Interstaat 5 - Interstate 5


Interstaat 5 (I-5) is 'n Verenigde State Interstate snelweg wat begin by die grens met Mexiko in San Ysidro, Kalifornië en loop 2281 km noord deur die deelstate Kalifornië, Oregon en Washington na die grens met Kanada in Blaine, Washington. Dit dien as 'n belangrike noord-suid-vervoerkorridor langs die Amerikaanse weskus wat die belangrikste stede van San Diego, Los Angeles, Portland, Tacoma en Seattle; die drie staatshoofstede van Kalifornië (Sacramento), Oregon (Salem) en Washington (Olympia); en twee bykomende groot stede in buurlande (Tijuana & Vancouver) net oor die internasionale grense.


Interstate 5 (I-5) vervang die voormalige Amerikaanse roete 99, 'n noord-suid-roete langs die weskus. Die oorspronklike Amerikaanse snelweg 99 was ook bekend as Pacific Highway, wat 2,600 km suidwaarts geloop het Vancouver, vC deur die staat Washington, Oregon en Kalifornië en word daarna die Federale snelweg 5 van Mexiko in Calexico / Mexicali. Vandag eindig I-5 by die Amerikaanse / Mexikaanse grens in San Ysidro, waar dit nog 1.711 km vanaf Tijuana aan Cabo San Lucas, deur die Baja California-skiereiland, as Mexiko Federale snelweg 1 / 1D, terwyl BC snelweg 99 nog 320 km noord van Vancouver, deur die Sonskynkus en Fluiter, aan Cache Creek. Segmente van die ou Hwy 99 is hernommer as State Route 99 (SR-99) in Washington, Oregon en Kalifornië. Ander segmente in die staat Washington is ook herbenoem as SR-11, SR-529 en SR-530; as SR-273 en SR-66 tussen Ashland en die Kalifornië-Oregon-staatslyn (afrit nr. 1 van I-5) in Oregon; en SR-111 & SR-86 tussen Calexico en Palm Desert in Kalifornië. Ander dele van die ou Hwy 99 is heeltemal in gebruik geneem as 'n federale en staatsweg (nie genommer nie), maar word steeds voorgestel deur die naam "Old Hwy 99", "Pacific Highway" of met 'n ander naam.

Daar is geen tolsegmente op die "snelweg" nie.

Berei voor

Sien ook: Bestuur in die Verenigde State

U moet natuurlik 'n voertuig saambring, maar daar is niks regtig nodig vir die roete nie, tensy u u eie kos wil eet of as u uit 'n ander land kom, in welke geval u paspoorte benodig, byvoorbeeld om inklim.

Gaan in

Interstate 5 gaan noord verder as BC-Hwy 99 tot Cache Creek deur Vancouver, die Sonskynkus en Fluiter van die Kanadese / Amerikaanse grens in Blaine, Washington, en suid tot Cabo San Lucas deur Tijuana en Ensenada in die Baja California-skiereiland as Mexikaanse federale Hwy 1 vanaf die Amerikaanse / Mexikaanse grens in San Ysidro, Kalifornië. I-5 sny ander groot snelweg in die VSA in verskillende rigtings, soos I-15 en I-8 in San Diego; Ek-10 in Los Angeles; Ek-80 in Sacramento; I-84 in Portland; Ek-90 in Seattle en verskillende drie-syfer-interstate (wat dien as plaaslike hulpweë), staats- en Amerikaanse snelweë in die drie state waardeur dit gaan.

Met die vliegtuig

Sien ook: Lugvaart in die Verenigde State

Die Interstate 5-gang is per vliegtuig toeganklik San Diego, Santa Ana, Burbank, Sacramento, Medford, Portland, Seattle, Everett en Bellingham met lughawens langs of naby die snelweg. In ander stede, soos Los Angeles en Lang strand die lughawe kan verder weg wees (20-40 my / 32-64 km) vanaf die I-5 gang op 'n ander snelweg. Van buite die VSA is daar ook toegang tot die I-5-gang Vancouver Internasionale Lughawe en Tijuana se generaal Abelardo L. Rodríguez Internasionale Lughawe.


Met die trein

Sien ook: Treinreise in die Verenigde State

Amtrak bestuur treine "min of meer" langs die Interstate 5-gang wat die belangrikste stede op die weskus bedien. Sommige segmente is verder weg, soos die segment van Emeryville na Oxnard in Kalifornië, terwyl ander dele van die roete feitlik langs die snelweg is, soos die segment tussen Longview en Centralia in die staat Washington. Die volgende roetes loop langs die I-5 gang:

  • Amtrak Coast Starlight loop een keer daagliks tussen Los Angeles en Seattle via Portland, Klamath-waterval, Redding, Sacramento, San Francisco Bay Area, Salinas, Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Oxnard, Simi Valley en Van Nuys. Dit loop parallel met die Kaskades tussen Seattle en Eugene met dieselfde haltes (behalwe Tukwila, Vancouver, Washington, en Oregon City) en tussen San Luis Obispo en Los Angeles met die Pacific Surfliner net met minder haltes. (sien onder)
  • Amtrak Cascades loop tussen Seattle en Portland vier keer per dag en bedien Tukwila, Tacoma, Lacey (Olympia), Centralia en Kelso in die staat Washington. Hulle hardloop van Seattle na Vancouver via Everett, Stanwood, Mt Vernon & Bellingham twee keer per dag en van Portland na Eugene via Oregon City, Salem & Albany twee keer per dag. Bykomende diens vanaf Seattle na Vancouver en van Portland na Eugene word op die Amtrak Thruway-bus aangebied.
  • Pacific SurflinerSan Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Oxnard, Los Angeles & San Diego. Die segment van hierdie roete wat die naaste of parallel aan die I-5-gang is, is tussen Simi Valley en San Diego. Passasiers gaan verder suid na die Mexikaanse grens in San Ysidro aan die SDMTS 'UC San Diego Blue Line' trollie vanaf die American Plaza Station, oorkant die straat Santa Fe Station.
  • San Joaquins Sacramento, Merced, Stockton, Fresno en Bakersfield. Sommige treine op hierdie roete gaan vanaf Stockton weswaarts na Emeryville en Oakland in plaas daarvan om noordwaarts na Sacramento te ry. Hierdie roete word dan vanaf Bakersfield en van Stockton & Sacramento na Redding met Thruway-busse via I-5 met Los Angeles verbind.

Met die bus

Sien ook: Langafstandbusreise in die Verenigde State

Daar is verskeie busondernemings wat busse langs die I-5 / CA-Hwy 99-gang bedryf, met Greyhound, Flixbus en Fronteras del Norte wat die hele lengte bedien, terwyl ander maatskappye busse ry langs sekere dele van die I-5-gang in die Noordwes-Stille Oseaan (Oregon). of Washington) of Kalifornië om die reis sonder 'n motor moontlik te maak:

  • Windhondlyne, tolvry: 1-800-231-2222. Tussen die hele I-5 / CA-Hwy 99-gang af Tijuana, San Diego, Los Angeles, Sacramento, Portland, Seattle,Vancouver vC en verskeie kleiner stede tussen elke bogenoemde stede. Sommige van hul skedules loop aaneenlopend tussen Seattle en Los Angeles, terwyl ander die reis in Sacramento en / of Portland opbreek, wat 'n oorskakeling of oorplasing benodig. Cruceros VSA is hul grensoverschrijdende pendeltrein wat Los Angeles via Santa Ana met Tijuana verbind. Die uitgang (e) naaste aan 'n Greyhound-busstasie of -halte word aangedui deurMUTCD I-6.svg"wat al dan nie dieselfde stop as die ander busmaatskappye kan wees nie.
  • BellAir Airporter, tolvry: 1-866-235-5247. Gaan vanaf SeaTac en die middestad van Seattle op na Stanwood, Burlington / Mt Vernon, Bellingham en Blaine op een roete en 'n aparte roete na Anacortes en die San Juan veerbootherminal vanaf Burlington.
  • Bolt Bus, tolvry: 1-877-265-8287. Hulle bedien die stede langs die I-5 gang tussen Vancouver, BC en Eugene, Oregon (via Bellingham, Everett, Seattle, Tacoma, Portland en Albany) in die Stille Oseaan Noordwes.
  • Cantrail & Amtrak Cascades Thruway-bus, (bushalte) Seattle se King Street Station en die Pacific Station in Vancouver. Bykomende stopplekke by Sandmans Signature Hotel en Pacific Inn in Surrey. Geen bykomende stopplekke in die VSA nie, tolvry: 1-877-940-5561. Ry direkte snelbusse tussen Seattle en Vancouver, BC $ 40 vir heen- en terugreis $ 75; afslag vir studente, weermag, bejaardes en kinders van 4 tot 11 jaar..
  • Flixbus, 1 855 626-8585. Reis langs die I-5-gang tussen Seattle, Portland, Eugene en tussenin die Noordwes-Stille Oseaan en van Sacramento na Los Angeles, San Diego en tussenin I-5 of CA-Hwy 99 in Kalifornië. Sommige Flixbus-roetes loop van die I-5-gang af na San Francisco Bay Area vanaf Suid-Kalifornië en vanaf Portland of Seattle tot in die ooste van Washington, die Noordwes van die Stille Oseaan. Daar is geen Flixbus-verbindings tussen Eugene, OR en Sacramento, CA nie. Kyk na hul skedules.
  • Fronteras del Norte, 1 323 587-5233. Verbind Pasco, Sunnyside en Yakima WA in die ooste van Washington (staat) met Los Angeles en die Mexikaanse grens in San Ysidro via Portland, OR. Hulle reis langs I-5 tussen Portland, Los Angeles en die Mexikaanse grens in San Ysidro.
  • Hoang Express, 1 714 839-3500, tolvry: 1-888-834-9336. Reis tussen SoCal (San Diego, El Monte, Los Angeles, Westminster) en Sacramento langs die I-5 gang. $ 60-65 na Bay Area; $ 80 aan Sacramento.
  • Internasionale buslyne (voorheen Intercalifornias), tolvry: 1-888-834-9336. Busse gaan op vanaf Tijuana na San Ysidro, Santa Ana, Los Angeles San Fernando, Bakersfield, Fresno en San Jose / Stockton (roete split / verbind in Madero) langs die I-5 / CA-99 gang. Pryse wissel na gelang van u bestemming.
  • Laer-Columbia CAP, Longview Transitsentrum, 1 360 200-4911, 1 360 200-4910. Landelike openbare busstelsel wat verbind word Longview aan Vancouver, WA deur Kalama, en Bosveld. Verbindings met Windhond in Kelso as u hierdie opsie gebruik. $ 2 elke rigting.
  • Oregon Point-Cascade Point Line & Amtrak Cascades Thruway Bus (Bestuur deur MTR Western), 1 541 484-4100. Bus tussen Portland, Woodburn, Salem, Albany en Eugene.
  • Oregon Point-Southwest Point (Word bestuur deur Klamath Shuttle), 1 541 883-2609. Verbind Brookings aan Klamath-waterval via Crescent City, Toelaes slaag, Gold Hill, Medford en Ashland, ens.
  • Vinnige vervoer, tolvry: 1-800-665-2122. Loop tussen Seattle en Vancouver, BC. Stop in die middestad van Seattle (buite die Best Western by die 200 Taylor Ave N) en die SeaTac-lughawe (by die hoofterminaal naby die suidpunt van die bagasie, buitedeur 00, baaie 11-16. Bied bekostigbare en betroubare vervoer vanaf die Seatac-lughawe, die middestad van Seattle. , Bellingham-lughawe na die lughawe van Vancouver, die middestad van Vancouver en die terminale van die cruiseskip. Tariewe van Vancouver na die middestad van Seattle is retoer; $ 36 eenrigting, $ 65. Van Vancouver tot SeaTac is tariewe $ 49 reto retour, $ 87..
  • Rapid Connections LLC, 1 559 442-3000. Busse gaan op na Sacramento via San Fernando, Bakersfield, Fresno, Modesto, Stockton en verskeie ander plekke langs SR-99; en af ​​na Tijuana via Santa Ana en San Ysidro.
  • Tufesa, 1 213 489-8079. Verbind Los Angles met Sacramento (via Bakersfield, Fresno, ens.); na Salt Lake City (via Barstow, Las Vegas, St George, ens.); na Hermosillo (via Phoenix, Tucson, Nogales); San Francisco Bay Area; en na Tijuana (via Santa Ana, San Diego / San Ysidro). Pryse wissel na gelang van u bestemming.

Daar is addisionele snel- en plaaslike busse wat as plaaslike openbare vervoer langs die I-5-gang op verskillende afstande op verskillende plekke werk. Hierdie opsies is oor die algemeen goedkoper as Greyhound of ander vervoerondernemings vir dieselfde afstande. Kyk "Met die bus" onder "Klim in" en "Rond te kom" in die artikel van 'n spesifieke stad of plek en onder "Rond te kom" in 'n staatsartikel vir 'n ekstra lys van ander busondernemings wat die weskus bedien.


41 ° 0′0 ″ N 120 ° 0′0 ″ W
Kaart van Interstate 5

Mylmerke is mylpale in die hele land, beginnend met "0" aan die suidgrens van elke staat, wat toeneem namate u noordwaarts gaan en dan weer begin by "0" as u die staatslyn oorsteek na die volgende toestand. As u suid gaan, sal die getalle op die mylpale afneem en dan weer begin met die hoogste getal (276 in Washington, 308 in Oregon en 796 in Kalifornië) as u 'n staatslyn oorsteek. Die uitgangsnommers stem ooreen met die mylpale, dus kan sommige getalle oorgeslaan word as die afrit verder van die een na die ander is. Ander uitgange wat langs mekaar of "2 in 1" is, kan dieselfde uitgangsnommer hê, gevolg deur 'n "A", "B" of selfs "C" soos "Afrit # 100A" om op A St te kom, "Uitgang # 100B" om op B St te gaan en so meer.


Die maksimum spoedbeperking is 112 km / h (70 km / h) vir motors en 88 km / uur (55 km / uur) vir groot vragmotors op landelike stukke en 65 km / u (104 km / h) in stedelike gebiede of laer as dit anders gepos word.

San Diego omgewing

  • 1 San Ysidro (Myl 0). Grensoorgang San_Ysidro, _San_Diego op Wikipedia
  • 2 Chula Vista (Uitgang 7A-9). Daar is vyf uitgange vir Chula Vista.
  • 3 Nasionale stad (Uitgang 10-12). Daar is vier uitgange vir National City.
  • 4 San Diego (Uitgang 13A-36). Daar is meer as dertig uitgange vir San Diego.
  • 5 Kalifornië 15.svg Riverside (Interstate 15) (Uitgang 13A). Interstate 15 loop 2.306 km noord parallel met I-5 vanaf suidelike Kalifornië tot by die Kanadese grens in Soet gras, Montana deur Nevada, NW-hoek van Arizona, Utah, Idaho en Montana. Dieselfde snelweg gaan nog 108 km verder Lethbridge AB as Hwy 4. Dit is die gemaklikste roete vir reisigers wat na die Binnelandse Ryk en Las Vegas en 'n ander manier om die plaaslike gemeenskappe van Miramar, Mira Mesa en Poway en aan Escondido in Noord-San Diego County van San Diego (behoorlik). Van hier af is die afrit gemerk as snelweg 15 wat I-15 word noord van sy aansluiting met I-8.
  • 6 Encinitas (Uitgang 39-41B). Daar is vier uitgange vir Encinitas.
  • 7 Carlsbad (Uitgang 43-51A). Daar is agt uitgange vir Carlsbad.
  • 8 Oceanside (Uitgang 51B-54C). Daar is sewe uitgange vir Oceanside.
  • 1 Rusarea van Aliso Creek (Afrit 59 (noordwaarts), Afrit 60 (suidwaarts) / Myl 59,87). Gesluit vir instandhouding Toilette, water, piekniektafels, telefoon, verkoopmasjiene en RV sanitasie stasie. Toilette
  • 9 Basiloneweg (Afrit 71 / Myl 71.3). Daar is 'n handjievol kitskosrestaurante, 'n kommissaris en 'n enkele vulstasie aan die oostekant van die Interstate, maar dit lê agter 'n hek na Camp Pendleton Marine Base en is dus buite die limiet vir nie-militêre reisigers. San Onofre State Beach is minder as 'n kilometer suid van hierdie afrit en is toeganklik vir die publiek en is 'n gewilde branderplankryplek wat ook kampeer. 'N Entjie verder suid is die San Onofre Kernopwekkingstasie wat nou in gebruik geneem is, net wes van die interstaat sigbaar. die stasie se twee bolvormige bevallingsgeboue het Frank Drebin in 2008 geïnspireer Die naakte geweer om te kla dat "oral waar ek kyk, herinner my iets aan haar".

Orange County en Los Angeles

Verby die Camp Pendleton Marine Base gaan die Interstate die groot stadsgebied in Orange County en Los Angeles in. Hierdie gedeelte is in albei rigtings meervoudig (3 tot 8) en is druk besig met byna alle tye van die dag. Vermy, indien enigsins moontlik, ry tydens piek-pendeltye. Sommige bestuurders kan in die versoeking kom om Interstate 405 as alternatiewe roete te neem, maar moet die verkeerstoestande nagaan voordat hulle dit doen, aangesien dit dikwels nog erger is vir verkeersopeenhopings.

  • San Clemente (Uitgang 73-77). Daar is vyf uitgange vir San Clemente. El Camino Real loop amper parallel met die snelweg en het 'n aantal restaurante, waarvan baie Mexikaans is. KosVerblyf
  • Dana-punt (Uitgang 78-79). Daar is twee uitgange vir Dana Point.
  • San Juan Capistrano (Uitgang 81-83). Daar is drie uitgange vir San Juan Capistrano.
  • Sending Viejo (Uitgang 85A-88). Daar is vier uitgange vir Mission Viejo.
  • Laguna Hills (Uitgang 89-92). Daar is vier uitgange vir Laguna Hills.
  • Irvine (Uitgang 94-100). Daar is agt uitgange vir Irvine.
    • 10 Sand Canyon, Ou Stad, Oos Irvine (Uitgang 96 / Myl 96.22). Behalwe die kans om 'n Knowlwood Burger te hê in 'n gebou wat in 1900 gebou is, kan u ook die 19de-eeuse Irvine Bean and Growers Association Building besoek.KosVerblyf Brandstof
  • Tustin (Uitgang 101-103). Daar is vier uitgange vir Tustin.
  • Santa Ana (Uitgang 103-105). Daar is vyf uitgange vir Santa Ana.
  • Anaheim (Uitgang 109-113). Daar is sewe uitgange vir Anaheim.
  • 11 Kalifornië 39.svgBuena Park (Uitgang 116 / Myl 115.71). Op Beach Blvd is daar 'n aantal hotelle en restaurante in die ketting, soos Fuddruckers. KosVerblyf
  • Santa Clarita (Uitgang 163-172). Daar is agt uitgange vir Santa Clarita.
    • 12 Magic Mountain Parkway (Uitgang 170 / Myl 170.23). Die beroemde Magic Mountain-pretpark is langs die westelike kant van die snelweg en is die tuiste van achtbanes wat wêreldrekords vir hoogte en snelheid gehou het. Snelwegreisigers het 'n uitstekende uitsig oor opwindende soekers wat die duik neem oor een van die vele skrikwekkende heuwels op die ikoniese ritte van die park. Daar is vulstasies, kettingrestaurante en hotelle by die uitgang wat voorsiening maak vir parkbesoekers, maar in die somer wanneer die park die drukste is, is daar swaarder as normale verkeer in die omgewing. BrandstofKos Verblyf


Die pad klim uit die San Fernando-vallei, hoewel die snelweg stadig verkeer, voordat dit die Santa Clarita-vallei binnegaan. Vreemd genoeg kruis die noordelike en suidelike rybane op 'n stadium 'n paar kilometer van mekaar af.

  • 13 Kastaies (Uitgang 176 / Myl 176.15). BrandstofKos Verblyf
  • 2 Tejonpas rusplek (Uitgang 206 / Myl 205.97). Toilette, water, piekniektafels, telefoon, verkoopmasjiene en RV sanitasie stasie. Toilette
  • 14 Lebecweg (Uitgang 207 / Myl 206.88). Die snelweg sak skerp met ses persent af deur 'n geboë pad binne die Grapevine Canyon vanaf Lebec tot in die Central Valley. Die oorspronklike roete was berug vir sy ongelukke totdat dit tussen 1933 en 34 reggestel is. Hierdie stuk pad staan ​​bekend as Die wingerdstok en word dikwels tydens storms gesluit wanneer bestuurstoestande verraderlik word.

Central Valley

Die grootste gedeelte van hierdie gedeelte is tweespoorwegweg in albei rigtings, en loop reguit met slegs klein stygings, hoewel yl bevolkte gebiede. Die grootste deel van die roete hierheen is oninteressant, maar op sekere plekke blyk daar klein ompaaie van belang te wees.

  • 15 Lavalweg (Uitgang 219A & B / Myl 218.79). Die afrit Lavalweg het dramaties ontwikkel deur die Tejon Ranch Corporation en bied nou belangrike geriewe vir reisigers. Die winkels by Tejon het meer as 70 winkels. Kosopsies sluit in Chipotle, Subway, Starbucks, In-N-Out, Panda Express, Black Bear Diner, en Carl's Jr. Gas-opsies sluit in Shell, Travel America, Chevron, Mobil en Petro. BrandstofKos
  • 16 Kalifornië 99.svgBakersfield-Fresno (Uitgang 221). Die regterbaan ry af na regs en steek oor die snelweg om die West Side Freeway te vorm wat noordwaarts gaan as I-5, terwyl die ander bane van die (oorspronklike) Golden State Freeway SR-99 word. Vanaf hier loop SR-99 (Golden State Freeway) en I-5 (West Side Freeway) parallel met mekaar op 10-48 myl van mekaar af tot in Sacramento. SR-99 gaan deur Bakersfield, Madera, Merced, Fresno, Turlock, Stockton en ander stede dorpe van die land Central Valley terwyl I-5 deur Los Banos, Tracy, Jct I-580 en Stockton gaan. Die stede langs CA-Hwy 99 kan steeds vanaf I-5 verkry word via verskillende oos-wes-paaie wat oor I-5 gaan. Maar dit gaan nog 10 tot 50 kilometer oos ry om 'n spesifieke stad of stad langs Hwy 99 te bereik. Hierdie afrit word slegs deur noordwaartse verkeer bereik, terwyl die suidwaartse verkeer op I-5 opgaan in die Golden State Freeway (SR-99) wat suid voortgaan as I-5.
  • 17 Kalifornië 223.svg Bear Mountain Rd (Uitgang 239). Gaan 48 km oos na sy ander punt by SR-58, oos van Bakersfield en nog 172 km oos na afrit nr. 179 van I-15 in Barstow op SR-58. Hierdie a kortpad aan omseil die Los Angeles-gebied vanaf Bakersfield of enige plek noordwaarts langs die I-5 / SR-99 gang na Las Vegas (I-15); Phoenix (I-40 / US Hwy 93); die Grand Canyon (I-40), ens. deur Barstow en na San Bernardino & Riverside (US Hwy 395, I-15, 215) deur Kramer Jct en Victorville. Daar is geen dienste (brandstof, restaurant, supermark, akkommodasie, ens.) Vanaf die snelweg nie, maar die volgende stel dienste is in die stad Arvin 40 km oos langs SR-223.
  • 18 Kalifornië 58.svgButtonwillow & McKittrick (Uitgang 257 / Myl 257.42). Die stad Buttonwillow is eintlik vyf kilometer wes van die interstaat, maar meer as genoeg vulstasies, kitskosrestaurante en selfs 'n paar motelle is net langs die oostekant van die snelweg saamgevoeg. Vir diegene wat noordwaarts gaan, word dienste yl, dus dit is 'n oorweging wat die moeite werd is om te oorweeg as u brandstoftenk leeg is. Chevron, Mobil, Arco, Shell en Travel Centers of America is almal brandstofopsies, terwyl voedselopsies Starbucks, Denny's, Carl's Jr, McDonald's, Taste of India en Tita's Pupuseria insluit. BrandstofKos Verblyf
  • 3 Buttonwillow rusarea (Uitgang 259 / Myl 259.38). Toilette, water, piekniektafels, telefoon- en verkoopmasjiene. Geen RV sanitasie stasie nie. Toilette
  • 19 Lost Hills (Uitgang 278 / Myl 278.29). Net langs die snelweg is 'n aantal vulstasies en kitskosondernemings. Die stad verder langs die pad maak net regtig voorsiening vir plaaslike landbouwerkers. BrandstofKos Verblyf
  • 20 Twisselmanweg (Uitgang 288 / Myl 287.62). Hierdie uitgang het nie dienste nie, maar dit is moontlik die moeite werd om tussen Oktober en Maart te stop om die Kern National Wildlife Refuge te besoek. Die toevlug is ongeveer sewe kilometer oos van die interstaat. Dit is 'n winterhuis vir reiers, hyskrane, valke, eende, en baie, baie ander voëlsoorte.
  • 21 Kalifornië 41.svgKettleman City (Uitgang 309 / Myl 308.90).
  • 4 Coalinga / Avenal rus area (Uitgang 320 / Myl 320.45). Toilette, water, piekniektafels, telefoon- en verkoopmasjiene. Geen RV sanitasie stasie nie. Toilette
  • 22 Kalifornië 198.svgLemoore & Hanford (Uitgang 334 / Myl 333,89). Dit is te midde van 'n lang stuk leë snelweg; hierdie afrit het die Harris Ranch-kompleks, wat brandstof en voedsel verkoop, en 'n plaasstaanplek, 'n Tesla-aanjaer en slaapplek. Die hoofboerderygebou bied 'n redelike goeie bakkery, en diegene wat 'n biefstuk soek, sal nie teleurgesteld wees deur die restaurant nie. As lang ritte nie u ding is nie, is die ligging ongeveer halfpad tussen Los Angeles en San Francisco en bied dit dus 'n goeie plek om te oornag. Die stad van Coalinga is 21 km suidwes van hierdie afrit en het addisionele geriewe. BrandstofKos Verblyf
  • 5 John "Chuck" Erreca-rusarea (Uitgang 386 / Myl 385.83). Toilette, water, piekniektafels, telefoon- en verkoopmasjiene. Geen RV sanitasie stasie nie. Toilette
  • 23 Kalifornië 133.svg & Kalifornië 152.svgLos Banos (Uitgang 403 / Myl 402.76). CA-152 wes is die hoofroete deur die heuwels tot by Gilroy en verder na een van die twee San Jose (via 101-N) of Montereybaai (via CA-156). Los Banos, 9 km oos van CA-152, bied geriewe vir reisigers. Een afrit wes (by CA-33) is 'n Petro-stasie met 'n redelike restaurant.
  • 24 Kalifornië 33.svgSanta Nella (Uitgang 407 / Myl 407.02). Hierdie afrit het verskeie vulstasies en 'n handvol motelle. Kosopsies is volop en bevat 'n Starbucks en 'n In-N-Out, en vir diegene wat gedurende baie ure se reis al die vele advertensieborde gesien het, is dit die noordelike helfte van die Ertjiesop Andersen se ketting en sy naamgenote sop. BrandstofKos Verblyf
  • 25 Gustine (Uitgang 418 / Myl 417.57).
  • 26 Patterson (Eit 434 / Mile 433.52).
  • 27 Westley (Uitgang 441 / Myl 440,73). BrandstofKos Verblyf
  • 6 Westley-rusarea (Uitgang 445 / Myl 444,86). Toilette, water, piekniektafels, telefoon, verkoopmasjiene en RV sanitasie stasie. Toilette
  • 28 I-580.svg Tracy San Francisco (slegs noordwaarts) (Uitgang 446 / Myl 446,35). Die twee regte bane loop van die snelweg af om verder te ry in die rigting van Stockton en Sacramento as die West Side Freeway (I-5), terwyl die twee linkerbane noord / noordwes verder gaan as die William Elton Brown Freeway (I-580) in die rigting van Tracy en San Francisco deur die Oosbaai. Slegs vanaf die noordelike bane. Suid-verkeer smelt van regs in die William Elton Brown-snelweg in en gaan suidwaarts as die West Side-snelweg (I-5).
  • 29 Aan I-205.svgI-580.svg San Francisco (slegs suidwaarts) (Uitgang 458B / Myl 458.34). I-205 neem bestuurders suidwaarts na San Francisco via die Oosbaai.
  • Stockton (Uitgang 469-481). Daar is elf uitgange vir Stockton.

Sacramento Valley

  • 30 Sacramento (Uitgang 512-525). Daar is vyftien uitgange vir Sacramento. Sacramento (Q18013) op Wikidata Sacramento, Kalifornië op Wikipedia
  • 31 VS 50.svg aan Kalifornië 99.svgSuid-Lake TahoeSan Francisco (Uitgang 518). US Hwy 50 verbind Sacramento met South Lake Tahoe via Jct Hwy 99, Rancho Cordova, Folsom en Placerville in die ooste. Weswaarts gaan US Hwy 50 oor West Sacramento en eindig by I-80 by afrit # 81, 7,2 km wes van die I-5-gang. Kalifornië 99.svg deur die San Joaquin-vallei begin 3,2 km oos van die I-5-gang vanaf US-Hwy 50 en loop parallel met I-5 deur Elk Grove, Lodi, Stockton, Turlock, Merced, Madera, Fresno, Bakersfield, ens in die San Joaquin-vallei as die snelweg van Golden State voordat dit weer by I-5 aansluit by MM 221 suid van Bakersfield. Gaan noord van die ou US Hwy 99, volg die Golden State Hwy (CA-Hwy 99) en verdeel op die huidige aansluiting met US Hwy 50 om Hwy 99E en 99W te word. Die ou Hwy 99W volg US Hwy 50 / I-80 wes tot by Davis en dan noord in die rigting van die huidige I-5 gang langs pad 99. Die ou Hwy 99E volg I-80 Bus / I-80 na Roseville, CA-Hwy 65 vanaf Roseville na Olivehurst; CA-70 van Olivehurst na Yuba City en die Golden State Hwy (huidige CA-99) van Yuba City na Red Bluff. Die "ou Amerikaanse snelweg 99E / W" is nie in hierdie gebied onderteken nie.
  • Q St by afrit 519A & J St by afrit 519B (Uitgang 519A & 519B). Toegang tot die middestad van Sacramento vanaf I-5. Bykomende uitgange in die middestad is op US Hwy 50. MUTCD I-7.svg Toegang tot Sacramento Valley (Amtrak) -stasie via J St by afrit 519B tot 401 i St.
  • Richards Blvd (Uitgang 520). Plaaslike toegang tot die nywerheidsgebiede noord van Sacramento. Daar is 'n reeks restaurante en hotelle rondom hierdie afrit en die Greyhound-busstasie in die straat by 420 Richards Blvd. BrandstofKos VerblyfMUTCD I-6.svg.
  • 32 I-80.svg Oos Reno Wes San Francisco (Uitgang 522 / Myl 522.26). Interstate 80 is die tweede langste interstate in die land en ry ongeveer 2900 kilometer van San Francisco in die weste na New York Stad in die ooste. Dit is die mees geskikte roete na San Francisco vir reisigers in die suide, of vir reisigers wat ooswaarts gaan Lake Tahoe. Bykomende plaaslike toegang tot Davis, Noord-Sacramento, Citrus Heights, Roseville en Auburn via I-80.
  • 33 Del Paso-pad (Uitgang 525A). Plaaslike toegang tot die noordelike voorstede rondom die Noord-Natomas-streekpark in Sacramento County. KosVerblyf Brandstof Die meeste dienste is oos van die snelweg by Del Paso Rd & E Commerce Way. Sommige is aan die teenoorgestelde kant van die snelweg by Del Paso en E Centro Rd.
  • 34 Kalifornië 99.svg Yuba City Marysville (Uitgang 525B). Hiervandaan loop SR-99 en I-5 parallel aan Red Bluff by afrit 649 SR-99 Yuba City/Marysville en Chico terwyl I-5 deur Williams gaan om Red Bluff te bereik. Hierdie stede kan steeds vanaf I-5 verkry word via verskillende oos-wes paaie wat oor I-5 gaan. Maar dit gaan nog 10 tot 35 kilometer oos ry om 'n spesifieke stad of stad langs die SR-99-gang te bereik. Die ou 'Hwy 99E' volg op die huidige CA-Hwy 99 van Yuba City na Red Bluff.
  • 35 MUTCD I-5.svgSacramento Internasionale Lughawe (Uitgang 528 / Myl 528). Direkte toegang tot die Internasionale Lughawe Sacramento vanaf I-5 via Airport Blvd, 16,9 km NW van die middestad van Sacramento. Sacramento Internasionale Lughawe op Wikipedia
  • 7 Elkhorn-rusarea (slegs suidwaarts) (Uitgang 529 / Myl 529.26). Toilette, water, piekniektafels en telefoon. Geen vendingmasjiene of RV-sanitasie-stasie nie. Toilette
  • 36 I-505.svg Winters San Francisco (Uitgang 553). Verbind I-5 met Vacaville langs die I-80 gang. I-505 eindig by afrit 56 van I-80 in Vacaville. As u van Dunnigan of noordwaarts kom en weswaarts gaan na die San Francisco Bay Area op I-80, is dit die roete om te ry sonder om deur Woodland of Sacramento te gaan.
  • 8 Dunnigan-rusarea (Uitgang 557 / Myl 556.52). Toilette, water, piekniektafels en telefoon. Geen vendingmasjiene of RV-sanitasie-stasie nie. Toilette
  • 37 Kalifornië 20.svg Colusa & Clear Lake (Uitgang 578 / Myl 578). SR-20 verbind Fort Bragg in die weste tot by afrit nr. 161 van I-80 in Yuba-pas, 93 km wes van Reno, in die ooste. SR-20 gaan deur Willits, Duidelike meer, Jct I-5 noord van Williams, Yuba City en Nevada City. Reisigers wat vanaf Williams of enige plek noordwaarts kom en Lake Tahoe of Reno toe ry, sal hierdie roete neem sonder om deur Sacramento te gaan en om swaarder plaaslike verkeer in / om Sacramento te vermy. Dit is ook een van die twee uitgange vir plaaslike toegang tot WilliamsBrandstof Kos
  • 38 Williams (Uitgang 577 / Myl 577). Gaan weswaarts in die straat 'E' na die stad vanaf die snelweg vanaf die oprit. Die stad Williams, CA, is net wes van die snelweg. BrandstofKos Verblyf Williams, Kalifornië op Wikipedia
  • 9 Maxwell-rusarea (Uitgang 583 / Myl 583.41). Toilette, water, piekniektafels en telefoon. Geen outomatiese masjiene of sanitêre stasies vir troeteldiere nie. Toilette
  • 10 Wilgersrus (Uitgang 608 / Myl 608,00). Toilette, water, piekniektafels, telefoon en RV sanitasie stasie. Geen vending masjiene nie. Toilette

Shasta Cascades-streek

  • 39 Kalifornië 32.svgChico & Orland (Uitgang 619 / Myl 619). Die stad van Chico is eintlik 32 km oos van die interstaat by Orland. Daar is verskeie vulstasies, kitskosrestaurante, 'n paar motelle en 'n kampeerterrein vir kampeerwaens wat bereikbaar is vanaf die snelweg in die stad Orland. Vir diegene wat noord van Red Bluff kom, kan u by SR-36 Antelope Blvd by afrit # 649 afrit om Chico via Hwy 99 te bereik. BrandstofKos Verblyf.
  • 11 Lt. John C. Helmick Rest Area (Uitgang 633 / Myl 632.73). Gesluit vir onderhoud Toilette, water, piekniektafels en telefoon. Geen outomatiese masjiene of sanitêre stasies vir troeteldiere nie. Toilette
  • 12 Herbert S. Miles-rusarea (Uitgang 656 / Myl 655.66). Toilette, water, piekniektafels en telefoon. Geen outomatiese masjiene of sanitêre stasies vir troeteldiere nie Toilette
  • Rooi Bluf (Uitgang 647-652). Daar is ses uitgange vir Red Bluff.
  • Main St. (Uitgang 647, 647A en 651). Die ou US Hwy 99 loop deur die stad as Main St wat parallel loop met I-5. Vanuit die noorde kom Main St by afrit 651 en 647A. Vanuit die suide kom Main St slegs via afrit 647A en 649. Hwy 36 weswaarts Fortuna by US Hwy 101 kan u toegang kry via afrit 651, noord van die stad, en slegs vanaf die suidelike bane. Noordverkeer kon via Antelope Blvd by afrit 649 toegang kry. Suidoos van die stad Main St word Old US Hwy 99W wat langs die huidige I-5 gang loop as 'n aparte pad na Woodland deur die dorpe Corning, Willows, Artois, Williams en Maxwell. Dit is onderteken as "Hwy 99W", "Old Hwy 99W", "Road 99W", "County Road 99W", "Frontage Rd" of deur 'n ander plaaslike straatnaam deur 'n stad. Dit word nie as 'n staats- of Amerikaanse snelweg aangewys nie. Die ou US Hwy 99E volg die huidige CA-Hwy 99 van Red Bluff na Olivehurst.
  • Kalifornië 36.svg Antelope Blvd (Uitgang 649 vanuit beide rigtings). Die kruising met die Golden State Hwy Kalifornië 99.svg Is 3,4 km oos langs Antelope Blvd vanaf I-5. Die Golden State Hwy (Hwy 99) loop parallel met I-5 tot by afrit 525B in Sacramento deur Chico en Yuba City. Hierdie afrit is ook die ligging van die Windhondstop (by Sunshine Food & Gas / Chevron) (bushalte-simbool nie gemerk nie) oos van die snelweg. As u Wes toe gaan op Antelope Blvd, eindig die pad by Main St in die sentrum van Red Bluff. BrandstofKos VerblyfMUTCD I-6.svg.
  • Anderson (Uitgang 667-670). is vernoem na Elias Anderson, wat die spoorwegregte van Oregon en Kalifornië en grond vir 'n stasie verleen het. Vandag het die stad 9000 inwoners en is dit ongeveer 16 km suid van Redding. Daar is vyf uitgange vir Anderson.
  • Kalifornië 273.svg Noord (Uitgang 667B). Old US Hwy 99 volg CA-Hwy 273 deur Anderson (plaaslik nie benoem nie) en word Market St noord van die stad. Dit gaan deur Redding as Market St en verbind terug na die I-5 gang by afrit 681B. Dit is slegs bereikbaar vanaf die noordelike bane, en geen terugkeer na die snelweg noordwaarts nie. Suid-verkeer kan slegs saamsmelt met I-5 en gaan suid vanaf CA-Hwy 273.
  • Deschutes Rd Factory Outlets Dr. (Uitgang 667A). Toeganklik vanaf beide rigtings. VerblyfKos Brandstof
  • 40 Rooi (Uitgang 675-682). Vir almal wat besoek, het Redding en die omliggende aktiwiteite buite en binne. Insluitend twee mere en 'n onaktiewe vulkaan binne kort ryafstand. Plus baie parke, staproetes en voldoende inkopies. Daar is sewe uitgange vir Redding. Redding (Q495361) op Wikidata Redding, _California op Wikipedia
  • Kalifornië 44.svgLassen Nasionale Park, Wes (Uitgang 678 (NB) en 678B (SB)). SR 44 gaan oos in die rigting van Lassen Nasionale Park en wes in die middestad van Redding. Verbind met SR 299 by Pine & Eureka in die middestad. Vanaf die noordwaartse bane is die afrit gemerk "To Eureka Susanville". Oos gaan SR-44 in die rigting Susanville deur Lassen Nasionale Park. Vanaf Susnaville kan reisigers suidwaarts na Reno ry op US Hwy 395 of CA-Hwy 70 & 89 volg na I-80 in Truckee. Dit ontken die behoefte om deur Sacramento te gaan om vanaf Redding of enige plek noord of wes na Lake Tahoe en / of Reno te kom. Die bergpaaie deur die Lassen Nasionale Park / Bos kan gedurende die winter gesluit wees. Kyk na weerberigte en verkeersverslae voordat u gedurende die winter op hierdie manier gaan. Kettings kan benodig word. Plaaslik is Mt Shasta Mall buite hierdie afrit en word omring deur verskeie ander winkels, restaurante, hotelle en vulstasies vir benodigdhede, kos, brandstof en of 'n nag se verblyf van die snelweg af of weswaarts gaan vir direkte toegang tot die sentrum van Redding. VerblyfKos BrandstofMUTCD I-6.svgMUTCD I-7.svg.
  • 41 Kalifornië 299.svg Lake Blvd (Uitgang 680). SR-299 gaan ooswaarts Modoc Nasionale Bos in Modoc County, in die rigting van die Nevada-staatslyn naby Cedarville. Wes gaan SR-299 in Redding in Downton en gaan dan weswaarts Arcata in die kus. Modoc National Forest (Q6889555) op Wikidata Modoc National Forest op Wikipedia
  • Kalifornië 273.svg Market St. (Afrit 681B is slegs bereikbaar vanaf suidelike bane). Die ou US Hwy 99 volg CA-Hwy 273 deur die noordelike voorstede van Redding om die middestad van Redding te bereik. Slegs toeganklik vanaf die suidelike bane, geen terugkeer na die snelweg wat suidwaarts gaan nie. Noordverkeer kan slegs saamsmelt met I-5 en gaan noord vanaf CA-Hwy 273. Die ou Hwy 99 volg CA-Hwy 273 deur Redding, na Anderson waar dit weer aansluit by I-5 by afrit 667A.
  • Twin Views Blvd (Uitgang 681 (NB) en 681A (SB)). Plaaslike toegang tot die noordelike buurte van Redding vanuit beide rigtings van I-5. Hierdie afrit is 681 vanaf die noordelike bane en 681A vanaf die suidelike bane. BrandstofVerblyf
  • 42 Bridge Bay Road (Uitgang 690 / Myl 690,48). Die interstaat kruis Shasta Lake, Kalifornië se grootste reservoir, net noord van Bridge Bay - die meer vlak by die kruising bied 'n vinnige manier om die gesondheid van die staat se watervoorsiening te beoordeel. The Bridge Bay Resort is net buite die uitgang by die jachthaven en bied 'n restaurant en akkommodasie, maar die pragtige natuurskoon sal vir die meeste reisigers meer interessant wees. Huisbote is 'n gewilde huuropsie aan die meer, en meer as honderd daarvan kan soms in Bridge Bay vasgemeer word. KosVerblyf
  • 13 O'Brien-rusarea (slegs noordwaarts) (Uitgang 694 / Myl 693.88). Toilette, water, piekniektafels en telefoon. Geen outomatiese masjiene of sanitêre stasies vir troeteldiere nie. Toilette
  • 14 Lakehead rusarea (slegs suidwaarts) (Uitgang 705 / Myl 704,50). Toilette, water, piekniektafels, telefoon- en verkoopmasjiene. Geen RV sanitasie stasie nie. Toilette
  • Dunsmuir (Uitgang 730-734). Daar is drie uitgange vir Dunsmuir.
  • Mount Shasta (Uitgang 738-741). Daar is drie uitgange vir Mount Shasta City.
  • Kalifornië 89.svg McCloud Reno (Uitgang 739). Hwy 89 gaan deur die stad McCloud in die Shasta Trinity National Forest en deur die Lassen National Forest tot by afrit 188B van I-80 in Truckee, naby Lake Tahoe, 51 km suidwes van Reno. As u van Mount Shasta of enige plek noordwaarts kom en in die rigting van Reno of Lake Tahoe op I-80 kom, is dit die roete om te ry sonder om tot by Sacramento te gaan. Hierdie roete kan gedurende die winter gesluit wees as gevolg van hoë sneeu. Kyk na die weer en verkeerstoestande gedurende die winter, kettings mag nodig wees as die pad gedurende die winter oop is. Benoem slegs "McCloud" vanaf die noordelike bane.
  • Onkruid (Uitgang 745-748). Daar is drie uitgange vir Onkruid.
  • 43 Vista Dr (Uitgang 745). Verskeie restaurante en hotelle is by hierdie afrit geleë. Sien 'Eet' en 'Slaap' in die onkruidartikel. Also the location of the Greyhound stop (at Dos Amigos Restaurant) (bus stop symbol not signposted). BrandstofKos VerblyfMUTCD I-6.svg.
  • 44 VS 97.svg S Weed Blvd Klamath-waterval (Exit 747). 'Downtown' Weed and the south end of US Hwy 97 along Volcanic Legacy Byway.
  • 15 Weed Airport Rest Area (Exit 753 / Mile 753.43). Restrooms, water, picnic tables and phone. No vending machines or RV sanitation station. Toilette
  • 45 Yreka (Exits 773 & 776). There are two exits to Yreka. Pin is at the W Center St at Exit 773 which is the most direct access to downtown Yreka from the freeway. Exit #773 is labeled as "SR 3 Yreka" from the northbound side and "SR 3 Ft Jones Etna" from the southbound side. Yreka (Q2565455) op Wikidata Yreka, _California op Wikipedia
  • 46 Kalifornië 3.svg Montague (Exit 776). Goes east to the town of Montague and south through Yreka as Main St. Road continues south from Yreka through Coffee Creek & Trinity Center to SR-299 in Weaverville. So if going towards Eureka, Arcata or anywhere that direction from Yreka this another route to take. Montague (Q175682) op Wikidata Montague, _California op Wikipedia
  • 16 Randolph C. Collier Rest Area (Exit 786 / Mile 785.81). Closed for maintenance Restrooms, water, picnic tables and phone. No vending machines or RV sanitation station. Toilette
  • 47 Kalifornië 96.svg Willow Creek (Exit 786). SR 96 cuts through the Klamath National Forest to SR-299 in Willow Creek. If going towards Arcata, Eureka or anywhere in that direction this would be the short cut without going all the way down to SR-299 at Exit 680 in Redding (over 100 miles away). The old Hwy 99 follows Kalifornië 96.svg en Kalifornië 263.svg from this exit to Yreka. This exit is only accessible from the southbound lanes and only merges into the northbound lanes. No return to the southbound lanes. Klamath National Forest (Q6419646) op Wikidata Klamath National Forest op Wikipedia
  • 48 Hornbrook (Exits 789 &790). Brandstof. Hornbrook can be accessed from Exits 789 (Henley Hornbrook) and 790 (Hornbrook Hwy-Ditch Creek) Hornbrook (Q2340899) op Wikidata Hornbrook, _California op Wikipedia
  • 17 Hornbook Inspection Station (Mile 791, 7 miles south of the state line), 14601 I-5, 1 530 475-3100. Southbound traffic must stop for agricultural inspection. They're looking for fruits, vegetables, firewood, hay, nursery stocks and anything invasive that may be in violation of state and federal quarantine laws.
  • 49 Hilt Rd (Exit 796). Local access road to the nearby communities of Hilt, Cole and the surrounding areas. Brandstof Hilt, Kalifornië (Q65043813) op Wikidata Hilt, _California op Wikipedia


The maximum rural speed limit is 70 mph (112 km/h) & 60 mph for large trucks which is more relevant along I-84 corridor between The Dalles & the Snake River (Idaho border). The I-5 corridor remains at 65 mph (104km/h) in rural areas and 55-60 mph in urban areas. The stretch of I-5 between Portland & Eugene is also at 55-60mph (88-100km/h) too. Interstate travelers in Oregon should be aware that it is illegal to pump your own gas in the counties through which I-5 passes (although Oregon law changed in 2018 to allow stations in certain counties to offer self-service, I-5 doesn't pass through any of them). When you arrive at a filling station wait for an attendant to come to your car rather than attempting to get out and fill up your car on your own.


  • 50 Siskiyou Summit (Uitgang 1). Old Hwy 99 S winds alongside of I-5 as a two lane highway in the mountains from Exit #1 to OR-Hwy 66 in Ashland. It crosses I-5 at Exits #6 and 14 (as SR 66). Accessible from the northbound lanes only, no return to freeway going north. Southbound traffic can only merge into I-5 going south from SR 273. Access to southbound lanes of I-5 only from Exit 6.
  • 51 Mount Ashland (Exit 6). Old Hwy 99 S runs parallel to the I-5 corridor between Exit #1 and OR-Hwy 66 in Ashland at Exit #14. This exit is accessible from both directions of I-5. Verblyf.
  • 52 Ashland (Exits 11-19). A small town that is home to the Tony award winning Oregon Shakespeare Festival that has productions from February to October. There are three exits to Ashland Ashland (Q450100) op Wikidata Ashland, Oregon op Wikipedia
  • 53 OF 99.svg Siskiyou Blvd Ashland (Uitgang 11). Beginning of OR Hwy 99 which runs parallel along I-5 through Ashland, Talent, Phoenix, Medford and Grants Pass. Hwy 99 intersects I-5 at Exits 35, 43, 45 and 58.
  • 54 OF 66.svg Ashland Klamath Falls (Uitgang 14). SR 66 goes west into town as Ashland St towards Southern Oregon State University and east and then south, parallel, along I-5 as Green Springs Hwy (Old Hwy 99) to OF 273.svg (Old Hwy 99 S) south of Emigrant Lake. From Emigrant Lake SR 66 continues east towards Klamath-waterval while Old Hwy 99 S continues south towards the state line at Exit 1.
  • 55 Talent (Exit 21). Talent (Q2106770) op Wikidata Talent, _Oregon op Wikipedia
  • 56 Phoenix (Oregon) (Exit 24). Phoenix (Q1922043) op Wikidata Phoenix, _Oregon op Wikipedia
  • 57 Medford (Exits 27 & 30). Southern Oregon's largest and most diverse city, brimming with historical and cultural attractions while offering regional tax-free shopping. Medford is the county seat of Jackson County, and is the commercial and medical hub of southern Oregon. Its autumns tend to be very mild, and dry when compared to the rest of the state. Medford (Q836663) op Wikidata Medford, Oregon op Wikipedia
  • 58 OF 62.svgOF 238.svgMUTCD I-5.svg North Medford Crater Lake (Exit 30). Toegang tot Rogue Valley International-Medford Airport, Rogue Valley Mall and the surrounding retail stores, restaurants and hotels for supplies, food and/or a night's stay. SR-62 continues north and east towards Crater Lake. Immediate left (north) on Biddle Rd from SR-62, follow signs to Airport Rd to reach the airport. KosBrandstof Verblyf
  • 59 Central Point Eagle Point (Exit 33). Also another way to access the airport. Go east on E Pine which become Biddle Rd. Follow signs to the terminal KosBrandstof Verblyf Central_Point, _Oregon op Wikipedia
  • 60 OF 99.svg aan OF 234.svg Scenic Byway & Gold Hill (Exit 40). Exit into the town of Gold Hill. Gold Hill (Q3109513) op Wikidata Gold_Hill, _Oregon op Wikipedia
  • 61 OF 99.svg Rogue River Route (Exits 43 & 45A). Additional access to Hwy 99 in Rogue River Valley between Grants Pass and Medford. Both exits are named as "Rogue Valley Route" and are accessible from both directions. Rogue Valley (Q10825386) op Wikidata Rogue Valley op Wikipedia
  • 62 Grants Pass (Exits 55 & 58). Grants Pass is the county seat of Josephine County and is famous for its white river rafting in the Rogue River. It is also the gateway to the nearby Oregon Caves National Monument 30 miles (48 km) south of the city. I-5 goes east-west from Central Point (Exit #33), through Grants Pass, to Merlin Rd (Exit #61). There are two exits to Grants Pass. Grants Pass (Q143405) op Wikidata Grants_Pass, _Oregon op Wikipedia
  • 63 VS 199.svg S Grants Pass Crescent City (Exit 55). Connects the I-5 corridor to Crescent City in die northern California coast. From Crescent City one can go north on US Hwy 101 to reach the Southern Oregon Coast. Locally US Hwy 199 accesses the local neighborhoods in south Grants Pass as Grants Pass Pkwy and Redwood Hwy.
  • 64 OF 99.svg aan VS 199.svg Grants Pass City Center (Exit 58). Access into downtown Grants Pass via NE Scoville which becomes NE 6th St. From downtown go north on NE 7th St to return to the freeway. SR-99 passes through downtown Grants Pass as NE 6/7th St and east towards Medford as Rogue River Hwy.
  • 65 Merlin Rd (Exit 61). Local road to the town of Merlin.
  • 66 Wolf Creek (Exit 76). unincorporated town. Wolf Creek (Q3710338) op Wikidata Wolf_Creek, _Oregon op Wikipedia
  • 67 Canyonville (Exit 98). Canyonville (Q2622557) op Wikidata Canyonville, _Oregon op Wikipedia
  • 68 Myrtle Creek (Exit 108). Myrtle Creek (Q981114) op Wikidata Myrtle Creek, _Oregon op Wikipedia
  • 69 Roseburg (Exits 120-129). There are 5 exits to Roseburg Roseburg (Q846170) op Wikidata Roseburg, _Oregon op Wikipedia

Willamette Valley

  • 70 OF 99.svg Cottage Grove (Exit 170). OR-Hwy 99 goes alongside of I-5 as a two lane highway from Exit #170 to Exit 188 in Goshen. It passes through Cottage Grove and Creswell. This exit is accessible from the northbound lanes only, no return to freeway going north. Southbound traffic can only merge into I-5 going south. Hwy 99 goes along I-5 to Oakland (Oregon) at Exit #140 where it splits as a separate highway, alongside I-5 to Exit #120 south of Roseburg.
  • 71 OF 58.svg Oakridge Klamath Falls (Exit 188). From the southbound lanes there's only one exit leaving the freeway towards SR-58 and it splits again towards towards Goshen (SR-99) and "Oakridge Klamath Falls" (SR-58). From the northbound lanes Exit #188A forms SR-58 going towards Oakridge while Exit 188B (a separate exit) ends into Franklin Blvd which goes south into Goshen as SR-99.
  • 72 Eugene-Springfield (Exits 189-195B). The second-largest city in Oregon, home to the University of Oregon Ducks.
  • 30th Ave South Eugene (Exit 189). From here one can approach Eugene from the south via 30th Ave or continue north on Franklin Blvd into Springfield.
  • 73 OF 99.svgOF 126.svg University of Oregon Eugene Downtown (Exit 192). From the south, downtown can be reached via Franklin Blvd (Hwy 99) which also passes by the U of Oregon campus. This exit is only accessible from the northbound lanes and only goes west into Eugene. Going south SR-99 merges onto I-5 from mile marker 192 and runs concurrent with I-5 to Exit #188 where it forms a separate parallel route through Goshen.
  • 74 OF 126.svgI-105.svgEugene-Springfield (Exits 194A & B). This highway connects into downtown Eugene as I-105 and continues east into Springfield as SR-126. Follow Exit/off ramp 194A to Sprinfield and Exit/off ramp 194B towards Eugene.
  • 75 OF 569.svg Randy Pape Beltline Eugene-Springfield (Exits 195). The Randy Pape Beltine serves as a circular freeway to circle around the Eugene-Springfield area as a way to connect the outer suburbs to each other without going into downtown.
  • 76 OF 34.svgCorvallis & Libanon (Exit 228). Corvallis is 11 mi (18 km) west from the I-5/SR-34 junction while Lebanon is 8 mi (13 km) east.Brandstof
  • 77 Albany (Exits 233 & 234) (west of I-5.). The town is known as the "hub of the valley" as it sits at the confluence of the Willamette River and Calapooia Rivers. Albany's streets are lined with historic homes and a carousel museum. Its location in the Willamette Valley, known for its wine, allows the town to offer locally made wine, as well as cider and beer.
  • 78 Salem (Exits 249-260B). The capital city of Oregon, traditionally known for being low-key, the downtown area is showing the early signs of rejuvenation. Salem (Q43919) op Wikidata Salem, Oregon op Wikipedia
  • OF 22.svgOF 99E.svgDetroit LakeBuig (Exit 253). OR Hwy 22 & Bus 99E goes northwesterly into town as Mission St SE. OR-Hwy 22 then goes across the Willamette River into West Salem and another 25 mi (40 km) west to OR-Hwy 18 in Willamina via OR-Hwy 99W in Rickreall which is the gateway towards the Yamhill Valley Wine Country (north on 99W towards McMinnville). Going east OR-Hwy 22 passes by Detroit Lake and Mt Jefferson towards US Hwy 20. It continues into Bend as US Hwy 20. Going south OR Hwy 99E follows I-5 to Exit 234B in Albany.
  • OF 99E.svg Portland Rd (Exit 258). OR-Hwy 99E follows Portland Rd NE which parallels along the east side of I-5 to Exit 307 north of Portland. It goes through Woodburn, Canby and Oregon City to reach the Portland Metropolitan Area. Going south OR-Hwy 99E follows I-5 to Exit 253 in Albany.

Portland Metropolitan Area

  • 79 I-205.svgOregon City (Exit 288). I-205 goes north to Oregon City, Gladstone, en die Portland International Airport; reconnects with I-5 north of Vancouver, WA at Exit 7 (Washington).
  • Nyberg Rd Tualatin Sherwood Rd (Exit 289). Tualatin Sherwood Rd goes 5 mi (8.0 km) across towards OR Hwy 99W in Sherwood through Tualatin. From Sherwood travelers can continue into Newberg, Dundee and McMinnville in the Yamhill Valley Wine Country, a world-renowned wine tasting destination.
  • Tigard, Lake Oswego and Southwest Portland (Exits 290-294).
    • 80 OF 217.svg (Exit 292). Connects to Tigard (SR-99W); Beaverton and ends at US-26 west. Serves as a partial western bypass for northbound drives to connect with Hillsboro (via US Hwy 26 & SR-8) and the Northern Oregon Coast (US Hwy 26). SR-217 ends east of I-5 where the same road becomes SW Kruse Way leading into Lake Oswego a wealthy suburban enclave.
    • 81 OF 99W.svgTigard & Southwest Portland (Exit 294). SR-99W crosses over I-5 on its way between Tigard to the west and Southwest Portland to the east. In Tigard it becomes Pacific Hwy while it is Barbur Blvd in Southwest Portland. If you are coming from Southwest Portland or anywhere north and going west towards King City, Sherwood, Newberg en McMinnville in die Yamhill Valley Wine Country, this is the route to take.
  • Portland (Exits 294-308). The largest city in Oregon, and a cultural center for the region. Known for its food and music scenes, and counter-cultural attitudes. Thousands of acres of gardens, parks, and trails to explore, as well as a multitude of shops and restaurants spread across several neighborhoods.
    • 82 I-405.svg Noord & VS 26.svg West (Marquam Bridge) "To Beaverton" (Exit 299B (from northbound)). Connects to the City Center & Southwest Portland. I-5 crosses the Willamette River on the Marquam Bridge with a view of Downtown Portland. Going southbound (lower deck of bridge) the left two lanes goes into I-405 with access to downtown Portland and US Hwy 26 while the right two lanes continue as I-5 south towards Salem and Eugene. From the northbound lanes the left lane goes into I-405 north (Exit 299B and then Exit 1A "City Center S Waterfront") while the right lane continues onto the Marquam Bridge as I-5 north towards Seattle. The middle lane splits in two, so you have two lanes going towards I-405 and another two continuing as I-5. If going I-405 northbound you will have to exit again at #1A after 299B otherwise this segment of the freeway ends at SW Clay & Front/Pacific Hwy (Hwy 99W) in downtown Portland.
  • 83 OF 99E.svgOregon City OMSI VS 26.svg Oos (Exit 300B). Exit onto OR-Hwy 99E going south towards Oregon City via access to the Oregon Museum of Science and Industries (OMSI) and local SE neighborhoods including access on to US Hwy 26 on SE Powell Blvd. From the Hwy 99E off ramp towards Oregon City into southeast Portland as SE Belmont. Travelers can go northbound on 99E from Belmont on Grand Ave. From I-5 this exit branches off with one branch going west across the Morrison Bridge into downtown Portland as SW Washington. This exit is only accessible from the southbound lanes. Access from the northbound lanes at Exit 300 via "Water Ave" branch which leads to SE Yamhill & Water Ave. Travelers from the "Water Ave" exit can go south on Water Ave and get onto Hawthorne Bridge to reach downtown. (Marker at off ramp from southbound lanes.) Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (Q174617) op Wikidata Oregon_Museum_van_Wetenskap_en_bedryf op Wikipedia
  • 84 I-84.svgVS 30.svgMUTCD I-5.svg Oos Die Dalles (Exit 300 (northbound) / 301 (southbound)). I-84 passes through Portland's Eastside en deur die Columbia Gorge aan Hood River, Die Dalles, Pendleton en Boise, ID. Travelers going to Portland International Airport can follow I-84 to I-205 North towards Seattle at Exit #8 of I-84 and then to Airport Way W from Exit #24A of I-205. Likewise travelers can also go north towards the airport on NE 82nd (OR Hwy-213) from Exit #5 of I-84.
  • 85 I-405.svgVS 30.svg West Beaverton St Helens (Fremont Bridge) (Exit 302B). Connects to the Northwest Portland; I-405 provides northern access to downtown Portland, while US 30 continues along the Columbia River through the northwest industrial area to Scappoose, Saint Helens and Astoria.
  • 86 Interstate Ave Portland International Raceway (Exit 306). Interstate Ave used to be OR-Hwy 99W which provides local access to North Portland. The old Hwy 99W would cross into downtown from N Interstate on the black Steele Bridge and continue along the downtown waterfront as Naito Pkwy. OR-Hwy 99W officially begins at SW Naito Pkwy and Clay and continues south of downtown as Barbur Blvd. This exit is only accessible from the southbound lanes. Portland International Raceway (Q2662150) op Wikidata Portland International Raceway op Wikipedia
  • OF 99E.svg MLK Jr Blvd & Marine Dr (Exit 307). OR-Hwy 99E begins here and goes parallel I-5 along the east side to Exit 258 north of Salem. It goes through northeast and southeast Portland as Martin Luther King Jr Blvd. Hwy 99E branches between NE Weidler and SE Mill St. Southbound traffic continue on Martin Luther King Jr Blvd while northbound traffic travel along Grand Ave. It continues south from Mill St to Oregon City as SE McCloughlin Blvd. This is where the old US Hwy 99 would split between US Hwy 99E & 99W.
  • 87 Hayden Island ODOTS Permits (Exit 308). Toegang tot Jantzen Beach Shopping Center on Hayden Island. There are other restaurants, hotels and retails stores surrounding the Jantzen Beach mall for food, fuel, supplies and/or a night's stay. Exit is signposted "Hayden Island ODOTS Permits" from both directions. ODOTS permits are for commercial truck drivers to travel through the state. Hayden Island (Q5686334) op Wikidata Hayden Island, Portland, Oregon op Wikipedia


The maximum speed limit is 70 MPH (112 km/h) for cars & 60 MPH (100 km/h) for large trucks on rural stretches and 60 MPH (100 km/h) in urban areas or lower if posted otherwise. Some of the highway rest stops in Washington are also staffed by volunteers from different local religious and fraternal organizations such as the Lions Club or Elk's Club to offer free coffee, tea, water and cookies to travelers. Some even offer home baked goods such as brownies too. A donation of any amount is appreciated in the can provided on the counter. Rest stops in Washington state do not have exit numbers but rather marked with a blue sign rather than the green sign.


  • 88 Vancouver (Exits 1A-7). Fourth largest city in Washington and oldest permanent settlement in the Pacific Northwest; not to be confused with Vancouver, BC, Kanada. Vancouver (Q234053) op Wikidata Vancouver, Washington op Wikipedia
  • 89 WA-14.svg East Camas (Exit 1A). Goes through the Columbia River Gorge along the Washington side of the Columbia River to Exit 131 of I-82 in Eastern Washington, north of Hermiston. In town the highway ends at Washington & W 5th St in downtown Vancouver. Exit 1B goes from the northbound lanes to E 6th St & C St. This is also another way to reach the airport. Go east on SR 14 to I-205 and then south on I-205 to NE Airport Way (Exit 24) on the other side of the Columbia River.
  • 90 WA-501.svg E Mill Plain Blvd (Exit 1C). Major east-west road through town. Access to the Historic Ft Vancouver and the adjacent old military base of the same name just east of the freeway. Going the other direction Mill Plain goes into downtown Vancouver. Exit 1D continues north to 4th Plain, another local east-west road.
  • 91 Old Hwy 99 (Exit 3). Old Hwy 99 crosses I-5. Going north past I-205 Old Hwy 99 becomes NE 20th Ave, NE Union Rd and NE 15th Ave and ends at NE 179th at Exit 9. Going south past I-5 the same road becomes Main St ending at E 5th & Main in downtown.
  • 92 NE 78th St (Hazel Dell) (Exit 4). Local east-west street with multiple places for Lodging, fuel, restaurants, supplies/groceries (Costco, Fred Meyer, O'Reillys Auto Parts, etc) surrounding the I-5/Trosper Rd Jct. KosBrandstof Verblyf
  • 93 I-205.svgMUTCD I-5.svg NE 134th St Salem (Exit 7). I-205 goes south to the Portland International Airport (via NE Airport Way at Exit #24 from southbound lanes & 24A of the northbound lanes of I-205), East Portland, Gladstone, en Oregon City; reconnects with I-5 at Exit 288 (Oregon) south of Portland. This exit is only accessible from the southbound lanes only. From the Northbound lanes Exit off at NE 134th St/ E WSU Vancouver (Exit 7A) and go east on NE 134th St to I-205.
  • 94 NE 179th St (Uitgang 9). Ligging van Clark County Fairgrounds at west side of freeway. The Old Hwy 99 is NE 15th Ave running along the eastside of the freeway from NE 179th St. The same road becomes NE Union, NE 20th, NE Hwy 99, crosses I-5 at Exit 3 and becomes Main St.
  • 95 WA-502.svg Battleground (Uitgang 11). The town of Battleground is 6 miles (10km) east of the freeway along NE 219th. Battle Ground (Q810999) op Wikidata Battleground, _Washington op Wikipedia
  • 18 Gee Creek I-5 NB (Exit 11 / Mile 11). Restrooms, water, picnic tables, visitors info, vending machines, RV sanitation station, and electrical vehicle charging station. Toilette
  • 19 Gee Creek I-5 SB (Mile 12). Restrooms, water, picnic tables, visitors info, vending machines and RV sanitation station. Toilette
  • 96 La Center Cowlitz Reservation (Exit 16). La Center (Q1506592) op Wikidata La_Center, _Washington op Wikipedia
  • 97 WA-503.svgWoodland Cougar (Exit 21). SR-503 goes east through Woodland and connects to FR-90 in Cougar along the southside of Mt St Helens. It is also another way to access Mt St Helens from Portland and Southwest Washington. There are a series of gas stations, restaurants, motels and a couple of groceries stores to stock up. KosBrandstof Verblyf. Woodland (Q1191430) op Wikidata Woodland, Washington op Wikipedia
  • 98 Kalama (Exits 27 & 30). Exit 30 goes into downtown Kalama while Exit 27 access the industrial areas south of Kalama (Port of Kalama). Pin is at Exit #30. Kalama (Q1516195) op Wikidata Kalama, _Washington op Wikipedia
  • 99 Kelso & Longview (Exits 36-40). Three exits to Kelso; SR-432 (Exit 36) and SR-4 (Allen St at Exit 39) provide access to neighboring Longview west of the Cowlitz River. SR-4 continues west along the Washington side of the Colombia River to US Hwy 101 north of Astoria, Oregon. Likewise travelers can also cross the Columbia River from Longview into Rainier, OR and continue towards Astoria on US Hwy 30. Kelso (Q868654) op Wikidata Kelso, _Washington op Wikipedia
  • WA-432.svg Talley Way (Exit 36B). Goes from Exit 36B of I-5 to 3rd Ave and aound town as Industrial Ave to SR-4 west of town. To go into town go past 3rd Ave and continue onto Tennant Way (follow signs) which ends at 15th Ave/Oregon Way, just south of town. Exit 36A diverge into Kelso Dr which is local road that runs parallel (at 35 mph) along I-5 at the east side of the freeway from Talley Way (Exit 36) to Allen St (Exit 39).
  • WA-4.svg Allen St to Kelso (Exit 39). Allen St is the main road into Kelso from the I-5 corridor and is the beginning of SR-4 which goes out through and past Kelso and Lonview towards Ilwaco & Longbeach out in the coast. There are multiple places for Lodging, fuel, restaurants, supplies/groceries (Safeway, Red Lion Inn, Three Rivers Mall, Target, etc) accessible from this exit. KosBrandstof VerblyfMUTCD I-6.svgMUTCD I-7.svg.
  • 99 WA-504.svg Castle Rock (Exit 49). SR-504 goes 52 mi (84 km) east to the Johnston Ridge Observatory in Mount St. Helens. Daar is 'n Visitors' Center closer to the freeway, only 5 mi (8.0 km) east. Castle Rock (Q1023555) op Wikidata Castle_Rock, _Washington op Wikipedia
  • 20 Toutle River I-5 NB (Mile 54). Restrooms, water, picnic tables and visitors info. No RV sanitation station. Toilette
  • 21 Toutle River I-5 SB (Mile 54). Restrooms, water and picnic tables. No RV sanitation station. Toilette
  • 99 Jackson Hwy (Exit 57). Jackson Hwy is the segment of old hwy 99 through Toledo, Chehalis and Centralia in Lewis County. Exit is signposted as "Jackson Hwy Barnes Dr" from the southbound lanes. The Old Hwy 99 intersects with I-5 at Exits 82 and 88.
  • 99 WA-506.svg Toledo Vader Rd (Exit 60). Local road to access the town of Toledo. The other exit for going towards Vader is at Exit 59. Toledo (Q1515635) op Wikidata Toledo, _Washington op Wikipedia
  • 99 WA-505.svg Winlock Toledo (Exit 63). SR 505 goes across I-5 connecting Toledo to Winlock. Winlock (Q1502266) op Wikidata Winlock, _Washington op Wikipedia
  • 99 VS 12.svg East to Morton Yakima (Exit 68). US Hwy 12 goes east through the Cascade Mountains between Mount Rainier en Mount St Helens to Exit 31 on I-82 north of Yakima. Travelers can get to Mt Rainier from US Hwy 12 via SR 7 at Morton or SR 123 in Packwood and to Mt St Helens on SR 131/FR 25 in Randle. Going westbound, US Hwy 12 goes north along I-5 from Exit 68 to Exit 88.
  • 99 WA-508.svg Napavine Onalaska (Exit 71). W Forest Napavine Rd/Main Ave connects Napavine in the west and Onalaska in the east Napavine (Q1510290) op Wikidata Napavine, _Washington op Wikipedia
  • 99 Chehalis (Exits 72-79). Chehalis is a small town and the county seat of Lewis County. There are three exits to Chehalis. The pin is at SR-6 / W Main St at Exit #76 which connects I-5 to downtown Chehalis. Chehalis (Q249441) op Wikidata Chehalis, _Washington op Wikipedia
  • WA-6.svg West Pe Ell & Raymond (Exit 77). Connects Chehalis to Raymond en South Bend by Willapa Bay at the coast. The road passes through the town of Pe Ell.
  • 99 NW Chamber of Commerce Way (Exit 79). A local NW/SE street in Chehalis where there are multiple places for fuel, restaurants, a strip mall (Grocery Outlet, O'Reilly's Auto Parts, Dollar Tree, Taco del Mar, Starbucks, Wendy's, etc); Wal-Mart, Home Depot, etc for supplies. KosBrandstof
  • 99 Centralia (Exits 81-82). Founded as a railroad town, Centralia's economy was originally dependent on such extractive industries as coal, lumber and agriculture. It was named in reference to the midway point between Tacoma and Kalama (which were originally the NP's Washington termini), but proved to have longevity when it became the midpoint between Seattle and Portland after I-5 was built. There are two exits to Centralia KosBrandstof Verblyf Centralia (Q868700) op Wikidata Centralia, _Washington op Wikipedia
  • 99 WA-507.svg Mellen St City Center (Exit 81). Accessible only from the northbound lanes. From the southbound lanes exit at Harrison Ave (Exit #82) and follow the parallel side road past Harrison, past the merging lane (do not re-enter freeway) to Mellen St. Follow signs. KosBrandstof MUTCD I-6.svg (at Chevron Gas Station).
  • 99 Harrison Ave Factory Outlet Way (Exit 82). Accessible from both directions. Harrison Ave is the segment of the Old Hwy 99 going into downtown Centralia where Old Hwy 99 go north-south as Pearl St (SB) and Tower Ave (NB). Going west from the junction, Harrison Ave goes north alongside I-5 to Grand Mound by Exit #88. There are multiple places for Lodging, fuel, restaurants, supplies/groceries (Safeway, Centralia Outlets, Goodwill, etc) in the immediate areas. KosBrandstof Verblyf.
  • 99 VS 12.svgAberdeen -Tenino (Exit 88). US Hwy 12 goes west towards Aberdeen through Rochester and Elma. US Hwy 12 ends at SR 8 in Elma. If coming from Centralia or anywhere south and going west towards Aberdeen this would be the route take without going through Olympia. If Going eastbound, US Hwy 12 goes south along I-5 from Exit 88 to Exit 68. Old Hwy 99 goes northeast from here towards Tenino and north into Olympia from Tenino. Old Hwy 99 goes south along the west side of I-5 becomes Harrison Ave in Centralia at Exit #82. KosBrandstof.
  • 22 Scatter Creek I-5 NB (Mile 90). Restrooms, water, picnic tables, visitors info, vending machines and RV sanitation station. Toilette
  • 23 Maytown I-5 SB (Mile 93). Restrooms, water, picnic tables and visitors info. No RV sanitation station. Toilette

Seattle Metropolitan Area in The Puget Sound Region

North of Olympia the interstate enters the large conurbation of cities in Thurston, Pierce, King and Snohomish counties. This section is multi-lane (3 to 5) in both directions and is busy with traffic at nearly all times of the day. If at all possible avoid driving at peak commuter times. Some drivers may be tempted to take Interstate 405 through Bellevue as an alternate route, but check traffic conditions before doing so as it is often even worse for traffic congestion than Interstate 5.

  • 99 Tumwater (Exits 99-103). Southernmost city of the Puget Sound Region and the Olympia conurbation. There are four exits to Tumwater from I-5. Tumwater (Q1507493) op Wikidata Tumwater, _Washington op Wikipedia
  • 99 Trosper Rd SW (Exit #102). Capital Blvd runs parallel east of the I-5 corridor which becomes Old Hwy 99 going southeast towards Tenino and back towards I-5 and Rochester at Exit #88 through rural areas. There are multiple places for Verblyf, fuel, restaurants, supplies/groceries (Costco, Fred Meyer, Albertsons, etc) surrounding the I-5/Trosper Rd Jct. KosBrandstof Verblyf
  • 99 VS 101.svg Noord AberdeenPort Angeles (Exit 104). US 101 goes west to the third exit, going west from I-5, where US 101 exit off to the right and goes north towards Shelton and around the Olimpiese Skiereiland. The highway itself continues west as WA-8.svg in die rigting van Aberdeen. There are two additional local exits to Olympia along US Hwy 101 between I-5 and where US Hwy 101 goes north towards Shelton. Amerikaanse roete 101 (Q410892) op Wikidata Amerikaanse roete 101 in Washington op Wikipedia
  • 99 Olympia (Exits 105 & 107). The capital of Washington offers an unusually large and active arts and music scene for a city of its size, and its identity as a city remains distinct despite strong influences from Seattle, Tacoma and Everett to the north and from Portland/Vancouver to the south. Olympia is somewhat of a breeding ground for Pacific Northwest alternative culture having spawned or influenced many of the region's better-known personalities. Olympia (Q42735) op Wikidata Olympia, _Washington op Wikipedia
  • 99 Lacey (Exits 109-111). Suburban city northwest of Olympia. I-5 goes east-west through Lacey, from Olympia to the Nisqually River at the Pierce/Thurston County line. Lacey (Q970086) op Wikidata Lacey, _Washington op Wikipedia
  • 99 Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM) (Ft Lewis & McChord AFB, Exits 120-125). a U.S. military installation home to I Corps and 62d Airlift Wing 9.1 miles (14.6 km) south-southwest of Tacoma under the jurisdiction of the United States Army Joint Base Headquarters, Joint Base Lewis–McChord. Joint Base Lewis–McChord is a training and mobilization center for all services and is the only Army power projection base west of the Rocky Mountains in the Continental United States. Its geographic location provides rapid access to the deep water ports of Tacoma, Olympia, and Seattle for deploying equipment. Daar is 'n visitors center off Exit #120, and another one at Exit #125. A valid DoD ID card or visitor pass is required to enter the installation and is checked for by military police on the roads going into the military base. ID is also checked for those going into the military base by public transportation. There is a gas station and a series of restaurants lined up along Berkeley Ave in Tilicum, outside the military base, and are accessible from Exit #122 KosBrandstof Gesamentlike basis Lewis-McChord (Q999280) op Wikidata Joint_Base_Lewis – McChord op Wikipedia
  • 99 Gravelly Lake Dr Sw (Exit #124). Old Hwy 99 goes parallel west along I-5 from the intersection of Gravelly Lake Dr & Pacific Hwy SW (Exit 124) and goes through Tacoma as Pacific Hwy SW, S Tacoma Way, E 26th & Puyallup Ave. The old Hwy 99 follows Puyallup Ave as Pacific Hwy into Fife where it becomes SR-99 the rest of the way to Seattle. Lakewood (Q983791) op Wikidata Lakewood, _Washington op Wikipedia
  • 99 Tacoma (Exits 127-135). Washington's second largest city and formerly all industrial. The city center has been beautified, and the city now offers attractions such as the famous America's Car Museum, Museum of Glass, Point Defiance Park, en die Washington State History Museum. There are seven exits to Tacoma from I-5. Tacoma (Q199797) op Wikidata Tacoma, Washington op Wikipedia
    • 99 WA-512.svg South Tacoma Way (Exit 127). SR 512 goes east towards Puyallup home of the Western Washington State Fair. Second exit from I-5 going east is SR 7 which is the road leading down towards Mount Rainier. Going west SR-512 ends at South Tacoma Way/Pacific Hwy (Old Hwy 99).
    • 99 S 72nd St / S 74th St (Exit 129). A local east/west street in South Tacoma where there are multiple places for Verblyf, single Valero Gas Station for fuel and Tacoma Place for Food and supplies/groceries. KosBrandstof Verblyf

Due to long term construction activities along the freeway from S 38th through Fife the I-5/SR-16 interchange, the adjacent exit configurations and the freeway lane alignments between Exits 137A-B through 132 are subject to change. Speed limit through this segment is 50 mph. Follow signs closely and prepare for heavy traffic of less than 50 mph through this area.

    • 99 WA-16.svg Wes Gig HarbourBremerton; S 38th St west Tacoma Mall (Exit 132). SR 16 provides additional access to Tacoma before crossing the Tacoma Narrows to Gig Harbour in die Kitsap-skiereiland and continues north to Bremerton. There is a toll to cross the Narrows Bridge coming into Tacoma from Gig Harbor (south-east direction) but NOT north-west into Kitsap Peninsula. Access to S 38th St, the location of Tacoma Mall and the surrounding retail venues, is also the same as SR-16 from both directions. Follow signs closely. Washington State Route 16 (Q835385) op Wikidata Washington State Route 16 op Wikipedia
    • 99 I-705.svg North to City Center & E 26th to Tacoma Dome, WA-7.svg South (to East Tacoma via Pacific Hwy) (Exit 133) (Signed as "City Center"). I-705 connects downtown Tacoma and Tacoma Dome to I-5 at Exit 132/133. Going north of downtown Tacoma the road becomes Schuster Pkwy (40 mph) which goes into Old Town Tacoma (N 30th St & Schuster Pkwy) where it becomes N Ruston Way along the waterfront at much slower speeds (20 mph) going towards Point Defiance Park and Point Defiance Ferry Terminal to Vashon Island. Going south SR-7 ends at S 38th St to access the south and east neighborhoods. SR-7 continues along Pacific Hwy which parallels I-5 along the east, going towards Mt Rainier. Old Hwy 99 goes by the Tacoma Dome as E 26th (first exit from I-705) which becomes S Tacoma Way, running north-south, parallel along I-5 along the westside, and ends at Pacific Hwy SW & Gravelly Lake Dr by Exit #124.(KosVerblyf in downtown Tacoma, around the Tacoma Dome and along Ruston Way, The MUTCD I-6.svg, MUTCD I-7.svg are along E Puyallup Ave, are accessed from E 26th St from I-705 or Portland Ave at Exit 134 of I-5). Interstate 705 (Q743669) op Wikidata Interstate 705 op Wikipedia
  • 99 Fife (Exits 136 (Port of Tacoma Rd) & 137 (54th St E)). Suburban city northeast of Tacoma. I-5 goes east-west from SR 16 in Tacoma, through Fife, to the Pierce/King County line at the "Fife Curves". There are two exits to Fife. Fife (Q1510211) op Wikidata Fife, _Washington op Wikipedia
    • WA-99.svg North 54th Ave E Fife (Exit #137). SR-99 begins from 54th Ave E & Pacific Hwy which runs parallel west of I-5 from Fife through Federal Way, Des Moines, SeaTac (and airport) and ends north of Tukwila at SR-518 as Pacific Hwy & International Blvd. There are numerous stores, strip malls, restaurants and hotels/motels along the SR-99 corridor which can be accessed from multiple exits along the I-5 corridor. Going towards Tacoma, Pacific Hwy and Puyallup Ave E are the Old Hwy 99. The Old Hwy 99 goes through Tacoma as E 26th, South Tacoma Hwy and re-connects to I-5 near Gravelly Lake at Exit #124. (KosBrandstof Verblyf. Washington State Route 99 (Q837100) op Wikidata Washington State Route 99 # Fife_to_SeaTac op Wikipedia
  • 24 SeaTac Rest Stop I-5 NB (Mile 140). Restrooms, water, picnic tables, visitors info, vending machines and RV sanitation station Toilette
  • 99 Federale manier (Exits #142B (S 348th) - #147 (S 272nd St)). Federal Way is a suburban city of 90,000 inhabitants and is home to World Vision and Weyerhaeuser. There are three exits to Federal Way. The marker for Federal Way is at S 320th which is the location of the Federal Way commons and the surrounding retail venues, restaurants and hotels (core area of Federal Way and the closest thing to a 'downtown') KosBrandstof Verblyf. Federal Way (Q821112) op Wikidata Federal_Way, _Washington op Wikipedia
    • 99 WA-18.svg Oos Rooibruin; West S 348th St (Exit 142A). Connects I-5 to Rooibruin, Maple Valley and Covington in the southeast part of King County. SR 18 ends at Exit #25 of I-90 in Noord-draai. If coming from Federal Way or anywhere south and going east towards Spokane on I-90 this would be the route take without going through Seattle and Bellevue. SR-18 continues west to Pacific Hwy (SR 99) in Federal Way (accessed from 142B from both directions towards S 348th St). The same road continues west of Pacific Hwy as S 348th St at slower speeds. Washington State Route 18 (Q835776) op Wikidata Washington State Route 18 op Wikipedia
  • 99 WA-516.svg Kent-Des Moines Hwy (Uitgange 149 (SB-kant); 149A & 149B (NB kant)). Plaaslike oos-wes snelweg, kruising onder I-5, wat Des Moines in die weste verbind met Kent in die ooste.
  • 99 MUTCD I-5.svg S 188ste St - Orilla Rd S (Uitgang 152). Nog 'n manier om toegang tot die lughawe te kry SeaTac. Daar is 'n vulstasie om die tenk vol te maak voordat 'n huurmotor terugbesorg word en 'n Motel 6 S 188th St.. In die ander rigting draai die pad af in Kent Valley, terwyl Orilla Rd S. Bykomende hotelle is verder langs International Blvd. VerblyfBrandstof.
  • Southcenter (Uitgang 153). Toegang tot Southcenter Mall vanaf die noordelike bane.
  • 99 I-405.svg Noord Bellevue; WA-518.svgMUTCD I-5.svg Wes SeaTac (Uitgang 154). Die afrit verdeel weswaarts in SR-518 in die rigting Burien en Seattle Tacoma Internasionale Lughawe en oos in I-405 in die rigting van Renton en Bellevue. Die lughawe is ook beskikbaar vanaf S 188th St vanaf afrit # 152.
  • Seattle (Uitgang 157-175). Verreweg die grootste stad in die streek. Dit is die hart van 'n lewendige metropolitaanse gebied en 'n belangrike toeristebestemming. Daar is 18 uitgange na Seattle vanaf die I-5 gang.
  • 99 WA-599.svgTukwila (LW); Interurban Ave (SB) (Uitgang 156). Hierdie afrit is slegs bereikbaar vanaf die noordelike (NB) bane. Vanaf die suidelike (SB) paaie gaan afrit 156 slegs na Interurban Ave, 'n plaaslike straat Tukwila. SR-599 word WA-99.svg noord van Tukwila International Blvd. Dit gaan voort soos deur Sodo / Georgetown langs die Duwamish-rivier en onder die middestad van Seattle deur die Viaduct Tunnel. Van noord van die middestad van Seattle gaan WA-Hwy 99 op Ballard en Noord-Seattle soos N Aurora Ave. Dit is ook 'n ander manier om Wes-Seattle en Whitecenter vanaf die suide by die SR 99/509-aansluiting via Highland Park Way SW te bereik. Washington State Route 99 (Q837100) op Wikidata Washington State Route 99 # Seattle_en_Aurora_Avenue op Wikipedia
  • 99 Airport Way / E Marginal Way (Uitgang 158). Toegang tot die Boeing Field / King County lughawe en The Museum of Flight en na Rainier Valley in Suid-Seattle op Ryan Ave. Boeing_Field op Wikipedia
  • 99 Wes-Seattle-brug & Beacon Hill (Uitgang 163 & 163A) (Net suid van die middestad van Seattle). West Seattle Bridge gesluit vir herstelwerk. Gaan op SR-599 vanaf afrit 156 om na West Seattle te kom.
  • 99 I-90.svg Oos; James St & Deerborne St in die middestad van Seattle (Uitgang 164 & 164A) (Net suid van die middestad van Seattle). Interstate 90 is die langste interstaat in die land en reis ongeveer 4.860 km van Seattle in die weste na Boston in die ooste. Dit is die gemaklikste roete vir reisigers wat gaan Oos-Washington en Noord-Idaho en nog 'n manier om Washington (sonder tol) oor te steek van Seattle na Bellevue en Mercer Island plaaslik. Die afrit vanaf die noordelike bane is by afrit # 164A. Vanaf die suidelike bane verdeel die snelweg met die twee linkerbane (afrit nr. 164) wat in die rigting van "Bellevue & Spokane" via I-90 gaan, terwyl die twee regterbane suid verder gaan na "Tacoma & Portland".
  • E Martinez Dr. (164B). Gaan na I-90 West in die rigting van sy westelike punt by T-Mobile Field. Die pad vurk na regs in die rigting van 4th Ave by Century Link Field by Royal Brougham (MUTCD I-6.svgMUTCD I-7.svg) of links na Martinez en derde, suid van T-Mobile Field (MUTCD I-9.svg).
  • Downtown Seattle & Capitol Hill (Uitgang 165 - 168A) (Net suid van die middestad van Seattle). Die afrit Seneca St is links (nr. 165), terwyl die afrit Olive St regs is (nr. 166). Afrit 168A gaan ook na die hoofstadbuurt via Lakeview Blvd E.
  • 99 WA-520.svg Tolbrug na BellevueKirkland (Uitgang 168B). SR-520 kruis Lake Washington in Kirkland & Redmond (Tuisblad van Microsoft). Daar is tol in beide rigtings oor die brug. In plaas daarvan om tolhokkies op te stel om tolkameras in te samel, is dit geïnstalleer om die "Good to Go" - etikette op die voorruit en die nommerplate van verbygaande voertuie te lees en die tol af te trek van die voorafbetaalde rekening agter die "Good to Go" - etiket. As daar geen geld inbetaal word nie of geen etikette geïnstalleer is nie, word 'n rekening (vir die tolgeld) aan die geregistreerde eienaar van die voertuig gestuur. Tol wissel van $ 0 (middernag tot 05:00) tot $ 5,55 (piek reistye op weeksdae).
  • 99 NE 45ste St. (Uitgang 169). Toegang tot Universiteitsdistrik (in die ooste) die tuiste van die Universiteit van Washington en Fremont-Wallingford (na die weste)
  • 99 Edmonds/ SR-104 (Uitgang 177). SR-104 gaan weswaarts in die Edmonds Ferry Terminal met veerbote wat na Kingston gaan Edmonds (Q1055845) op Wikidata Edmonds, Washington op Wikipedia
  • 99 Lynnwood (Uitgange 178-181). Daar is drie uitgange deur Lynnwood Lynnwood (Q852607) op Wikidata Lynnwood, Washington op Wikipedia
  • 99 I-405 / SR-525 (Uitgang 182). Jct I-405 vanaf afrit 182 om by te kom Woodinville, Bothell, Kirkland, Bellevue en Renton oos van Lake Washington. Sluit weer aan by I-5, 30 my suid by afrit # 154. I-405 word SR-525 wes van I-5 en gaan via die Paine Field na die Mukilteo-veerbootterminal.
  • 25 Silver Lake Rest Stop I-5 SB (188 myl). Toilette, water, piekniektafels, besoekersinligting, vendingmasjiene en RV sanitasie stasie Toilette.
  • 99 Everett (Uitgang 186-198). Everett is die tuiste van die grootste openbare jachthaven aan die weskus van die Verenigde State en die monteeraanleg vir die groot Boeing 747, 767, 777 en die Dreamliner (787) jumbo-jets wat oop is vir openbare toere. Daar is toegang tot Everett vanaf afrit # 186 (128ste SW) tot by # 198 (WA-529 West Broadway) langs I-5; daar is 6 afrit na Everett. Everett (Q392599) op Wikidata Everett, Washington op Wikipedia
  • 99 WA-526.svgMUTCD I-5.svg Veerboot West Mukilteo-Whidbey Island / WA-527.svg aan WA-99.svg Everett Mall Way (Uitgang 189). SR-526 gaan weswaarts Mukilteo en die Paine Field-lughawe. SR-99 begin vanaf sy kruising met SR-526 en Broadway en gaan suidwes deur Everett Mall, suid van Everett, Lynnwood, Aurora Village, Shoreline en Noord-Seattle in as SE Everett Mall Way, Evergreen Way, Pacific Hwy en Aurora. Daar is talle winkels, strookwinkels, restaurante en hotelle / motelle langs die SR-99-gang, wat vanaf verskeie uitgange langs die I-5-gang verkrygbaar is. Gaan noord van die SR-526-wisselaar, word SE Everett Mall Way Broadway (ou Hwy 99), wat 'n belangrike noord-suid-gang deur Everett is. Washington_State_Route_99 # Kuslyn_en_Snohomish_County op Wikipedia
  • Broadway & 41st Ave. (Uitgang 192). Plaaslike toegang tot suid van Everett via 41st Ave wat oor die snelweg kruis. Gaan weswaarts om by Broadway uit te kom. Toegang vanaf beide rigtings en gaan deur die Evergreen Begraafplaas
  • Aan WA-529.svg Pacific Ave Stadsentrum (Uitgang 193). Direkte toegang tot die middestad van Everett en die middestad Everett-stasieMUTCD I-6.svgMUTCD I-7.svg .
  • 99 VS 2.svgSnohomish & Wenatchee (Uitgang 194). US-2 gaan oos na Leavenworth en Wenatchee in die Noord-Sentraal kaskades of gaan wes in die middestad van Everett in Pacific Ave.
  • 99 WA-529.svg South Broadway & Port of Everett (Uitgang 198). Die 'Old Hwy 99' gaan voort vanaf State St in Marysville tot in Everett, waar dit suid verder gaan as Broadway, wat die belangrikste noord-suid-gang deur Everett is. Dit gaan suidwaarts na Seattle as SR-99 vanaf sy kruising met SR-526 (afrit 189) by Everett Mall as SE Everett Mall Way en Evergreen Way. Hierdie afrit is slegs bereikbaar vanaf die suidelike bane. SR-529 gaan deur die stad as W Marine View Dr en oos na Jct US Hwy 2 as Everett Ave (afrit 194). Washington_State_Route_529 op Wikipedia
  • WA-528.svgMarysville Tulalip (Uitgang 199). SR 528 verbind die Tulalip Indian Reervation met Marysville. Dit gaan wes van I-5 as Marine Dr en oos in die middestad van Marysville as 4th Ave. 'Old Hwy 99' gaan noord-suid deur Marysville in die middestad as State St en langs I-5 as Smokey Point Blvd tot by SR-530 by afrit 212 waar dit weer by I-5 aansluit. KosBrandstof Verblyf. Washington_State_Route_529 op Wikipedia
  • 26 Smokey Point Rest Stop I-5 NB (Myl 207). Toilette, water, piekniektafels, besoekersinligting, vendingmasjiene en RV sanitasie stasie Toilette
  • 27 Smokey Point Rest Stop I-5 SB (Myl 207). Toilette, water, piekniektafels, besoekersinligting, vendingmasjiene en RV sanitasie stasie Toilette


  • 99 WA-530.svg Arlington Darrington (Uitgang 208). Old Hwy 99 volg langs Smokey Point Blvd, parallel langs die oostekant van I-5, Marysville in waar dit State St. word. Die ou Hwy 99 kruis oor I-5 na Everett vanaf Marysville as SR-529 by afrit 198 (suidwaartse toegang enigste).KosBrandstof Verblyf
  • 99 WA-532.svg Wes-Stanwood Camano-eiland (Uitgang 212).
  • 99 Mt Vernon (Uitgang 224-227). County setel en primêre stad van Skagit County, Washington, wat in 1998 deur die New Rating Guide to Life in America's Small Cities as die # 1 Beste Klein Stad in Amerika verkies is. Dit is bekend vir sy jaarlikse Tulpefees in April. Mount Vernon (Q866311) op Wikidata Mount_Vernon, _Washington op Wikipedia
  • Old Hwy 99 South Rd (Uitgang 224). Die Old Hwy 99 volg langs "Old Hwy 99 South Rd", parallel aan die westekant van I-5, en loop die middestad van Mount Vernon in, waar dit verdeel word in S 2nd St (noordwaarts) / 3rd St (suidwaarts). Die ou Hwy 99 kruis oor I-5 noord van die middestad van Mt Vernon en word N 4th St & Riverside langs die oostekant van I-5. Dit steek oor die Skagit-rivier en gaan deur Burlington as Burlington Blvd tot by die SR 11-aansluiting met I-5 by afrit 231. Maar die pad gaan verder 18 km noord tot by Null Rd by afrit # 242 as "Old Hwy 99" Noordweg ". Hierdie afrit is slegs toeganklik vanaf die noordelike bane.
  • Anderson Rd (Uitgang 225).
  • Broad Rd (Uitgang 226). Direkte toegang tot die middestad van Mount Vernon en die Mt Vernon-vervoersentrum vir Amtrak, Greyhound en Skagit Transit 105 E Kincaid. MUTCD I-6.svgMUTCD I-7.svg.
  • Burlington (Uitgang 229-231). Daar is drie uitgange in Burlington. Burlington, _Washington op Wikipedia
  • George Hopper Rd (Uitgang 229). Plaaslike winkels en 'big box'-winkels soos Best Buy, Home Depot, Walmart Supercenter, ens. Is buite hierdie afrit geleë. Old Hwy 99 is Burlington Blvd, 'n plaaslike deurpad deur Burlington en is bereikbaar vanaf hierdie afrit. KosBrandstof Verblyf.
  • WA-20.svgBurlingtonAnacortes (Uitgang 230). SR-20 gaan wes na Anacortes, die San Juan Ferry Terminal en Whidbey Island deur Deception Pass en oos na Okanogan deur die Noordkaskades Nasionale Park (sien ook meer oor Die Noordkaskadelus reisartikel oor wat daar nog te doen en te sien is). KosBrandstof Verblyf.
  • WA-11.svg Chuckanut Dr & Bow-Edison (Uitgang 231). Die ou Hwy 99 volg N Burlington Blvd suid deur Burlington in die rigting van Mt Vernon en loop parallel aan die westekant van I-5 as Old Hwy 99 Noord deur Alger tot by die Null Rd afrit (# 242), nog 18 km noord van hier. As u SR-11 weswaarts gaan, gaan dit wes en noord in die rigting van Bellingham as Chuckanut Dr langs die oewers van Bellinghambaai.
  • 99 Bellingham (Uitgang 250-258). Die tuiste van die Wes-Washington Universiteit, die vertrekpunt vir die Alaska-veerboot na SE Alaska, en die grootste stad in hierdie deel van die staat. Dit was 'n industriële stad gebaseer op steenkoolmynbou en hout en is nou 'n meer omgewingsbewuste kultuur met omgewingsvriendelike praktyke, soos herwinning en die poort na buitelugaktiwiteite. Aktiwiteite wissel van ski op die nabygeleë Mt. Bakker na walviskyk naby die San Juan-eilande. Die Bellingham Internasionale Lughawe Dit is langs die snelweg en is bereikbaar vanaf Airport Rd by afrit # 258, terwyl die Alaska Ferry Terminal by die Fairhaven Transportation Center toeganklik is vanaf Old Fairhaven Pwky by afrit # 250. Daar is 9 uitgange in Bellingham. Bellingham (Q430267) op Wikidata Bellingham, _Washington op Wikipedia
  • 99 SR-539 (Uitgang 256). Verbind direk met die Lynden-Aldergrove grensoorgang, waar dit BC-13 in Kanada word. Bied ook toegang tot SR-546 naby Lynden, wat toegang bied tot die Sumas-Huntingdon grensoorgang. Sien Noordwes-kaskades # Met die motor vir meer inligting oor die grensoorgang tussen Kanada en die Verenigde State.
  • Ferndale (Uitgang 262 & 263). Twee uitgange vir toegang tot Ferndale vanuit beide rigtings.
  • 28 Custer-rusarea I-5 NB (Myl 267). Toilette, water, piekniektafels, besoekersinligting en outomate. Geen RV sanitasie stasie nie. Toilette
  • 29 Custer-rusarea I-5 SB (Myl 269). Toilette, water, piekniektafels, vendingmasjiene en laaistasie vir elektriese voertuie. Geen RV sanitasie stasie nie. Toilette
  • 99 Blaine (Uitgang 270-276). Vragmotors en busse vertrek by SR-543 (tweede na laaste by afrit # 275) en steek deur 'n aparte kontrolepunt, 8 km oos van die I-5 / BC-99-kruising by Peace Arch Park, om in te gaan albei rigtings. SR-543 word BC-15 nadat hy na Kanada oorgesteek het. Daar is 4 uitgange in Blaine.

Bly veilig

As u op die pad is, is die snelweg meestal reguit. As dit winter is, is dit verstandig om die weerstoestande by die Siskiyou slaag voordat u die grens van Kalifornië na Oregon oorsteek. Sneeustoestande is nie ongewoon nie, en amptenare sluit gewoonlik die pad as dinge te gevaarlik raak. 'N Afsluiting kan afgewag word in die Shasta- of Redding-gebied aan die Kaliforniese kant, of Ashland en Medford aan die Oregon-kant. Dit is ook moontlik om langs die kus te draai.

Alternatiewe roetes

Alternatiewe om noord / suid deur Kalifornië te reis, sluit in US-Hwy 101, El Camino Real en die Pacific Coast snelweg in die weste, of US-Hwy 395 langs die Oos-Sierra en oos van die Cascades in Oregon en Washington. Al hierdie is meer skilderagtige en interessante roetes, maar is baie langer en stadiger en is meer 'n reis om te beleef as om net van A na B. te gaan. SR-99, US-395, US-Hwy 101 en Old Hwy 99 / Pacific Hwy is ook plaaslike strate / paaie teen stadiger snelhede deur sommige van die stede en dorpe waardeur hulle gaan. Op sommige plekke kan die afgeskakelde "Old Hwy 99" 'n ander plaaslike straatnaam hê in plaas van "Pacific Hwy" of "Old Highway 99".

Gaan volgende

Roetes deur Interstate 5
FluiterVancouver ← word BC-99.svgAiga immigration.svg (Peace Arch Park) ← N I-5.svg S FerndaleBellinghamSeattle
Los AngelesSan DiegoChula Vista N I-5.svg S → (San Ysidro) Aiga immigration.svg → Word Carretera federale 1D.svgTijuanaEnsenada
Hierdie reisplan na Interstaat 5 is 'n bruikbaar artikel. Dit verduidelik hoe u daar kan kom en raak al die belangrikste punte langs die pad aan. 'N Avontuurlustige persoon kan hierdie artikel gebruik, maar verbeter dit gerus deur die bladsy te redigeer.