Keulen - Cologne

Keulen (Duits: Köln, Oewer: Kölle) is 'n stad aan die Rynrivier in Noordryn-Wesfale. Dit is die vierde grootste stad in Duitsland met ongeveer een miljoen inwoners. Dit is een van die land se media-, toerisme- en sakepunte en word beskou as een van die mees liberale stede in Duitsland.

Keulen het 'n ryk geskiedenis en strek terug tot die tyd van die antieke tyd Romeinse Ryk, toe dit gestig is. Dit het sedertdien 'n voortdurend bewoonde belangrike streeksentrum gebly. In vergelyking met ander Duitse en Europese stede was die antieke en middeleeuse Keulen relatief groot en beslaan die grootste deel van die hedendaagse middestad. Daar is dus 'n magdom argitektoniese erfenis in die stad, wat wissel van voor-Christelike tye tot opvallend moderne geboue, met 'n hoë konsentrasie van Romaanse en Gotiese argitektuur, wat uitloop op die pragtige katedraal (Dom).

Keulen is egter nie net 'n toeristebestemming nie, maar op gelyke voet 'n belangrike ekonomiese sentrum, 'n wêreldwye belangrike handelsmark, 'n kultuur- en media-hotspot en 'n belangrike vervoersentrum. Hierdie gelyke mengsel van rolle en funksies is deur die hele stad deurdringend en bied 'n konstante invloei van verskillende besoekers, asook 'n baie uiteenlopende bevolkingsmengsel. Dit alles bereik sy hoogtepunt tydens die tradisionele Karneval, en maak Keulen een van die mees besoekte bestemmings in Duitsland.



Die distrikte van Keulen

Keulen lê aan beide kante van die Rynrivier, wat daardeur in noordelike rigting vloei. Die linkerhand, of die westekant, is Keulen in ooreenstemming met die Ou Stad (Altstadt), die beroemde katedraal en die meeste landmerke en museums. Die regte kant, of die oostekant, was vroeër 'n aparte stad met die naam Deutz - nou Deutz is 'n woonbuurt van Keulen.

Keulen is verdeel in 9 distrikte (Stadtbezirke), genommer van 1 tot 9. Stadtbezirk 1, gebel Innenstadt ("middestad"), is waarskynlik die een waar die meeste toeriste al hul tyd sal deurbring, aangesien dit die meeste van die stad se besienswaardighede bevat. Dit is ook die enigste distrik wat aan beide kante van die Ryn lê, aangesien dit Deutz insluit. Distrikte 2, 3, 4, 5 en 6 is op die westelike oewer van die Ryn, en distrikte 7, 8 en 9 op die oostelike oewer, rondom die Innenstadt.

Die onderverdeling van die Innenstadt

Elkeen Stadtbezirk word verder verdeel in Stadtteile (letterlik "stadsdele", of "woonbuurte"). Die Innenstadt sluit in Altstadt-Nord en Alstadt-Süd, twee dele van die historiese ou stad van Keulen met die Ryn, gedeel deur die L111 deurpad van oos na wes (met die straatname Cäcilienstraße - Neumarkt - Hahnenstraße), begin by die Deutzer Brücke (brug oor die Ryn). Die Altstadt word omring deur 'n ring van wye paaie wat oor die voormalige stadsmure van Keulen loop. Hulle het almal straatname wat op die woord eindig Ring.

Die deel van Innenstadt lê aan die buitekant van die ring Neustadt, of "nuwe dorp". Neustadt word verder verdeel in Neustadt-Nord en Neustadt-Sued, ook geskei deur L111 (Aachener Straße). Albei dele van die Neustadt vorm 'n halfmaan wat die Altstadt omhels en die Ryn aan weerskante daarvan bereik. Uiteindelik, teenoor die Altstadt en Neustadt aan die ander (oostelike) kant van die Ryn, is die Stadtteil van Deutz, wat die voltooi Innenstadt.


Keulen is een van die oudste stede in Duitsland, wat in die 1ste eeu nC gestig en as die Romein gestig is Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium. "Keulen" is die Franse weergawe van die stad se naam, wat ook standaard in Engels geword het. Dit het 'n tradisionele, sterk wedywering met die naburige stad Düsseldorf, die hoofstad van Noordryn-Wesfale, hoewel dit meestal gemanifesteer word deur 'n aantal jokulêre verwysings wat in beide stede na mekaar verwys word en voortdurend gekibbel is oor wie se plaaslike bier die beste is (in Keulen is dit natuurlik Kölsch). Dit was Duitsland se grootste stad op verskeie punte in die geskiedenis en vir die grootste deel van die Middeleeue was dit die enigste plek wat volgens moderne standaarde selfs as 'n groot stad bevolking sou registreer. Vandag is dit die vierde grootste stad in Duitsland (na Berlyn, Hamburg en München) en die grootste wat nie stadstaat of hoofstad is nie. Die bevolking is ongeveer een miljoen mense.


Die klimaat van Noordwes-Duitsland is wisselvallig, met seisoenale veranderinge en die daaglikse weer wat dikwels vergelykbaar is met die van die Wes-Duitsland Engeland of Noord-Frankryk. Reisigers na Keulen kan verwag dat die warmste tyd van die jaar einde Julie / vroeg in Augustus sal wees, die koudste is Januarie (die temperatuur hang rondom die vriespunt) en die maand met die meeste reënval is Junie.

Toerisme kantoor

1 KölnTourismus, Unter Fettenhennen 19 (regoor die ingang van die katedraal, neem die U-Bahn na Dom / Hbf), 49 221 2213-0400. M-F 09: 00-22: 00, Sa So 10: 00-18: 00. Die Keulense toerismeburo bied baie inligting vir die reisiger wat hul reisplan met aktiwiteite in die stad wil invul. Vra oor beskikbare gidsboeke, waarvan die meeste gratis inligting verskaf.


Die kenmerkende geur aan die stad Keulen word dikwels gekoppel aan die inwoners van die stad, of Kölsche, wat baie trots op hul stad is. Keulen is 'n tradisioneel Ripuariaanse stad, hoewel dit meestal vervang is met standaardduits, wat nou die hooftaal van die stad is. Engelssprekende gidse en inligting is beskikbaar vir baie van die landmerke van die stad. Vir toeriste wat Duits praat en dit wil oefen, het die burgers gewoonlik baie geduld met diegene wat die taal wil aanpak. Die burgers van Keulen is baie vriendelike en joviale mense wat toeriste van alle soorte en met alle belangstellings verwelkom.

Duits is natuurlik die taal van hierdie stad, maar dit is baie maklik om inligting in te vind Frans en Engels, ook soms in Spaans en Japannees. As gevolg van 'n groot aantal immigrante, Persies, Turks, Pools en Russies word ook wyd gepraat. Aankondigings in die hoofstasie (Hauptbahnhof) is in Duits, Frans en Engels. Soos baie Duitse stede en gebiede, het Keulen ook 'n plaaslike dialek Kölschegter, alle sprekers sal ook Duits ken.

Weg van die landmerke praat werkers van die Deutsche Bahn (Duitse spoorweë) dikwels redelik Engels en kaartjie-masjiene het 'n taalkeuse-funksie. Oor die algemeen het ouer mense in Keulen meestal min of geen kennis van Engels nie, terwyl jonger Duitsers en diegene wat in die sakewêreld werk, meer vaardig is. Taal is selde 'n sterk struikelblok, dus dit hoef nie die normale toeris baie bekommerd te maak nie. Nader net 'n vriendelike inwoner met 'n glimlag op jou gesig.

Gaan in

Met die vliegtuig

  • 1 Keulen Bonn-lughawe (CGN IATA). Hierdie lughawe hanteer internasionale en binnelandse vlugte en is 'n middelpunt vir die goedkoop filiaal Lufthansa Eurowings. Keulen Bonn-lughawe (Q157741) op Wikidata Keulen Bonn-lughawe op Wikipedia
Amper daar:
  1. Die lughawe is ongeveer 15 minute ver S-Bahn S13 (plaaslike trein) na die sentrum van Keulen. S-Bahn-tarief (kaartjiesone 1b) is € 3 eenrigting (Jun 2019). Neem lijnen S19 (Düren Bf), RE6 (Minden Hbf), RE8 (Mönchengladbach Hbf) om na die lughawe te kom.
  2. Alternatiewelik kry bus # 161 wat elke 30-60 min vanaf Porz Markt (hoofspoorwegstasie) vertrek van 04:59 tot 23:30, die reistyd is 15 minute en kos € 3.
  • Düsseldorf Internasionale Lughawe (DUS IATA), Die Düsseldorf lughawe bied baie interkontinentale verbindings. 'N Treinrit van die lughawe-treinstasie na die Keulen-sentrale stasie duur ongeveer 40 minute. IC- en ICE-treine op hierdie roete kos € 16- € 23, maar bied geen besparing op die regte tyd ten opsigte van die nederige Regional Express (RE) -treine nie, wat slegs 'n plaaslike transito-kaartjie benodig (Pryszone / Preisstufe 5; € 11,90 vanaf Oktober 2019. ). Die Reisbeplanner van Deutsche Bahn sal u opsies wys.
  • Frankfurt lughawe (FRA IATA), is die grootste lughawe in Duitsland, wat deur alle groot internasionale lugrederye bedien word. ICE (InterCityExpress) hoë spoed treine verbind Frankfurt lughawe en die sentrale stasie van Keulen in minder as een uur. Standaard-enkelrigting is € 67 per ICE. Daar is egter baie laer tariewe beskikbaar as u vooraf bestel met pryse vanaf € 19. As u volle prys betaal, hoef u nie 'n spesifieke trein te neem nie, maar kaartjies met afslag is op u bespreking beperk tot die trein. Treine via Koblenz, met die stadiger, maar tog uiters skilderagtige roete langs die Ryn Valley is ook 30% goedkoper. Die ICE-trein duur ongeveer een uur, die stadiger rooster neem ongeveer twee uur.

Met die trein

Sentrale treinstasie

Keulen word bedien deur twee groot treinstasies:

2 Köln Hauptbahnhof (QKL IATA). Cologne Central Station (Q1954) op Wikidata Köln Hauptbahnhof op Wikipedia en
3 Köln Messe / Deutz, Ottoplatz 7, 50679 Köln. Köln Messe / Deutz-stasie (Q151146) op Wikidata Köln Messe / Deutz-stasie op Wikipedia

Keulen word verbind met Amsterdam, Brussel, en Parys deur Thalys en ICE hoë spoed treine.

Nightjet, die Oostenrykse Spoorweë slaaptrein, loop twee keer per week vanaf Brussel via Aken en Keulen na Wene, München en Innsbruck. Dit bel na Bonn, Koblenz, Frankfurt-lughawe, Würzburg en Neurenberg waar dit verdeel word: die een gedeelte loop via Linz na Wene, die ander via München na Innsbruck. In 2020 loop dit nie in Julie en Augustus nie, maar dit sal na verwagting die hele jaar vanaf 2021 wees.

Die Frankfurt lughawe (FRA IATA) het direkte diens na Keulen en is binne een uur met ICE-treine.

Met die bus

Sien ook: Interbussebusse in Duitsland

Langafstandbusse kan nie in die sentrum van Keulen stop nie. Die belangrikste langafstand-busstasies wat Keulen bedien, is by die treinstasie Leverkusen Mitte (20 minute met die S-Bahn van / na Keulen Hauptbahnhof, kyk of u boonop u langafstandbuskaartjie 'n tarief moet betaal) en in Köln Bonn-lughawe. U kan reistyd en koste vir verskillende vervoermiddels op verskillende webwerwe vergelyk.

Met die motor

Keulen vereis dat alle motors 'n "lae emissies" -plakker moet hê om in die middestad met lae emissies ("Umweltzone") rond te ry. Inligting oor die verkryging van 'n plakker (wat minstens 'n paar weke vooraf gedoen moet word) is beskikbaar hier. Daar is baie min uitsonderings, en selfs elektriese motors of buitelandse motors moet die plakker kry.

Autobahns A1, A4, A3, A57, A555 lei na Keulen. In die spitstyd is die strate druk, veral as gevolg van die massiewe konstruksie van 'n nuwe metro-tunnel Nord-Süd Stadtbahn wat die helfte van die middestad oorsteek.

Vir goedkoop parkeerplek, met vinnige verbindings na sentraal-Keulen, gebruik park and ride ("parkeer en ryOp sommige stasies is parkering gratis as u bied 'n geldige transito-kaartjie by die uitgang aan.

Kry rond

50 ° 56′18 ″ N 6 ° 57′29 ″ O
Kaart van Keulen

Met die openbare vervoer

Metrostasie Hbf / Breslauer Platz en regs is 'n S-Bahn-trein op Hauptbahnhof

Keulen het 'n uitstekende openbare vervoernetwerk wat bestaan ​​uit trems, plaaslike treine en busse. Fietse is ook te huur aan die noordekant van die Hauptbahnhof. Plaaslike vervoerstelsels lewer selde aankondigings in Engels, maar netwerkkaarte is gewoonlik beskikbaar om u te help. Diegene wat gebiede buite die sentrale stad wil verken, moet hul reis en potensiële verbindings beplan voordat hulle vertrek. Die KVB (Kölner Verkehrs-Betriebe) webwerf is 'n goeie bron van inligting oor openbare vervoer.

trem in moltreinstasie

Kaartjies is geldig vir metro, tram en streektrein binne die VRS-netwerk. Reise binne die stadsgrense benodig sone 1b-kaartjies (2019: enkel € 3, 4-reiskaartjie € 12, dagkaart € 8,80, dagkaartjie vir tot 5 mense € 13,40), weekkaart € 26,30. Vir kort ritte van tot 4 haltes met die metro, tram of bus is daar ook die effens goedkoper "Kurzstrecke" (kort ritkaartjie, 2019: € ​​2,00). Hulle bied aan mobiele app, waarmee u kaartjies met 10% afslag kan koop. 'N Kaart van die netwerk kan by die meeste haltes gevind word, binne alle voertuie (kyk plafonne, ingange agter) en aanlyn.

Keulen s'n metro en tremsisteem, of U-Bahn, is 'n mengsel van stelsels: 'n metro kan op straatvlak gaan en as 'n tram beland of andersom. Daar is verkoopmasjiene of kaartjiekantore by groter stasies. Die treine en busse het ook verkoopmasjiene. Besoek die openbare bus-, trem- en metro-onderneming KVB vir afdrukbare kaarte van die bus / tram / moltreinstelsel en hier vir hul amptelike straatkaart (hier ook gevind) van Keulen.

Streekstreine staan ​​bekend as "S-Bahn", "Regional-Bahn" en "Regional Express". Die meeste van hulle het nie kaartjieverkoopmasjiene nie, dus onthou om 'n kaartjie by die stasie te koop.

Studente reis: Studente-reis (20 jaar of minder) kan baie goedkoop wees na en van Keulen, sowel as in die omgewing Land van Noordryn-Wesfale. Die Duitse spoorwegmaatskappy (DB: Deutsche Bahn) bied 'n 'SchöneFerienTicket NRW' aan tydens studentevakansietye en laat gratis reis deur Noord-Rynland-Wesfale met plaaslike busse, trems, U-Bahn, S-Bahn en streektreine. Pryse wissel van ongeveer € 54 vir somervakansies tot € 25,50 vir Paasvakansies, maar pryse en tye verander van jaar tot jaar.

Hierdie kaartjies is beskikbaar vir almal met geldige studente-identifikasie (studenteverenigingskaart, inskrywingskaart, ens.) En persoonlike identifikasie (paspoort, rybewys, ens.). Die kaartjie is slegs geldig vir die studentevakansiedatums van Noordryn-Wesfale en die kaartjie is nie geldig vir sneltreine met hoë spoed nie. Besoek / kontak Deutsche Bahn vir meer inligting voordat u na Duitsland reis.

Met die fiets

Keulen het, soos Berlyn, München en Frankfurt, a Noem 'n fiets - stelsel. Nadat u aanlyn vir 'n rekening geregistreer het, hef dit u kredietkaart per minuut fooi. U kan een van die silwerrooi fietse oral in die stad afhaal of aflaai. Dit is ook moontlik om 'n fiets op baie plekke te huur; per fiets is miskien die beste manier om in die stad rond te gaan.

Te voet

Maar oor die algemeen is die middestad van Keulen nie daardie groot vir 'n stad van een miljoen. Dit is heeltemal haalbaar om binne 'n halfuur van die een punt van die sentrum, byvoorbeeld die Rudolfplatz, na die ander kant, byvoorbeeld die katedraal, te loop.



Historiese besienswaardighede

  • 1 Kölner Dom (Katedraal) (U-Bahn: Dom / Hbf). Ma-Sa 06: 00-19: 30 (Mei-Okt: 06: 00-21: 00), So 13: 00-16: 30. A UNESCO-wêrelderfenisgebied. Dit het meer as 630 jaar geneem om hierdie monumentale katedraal te voltooi. In 1880 is die katedraal uiteindelik ingewy. Keulen s'n Dom is die eerste gesig wat u sal sien as u die hoofafrit vanaf die sentrale stasie neem. (As u dit nie sien nie, het u die agterste afrit geneem.) As u in 'n goeie toestand is, neem die 509 trappe na die bokant van die suidelike toring. Dit duur ongeveer 'n uur, dra dus gemaklike skoene, maar dit is die moeite werd om te stap. Om die katedraal te besoek is verbode tydens die mis. Toegang tot die katedraal is gratis, maar u sal gevra word vir 'n donasie. Toegang tot die toring kos: € 5, verminder: € 2, gesin: € 8. Toegang tot die tesourie kos: € 6, verminder: € 4, gesin: € 12. 'N Gesamentlike kaartjie wat u toegang tot die skatkis en die toring verleen, kan egter gekoop word (gewone / verlaagde / gesin): € 8 / € 4 / € 16. Geen bagasie mag binne gedra word nie. Keulen-katedraal (Q4176) op Wikidata Keulen-katedraal op Wikipedia
Vismark en Groß St. Martin (Groot Saint Martin Kerk)
  • 12 Romaanse kerke - Tussen 1150 en 1250 is talle kerke in die Romaanse styl gebou.
    • 2 Cilibert-basiliek (Sint Kunibertskerk). Wonderlike loodglasvensters. St. Kunibert's Church (Q457665) op Wikidata Basiliek van St. Cunibert, Keulen op Wikipedia
    • 3 Basiliek van Sint Severin, Im Ferkelum 29 (Tram Clodwigplatz). Die oudste Christelike stigting in Keulen. Basiliek van Sint Severin (Q457659) op Wikidata Basiliek van Sint Severin, Keulen op Wikipedia
    • 4 Sint Maria Lyskirchen. St. Maria Lyskirchen, Keulen (Q323845) op Wikidata St. Maria Lyskirchen, Keulen op Wikipedia
    • 5 Andrew's Church (Sint Andreas). Andreas-kerk (Q564898) op Wikidata St. Andrew's Church, Keulen op Wikipedia
    • 6 Basiliek van die Heilige Apostels (St. Aposteln). Basilica of the Holy Apostles (Q526047) op Wikidata Basilica of the Holy Apostles, Keulen op Wikipedia
    • 7 Sint Gereon-basiliek, Gereonsdriesch 2. Die oorspronklikheid van hierdie kerk lê in sy elliptiese vloerplan en die toevoeging van 'n dekagon tussen sy torings in 1220 St. Gereon's Basilica (Q682188) op Wikidata St. Gereon's Basilica, Keulen op Wikipedia
    • 8 Ursula-basiliek. Ursula, Keulen (Q266866) op Wikidata Ursula-basiliek, Keulen op Wikipedia
    • 9 St. Pantaleon's Kerk, Am Panteleonsberg 2. St. Pantaleon's Church (Q565187) op Wikidata St. Pantaleon's Church, Keulen op Wikipedia
    • 10 Sint Maria im Kapitol, Marienplatz 19. Maria im Kapitol (Q598352) op Wikidata Maria im Kapitol op Wikipedia
    • 11 Groß-St. Martin (Groot Saint Martin Kerk), 'N Groß St. Martin 9 (U-Bahn Rathaus). Groot St. Martin-kerk (Q564520) op Wikidata Groot St. Martin-kerk, Keulen op Wikipedia
    • 12 George-kerk (Sint Georg). St. George's Church (Q316362) op Wikidata St. George's Church, Keulen op Wikipedia
    • 13 Sint Cecilia-kerk (Sint Cäcilien), Cäcilienstraße 29. vandag Museum Schnütgen St. Cecilia's Church (Q1389) op Wikidata St. Cecilia's Church, Keulen op Wikipedia
  • 14 Die Kölner Synagoge (Roonstrasse-sinagoge), Roonstraße 50 (U-Bahn: Zülpicher Platz), 49 221 921-5600, faks: 49 221 921560-9. Die sinagoge is opmerklik vanweë sy argitektuur wat reg uit Gotham City lyk. Die Torah binne die sinagoge is deur 'n Katolieke priester uit 'n ander sinagoge gered, terwyl dit tydens die Nazi-bewind verbrand is. In Augustus 2005 het pous Benedictus XVI die sinagoge besoek; hy was die tweede pous wat ooit 'n sinagoge besoek het. Roonstrasse-sinagoge (Q544285) op Wikidata Roonstrasse-sinagoge op Wikipedia
Gürzenich danssaal
  • 15 Historisches Rathaus (Historiese stadsaal / Keulen-stadsaal) (U-Bahn Rathaus). Keulen-stadsaal (Q323556) op Wikidata Keulen stadsaal op Wikipedia
  • 16 Praetorium. 'N Toeganklike argeologiese terrein met die ruïnes van die antieke Romeinse Praetorium van Colonia. de: Archäologische_Zone_Köln # Praetorium op Wikipedia
  • 17 Gürzenich danssaal (U-Bahn / Tram Heumarkt). Die Gürzenich is 'n munisipale konsertsaal en veeldoelige feessaal Gürzenich (Q153450) op Wikidata

Oorblyfsels van stadsmure en vestings

Hahnentorburg op Rudolfplatz
  • 18 ruïnes van Romeinse stadsmure en twee torings.
  • 19 Nordtor (Pfaffenpforte) (Dom, Trankgasse). Ruïnes van die Romeinse stadsmuurhek (Q18604066) op Wikidata
  • Ruïnes van Middeleeue stadsmure en torings
    • 20 Eigelsteintorburg (U-Bahn Ebertplatz). Eigelsteintorburg (Q153131) op Wikidata
    • 21 Hahnentorburg (Rudolfplatz). Hahnentorburg (Q153145) op Wikidata
    • 22 Ulrepforte (Sachsenring, Stadtbahn Ulrepforte). Ulrepforte und Kartäuser-Mühle, Köln (Q2475459) op Wikidata
    • 23 Severinstorburg (Stadtbahn Clodwigplatz). Severinstorburg (Q1650912) op Wikidata
    • 24 Bayenturm (Stadtbahn Ubierring). Bayenturm (Q812121) op Wikidata
  • 25 Ruïnes van 'n klein hekkie.
  • 26 Malakoffturm (Rheinauhafen, bus 233 stop Schokoladenmuseum). Malakoffturm (Q1886685) op Wikidata

Veedel - Stadskwartiere

Keulen is bekend vir sy "Veedel" of tradisionele buurte.

  • Agnesviertel - Hier, veral in die Boheemse Agnesviertel, kan u onafhanklike ontwerpers, boekwinkels, kroeë en kunsgalerye vind. Daar is ook historiese monumente, soos die Noordstadspoort of Eigelsteintorburg in die Agnesviertel, baie naby aan Fort X, gebou om die stad te beskerm teen Franse aanvalle, en Agneskirche, 'n laat neogoties kerk op die boulevardesk Neusserstraße. Neusserstraße het ook 'n joga-skool, 'n Aikido-skool, 'n Japannese restaurant, 'n goed toegeruste boekwinkel en 'n verskeidenheid kroeë. Naby sal u die Alte Feuerwache, waar daar elke vier weke in die somer gereeld uitstallings is oor politieke onderwerpe en 'n surrealistiese vlooimark. Oorkant Alte Feuerwache is die Kunsklub, met gereelde uitstallings van kontemporêre kuns, en op Ebertplatz is daar 'n bioskoop (Metropolis) wat films in die oorspronklike vertoon (meestal Engels, maar soms ook Frans of Spaans). In die nabygeleë Lübecker Straße vind u die kompromisloos Arty Filmpalette bioskoop. Om 'n reis na die Agnesviertel af te rond, hou u dalk van 'n kölsch in die Lapidarium (reg langs die Noordstadspoort) of 'n koffie in Cafe Schmitz, Die mooiste kuierplek in Keulen (hulle eet ook 'n heerlike ontbyt.) Al hierdie wonderlike plekke is binne 'n kort loopafstand van die U-Bahn-straat Ebertplatz.
  • Eigelstein - rondom die Eigelsteintorburg, U-Bahn "Ebertplatz"
  • Martinsviertel / Altstadt - Ou stad tussen Ryn, Heumarkt, Alter Markt en Dom, (Keulen-katedraal), U-Bahn "Rathaus" of "Heumarkt"
  • Severinsviertel en Südstadt - rondom die Severinstorburg, U-Bahn "Clodwigplatz"
  • Kwartier Latäng - Hierdie studentegebied neem die naam van die Paryse Quartier Latin. Dit is gesentreer rondom die Zülpicher Straße en bied genoeg geleenthede vir die naglewe, wat wissel van 'n nagwinkel met dansvloer en toilette (Späti), tot vuil indie bars. Midde-Oosterse kos is ook maklik hier te vinde, insluitend die beroemde en baie gewilde Habibi. Die omgewing is toeganklik viaStadtbahn "Zülpicher Platz"
  • Belgisches ViertelStadtbahn "Moltkestraße"
  • EhrenfeldU-Bahn "Körnerstraße"

Ander besienswaardighede

  • 27 Hohenzollern-brug. Ook die Locking Bridge genoem. As u regs na die agterkant van die Kölner Dom stap, is daar 'n brug aan die Ryn aan u regterkant wat met hangslotte bedek is. Die slotte word daar deur paartjies geplaas om hul lojaliteit aan mekaar te toon. Paartjies het dikwels hul name en 'n belangrike datum op die slotte aangebring. Daar is ander plekke regoor die wêreld met 'liefdeslotslotte'. Hohenzollern-brug (Q696762) op Wikidata Hohenzollern-brug op Wikipedia
Uitsig by die Kranhäuser in die Rheinauhafen
  • 28 Rheinauhafen. Hierdie volledig herboude area kombineer moderne uitspattige argitektuur met historiese hawegeboue. Die ou Rheinauhafen het in 1898 geopen en was noodsaaklik weens die toenemende hoeveelheid vragverkeer. Die nuwe Rheinauhafen is 'n mengsel van kantoorgeboue en woonstelgeboue en gastronomie. Op 'n skiereiland van die Ryn (1 km suid van Heumarkt) is dit 'n uitnodiging vir 'n pragtige wandeling langs die rivier of middagete of aandete. Sien ook die aparte reisartikel vir 'n staptoer. Rheinauhafen (Q95672) op Wikidata Rheinauhafen op Wikipedia
Rheinpark langs die regteroewer van die Rynrivier
  • Parke: Keulen het twee parkareas (Grüngürtel) omring die stad (onmiddellik buite die middeleeuse stadsgrense) en byna die hele stad, onderskeidelik, wat na die Eerste Wêreldoorlog as openbare ontspanningsgebiede opsy gesit is. Grüngürtel is waarskynlik makliker bereikbaar vir toeriste wat net 'n paar dae vertoef. Die belangrikste is Volksgarten, Rheinpark, Hiroshima-Nagasaki- (in die omgang bekend as Aachener-Weiher-) en Stadtgarten parke waar duisende mense saamkom om die son te geniet, te speel en te braai as die weer goed is. Al hierdie parke het 'n gepaardgaande biertuin. Gooi enige verpakking, houtskool, ensovoorts in die vullishouers (wat min is), aangesien die stad begin het om rommelpatrollies te gebruik wat 'n stewige boete sal oplê vir almal wat rommelstrooiery sien. Metro: Eifelplatz vir Volksgarten, Universitätsstraße vir Hiroshima-Nagasaki-Park, Hans-Böckler-Platz / Bahnhof-Wes vir Stadtgarten, Bahnhof Deutz vir Rheinpark.
Flora en Botaniese Tuin
    • 29 Flora en Botaniese Tuin (Naby Dieretuin, Tram Dieretuin / Flora). Vry.
    • 30 Dieretuin (naby Seilbahn, Tram Zoo / Flora). Volwassene € 19,50. Dierentuin Keulen (Q529586) op Wikidata Dierentuin Keulen op Wikipedia
    • 31 Skulpturenpark, Riehler Straße (naby Seilbahn, Tram Zoo / Flora). Vry.

Museums en galerye

Keulen het een van die wêreld se beste versamelings van museums en galerye vir 'n stad van sy grootte. Behalwe vir kunsmatige en argeologiese museum van wêreldgehalte, het Keulen twee musea van kerklike kuns, wat albei in argitektoniese pragtige geboue gehuisves word. Daar is ook 'n etnografiese museum, 'n sjokolademuseum, die Duitse sportmuseum en 'n oorvloed Romeinse oorblyfsels.

'N Mens kan 'n MuseumsCard van een van die munisipale museums (soos die eerste vyf hieronder gelys). Die enkelkaart kos € 18, en die gesinskaart, wat € 30 kos, gee twee volwassenes en 2 kinders (onder 18) gratis toegang tot elk van die munisipale museums gedurende twee opeenvolgende openingsdae. Op sy eerste geldigheidsdag kan dit ook as kaartjie gebruik word op alle busse en trems op die Keulen-vervoerstelsel VRS. Kaart is geldig in die volgende museums: Museum Ludwig, Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln, Wallraf-Richartz-Museum & Fondation Corboud, Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst, Museum Schnütgen, Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum - Kulturen der Welt, Kölnisches Stadtmuseum, NS-Dokumentationszentrum .

  • 32 Museum Ludwig, Bischofsgartenstraße 1 (U-Bahn: Dom / Hbf, agter die dom), 49 221 26165, faks: 49 221-24114, . Di – So 10: 00-18: 00. 'N Museum vir moderne kuns, naby die sentrale treinstasie en die katedraal, bied 'n waardige gereelde uitstalling en tydelike uitstallings. Toegang € 11, toegewings € 7,50, gesinne € 22. Museum Ludwig (Q703640) op Wikidata Museum Ludwig op Wikipedia
  • 33 Museum für Angewandte Kunst (Museum vir Toegepaste Kuns), An der Rechtschule (U-Bahn: Dom / Hauptbahnhof), 49 221 23860, faks: 49 221-23885, . Di-So 10: 00–18: 00. Die Museum of Applied Art het 'n versameling gewilde ontwerpitems, asook tydelike uitstallings. Die historiese versamelings is al 'n paar jaar gesluit vanweë opknapping en nuwe konsep vir uitstallings. Gewone € 6, verlaagde € 3,50, permanente en spesiale uitstallings: die prys wissel van gratis tot € 6. Museum für Angewandte Kunst (Q877567) op Wikidata Museum für Angewandte Kunst (Keulen) op Wikipedia
  • 34 Wallraf-Richartz-museum en fondasie Corboud, Martinstraße 39 (U-Bahn: Dom / Hauptbahnhof, dan 10 minute loop, U-Bahn: Rathaus, Tram Heumarkt, Bus Rathaus of Gürzenich), 49 221 27694, faks: 49 221-22629, . Di-So 10: 00-18: 00, elke do tot 21:00. Die Wallraf-Richartz Museum is 'n kunsgalery met 'n versameling fyn kuns van die Middeleeuse tydperk tot die vroeë 20ste eeu. Permanente versameling en spesiale uitstalling: € 8-12, verminder € 4,50-8. Wallraf – Richartz Museum (Q700959) op Wikidata Wallraf-Richartz Museum op Wikipedia
  • 35 Römisch-Germanisches Museum (Romeins-Germaanse museum), Roncalliplatz 4 (aangrensend aan die regterkant van die katedraal vanaf sy hoofgevel), 49 221 22304, faks: 49 221-24030, . Di-So 10: 00-17: 00. Die Römisch-Germanisches Museum verken die geskiedenis van die Romeinse geskiedenis in Keulen en omgewing. Die permanente uitstalling in die museum is gesluit of op toer, maar die Dionysos-mosaïek en die Poblicius-graf kan besoek word deur begeleide toere Tu-Su om 10:00, 11:00, 15:00, 15:30, 16:00 en 16 : 30 (€ 3, verlaag € 1). Belangrike vondste oor die geskiedenis van die stad kan gesien word vanaf die laat somer van 2019 in die Belgiese huis (Cäcilienstraße 46, naby Neumarkt). Romano-Germaanse Museum (Q707955) op Wikidata Romano-Germaanse Museum op Wikipedia
  • 36 Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum für Völkerkunde (Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum - Wêreldkulture), Cäcilienstraße 29-33 (U-Bahn: Neumarkt), 49 221 23620, faks: 49 221 3369410, . Di-So 10: 00-18: 00, Do 10: 00-20: 00. Noord-Rynland-Wesfale se enigste etnologiese museum, dit het 'n uitstekende versameling van Amerikaanse en Oostenryks-Polinesiese artefakte. Gewoon € 7, verlaag € 4,50. Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum (Q2133582) op Wikidata Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum op Wikipedia
  • 37 Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst (Museum vir Oos-Asiatiese kuns). Kuns, musiek, boeke, films en kultuur uit Asië. Geslote vir opknappings tot September 2017. Museum vir Oos-Asiatiese kuns (Q884204) op Wikidata Museum of East Asian Art (Keulen) op Wikipedia
Museum of Chocolates by Rheinauhafen
  • 38 Kolumba (Bisdom museum), Kolumbastraße 4. 'N Christelike kunsmuseum. 'N Argitektoniese wonder wat deur Peter Zumthor ontwerp is en 'n lust vir die sintuie; hierdie museum, gebou in ooreenstemming met die antieke fondamente van die heiligdom van Maria in die puin, bevat 'n verskeidenheid historiese en hedendaagse godsdienstige kuns. Dit is die moeite werd om net die geestelik inspirerende ruimtes en die pragtige wandelpad deur die ruïnes van die verlede te verken. Kolumba (Q1621165) op Wikidata Kolumba op Wikipedia
  • 39 Schokoladenmuseum Köln (Museum van sjokolade), Am Schokoladenmuseum 1a. Di-F 10: 00-18: 00, Sa Su vakansies 11: 00-19: 00, laaste toegang een uur voor sluiting. Sjokolademuseum in Keulen. Dit is 'n kort besoek, maar baie interessante uitstallings. Toegang € 9, toegewings € 6,50, gesinspas € 25. Imhoff-Schokoladenmuseum (Q55399) op Wikidata Imhoff-Schokoladenmuseum op Wikipedia
  • 40 NS-Dokumentationszentrum (NS-dokumentasiesentrum), Appellhofplatz 23-25. Di-F 10: 00-18: 00, Sa Su en vakansiedae 11: 00-19: 00, gesluit op Maandae. "NS" is 'n afkorting vir Nasionaal-sosialisties. Voormalige hoofkwartier van die Keulense Gestapo, met tronkselle. Nou die grootste plaaslike gedenkplek vir die slagoffers van die Nazi's in Duitsland. Biblioteek, media en uitstallings. Naby metrohalte "Appellhofplatz". €4.50. NS-dokumentasiesentrum van die stad Keulen (Q560033) op Wikidata NS-dokumentasiesentrum van die stad Keulen op Wikipedia
  • 41 Käthe Kollwitz Museum, Neumarkt 18-24. Di-F 10: 00-18: 00, Sa Su en vakansiedae 11: 00-18: 00, gesluit op Maandae. Opgedra aan die kunstenaar Käthe Kollwitz (1867-1945), die eerste vrou wat verkies is tot die Pruisiese Akademie vir Kuns. Gewoon € 5, verminder € 2. Käthe Kollwitz Museum Köln (Q319255) op Wikidata Käthe Kollwitz Museum (Keulen) op Wikipedia
  • 42 Keulen-stadsmuseum (Kölnisches Stadtmuseum), Zeughausstraße 1-3, 49 221 - 221-22398. Di 10:00 tot 20:00, Wo-So 10:00 - 17:00, elke 1ste de van elke maand: 10:00 - 22:00. Vertoon uitstallings en kunswerke oor die geskiedenis van die stad Keulen vanaf die Middeleeue tot vandag. € 5, konsessie € 3. Keulen se munisipale museum (Q881214) op Wikidata


  • 43 Overstolzenhaus. Een van die oudste huise in Keulen, gebou tussen 1220 en 1225, met 'n indrukwekkende romaanse gevel. Die Akademie vir Mediakuns is vandag gebou as 'n koshuis vir 'n plaaslike patrisiër.
  • 44 Kunsthaus Lempertz. Die beroemde Duitse kunshandelaars en afslaers, wat in 1845 gestig is (alhoewel die gebou uit 1952 is, herbou na die Tweede Wêreldoorlog).
  • 45 Postamt (Bürgerhaus Stollwerck), Dreikönigenstraße 23. Die voormalige poskantoor wat in 1906 van rooi baksteen gebou is, word nou as teater gebruik.
  • 46 Wasserturm. Die voormalige watertoring wat in 1868-1872 gebou is, word nou as 'n luukse boetiekhotel gebruik. Die 11de verdieping (op 35 meter) bevat 'n terras en 'n eet- / vergaderruimte met glasbedekking wat vir privaat funksies verhuur kan word.
  • 47 Wolkenburg. Die baroklandgoed is in 1734 gebou vir 'n benediktynse klooster, maar word vandag gebruik deur die koor van 190 man Kölner Männer-Gesang-Verein Cäcilia Wolkenburg. Dit is ook 'n geleentheidsentrum.
  • 48 Severinsbrücke. Die kabelbrug wat in 1959 voltooi is, het die Deutzer Brücke 'n verligting gegee. Alhoewel dit nie visueel so uitmuntend is nie, bied dit 'n mooi uitsig oor albei oewers van die Ryn as u wil loop.

Kerke en ander godsdienstige geboue

  • 49 Kartäuserkirche (Charterhouse kerk). Die kerk het tot 1794 aan die plaaslike huurhuis ('n klooster van die Carthusiaanse orde) behoort, toe die klooster gesluit is en die kerk tot in die 1920's op verskillende maniere as pakhuis of militêre hospitaal gebruik is, toe dit deur 'n plaaslike protestantse gemeenskap, wat dit tot vandag toe as kerk dien. Na heropbou het dit 'n indrukwekkende pyporrel-skikking met glockenspiel.
  • 50 Dreikönigenpförtchen. Een van die beste verborge juwele van Keulen, die klein dog versierde gotiese hek, het eens gelei tot 'n 'immuniteit' wat deel uitmaak van die klooster in die St. Maria im Kapitol.
  • 51 Sint Gregorius im Elend. Neobaroque kerk uit die vroeë 19de eeu.
  • 52 Sint Johann Baptis. Hierdie Katolieke kerk is een van die oudstes in Keulen, wat selfs die beroemde Romaanse kerke voorafgegaan het, aangesien dit in 948 gestig is. Dit het deur die eeue heen baie toevoegings en rekonstruksies gesien en is tydens die Tweede Wêreldoorlog byna heeltemal vernietig. Die huidige vorm is 'n eklektiese rekonstruksie wat in die vroeë 1960's voltooi is.
  • 53 Voormalige franciscan klooster met St. Marien kerk. Hierdie indrukwekkende kompleks met goties-geïnspireerde versierings is ongesiens tussen hedendaagse residensiële geboue genestel
  • 54 Petruskerk, Leonhard-Tietz-Straße 6. Die minder bekende buurman van St. Cäcilien
  • 55 St. Maria vom Frieden kerk en klooster (hoek van Schnurgasse en Vor den Siebenburgen). Barok-kloosterkompleks uit die 17de eeu.
  • 56 Trinitatiskirche, Filzengraben 6. Hierdie 19de-eeuse evangeliese kerk lewer gereelde godsdiensdienste en dien as 'n plek vir verskillende kulturele, veral musikale, geleenthede.


Oorheers deur twee baie nuttige grondgebruike, die kermis in die noorde en die eintlik funksionele vraghawe van Keulen in die suide, is Deutz nie sonder lang geskiedenis nie en ook baie erfenis en sjarme in sy beboude omgewing. Alhoewel die linker-Rynoewer duidelik die belangrikste in Keulen is, is Deutz waar u die beste uitsig oor die Ryn kan kry, en dit is alleen 'n rede om die rivier oor te steek en daarheen te kom, maar verreweg nie die enigste nie.

  • 57 Köln-Driehoek (LVR-Turm), Ottoplatz 1, 49 2234 9921-555, . Mei – Sep: M – F 11: 00–22: 00, Sa Su openbare vakansiedae 10: 00–22: 00; Okt – Apr M – F 12: 00–18: 00, Sa Su openbare vakansiedae 10: 00–18: 00. Die Köln-Driehoek is 'n hoë gebou in Deutz, onmiddellik aan die waterfront. Dit is 'n deel van 'n gebouekompleks wat deur die Hyatt-hotel aan die Ryn gekonfronteer word, en is moeilik om te mis vanweë sy prominensie en is maklik bereikbaar vanaf beide Deutz en die linkeroewer van die Ryn (steek die Hochenzollern-brug oor vanaf Altstadt) Op sy 29ste verdieping het dit 'n uitsigterras Panorama, wat teen 'n redelike redelike bedrag per hysbak beskikbaar is. Die terras het 'n glas rondom vir beide veiligheidsdoeleindes en om die name van verskillende landmerke wat u daaruit kan sien, uit te stal. As u regtig goeie foto's wil neem, kan u 'n lap lap by u hê om die glas vingerafdrukke en so skoon te maak. Die uitsigterras is gesluit tydens slegte weer (soos storm of hael). Toegang is € 3 vir 'n enkele persoon, elke ekstra lid van dieselfde party betaal slegs € 2.
  • 58 Tanzbrunnen.
  • 59 Rheinpark.
  • 60 Alt St. Heribert.
  • 61 Neu St. Heribert.
  • 62 Joodse begraafplaas.
  • 63 maxCologne.
  • 64 Lanxess Arena.
  • 65 Koelnmesse (suidelike ingang op die kaart gemerk - uitgang vanaf die Koeln Deutz / Messe treinstasie in die rigting van die Messe en volg die tekens).
  • 66 Rheinhallen.
  • 67 Messeturm Köln.
  • 68 Bahnhof Köln-Deutz. Die historiese gebou van die stasie wat nou bekend staan ​​as Köln Messe / Deutz is an interesting piece of architectural heritage many visitors to Cologne miss as they exit the station on the fairgrounds side.
  • 69 St. Johannes church.
  • 70 Düxer Bock.
  • 71 Cuirassier Monument.
  • 72 Deutzer Drehbrücke.
  • 73 ESSO Station An der Kölnarena. You may wonder what's so special about a gas station, but you will understand once you see its 1950s architecture with the unique structured roof and learn that it is the oldest gas station in Cologne in continuous operation.
  • 74 Deutzer Freiheit. The main shopping street of Deutz, with not only retail opportunities but also many historic buildings along the way.



Cologne's strong side is its cultural life. For latest information on what is happening around in town, get the StadtRevue for €2, Kölner for €2 or Live for free.

  • Kölner Philharmonie Central concert hall. Opened in 1986. Main season September to June. Special summer shows.
  • Oper Köln Operas are performed in the Staatenhaus while the opera building is being renovated. Season starts in Mid-September.
  • Stadtgarten, Venloer Straße 42 (U-bahn to Friesenplatz, walk 5 minutes). Concert centre for jazz and contemporary music, with a cafe and restaurant inside and a large beer garden outside which dates back to at least the 1950s. (Also the site of a great Christmas market.)
  • Kölner Seilbahn, Riehler Straße 180, 49 221 547-4183. Apr-Oct 10:00-18:00. Take a ride with the Aerial tramway across Rhine river. Adult one way €4.50, return €6.50; child (aged 4–12) one way €2.50, return €3.70.
  • Kölner Zoo (Cologne Zoo), Riehler Straße 173, . Summer: 09:00-18:00, winter: 09:00-17:00, aquarium: 09:00-18:00. Adult €17.50, teenager or student €12, child (aged 4–12) €8.50 (2013).
  • 1 Phantasialand, . 09:00-18:00 (20:00 until late August), rides open at 10:00, ticket office closes at 16:00. Berggeiststr. 31-41 in the town of Brühl; Phantasialand is a fun place for children and has some fun rides for adults too. Even the Colorado Adventure roller coaster was sponsored by Michael Jackson. Bring passports for proof of age. Children below 4 & birthday children free, children 4-11 yr & seniors 60 €35, adults 12-up €46.50 (2017). Phantasialand (Q819530) op Wikidata Phantasialand op Wikipedia
  • Metropolis Cinema, Ebertplatz 19, 49 221 722436. 15.00-24.00. If you want to go to the movies while visiting Cologne and you don't know German, this small cinema is for you. It shows movies in their native language, but mostly English. (However, most other cinemas will also show English versions several times a week, so check the listings.)
  • Aqualand
  • Fishing in the Rhine
  • Watch football, i.e. soccer, at 1. FC Köln. They were promoted in 2019 and now play in Bundesliga, the top tier of German football. Their home ground is the RheinEnergieStadion (formerly Müngersdorfer Stadion), capacity 46,000. It's 4 km west of city centre on Aachener Strasse; take a tram or bus towards Müngersdorf.


  • 1 Christmas Market (Weinachtsmarket): , Neumarkt. One of the most famous Christmas markets, and a visit highlight for everyone who loves over-the-top Christmas ambient. The 2020 edition has been cancelled because of the COVID-19 outbreak in Germany. (date needs fixing)
COLOUR Cologne party at the 2008 Cologne Pride
  • Cologne Gay Pride (Christopher Street Day): . – Cologne Pride is a large gay pride festival held in Cologne annually on the Heumarkt square. The event showcases music, a candle light vigil remembering those with HIV/AIDS, and on the final day of the festival a large parade is held. Up to a million people have attended the events. (date needs fixing)
  • Kölner Lichter (Cologne Lights): . A fireworks display on the Rhine lights up the sky between the Hohenzollern and Zoo bridges. (date needs fixing)
  • Karneval: . The biggest festivity in Cologne is the Winter carnival (or Fastelovend) in February. According to the official Cologne tourism website, "Its highlight is the street carnival taking place from Weiberfastnacht (the Thursday before Ash Wednesday, traditionally the day on which women take control of the city) to Karnevalsdienstag (Shrove Tuesday). On Rosenmontag (Shrove Monday) more than one and a half million people line Cologne's streets to watch the parade with the mad triad – the prince, farmer, and virgin – every year." Q262577 op Wikidata (date needs fixing)


  • KD Rhine River Cruise, Frankenwerft 35, 49 221 208 83 18. Departure times: Daily: 10:30, 12:00, 14:00, 18:00; Köln-Düsseldorf offers cruises of the Rhine river around the Cologne area with an explanation of landmarks. €6.80.
  • Stattreisen e.V., 49 221 7325113. This non-profit organization offers excellent tours of Cologne, led by volunteers. The prices are moderate and there is a huge list of tours, including (besides the more regular tours) Koelsch tours (for testing the breweries) or language lessons in the local dialect (again, in a brewery). Ask for English tours, some guides are willing to conduct a normally German tour in English.
  • Rickshaws: environmentally friendly city tours. Rickshaws are exotic and environmentally friendly tricycles, that bring slowly and safely their passengers to their destination. By Rickshaw you will discover Cologne’s points of interest in a comfortable way.

Spa and massage

Beauty and spa treatments are popular in Cologne.

In typical German style, all sauna areas (referred to as Saunalandschaften, i.e. Sauna landscapes) are mixed (apart from the odd Damentag) and that bathing costumes are banned from them for hygienic reasons. Yup. Starkers, everybody.

Do take a bathrobe (to keep you from the cold outside the saunas) and a large towel (to put under you in the saunas, no sweating on the wood, please) with you, though.

Do not draw hasty conclusions either: mixed nudity does not make those places dens of sin, quite the contrary. Nudity is considered as the only appropriate outfit in saunas, and it all happens in a disciplined, wholesome, safe and respectful atmosphere. Possibly one of the highest forms of German civilisation one can experience.

Gawkers and bathing costume-wearers will be expelled by the staff without qualms, so don't even think you can get away with playing the tourist who didn't know, it won't make a difference.

That very matter-of factly, unerotic approach to mixed nudity may well turn out to be a revelation to many visitors open-minded enough to give it a try and go with the flow.


  • Claudius Therme. Large spa with pool and lots of different saunas (indoors and outdoors) next to the Rhine, north of Deutz.
  • Mauritius Therme. Decent Saunalanschaft in a hotel south of Neumarkt.
  • Mediterana. 11 saunas and a huge pool, in Bergisch Gladbach, East of Cologne.
  • monte mare Bedburg. Large spa in the west of Cologne.
  • Neptunbad. In the popular area of Ehrenfeld in an old renovated bath, to which an attractive "sauna landscape" in Japanese style on two levels has been added. Also a comprehensive fitness center.
  • Saunas in public swimming pools. Some of the public swimming pools managed by the Cologne city council, notably Agrippabad, do have small Saunalandschaften too, all featuring a Damentag (ladies only day).


  • Ananda Tantra Massage and Coaching, Frankfurter Str. 40, 49 221 6086585. Daily 09:00-21:00. Tantra massage, coaching and workshops, an open minded and liberal attitude essential because the massages include sexually sensitive body parts, however, no sexual services are given by the team of 30 female and male employees.
  • Sukon - Thai Art Of Massage. Traditional Thai massage institute, in the city center. Thai native massage therapists practise in the 160m² Thai-styled studio: original royal massage, aroma oil massage and foot massage. This place does not offer any erotic massages.


The main shopping street of Cologne is the Schildergasse, extending from the Neumarkt. The Schildergasse, Neumarkt, and pedestrianized side streets extending from them (in particular the Hohe Straße leading towards the Dom) host department stores, boutiques and other high-profile (and, often, high-price) retail establishments. For young fashion, also try Ehrenstraße.

Department stores

  • 1 Galeria Kaufhof. Germany's largest department store chain and direct descendant of the mighty Leonhard Tietz AG has its flagship store in Cologne, where it is headquartered (although the headquarter offices have now moved to a different, modern building in Altstadt-Sued). The original 19th-century Tietz department store on the Schildergasse has been expanded with a "modern" part in the 1950s, including a multi-storey parking, facing the Caecilienstraße and now fills the entire huge block. You can find everything there, from apparel to groceries.
  • 2 Karstadt. Kaufhof's main competitor situated themselves in a modern shopping centre north of Neumarkt, over the Zeppelinstraße.

High-end fashion

Although it is Duesseldorf that brands itself as the German capital of fashion, Cologne's Altstadt also features a wide range of high-end fashion stores with a selection of top German and global brands.

  • 3 Franz Sauer, Minoritenstraße 13.
  • 4 Apropos, Mittelstraße 3. Features a Gucci brand store.
  • 5 La Belle Modehaus, Mittelstraße 20.
  • 6 Modehaus Elscheidt, Benesisstraße 36.
  • 7 Boutique 69, Pfeilstraße 31-35.


There is an abundance of record stores in Cologne, but most are hidden in non-tourist quarters.

  • For a mainstream record store, go to Saturn, which opened in 1961 and certainly has the largest CD (and DVD) collection in the region. To pre-listen a record, hold it under one of the scanners spread throughout the shop. Always worth a visit. Subway and Regional Train from central station: Hansaring. The (office) building is from 1925 and was briefly the highest house in Europe (65 meters). A smaller Saturn shop is on the top floor of Galeria Kaufhof (listed above).
  • Independent record stores are spread around Saturn: Cross the street for 2nd hand and punk, follow the "Ring" (boulevard) north, and you will find Jazz, Electro and HipHop at Schallschock record store. Famous alternative music-store Normal is south of Saturn, as well as Underdog Record Store (specialized in Alternative Rock, Emo, Garage and related matters) Subway and Regional Train from central station: Hansaring
  • For electronic music, get off at Friesenplatz, and go to groove attack in Maastrichter street. Also famous is Kompakt record store. Both are connected to a label sharing the name, and putting out fine German electronic music. Subway: Friesenplatz


  • 8 Mayersche Buchhandlung, Neumarkt 2, 50667, Köln (Tram stop "Neumarkt"), 49 221 203070, . Mo - Sa: 09:30 - 20:00; Closed Su. The largest bookstore in Cologne; they stock a huge selection of books including sections in English and other languages. Also a wide selection of postcards.
  • On "Ehrenstraße", you will find cheap and arty books, take a look at "Buchhandlung König" at the eastern end, buy art books at well known "Taschen" at the corner of Ehrenstraße and the Ring. Taschen was founded in Cologne in 1980 and is headquartered here.
  • Travel books are bought best at "Gleumes", between Zülpicher Platz and Rudolfplatz. They have only maps and travel books, but these from around the world.
  • Books in English - "English Books and Tea", Auf dem Rothenberg 9a, in the old town, stocks a wide range of new and secondhand books in English. It also offers a choice of teas and conversation and invaluable tourist orientation - all in English.
  • Honorable mention: "Cafe Goldmund" in Ehrenfeld. A very cozy corner-café with all walls lined with bookshelves. You can buy every (second hand) book after you finnished flipping through it while you enjoyed your drinks for a small tip. Also hosts small music and poetry events. Glasstraße 2, right next to the S-Bahn station "Ehrenfeld".


Cologne has a wide variety of restaurants, German and otherwise, as a glance in the colored pages of the local telephone book will illustrate.

Restaurant at Fischmarkt/Frankenwerft: Ständige Vertretung.

Traditional scene

One can eat pretty well in most traditional-style Kölsch restaurants, and in fact as a visitor, you should try some of the local food, which is quite rustic, but tasty, hearty fare.

The brewery taps (Früh, Sion, Pfaffen, Malzmühle, etc., in the old town south of the Dom) are worth taking note of to that respect, although they tend to be expensive for what you get.

Places out of the way such as Schreckenskammer and Max Stark (north of the train station, the former being within crawling distance of the Station Backpackers Hostel), Päffgen (Friesenstraße) and both of Cologne independent brewpubs (Hellers Brauhaus on Roonstraße and Braustelle in Ehrenfeld) offer cheaper, better food that the old town tourist traps. Besides, most of these places have tons of atmosphere, which doesn't hurt!

You may also experience the deadly dry wit of the Köbes (traditional name of the blue-clad waiters) in most of those places. If it happens to you, don't get upset, just enter the game, send the Köbes packing with a dig and a smile and you'll be all right.

You'll mostly find typical Rheinland dishes in those traditional Kneipen. Classics include:

  • Halver Hahn: nice big slab of Dutch gouda with a rye roll (Röggelchen)
  • Himmel und Äd mit Flönz: fried black pudding with mashed potatoes ("earth"), apple sauce ("heaven") and fried onions.
  • Soorbrode/Sauerbraten: joint marinated in vinegar with raisins, usually served with red cabbage and a kloss (potato dumpling). The joint may be beef or horsemeat, so you may want to ask first.
  • Dicke Bunne mit Speck: boiled white beans with hefty boiled bacon slices on top.
  • Schweinshaxe (grilled); Hämchen (cooked): pig's leg, usually a bit of a monster (ranges from 600 to 1400 g, including the bone)
  • Rievekoochen/Reibekuchen: flat fried potato cakes usually on offer once a week, and served with a variety of sweet or savoury toppings, which may include apple sauce, Rübenkraut (the beet-sourced equivalent to black treacle) or smoked salmon with horseradish cream.

Ethnic scene

If you are looking for a snack, you can either head for one of the Middle-Eastern or Asian places, or you can make use of the traditional fast food places like McDonald's, and Burger King. Italian restaurants in Cologne seem to attempt to aim for a higher quality than in the UK, though it is debatable whether they achieve it, and whether their prices (often 150-200% of UK prices) are justified. There are several Indian restaurants across the city, which serve a fair fare, though the visiting Brit may be slightly disappointed to find that German 'curry culture' is rather akin to that of the UK in the 1960s: menus are neither large and varied, nor regionalised and specialist, and although ingredients are fresh, the food without exception appears to be tamed-down for the conservative German palate and the cooks are rather hesitant to spice it up even if you ask for it. "Clay Oven" (Luxemburger Straße near Südbahnhof) and "Bombay" (near Eifelstraße tram station) do make a vindaloo that will satisfy the most hardy customer, though. Japanese and Thai restaurants are common; both are quite expensive.


  • Hauptbahnhof - the ground floor of the central train station has a good number of cheap eateries, which include Pizza Hut to kiosks selling sausages.
  • Falafel Habibi on Zülpicher Straße. They have two stores, which serve the same food (though sweetmeats may vary).
  • There is an abundance of Döner Kebab and similar takeaways around the town. Generally a lot of Turkish snack bar-style places can be found just north of the main station at Eigelstein, around Zülpicher Platz and in the Belgisches Viertel, with some excellent Lebanese and Persian takeaways further down Zülpicher Straße towards Südbahnhof. Probably best now (though expensive) is Oruc Döner on Kyffhäuserstraße (near Barbarossaplatz); while the kebab is quite good though not outstanding, their freshly baked pide bread is famous all over town. There are lots of Turkish restaurants and takeaways within Kalk, Mülheim and (mainly restaurants) in the Belgisches Viertel.
  • Borsalino, an Italian-style restaurant on Zülpicher Straße close to Zülpicher Platz. Very affordable prices.
  • 1 Don Camillo, Hildeboldplatz 1a, 49 221-138551. A small Italian tabula calde style restaurant. Coming from Hohenzollenring, head into Breite Straße/Ehrenstraße and take the first road to the left.


  • 2 El Inca. Görresstraße 2, near Rathenauplatz. Latin-American restaurant, open 18:00-24:00.
  • Johnny Turista, Rathenauplatz. Easy-going pub/restaurant offering snacks, hot dishes and a daily changing selection of tapas; prices are lower than in most tapas bars.
  • Selam. Ehrenfeldgürtel 91 (tram station Venloer Straße/Gürtel) Ethiopian restaurant, opens Tu-F at 17:00 and on weekends at 16:00. Good selection of mild and spicy Ethiopian dishes served on the traditional plate of injera bread.
  • Farmer's. Steakhouses with several branches on the Ring (near Friesenplatz), Wallrafplatz (near the Dom, off Hohe Straße), Kreuzgasse (off Schildergasse shopping street). At lunchtime they usually have a special, that will give you a square meal for €6-7.
  • 3 [formerly dead link]pepe, Antwerpener Straße 63 (near Stadtgarten and west of Friesenplatz). 18:00-02:00. Spanish style food, tapas and cocktails. Cool crowd, usually booked out after 19:00, make a reservation by phone or e-mail the day before.
  • 4 Unsichtbar, Luxemburger Straße 319a (at Sülzgürtel and Luxemburger Straße), 49 221 4210102. 18:00-00:00. "Unsichtbar" is a play of words. Literally it means "invisible", but the suffix "bar" also refers to being a bar. You will get your private butler, who is a blind person, and you eat in total darkness. You can choose your meal in a showroom and then your personal blind butler will lead you to the dark room where you have to smell, feel, maybe touch and of course eat your meal, but you won't see it. You'll have to refer to your butler about everything, whether going to the bathroom or refilling your glass. You are not allowed to smoke, use a cellphone or do anything else that could lighten up the room. The food on your plate is explained to you by using a clock-like system (e.g. "beans are on three o'clock"). It's an excursion into the world of blind people, who are supported this way, and a really good restaurant, too. For weekends you have to book around 13 weeks in advance, but during the week you'll get a free table (with a little luck).


  • 5 Landhaus Kuckuck, Olympiaweg 2 (near Müngersdorfer Stadion (Aachener Straße)). Tu-Sa 12:00-23:00; Su 12:00-18:00. Exquisite German, but also international meals.
  • 6 Fischers Weingenuss & Tafelfreuden, Hohenstaufenring 53 (between Zülpicher Platz and Rudolfplatz). Exquisite French-like and modern food, great arrangements of wine and cheese. After noon you can get (quite) cheap 2-way dishes of the day including water or a glass of wine. You have to book (quite early) in advance and a menu will be created on your wishes.


The flying buttresses and pinnacles of the Medieval east end of Cologne Cathedral

Typical Cologne beer is called "Kölsch" and served in bars around town in small glasses, called "Stangen", of 0.2 L. That way the beer is always fresh and cold. Don't worry, waiters will be fast to bring you a new one once your old one is (almost) finished. In more traditional bars and especially the breweries, the waiter (called "Köbes" in local language) will even hand you a fresh Kölsch without being asked, so it is easy to lose track of how much you drank. He will put a pencil line on your coaster for each beer that you drank, this will be the basis for your bill, so do not lose it! To stop the beer from coming, leave your glass almost half full until you have asked for the bill or put your coaster on top of your empty glass.

If you buy bottled Kölsch, take either Reissdorf, Früh, Gaffel or Mühlen, which are rated highest by Cologne citizens. Those looking for a beer with a little more bitterness might like to try Küppers (there are about 30 more brands).

There are so many bars and pubs to choose from that you could spend most of the night going from one bar to the next. A really great bar is the Irish Pub, Flanagan's, in Altstadt down below a building. Almost everybody speaks English in there if that's what you are looking for, and they have a really great Karaoke night on Sundays. The clientele is very friendly.For a comprehensive list, see this website, bars listed on the right.

  • For traditional breweries, head to the Altstadt around the Dom, where the Früh Kölsch brewery is the most famous with visitors and locals. You will find a younger crowd at Hellers Brauhaus on Roonstraße, near metro station Zülpicher Platz or Brauhaus Pütz on Engelbertstraße close to Rudolfplatz. Furthermore the Päffgen, on the all-bar street Friesenstraße close to the Friesenplatz, and the Mühlen near Heumarkt are traditional brewery pubs but less touristy than the "Früh". Also recommended is Sion, which is a lesser known brand, but hailed to be very good, although some beer enthusiasts have found it lacking character since 2007. Most Altstadt pubs are somewhat scorned as "tourist traps" by locals, however: prices here are usually higher than e.g. on Zülpicher Straße.
  • There are a lot of modern bars and lounges all around town. More mainstream ones are on Zülpicher Straße. For something more independent and funky on this street, try Umbruch (funky) or Stiefel (punky). The Low Budget on Aachener Straße next to Moltkestraße metro is a nice, unassuming, punky bar which features a fine selection of drinks and often hosts concerts, poetry or cabaret sessions.
  • A lot of stylish places are in the so-called Belgian quarter between Aachener Straße and the Ring, e.g. famous M20 or the Hallmackenreuther.
  • A secret Tip are the Bars of the alternative Szene in Cologne. Those you may find the most in Ehrenfeld, like the "Sonic Ballroom", and in the Südstadt, for instance the "Tsunami Club" and the little pub "Lotta", but also in the famous Kwartier Lateng, which is near the University of Cologne, around the Barbarossaplatz, at the Zülpicher Straße and the Kyffhäuser Straße. If you are searching for something more rough, you may find some nice places to rock and roll, on the Schäl Sick in the cityparts Kalk, east from the Kölnarena, like the little Trash Chic bar in the Wiersbergstreet, and in Mülheim, north from the Kölner Messe the little St. Pauli fanszene pub called "Limes", at the Mülheimer Freiheit street, near the Wiener Platz. But, this places are better to be known visited by the younger and not so rich people. So take care of your pockets.
  • Cafe Oscar (Oscar Bar & Cafe), Hohenstaufenring 25 (at the Zulpicher Platz S-Bahn stop). Awesome Italian restaurant that has a long running special of cheap cocktails after 17:00 most nights, and pizza and pasta dishes for €3-4 daily before 18:00. Great place for lunch or an early dinner, and also a good base to kick off a night out. Staff are very friendly and generally speak English, and the food is excellent, as are the cocktails.


Brauhaus Früh am Dom


  • Alter Wartesaal. Nifty bar and disco beside the central station: various events & exclusive parties.
  • Club Bahnhof Ehrenfeld & YUCA („Your Urban Club of Arts“), Bartholomäus-Schink-Straße 65/67 (at the S-Bahn station "Ehrenfeld", and close to U-Bahn stop "Venloer Straße/Gürtel"). Club complex in Ehrenfeld. Parties and concerts. Devoted to a variety of international styles including hip-hop, jazz and Latin music.
  • Bootshaus, Auenweg 173 (right side of the river near the Zoobrücke bridge). Serious clubbing. In an old harbor storage facility, but very modern inside. One of Germany's top clubs.
  • Gebäude 9, Deutz-Mülheimer Strasse 127. Concerts. International flavor. Alternative crowd. Quite popular. Inside a defunct factory site on the right bank of the river.
  • Die Werkstatt. Houses clubs and concerts in an industrial area in Ehrenfeld.
  • Subway. Various parties from Hip Hop, Electro to Indie music with a hip but laid back audience (Moltkestraße metro - next to Rudolfplatz).
  • Blue Shell, Luxemburger Str. 32. Small old dance and night club, loud and crowded. Rock concerts, music contests, poetry slams, parties, bar sounds.
  • Artheater, Ehrenfeldgürtel 127. Ehrenfeld club. Not a great building but the clubbing area is fine. Club books good DJs and artists. In walking distance of Club Bahnhof Ehrenfeld.
  • Bar Orange - on Sudermannplatz, near Ebertplatz. Great atmosphere and great cocktails, or just a beer and a lively chat with Milan, the resident philosopher, or Rainer and Arash, experts on local goings on.
  • Blue Lounge Party. Every third Saturday, at the Bürgerhaus Stollwerck in Dreikönigenstraße 23. Starts at 22:00, tickets €5. Percussion, Brazil, balearic and deep house, techno, trance. A must for people who like this kind of music.
  • #TAUSEND Bar. Aachener Straße 57 (Moltkestraße metro): various events & music, nice bar styled by design students from the Köln International School of Design (KISD).
  • 3Klang. On Ehrenfeldgürtel 127, metro station Venloer Str./Gürtel. Every third Friday, 22:00-05:00.
  • Blue Lounge Bar. On Mathiasstraße, lesbian bar. Off-shoot of the very successful party mentioned above.
  • Basswerk Session, bi-monthly, the second Saturday at Gebäude 9, Deutz-Mülheimer Straße 127-129 (tram 3 or 4, stop at KölnMesse/Osthallen), 23:00–05:00. Long-running and popular drum 'n' bass party in a defunct funky factory hall. Resident DJs often invite renowned guest DJs from the international d'n'b fringe. Alternates bi-monthly with the similar "Phonogenic" party in the same venue.
  • Art of House Party. Once a month, the second or third Saturday at Stadtgarten in Venloer Straße 40 (Hans-Böckler Platz metro): nice and really crowded house party, guests around 25.
  • Funky Chicken Club. Every Friday at Opernterassen next to the opera (Appellhofplatz metro): Cologne House Party in a beautiful venue, always crowded, good House and Electronic Music.
  • Apropo. Good parties on Fridays and Saturdays with Soul, Funk, Disco and Hip Hop, a cosy venue in Im Dau 17 (Ulrepforte or Severinstraße metro) easy guests from 20 years on.
  • Sixpack In the vibrant Belgisches Viertel (Aachener Straße 33 - next to Rudolfplatz) you should be aware to wait long or even get rejected especially at a late hour. Mixed music from Electro to Indie with a huge variety of bottled beer.


Cologne is an internationally important trade fair city, with expansive fairgrounds in Deutz. The hotel rates rise multi-fold during important fairs. If you do not have to, try not staying in Cologne during those. Alternatively, you can try finding accommodation in Dusseldorf, which is a short train ride away and is usually not affected by the rate hikes (but has its own trade fair calendar, so mind it as well).

For accommodation services the city of Cologne charges an extra 5%-levy Kulturförderabgabe, which is included in your bills.Non-tourists, i. e. those who did not voluntarily chose to head for Cologne, can get the taxes reimbursed.


  • Campingplatz der Stadt Köln. Rhineside camping site with a view of the Dom and city centre, the low drone of the nearby highway bridge does distract from the otherwise peaceful locality. It is right by a cycle and walking trail into the city and is an ideal family site (although there aren't many activities for children), rates are very reasonable and the owner speaks English. Getting to the site is a little difficult, take the tram/train to Rodenkirchen and walk over the bridge, when on the other side turn downriver and the campsite is on the right, there is a restaurant nearby. Adult €6.50.
  • Camping Berger. Another Rhine-side camping site, nearer public transport. With 125 spaces, supermarket, playground and a restaurant. Rates are reasonable (€7.50 for adult per night).


  • 1 Station Hostel, Marzellenstraße 40-48 (across from the main station). Basic rooms and facilities and the breakfast is extra but good value nonetheless. They also have storage lockers (deposit) if you want to keep your valuables somewhere safe.
  • 2 Jugendherberge Köln-Deutz, Siegesstraße 5 (near railway station;), 49 221 814711, .
  • 3 Hostel 404, Neusser Straße 404.
  • 4 Black Sheep Hostel, Barbarossaplatz 1 (four stops by subway 16/18 to Barbarossaplatz; ticket:Kurzstrecke). Creative new hostel in the middle of nightlife - small breakfast included. There are female only dormitories, but no male only dormitories.
  • 5 Weltempfänger, Venloer Straße 196 (next to Piusstraße subway station). In a relaxed and bohemian neighbourhood, the hostel has got a nice bar and friendly staff.
  • 6 Die Wohngemeinschaft, Richard-Wagner-Str. 39 (short walk from Rudolfplatz), 49 0221 98593090. 16 rooms. Also has a busy, comfortable bar and a small theatre. Not far from two nightlife areas to the north (around Brüsseler Platz) and south (around Zülpicher Straße). There are female only dormitories, but no male only dormitories.
  • 7 Köln City Appartments, Heumarkt 59, 49 163-6610004, . 30 m² newly renovated great bright rooms, bathroom and toilet are separated. There are 7 apartments available. 10 minutes to the fair and the Cologne main station. €17.
  • M King Hotel, Kalker Hauptstrasse 233 (next to Kalk Kapelle U-bahn station), 49 21180262727, 49 1634611710, . Inboek: 14:00, uitteken: 11:00. Rabbit-hutched sized rooms but with private facilities, nicely-decorated & spotlessly clean. Single, €31.


  • 8 Ameron Hotel Ascot Cologne, Hohenstaufenring 95-97, 49 221 952-9650, . This 4-star hotel in the city centre, not far away from the cathedral and a 5-minutes walk from the Friesen quarter. Single from €80, double from €100 (incl breakfast buffet).
  • 9 Esplanade Hotel, Hohenstaufenring 56, 49 221 921-5570, . This privately-run, 3-star hotel is 2 km from the cathedral and a 10-minute walk from Friesenstraße. Single from €90, double from €120 (incl breakfast buffet).
  • 10 Meininger City Hostel, Engelbertstraße 33-35 (near Zülpicher Platz).
  • 11 NH Koeln Mediapark, Im Mediapark 8b, 49 221 27150. From €72.70.
  • 12 Wyndham Koeln (formerly Best Western Grand City, Four Points by Sheraton), Breslauer Platz 2, 49 221 16510, fax: 49 221 165-1333. The hotel's building is anything but pretty and the room appointments somewhat outdated, but this is made up for with free Wi-Fi and a convenient location. €61.
  • 13 Drei Könige am Dom, Marzellenstraße 58-60. €85.
  • 14 Königshof Swiss Quality Hotel, Richartzstraße 14-16, 49 221 257-8771, fax: 49 221 257 87 62, . 3-star hotel 500 m away from the railway station and 13 km from the airport.
  • 15 Leonardo Hotel Köln Bonn Airport (formerly the Holiday Inn Cologne-Bonn Airport), Waldstraße 255, 49 220 35610, . Within walking distance of the airport (unless you have a lot of luggage), but they run a shuttle. Park-and-fly packages also offered. Sometimes you can find a decently-priced room here when prices in town go through the roof. Nothing but the airport in walking distance. €99-250.


  • 16 Cologne Marriott Hotel (Köln Marriott Hotel), Johannisstraße 76-80, 49 221 942220, . Inboek: 15:00, uitteken: 12:00. A short walk from the railway station, the Cologne Marriott is modern and personal. Rooms are big and well appointed. There is an in-house restaurant and breakfast venue, Cast Iron Grill. The Executive lounge (6th floor) with breakfast, dinner and drinks is worth paying the extra for. €130-200.
  • 17 Hilton Cologne, Marzellenstraße 13-17 (200 m from central station), 49 221 130710, . Inboek: 15:00, uitteken: 12:00. Modern Hilton hotel in the centre, convenient for sightseeing. Prices go through the roof during trade fairs in Deutz. €115-400.
  • 18 Hyatt Regency Cologne, Kennedy-Ufer 2A (in the old town), 49 221 828-1234, . 5-star hotel. 306 rooms and suites with views of the River Rhine. Host to gourmet restaurant "Graugans", 13 conference rooms and a spa.
  • 19 Im Wasserturm, Kaygasse 2, 49 221 200 80. A luxury hotel built inside of a 130-year-old water tower. It has a designer interior and a rooftop restaurant with panoramic views. Price: €180-840 per night
  • 20 Pullman Cologne. Some rooms feature Nespresso machines and a glass partition between bedroom and bathroom. The top-level bar George M offers sweeping vistas of Cologne from its 12th-floor location.
  • 21 Radisson Blu Cologne, Messe Kreisel 3, 49 221 277 200. Restaurant, bar, gym, spa.
  • 22 Savoy. A family-run 5-star hotel with a huge spa area and a very nice rooftop bar. It's very close to the main station (exit Breslauer Platz, turn left, ~100 m) and has very good weekend offers. Known as the place of choice for many (German and international) celebrities.

Stay safe

Criminal activity in Cologne is similar to other big cities. Tourists should take normal safety precautions, particularly in the city centre, where pickpockets are known to be active. Also, be careful on the Ring, which is full of clubs and night-time crowds in the streets. Day and night be careful in outlying neighbourhoods like Chorweiler, Porz, Seeberg, Ostheim, Bocklemünd, Ossendorf, and Vingst. In general, stay away from drunk people. At street crossings, watch the trams.


Wi-Fi access

  • Since 2014 free city Wi-Fi ("WLAN" in German) is available in many public spaces and in public buildings. To use it you must find a signal (for a map follow the link), tick a box and click past two messages.
  • Free Wi-Fi is also available in many bars, restaurants and cafes.
  • The free Wi-Fi on ICE trains and at the station identifies itself as "Telekom".
  • Telekom HotSpot. Commercial (fast) Wi-Fi service. A "HotSpot Pass" costs €4.95 a day.


Religious services

Holy mass in Catholic churches near to the central station:

  • Dom, Domkloster 3 (next to the central station). Su 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 12:00, 17:00, 18:30; M-Sa 06:30, 07:15, 08:00, 09:00, 18:30
  • St. Andreas, Komödienstr. 8. Su 09:00, 11:00, 18:00; M-F 12:05; Sa 09:00, 17:00
  • St. Mariä Himmelfahrt, Marzellenstr. 26. Su 11:00; W Th 10:30; Sa 17:00, 18:30
  • Minoritenkirche, Kolpingplatz 5. Su 09:00, 11:00, 16:00; Tu-F 99:00

Gaan volgende

  • Bonn — the former capital of West Germany is due south and easy to reach by train or Stadtbahn (Regional Express 5; MittelRheinBahn MRB 48; U-Bahn line 16 and 18; also ICEs, ICs, and EC's ).
  • Brühl — almost a suburb of Cologne, contains the Augustusburg Palace which has been placed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The palace is one of the key works of Balthasar Neuman, and contains one of the finest Rococo interiors in the world, the highlight being the main staircase. Also in the grounds is the magnificent hunting Lodge of Falkenslust. Brühl can be easily reached by train in around 20 minutes from Cologne. The theme park of Phantasialand is also in Brühl.
  • Düsseldorf
  • Königswinter — A small town reachable by train.
  • Ruhr (Ruhrgebiet) — If you are interested in heavy industry this might be a worthwhile trip. It is about 100 km north of Cologne. The region, which was the center of mountain (coal and steel) industry in Germany, is going through a structural transformation and proudly presents its industrial past on the Industrial Heritage Trail [1].
  • Zülpich — a small town southwest of Cologne dating from Roman times. It has a newly opened museum centered on Roman baths and bathing culture. It is also a gateway to the forested hills of the Eifel region.


Due to Cologne's proximity to the German-Belgian-Dutch border, weekend trips to foreign destinations are easy to arrange. Thalys operates high speed trains to Paris en Brussels, and Deutsche Bahn to Amsterdam, making each city only a few hours away. You can also travel to Maastricht (a city in the Netherlands with a beautiful city centre where the Maastricht Treaty of the European Union was signed in 1992) for a low cost by taking a train to Aachen then by bus to Maastricht – See: Aachen#From The Netherlands for details. (Direct buses are available to the same destinations but will take longer.)

Routes through Cologne
BruxellesAachen Paris Thalys.svg Dortmund DüsseldorfDuisburg
DuisburgDüsseldorf Dortmund ICE-Logo.svg Munich Frankfurt AirportFrankfurt
END Cologne ICE-Logo.svg Berlin DüsseldorfHanover
END Cologne ICE-Logo.svg Basel Siegburg/BonnFrankfurt
DuisburgDüsseldorf Amsterdam ICE-Logo.svg Frankfurt Frankfurt AirportFrankfurt
LiègeAachen Brussels ICE-Logo.svg Frankfurt Frankfurt AirportFrankfurt
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