Bacolod - Bacolod

Bacolod is die hoofstad en die mees bevolkte stad van die provinsie Negros Occidental in die Filippyne, bekend vir sy MassKara-fees, 'n parade van Mardi Gras en 'n skouspelagtige mengsel van dans, kleur en musiek, asook vir sy kulinêre erfenis wat insluit inasal ('n soort gebraaide hoender op sosatiestokkies) en soet nageregte.

Bacolod is 'n belangrike vervoersentrum vir bestemmings oral in die Visayas, van binne die groot eiland Negro's (wat twee provinsies bevat, Negros Occidental en Negros Oosters), na die eilande van Panay en Guimaras in die weste net oorkant die Straat van Guimaras, wat albei bereikbaar is met gereelde veerbootritte na Iloilo, die hoofstad van eersgenoemde, en na Cebu na die ooste, net oorkant die Tañon-seestraat, ook met die veerboot bereikbaar.




Die naam Bacolod

Die naam Bacolod is afgelei van die Hiligaynon-woord, Buklod wat klipheuwel beteken, aangesien die stad die eerste keer op 'n klipheuwel opgerig is. As gevolg van Moro (Moslem) klopjagte is dit na die kuslyn oorgedra. Die oorspronklike stad word nou Daan-Banwa genoem, wat beteken ou stad.

Provinsiale Capitolgebou.

Die nedersetting is gestig deur Australiërs uit die Taga-ilog en vestig hulle op 'n klipheuwel (waar Barangay Granada vandag staan). Later val Moros een oggend vroeg aan en binne 'n paar uur is baie mense geslag en huise geplunder en / of verbrand. Die volk het toe besluit om 'n bietjie verder van die plek af na die oewer te beweeg en die klipheuwel as gevolg daarvan te laat vaar.

Bacolod is in 1890 die provinsiale hoofstad van Negros Occidental gemaak. Dit was die fokuspunt van konflik tussen die Negrense en die Spanjaarde in 1898. Die bevelvoerder van die Spaanse magte, kolonel Isidro de Castro, het oorgegee aan die Filippynse magte en die ondertekening van die Capitulation Act is uitgevoer in die huis van Don Eusebio Luzuriaga wat eens voor die stadsaal gestaan ​​het. Dit het gelei tot die vorming van 'n onafhanklike Negros-eilandrepubliek.

Op Maart 1899 beset Amerikaanse troepe, onder leiding van kolonel James G. Smith, Bacolod. Tydens die Amerikaanse koloniale regering is The Rizal Institute in 1903 in die stad gestig wat onderwys aan die Bacolodnons verskaf het. La Consolacion College is toe op 1919 deur die Augustynse susters gestig as 'n Katolieke skool. Bacolod is op 18 Junie 1938 tot stad verklaar en op 19 Oktober 1938 ingewy; vandag word die eerste twee weke van Oktober gevier as Masskara en op 19 Oktober as die Handvesdag. Bacolod is op 21 Mei 1942 deur die Japannese magte beset, maar is op 29 Mei 1945 deur die Amerikaanse magte bevry.

Van sy klein oorsprong het Bacolod as 'n verstedelikte metropool na vore getree met 'n bevolking van ongeveer 500.000 (wat bedags geneig is om te swel weens inkomende werkers uit naburige stede en dorpe), en is aangewys as een van die twee skoonste en groenste verstedelikte stede in die Filippyne met behoud van 'n sakevriendelike klimaat. Dit word ook erken vir sy ramprisikobestuur en status as 'n loodsstad vir demokratiese plaaslike bestuur vir Suidoos - Asië Europese Unie.


Bacolod is een van die 13 stede in die provinsie Negros Occidental, wat dien as die provinsiale hoofstad en sentrum van regering, ekonomie en onderwys. Dit word omring deur die stad Murcia in die ooste, Talisay in die noorde, Bago City in die suide en die Guimaras-straat in die weste.

Bacolod bevat 61 distrikte of barangays; slegs 8 barangays is egter relevant vir besoekers:

  • Bacolod middestad/Stad behoorlik/Sentrale sakegebied (SSK) - Besigheidstransaksies, winkelsentrums en markplekke, bekende landmerke en klein etes is almal gekonsentreer in hierdie distrik, veral druk in vakansies en naweke, dit is die plek waar die eerste winkelsentrums, bioskoophuise, markte en beskeie begin van ondernemings begin het .
  • Singcang - Kroeë, casino's en plesier, wat nog meer? Eersgenoemde word gebruik as 'n plek vir motor-cross-geleenthede en konserte.
  • Villamonte - nog 'n groeiende sakegebied vir die stad. Winkelsentrums is hier geleë en daar word verwag dat daar 'n toename in sakeondernemings binne die distrik sal wees weens die ligging van die Nuwe Regeringsentrum. St. Joseph-La Salle Integrated School, Panasonic Solutions, Lopue's East, Victoria Arcade, Yuan Thong Temple en talle sakeondernemings wat 'n hotel insluit, is hier geleë. Hier word hoë akkommodasies gebou en waar die middel- en hoëklas die ekonomie help.
  • Alijis en Mansilingan - 'n Woongebied waar daar ook ekonomiese groei verwag word as gevolg van die konstruksie van 'n terminale.
  • Punta Taytay - Strande en erdewerk is waarvoor Punta Taytay gewoonlik bekend is. Net soos Estefania / Fortune Town en Villamonte, het hierdie distrik baie onderafdelings. Strande sou wel genoem kon word, maar dit is teleurstellend dat die publiek dit nou afskeep dat die golwe van die see vullis na die oewer bring en dit vuil maak. Herbebossing van die mangrove word gedoen om die verdwynende ekosisteme van die stad te laat herleef.
  • Granada - waar die eerste nedersetting van Bacolod gestig is.
  • Mandalagan - is 'n groeiende ekonomiese sentrum vir die stad waar een van die eerste hoë geboue van Negros in aanbou is. Bacolod se eerste volledig funksionerende winkelsentrum is hier geleë, en baie ondernemings het hul tuiste in hierdie distrik gevind. U kan hier 'n drankie drink, die hele nag partytjie hou, 'n maaltyd van plaaslike of internasionale kos geniet, of uitstallings van plaaslike kunstenaars geniet. Hier is ook 'n klooster.


Klimaatkaart (verduideliking)
Gemiddelde maks. en min. temperature in ° C
NeerslagSneeu totale in mm
Keiserlike bekering
Gemiddelde maks. en min. temperature in ° F
NeerslagSneeu totale in duim

Bacolod het twee uitgesproke seisoene. Die nat seisoen begin in Mei en duur voort tot Januarie, met swaar reënval gedurende Augustus en September. Hierdie seisoen word gekenmerk deur ongemaklike hoë humiditeit en periodieke oorstromings, veral in laagliggende barangays, alhoewel dit gewoonlik in Oktober verswak. droë seisoen begin in Februarie en eindig in April, hierin onderdruk met af en toe droogtes wat kan lei tot water- en elektrisiteitstekorte. Temperatuurgewys is April die warmste maand van die jaar, terwyl Desember die koudste is.


Bacolodnons of Bacoleños is 'n uiteenlopende mengsel van aboriginals met donker velle (Negritos), Austronesiese (spesifiek Visayan), Oos-Asiatiese (meestal Chinese, maar ook Koreaanse en Japannese) en Europese agtergronde. Die afgelope dekades het dié van Spaanse en Chinese afkoms die plaaslike suikerbedryf oorheers, maar die ekonomiese prentjie van vandag is een waarby hoogs opgeleide en onafhanklike inwoners van verskillende agtergronde betrokke is. Die afgelope tyd het daar kommer, smart en vrese ontstaan ​​na aanleiding van ekonomiese krisisse wat verband hou met die suikerbedryf, waaruit die leuse van Bacolod as die stad van glimlagte ontwikkel het vir hul inwoners se sterkte, asook sy MassKara-fees om sy volharding deur hierdie donker te vier. keer.

Bacolod toon tekens van 'n kosmopolitaanse stad, ondanks die feit dat hy nie baie hoë couture-winkels soos Manila en Cebu het nie, 'n aansienlike voorstelling van Chinese en Indiese entrepreneurs, repatriete lede van haar eie wat weg is om te gaan werk of studeer, en 'n groot toestroom van migrante uit so ver as Mindanao op soek na 'n beter geleentheid. Dit word ook gesien as 'n toeriste-sentrum vir Engels vir diegene wat uit Oos-Asiatiese lande kom, veral Korea, Japan en Taiwan. Immigrasie-druk en 'n algemene Christelike konserwatiwisme is geneig om soms die stad se persona deur te dring.


Die meerderheid van die mense is Christene, hoofsaaklik Katolieke, naas die Katolisisme, die Baptiste, die Iglesia ni Kristo(Church of Christ) lede, Anglikane en die Sewende Dag Adventiste vorm die naasgrootste groepe, terwyl daar 'n groeiende bevolking van Moslems is wat uit Suid-Cotabato migreer terwyl die Chinese afkoms die Taoïstiese geloof volg.


Besighede in Bacolod is reeds om 07:00 oop en sluit tot 22:00, maar die gewone werksure wat van toepassing is op alle kommersiële inrigtings en kantore is 08:00 tot 18:00. Winkelsentrums is oop tot 21:00 en 22:00, en in geval van middernagverkope, is dit tot 02:00 oop. 'N Paar winkels is gedurende Kersfees oop, en alles is gedurende die Heilige Week gesluit, van Donderdag tot die Paassondag, behalwe winkels wat nie-Christelike minderhede besit nie.


Die meerderheid mense in Negros praat Higgaynon/Ilonggo as hul moedertaal, want dit is die oorheersende taal in die provinsie Negros Occidental, terwyl daar sommige is wat kan praat Cebuano en Kinaray-a ('n Visayanse taal wat nou verwant is aan, maar tog tog nie onderskeidelik is met Hiligaynon nie). Engels is meestal die tweede taal van die stad se bevolking, veel meer as Filippynse. Vir besoekers is dit nie so moeilik om met die mense te kommunikeer nie. Die Chinese vorm 'n klein deel van die bevolking wat die meeste praat Minnan of Hokkien met die kennis van enigeen Kantonees of Mandaryns. 'N Beduidende minderheid mense wat van die eilande af getrek het Mindanao (hoofsaaklik uit die Cotabato-streek) praat in hul moedertale, maar gewoonlik het hulle ook algemene kennis van die praat in Hiligaynon (aangesien 'n meerderheid van die Cotabato-streek dieselfde taal het) en op een of ander manier Cebuano. Maar geen bekommernisse nie! Engels word wyd verstaan ​​en gepraat deur die plaaslike bevolking van alle sosiale status.

Hiligaynon het meer leenwoorde as Tagalog, terwyl koop, verteltyd, sommige werkwoorde, kamers, voorwerpe en baie ander woorde en frases van Spaanse oorsprong is, maar die grammatikale struktuur en byvoeglike naamwoorde verskil van Spaans.

Gaan in

Kaart van Bacolod

Met die vliegtuig

Bacolod se belangrikste lughawe, Bacolod-Silay Internasionale Lughawe (BCD IATA) is nie in die stad nie, maar noord in die stad Silay, 'n deel van die Metro Bacolod-gebied.

Vir aankomende passasiers wat aanvullende gidse na die stad of gratis kaarte wil hê, het die Departement van Toerisme en die plaaslike regering 'n lessenaar in die aankomingsarea waar u gratis kaarte kan neem of 'n dosis inligting van die mense oor die lessenaar kan kry. Hotelle, oorde en motorhuurondernemings het kiosks in die aankomsareas waar u maklik 'n kamer kan bespreek en net na u hotelkamer kan gaan sonder enige moeite.

Grondvervoer: Daar is minibusse vertrek na SM City Bacolod, Bacolod Provinsiale Hospitaal, Old Bacolod Lughawe en Victoria Arcade / Lopues East / Savemore Supermark, met die gewone tarief per persoon ₱100. Huurmotors is duurder en raadsaam

Om na die lughawe te kom, kan u ook 'n bussie vanaf die meeste plekke in Bacolod bespreek. vra u hotel om die bussie vir u te bel. Die koste is ₱150 per persoon hotel na lughawe. As u van buite SM op die bussie klim, is die tarief ₱100 per persoon.

Met die bus

Om van elders op die Negros-eiland per bus na Bacolod te ry, is glad en maklik omdat daar min druk op die paaie is. Met die bus vanaf ander eilande is dit ook moontlik, met busse wat RORO-veerbote neem. Tydens die Heilige Week, Kersfees en Nuwejaar is busse dikwels beknop en oorbespreek, en dit is raadsaam om nie tydens die spitsseisoen met die bus te reis nie.

  • Ceres Liner, Ceres Rd, Mansilingan, 63 34-4460681 (Hoof kantoor), 63 34-4460686 (Hoof kantoor), 63 34-4334993 (Noordterminaal), 63 34-4342387 (Suid-terminale), faks: 63 34-4460636. Verskaf RORO dienste en lewer daaglikse dienste van en na Escalante, Sagay, San Carlos, Hinoba-an, Don Salvador Benedicto, Canlaon, Culipapa, Bayawan, Binalbagan, Toledo City, Zamboanga City, Cebu City, Dumaguete, Kabankalan, Cadiz, hulle het twee terminale in Bacolod, Suid- en Noordterminaal. Reise binne die Negros-eiland kos ongeveer ₱80-300 afhangende van die afstand van u bestemming, kan u reis buite Negros-eiland met die RoRo-diens vanaf ₱250-400..


Daar is twee belangrike terminale in Bacolod, wat albei deur Ceres bestuur en gebruik word.

  • Ceres Southbound Terminal (Ceres Suid-terminale), Luzuriagastraat, 63 34-4460681, 63 34-4460686. Busse vertrek na en arriveer vanaf Dumaguete (via Mabinay) en Cebu City (via Dumaguete) arriveer en vertrek in hierdie terminale.
  • Ceres Noordwaartse terminale (Ceres Noord-terminale), Lopez Jaenastraat (Vanaf China Bank sien u al die ingang van Lopez Jaena-straat, loop na die straat en u sien die terminale), 63 34 433 4993. Busse vertrek na en arriveer vanaf Bayawan (via Cauayan en Sipalay) en Kanlaon City (via La Carlota, La Castellana, Moises Padilla).

Met die veerboot

Bacolod-hawe of Bredco-hawe bedien interstreekse reise vanaf groot bestemmings soos hierdie Manilla, Cagayan de Oro, en Iloilo City.

Per jeep

Jeepney roetes van nabygeleë stede is beskikbaar, roetes vanaf Silay, Talisay en ander talle dorpe en stede beskikbaar is, is jeepneys goedkoper as taxi's.

Kry rond

Vervoer binne die stad en na aangrensende dorpe is per taxi of jeepney, maar gebruik sowel as huurmotors is ook beskikbaar.

Die stad se strate volg 'n rowwe rooster in die middestad, maar word 'n warboel as u na die voorstede en nabygeleë stede en dorpe vertrek. Verkeersknope het toegeneem sedert die ekonomiese oplewing in die stad, en verkeersknope is algemeen tydens spitstye, veral gedurende die aand om 17:00 tot 18:00 waar pendelaars huis toe gaan. Die situasie is erger gedurende die Kers- en Nuwejaarseisoen, sowel as tydens Masskara.

Per jeepney

Jeepneys is die algemeenste manier om in Bacolod rond te kom, maar die gebruikte voertuie verskil van dié wat jy in Manila sal sien. Tariewe begin om ₱8 vir die eerste 4 kilometer, en neem toe met ₱2 vir elke kilometer wat bygevoeg word.

Daar is meer as 18 roetes wat by Bacolod se twee groot openbare markte, die Central Market en Libertad Public Market, saamloop, maar een nuttige roete is Sentrale mark - Inkopies, wat tussen die middestad en Bacolod se Chinatown by Barangay Villamonte loop.

Met die motor

Met die meter!

Dit is 'n algemene neiging in die Filippyne en is landwyd bekend, sowel buitelanders as plaaslike inwoners is die slagoffers daarvan; sommige taxibestuurders bied 'n vaste prys aan as u 'n buitelander of 'n inwoner is wat geld het om te betaal. Dit is onwettig. Moenie die taxi neem as hy u 'n vaste prys aanbied nie; dreig hom ook sodat hy u per meter kan laat betaal. As u in 'n situasie soos hierdie te staan ​​kom, kan u dit aan plaaslike amptenare rapporteer en daar kan opgetree word. Kyk of die meter werk. Vaste pryse vir 'n rit vanaf die Silay-lughawe is OK, maar vra die bestuurder hoeveel dit kos of per meter.

Dit is vinnig en bekostigbaar om met die privaat motor of taxi in die stad rond te kom. Daar is geen probleme met verkeersopeenhopings nie as gevolg van die goeie paduitleg van die stad. Rondom Bacolod het die taxi's 'n afslagkoers van ₱30 en ₱2.50 vir elke 300 meter daarna. Filippyne gee die verandering gewoonlik as 'n wenk, maar dit is nie verpligtend as die meter sê nie ₱87.50, hulle gee gewoonlik die hele ₱100.


N motor huur

Per driewiel

Driewielers is 'n ander alternatief vir taxi's (en kom meer voor), en is algemeen in die middestad. Tariewe hang af van die afstand van u bestemming van waar u gery het.

Op voet

Oorweeg dit om te loop as u haastig is, maar die strate van Bacolod is nie hiervoor geskik nie, want hul sypaadjies is vol onwettig geparkeerde voertuie en straatverkopers, en kan ook ongelyk wees.

Jaywalking is onwettig in Bacolod, en word streng geïmplementeer, maar voetoorgange is moeilik om selfs in die middestad raak te sien.


Historiese plekke

Ang Paghimud-os in die Provinsiale Capitol Lagoon

Daar is 'n aantal historiese besienswaardighede in Bacolod wat die geskiedenis van die stad en die provinsie Negros Occidental toon.

  • 1 Fontein van Geregtigheid (Net voor die ou stadsaal). Dit was vroeër waar die woning van Jose Luis de Luzuriaga gestaan ​​het. Dit was die plek waar die Spaanse magte Bacolod aan die Filippynse magte oorgegee het. Alhoewel dit 'n algemene byeenkomsgebied vir betogers in Bacolod is, word dit elke aand deur ligte verlig. Gratis soos vir openbare besigtiging. Fontein van Geregtigheid (Q5474802) op Wikidata Fontein van Geregtigheid op Wikipedia
  • Yster dinosourusse (vintage stoomlokomotiewe) (By die La Herencia ingang en Bacolod Murcia Milling Co.). Lokomotiewe is in Bacolod gebruik om suikerriet van die lande na die land te vervoer azucareras of suikerfabrieke, dus was hulle deel daarvan om Bacolod die suikerpot van die Filippyne te maak.
  • Mariano Ramos Voorvaderlike tuiste, Burgos St. (Aangrensend aan Dizon Ramos Museum). Die voorvaderhuise van die Ramos voordat hulle na die huidige Dizon Ramos Museum verhuis het. Die gesin wat in hierdie herehuis gewoon het, was 'n gegoede familie van Bacolod, wat bekend was dat hy die suikerbedryf in die provinsie gehelp het.
  • 2 Bacolod Public Plaza, Rizalstraat ('N 5-10 minute loop vanaf die stadsaal en aangrensend aan die katedraal van San Sebastian). Die plein is soos die Bacolod-weergawe van Central Park, maar die kleiner weergawe, fonteine ​​is verspreid rondom die plein en 'n prieel staan ​​in die middel en dit is eintlik die belangrikste besienswaardighede, net soos ander parke, is bome rondom dit versprei. Die laaste maar nie die minste nie, die Onbekende soldate-monument ook bekend as Theodore Vinther Monument word hier aangetref. Dit is die algemene plek waar geleenthede soos die MassKara-fees gehou word, asook ander aktiwiteite soos Arnis(Filippynse vegkuns) en ander vegkunspraktyke vind gewoonlik plaas, dit is ook 'n middelpunt vir joggies en mense wat gedurende die oggend aerobics doen. Bacolod Public Plaza (Q4839909) op Wikidata Bacolod Public Plaza op Wikipedia
Die Man en Carabao standbeeld in die Provinsiale strandmeer
  • 3 Negros Occidental Provinsiale Capitolgebou en Lagoon, Gatuslao hoek Lacson strate. Dit is die amptelike setel van die provinsiale regering en het tydens die Tweede Wêreldoorlog as hoofkwartier van die Japannese Keiserlike Leër gedien en was vroeër die Negros Museum. Die gebou is van Romaanse argitektuur en het ook 'n mooi omliggende park en strandmeer, wat die Ang Paghimud-os standbeelde gedoen deur Eduardo Castrillo, "Ang Paghimud-os" is 'n Hiligaynon-woord vir 'The Struggle'. Die gebou word beskou as die indrukwekkendste gebou in Bacolod City Capitol Park and Lagoon (Q5035911) op Wikidata Capitol Park and Lagoon op Wikipedia
  • Lizares-Rodriguez herehuis, Lizaresstraat.
  • Nuwe regeringsentrum (Neem Central Market - Jeepney-roete op die tuiste. Vra die bestuurder of hulle by die sentrum stop). Die Nuwe Regeringsentrum het die stadsaal van Bacolod vervang. Die Regeringsentrum word verkeerdelik die nuwe stadsaal genoem. Die gebou spog met 'n westerse argitektuur wat lyk soos regeringsgeboue in die weste; daar is 'n groot fontein voor. Jeepney-roetes na die sentrum is bekendgestel. 'N Alternatiewe roete vanaf Central Market is die Fortune Town en Homesite-roete, waar jy by Lopue-oos kan stop en dit na die sentrum kan stap. Besoekers is welkom binne, maar soms kan wagte of werknemers u aandag vestig as u kantoorure verstoor of na die kantore gaan, selfs as u nie 'n staatsamptenaar is nie. Gratis vir die publiek.

Godsdienstige terreine

Kerke is 'n groot deel van die lewe vir 'n Filippyn en het almal historiese, geestelike en godsdienstige betekenis.

San Sebastian katedraal
  • 4 San Sebastian-katedraal, die Centennial Bells en die Palacio Episcopal, Rizal St.. Die katedraal is die eerste keer beplan deur Fr. Gonzaga, wat dit begin bou het deur koraal te versamel, is dood sonder om dit te voltooi. Dit is daarna deur die regering en die priesters voortgesit en is in 1894 voltooi. Die koraalgemaakte katedraal is nou bedek met sement. San Sebastian-katedraal (Q15274948) op Wikidata San Sebastian-katedraal (Bacolod) op Wikipedia
  • Sint Jude Thaddeus-heiligdom, Barangay Alijis. Hierdie jong kerk is opgedra aan Sint Jude Thaddeus; die beskermheilige van die hopelose. Die kerk spog met kuns binne en buite. In die besonder is die altaar van die kerk die meeste van die kerke in die stad en word dit gelykstaande geag as die altaar in die Sint-Sebastiaankatedraal of miskien die skoonheid daarvan oortref. Die barokontwerp van die altaar is met metaal vergulde vorm en gedurende die aandmassas gee die ligte die skoonheid van die altaar af. 'N Muurskildery versprei aan die plafon van die altaar, wat dit baie vergelykbaar is met die skoonheid en verwondering van die katedraal. Daar word van almal verwag om op die kerklike terrein behoorlik te respekteer en op te tree, as u ongelukkig is, kan die pastoor u 'n ernstige waarskuwing gee. Die heiligdom is ook ter ere van The Divine Mercy.
  • Panaad Park & ​​Stadium. Panaad Park and Sports Complex (Q60741263) op Wikidata Panaad Park en Sportkompleks op Wikipedia
  • San Antonio Abad Kerk..
  • 5 Karmelietklooster, Mandalagan, Lacson St. (Slegs 'n wandeling vanaf Robinson's Bacolod), 63 34-29083, . Hierdie kerk is die tuiste van die orde van die Karmeliete en bied eenvoud in sy ontwerp, maar wat hierdie plek spesiaal maak, is die gebedsversoeke wat u aan die nonne kan stuur, met 'n teken van skenking in enige aard, sal dit waardeer word, en hulle kan 'n guns doen vir jou deur vir jou te bid. Dit is waarskynlik in sy soort in die stad, want dit bied 'n rustige omgewing weg van die gejaagde stedelike lewe en industriële lug wat die stad uitblaas. Toevallig kan u 'n Karmeliet in die omgewing ontmoet, hulle groet en 'n gesprek voer. As dinge goed uitkom, gee hulle u raad. Daar is 'n winkel in die klooster wat 'n wye verskeidenheid godsdienstige artefakte verkoop wat as 'n aandenking kan dien.
  • Sacred Heart Church and Seminary (Lupit Kerk), Lacson St. en Lizares St. (Net naby Neg. Okk. hoërskool en Paglaum-sportkompleks). Die pragtige argitektuur is natuurlik Europees geïnspireer, en die hoë plafonne en die hoë antenna-agtige gebou kan u laat dink dat u binne 'n Gotiese kerk is, maar met sement gebou is. Die interieurs word baie waardeer en van buite kan u dink dat dit 'n stadskerk in die Verenigde State in 'n afgeleë stad is, alhoewel dit 'n kerk is, lyk dit baie soos 'n katedraal, die kerk het minikapelle aan die kante van die katedraal. wat ter ere van die Heilige Hart van Jesus en Maria is.
  • 6 Barangay het Virgen Chapel gesing, Sta. Clara Onderverdeling. Hierdie manjifieke en skouspelagtige kapel is ontwerp deur die aartsbiskop Norman Campus. Die kapel bevat 'n mosaïek van die Barangay Sang Birhen(Barangay of the Virgin) gemaak van 95.000 skulpe deur Leticia Sia Ledesma, ander beelde van heiliges, kruisstasies en altaarstukke uit 30,000 skulpe ook.
  • 7 Pous Johannes Paulus II Monument (PJPII-toring), Herwinningsgebied (Neem 'n driewielrit vanaf SM Mall). Hierdie monument dien as 'n simbool van 'n vooruitstrewende en ontwikkelde stad in die hele Filippyne; dit staan ​​trots op die plek waar wyle Pous Johannes Paulus II die duisende Bacolodnons mis gedien het. Die monument bevat kunswerke van kunstenaars oor die lewe van Jesus en dokumente asook artefakte van die ontslape pous wat as museum dien. Op sy hoogtepunt is die hele sentrale sakekern van Bacolod City sigbaar en bied 'n asemrowende uitsig oor die see, sowel as 'n mooi hoekopname vir 'n skyline.

Museums en galerye

Negros Museumgebou.
  • 8 Museum Negrense De La Salle, Universiteit van St. La Salle, 63 34-4345998. M-F 08: 30-12: 00, 13: 30-18: 00. Student: ₱10. Museo Negrense de La Salle (Q30623548) op Wikidata Museo Negrense de La Salle op Wikipedia
  • 9 Negros Museum, Gatuslao St. (Neem die Mandalagan-Libertad-jeep vanaf die middestad van Bacolod), 63 34-4349505. Die gebou van die Negros Museum was voorheen waar die ou provinsiale regering gewerk het. Hierdie museum bied 'n toer deur die geskiedenis van die provinsie Negros Occidental, vanaf die nederige begin tot die koloniale onderdrukking, die opkoms van die suikerbedryf, kulturele invloede deur buitelanders , die rewolusie, voormalige goewerneurs en muurskilderye wat deur Negrense-kunstenaars gedoen is. Die museum is nie alleen 'n beeld van historiese studie nie, maar ook 'n middelpunt vir Filippynse kunstenaars wat hul tentoonstellings in die museum se kafee hou.
  • 10 Dizon Ramos Museum, JRR-stigting Burgos St. (Naby die Corazon Locsin Montelibano Memorial Hospital), 63 344348512. Di-So 10: 00-12: 00 & 13:30 tot 16:00. Die eerste 1950-leefstylmuseum in die Filippyne, voorheen die huis van Raymundo L. Dizon Sr. en Hermelinda V. Ramos. Die belangrikste lewenstyluitstalling is op die tweede verdieping en op die grondvloer is sewe galerye. Een wys hoe Bacolod in vorige tye gelyk het; ander is: The National Artist gallery, The Holy Land Collection, The Alunan - Puentebella Dolls Collection, Rudy Dizon horse figure, Bro. Roly se kristalversameling en die Masskara-versameling van ABS-CBN wat aan die museum oorgedra is. Volwasse: ₱30Studente met identiteitskaart: ₱10. Dizon-Ramos Museum (Q30623552) op Wikidata Dizon-Ramos Museum op Wikipedia
  • Oranje-galery, Lacson St. (net voor Lopue se Mandalagan). Vertoon die werk van plaaslike kunstenaars.
  • Kersdorpie, San Juan St. (Naby Sylvia Manor hotel). Slegs oop gedurende die Kerstyd. Dit is die werk van 'n man wat 17 jaar lank beeldjies en versamelings versamel, die besonderhede van die miniatuurmodel van 'n Kersdorpie is ongelooflik, kranse, mere, berge, ens. Word noukeurig gedoen en deur die man self met die hand geverf. Die eienaar reis elke jaar en versamel beeldjies en vertoon dit in die dorp. Die miniatuurdorpie kan u dalk laat dink hoe Santa se dorpie in die Noordpool kan wees. U is nie veronderstel om 'n foto te neem nie, maar die kans dat daar geluk is, kan plaasvind as hy sy rug draai en u kan 'n foto flits as u gehoorsaam is, maar as u nie die kans het nie, is dit goed eienaar verkoop aandenkingsprentjies en poskaarte. Aanvaar donasies van enige aard en gee dit vir liefdadigheid.

Wild en natuur

Die herbou van die natuur van Bacolod

U wonder miskien waarom strande in Bacolod nie in hierdie reisgids opgeneem word nie, dit is omdat dit nie so skilderagtig is soos u dink nie; Bacolod se strande in Punta Taytay sou met donker sandstrande moes spog, maar die skoonheid daarvan is vernietig deur besoedeling; rommel en vullis dryf moontlik vanaf riviere en strome vanaf die stad na die oewers van die strande en het gemeng met sandkorrels. Eeue gelede was die hele eiland Negros bedek met lowergroen tropiese reënwoude, maar daar is nou geen sprake daarvan nie. Strate is vol rook van Jeepneys. Rivieroewers en sye van strome word bewoon deur onwettige setlaars, maar hopelik trek die stadsregering stadig onwettige setlaars om grond in die omgewing van SM City Bacolod te ontwikkel, terwyl daar na berig word dat projekte in mangrove-aanplantings deur skole, universiteite en kolleges suksesvol en strategiese beplanning in die hantering is. verkeer is geïmplementeer, soos dat die einde van Araneta-laan, geleë in die middestad van Bacolod, verkeer deur organisering van voertuie verstop het. Alhoewel Bacolod skoon en groen beloon is, is daar nog steeds gate in om dit op te los om werklik gebruik te maak van die aanhalings en toekennings wat hy ontvang het.

  • Eko-tuin (Eroreco).
  • Negros Forests and Ecological Foundation Inc. ((NFEFI)), South Capitol Rd (Langs die Hall of Justice), 63 344339234, . 'N Beweging van besorgde burgers in die bewaring van die woude van die Negros-eiland sowel as diere wat bedreig word van uitwissing, word tot 'n fondament wat ons nou ken as Negros Forests and Ecological Foundation Inc. , opgemerkte dierbare, bloeiende hartsduif en nog vele meer diere wat die meeste bedreig word. Help die stigting deur 'n dier of boom aan te neem of 'n NFEFI-vrywilliger te word.
  • Buro-Buro en Bucal-bucal Springs. Geleë in die buitewyke van Bacolod, Buro-Buro en Bucal-bucal fonteine, wat algemeen bekend staan ​​as Bucal-Bucal, wat beteken dat dit kook, maar die water is nie warm nie, maar koel, hulle het 'n kunsmatige swembad en 'n natuurlike swembad en 'n paar mini-watervalle. naby die kunsmatige swembad waar u 'n natuurlike massering uit die natuur kan kry. Hutte is beskikbaar as u dit nodig het en die plek is ideaal vir gesinsbraaie, reünies, uitstappies, ens.
  • Mt. Kanla-on Natuurpark. Hierdie natuurpark is die tuiste van baie bedreigde diere, soos Bloedende hartduif, Negros Fruit Dove en vele meer, wat dit 'n ideale voëlkykplek maak.
  • Bacolod Western Visayas Clonal Kwekery, Barangay Alingalan, 63 34-7070425. Die kwekery bevat verskillende soorte plante wat belangrik is en wat deel uitmaak van die herbebossingsprogram van Negros Occidental. Kontak die stadsaal vir meer inligting, want dit verg toestemming om die kwekery te besoek, aangesien die meeste plante baie belangrik is. Vry.


Fees en geleenthede

Lantaarns word gedurende die stad Bacolaodiat aangesteek; Sjinese Nuwejaar.

Januarie Februarie

  • Bacolaodiat-fees. Lentefees gevier deur die Filippyn-Chinese gemeenskap in Bacolod. Dit word in die Provinsiale strandmeer gehou. Bacolaodiat is afgelei van die woorde "Bacolod" en "Laodiat"; 'n Hokkien-woord vir "Sinadya" in Hiligaynon, wat 'viering' beteken. Die Chinese nuwe jaar van Bacolod. Rye stalletjies vorm die eetstokkiesteg wat die Chinese kookkuns bedien, live bands speel ook, afgesien van eetstokkies en live bands, word die Chinese kultuur en kookfees ook aangebied.

Maart / April

  • Heilige Week. Hierdie godsdienstige byeenkoms word in Maart of April gehou as een van die belangrikste gebeure in die Christendom. Getuie Cenaculo/Senakulo weergawes van die passie van Christus, Du-aw - 'n Hiligaynon tradisie van verering van Christus se Kruisbeeld en sy Dooie Liggaam en Visita Iglesia - 'n Katolieke tradisie om 7 kerke te besoek en by elke kerk te bid.
  • Panaad sa Negros. Word elke April in Bacolod gehou, word beskou as die 'moeder van feeste' in die provinsie Negros Occidental. Dit verteenwoordig die feestelike aard van die Negrense, begin met 'n mis, wat gevolg word deur baniere en uitstallings van elke stad en stad in Negros Occidental, en vertoonvensters van provinsiale produkte, van voedsel tot handwerk. Vuurwerk word snags ook tydens die fees gehou.


  • Masskara-fees. 3de week van Oktober. 'N Groot jaarlikse Mardi Gras-agtige parade-geleentheid word elke 3de week van Oktober gevier. Elk van die stad se barangays (distrikte) sluit aan by die harde kompetisie vir die beste gekostumeerde groepe, die beste in choreografie, en vele ander. Baie kos- en handwerkstalletjies, straatdans en 'n Oktoberfest-agtige byeenkoms in die Bacolod Plaza-omgewing maak die stad 'n week lank, 'n stad wat nooit slaap nie! "Masskara" beteken "Masker" in Hiligaynon en Tagalog. Die gebruik van kleurvolle maskers met groot glimlagte verteenwoordig die bynaam vir die stad, "City of Smiles", die maskers is gewoonlik die ikone vir die fees en soms van Bacolod self.


Sokker (sokker) is gewild in Bacolod; dus staan ​​dit bekend as die Sokker / Sokkerstad van die Filippyne. Dit is opmerklik vir die aanbieding van die 23ste Suidoos-Asiatiese Spele vir mans. Die Panaad-stadion word gebruik vir toernooie en sulke geleenthede. Daar is drie gholfstokke in die provinsie Negros, twee in Bacolod. Vir rolbal, pluimbal, tennisliefhebbers en mense wat bowling en biljart mis, hoef u nie bekommerd te wees nie, want daar is baie kommersiële ondernemings wat dienste aan die aktiwiteite bied. Vir diegene wat hardcore speletjies wil probeer, is skietbane regoor die stad, terwyl diegene wat die wil sien en ervaar Sabong of Filippynse cockerel-derbies, is daar 'n stadion waar derbies algemeen gehou word. Tai Chi word in die Yuan Thong-tempel beoefen. Die Capitol Park and Lagoon is gewild vir joggies en mense wat gedurende die oggend aerobics doen.


  • Negros Occidental Golf and Country Club, Inc., Bata Onderverdeling, 63 3428257. Hierdie gilfklub het 18 putjies, met 'n panoramiese uitsig oor die Mount Mapara en Patag. Weeksdae, plaaslik: ₱1000.


  • Super Bowling Lanes, Goldenfield Kommersiële Kompleks, 63 344350059.
  • Lopue se East Bowling Lanes, Villamonte.

Grasperk tennis

  • Centre Court tennisbane, Magsaysay St., 63 34-4344705.
  • Montevista Tennisvereniging, Barangay Montevista.


  • Pong Hang pluimbalsentrum, Onderverdeling van Capitol, 63 34-4333632.


  • MO2, Goldenfields kommersiële kompleks, Araneta St, Singcang.
  • Lopue se Oos-biljart, Burgos-omlope Rd (In Lopue se Oos-afdelingswinkel), 63 34-4335288.

Tai Chi

  • Yuang Thong tempel, Burgos St., 6th Rd. Tai Chi word gedurende Sondae van 07:00 tot 08:30 gedoen. 'N Boeddhistiese tempel van Mahayana. As u nog nie Tai-chi gesien het nie, is dit u kans om dit te sien.

Spa's en swembaddens

  • Karibiese Waterpark, Goldenfield West Side, Goldenfield Commercial Complex, Singcang, 63 34-7096059, . 08:00-22:00. The water park has the first water slide and biggest water slide in the whole of Negros Occidental, The water park's amenities are a pool with a depth of 4 feet as well as a kiddie pool with a depth of 2 and a half feet including a jacuzzi, the main pool has 2 slides; the first is 30ft high and the other is a 40ft, a pirate ship wreck replica is erected in the main pool where kids can explore. Function rooms, locker rooms, huts and air conditioned rooms are available for rent. Entrance fee, 4 years old and above: ₱120, Below 4 years old: ₱50, cabins and huts cost from ₱400-1000.
  • Grand Royal Spa, Villa Angela East Arcade (Take a ride from Central Market using Cent.Market-Fortune Town or Homesite route and go down at Lopue's East, adjacent to the building is Villa Angela Arcade). Offers the Filipino alternative healing; Bentosa Cupping, they also offer facial spa, body scrub and massage. ₱150-500.
  • Spa Natura, 2nd Level, Two Sanparq, San Antonio Park Square, Lacson Street, Mandalagan, Bacolod City 6100, Negros Occidental, Philippines (Easily accessible from the north or the south of Bacolod. You can take the Mandalagan or Bata jeepney or a taxis. It is beside Convergys and about two blocks away from Robinsons Place), 63 34 709-0399, 63 34 441-2495, 63 34 441-2502, . 24 hours. Day spa that features several body massage rooms (individual, couple or group), tatami room for Thai massage, two modern body scrub rooms with vichy showers, a foot massage lounge with several customized lounging chairs, nail care area, facial area, salon, lounge and cozy waiting area. They also have separate wet areas for men and women, sauna baths, steam rooms, and a Jacuzzi. Those who want to have privacy may opt to have their services rendered in the Lotus Suite. Services range from several types of body massage to body scrubs, therapeutic remedies like Filipino Lutay, ear candling, stone massage, aromatherapy, and moxa ventosa. Salon services are also available from 12:00 to 21:00.
  • Sta. Fe Resort, Barangay Granada, 63 34-4341456, 63 34-4321073, . Built in the 1940s it is the oldest resort in Bacolod, and the only one with a chapel, mini zoo with crocodiles, rare birds, monkeys and other animals, and a complete gun facility. Pools are also accessible in the resort while dorms and rooms are available for rent if you need them. Sta. Fe isn't only a resort but also caters to conventions. Its other facilities include tennis and volleyball courts and other sporting facilities.


  • Casino Filipino, 63 344348901. Operated by Pagcor.
  • Slot Machine Arcade, Lacson St. As the name says, it only offers 89 slot machines.


Bacolod is the seat for many universities in Negros Occidental, ESL (English as Second Language) learning centers are open in the city making it in the toplist for cities for ESL programs along with Manila and Cebu and for the past few year an influx of foreign students who have chosen to study in Bacolod. According to statistics about 93% of the total population is literate.

La Consolacion College Bacolod and the San Sebastian Cathedral at its side.


  • University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos (UNO-R), Lizares St (Libertad). This University was founded by Dr. Antonio A. Lizares and Dr. Francisco Kilayko in the 1940s and was named "Occidental Negros Institute". It was then acquired by the Agustinian Recollect Friars in the 1960s and renamed as University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos. Today the University provides Colleges of Nursing, IT, Business and Accountancy, Engineering, Criminal Justice Education, Law and, Arts and Sciences.
  • University of St. La Salle (USLS), C.L. Montelibano Rd (Behind Doctors Hospital). Established in 1952 by seven American Brothers, the institution was elevated to university status in 1988, with the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Business and Accountancy, College of Engineering, College of Education, College of Nursing, College of Law, College of Medicine and the Graduate School.
  • [dooie skakel]West Negros University (WNU) (Burgos-BBB Sts,).


888 Chinatown Square Mall is famous for being a budget mall in Bacolod.

Bacolod is famous for piaya, biscocho, squid flakes, guapple pie and its pina-sugbo. Great souvenirs from Bacolod are its sweet delicacies, dried squid or uga. These are often bought by most Overseas Filipino workers as a pasalubong or souvenir. Shell craft, wood craft and ceramic wares are also good buys. Antique wooden statues of saints are one of the best buys, even though if you're not Catholic or religious, it is good keeping as a collection, antique stores are scattered around the city however they are difficult to spot, Casa Grande Antiques, Requerdos de Bacolod and Sarlee’s are some of the famous antique stores in the city. Hablon, a shimmery fabric produced locally and was popular in the 60s, is still one of the best buys.

Where to exchange?

Money exchangers lurk around the streets of Downtown Bacolod (CBD) and are easy to spot, if you walk into those streets some of them will yell "Dollar exchange!" or they'd come forward and ask you, you can spot some major money exchangers with their self owned stalls. If you don't feel safe in exchanging with money exchangers, you can either go to pawnshops or banks for an alternative and safer option. Most money exchangers accept American dollars and euros, and before leaving the country, exchange your money to dollars to avoid difficulty in finding a money exchanger that exchanges your currency to Philippine pesos but if you don't want to exchange dollars but want to keep your local currency, go exchange your money in major banks to pesos.

Tip: Ask the exchange rate first and ask other money exchangers, compare rates and see the highest, go for the highest exchange rate.


  • Bank of the Philippines islands. BPI. ATMs have a maximum withdrawal of ₱20,000.
  • PNB, 63 34-4350646 (Araneta), 63 34-4339645 (Libertad), 63-34 434049 (Locsin). They have branches in Araneta St., Libertad and Locsin St have a max of ₱10,000..
  • BDO, 63 34-4344965 (Gonzaga), 63 34-4351809 (Araneta). They have branches in Gonzaga and Araneta St have a max of ₱10,000..
  • Metrobank, 63 34-4350822 (Gonzaga), 63 34-4341284 (Gatuslao), 63 34-4345809 (BS Aquino drive). They have branches in Gonzaga Street, Gatuslao Street, and B.S. Aquino Avenue have a max of ₱10,000..

Malls and supermarkets

Robinson's Place Bacolod

From air-conditioned supermalls to small shops to the busy Central Market and to the street vendors, shopping is everywhere! The Downtown area, and Libertad are notable for their shopping.

  • 888 Chinatown Mall, Gatuslao St. 9AM-7PM. Sells mostly dirt cheap goodies, from pirated DVDs to imitations of famous brands to vintage clothing
  • 1 SM City Bacolod. 8AM-8PM. The largest mall of the city. Just like any other SM Supermall in the Philippines, it has its large department store, grocery, shops of famous brands, restaurants of various types, and cinema. It is also one of the few SM malls of the country that has its own SMX Convention Center, where various events, from city-related gatherings to pop culture conventions, are held.
  • Robinsons Place Bacolod. 10AM-8PM. It is the first fully-functioning supermall of the city (and of Negros island overall). From its department store and grocery to restos and other shops and establishments of leisurely activities, this mall is the second-largest in the city.
  • Gaisano Grand. 9AM-8PM. There are two Gaisano supermarkets in Bacolod city.
  • Consuelo Supermarket, Luzuriaga Street. 8:30AM-9PM. Lower cost supermarket.
  • Ayala Mall Capitol Central (behind Provincial Capitol Building). Opened in Dec 2018.
  • Puregold (in new 888 Mall). 8AM-8PM. 5 more Puregold supermarkets in Bacolod.
  • CityMall 1 & 2 (Golden field and Mandalagan). 8AM-9PM. Has a Savemore supermarkets
  • Lopues Supermarkets (old 888 mall). 9AM-9PM. there 6 Lopues supermarkets in Bacolod
  • S K G Shopping Plaza, Luzuriga Street (next to ongbun pension house). 9AM-8PM. low-price department store. sells cell phones. lower prices..

Lacson Street

Lacson can be described as Bacolod's counterpart of Singapore's Orchard Road, not because of the malls present in the street but because of the fine dining restaurants found here, numerous boutique stores, a line of vintage and antique home decor stores.

  • ANP Showroom, 9th Street corner Lacson Street, 63 34-4350716. A store that sells handicrafts made by proud Negrenses, it is the best source for souvenirs from MassKara masks, key chains etc. Aside from the Lacson street branch, they also sell their products in Merci's Pasalubong in Bacolod-Silay International Airport in the departures area. Most of the items are priced above average, expect to pay at a high rate however the price you pay is worth it as the store sells souvenirs better than the ones you buy outside..
  • Mayfair Plaza, Lacson Street (In front of Piazza Sorrento, adjacent to Shakey's Lacson). This commercial establishment brings all the cheap finds of secondhand clothes, toys, home decor, DVDs etc. this mall is a fusion of high end and bargain due to the presence of fine dining restaurants and boutiques and the vintage vendors.


  • Pottery Village, Brgy. Pahanocoy.
  • Recuerdos de Bacolod arts and antiques. One stop shop showcasing antiques such as statues of saints, and woodwork.
  • Central Market. A best option for affordable souvenirs such as native handmade products, sweet delicacies and Uga. This is the best place to bargain.
  • Gaisano City, Araneta Avenue (In front of Grand Regal Hotel). Probably the second big mall to be constructed in the city, this mall had its glamor and might long before its strong competitor SM came into scene, it has humbled itself to a crowd-free mall. Famous for its frequent monthly sales and drop down prices of whatever-may-it-be from movie tickets to clothes, it has gained reputation for being budget-friendly.
  • SM City Bacolod, Luzuriaga Street corner Father M. Ferrero Street. The mall is divided into two buildings; Northwing and Southwing. Fast food chains such as McDonald's, Jollibee and Pizza chains such as Pizza Hut are located here, from all the malls and shopping centers in Bacolod, this may be the best as its air conditioning is good as well as its interiors and architecture are modern. A department store and a supermarket store is also available, ACE hardware is also open. Facilities include a department store, supermarket, cinemas, food court, appliance center and has over 119 stores functioning.
  • Robinson's Bacolod (Rob), Lacson Street (Taking a jeep to Mandalagan from Downtown). The first fully functional mall in Bacolod, its outdated architectural style does not put it the least of the rest but what makes this best is the brands of stores that makes it glimmer in the city and the newly opened modern-architectural CityWalk has given its edges to other malls in the city. It has high-end restaurant chains the city has to offer as well as authentic multi-national cuisine and multi-national brands, it enjoys its quiet days during the weekdays but weekends, sales and school days bring in a lot of customers who linger around.
  • Pasalubong Centers are usually like mini-supermarkets but sell only pasalubong products such as piaya en biscocho, as well as snacks and drinks.
  • [dooie skakel]Bong Bong's Pasalubong, UTC Mall, Araneta Street, Purok Lechonan, 63 34-435-1672. This maybe more popular than Merci Pasalubong however they offer less options, their specialty is their piaya en barquillos. They have many branches in Bacolod; however, their main stores are at Araneta Street and Gaisano City.
  • [dooie skakel]Merci Pasalubong, 63 34-4354444 (trunkline), 63 34-707 4444 (trunkline), 63-34-7091788 (Lacson Street), 63 34-7071400 (Araneta Street), 63 34-4334753 (Lopez Jaena). Merci's specialty is piaya, biscocho, en napoleones. They have a number of branches around Bacolod (at SM City/Gaisano Bacolod/Araneta Street/Lopez Jaena/Lacson Street), but has also spread into the rest of Negros Occidental. ₱10-100.


Much of the Bacolodnon (and the entire Negrense) cuisine is shared with those in the island of Panay, but is influenced by Negros island's sugarcane industry. In the modern times, Bacolod now hosts fine dining establishments, but the people maintain their native cuisine. Sud-an is Hiligaynon for main dish while kan-on can either mean "rice" or "eat".

  • Lumpiang ubod/fresh lumpia (fresh spring roll; not fried) — One of the must-eat dishes, a delicately exquisite spring roll filled with ubod (fresh coconut flesh), meat (usually pork), and shrimp, with a garnish of scallion.
  • Inasal — Meaning "cooked over fire", it is a local version of chicken barbecue and considered the best in the country. It is cooked with red achuete or annatto seeds (which gives its tempting reddish colouration), brushed on oil and cooked over the fire. It's delicious and affordable, a .
  • Kalamay hati — Sticky sweet dessert made from glutinous rice and coconut milk and cooked over low heat till it becomes sticky. It's the local version of rice cake.
  • Napoleones — Introduced by the French and derived from mille-feuille, this custard-filled pastry is also another popular specialty from Bacolod besides inasal. This European dessert isn't that so famous but considered as the best in the Philippines. Roli's Bakeshop is popularly known for this dessert, as well as Virgie's Homemade Products.
  • Piaya/Piyaya — A sweet flat and flaky delicacy, as if a thinner version of hopia. Fillings vary, but ube (purple yam) and muscovado caramel are the most popular.
  • Pinasugbo — A local version of banana cue, it is sliced plantain bananas, thinly coated with brown sugar and deep fried.
  • Uga (dried fish) — Is one of the best and most appetizing foods, in the opinion of most of Bacolodnons. Its salty taste makes it delectable, not only for the mouth but also for the nose and eyes. Beware if you are allergic with this or are having high blood pressure.

Restaurants and food courts

This page uses the following price ranges for a typical meal for one, including soft drink:
BegrotingBelow ₱100

Just like most major cities of the Philippines, Bacolod too has a defined fine dining scene, centered at Lacson Street. You can find Mexican, Thai, and European (mostly Italian and French) restaurants here, but most locals would usually go to those serving Korean, Japanese and/or Chinese dishes. Open air restaurants in Bacolod usually serve native Filipino cuisine at low and affordable prices, while fast food chains are either standalone places or inside malls. A branch of Starbucks is found along Lacson St., the first branch in whole of Negros Occidental and of the respective island. Bacolod is an urbanized city, meaning there wouldn't be hard time finding classy and high class quality types of food.

Food courts

  • Centroplex food court, Gonzaga street cor Locsin street (3rd floor.). 10AM-3PM.
  • 888 China Mall food court., Gatuslao street (2nd floor). 9AM-8PM. Low-cost food court with some Vietnamese food.
  • Terraplaza food court, Gatuslao street cor Rizal street (over the street from the plaza.). 8AM-8PM. air/con food court


  • Jo's Chicken Inato, Reclamation Area, Gustilo St. Serves authentic chicken inasal cooked and served in the traditional way, on a large banana leaf. Spoons and forks are not provided, but you can ask for them. This is truly a great place to eat for someone who doesn't want to eat something too exotic, but wants to try a native dish.
  • Marby Plaza, Colegio San Agustin-Bacolod. A great choice for people who wants to save money.
  • Ting-Ting's Native Restaurant, Shopping. Get to Ting-Ting's native restaurant if you want your taste buds and tummy to be satisfied with Bacolodnon cuisine without hassle, food is cooked same as it is cooked at home difference is you won't be cooking. The place is open air and fresh air fills the open air area which is suitable for brunches and lunches. It is affordable and cheap too.
  • Manokan Country, Father M. Ferrero St. A row of stalls and restaurants serving cheap local fare, and the home of the original chicken inasal recipe. ₱50-200.
  • Malaspina Inaslan, Malaspina Street (Near Bacolod-Mindanao Lumberyard, at the back of Bacolod Public Cemetery). 24 hours daily. ₱50-100.
A man selects fish for his dish at the Pala-pala market
  • Pala-Pala Market, 18th corner Aguinaldo Street, 63 34-4339153. Pala-pala is a place where you can buy fresh seafood in the wet market then go to a restaurant nearby and have it cooked at an eatery nearby and offers affordable prices. From oysters to crabs to blue marlins are all guaranteed fresh and a blue marlin might cost less than P200. Note there are two pala-pala markets in Bacolod.
  • Imbiss, Burgos Street. It serves international cuisine, the must try is their sausages, their specialties include Hungarian Sausage, Pizza Al Tonno, Veal Bratwurst, Garlic Sausage, Pizza Magarita, and Pizza Filipinas. ₱100-200.
  • Sanders Coffee & Sausages Lacson Street. 7AM-1AM daily meals for around ₱100.
  • D Bakers Baker Shop Gonzaga corner Bonifacio streets. Sells bread, cakes and pies. 3 branches in Bacolod


  • Apollo Restaurant, Hilado Street. The oldest Chinese restaurant in town.
  • Bascon Cafe, C.L. Montelibano Street (Just near Univ. of St. La Salle). Cafe that serves pastries and cakes, hop in if you have a sweet tooth.
  • The Blue Mexican, Piazza Sorrento, Lacson Street, 63 34-3437474. Serves Mexican cuisine.
  • Calea, Balay Quince, Lacson St (Infront of L'Fisher Hotel). This is one of the famous images of Bacolod, for some reason the nearby Ilonggos of Iloilo take a trip to Bacolod just to taste their irresistible cakes. You can dive in to have a slice of their cakes from cheesecakes to ice cream cakes which might exceed your expectations and you might hit cloud 9, but there's no assurance that all their cakes taste that good as some of their cakes don't really meet your expectations and disappoint you for too much or lack of sugar, too much icing or the texture of their cakes. Other than their Balay Quince branch, they also have one at Robinson's Bacolod
  • Cafe Bob's. Different from Bob's Cafe as this cafe is owned by Bobby Meleto, the founder of the famous charity organization Gawad Kalinga. Treats include gelato and their must-try mini-cakes. Other than that their coffee and coffee-shakes are a must try too, Cafe Bob's is a quiet cafe with most of their customers coming to have a sip of coffee and the usual conversation.
  • Inaka, 21st corner Lacson Street (Opposite Cafe Bob's 21 and next to 21 Restaurant), 63 34-4344045. Japanese Buffet, the food is good, has a wide variety of choice and priced favorably.
  • L'Kaisei Express (At SM City Bacolod). L'Kaisei opened a smaller branch in SM City Bacolod which is much more accessible and affordable. They serve typical Japanese cuisine and they also serve bento boxes which is like a package of rice and viand which costs ₱90-150. Sushi, Californian Maki, etc., are also available. ₱30-200.
  • Kuppa, Hilado Street (Across St. John's Institute High School). When it comes to coffee and tea talk, Kuppa tops the best, they serve Spanish chocolate and milk that actually is delicious. Their gelato too is worth trying, along with the tea, coffee and gelato, wouldn't it be better if you dined in too? they don't only offer tea and coffee on their menu but you can also dine in too and have a taste of their dishes.
  • Mu Shu, Azotea Building, 20th corner Lacson Street, 63 34-4350972. Bar and Restaurant which serves a fusion of Asian cuisine. Try their pritchon of pritong lechon and a good sampling of Southeast Asian dishes like pad Thai, Hainanese chicken, nasi goreng and drinks to match.
  • Roli's Bakeshop, Roli's Arcade, La Salle Avenue, 63 34-4333257, 63 34-7093162, 63 34-7092772. Roli's bakeshop is popularly known for its for their Napoleones of Mille Fuielle or either Napoleons, a creme puffed pastry originated from France and brought to the city.
  • Quan, Araneta Street, 63 34-4323702. Quan's reputation as a one stop shop for native delicacies had made it famous throughout Bacolod, from Napoleones to Filipino rice-cakes like Kutsinta, this food-chain not only sells native delicacies but also serve meals. Most can afford the prices offered by the restaurant yet some still complain due to the big gap in the restaurant price and the marketplace price. Aside from native delicacies, why not spoil yourself with their ciabatta pizzas and lasagna?.
  • Bob's, Benigno S. Aquino Drive (Right in front of Riverside Medical Center), 63 34-434-2409. One of the oldest restaurants in Bacolod, the restaurant serves typical Filipino authentic cuisine with a classy ambiance and wonderful interiors.


Restaurant below have some dishes not exceeding ₱600.

  • Italia Restaurant, 23rd cor San Agustin Street, 63 34-4323704, . 10AM-9AM. Serves pizza straight from the brick oven, a wide range of pasta dishes and Angus steaks. Also offers a good variety of fine wines. Italia is also the regular venue of several art exhibits of both local and national artists.
  • 21 Restaurant, 21st corner Lacson Street. Serves great seafood which is directly taken from a specially built aquarium. It serves Authentic Filipino cuisine.
  • Cafe Uma, Lacson St. Their price list might be too expensive for you that it will make your pockets have holes, well actually no, the cafe charges at an expensive rate however it's worth the price because serve is served in large portions and are temptingly delicious. The cafe usually serves international cuisine, from quesidillas to pasta they have it all to satisfy your cravings.
  • L'Kaisei, 10th Lacson Street, 63 34-4347787. A good Japanese restaurant with reasonable prices and a relaxed atmosphere.

Dietary restrictions

Christians will not find it hard eating in Bacolod. However, Muslims and Jews will find it difficult, with Bacolod being a Christian city, Halal and Kosher options are difficult to find unlike the bustling streets of Metro Manila. Hindus, vegetarians and vegans will too find it difficult, however just request not to put certain things which are restricted for you to consume. A list of vegetarian restaurants is showed below.

  • Sian Tian Health Food Center, Burgos St (near YMCA). Typical Chinese restaurant and sells mock meat. ₱35-45.


The preferred beer is San Mig Light which is served at almost any restaurant, except fast food establishments. You might also try Tanduay, a very famous rum. Nice to pair with coke and ice. For native alcohol, the local tuba is made from fermented coconut juice. Great Bacolod sisig can be found at KSL of Kubo Sa Lawn where they serve ice cold SanMig Light.

Bars, pubs and nightclubs

Goldenfield Commercial Complex has been home to many bars, pubs, nightclubs as well as casinos for the past few years and is considered where the best nightlife comes to life in Bacolod. Other than Goldenfield, bars and pubs as well as nightclubs are scattered around the bustling city. If you're in Goldenfields you can either barhop, Goldenfields might give you like a mini-town which is just home to restaurants, a water park, clubs and bars. A dress code is applied and compulsory in some bars, pubs and nightclubs. Wear casually and not so revealing if you don't want to end up behind bars; no flipflops/slippers and no sleeveless shirts.

  • Bar 21, 21 Lacson St. A bar that not only has a partying and club scene but also fine dining.
  • Draft Bar, 21 Lacson St (Behind Bar 21). A bar where a non-stop drinking till you drop scene is seen.
  • Gypsy Tea Room, Lacson St (Corner of Piazza Sorento). Beers, cocktails and appetizers are served here and surprisingly "Shisha" is available here, henna tattoo, permanent tattooing and palm reading are also available which might you think you're somewhere in a street in the Mid-East.
  • MO2 Restobar, Goldenfield Commercial Complex. One of the most popular party venues for nightlife, located in the bustling commercial complex of Goldenfield. It's usually a crowded bar.
  • Mu Shu, Lacson St. In the day an Asian restaurant, in the night a nightclub, chairs and tables are moved aside to create a dance floor, the DJ makes the room alive and parties don't end even when in sunrise.
  • Piazza Sorento, Lacson St. It's not that lively in the night though, it's more lively in the day. A huge building with inter cafes, jewelers, restaurants, boutiques, cafes and bars.
  • Saltimboca Bar, Lacson St.. Not your usual destination if you want to party or get good drinks however some mini concerts for charity is held here for kids who are cancer patients. If you prefer to just sit down, drink, relax and listen to music this is your typical destination.
  • Zagu. One of the most popular cold drinks in the city. This can be bought in different outlets, in SM, Robinsons, or during their sponsorship at various schools and events.


This guide uses the following price ranges for a standard double room:
BegrotingUnder ₱1000
SplurgeOver ₱2000


  • Sweet City Captel Hostel, North capital Road cnr Gatusiao Street, 63-34-4322989. Dorms. Has to be the most low cost place to stay in Bacolod. dorm bed ₱100 per person.
  • Ong Bun Pension House, Luzuriagga Street (down town next to Central Market), 63-34-7098128, 63-9104335061 (cell phone). Uitteken: 12:00. A/C single/double rooms with own bathroom and cable tv. Free wifi ib all rooms. Free drinking water. Has a restaurant, and can do laundry. ₱350 Fan/₱580 Air condition .
  • Pension Bacolod, 11th street., 63 34 4333377. fan single room with own bathroom. fan double room with own bathroom. a/c single room with own bathroom. a/c double room with own bathroom and cable TV. Pension Bacolod has 76 rooms. Single room outside bathroom ₱190. ₱290/₱390/₱420/₱520/₱580/₱710.
  • Bacolod Pension Plaza, Cuadra Street (near city Plaza), 63-344334547. Uitteken: 12:00. a/c single/double rooms with own bathroom and cable tv, 66 rooms. from ₱800.
  • Star plus pension house., lacson and rosario streets, 63 34 433-2948. single fan room with common bathroom. single a/c room with common bathroom and cable TV. a/c double room with common bathroom and cable TV. a/c double with own bathroom and cable TV . ₱380/₱460/₱480/₱500.
  • Rosita Hometel., mabini and san sebastian streets, 63 34 434-5136. fan doubles with common bathroom. ₱400.
  • 888 Pension house, San sebastian and Locsin streets., 63 34 434-3710, 63 34 435-5785. a/c double rooms with hot water and cable TV has WIFI. ₱700.
  • L D Pensionne, L d bldg San Juan St, 63 34-434-4979. Economy room. ₱550.
  • Zen Rooms Middle Town Inn, Rizal and Lacson streets (J r building), 63 34-4358193, 63 34-4358453. Uitteken: 12:00. Big a/c double rooms with cable TV and own hot water bathrooms. free WIFI. ask for the 20% off rate. also has a month rate of ₱15000. ₱650.
  • Tindalo Pension house, Tindalo avenue, 63 34 7090006. fan and A.c rooms from ₱350.
  • CGC Pension, Cuadra Street, 63 34-431-4292. standard a/c double room with hot water bathroom. cable tv. free wifi. from ₱700.
  • Java Pension House, Gonzaga Corner Locsin Street (2nd floor DB Building). Uitteken: 12:00. a.c double room with own bathroom and cable tv ₱700.
  • Nirvana Pension House., Corner Rosario-Amapola Street, 63 933 635 3568. Uitteken: 12:00. fan single/double room with own bathroom and cable tv. Wifi, a/c. ₱500.
  • Negrense Suites, Rosanio-Locsin Street, 63 34-4312576. Uitteken: 12:00. a/c single/double rooms with own hot water bathrooms and cable tv. free wifi. from ₱599.


  • East View Hotel, Carlos Hilado Circumferential Road corner Esperanza Diola St, 63 34-4330596. Bacolod's modern hotel that has 66 rooms, conferences and banquet rooms, and an independent restaurant Bluegrass Café Bar and Grill that serves international cuisine.
  • Northwest Inn, Rizal St. and Mabino St, 63 34-4344077, . ₱1140-2740.
  • O Hotel (Bacolod Executive Inn Hotel), San Sebastian St and Locsin St, 63 34-4337401, 63 34-4337404, fax: 63 34-433-7442. 55 Air conditioned rooms with cold and hot showers, a deposit safety box, telephone and refrigerator, laundry service, cable TV, coffee shop and bar, aside from their own facilities, a Banco De Oro ATM is available. ₱1200-4000.


  • Casino Filipino Hotel Bacolod (Casino Filipino Hotel and CasinoGoldenfield Commercial Complex), L'Fisher Hotel, 14th cor Lacson Street, 63 34-4348901, fax: 63 34-4344433, . Rooms are airconditioned, with cable television, private bath, and refrigerator Average rate is US$73.
  • OYO 550 East View Hotel, Carlos Hilado Circumferential Road Corner, Esperanza Diola St, 63 34 433 0596. Wifi, a/c, restaurant. ₱1400-4500.
  • L'Fisher Hotel, 14th Lacson St, 63 34-4333731, 63 34-4333739, . Inboek: 14:00, uitteken: 12:00. Perhaps the most known hotel in Bacolod, this hotel has been popular for many years and probably considered a first class hotel and most of the locals might suggest it for accommodation while staying in Bacolod however it's more expensive compared to other hotel but the price is worth it. Rooms vary, executive suites have king sized beds, walk in closets, dining areas, receiving area etc., while cheaper rooms have ordinary facilities such as a cable TV, refrigerator, a dresser etc. $60-400.
  • Luxur Place, Magsaysay Ave, 63 34-4344551, fax: 63 34-4333757. ₱1500-3000.
  • Planta Centro Bacolod, Araneta St corner Roxas St, 63 34-4680400, fax: 63 34-4680408, . A newly built first class hotel, the hotel has a swimming pool and a gym, rooms have an electronic safe, cable TV, minibar, WiFi connection and hair dryer. ₱1650-7200.

Bly veilig

Bacolod is a lot safer compared to Metro Manila. As always common sense is the rule when travelling. Taking the taxi or renting cars or vans daily is better and quicker as most of the crimes in the Philippines today are done in tricycles and jeepneys. However there isn't a 100% Safe place, if travelling, tour in large groups 3-5 might do as there might be people around you, you may never know what they'll do to you. Be careful during the Masskara Festival. Don't display your MP3s, iPhones, iPods, phones, laptops or valuable things that will catch a snatcher's attention, keep it safe inside your bag and put it out when you'll take pictures. Don't bring bags or large purses while in night, just bring your phone and a small wallet that'll fit in your pocket to avoid being a victim of crime. Beggars usually are around the downtown area they inhabit in the plaza area and if they see you look rich, they'd approach you and annoy you asking you for money, ignore them if you have to and just go straight to your destination. Pickpockets are common in the CBD while house burglaries are common in residential areas, children involved in sniffing glue are dangerous so it's very important to have someone accompany you while walking during the night or either try to avoid dark and areas where there are fewer people.


  • Police, Magsaysay Ave., Barangay Taculing, 63 34-4341412 (166 for local).
  • Fire, San Juan St., Barangay 8(located in the CBD), 63 34-4355555.

Bly gesond

Tap Water is not safe for drinking though considered potable, the water supplies sometimes get dirty when Bacolod City Water District cleans up their pipes and the safety of tap water is somehow questionable, and no one really enjoys the pleasure of drinking it due to its cough syrup-like taste. Luckily water supplies during nationwide droughts are not affected as unlike other big cities, Bacolod pumps water from springs.Street Food is not as safe as those in Singapore and Taipei, the standards for street food is not properly imposed. There are few cases but not that rampant of being sick after eating street food. The quality of street food somehow is tolerated by health officials and citizens alike. Luckily street food is now on mainstream inside malls offering tourists and citizens alike to be assured of the hygienic standards.Dengue fever is a common issue especially during the summer season, apply mosquito repellent and avoid wearing T-shirts and shorts during the afternoon, wear sleeves and pants instead.


Private hospitals are given a passing rate in the city, most of them can cater to almost every patient's need. During summer, hospital beds are fully booked as dengue fever cases rise up to skyrocketing levels.

  • Dr. Pablo O. Torre Sr. Memorial Hospital (Riverside Medical Center), B.S. Aquino Dr (Infront of Bob's cafe), 63 34-4337331, 63 34-7050000, . Considered to be the only first class hospital in the city.
  • Corazon Locsin Montelibano Memorial Regional Hospital (Provincial Hospital). CLMMRH is a training, government-funded hospital similar to a county hospital in the United States or the Philippine General Hospital in Manila. It's a center of wellness catering to the general public who can't afford admission to private medical institutions. the level of expertise and care by its personnel is commendable considering the meagerness of its resources. free HIV tests are done here.


The hospital with most pharmacies surrounding its compound is the Corazon Locsin Montelibano Memorial Regional Hospital.

  • Negros Grace Pharmacy. 08:00-20:00. Has many branches around Bacolod, Iloilo, Dumaguete. lower prices.
  • Generika Drug Stores, Cuadra Gatuslao Street. 08:00-20:00. Generika have stores all over Bacolod. lower prices.

Dentist clinics

Clinics are easily found in Bacolod, some are located in malls while most of the hospitals have a dentist.

  • DentalHub Bacolod, 2nd floor, MC Metroplex Bldg., B.S. Aquino Dr. 09:00-15:00. Part of the Philippine Dental Association, it offers services even in emergencies and opens during weekends.
  • Mendez Dental Clinic, Ground Floor Mayfair Plaza Lacson St. 09:00-18:00. Part of the Philippine Dental Association, aside from general teeth problems they also serve people who have gum disease. Open during weekends.
  • Paul Callardo Dental Clinic. Gatuslao street. 400 m down the street from the 888 mall going to the plaza. low cost dental work from ₱300.

Restrooms and toilets

Almost every commercial establishment, office and church in the city has a functional toilet however public toilets are often neglected around the city, an accessible toilet is available at the public plaza but one must have to pay before accessing the toilet, and the valid reason for such payment is for repairs and maintenance which gives us a hint that the city government doesn't even fund on its simplest amenities like toilets.


See the Respek section of the Philippines article for more information

People who are elder than you (old enough to be your elder brother/sister or father/mother) - even if that person is a driver, janitor or maid etc. - you should call them Manong for Males or Manang for females before their common name like; Manong Jeremy of Manang May Ann, Manong can be shorten to Nong en Manang aan Nang. If that person is old enough to be your grandfather call them Lolo for males or Lola for females before their common name like; Lolo Isidro of Lola Estrella.

Bacolodnons are traditionally liberal when it comes to clothing, except Muslims and Iglesia ni Kristo members who both are conservative religious people. Wearing shorts in public are OK but no very short ones if you don't want to attract attention and trouble, wearing bikini on beaches is OK and you would expect no trouble however you might get attention too. When inside churches, everyone is expected to be cautious of their actions as such actions might attract attention and negative perception towards tourists.


Dialing code for the Philippines is 63 while local area code for Bacolod is 34.

Per telefoon

PayPhones provided by PLDT are available in some of the city center's nooks and corners however if you don't find any payphone around, ask any tiangge to lend you a phone which each call costs ₱5/domestic call, rates for international calls vary. Buying a Sim card is cheap, easy and no hassles, you don't need a verification of any kind and from ₱10 you can get a sim pack and are sold by Smart en Wêreld which are the two largest networks, Talk n Text, Sun Cellular en TM Mobile are other major networks. Sending text abroad cost ₱15/text while sending it within the Philippines cost ₱1/text.

By net

Internet cafes charge ₱10-25 per hour, they are common throughout the city with small cafes opening up in local barangays and big commercial ones in the Central Business District. Head up to Downtown Bacolod if you need to surf for a while, these cafes can be found in almost every corner of the street and provides as modern recreational centers and hangout places for the youth. SM City Bacolod, Robinson's Place Bacolod and 888 Chinatown Square are the malls which provide free WiFi access to its customers, Jollibee and McDonald's have also joined the trend providing WiFi access to its customers. Most hotels provide free WiFi access to its customers.

  • Pink Lion Internet cafe, Rizal street (Victorina arcade behide cebu pacific ticket office). 08:30-22:00. A/c net cafe. ₱10 per hour.

Internet cafes

  • net.aXs, La Salle Ave., 63 34 433-5248. 24 hours. Offer domestic and international calls/fax in addition to internet access, scanning, printing, photo-uploading (and CD-burning) along with other cybercafe-related services.
  • Shoji, Plaza Mart, Araneta St. (Infront of Lopue's Araneta). ₱15.
  • Eukarmille, Plaza Mart, Aranate St. (Infront of Lopue's Araneta). ₱15-20.



  • Bureau Of Immigration Bacolod Office, Aguinaldo Street, 63 34-4338581.

Newspapers and publications

Much of the local news in Bacolod is available in English which also applies to major national newspapers, minor tabloid newspapers are printed in Filipino and Hiligaynon. The Visayan Daily Star, Sun Star Bacolod and the Negros Daily Bulletin is also available.


Almost all of the radio stations air in the local language; Hiligaynon, with some of the FM Radio jockeys using a mix of Hiligaynon and Tagalog, as well as Taglish, in contrast to FM Jockeys; AM Radio jockeys speak in pure and fluent Hiligaynon as the audiences catered by AM Radio are usually senior citizens and residents who come from nearby town wherein speaking of fluent Hiligaynon is encouraged. AM Radio stations air current affairs programs, radio telenovelas, news and Hiligaynon songs usually old ones. FM Radio stations on the other hand air modern day English and local songs from any genre with shows hosted by Radio jockeys who use the usual Filipino slapstick jokes, the FM Radio is unfortunately bombarded by advertisements as it is one of the cheapest forms of media to market products in the country with the only safe time to listen to almost ad-free music is during the hours after 22:00. Some of the radio stations go off at midnight after airing the last tunes of the Lupang Hinirang.


  • Magic - One of the two radio stations that airs in English, unlike the other local radio stations, this station airs talk shows that mixed bag issues whether may it be dating, sex, videogames, entertainment abroad, they also dislike over-airing pop songs but instead go for a salad bowl of genres whether alternative and independent to billboard and RnB.
  • EasyRock - The other radio station that airs in English alone, just like Magic it dislikes airing pop songs, they go instead of alternative, jazz, slow songs and the like.


  • ABS-CBN Bacolod, Channel 4 - This station is the regional station for ABS-CBN and serves Negros Occidental in two primary languages; Hiligaynon and Filipino. It might be only helpful to travelers who have knowledge in one of the languages as it airs nation-wide and provincial newscast as well as a weekend magazine regional TV Show which also covers the nearby Iloilo province.
  • GMA Bacolod, Channel 13 - ABS-CBN's fierce competitor around the nation, this is also a regional stations and is aired in Hiligaynon and Filipino. It provides provincial newscast as well as national newscast.
  • ABS-CBN News Channel/ANC - Available on Cable TV, it airs in English and Filipino, airs round-the-clock news in English alone with few exceptions on Filipino. This channel not alone airs news but also magazine shows which much talks about business and the lavish lifestyles of the elites in the country and documentaries which discusses the nation's problems.
  • GMA News Channel - It is available on Free-to-air televisions if you're lucky enough to get a signal, unlike its rival news channel, it airs alone in Filipino and provides around-the-clock news nationwide. Though new to the industry of newscasting, it has taken over the ratings and replaced ANC as the leading news channel due to the fact that not all Filipinos are comfortable with straight-English news reports.

Religious services

Christelike denominasies, veral Rooms-Katolieke, Baptiste, Adventiste en die Iglesia ni Kristo-lede, vind nie probleme om godsdiensdienste in die stad te vind nie.

  • San Sebastian katedraal (Bacolod-katedraal), Rizal St. (Naas La Consolacion College Bacolod, voor Bacolod Public Plaza). Daaglikse misse
  • Sint Jude Thaddeus Kerk, Alijis Rd.
  • San Antonio Abad Kerk.

Gaan volgende

Nabygeleë dorpe en stede in die provinsie is per land bereikbaar. Die eiland van Panay is 45 minute per veerboot vanaf die hawe van Bacolod.

Binne die provinsie

Bacolod is die provinsiale hoofstad van Negros Occidental, en soos elke hoofstad is dit druk en baie ontwikkel. Verfris jouself deur uit Bacolod te gaan na die stiller munisipaliteite wat dit omring; daar is 'n oorvloed van strande en warmwaterbronne. Moenie verkeersopeenhopings verwag nie, want die toestand van die paaie in die provinsie is van die beste in die land. Busse is die maklikste manier om in die provinsie te kom; jeeps is bekostigbaar, maar word nie vir buitelanders voorgestel nie. As u as groep of gesin reis, kan u 'n motor of 'n bussie huur.

  • Bago - die belangrikste besienswaardighede wat hulle bied, is die Kipton-tweeling val sowel as bergoorde, 'n ideale bestemming vir trekkers
  • Cadiz - gewild vir sy wit sandstrand;Lakawon-strand, 'n eiland aan die kus van Cadiz
  • Escalante - ontdek die verskeidenheid ekosisteme wat een van die rykstes op die eiland Negros is en een van die laaste oorlewende ekosisteme op die eiland, sien die mangrove en die seegras langs die oewers, asook die oorblyfsels van korale
  • La Carlota - trek en stap in Guintubdan
  • Mt. Kanlaon Natuurpark - 'n natuurreservaat in Canlaon, die hoogste punt in die Visayas en 'n gunsteling plek vir Spiritualiste en Bergklimmers en Katolieke tydens die Heilige Week; die reservaat word omring deur flora en fauna, diere wat hier voorkom, is takbokke, varke, ens.
  • Murcia - die Mamabucal Oord is op 'n hoër hoogte as die stad, daarom het dit 'n koeler gemiddelde temperatuur; sy belangrikste trekpleister is die natuurlike warmwaterbronne
  • Silay - bekend as die Parys van Negros vanweë die Europese honderd jaar oue huise wat goed bewaar word as historiese monumente

Verdere bestemmings

Busse is die gemaklikste en bekostigbaarste manier om buite die provinsie te reis; Jeepneys is goedkoper, maar word nie aanbeveel vir toeriste en vir langafstandreise nie. Naas busse is RoRos (aanloop / afrol) en skepe. Reise is daagliks beskikbaar vanaf Bredco-hawe, die hoofhawe van die stad Bacolod.

  • San Carlos
  • Apo-eiland - net aan die kus van die stad Dauin en Zamboanguita (in Negros Oriental), is hierdie eiland gewild vir duikers en toeriste
  • Bais City
  • Kabankalan
  • Dumaguete - 'n gewilde universiteitsstad met 'n skoon boulevard aan die see en 'n ontspanne atmosfeer
  • Guimaras - proe van sy enigste versoeking; sy mango's, wat bekend staan ​​as een van die soetste ter wêreld
  • Iloilo - sy hoofattraksie is die Miag-ao-kerk, wat 'n UNESCO-werelderfenisgebied is; sy hoofstad is ook bekend vir sy Dinagyang-fees
Hierdie stadsgids vir Bacolod is 'n bruikbaar artikel. Dit bevat inligting oor hoe u daarheen kan kom en oor restaurante en hotelle. 'N Avontuurlustige persoon kan hierdie artikel gebruik, maar verbeter dit gerus deur die bladsy te redigeer.