 12: 00-15: 00 en 18: 00-23: 00. Frans-geïnspireerde fynproewerskos in die lewendige Latin Quarter, met uitstekende moûles frites met handgesnyde patat. À la carte items vanaf kr 175; prix fixe aandetes kr 275; 215 kr ekstra vir gepaarde wyne.
  • 25 Mefisto, Volden 28, 45 86 13 18 13, . M-F 11: 30-22: 00, Sa So 10: 00-22: 00. 'N Klein restaurant in die Latin Quarter wat eenvoudige maar hoë gehalte fynproewerskos vir bekostigbare pryse bedien. Die spyskaart is uiteenlopend, maar beklemtoon seekos (hulle is veral bekend vir hul kreef). Verander seisoenale viergangmaaltye, enkelgeregte en porsies in tapasstyl. Lekker stoep. Hoofgeregte vanaf kr 188. Middagete vanaf kr 98.
  • 26 Restaurant ET, Åboulevarden 7 (Naby die einde van die rivier langs die hawe), 45 86 13 88 00. Ma-Sa 12: 00-15: 00 & 17: 30-22: 00. By Restaurant ET kan u 'n goeie verskeidenheid spesialiteite van hoë gehalte, maar tog goedkoop, probeer, geïnspireer deur klassieke Franse en Deense resepte, altyd met 'n vars draai. Uitstekende keuse van wyne en kaas. Elegante en gedempte interieurontwerp, waar u kan kyk hoe die sjefs uit 'n sentrale kombuis kook. À la carte hoofleiding kr 168-278, driegang prix fixe aandetes teen 368 kr (nie wyn ingesluit nie). Middagete vanaf 89 kr.


Die kostoneel is lewendig in Aarhus, met nuwe plekke en eksperimente wat kom en gaan. Restaurant Domestic is 'n relatief nuwe, eksklusiewe restaurant wat toegewy is aan die innovering van die Nuwe Nordiese kookkuns.
  • 27 L'estragon, Klostergade 6 (In die Latin Quarter langs Restaurant Latin), 45 86 12 40 66. Di-So vanaf 18:00. Uitstekende Franse fynproewersgeriewe wat uitsluitlik organiese bestanddele gebruik (insluitend die wynlys) en waar moontlik ook plaaslik verkry. Vier, - vyf- en selfs sesgang prix fixe aandetes word aangebied. Dit is 'n baie klein plekkie, daarom word besprekings aanbeveel. Spesiale aanbiedinge op Sondagaande en van Dinsdag tot Donderdag. Oop vir middagete Saterdae. Prix ​​fixe aandetes vanaf kr 350. Wynkaart saam met kr 250.
  • 28 Restaurant Binnelandse, Mejlgade 35B (in die agterplaas), 45 61 43 70 10, . Di-Sa 17: 30-21: 00. Saam met Hærværk, is hierdie restaurant een van die eerste plekke in Aarhus wat besig is met 'n nuwe nordiese plaaslike gourmet-kookkuns, en die Michelin-ster wat sedert 2017, kort na die opening, onderhou word, getuig van hul sukses aan daardie front. Wees bereid om te spoel. Spyskaarte vanaf 550 kr.
  • 29 Restaurant Frederikshøj, Oddervej 19-21 (in die Marselisborg-bos oorkant Mindeparken), 45 86 14 22 80. W-Sa. Een van Aarhus se mooiste fynproewersrestaurante, gelei deur die bekende sjef Wassim Hallal, waarvan die oorspronklike spyskaarte sedert 2015 'n ster in die Michelin-gids bevat. Stylvolle moderne dekor. Vanaf 700 kr.
  • 30 Restaurant Koch, Pakkerivej 2 (by die jaghawe), 45 86 18 64 00. Gourmet-restaurant aan die waterkant met 'n modieuse dekor en 'n beperkte, maar spoggehalte-spyskaart: 'n groot vlagskip-fynproewers-spyskaart teen kr 1000 (Th-Sa), 'n viergang prix fixe aandete bekend as "Die waansin" (W-Sa) teen kr 495, en 'n noemenswaardige Sondagbrunch (11: 00-13: 00) teen kr 345.


Denemarke is wêreldwyd bekend vir sy varkvleis, maar produseer ook beesvleis. Baie restaurante het 'n steak op die spyskaart, waaronder internasionale fynproewersplekke, maar 'n paar plekke dien dit as die spesialiteit van die huis. Om die beste biefstuk in Aarhus te geniet, moet u bederf.

  • 31 'N Hereford Beefstouw, Kannikegade 10-12, 45 86 13 53 25. Ma 17: 30-22: 00, V Sa 12: 00-22: 00, So 17: 30-21: 30. 'N Bekende ketting steakhouses in Herning en met plekke regoor Denemarke en selfs so ver as Groenland en Australië, Aarhus se ligging van A Hereford Beefstouw speel 'n brouery in die huis om saam met sy wye verskeidenheid steaks en lam-, vis- en seekosgeregte te gaan. Al hierdie goedheid word in 'n ruim eetkamer met houtpanele bedien met sitplek vir 160. 'n Kinderspyskaart is beskikbaar, asook 'n afslag op die "Theatre Menu" vir vier (slegs weeksdae).
  • 32 Köd, Åboulevarden 23 (by die rivier naby Europaplads), 45 38 41 60 50, . Ma 17: 00-21: 00, V Sa 17: 00-22: 00. Biefstuk en seekos van topgehalte, met beesvleis afkomstig van Denemarke, Uruguay, die VS, en Australië.
  • 33 MASH, Banegårdspladsen 12 (by die Ritz Hotel), 45 33 13 93 00. Elke dag. Nog 'n Deense steakhouse-ketting, met 'n paar van die beste disse in die land, sowel as 'n baie indrukwekkende wynlys. 'N Verskeidenheid visgeregte en 'n paar hoë gehalte burgers sluit die spyskaart af. Vanaf kr 265.

Tradisionele Deense kos

In teenstelling met die eksperimentele en dikwels redelike duur eetkamer van die New Nordic Cuisine, is tradisionele Deense kos hartlik, eenvoudig en natuurlik ou-school - en die gewildheid daarvan styg deesdae op Denemarke se restauranttoneel. Spesiale spyskaarte word bedien Mortens Aften (St. Martin's Day; 11 November), Kersfees en Paasfees. Pryse is meestal middelmatig.

Teater Bodega
  • 34 Den Lille Kro, Nørre Allé 55 (Buitewyke van die Latinerkwartier), 45 86 86 44 41, . Elke dag 12-21: 30. 'N Gesellige plek in 'n ietwat stiller omgewing van die bruisende Latynse wyk, Den Lille Kro (met die naam "The Little Inn"), bied 'n wye verskeidenheid tradisionele Deense kosse van goeie gehalte in oorvloedige porsies. Verskillende middag- en aandspyskaarte. Driegang-etes: 333 kr (à la carte vanaf 169 kr). Middagete van 169 kr.
  • 35 Europa, Havnegade 28 (Harbourside), 45 86 19 86 18. W-Sa 12: 00-24: 00. 'N Klein gastropub met lekker tradisionele Deense kookkuns. Meestal smørrebrød, maar ook 'n paar warm geregte in die aand. Weggeneem aangebied. Selfs as u nie honger is nie, kan u net uit hul volledige bierlys gaan kyk. Rooiwyn en tuisgemaakte klap word ook bedien.
  • 36 Restaurant Kohalen, Jægergårdsgade 152-154 (Die suidelike hawedistrik), 45 86 12 14 81. Ma-Sa 11: 30-16. Hierdie plek is glad nie 'n spoggerige eetplek nie, maar is trots op die plaaslike egtheid daarvan. Kohalen (The Cow Tail) is in die rowwe voormalige slagterdistrik van die stad in 'n ou huis van 1907 en bedien tradisionele Deense maaltye van goeie gehalte in ruim porsies. Die fokus van die kombuis is op middagete-borde (bekend as Det Kolde Bord), maar tog ook met 'n paar warm geregte. Die restaurant is gewoonlik vol rand met skare, wat dit moeilik maak om 'n gratis sitplek te kry, veral rondom die jaarlikse feeste. Middagete vanaf 199 kr (a la carte-etes vanaf 128 kr).
  • 37 Skovmøllen, Skovmøllevej 51 (Woude suid van die stad), 45 86 27 12 14. W-So. Skovmøllen se spyskaart bevat kreatiewe kinkels op tradisionele Deense middagetes, sowel as 'n hartlike naweek-brunch, bedien in die skilderagtige omgewing van 'n gerestoureerde middeleeuse watermolen in hout, in die middel van Moesgaard Forest. Aanlyn besprekings is beskikbaar. Middagete vanaf 222 kr.
  • 38 Teater Bodega, Skolegade 7, 45 86 12 19 17, . Elke dag. Hierdie historiese restaurant het 'n sentrale ligging langs die Aarhus-teater sedert 1908, terwyl die naam Teater Bodega van 1959 af is. Daar is 'n groot verskeidenheid in die maaltydplan en die gehalte is goed. Die interieur word in 'n ou tradisionele Deense ontwerp bewaar en is 'n ervaring op sigself. Middelreeks.


Baie eetplekke in Aarhus het vegetariese geregte of alternatiewe op die spyskaart. Slegs enkele plekke is slegs vir vegetariërs toegewy.

  • 39 We Feat, Guldsmedgade 33. M-F 08: 00-20: 00, Sa 09: 00-20: 00, So 10: 00-20: 00. We Feat is 'n goeie opsie vir 'n supergesonde vegetariese kitskosmaal vir ontbyt, middagete of aandete. Skottels, slaaie en toebroodjies met sap of smoothies aan die kant. Alles hier is organiese produkte, wat in Denemarke ook 'n teken van hoë gehalte en optimale smaak is. As u veganisties of allergies is, is daar geen probleem nie, maar u kan nog steeds hier kies. We Feat is 'n eetketting met twee plekke in die middestad, in die Latynse wyk 40 Frederiksbjerg. Klein bakkies vanaf 65 kr.
  • 41 Café Gaya, Vestergade 43, 45 86 18 14 15. M-Sa. 'N Goeie verskeidenheid organies-verboude vegetariese kos, met 'n gesellige dekor en vrye af en toe lewendige musiek. Gaya bedien ook Saterdae 'n brunch. All-you-can-eat middagete buffet kr 139, aand buffet 179 kr.
  • 42 Faour, Klostergade 32 (In die Latynse wyk), 45 60 15 15 70. Sondae gesluit. Relatief nuwe eetplek, deel van 'n golf van gehalte-inspirasies uit die Midde-Ooste in Aarhus. Faour bied falafel, manakish en mezze van verskillende soorte aan teen bekostigbare pryse. Byna uitsluitlik vegetariese spyskaarte. Goeie menttee en Arabiese koffie met kardemom. Manakish-spyskaart vir 59 kr.
  • 43 Groen Buurman, Aarhus Central Food Market (Naby die Sentrale Stasie), 45 30 24 04 93. Elke dag. Verskeie en wisselende seisoenale slaaie en bakke met slegs organiese produkte. Vars uitgedrukte sappe om saam te gaan. Vleis kan as 'n ekstra bolaag vir sommige slaaie aangebied word. Vanaf 70 kr.
  • 44 MellemRum, Fredens Torv 2 (Naby die plein van Europaplads aan die monding van die rivier), 45 86 17 18 38, . M-Sa 17: 00-24: 00, kombuis sluit 21:30. By hierdie fynproewersrestaurant kan u altyd 'n seisoenale vegetariese spyskaart kies wat ooreenstem met die onbeperkte spyskaart, iets waarop die sjefs trots is. Drie-, vier- of vyfgang-seisoenale wat elke twee maande verander, maar ook à la karte. 'N Gesellige plek met uitstekende fynproewerskos. Moenie bang wees om u veganistiese of vleisliefhebbende vriende saam te neem nie, hierdie plek het iets vir alle soorte. Driegang prix fixe vegetariese spyskaart kr 325 (Early Bird: kr 275 as u voor 19:00 kan klaarmaak).


Die vele kafees in Aarhus strek oor 'n uiteenlopende verskeidenheid, van klein gate in die muur met twee stoele tot buitensporig versierde plekke met spieëlkamers en kelners in deftige klere. Sommige plekke bedien slegs die mees basiese items, terwyl ander middagete, aandetes of cocktails en partytjies saans aangebied word. Wat u ook al soek, dit behoort nie 'n probleem te wees om 'n kafee te vind wat by u smaak of sak pas nie.

Daar is talle kafees

Die meeste kafees in Aarhus is uniek, elk met hul eie sjarme en karakter, en by 'n hele paar van hulle sal u klem lê op koffie van hoë gehalte. Nasionale kettingkafees het egter ook 'n teenwoordigheid, met plekke van Espresso House, emmerye, Lagkagehuset en Anettes Toebroodjie dwarsoor die stad, en Starbucks het ook twee kafees in die middestad. As u nie 'n koffiedrinker is nie, bedien kafees ook warm sjokolade en soms smoothies, maar gehalte-tee begin nou eers om hierdie dele vang.

Let daarop dat daar byna alle kafees in Denemarke van u verwag word om self personeel te kontak, gewoonlik by die lessenaar, om 'n spyskaart te kry, u bestelling te plaas en wanneer u wil betaal. This is often very bewildering to tourists, but is how things are typically done in Denmark and not a sign of rude or ignorant service.

Although there is a high concentration in the inner city, cafés can be found all over town. A few special places might be hard to discover without particular mention:

  • 45 A.C.Perch's Thehandel (Perch's), Volden 3 (Close to the central square of Lille Torv). M-F 10:00-17:30, Sa 10:00-17:00. A local branch of the venerable tea-house of the same name in Copenhagen with roots back to colonial times. The Aarhus café is smaller, and only a few years old, but has the same old-fashioned style as the original in Copenhagen. Slow down and take time to enjoy a well-made pot of high quality tea with more than a hundred varieties to sample. The clerks are there to guide you. Splurge with a Breakfast Plate or a Five O Clock Tea serving if you like. If you are a group, you can book a table online. No coffee here. Pot of tea 90 kr, Breakfast Plate (including tea) 145 kr.
  • 46 Great Coffee, Klostergade 32 H, st. (backyard) (Go to the Latin Quarter). M-Sa. This oasis for true coffee aficionados is hidden away in a backyard of a larger building complex that used to house a chocolate factory. It is not easy to spot, but some of the best things in life require a bit of effort. There are numerous spots for truly great coffee around the city, but this place is among the very best for sure.
  • 47 Hos Sofies Forældre, Frederiksgade 74, . M-F 09: 00-18: 00; Sa 10:00-16:00. A comfortable change of pace from the endless rowdy bars, flashy restaurants, and trendy shops on Frederiksgade, Hos Sofies Forældre is a secluded cozy café filled with vintage furnishings and thick carpeting. It is popular with groups of young mothers, which goes a long way in describing the friendly and relaxed ambience. The menu is lengthy, offering tea, coffee, hot chocolate, cakes and pies, full breakfasts, lunches, and ice cream.
  • 48 LYNfabrikken, Vestergade 49 (in the backyard). M-F 09:00-17:00. "The Lightning Factory" is a business incubator for small creative concerns located in a restored old factory building, with an onsite café in the loft. The laid-back rooftop terrace is a pleasant summertime oasis of seclusion in the midst of the bustling central city. The café offers beverages (good coffee), cakes and a small choice of food, plus a few books and crafts for sale.
  • Aarhus Brædtspilscafé, Vestergade 58A and Fredensgade 38 (Go to Vestergade or the Aarhus Bus Station), 45 81 11 90 05, 45 81 11 90 06. M-Th 14:00-23:00, F Sa 12:00-01:00, Su 12:00-22:00. Two boardgame cafés operated by the same group of people. Just show up and hope for a free spot or reserve a table online if you are a minimum of four people and wants to be sure. The ticket gives you access to a vast number of games, from well-known classics like backgammon, chess or kalaha to various party games, quiz games and much more intricate and elaborate boardgames like Risk, Catan or Pandemic. You can play as many games as you like for as long as you like. Sometimes game-guides introduce new games to people and you can choose to join in. The spot in 49 Vestergade focus on lightweight games while the spot in 50 Fredensgade presents more heavy and advanced games. kr 30.


Denmark has a long tradition of unique, good quality bread and confectionery. You might find it in cafés or in common bakeries across the city, but some places merit a visit for the special effort they put into the craft of baking.

Danish pastry on display in a bakery
  • 51 Lagkagehuset en 52 emmerys are two Danish chains of high-end bakeries with attached café sections. Lagkagehuset has seven spots across town and presents a great selection of cakes which, apart from the Danish pastries of course, include cold confectioners cakes such as layercakes and creamcakes. Emmerys is an organic certified bakery with five spots offering brunch servings, while the cake selection is more limited. Both chains offers breakfast and various snack foods and they are open every day of the week.
  • 53 Briançon, Åboulevarden 53 (At the riverside close to Mølleparken), 45 86 12 43 93. Daily from 07:00. At this small but great bakery you can sometimes watch the bakers at work. A good variety of breads are always available, but the selection of cakes is somewhat limited, but changes often. They only use butter for baking here, no cheap substitutes, and Briançon is renowned for their croissants specifically, which are always up for sale. Also homemade confectionary (their caramels are exquisite) and chocolate delights, quality coffee beans and champagne. The shop is administered by a brother and a sister since 2006 and is located at the riverside, but at a less busy place. No room for eating, but several public spots nearby.
  • 54 Schweizer Bageriet, M.P. Bruuns Gade 56 (Just north of the central station), 45 86 12 34 47. Daily from 06:30. A modern yet historic bakery open for breakfast and lunch. The menu at this pleasant little bakery is full of traditional delights; the variety changes often, but always includes several types of Danish pastry. Schweizer Bageriet is a small place, with only a couple of seats for eating. Good sandwiches and salads.


Aarhus has a lively nightlife, with everything from big mainstream clubs to small alternative hangouts playing niche music. Aarhus's young population fuels a major part of the partying, and the large numbers of students tend to keep prices reasonable. The legal age for buying alcohol in Denmark is 16 and 18 relative to the amount of alcohol present in a given drink, but some bars limit entry to those over 20 or even 23. In any case, it pays to have picture ID on you if you want to indulge in the bar scene. Prices are generally higher than in other parts of Europe, but cheaper than Copenhagen and with several budget options. Entry fees are almost non-existing. The action tends to concentrate around Jægergårdsgade, Frederiksgade, Åboulevarden, Vestergade, the Latin Quarter, Mejlgade, Nørregade, and the riverside (Åen), the latter of which is the most expensive area.

The nightlife in Denmark and Aarhus is quite safe, though occasionally plagued with young immigrants (primarily of Middle Eastern descent) who harass people, sell drugs, and engage in vandalism. These incidents might be rarer these days, but if you are a group of young males with a Middle Eastern look, be aware that you could risk being denied access to some of the more popular spots. Drinking does not limit itself to the night (or the weekends) in Danish culture, so you will not have a problem finding a good place for a cold beer, a nice drink or a glass of wine in the afternoon or even in the morning.

The most widely available Danish beers are Tuborg, Carlsberg and Ceres. With a 150-year history in Aarhus, Ceres was by many considered the "beer of Aarhus", with Ceres TOP as the flagship pilsner, but the beer is not brewed locally anymore. Most places also serve other well-known international brands, mostly on draft. Quite a few spots specialize in quality beers and craft brews, and offer a large variety for the beer connoisseur. This trend seems to have spilled over and affected many of the regular places as well.

Cocktail bars are getting increasingly popular, with most places now offering some kind of mixed drink as an alternative to the omnipresent beer. Quality whiskey, rum and gin can be had in many bars. While in Danish culture wine is traditionally enjoyed with food rather than by itself, there are a few high-end wine bars that are very popular.

Many Aarhus bars change concept and/or owners quite often, some every 2-3 years or so, while other spots close and new ones emerge. The listing below is therefore incomplete and may be out of date, though we've tried to limit it to places with proven staying power.


A neighbourhood with its own atmosphere, separated from the rest of the city centre by a rail yard. Frederiksbjerg's nightlife scene is a mix of traditional bodegaer en værtshuse of the type you can read about below, as well as some newer and more fashionable spots.

While there are several fancy spots, Frederiksbjerg is well stocked on old, traditional værtshus bars.
  • 1 Mikeller Bar, Jægergårdsgade 61. Su-F from 14:00; Sa from 13:00. At this outlet for the renowned craft brewery of the same name, you can choose from a changing slate of 20 beers on tap — both from Mikeller and other breweries worldwide — plus a huge and ever-changing bottle list. If you're (understandably) overwhelmed, the bartenders at this cozy, chilled-out spot are more than happy to help you navigate the vast selection. For non-beer drinkers, a range of high-end spirits and cherry wine (a local specialty) are offered. kr 40 for a tap beer serving.
  • 2 Peter Gift, M. P. Bruuns Gade 28, 45 86 12 01 63. Daily 11:00-01:00. The typical Danish bodega, and mention a claimant to the title of oldest surviving bar in Aarhus (in business since 1906), Peter Gift serves a good selection of beers in a pleasant, relaxed and secluded atmosphere. Lunch is served Tu-Sa, but reservations are required. Smoking is restricted to the backyard.
  • 3 Pub'en, Jægergårdsgade 62, 45 86 13 60 98. Daily. A local værtshus with local craft brew (Aarhus Bryghus) on tap and opportunity for a game of dart. Also Ceres TOP beer by the bottle and other beverages. Smoking allowed and a more festive vibe on weekend nights.
  • 4 St. Pauls Apothek, Jægergårdsgade 76, 45 86 12 08 33. Tu-Sa from 17:30. This old restored pharmacy (hence the name) from 1899 now wears many hats: St. Pauls Apothek is a high-end restaurant in the early evening, a fashionable cocktail bar afterward, and a nightclub when it gets really late. Creatively conceived and artfully executed specialty cocktails come served on their own or paired with gourmet dinners.
  • 5 [dooie skakel]Hartvigs Vinbar, Jægergårdsgade 2A (at the western end of Jægergårdsgade), 45 24 47 84 33, . Tu-W 16:00-22:00, Th 16:00-23:00, F 15:00-02:00, Sa 16:00-02:00. Small, cosy winebar by a very experienced wine connoisseur from the restaurant business. Almost exclusively European wines with a big and unusual focus on German wines in particular. Most wines can be enjoyed one glass at a time, except sparkling wines. White wine lovers has plenty of options here. Reserve a table or just show up and hope for a free spot. kr 55-65 and up per glass.


This partly pedestrianized street brims with nightlife.

The Golden Lion Pub in Frederiksgade. The pedestrianized city centre has a lively nightlife and bus routes that connect to the suburban areas, reducing the risk of alcohol-related accidents.
  • 6 Hos Anders, Frederiksgade 25 (Below Sharks in the same building). A bar with occasional live music, mostly jazz. The audience here is usually a bit more mature. Beer kr 20.
  • 7 Sharks, Frederiksgade 25 (At the first floor of Busgadehuset, a central car parking house), 45 86 18 09 90, . Daily. Not only a bar but also Denmark's largest pool hall, with 26 billiard tables that pack 'em in most nights. To get away from the madding crowds, head for one of three cozy lounges where you can enjoy a beer or tuck in to a burger or a plate of nachos (the kitchen closes at 22:00). Sharks is also a popular place to catch major sporting events on TV. Pool tables kr 1-2 per minute, cocktails from kr 45.
  • 8 Tir Na Nóg, Frederiksgade 40, 45 86 19 19 10, . Daily. A huge Irish pub with nice decor, a festive atmosphere, live Celtic music and pub trivia on Thursday nights, and a good selection of whiskey and scotch. As at Sharks, the TVs around the bar are a popular place to catch sporting events.
  • 9 Waxies, Frederiksgade 16, 45 86 13 83 33, . Daily from 12:00, happy hour from 22:00-00:00. Another Irish pub closer to the river with three floors of action in a hip riverside location. Premier League football Monday and Tuesday nights, pub trivia Wednesday nights, poker Thursdays, and live music on the weekends starting around midnight. Show up early for discounted drinks and a small food menu.


Most of the cafés near the mouth of the river turn into bars and nightclubs in the late evening, but there are also many places here dedicated exclusively to nightlife. One of the busiest bar scenes in the city, the riverside can be hectic Friday and Saturday nights, attracting many young people. The rest of the week, the promenades along the river offers a more laid-back vibe. Despite the many upscale and fashionable places, there are a surprisingly ample selection of budget-friendly options in between. The nightlife scene here starts off at Immervad, the small bridge crossing the canal at Frederiksgade, and stretches all the way to the mouth of the river at the harbourfront.

Aarhus river
  • 10 The Australian Bar (A-Bar), Åboulevarden 21, 45 30 37 07 38. Th-Sa 22:00-05:00. A large nightclub catering to a youthful audience, with DJs, a dance floor, and occasional hip-hop concerts featuring artists from the Danish scene. The bar serves beers (including Fosters, Victoria Bitter, and other Aussie brews), shots, spirits, and champagne by the bottle, with discounted drinks every Thursday and before midnight on weekends.
  • 11 Barstart, Fiskergade 28, 45 26 14 93 57. W-Sa from 18:00. A short walk away from the riverside, you'll find this small and easy-to-miss place clustered among a handful of similarly busy nightspots. Barstart's constantly changing drink menu encompasses many innovative specialty cocktails, but the experienced bartenders here could most likely make any classic drink you would like. Cocktails from kr 90.
  • 12 Bodegaen, Åboulevarden 33. Daily. Located at the river, this hip place is only a few years old, but equipped as an iconic old fashioned bodega. Enjoy a beer and a game of darts, dice, pool (bob), or foosball (a quite popular "sport" in Denmark for young people) for a bit of fun. Ceres TOP kr 25.
  • 13 [dooie skakel]Castenskiold, Åboulevarden 32, 45 86 55 22 23, . F Sa 22:00-05:00 (café and restaurant Tu-Sa 12:00-22:00). A cheery café and restaurant during the day and early evening, a chic cocktail bar by night with a clientele drawing heavily from Aarhus' design and fashion elite. Cocktails from kr 90.
Herr Bartels, one of many cocktail bars
  • 14 Herr Bartels, Åboulevarden 46, 45 86 18 08 33, . W-Sa from 20:00. The longest bar desk in town, serving a changing selection of excellent drinks and cocktails in a nice atmosphere. All nights, a few select drinks are "two for the price of one". Age limit is 20 on weekends. Cocktails kr 70-95.
  • 15 Lava, Åboulevarden 22, 45 25 53 30 31, . Another jack-of-all-trades type of place at the riverside, Lava is a café, bistro and bar all in one. The latter identity comes into the picture on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights after 21:00, with an international wine list (including champagne by the bottle), superb rums and cognacs, and French spirits like armagnac, calvados and eau de vie for a very reasonable price. They occasionally host live music as well. Cocktails from kr 65.
  • 16 London Bar, Åboulevarden 31, 45 51 89 56 70, . F Sa 20:00-06:00. A cocktailbar with dimmed lightning, black tiles and individual tables open for reservations. Many of the bars at the riverside attracts a very young audience, but this bar has a minimum age of 25 and a corresponding relaxed atmosphere. The cocktails are good quality, all made from scratch, half-price before 23:00. Champagne and quality liquor also available. Cocktail courses (1-2 hours) and sometimes events.
  • 17 Shen Mao, Sct. Clemens Torv 17, 45 86 17 11 22, . Th-Sa from 20. Table tennis is the name of the game here, just rent a bat at the bar for 30 kr and get a beer when you return it. The place looks pretty rough and tends to focus on hip-hop music. Usually, the party builds slowly, and things gets crowded no sooner than midnight. No state-of-the-art high-end cocktails here, just beer by the can, basic mixed drinks, and all the ping-pong you can play. The namesake of the bar is the Chinese-born owner who used to run the place out of his apartment. Beer cans kr 35, cocktails kr 45.
  • 18 The Mexican, Åboulevarden 21, 45 27 29 62 52. F Sa 21:00-05:00. A Mexican-themed dance and nightclub. Coronas, Tequilas and Mexican cocktails. Tequila of the house for kr 10. Sombreros, skulls, lots of decorations and festive lighting, perfect for a dance club party.


Skolegade is an old narrow sidestreet behind Åboulevarden with a long history as a nightlife destination. Most of the action is near the south end, closest to the riverside.

  • 19 Escobar, Skolegade 32, 45 86 13 79 26. 19:00-05:00. This is a small bar where heavy metal and hard rock music rule the day, including demo-tapes from local bands. Green chartreuse and absinthe are specialties here. Escobar is a great place to get acquainted with the local metal scene, but if you're not the headbanging type, never fear: the nonjudgmental, come-as-you-are ambience is welcoming to all. Pub quiz Monday nights with a focus on movies and music.
  • 20 G-bar, Skolegade 28. Aarhus' gay and lesbian club.
  • 21 Pinds Cafe, Skolegade 11, 45 86 12 20 60. Wednesday to Saturday. This small bar has served since 1848, but got its name from a miss Elna Pind who took control in 1936, notorious for her sharp tongue and very strict rules. Things are more easy nowadays but the old-fashioned decor clings on. The clientele is typically of the mature and relaxed kind. Smoking allowed.

Latynse wyk


As at the riverside, several of the Latin Quarter's cafés turn into festive bars in the evening, while other places serve as such all day.

  • 22 Café Paradis (Den Sidste), Paradisgade 9 (in the top floor loft). Th-Sa 21:00-03:00. Bar and nightclub with beer, wine, shots, cocktails, and a lively dance floor with DJs on most nights. kr 50 entry (includes a drink).
  • 23 Løve's, Borggade 14 and Nørregade 32, 45 52 17 50 16. Two separate buildings around the corner from each other: the former a relaxed wine bar-deli, the latter an equally relaxed wine bar-bookstore-café with occasional book and poetry readings, wine tastings, and other events. Løve's attracts a mixed and sociable crowd.
  • 24 Mig & Ølsnedkeren, Mejlgade 12, 45 93 85 51 58. M-Sa. Beer bar with a large selection of craft beer, among the best in Aarhus. Some of the beers are brewed specifically for this place, while other are imports from around the world. The tap selection changes regularly, so there will always be new stuff to sample for beer lovers. Good vibe and bartenders who knows what beer is all about.
  • 25 Ris Ras Filliongongong (Ris Ras), Mejlgade 24, 45 86 18 50 06. M-Sa 12:00-02:00; Su 14:00-19:00. At this cozy hipster hangout you can indulge in a great variety of beers, rums, and even hookah to the strains of the latest indie music in the background. If you are new to craft beer and don't know where to start, the Hancock on tap is the beer of the house and always a hit. No food up for sale, but you are welcome to bring your own along, if you buy a beer or two and clean up after yourself.
  • 26 Under Masken, Bispegade 3 (Go to the Royal Hotel opposite the Cathedral), 45 86 18 22 66. Daily. This bar and café in the basement next to the Royal Casino and Hotel is owned by local artist Hans Krull. The walls here are decorated with strange tribal wooden masks, artsy pictures and miscellaneous objects from his travels around the world. Krull is a prominent artist in Denmark and you can enjoy some of his finer works by glancing at the three bronze statues outside the casino next door or his large whole-wall mural in Fiskergade nearby of a woman kissing a sea gull. On most Sunday afternoons, Krull[voorheen dooie skakel] draws large portraits at the bar, but it is a bit pricey. Be aware that smoking is allowed here and the place is often packed. Happy hour every day from 17:00-21:00 and sometimes live music.


  • 27 Alberts, Store Torv 3 (at the Aarhus Cathedral), . Su-Th from 19:00, F from 16:00, Sa from 20:00. Alberts is a cocktail bar in an 14th-century monks' cellar at the cathedral that also serves quality beer and wine and hosts free open-mic stand-up comedy Monday-Thursday in Danish and Sunday in English. You can play dice too. Cocktails from kr 70, beer and wine from kr 60.
  • 28 Bernhardt Natklub, Store Torv 3 (Go to the main square in front of the Aarhus Cathedral), 45 28 35 44 51, . F Sa 23:00-05:00. Dance and nightclub in the same basement as Alberts. If you are a party, it is possible to reserve your own table. Age limit is 20 on Fridays and 22 on Saturdays.
  • 29 Gedulgt, Fredensgade 41 (Close to the bus station), . Th-Sa 16:00-02:00. If you are willing to spend some time on a nightlife treasure hunt, try if you can find Gedulgt. It is a super hip cocktail bar with the most creative drinks, but located in a nondescript backyard as some kind of secret speakeasy. Look for the green door. If you are four or more people, please preorder your cocktails. Special Colonial punches available. For groups of eight or more people, tasting arrangements can be ordered. From kr 90.
  • 30 Hantwerk, Fiskerivej 2D, 45 91 25 62 57, . W-Sa. Gastrobar in the northern harbour district. Great food, wine and beer and sometimes small musical arrangements. Many people go here just for a drink. The beer is brewed by the local micro-brewery Humleland in-house and served on tap and bottles. The brews are quite creative, diverse and of a great quality. Special imports are also available. Several options for wine by the glass. If you want to dine, reserve a table on-line before you go. Take note that this place does not accept cash.
  • 31 Kupé, Toldbodgade 6 (at First Hotel Atlantic), 45 86 13 47 22. F-Sa from 23:00. Kupe could be called Aarhus' main nightclub, with a young fashionable crowd imbibing cocktails in the lounge or dancing to the tunes spun by the DJs. Age limit is 21. Beer kr 45.

Bodegaer en værtshuse

In Denmark, a bodega is a traditional Danish pub or bar. Die bodega has a long cultural history in Denmark and is conceptually somewhat similar to an English pub, but only a few places offer meals and live music. You could warm up at one before going to a concert or a fancy club, or you can drop in for a coffee or a beer in the afternoon. It should be fairly easy to find yourself engaged in a conversation at these places, as the majority of people are here to socialize and unwind.

  • 32 Peder Wessel, Niels Juels Gade 49 (Go to Tordenskjoldsgade, the main street on Trøjborg), 45 30 36 75 16. M-Sa from 11:00, closed Sundays. Nice classic bodega on Trøjborg, north of the city center. Relaxing and cosy atmosphere on the week days but packed with people ready to party on weekend nights. Often live music.

In the older days, when alcohol was seen as a basic thirst-quencher for the working man, bars were much more abundant. These were watering holes with the sole purpose of serving cheap beers all day, every day. The Danish word for these basic bars is værtshus, which loosely translates as "hosting-house": in other words, a place that hosts people for drinking. Times have changed, but there are still some of these places left in Aarhus, many with their own peculiar charm. They are mostly frequented by regulars, but visiting strangers are welcomed too. The crowd at these places can be a lovely mix of joyful people at times, especially weekend nights.

Jacob Skomager

Ceres TOP pilsner is the de rigueur beer in bodegaer en værtshuse, but other alcoholic beverages are usually available too, along with coffee and soft drinks. An "Aarhus set" consists of a Ceres TOP with a shot of Arnbitter on the side, both beverages from Aarhus. Shots of black liquorice-flavoured vodka, often referred to as Fisk, are popular with young people.

In popular usage, the terminology can be confusing: the words værtshus, bodega, en café are nowadays often employed indiscriminately in business names, and in particular værtshus can be used for any kind of bar. To learn more about the true værtshus concept — and to learn how to differentiate between the three categories yourself — you can start your field research at these spots:

  • 33 Bro Cafeen (Bro Cafe), Frederiks Allé 61 A (At the Frederiksbroen bridge), 45 86 12 86 11. M-Th 11:00-22:00, F Sa 11:00-01:00, Su 11:00-18:00. Claimed by some to be the oldest værtshus in Aarhus still in operation, Bro Cafeen has presumably served thirsty guests since 1899. Nice old-fashioned bright yellow townhouse at an excellent location right at the central Frederiksbroen bridge. Outside terrace, dart, and occasionally live music.
  • 34 Cirkuskroen, Skovvejen 23. Every day from around 12:00. Located a bit outside of the central scene, close to Trøjborg, Cirkuskroen owes its name to the fact that its owners are a family of former circus performers. Accordingly, the place is decorated with clowns and old circus paraphernalia. Despite all this, the place is indeed a traditional Danish værtshus — really! Have a listen to Kim Larsen or John Mogensen at the jukebox. Smoking allowed. Beer kr 18.
  • 35 Harmonien, Mejlgade 109, 45 86 12 67 47. Every day from 13:00. Gamers take note: apart from the cheap beer and drinks served at this traditional værtshus, you can also play snooker, darts, foosball and even try your luck on a couple of slot machines if you like. With TVs at the bar invariably tuned to the big game, Harmonien is also a great place to cheer for the home team with the locals. Smoking allowed.
  • 36 Jacob Skomager, Frederiks allé 149 (Near the southern end of the long Frederiks Allé road in the Frederiksbjerg neighbourhood). Every day from 10:00. A regular værtshus with an old fashioned decor in an area with many local værtshus bars. Smoking allowed. Drop in for a cup of coffee in the early afternoon or a beer after work. You can get hot dogs at the small square opposite this place. Fun fact: Jacob Skomager is a character from the Renaissance play "Jeppe på Bjerget" by celebrated writer Ludvig Holberg.


Prices for hotels are generally higher than in other parts of Europe, but there are a number budget options of a good quality.

Apart from the well known hotels listed below, there are also options for small bed and breakfasts — usually located some distance outside the city centre — as well as private stays and holiday rentals.


The Danhostel in the beautiful and tranquil forest-park of Riis Skov just north of the city centre.
  • 1 Aarhus Camping, Randersvej 400 (4 km north of town), 45 86 23 11 33, . A campsite in Lisbjerg, with easy access to nature. Bus lines connect easily to the city centre in about 15-20 minutes. Peak season prices: kr 87, children kr 49, pitch fee kr 25.
  • 2 Blommehaven Camping, Ørneredvej 35, 45 86 27 02 07, . In Marselisborg Forest 5 km south of the city centre lies this campsite with cabins.
  • 3 Cab Inn, Kannikegade 14 (in the centre between the Cathedral and Åen), 45 86 75 70 00, . Rooms at this hotel are quite small, but include a TV and private shower and toilet. From kr 499. Cab Inn (Q43171337) op Wikidata
  • 4 City Sleep-in, Havnegade 20 (around the corner from Europaplads, 5& min from Central Station). Basic hostel in Havnegade in a quiet location in the city centre; functional, but rather spartan and not very clean. Dorm beds from kr 190, private rooms from kr 460. City Sleep-in (Q43171232) op Wikidata
  • 5 Danhostel, Marienlundsvej 10 (in Riis Skov), 45 86 21 21 20, . A hostel with a kitchen perfect for guests who are self-catering their meals. From kr 250. Danhostel Aarhus (Q43209537) op Wikidata
  • 6 Wakeup Hotel, M.P. Bruuns Gade 27 (in the same building complex as the Central Station), 45 44800000. Opened in June 2017. 315 nonsmoking rooms with free Wi-Fi and flatscreen TVs, bicycle rental, lounge areas, a 24-hour reception, and a breakfast restaurant. from kr 400. Wakeup Aarhus (Q43171050) op Wikidata
  • 7 Zleep Hotel Aarhus, Viby Ringvej 4 (in Viby, 500m from the E45 motorway), 45 70 235 635, . A modern high-rise hotel south of the city centre. Breakfast buffet, free internet plus free and safe parking. There is a large and cosy Chinese restaurant at the ground floor and a shopping mall right next door. kr 499.


Scandinavian Congress Center with the Radisson Blu Hotel
  • 8 First Hotel Atlantic, Europaplads 10 (at Europaplads), 45 86 13 11 11. Set in a modern high-rise building with views across the harbour and the city. Limited safe parking for a fee. Breakfast option and in-house Italian restaurant Grappa al Porto. From kr 756. (Q12317288) op Wikidata
  • 9 Havnehotellet, Marselisborg Havnevej 20, 45 7022 5530, . A clean, modern, and completely unstaffed hotel at the pleasant Marselisborg Marina where the check-in process is entirely computerized: you can stroll out of your room and watch the sunset with a bottle of wine from the vending machine! There are a couple of restaurants and an ice cream shop nearby. From kr 650. Havnehotellet (Q33048269) op Wikidata
  • 10 Hotel Ferdinand, Åboulevarden 28, 45 87 32 14 44, . Small exclusive boutique hotel with a prime location on the riverside in the city centre. Suites and studios are large and luxurious, but few in number. On the ground floor you have a renowned brasserie and restaurant with a stylish decor, and in the backyard you have the excellent, equally stylish, and more low-key FF Aarhus restaurant. From kr 891. Hotel Ferdinand (Q43266212) op Wikidata
  • 11 Hotel Ritz, Banegårdspladsen 12, 45 8613 4444, . Modern chain hotel next to the Central Station, operated by the Best Western group. Breakfast buffet and notable MASH steakhouse restaurant. From kr 985. (Q12317317) op Wikidata
  • 12 Hotel Oasia, Kriegersvej 27, 45 8732 3715, . Hotel Oasia is in a central but quiet location close to the Central Station. Rooms are smartly furnished in modern Nordic style. Nice lounge and breakfast buffet. The entire hotel is non-smoking. From kr 1195. Hotel Oasia (Q33048454) op Wikidata
  • 13 Radisson SAS Scandinavia Hotel Arhus, Margrethepladsen 1 (at Margrethepladsen in the Scandinavian Congress Center), 45 8612 8665, . Large, modern chain hotel centrally located next to the City Hall and the Concert Halls. Big breakfast buffet. Restaurant and bar Raa offers three and five-course gourmet dinners. From kr 805.
  • 14 Scandic The Mayor Hotel, Banegaardspladsen 14, 45 87320100, . Inboek: 15:00, uitteken: 11:00. A modern chain hotel next to the City Hall and the Central Station. Large full breakfast with bread baked in the hotel's own bakery and good gluten-free and lactose-free options. A superb in-house restaurant Gäst open for lunch and dinner. 24-hour convenience store and safe car parking for a fee. From kr 940.


Hotel Royal, in the city centre. Historic hotel from 1901.
  • 15 Comwell Aarhus, Værkmestergade 2 (at Aarhus City Towers), 45 8672 8000, . Aarhus' tallest skyscraper is where you'll find this 240-room hotel with rooms decorated in modern style. Fitness, restaurant, bar and lounges. Restaurant V serves every day, all day. Limited options for car parking. Green Key certified. kr 1298. Aarhus City Tower (Q12341364) op Wikidata Aarhus City Tower op Wikipedia
  • 16 Helnan Marselis Hotel, Strandvejen 25 (near Mindeparken), 45 86 14 44 11, . A bit south of the city centre, this monumental waterfront hotel was designed by Danish architects Friis and Molkte and completed in 1967. Free parking, bicycle rental, swimming pool and fitness. In-house Restaurant Marselis and bar serves every day, all day. From kr 1350. Hotel Marselis (Q12316149) op Wikidata Hotel Marselis op Wikipedia
  • 17 Hotel Guldsmeden Aarhus, Guldsmedgade 40, 45 86 13 45 50, . A small hotel in the Latin Quarter. A bit expensive for what you get, but it has a nice patio and good breakfast buffet. Green Globe certified and all food and drink here is organic. From kr 1345. Hotel Guldsmeden (Q33047778) op Wikidata
  • 18 Hotel Royal, Store Torv 4, 45 86 12 00 11, . Opened in 1838, you'll find this grand old hotel right in the city centre, with the iconic pair of bronze sculptures (the work of local artist Hans Krull) standing guard out front. The rooms are smartly decorated, and the onsite Queens Garden restaurant serves quality French fare at a surprisingly affordable price. There's also an English garden and casino. From kr 1645. Hotel Royal, Aarhus (Q12317318) op Wikidata Hotel Royal, Aarhus op Wikipedia
  • 19 [dooie skakel]Hotel Villa Provence, Fredens Torv 10, 45 8618 2400, . A small French oasis in the center of Aarhus, with an intimate atmosphere and brimming with character. kr 1400. Hotel Villa Provence (Q33047433) op Wikidata
  • 20 Scandic Aarhus City, Østergade 10, 45 8931 8100, . Large hotel in the city centre with fitness rooms and underground car parking. In-house restaurant L'øst serves every day, as does the chic adjacent lounge bar and café. From kr 1645. Scandic Aarhus City (Q33047970) op Wikidata
  • 21 Scandic Aarhus Vest, Rytoften 3, 45 8615 6844, . A modern six-story hotel 4 km from the city centre, with Wi-Fi, parking, and breakfast all free. There's also a 24-hour convenience store. From kr 1354.
  • Radisson RED Hotel, Aarhus (Radisson RED), Frederiksgade 88 Vester Alle 4 (city centre), 45 89333300. Inboek: 24 hours.


Kroer (singular kro) are traditional country inns of a type that has a long history in Denmark: a nationwide network of these places was laid out by royal decree beginning in the 13th century (and culminating in the 17th) in order to provide easy shelter, dining and fresh horses for the king and his entourage when travelling through the country. Others emerged in places like village halls and old flour mills to provide food and accommodation for larger gatherings and celebrations in the surrounding rural communities. Today, kroer are usually held in high social regard. If you're looking for an all-inclusive getaway in a romantic countryside setting, yet not too far away from the action of the central city, this might be the option you're looking for.

Norsminde Kro, one of several notable guesthouses in the countryside near Aarhus.
  • 22 Malling Kro, Stationspladsen 2, 8340 Malling​ (about 12 km south of Aarhus), 45 86 93 10 25, . Dating from 1884, Malling Kro has a superb onsite restaurant with a renowned wine list that's won the place membership in the prestigious Confrérie de la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs en Ordre Mondial des Gourmets Dégustateurs. From kr 675. Malling Kro (Q43170325) op Wikidata
  • 23 Norsminde Kro, Gl. Krovej 2, 8300 Odder (in Norsminde), 45 86 93 24 44, . This historic kro boasts an outstanding high-end gourmet restaurant as well as a more informal and affordable brasserie serving breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, and dessert. There's also easy access to good beaches from this place. From kr 598. Norsminde Kro (Q43170483) op Wikidata
  • 24 Nørre Vissing Kro, Låsbyvej 122 (22 km west of Aarhus, in Nørre Vissing), 45 86 94 37 16, . With over 200 years of tradition under its belt, you'll find Nørre Vissing Kro in a beautiful countryside setting west of Aarhus, in the small village of the same name. From kr 845. (Q43170608) op Wikidata
  • 25 Sabro Kro (Montra Hotel Sabro Kro), Viborgvej 780, 8471 Sabro (12 km from Aarhus), 45 86 94 89 22, . Unlike the stereotypical Danish kro, the vibe here is unrelentingly modern. But don't be deceived: this place can go toe to toe with the competition in terms of history, established by royal decree no later than 1855. Sabro is a rather large kro, with close to seventy double rooms, several suites with spa and other luxury facilities, and room to accommodate conferences, events, and even concerts. There's fine food at the restaurant (including weekend brunch), and the owners' efforts to operate the place in an environmentally conscious way have earned Sabro Kro the international Green Key certificate as well as a silver certificate as a TripAdvisor GreenLeader. From kr 1095. (Q43170715) op Wikidata



Nearly all hotels supply free Wi-Fi and limited workspaces. Most cafés also offers free Wi-Fi for customers, but gazing into your laptop for more than half-an-hour in a café is usually disapproved and you are best advised to find another spot to satisfy your digital needs. In this case Aarhus's free municipal WiFi network, Smart Aarhus, can be freely accessed in and around most public squares, parks, and institutions, including the Urban Mediaspace of Dokk1 where finding a spot to sit around should not be a problem.


If you need to use a computer, the library at Dokk1 has several terminals for public use, with Internet access through an SMS authentication system and printing services available for a fee. Also free Wi-Fi throughout the building.



In Denmark, all newer buildings — and quite a few older ones as well — are specially equipped with ramps, elevators, lifts, and sometimes escalators to help handicapped people navigate the public space. As well, the beeping sound you hear coming from the traffic lights at some of Aarhus' busier intersections are there to help visually impaired pedestrians know when it's safe to cross. Guide dogs are allowed in most places (even in some cinemas), and personnel are unusually friendly and helpful towards the handicapped.


The homeless in Aarhus are usually harmless (to the point where you could make small talk with many of them), and aggressive begging is uncommon. Baie van hulle verdien 'n nominale inkomste om die straatkoerant te verkoop Hus Forbi ("Huis geslaag") aan verbygangers in openbare plekke.


  • Oostenryk4 Oostenryk (Konsul Steffen Ebdrup), Hans Broges Gade 2, 8000 Århus C, 45 89 34 00 00, .
  • België5 België (Konsul Carsten Henriksen), DOKK1, Hack Kampmanns Plads 2, Niveau 3, 8000 Århus C, 45 33 34 07 90, .
  • Burkina Faso6 Burkina Faso (Konsul Jens Pauli), Hjortevænget 11, 8270 Højbjerg, 45 40 27 76 24, .
  • ChiliChili (Konsul Kjeld Ranum), Skovboulevarden 8, Stevnstrup, 8870 Langå, 45 40 28 40 37, .
  • Kroasië7 Kroasië (Konsul Jakob Østervang), Bech-Bruun, Værkmestergade 2, 8000 Århus C, 45 72 27 00 00, faks: 45 72 27 00 27, .
  • CiprusCiprus (Konsul Zooulla Winding Jensen), Oldrupvej 57, 8350 Hundslund, 45 40 68 05 38, .
  • Tsjeggiese RepubliekTsjeggiese Republiek (Konsul Mark Stig Hellstern), Sofienlystvej 6-8, 8340 Malling, 45 88 80 82 40, .
  • Estland8 Estland (Konsul Claus Emil Engel Johansen), Østhavnsvej 5, 8000 Århus C, 45 70 10 05 55, faks: 45 70 20 05 75, .
  • Frankryk9 Frankryk (Konsul Allan Aagaard), Skolegade 4, 8000 Århus C, 45 40 60 88 62, .
  • Duitsland10 Duitsland (Konsul Klaus Schäfer), P.O. Pedersens Vej 10, 8200 Aarhus N, 45 28 92 23 98, .
  • Hongarye11 Hongarye (Konsul Heine Sveistrup Jensen), Helgesvej 18, 8230 Åbyhøj, 45 86 18 49 33, faks: 45 86 19 81 11, .
  • Ysland12 Ysland (Konsul Carl Erik Skovgaard Sørensen), DLA Piper Denemarke, DOKK 1, Hack Kampmanns Plads 2, 8000 Århus C, 45 33 34 00 00, faks: 45 33 34 00 01, .
  • Italië13 Italië (Konsul Carlo Domenico Prola), Laksedalen 81, 8220 Brabrand, 45 42 37 69 65, .
  • Malta14 Malta (Konsul Mogens Ellerbæk), Flakvej 3, 8240 Risskov, .
  • Mexiko15 Mexiko (Konsul Klaus Erik Krogh), Stenvej 25 B, 1, 8270 Højbjerg, 45 87 40 80 00, .
  • Nederland16 Nederland (Konsul Jochem van Rijn), Vestre Skovvej 14, 8240 Risskov, 45 20 60 73 62, .
  • Noorweë17 Noorweë (Konsul Erik Rasmussen), Axel Kiers Vej 13, 8270 Højbjerg, 45 23 28 02 48, .
  • Oman18 Oman (Konsul Ole Munch), Strandvænget 5 B, 8240 Risskov, 45 86 17 50 72, faks: 45 86 17 50 58, .
  • Filippyne19 Filippyne (Konsul Henrik Esmann Lindberg), Bjarkesvej 30, 8230 Åbyhøj, 45 29 17 70 40, .
  • Pole20 Pole (Konsul Jesper Ørskov Nielsen), Mariane Thomsens Gade 1, 8, 8000 Århus C, 45 87 34 34 34, .
  • Roemenië21 Roemenië (Konsul Michael Holm), Systematic A / S, Søren Frichs Vej 39, 8000 Århus C, faks: 45 89 43 20 20, .
  • Slowakye22 Slowakye (Konsul Claus Jørgen Søgaard Poulsen), Marselisborg Havnevej 56, 2., 8000 Århus C, 45 70 26 70 10, .
  • Slowenië23 Slowenië (Konsul Knud Kristensen), Stenvadet 6, 8240 Risskov, 45 86 20 42 00, faks: 45 86 17 18 17, .
  • Swede24 Swede (Konsul Søren Hammer Westmark), Sct. Clemens Stræde 7, 1. sal, 45 87 32 12 50, .
  • Switserland25 Switserland (Konsul Jacob Ravn Nielsen), Agro Food Park 13, 8200 Århus N, 45 21 48 48 67.
  • Oekraïne26 Oekraïne (Konsul Morten Sønderby Hansen Munk), Marselis Boulevard 1, 8000 Århus C, 45 70 22 84 55, .
  • Verenigde Koninkryk27 Verenigde Koninkryk (Konsul Henrik Kleis), Åboulevarden 13, 8000 Århus C, 45 70 11 11 22, .

Bly gesond

In geval van mediese noodgevalle, moet toeriste die algemene mediese noodlyn skakel by 45 70 11 31 31 of, in die geval van lewensgevaarlike noodgevalle, 112. Daar is net een noodsentrum bedien die hele Aarhus. Dit is geleë in die nuwe Aarhus-universiteitshospitaal buite die stad in die noordelike distrik Skejby. Let daarop dat u onder alle omstandighede vooraf moet bel!

Daar is baie apteke (Apotek) in Aarhus, in die middestad sowel as die afgeleë distrikte. Supermarkte en sommige winkels verkoop ook nie-voorskrifmedisyne. By die Aarhus Løve Apotek naby die katedraal kan medisyne die hele week 6: 00-24: 00 afgehaal word.

Gaan volgende


Verken die Oos-Jutland streek met Aarhus as basis, hetsy daguitstappies of langer tussenstops. Die streek bied baie soorte aktiwiteite en ervarings, veral in die somer.

Kasteel Rosenholm. Daar is verskeie interessante historiese herehuise op die platteland rondom Aarhus.
  • 'N Reis deur die onmiddellike platteland rondom Aarhus - sê, na die Jeksendalen vallei suidwes van die stad, of rondom Norsminde Fjord aan die kus - gekombineer met 'n lekker ete langs die pad kro kan 'n wonderlike wegbreek uit die stad maak. Dit word die beste op vier wiele eerder as twee gedoen: baie paaie hier is smal, daar is geen fietsrybane nie en motorverkeer kan vinnig beweeg.
  • Djursland is die "neus" van Jutland onmiddellik noordoos van Aarhus, 'n dun bevolkte landelike gebied waar mense 'n bestaan ​​gemaak het en vir millennia wou boer - 'n geskiedenis wat u in die bewaarde Middeleeuse era van Ebeltoft, of by die ruïnes van Kasteel Kalø, albei deel van Mols Bjerge Nasionale Park wat die grootste deel van die suide van Djursland beslaan. As diere u ding is, sal u dit sien Kattegatcentret, 'n akwarium in Grenå waar u met robbe kan swem, asook 'n paar buitelug-dieretuine: Skandinavisk Dyrepark met groot diere wat uitsluitlik met Skandinawië verband hou, en Ree Park Safari met 'n oorvloed eksotiese diere van regoor die wêreld. Ook gewild is Djurs Sommerland, 'n pretpark met opwindende ritte, waaronder die grootste rollercoaster in Noord-Europa. Noord van Aarhus is Randers, die tuiste van 'n oerwouddieretuin asook Gammel Estrup, 'n herehuis-museum in een van die vele kastele en herehuise wat die streek stip.
  • Søhøjlandet, die "hoogland van die meer", is 'n skilderagtige streek van woude, heuwels en mere wes en suid van Aarhus, wat histories belangrik is as die tuiste van Middeleeuse godsdienstige orde en die geboorteplek van die Deense nasionale staat. Stap is 'n belangrike trekpleister in hierdie streek: die Aarhus-Silkeborg-staproete lei vanaf die middestad deur 'n natuurskoon landskap van riviere en mere na die stad Silkeborg, waar u 'n indrukwekkende museum vir moderne kuns en nog 'n akwarium sal vind Ferskvandscentret - vertoon inheemse varswaterspesies. Vanaf Silkeborg kan u verder gaan na Himmelbjerget, of die Sky Mountain, een van die hoogste punte in Denemarke met 'n indrukwekkende uitsig op die omliggende landskap vanaf die rooi baksteen toring bo. Elders in die streek is Skanderborg, 'n klein historiese stad wat eens die koninklike familie se gunsteling jagveld was en later tydens die Tweede Wêreldoorlog as hoofkwartier van die Deense faksie van die Luftwaffe gedien het (u kan hierdie geskiedenis op Skanderborg Museum), en Horsens, 'n hawestad waar die Europese Middeleeuse fees bestaan.
  • Samsø is duidelik sigbaar vanaf Aarhus oorkant die baai, en is bereikbaar met die veerboot vanaf die dorpie Hou. Vanaf die lente van 2021 sal 'n nuwe klein katamaranboot (geen voertuie behalwe fietse nie), M / F Lilleør, die middestad van Aarhus met Samsø verbind. Die tempo vertraag op hierdie pastorale eiland wat geheel en al aangedryf word deur hernubare energie, met gholf, perdry en lekker etes.
  • Vejle, Suid-Jutland se streekhoofstad, spog met 'n verskeidenheid historiese en kunsmuseums Trekantsområdets Festuge, 'n kulturele fees van tien dae wat soortgelyk is aan Aarhus Festuge.
  • Viborg is - soos Aarhus - 'n ou katedraalstad met 'n interessante stadsbeeld vol geskiedenis, eienaardige stegies en somer straatlewe. Dit is 'n werkharde, speelharde stad, die tuiste van een van Denemarke se gewildste en dominante sokkerspanne. Viborg was die administratiewe hoofstad van die hele land Streek Midtjylland (Sentraal-Denemarke) sedert 2007.

Verder weg

  • Denemarke se derde grootste stad, Odense, is die geboorteplek van die sprokiesfabrikus Hans Christian Andersen, en dit speel die verband met die steun ten gunste van toeriste: die huis waarin hy grootgeword het, is nou 'n museum, standbeelde van die Klein Meermin gee 'n vrye ligging in die stad en daar is parades en monumente ter ere van hom.
  • 'N Lewendige studentekultuur regeer die dag in Aalborg, in die verre noorde van Denemarke, die tuiste van die gelyknamige Universiteit van Aalborg sowel as Jomfru Ane Gade, die langste kroegstraat in Skandinawië.
Roetes deur Aarhus
AalborgRanders N Tabliczka E45.svg S SkanderborgHamburg
Hierdie stadsgids vir Aarhus het gids status. Dit bevat 'n verskeidenheid goeie gehalte-inligting, insluitend hotelle, restaurante, besienswaardighede en reisbesonderhede. Dra asseblief by en help ons om dit 'n ster !