Berlyn - Berlin

Vir ander plekke met dieselfde naam, sien Berlyn (onduidelikheid).

Brandenburghek (Brandenburger Tor)

Berlyn is die hoofstad van Duitsland en mede-uitgebreid met die Land van Berlyn, een van die 16 federale state waaruit die Federale Republiek Duitsland bestaan. Met 'n bevolking van 3,8 miljoen (2019) (en 'n miljoen meer in 'voorstede' soos Potsdam oor die staatslyn in Brandenburg), Berlyn is Duitsland se grootste stad. Die fokus op en oorheersing van Berlyn as hoofstad is en was histories baie swakker as dié van Londen, Parys of Madrid, nie in die minste vanweë die federale aard van Duitsland en die verwoestende oorlog en verdeling wat die stad veroorsaak het

Berlyn is in baie opsigte ongewoon onder Europese hoofstede en die vier dekades van verdeling - 28 jaar dat hulle fisies deur 'n muur geskei is - het ook spore getrap. In die vroeë 18de eeu was Berlyn bloot 'n kraanwaterstad, en het in die 1920's tot een van die belangrikste en grootste stede in die wêreld gegroei, maar verloor baie van sy belangrikheid en historiese argitektuur as gevolg van Tweede Wereldoorlog en Duitse partisie. Die hart van ouds Pruise en 'n fokuspunt van die Koue Oorlog, Berlyn kom vandag weer tot sy reg as 'n kosmopolitiese hoofstad van een van die rykste lande in Europa. "Arm aber sexy" (arm maar sexy) soos 'n voormalige burgemeester dit wil hê, lok Berlyn jongmense, studente en 'n kreatiewe bohème soos min ander stede in die wêreld. Met argitektoniese erfenis van Pruisiese monargisme, Nazisme, Oos-Duitse kommunisme en Potsdamer PlatzBerlyn se argitektuur is gevul met glaspaleise uit die 1990's en 2000's, nadat dit 'n 'leë doek' was as gevolg van die muur, en so uiteenlopend soos sy woonbuurte en sy inwoners. En as gevolg van sy lang geskiedenis as 'n kosmopolitaanse hoofstad (eers van Pruise en later van Duitsland) lok dit immigrante van oor die hele wêreld vir meer as driehonderd jaar, wat steeds hul eie merke in die stad laat.

Berlyn is 'n wêreldstad van kultuur, politiek, media en wetenskap. Die ekonomie is gebaseer op hoëtegnologiese ondernemings en die dienstesektor, 'n verskeidenheid kreatiewe bedrywe, navorsingsfasiliteite en mediakorporasies. Belangrike sektore sluit ook IT, biotegnologie, konstruksie en elektronika in. Berlyn is die tuiste van wêreldbekende universiteite, orkeste, museums en vermaaklokale, en is gasheer vir baie sportbyeenkomste. Die Dieretuin is die mees besoekte dieretuin in Europa en een van die gewildste wêreldwyd. Met die wêreld se oudste grootskaalse filmstudiokompleks in die nabygeleë Babelsberg, is Berlyn 'n al hoe gewilder plek vir internasionale filmproduksies. Die stad is bekend vir sy feeste, naglewe, kontemporêre kuns en 'n baie hoë lewensgehalte.


Berlyn kan gesien word as 'n groep sentrums. Berlyn het baie distrikte (Bezirke), en elke stad bestaan ​​uit verskillende plekke (Kiez of Viertel) - elkeen van hierdie stadsdele en plekke het hul unieke styl. Sommige stadsdele in Berlyn is die aandag van 'n besoeker meer waardig as ander. Berlyn was vroeër in 23 stadsdele verdeel, en hierdie stadsdele word in Wikivoyage gebruik, aangesien dit die belangrikste is in gewilde opvattings oor die stad en nuttig is om besoekers te weet. In Januarie 2001 is die aantal distrikte vir administratiewe doeleindes van 23 tot 12 verminder - meestal deur die samevoeging van ou stadsdele - soms oor die binnekant van die Berlynse grens. Die distrikte kan ongeveer in agt distrikte gegroepeer word:

52 ° 30′0 ″ N 13 ° 25′12 ″ O
Distrikte van Berlyn

 Mitte (Mitte, Tiergarten)
Die 'hart' van Berlyn, 'Mitte' kan vertaal word as 'middelpunt'. Behalwe vir baie historiese belangrike besienswaardighede, is daar ook baie kafees, restaurante, museums, galerye en klubs in die distrik.
 Stad Wes (Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, Schöneberg, Friedenau, Moabit, Hansaviertel)
Dit was vroeër die stedelike hart van Wes-Berlyn met Kurfürstendamm (Ku'damm) en Trauenzienstraße, nog steeds die belangrikste winkelgebiede. Terwyl die partytjie sedertdien ooswaarts verhuis het, is daar uitstekende restaurante en hotelle, asook die Olimpiese stadion en Schloss Charlottenburg.
 Oos Sentraal (Friedrichshain, Kreuzberg, Prenzlauer Berg, Wedding)
Kreuzberg, wat bestaan ​​uit histories uiteenlopende woonbuurte, was in die Weste, maar 'omring' deur die muur en het linkses, goedkoop skate en ontevredenheid getrek, waaronder 'n groot plakkertoneel wat gereeld met die polisie gebots het. Friedrichshain het ook plakkers gehad na hereniging, terwyl 'Prenzlberg' 'n baie meer ontspanne woonbuurt. Vandag is al die gebiede vermaaklik, of reeds verontrust, maar daar is steeds talle kafees, klubs en kroeë.
 Reinickendorf en Spandau (Spandau, Reinickendorf)
Spandau en Reinickendorf is pragtige ou dorpies wat baie ruimer voel as die middestad. Soms kan hulle 'n wêreld voel, behalwe "behoorlik Berlyn". As u die gemiddelde Berliner vra - en selfs baie Spandauers - sal hulle vir u sê Spandau is nie eintlik Berlyn nie.
 Oos (Lichtenberg, Hohenschönhausen, Marzahn, Hellersdorf, Weißensee, Pankow)
Die museum op die terrein van die oorgawe aan die Sowjetleër in 1945 is van belang, net soos die voormalige Stasi-gevangenis, 'n noodsaaklike besoek vir almal wat in Oos-Duitse geskiedenis belangstel. Marzahn-Hellersdorf se reputasie dat hy 'n groot versameling dowwe hoë woonstelblokke is, is onverdiend omdat dit die tuiste is van die "Gardens of the World", 'n groot park waar u verskillende etniese style van tuinontwerp kan verken.
 Steglitz-Zehlendorf (Steglitz, Zehlendorf)
Die Suidwestelike hoek van Berlyn, 'n taamlike burgerlike en relatief yl bevolkte gebied met maklike toegang tot Potsdam.
 Tempelhof en Neukölln (Tempelhof, Neukölln)
Die vinnig-versagtende noordelike dele van Neukölln loop nou soomloos oor na Oos-Sentraal, en Tempelhof staan ​​steeds bekend as die plek van 'die moeder van alle lughawens' (nou 'n park).
 Treptow-Köpenick (Treptow, Köpenick)
Die suidoostelike hoek, bekend vir die Hauptmann von Köpenick.



Die begin

Die gebied is heel waarskynlik eers deur Slawiërs gevestig voordat Duitssprekende immigrante in die 11de en 12de eeu aangekom het. Die vroegste bewyse van nedersettings in die gebied van wat tans Berlyn is, is 'n houtstaaf wat dateer uit ongeveer 1192 en oorblyfsels van houthuise dateer uit 1174 wat in 'n opgrawing in 2012 in Berlynse Mitte gevind is. Die eerste geskrewe verslae van dorpe in die omgewing van die huidige Berlyn dateer uit die laat 12de eeu. Spandau word die eerste keer in 1197 genoem en Köpenick in 1209, hoewel hierdie gebiede eers in 1920 deel van Berlyn geword het (sien hieronder). Die kern van Berlyn was twee dorpe: Berlyn (nou bekend as die Nikolaiviertel naby Alexanderplatz), wat as 'n Slawiese stad begin het, en Cölln, wat Germaans van oorsprong was, wat die museum-eiland geword het. Alhoewel die etimologie van "Berlyn" nie heeltemal duidelik is nie (die beer in die wapen is te danke aan 'n verstaanbare verkeerde aanname wat Middeleeuse Duitssprekendes gemaak het), word dit waarskynlik gekoppel aan 'n Slawiese woord vir moeras. So ja, die hoofstad van Duitsland was letterlik in 'n moeras gebou. Die jaar 1237 (die eerste vermelding van Cölln in amptelike verslae) is die basis vir die viering van die 750-jaar in 1987 en sal waarskynlik gebruik word as verwysingspunt vir toekomstige herdenkings.

Die gebied het bekend geword as Berlyn-Cölln en was 'n woning vir die kiesers van Brandenburg, maar dit het relatief klein gebly. Ongeveer die helfte van die inwoners van Berlyn het as gevolg van die Dertigjarige Oorlog (1618-1648). Die oorlog - wat ook ander Hohenzollern-domeine verwoes het - het gelei tot 'n kenmerkende Hohenzollern-beleid om godsdienstige vlugtelinge toe te laat en selfs aan te moedig om na die gebied te immigreer. Die beleid is die eerste keer afgekondig deur 'groot keurvors' Frederic William (Friedrich Wilhelm, regeer 1640-1688), wat ook die neiging van die heersende Pruise om Friedrich, Wilhelm of albei genoem te word, gekonsolideer het, tot die laaste Duitse keiser Wilhelm II. , wat in 1918 gedwing is om te abdikeer.

Berlyn het die hoofstad van Pruise in 1701, maar Potsdam het in Weimar-tye 'n simbool vir Hohenzollern-bewind gebly. In 1710 is verskeie onafhanklike dorpe in Berlyn saamgevoeg om die polisentriese uitleg te gee wat tot vandag toe voortduur. Die Pruisiese leiers van die 18de eeu was bekend vir hul 'verligte despotisme' en 'n mate van godsdienstige verdraagsaamheid wat veel groter was as wat destyds in ander dele van Europa gevind is. Hierdie beleid het die hele Brandenburg / Pruise bevoordeel, maar dit het hul sterkste impak op Berlyn gehad.

Kaiserreich en Weimar Republiek

Die Duitse Ryk (Deutsches Reich) is in 1871 gevorm onder Pruisiese oorheersing en Berlyn het die hoofstad van hierdie pas verenigde Duitsland geword, wat vinnig gegroei het vanweë sy administratiewe status en sy rol as 'n sentrum van die industrie. Teen 1877 het Berlyn meer as een miljoen inwoners gehad en teen 1900 het die stad 1,9 miljoen inwoners gehad.

Alhoewel die revolusie wat die Kaiser onder ontevredenheid matrose uitgebreek het Kiel, wat nie in 'n laaste futiele (maar glorieryke in die gemoed van die admirale) wou sterf nie, probeer om die gety van die verlore oorlog in 'n seestryd te keer, was dit in Berlyn dat baie van die mees beslissende gebeure van die Duitse November-rewolusie het plaasgevind. Philipp Scheidemann - 'n sosiaal-demokraat - het vanuit 'n venster van die Republiek 'n republiek verklaar Ryksdag op 9 November 1918. Enkele ure later verklaar die kommunis Karl Liebknecht 'n 'vrye sosialistiese republiek' wat toonaangewende sosiaal-demokrate en kommuniste was, wat al in 1914 in stryd was oor die vraag of hulle sou steun Eerste Wêreldoorlog, om fundamenteel te verdeel. Berlyn het een van die sentrums van gevegte en chaos geword. Die sosiaal-demokrate het geassosieer met gedemobiliseerde soldate wat regs gevorm het Freikorps en die ou elite om die rebellie te vernietig. Liebknecht en sy kollega Rosa Luxemburg is deur die Freikorps vermoor en hul lyke is in die Landwehrkanal gestort. Die gevoel van verraad wat baie kommuniste meen, sou gedurende die Weimar Republiek as 'n vlek op die Sosiaal-Demokratiese Party bly. Dit duur tot vandag toe as 'n voorbeeld vir sosiaal-demokrate wat saam met die regs en regs in die oë van sommige radikale linksgesindes verkeer.

Miskien is die bekendste residensiële konstruksie in die Weimar-era, die Hufeisensiedlung in Berlyn-Britz

In 1920 het die laaste anneksasies van dorpe rondom Berlyn die administratiewe grense tot gevolg gehad, wat destyds bekend gestaan ​​het as "Groß-Berlin", of Groter Berlyn. Die Weimar-era was waarskynlik die hoogtepunt in beide die belangrikheid van Berlyn en sy reputasie in die wêreld. Die stad het gegroei - deels danksy die bogenoemde anneksasies - tot 4 miljoen mense ('n aantal wat dit in 2019 met ongeveer 3,8 miljoen terugsak) en was een van die mees bevolkte en invloedryke in die wêreld, wat in New York net die bevolking oorskry het. York City en Londen. Groß-Berlyn was in die omgewing die tweede grootste stad in die wêreld agter net Los Angeles, en die gebied wat die stad omvat, is ongeveer gelykstaande aan die van Rügen. Byna alle politici, intellektuele, kunstenaars, wetenskaplikes en ander openbare figure wat tydens die Weimar-republiek bekend was, het in Berlyn gewoon en gewerk. Potsdamer Platz (terrein van een van die eerste verkeersligte ter wêreld) word beskou as een van die plekke in Europa met die digste verkeer. Die vinnig ontwikkelende S-Bahn (geëlektrifiseer in daardie era) en U-Bahn-massavervoerstelsels is gesien as modelle vir die wêreld met min gelyke. Die Tempelhof-lughawe (destyds sonder sy ikoniese terminale gebou wat deur die Nazi's gebou is) word beskou as een van die beste lughawens in Europa, en die verbinding met die U-Bahn het die weg gewys vir alle groot lughawes om te kom. Berlyn was ook 'n bruisende multikulturele plek met mense van regoor die wêreld wat bygedra het tot sy kulturele en ekonomiese produksie. Onwettige ongelykheid het egter beteken dat nie almal aan die oplewing deelgeneem het nie. Die ekonomiese krisis van 1929 en die daaropvolgende besparingsmaatreëls het die armstes buite verhouding swaar getref. Behuising was skaars in die stad, en daar is geboue geboue wat bedoel was om dit reg te stel. Ses groepe van hierdie geboue is tot die UNESCO-wêrelderfenisgebiede verklaar onder die naam "Berlin Modernism Housing Estates".

Berlynse panorama vanaf die Siegessäule: Ryksdaggebou met koepel (heel links), TV-toring en koepel (middel links), Brandenburger Tor (middel)

Nazi-era en die Tweede Wêreldoorlog

Die Nazi's wou Berlyn in 'World Capital Germania' herontwerp, maar gelukkig maak die oorlog 'n einde aan die planne. Die oorblywende Nazi-geboue is voor die oorlog gebou en word nie altyd daarmee verbind nie, soos die Olimpiese stadion (gebou vir die 1936-spele) en die terminale gebou vir die Tempelhof-lughawe. Berlyn is tydens die Tweede Wêreldoorlog hard en herhaaldelik getref deur lugbombardemente. Anders as Hamburg of Dresden was daar geen enkele groot bombardement en geen groot vuur nie, maar eerder 'n reeks bombardemente wat 'n groot deel van die stad gelykgemaak het. In die laaste maande van die oorlog was Berlyn die kern van een van die bloedigste gevegte van die oorlog, terwyl verskeie Sowjet-generaals mekaar gejaag het om eers na Berlyn te kom omdat Stalin geglo het dat die Amerikaners en Britte ook van plan was om Berlyn te verower. Die Nazi's het ook nie 'n tweede keer gedink oor menselewens nie, en in die laaste weke is baie ou en baie jong mans in diens gedruk in 'n totaal nuttelose poging om die Sowjet-opmars te stuit. 'N' Gefluisterde grap 'wat destyds die Duitsers onder die Duitsers gemaak het, het gesê dat die oorlog sou wees wanneer die Volkssturm (ou mans en tieners - Hitler se laaste "soldate" van enige aard) sou die S-Bahn na die front neem. Die ikoniese foto van 'n Sowjet-soldaat wat die rooi vlag op die Ryksdag dateer uit daardie era, en graffiti wat in 1945 deur Sowjet-soldate gemaak is, kan steeds in die Reichstag-gebou gevind word. Sommige buitelandse toeriste vra graag waar die Führerbunker is, maar soos ander potensiële "heiligdomme vir Nazisme", is dit deur die Geallieerdes gelyk gemaak en is dit nou die plek van 'n parkeerterrein. Die Topographie des Terrors ("Topografie van terreur") in Sentraal-Berlyn is 'n buitelug-uitstalling wat agtergronde gee op die terreine van verskillende Nazi-kantore in Berlyn en watter wreedhede waarvandaan gerig is.

Koue Oorlog

Berlyn is in vier sektore verdeel in ooreenstemming met die ooreenkomste van Yalta en Potsdam (laasgenoemde is meestal gekies omdat dit die plek was wat die naaste aan Berlyn was met kamers wat onbeskadig genoeg was om vir 'n konferensie gebruik te word). Terwyl die aanvanklike plan was om Berlyn en Duitsland gesamentlik te bestuur, het die gevel in Berlyn eers gebreek met die Sowjet-blokkade van die Westerse sektore, en daarna met die Berlynse lugbrug waarin Wes-Berlyn deur die westelike bondgenote deur die lug voorsien is deur gebruik te maak van Tempelhof. Lughawe, RAF Gatow, en wat later die Tegel-lughawe sou word.

Die monument gewy aan die lugbrug op die lughawe Tempelhof

Die lugbrug, wat klein pakkies lekkergoed op tydelike valskerms neergesit het, het mense in Wes-Berlyn bemin met die Westerse bondgenote en uiteindelik die Sowjette gedwing om die blokkade te beëindig. Ondanks die naam "rosyntjiebomwerper", was steenkool die algemeenste voordeel volgens netto tonnemaat. Vanweë die feit dat die vliegtuie van die Sowjet-besette elektrisiteitslyne afgesny is, het hulle ook 'n hele kragstasie gevlieg en daarna die brandstof daarvoor, maar die meeste steenkool is gebruik om privaat huise te verhit. Wes-Berlyn het later 'n deel van Wes-Duitsland geword, indien nie in naam nie: dit het nie-stemgeregtigde afgevaardigdes na die Bundestag wat deur die Berlynse parlement benoem is eerder as deur die volk verkies; insgelyks moes alle federale wette deur die Berlynse wetgewer goedgekeur word, wat gewoonlik sonder werklike stemming of bespreking plaasgevind het. Dit is belangrik dat Berlyn "gedemilitariseer" is en dat mense in Wes-Berlyn dus nie wettiglik in die Bundeswehr kon dien nie, maak nie saak of hulle in Berlyn of elders gebore is nie, en om na Berlyn te verhuis, het dus 'n baie gewilde manier geword om die konsep te vermy. Berlyn het die laaste oop kruising in die toenemend gemilitariseerde en lugdigte 'binne-Duitse' grens gebly. Op 13 Augustus 1961 sluit die Oos-Duitse (DDR) leierskap die grens enkele weke nadat Walter Ulbricht, Oos-Duitse leier, op 'n perskonferensie 'Niemand hat die Absicht eine Mauer zu errichten' gesê het (niemand is van plan om 'n muur te bou nie). Die grens is in die daaropvolgende jare met verskeie mure al hoe meer versterk. Die mees ikoniese muur van beton was gou bedek met graffiti aan die westekant, wat tegnies nog in Oos-Berlyn was, maar nie die Oos-Duitse of die Wes-Duitse owerheid was bereid of in staat om dit te polisieer nie.

Terwyl daar in die weste 'n poging was om historiese geboue wat die geallieerde bombardement oorleef het, te bewaar, het die DDR opsetlike geboue afgebreek wat moontlik gered kon word. Die Stadtschloss is gesien as 'n oorblyfsel van feodalisme en is vervang met die Palast der Republik wat die DDR-parlement gehuisves het en as 'n gewilde byeenkomslokaal gebruik is. Dit is na 1990 afgebreek vanweë die politieke verenigings en asbesinhoud. 'N Nuwe Stadtschloss op dieselfde perseel, met die huisvesting van die Humboldt forum geopen in 2020. Dit het opspraak verwek omdat die herbou van 'n feodale monument op die terrein van die mees opvallende verteenwoordigende gebou in Oos-Duitsland, gesien word as 'n twyfelagtige politieke verklaring en boonop as gevolg van die twyfelagtige manier waarop baie van die uitstallings tydens die koloniale regering verkry is. era.

Terwyl Berlyn met die oorlog en verdeling twee groot treffers gehad het, het die era van Berlynse verdeling ook gelei tot 'n unieke ontwikkeling, veral in die Westerse helfte. Wes-Berlyn het 'n spesiale status beklee omdat dit nooit tot die Bondsrepubliek Duitsland behoort het nie, alhoewel dit die meeste Wes-Duitse wette 'vrywillig' toegepas het. 'N Verbod om by die weermag aan te sluit, het dit 'n plek gemaak vir baie studente en radikale of mense wat die konsep wou vermy. Die studente-opstand van 1967/68 het meestal hier plaasgevind. Dit is hier waar die jong Benno Ohnesorg geskiet is tydens 'n protes teen die Shah van Iran in 1967. Dit het 'n beweging veroorsaak teen die voortdurende teenwoordigheid van Nazi-elite, die Viëtnam-oorlog en verskeie - waargenome of werklike - geboortedefekte van die jong Duitse Federale Republiek. Hierdie beweging, terugwerkend genoem sterf 68er (die 68ers), het verskeie brandpunte in Duitsland gehad, maar dit was die prominentste in Berlyn. Die leier daarvan, Rudi Dutschke, 'n Oos-Duitse emigrant van Brandenburg, is in 1968 in Berlyn geskiet. Hy het die skietery oorleef, maar het gesterf aan 'n beslaglegging wat in 1979 deur die wonde veroorsaak is. In hierdie era, Kreuzberg, waarvan 'n deel (bekend as 'Kreuzberg 36' was vanweë sy poskode aan drie kante deur die muur omring en 'n brandpunt van linkse aktivisme geword. Daar was gereeld botsings met die polisie, wat sedert hereniging af en toe herhaal is. Tydens die verdeling het kunstenaars soos David Bowie na Berlyn gekom vir inspirasie. 'N Stop by landmerke wat simbolies was vir die verdeeldheid, het 'n steunpilaar geword van buitelandse staatsbesoeke aan die stad. Ronald Reagan het bekend gestaan ​​voor die Brandenburger Tor, ontoeganklik gemaak deur die Muur, toe hy gesê het: "Meneer Gorbatsjof maak hierdie hek oop; meneer Gorbatsjof breek hierdie muur af."

Mense het keelvol vir die situasie in Oos-Duitsland - en aangemoedig deur Gorbatsjof se beleid van glasnost en perestroika - het in 1989 in toenemende getalle die strate binnegegaan. Daar was 'n groot betoging op Alexanderplatz in Oktober 1989. Op 9 November 1989 het Günter Schabowski 'n nuwe besluit voorgelees oor die opening van die grens tydens die allereerste DDR-perskonferensie ooit. Op die daaropvolgende vraag wanneer dit van krag word, antwoord hy "sofort, unverzüglich" (d.w.s. onmiddellik). Terwyl die mense wat die nuwe besluit opgestel het nie bedoel was vir onmiddellike inwerkingtreding nie, is Schabowski, net die perssekretaris, buite die lus gehou met betrekking tot daardie belangrike detail. Hierdie insluip het daartoe gelei dat mense na die grenspos gestroom het in die geloof dat die muur geval het. Die oorweldigende wagte het geen ander keuse gehad as om die grens te open nie, en hierdie dag het bekend geword as die "val van die Berlynse muur". Die muur is in die daaropvolgende dae en weke afgebreek. Die gebeure het vinnig begin beweeg, en nadat die verkiesing 'n duidelike meerderheid vir pro-eenwording tot gevolg gehad het, het Oos-Duitsland op 3 Oktober 1990 by Wes-Duitsland aangesluit, net 'n paar dae voor die 41ste herdenking van die DDR. Berlyn het die hoofstad van herenigde Duitsland geword en die meeste regeringsinstellings het in 1998 daarheen verhuis. Dit het saamgeval met die einde van die kanselerskap van Helmut Kohl, wat in '89 in die amp was en Duitsland langer regeer as enige ander gewone burger.

Die oue en nuutste van Berlyn - Marienkirche & TV Tower

Geskiedenis sedert hereniging

Ondanks die feitlik totale gebrek aan nywerheid (wat die oorlog oorleef het, het Wes-Berlyn verlaat of is genasionaliseer in Oos-Berlyn en meestal bankrot is gedurende 1989/90), is Berlyn 'n belangrike trekpleister vir immigrante, veral jong en goed opgeleide. Anders as byna alle groot hoofstede, is Berlyn effens minder welaf as die nasionale gemiddelde, en het dit gedurende die naoorlogse era relatief bekostigbare huurgeld en lewenskoste gehad, alhoewel 'n sterk stygende neiging die eweknieë in die 2020's inhaal. Dit het Berlyn een van die sentrums van die opstartverskynsel gemaak.

Gespanne munisipale finansies het Berlyn sedert die einde van die oorlog geteister, hoewel dit sedert hereniging toenemend so is. Anders as Parys of LondenBerlyn se status as kapitaal beteken nie dat dit outomaties voordeel trek uit groot toevoegings van nasionale fondse om projekte te bou nie. Tydens die verdeling het albei kante hul onderskeie dele van Berlyn as 'n propagandamiddel beskou om vir die vyand te pronk. Daarom is albei gesubsidieer in die mate waartoe die koffers van hul onderskeie regimes toegelaat het, met geld wat instroom vir verbetering van behuising, verbruiksgoedere en infrastruktuur. Maar na hereniging word subsidies wat natuurlik toegestaan ​​is, toenemend bevraagteken. Toe, in 2001, het Berlyn 'n groot bankskandaal ontstel en die verliese van miljarde euro's is deur die leë staatskas opgeneem. 'N Verdere probleem is dat baie wat oor die staatslyn in Brandenburg woon, voordeel trek uit die Berlynse infrastruktuur, maar in Berlyn geen staatsbelasting betaal nie en nie onder die Berlynse bevolking gereken word vir die toekenning van finansiering nie.

Terwyl die muur nou langer geval het as wat dit ooit gestaan ​​het, en sommige littekens van afskorting slegs weke of maande geneem het om te herstel, is daar steeds sigbare tekens van waar die grens eens was. Sommige is skynbaar onskadelik soos die gebrek aan trems in die ou Weste of die kleur van straatligte (beter sigbaar vanuit die buitenste ruim), maar sommige word doelbewus in plek gehou om inwoners en besoekers aan die fase van die geskiedenis te herinner. Ongelukkig was daar 'n sekere ikonoklasma na die hereniging van DDR. Terwyl baie dinge (veral die monumente vir die Sowjet-soldate) gehou is, was die belangrikste slagoffer van die poging om alle oorblyfsels van die kommunistiese regering af te breek die Palast der Republik. Dit is deels afgebreek as gevolg van asbesbesmetting, maar ook om die voormalige Pruise te herstel Stadtschloss, wat self deur DDR-ikonoklaste afgebreek is om plek te maak vir hul herorganisasie van die stad.


Klimaatkaart (verduideliking)
Gemiddelde maks. en min. temperature in ° C
NeerslagSneeu totale in mm
Bron: Wikipedia. Besoek AccuWeather vir 'n voorspelling van vyf dae.
Keiserlike bekering
Gemiddelde maks. en min. temperature in ° F
NeerslagSneeu totale in duim

Berlyn is op 'n oorgangspunt tussen gematigde oseaniese en kontinentale klimaat, wat beteken warm somers en koue winters. In die winter val die temperatuur gewoonlik onder vriespunt, en sneeuval kom gereeld voor, alhoewel die sneeu selde langer as 'n paar dae ophoop. Somers is gewoonlik aangenaam, met dagtemperature gewoonlik in die lae 20's en nagtemperature bo 10 ° C. Berlyn is 'n taamlik winderige stad, alhoewel geensins so winderig soos kusstede soos Hamburg of Lübeck nie. 'N Windstoppende baadjie word sterk aanbeveel, veral gedurende die herfs en lente.


As 'n stad wat gegroei het uit 'n verskeidenheid kleiner dorpe in 'n afgrondwater van Europa tot die derde grootste stad in die wêreld in skaars meer as twee eeue, was Berlyn nog altyd 'n plek waar 'van elders' die reël was eerder as die uitsondering . Gedurende DDR-tye het Oos-Berlyn baie mense van die platteland en ander stede gelok, aangesien daar vinniger nuwe huisvestings gebou is om die behuisingstekort te verlig. Verder het Berlyners dikwels in supermarkte effens voller rakke en korter lyne geniet as ander Oos-Duitsers. In die Weste het sommige mense Berlyn verlaat weens sy isolasie, en ander het ingekom weens die vrystelling van die konsep. Sedert die hereniging het die Joodse gemeenskap van Berlyn gegroei vanweë immigrasie uit die voormalige Sowjetunie, en omdat sommige jong Israeliete Berlyn 'n beter woonplek (en party) vind as Tel Aviv, Haifa of Jerusalem. Berlyn trek vandag mense uit Duitsland en van regoor Europa, veral die suide van die vasteland. U vind 'n diaspora van baie naby aan elke etnisiteit, godsdiens en nasionale oorsprong in Berlyn. Dit beteken dat Berlyn homself voortdurend kan herontdek, maar 'n Berliner-gebore-en-opgevoed is iets skaars buite sommige buurte.

Tans word die konflik tussen Oosterse en Westerlinge dikwels vervang deur grappies oor Swaben, wat 'n reputasie het as spaarsamigheid, sterkheid en 'n hoorbare dialek. Baie Swaben het na woonbuurte soos Prenzlauer Berg gestroom, en die verwelkoming was nie altyd warm nie. Moenie 'n fout maak nie, maar dikwels is diegene wat die hardste oor 'Swaben' of gentrifikasie kla, relatief onlangs aangekom.

Berlyners is berug vir 'n sekere soort "humor" wat kan voorkom as 'n gewone onbeskoftheid vir diegene wat nie daaraan gewoond is nie. Die stereotipiese Berliner het 'n reputasie as onbeleefde direktheid, selfs onder Duitsers wat oor die algemeen min gebruik in aangenaamheid en praatjies sien.

Berlyn is ook 'n merkwaardig godsdienstige stad met slegs ongeveer 'n kwart van die bevolking wat tot die Protestantse of die Katolieke Kerk behoort, wat om belastingredes gevolg word. Media - veral dié van 'n konserwatiewe persoon wat in meestal Katolieke Suid-Duitsland gevestig is - het gevolglik Berlyn 'hoofstad van Ateïste' genoem.


Uitsig oor Potsdamer Platz, hoofkwartier van Deutsche Bahn en Daimler

Voor die Tweede Wêreldoorlog was Berlyn 'n sentrum vir groot Duitse nywerheidsondernemings en die administratiewe hoofkwartier van baie maatskappye op alle terreine. Kort nadat die oorlog geëindig het, het baie van hierdie maatskappye egter suid of wes getrek, bankrot geraak of in die DDR genasionaliseer. Berlyn het gevolglik 'n sentrum van navorsing, eerder as van produksie, geword. Terwyl sommige hoofkwartiere na Berlyn sedert hereniging verhuis het, is die oorheersing van die hoofstad in die Duitse ekonomie baie minder uitgesproke as in die meeste ander Europese lande. Ondanks die ekonomiese hupstoot as gevolg van die terugkeer na die stad, het Berlyn se werkloosheidsyfer meer as 10% gestyg. Berlyn is ook in Duitsland bekend as die middelpunt van kreatiewe takke soos ontwerp en kuns van alle soorte; baie mense sien (of nie, afhangend van u definisie van die term) met Apple-produkte in sommige koffiewinkels. Sedert hereniging het sommige maatskappye hoofkantore in Berlyn gevestig, maar in baie gevalle bestaan ​​dit hoofsaaklik om 'n "verteenwoordigende" adres op die briefhoof te hê en baie administrasie, laat staan ​​ontwikkeling of produksie word steeds buite Berlyn gedoen. In wat baie Berlyners hoop om 'n teken van 'n tendensverandering te wees, trek die Berlynse nywerheidskonglomeraat Siemens weer in die 1920's 'Siemensstadt' in die 2020's om 'n hooflokaal te hê vir navorsing, administrasie en produksie.


Aangesien Berlyn uit verskillende dorpe en dorpe gegroei het, is daar nie een sentrum nie op sigself maar eerder verskeie sentrums wat die oriëntasie 'n bietjie moeilik kan maak.

Die apokriewe spreekwoord oor die uitleg van Washington DC wat ontwerp is om indringerleërs te verwar, kan ook op Berlyn geld, as dit deur iemand ontwerp is om enigiets te doen. Berlyn se strate is verwarrend en volg geen logika om oor te praat nie, as gevolg van die ontwikkeling van die stad en weens dekades van partisie. Kardinale aanwysings is van weinig nut: byna niks is reguit oos-wes of noord-suid nie, selfs nie die voormalige grens nie. Straatnaamborde dra dus meestal die name van stadsdele en soms plaaslike bakens.

Daar mag wees verskillende strate met dieselfde naam versprei oor die stad. Daar is byvoorbeeld minstens drie strate met die naam 'Potsdamer Straße': een in Lichtenrade, een in Zehlendorf en 'n ander een in Giesendorf. Dit is deels nie 'n ongewone ding in Berlyn nie omdat dit 'n klomp aparte stede en dorpe was. Sommige van die meer algemene name is intussen verander, maar verreweg nie almal nie. Dit is 'n goeie idee om altyd in gedagte te hou na watter distrik u reis. Duitse poskodes is redelik fyn, en gewoonlik moet dieselfde straatnaam nie twee keer in dieselfde kode verskyn nie. Probeer dus die volledige adres met poskode en / of distrik gebruik. Taxibestuurders moet op die een of ander manier die meeste van daardie vreemde en herhalende straatname ken (en gewoonlik doen). Terwyl die komediant Serdar Somuncu, gebore in Istanboel, met die talle Turkse afstammelinge van taxibestuurders gesê het: ''n Duitser sal nie na Istanbul gaan om 'n taxibestuurder te word nie, maar ontelbare Turkse taxibestuurders bring mense na een van die drie dosyn Goethe Straßen in Berlyn sonder versuim elke dag ”.

Straatnaam met die reeks huisnommers; let ook op die Oos-Berlynse groenman

Huisnommers hardloop nie noodwendig oral in dieselfde rigting (op of af) nie. Op baie strate styg die getalle aan die een kant en sak aan die ander kant af. Om te verhoed dat u verdwaal, moet u dus eers die nommeringskema nagaan: u kan die naam van die straat op byna elke straathoek vind. In dieselfde teken word gewoonlik die reeks huisnommers in die segment aangedui.

U-Bahn en S-Bahn in Berlyn dra die littekens van dekades van verdeling en die gebrek aan fondse na hereniging. Hulle het ontstaan ​​as 'n mengelmoes van lyne met verskillende laaimeters wat deur private ondernemings en destydse onafhanklike stede gebou is. Roetes word aangedui deur die nommer en die naam van hul eindpunt, dus onthou dit sodat u nie baie kilometers in die verkeerde rigting wil gaan nie. 'N Goeie kaart vir openbare vervoer is handig te pas, en verskeie instansies deel stadskaarte uit met stedelike spoorwegstoppies. Die U-Bahn, S-Bahn en, in die voormalige Ooste, Straßenbahn (tramweg) is nog steeds 'n goeie manier om rond te kom. Die busse is ook skoon, betroubaar en relatief vinnig.

Lees en kyk

Berlyn het waarskynlik in die twintigerjare sy kulturele hoogtepunt bereik, hoewel baie kunstenaars sedertdien baie inspirasie uit die verdeelde jare gekry het. Met die opkomende en herenigde hoofstad wat weer sy plek op die wêreldtoneel vind, werk dit sy weg na 'n nuwe piek. Daar is meer fiksiewerke oor hierdie stad as wat deur 'n reisgids gedink kan word, sodat die lys nie volledig wil wees nie.

  • Berlyn Alexanderplatz, wat in 1929 deur Alfred Döblin geskryf is, neem die Berlyn van sy tyd vas en word drie keer in 'n film verander. Die bekendste weergawe is die 15½ uur magnum opus van Rainer Werner Fassbinder wat in 14 televisie-episodes opgebreek is. 'N Remake van die 21ste eeu, wat net losweg op die roman gebaseer is, is in 2020 vrygestel.
  • Emil en die speurders, the most famous and classic children's book set in Berlin, published by Erich Kästner in 1929. Emil, a naïve country boy, visits the metropolis for the first time. On the way he is coaxed and drugged by a criminal who takes the money Emil was supposed to deliver to his grandmother. The boy is shy to contact the police, but is helped by a gang of street-savvy Berlin children who solve the case by themselves. There are several film versions of the story, made from 1931 to 2001.
  • Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo, a 1978 autobiography written by "Christiane F." about a drug-addicted child prostitute in West Berlin. It was picturised in 1981 with a soundtrack by David Bowie.
  • Run Lola Run (German: Lola rennt), a 1998 movie about a small time criminal and his girlfriend set and filmed in Berlin. The plot is about Lola trying to get 100 000 Deutsche Marks for her boyfriend within 20 minutes. It is notable for its narrative style: it tells three different versions of the same story depending on Lola's decisions. It was one of the biggest post-reunification successes of German cinema.
  • Good Bye, Lenin!, a 2003 film set in East Berlin during the 1989/90 transition. The premise is the protagonist trying to ensure his mother, who fell into a coma shortly before the fall of the wall and awoke shortly afterwards, doesn't realise the GDR is no more. Making extensive use of typical East-Berlin scenery, among it Plattenbau housing and Karl Marx Straße, the movie is credited with kickstarting the "Ostalgie" (nostalgia for the GDR) trend of the 2000s and early 2010s.
  • The Kangaroo Chronicles book series (2009–14) by Marc-Uwe Kling. The self-proclaimed "minor artist", who lives and works in Berlin, narrates his fictitious life with a communist kangaroo roommate; the two engage in several hijinks, often of a political bent, and hang out in a typical Berlin Eckkneipe (including stereotypical Berliner owner) philosophising about the injustices of capitalism and how modern society induces laziness. His minor characters often speak in stereotypical Berlin dialect and his observational comedy is spot-on. Kling frequently organises and hosts poetry slams in Berlin and has in the past read texts from his Kangaroo-related works there as well. A movie based on the books was released in 2020 to mixed reviews.
  • Victoria, a 2015 film about one night in Berlin, shot in a single 140-minute take without cuts. The title character, a Spanish student in Berlin, runs into a gang of "real Berliners" who are much less sophisticated but exhibit a rough charm. They take Victoria to hidden spots, talking about all and sundry, flirting, and exchanging bits of their different life stories and philosophies. Eventually the group gets, rather inadvertently, involved in criminal activity, giving the film elements of a thriller and road movie through different parts of the city.
  • Babylon Berlin (2017–present), a hit TV series about crime, nightlife, demimonde, drugs and political conflict in 1920s Berlin, loosely based on the crime novel series centered on detective Gereon Rath. Directed by Tom Tykwer, it is the most expensive non-anglophone TV series so far.


There are countless musical tributes to Berlin, many of which praise the imperfections that are characteristic of the city. This is just a small selection:

  • Paul Lincke's operetta song Berliner Luft (1904)
  • Hildegard Knef's Berlin, dein Gesicht hat Sommersprossen (1966)
  • die Rauch-Haus-Song (1972) by leftist rock band Ton Steine Scherben, which became the anthem of the squatter scene and was covered by several punk bands
  • David Bowie and Iggy Pop lived in West Berlin during the late-1970s. Bowie's albums Laag, Heroes en Lodger are therefore known as the "Berlin Trilogy". Songs that are clearly about Berlin include Iggy's The Passenger (1977) and Bowie's nostalgic Where are we now? (2013)
  • Wir stehn auf Berlin (1980) by Neue Deutsche Welle band Ideal
  • Sido's rap Mein Block (2004) about life in the Märkisches Viertel, a deprived plattenbau estate
  • Dickes B (2001) by reggae/dancehall combo Seeed and Schwarz zu blau (2009) by Seeed member Peter Fox

Berlin is a centre of electronic music of all kinds, and its legendary clubbing scene attracts people from around the globe. The movie Berlin Calling, with music by Paul & Fritz Kalkbrenner (the former also playing the main role), is a celebration of this part of Berlin culture.


Signage and automatic announcements are often available in Engels, and possibly other languages besides German. All signage related to the partition era is available in all three languages of the former occupiers (French, Russian and English). There are, however, surprisingly many people who speak little or no English, in particular among the elderly and people who grew up in the East, where Russian was taught in schools. This does not necessarily keep them from attempting to speak English with you if they notice an accent or halting German.

A lot of place names can a bit tricky even to fluent German speakers as they are of Slavic origin. The widespread -ow ending is to be pronounced /o:/ like a long German "o". Saying "Pankoff" or "Rudoff" will mark you as an out-of-towner and might cause jokes at your expense.

People who work in public transit and the tourism sector are now expected to speak at least some English, but they may not necessarily have much patience explaining the same thing over and over to tourists every single day, even when it's their job to do so, and the aforementioned Berlin rudeness / "humour" might come through when dealing with tourists.

Immigration and the Erasmus programme mean there are several other languages widely spoken. In particular, there are some 200,000 people of Turkish origin living in Berlin, mainly in the western districts. But don't assume someone speaks Turkish well (or at all) just because they have a Turkish surname. Foreign students originate from all over Europe, but Spanish, Greek and Italian speakers are especially numerous. As many students in Berlin are either Erasmus students or have been abroad elsewhere, you can reasonably expect students to speak at least passable English and often another European language.

Die Berlin dialect (Berlinerisch) is still spoken by many people, particularly in outlying districts and neighbouring Brandenburg. Dialect is usually more pronounced in the East and some words are almost entirely unknown even in West Berlin. Some words used in the Berlin dialect:

  • Schrippe: bread roll
  • Stulle: sandwich
  • Broiler: grilled chicken (people from western Germany and former West Berlin probably won't understand this; they say Grillhähnchen instead)

Gaan in

As the city was divided in two during the Cold War, many major parts of Berlin's infrastructure — such as airports — were built on both sides. The challenge today is to merge these two systems into one that serves all the people in the Metropolitan Berlin area. In terms of railway stations, this process is mostly finished, the new "single airport" finally opened nearly a decade late in autumn 2020 but the central bus station is still undergoing seemingly endless renovation.

Met die vliegtuig

  • 1 Berlynse Internasionale Lughawe (BER IATA). started operations on 31 October 2020 on the extended grounds of former Schönefeld airport (now Terminal 5), East Germany's main airport, right outside the southeastern border of the city proper. Berlin Airport does not have a "home carrier" and is not the hub of any airline but it does have a pretty comprehensive network of European destinations served by Easyjet, Ryanair, Eurowings and a bunch of legacy carriers, a good number of Mediterranean "sun" destinations (many of them seasonal) but only a handful of transatlantic routes. Berlynse Brandenburg-lughawe (Q160556) op Wikidata Berlynse lughawe Brandenburg op Wikipedia

Berlin inherited airports from both sides of the Berlin Wall. West Berlin, for which air transportation was crucial, had three at the moment of reunification: RAF Gatow in the British sector, which was only used by the British and closed in 1994, Tempelhof Airport in the American sector, which was closed in 2008 and turned into a public park and fairgrounds, and Tegel Airport in the French sector which closed on November 8, 2020. There was a minor airfield called Johannisthal in the Soviet sector but it was unused from the 1950s to its official closure in the mid 1990s. The main airport of East Berlin and indeed the Zentralflughafen of East Germany as a whole was in Schönefeld, just south of the city boundary. It is at this site that a new airport, Berlin Brandenburg Airport, was built and opened in 2020 — eight years late and several hundred percent over budget.

Getting from the airport to central Berlin
Your options in getting to and from the airport in pictogram form

The airport contains two separate terminal buildings, both with their own train stations and access facilities. There is no easy way to walk between Terminal 1 and Terminal 5 of Berlin Brandenburg Airport. The airport is in Fare Zone C of the Berlin public transit fare system, so you will have to use a ticket valid in BC or ABC. Tickets valid only in AB or the DB "City Ticket" are not valid for travel to the airport and you are subject to a €60 fine if caught using the wrong ticket or no ticket at all.

To Terminal 5

Terminal 5 is the new name of what used to be the main terminal of the old Schönefeld Airport. While there were plans to shut it down when the new airport opens originally, it'll likely remain operational, at the very least until Terminals 3 and 4 open. Terminal 5 is mostly served by Low Cost Carriers who wish to avoid higher fees associated with using the more modern Terminal 1. Terminal 5 is served by  S45  en  S9  both stopping at 2 Flughafen BER - Terminal 5 station. Bahnhof Flughafen BER - Terminal 5 (Q661069) op Wikidata BER-lughawe - Terminal 5-stasie op Wikipedia which may show up as "Schönefeld" on older maps. You can also take bus X7 from the southern endpoint of  U7  "Rudow" which stops both at the airport train station and a bit closer to Terminal 5.

To Terminal 1

The building that houses Terminal 1 also houses the completed but not yet opened (due to Covid-19) Terminal 2 and will in the future house Terminals 3 and 4. It is served by 3 Berlin Brandenburg Airport railway station. Flughafen BER - Terminal 1-2 (Q800759) op Wikidata BER-lughawe - Terminal 1-2-stasie op Wikipedia. As Terminal 1 is served both by more airlines and by higher prestige full service carriers there is a bigger assortment of transportation options. There is a "Flughafen-Express" (FEX) or Airport Express from Berlin Main Station via Ostkreuz and Gesundbrunnen which is the fastest option from main station to airport. There are also several IC lines going to destinations like Dresden or Rostock - they also stop at the main station. After having served the Terminal 5 station,  S9  en  S45  also stop at the terminal 1 station (though they serve one intermediate station in between). Bus X7 also serves Terminal 1.

Should you, for some crazy reason, wish to drive to the airport, use A113 and follow signposting.

Met die trein

The new central station (Hauptbahnhof)
Hauptbahnhof with Regional- and S-Bahn train
The "mushroom design" was chosen for long-distance and urban trains after reunification and mostly built as shown here
Wikivoyage has a guide to Treinreise in Duitsland

The central station 4 Hauptbahnhof (Central Station) together with 5 Südkreuz (Southern Cross, formerly Papestraße) and 6 Ostbahnhof (Eastern Station) — plus minor 7 Gesundbrunnen in die noorde en 8 Spandau in the west — forms the backbone of all connections. All are connected to S- or U-Bahn. All trains stop at Hauptbahnhof and a second major hub (depending on your itinerary). Regional trains stop at several stations within Berlin, almost all of them also at Hauptbahnhof and all stop at least at one major long-distance hub. The Hauptbahnhof opened in 2006 and is situated between the S-Bahn stations Friedrichstraße and Bellevue. It is an impressive feat of architecture with many shops, most of them open on Sundays. Given its size, the distances between train platforms are surprisingly short. However, try to avoid tight connections, as the multilevel layout can be confusing at first and Berlin Hauptbahnhof is a good place to kill half an hour at any rate. The new 'Hauptbahnhof' may appear as 'Lehrter Bahnhof' on older maps.

 U5  connects the Hauptbahnhof to Alexanderplatz and destinations further east. Three S-Bahn lines ( S3 ,  S5 ,  S7 ) serve the station as do three tram lines (M5, M8, M10). The tram lines serve the Main Station coming from the East with plans to extend them westwards. M10 is particularly known as a "party tram" due to its route serving several nightlife hotspots and has been the subject of many a newspaper article. In addition to these transport options mostly oriented East-West a new S-Bahn line, tentatively called "S21" is under construction serving as another north–south spine through Hauptbahnhof.

During partition Berlin had two main train stations: Zoologischer Garten (practically universally referred to in speech as Bahnhof Zoo of net Zoo) in the West, and Ostbahnhof in the East. The latter was named "Hauptbahnhof" from 1987 to 1998. Since the opening of the Hauptbahnhof, most ICE and international lines no longer stop at Zoologischer Garten, although regional DB services and S U-Bahn services still stop there.

Berlin is served by all the train types Deutsche Bahn (DB) has on offer, including high speed ICE, somewhat slower IC, and EuroCity (EC) operated by DB and other European railway companies. Connections to the rest of Germany are excellent and most of Europe is reachable with one or two changes. While train routes to Berlin suffered during partition, they were a high federal priority following reunification and today Berlin has fast train connections to the west and south. Trains due north and east are still a bit slower. For example, the line to Dresden is slower today than it was in the 1930s when streamlined steam trains plied the route.

Domestic trains to Berlin include ICE services from Hamburg, München via Leipzig/Halle, Erfurt en Neurenberg with the fastest trains arriving in Berlin less than four hours after departure from Munich, IC/EC services from Dresden, and several "regional" trains, which have more intermediate stops and longer travel time than ICE. Among these the IRE from Hamburg might be of interest due to its cheap fixed price (€19.90 one way, €29.90 round trip). Berlin is also a stop for several "ICE Sprinter" services - ICE trains with fewer or no intermediate stops intended to lure business travellers from planes onto trains with faster travel times.

Berlin is also served by a private competitor of DB: Flixtrain. They run one train per day and direction to and from Stuttgart via Wolfsburg and other stops as well as one daily train from Keulen via Bielefeld, Hanover, en Wolfsburg. Tickets are sold through Flixbus which is mostly a bus operator. Flixtrain trains have four stops in Berlin; Lichtenberg, Ostbahnhof, Hauptbahnhof and Bahnhof Zoo. Flixtrain doesn't accept any DB tickets, and the same is true vice-versa

The Austrian railway company ÖBB (under the name Nightjet) runs sleeper trains to Berlin from Vienna (11 hr) and Zürich (12 hr).

There are also long-haul sleeper trains from Moskou via Minsk en Brest, run by RZD at least once a week, with greatly increased departures during spring and summer. From the other direction, this train originates in Parys the night before, making it a handy overnight connection between the two cities - and the only sleeper train between Germany and France. Apart from a summer-only service from Kaliningrad, there are as of 2017, no other overnight trains from Eastern European and Russian cities.

Met die bus

9 Zentraler Omnibusbahnhof (ZOB) (Central Bus Terminal) (in Charlottenburg, Masurenallee.). Long distance buses generally arrive here. There are numerous buses to all directions and the U-Bahn stops (Theodor-Heuss-Platz of Kaiserdamm; both U2) or the S-Bahn stop (Messe Nord/ICC S41/42 and S46) is a 5-minute-walk away. Follow signposting. Some bus lines have other stops around Berlin, often including Südkreuz and/or the airport. The bus station is not really close to anything. Retail services are limited and the prices as high as one might expect at a gas station. From 2016 to 2022 the station is undergoing renovation and expansion to cope with rising and changing demand - the station will remain operational throughout the expansion but some services may become temporarily unavailable. As part of the purpose of the works is to reduce average dwell times from half an hour to 15 minutes it will also benefit those just driving through or connecting. The bus station website lists all departures and arrivals including the company running the service so it is a good place to look for up-to-date travel options. ZOB Berlyn (Q190380) op Wikidata Zentraler Omnibusbahnhof Berlyn op Wikipedia

Met die motor

Berlin's "capital beltway", the A10 Berliner Ring, extends up to 30 km (19 mi) outside the city limits and actually only touches Berlin itself in the Northeast. It was built in the GDR era as the longest circular motorway in the world to direct traffic around West-Berlin but has since been surpassed in length by Beijing's sixth ring road and also Beijing's seventh ring road when it opens. At 196 km (122 mi) it is 8 km (5.0 mi) longer than the M25 around London, Europe's second longest orbital motorway. These motorways (enumerated in a clockwise direction) connect with the ring:

From the ring, these are the motorways heading towards the city:

  • A111 from the northwest at Kreuz Oranienburg
  • A114 from the north at Dreieck Pankow
  • A113 from the southeast at Schönefelder Kreuz
  • A115 from the southwest at Dreieck Nuthetal.

There are also dual carriageways:

  • B96 from the north and the south
  • B2 from the northeast
  • B5 from the east and west
  • B101 from the south.

Inside Berlin there is a heavily congested inner ring motorway (A100), which encircles the north, west and south with the northeastern section missing. Berlin driving is not for the faint-hearted, but manageable as there are wide streets and reasonably good parking conditions - at least in most parts of the city.

Berlin has a low emission zone (Umweltzone), which contains all areas within the S-Bahn ring. All vehicles moving inside this zone (including foreign vehicles) are required to bear a green emissions sticker (Feinstaubplakette). There are exceptions, e.g., for historic cars, but not for foreign number plates. The sticker can be ordered on-line.

By ship

Being some 200 km (120 mi) inland, Berlin does not have a seaport. The nearest seaport is Rostock-Warnemünde, which is 2½-3 hours away by train, though still sold by many cruise ship operators as "Berlin", so don't be surprised. There are similar distances to the seaports of Hamburg en Szczecin. The latter was "Berlin's port" until 1945, but Cold War neglect and the newly drawn German-Polish border have all but severed that connection. There have been only slow attempts in the 2010s and 2020s to re-establish the link.

Some river cruises start or end at Berlin, using the Havel, Spree and some canals for cruises to Praag or the Oossee. While river cruises in this area are nowhere near as popular as those along Rhine or Danube, there is some charming nature rather close to Berlin. Most cruises include a tour of Berlin as the river Spree runs close to many sights.

Met die fiets

The 700-km Berlin-Copenhagen Cycle Route and the 340-km Berlin-Usedom Cycle Route both end in Berlin.

Kry rond

A ship passes below the Sandkrugbrücke in Moabit

Met die openbare vervoer

As Berlin is a major metropolis with pretty decent public transit, you should take buses, trains and trams whenever possible as those cover most of the city and are often the fastest way to get to places. Die Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) list all their fares on their website. Consult their Berlin route planner (in English) to get excellent maps and schedules for the U-Bahn, buses, S-Bahn local trains (RB and RE) and trams, or to print your personal journey planner. The route planner can also calculate the fastest door-to-door route for your destination for any given day and hour. However, the route planner assumes a rather slow walking speed. It might suggest taking a bus or tram for a single stop where healthy adults would be faster walking. The planner will let you pick between three walking speeds, but even the fastest walking speed is not terribly fast if you have no luggage. While BVG doesn't run S-Bahn or local trains, they are covered by the website and can be used with the same tickets.

  • BVG's customer service, 49 30 19449. If you don't know how to get somewhere, or how to get home at night, BVG's customer service number. Most U-Bahn and some S-Bahn stations have call points from which you can contact customer service directly. Some BVG buses and tram lines run 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


The public transport system in Berlin (U-, S-Bahn, bus, tram, regional rail) uses a common ticket system based on zones (zone A, B and C). You are unlikely going beyond zone A and B, except on trips to Potsdam or to the airport (BER). The border between zones A and B is the S-Bahn Ring (see below). Zone C includes trips to and within Potsdam.

The following tickets can be used for single journeys:

  • Single Ticket. The standard single journey ticket. It is valid for any travel within two hours of validation, in a single direction, within the appropriate fare zones. There is no limit to transfers, but return journeys are not allowed. Price: Berlin AB €2.80 (reduced €1.70); Berlin ABC €3.40 (reduced €2.50).
  • 4-trip ticket (4 Fahrten Karte). This gives you 4 single trip tickets at a cheaper cost. Price: Berlin AB €9.00 (reduced €5.60).
  • Short trip (Kurzstrecke). For a single journey you can buy a cheap Kurzstrecke for €1.70, but this is only valid for 3 stops on the U-Bahn or S-Bahn (transfers permitted) or 6 stops on buses or trams (no transfers). The stations included in a short tip ticket are indicated on schedules posted at bus and tram stops.

Several options are available for unlimited travel:

  • 24 hour Ticket (24 Stunden Karte) - valid for 24 hours from validation for unlimited travel within specific zones (€8.80 for AB, €9.20 for BC and €10 for ABC as of February 2021)
  • Small Group Day Ticket AB (Kleingruppen-Tageskarte). A day ticket valid for up to five people. For groups of three or more, this ticket is cheaper than individual day tickets. Price: Berlin AB €19.90, Berlin ABC €20.80.
  • 7-Day-Ticket AB (7-Tagekarte). A ticket valid for seven days. Price: Berlin AB €30, Berlin ABC €37.50.
  • Berlin CityTourCard. Ticket valid for all public transport services in Berlin, Potsdam and the surrounding area (depending on the covered zones) and a discount card for many tourist attractions; available in several different versions: 48 hours AB €17.40; 72 hours AB €24.50; 5 days AB €31.90. Add a few euros if you want to go to Potsdam (fare zone ABC). A folded leaflet with inner city map and an overview of the S-Bahn and U-Bahn railway networks of Berlin is included. Can be bought at ticket machines and various sales points (Berlin airports, larger train stations, hotels or online).
  • Berlin WelcomeCard. Unlimited travel with all methods of public transport for the validity of the ticket; save up to 50% on more than 200 tourist and cultural highlights; handy guide in pocket book format with insider tips and tour suggestions; city plan for Berlin and Potsdam and a network plan for public transport. Can be bought at various sales points (Berlin airports, larger train stations, hotels or online).

Tickets valid for only B and C are available as well, which you might need for a single trip to Schönefeld Airport from somewhat out of the way lodgings. There is only one way to get a ticket enigste valid in A: Deutsche Bahn offers "City Tickets" as an add-on for their long distance train tickets and in Berlin those are only valid for a single trip inside the A zone.

Reduced fares apply for children 6 to 14. Children under 6 ride free.

Purchasing tickets

Tickets can be purchased in several ways. Upon arrival at the different Berlin airports, some tickets can be purchased at the tourist desk. All tickets are available at vending machines at the airports, U- and S-Bahn platforms, and passengers may also use the vending machines operated by DB at long-distance and regional railway stations to purchase the same. English and other European languages are available. Payment is mostly by local bank cards, coins and banknotes. If you need assistance most larger stations have staffed ticket counters where you can ask questions and buy tickets. Busse will accept cash, and make change for tickets. Hotels may sell tickets as well. It is also possible to purchase tickets with an overseas debit or credit card (i.e. Visa and Mastercard) via the BVG mobile app en DB Navigator app (from the menu, tap Transport associations then VBB - Berlin & Brandenburg and select the appropriate ticket) but ensure that the device your ticket is loaded into has sufficient battery life to last the duration of the journey.

In some places people will try to sell used tickets to you. You can go only one direction with a single-journey ticket (check the validation stamp and be careful as this could also be a pickpocket trick). Don't pay more than half the price.

Validating tickets

You need to validate your ticket using the machines on the U- and S-bahn platforms or in the bus. The machines are yellow/white in the U-Bahn and the bus, and red on S-Bahn platforms. Validation simply means the machine prints a time stamp onto the ticket to indicate the beginning of the ticket's validity period. Alternatively, if travelling on the regional trains (see next section), a conductor may validate the ticket for you whilst on board by punching a time stamp. Once validated, a ticket which is still valid does not need to be re-validated before each single trip. When purchasing tickets through the DB Navigator app, passengers can opt to validate their ticket immediately after purchase so there is no need to do anything further to validate it.

Whilst it might be tempting to try to avoid buying a ticket given the absence of physical barriers, plain-clothed inspectors do patrol the trains. Daar is 'n €60 fine if you are caught without a validated ticket or if the device your ticket is loaded into runs out of battery shortly before or during inspection. Ticket inspections are arguably more common than in other cities and the inspectors more strict than in other cities. Don't even try to outrun one. They'll catch you and be all the more pissed at you. In some cases fare inspectors have not shirked from using physical force to restrain would be fare-evaders. Fare dodging cases rarely go to court unless for repeat offenders.

Met die trein S-Bahn-Logo.svgDeutsche Bahn AG-Logo.svg

A geographic representation of the S-Bahn lines; the ring looks somewhat like a dog's head if you squint

If you need to get around the city quickly, take the S-Bahn.

S- and Regionalbahn station Alexanderplatz

The Ringbahn that goes all around Berlin in a circle (or as local politicians would have it "a dog's head") lets you get to other parts of the city really fast.

The S-Bahn originates from a circular railway ("Ringbahn") and an east–west trunk ("Stadtbahn") built in 19th century to provide better connectivity between the terminus stations (similar to the way train stations are laid out in Paris or London today) which were later quadruple tracked with two tracks electrified for S-Bahn service (and later two tracks electrified with the mainline system) and in the 1930s a North-South Tunnel was added exclusively for the S-Bahn. The four stops where those intersect are named (x-)kreuz (x being the cardinal direction) with the exception of the Northern one which is officially Bahnhof Gesundbrunnen but sometimes referred to as "Nordkreuz". So there is Ostkreuz, Westkreuz, Südkreuz and Gesundbrunnen. The S-Bahn was neglected in the West during most of Berlin partition (see infobox for the reasons why) and some routes that were abandoned in this era are still not rebuilt and maybe never will. The S-Bahn is being expanded, however, and the network is now seamless: the former border is hardly ever notable to the casual observer. In the centre, most S-Bahn lines  S5 ,  S7 ,  S75  run on an east–west route between Ostkreuz and Westkreuz via the stops Warschauer Straße, Ostbahnhof, Jannowitzbrücke, Alexanderplatz, Hackescher Markt, Friedrichstraße, Hauptbahnhof, Bellevue, Tiergarten, Zoologischer Garten, Savignyplatz and Charlottenburg. Other lines run along a circle track around the city, most notably the  S8  en die  S41 ,  S42 ,  S45 ,  S46  lines, and there's also a north–south connection  S1 ,  S2 ,  S25  from Gesundbrunnen through Friedrichstraße and Potsdamer Platz to Südkreuz or Schöneberg.

S-Bahn woes

All of Berlin's public transit systems have been affected by the city's turbulent history in one way or another but probably none more than the S-Bahn. Based upon tracks mostly built during the Kaiserreich, the S-Bahn started to become distinct from other trains during the Weimar Republic and was expanded by the Nazis ahead of the 1936 Olympics - based on plans already existing before their power grab. It got damaged in the war (not least by some Nazis blowing up the North-South tunnel flooding the S-Bahn and much of the U-Bahn in the process) but much less than through later politics. Upon partition, "Deutsche Reichsbahn" was granted the rights to operate the S-Bahn in all sectors of the city. Deutsche Reichsbahn would thus remain the name of the GDR state railway until reunification. In 1949 the workers on the S-Bahn in the West went on strike and while the issue was resolved, it showed problems to come. The wall went up in 1961 and on that day several connections were severed and some lines have not returned to service since. The construction of the wall also showed people in West Berlin just what the East was capable of and just how powerless they were. The S-Bahn however was an easy way to hit the East: it had been a fairly steady source of hard currency until that point but now a broad consensus from right wing press to social democratic politicians were in agreement to boycott the S-Bahn. Slogans like "we won't pay for Ulbricht's barbed wire" discouraged people from riding and bus or subway lines were intentionally run parallel to the S-Bahn. The GDR did not raise fares for propaganda reasons and to keep the last few riders riding, but the increasing decay and shoddy safety of stations and trains contributed to only tourists and malcontents riding the S-Bahn in the West. The East Berlin S-Bahn however was expanded and frequently used - becoming one of a few things better on the other side of the wall. All this might've gone on for ever, but in 1980 the West Berlin S-Bahn workers went on strike again. The GDR authorities tried everything from cutting service to all the carrots and sticks in their arsenal, but ended up having to admit defeat. Several lines closed in 1980 have similarly not yet seen a return of service. By 1984 the East German authorities had finally convinced West Berlin to take the S-Bahn as a gift and the BVG would run the S-Bahn for a few years until it became part of Deutsche Bahn AG upon reunification. In the 2000s sloppy repair schedules and attempts to cut costs led to yet another round of chaos but the issue was resolved and these days the S-Bahn mostly does what it is supposed to do.

Regional trains (RB, RE) run along the same central east–west connection, but stopping only at Lichtenberg or Karlshorst, Ostbahnhof, Alexanderplatz, Friedrichstraße, Hauptbahnhof, Zoologischer Garten, Charlottenburg and Spandau or Wannsee, as well as other lines connecting north–south from Jungfernheide or Gesundbrunnen through Hauptbahnhof, Potsdamer Platz and Südkreuz to Lichterfelde-Ost. Between the stations in the city centre, RB and RE trains run only two to three times an hour per direction so whilst you may be arriving at your destinations faster than with the S-bahn, you may have to wait longer to catch an RB/RE train. Long distance trains mostly run to Hauptbahnhof, often with one or two extra stops at other stations and local tickets are normally not valid for trips on these stretches.

By U-Bahn U-Bahn Berlyn logo.png

U-Bahn route map; the S-Bahn is visible in light gray for reference
U-Bahn Berlyn logo.png Subway U3 station: Heidelberger Platz

The Berlin U-Bahn (commonly understood to be short for Untergrundbahn - "underground railway") is a network of ten lines across the city. They are numbered from 1 to 9 with the prefix "U" ( U1  U2  U3  U4  U5  U6  U7  U8  U9 ). You may find the U-Bahn network slightly less logical and convenient to use than in other European capitals, as Berlin's troubled history made its mark on it and many key locations remain unconnected, which is why using buses, trams and S-Bahn to complement the U-Bahn is probably necessary for efficient travel throughout Berlin. However, as those systems are fully integrated (see above), you can do so with only one ticket or type of ticket. Generally speaking in the east trams are more widespread while the west relies more heavily on U-Bahn, but that has been slowly changing since 1990.

Despite the name "underground", some 20% of the network is actually made up of overground stretches running over characteristic viaducts throughout the city, adding a certain flavour to Berlin's cityscape. This arrangement is similar to many older subway systems which include elevated or even at-grade sections like the Hamburg system or the M2 / M6 lines in Parys. Unlike light rail systems or the Berlin tram however, all parts of the network have their own right of way and subways don't have level crossings.

Detailed maps can be found in every U-Bahn station and on the trains. U-Bahn stations can be seen from far by their big, friendly blue U signs. Together with the S-Bahn (which is administered by Deutsche Bahn and mostly runs aboveground), the U-Bahn provides a transportation network throughout greater Berlin that is extremely efficient and fast. On weekends (Friday to Sunday), and during the Christmas and New Year holidays, all U-Bahn and S-Bahn lines (except line U4) run all night, so returning from late night outings is easy, especially given the average start time of most 'parties' in Berlin (23:00 to 01:00). During the week there is no U-Bahn or S-Bahn service from c. 01:00-04:30, but metro trams/buses and special Night Buses (parallel to the U-Bahn line) run every half an hour 12:30-04:30.

There are no turnstiles to limit access to U-Bahn station platforms; it is thus physically possible to ride (but illegal) without a ticket. If one is caught by a ticket checker you will be fined €60 (see "Validating tickets" above) so it is not worth the risk to ride without carrying a valid ticket. However, it is generally not a problem to pass through the U-bahn platforms to merely get to the other side of the street.

Nearly all U- and S-Bahn stations now have electronic signs that display the expected arrival of the next train (and its direction), based on sensors along the lines.

Design-wise, U-Bahn stations are about as diverse as you'd expect for a system that started operations when the Kaiser reigned and has been expanded in phases of overflowing as well as empty municipal coffers. Quite a handful of stations built before World War II were designed by the Swedish architect Alfred Grenander (died 1931) whose designs are much lauded and who included some useful features like having each station dominated by a certain color which - where it is still visible to the untrained eye - helps in quickly recognizing a station. From the mid 1960s to mid 1990s most stations built in West Berlin were designed by Rainer G. Rümmler (1929-2004) who gave each station a much more individual look compared to Grenander who preferred to vary only small details like the color of the tiles. East Berlin relied more on trams and S-Bahn and the U5 which was mostly built above ground is the only line extended by east Berlin. The only underground U-Bahn station built by east Germany is "Tierpark" along U5. There are of course other stations, designed by other architects; for the new U5 extension, "Museumsinsel" station will surely impress visitors when it opens (summer 2021 maybe) with a rather grandiose design inspired by Prussian "star architect" Karl Friedrich Schinkel, who designed many buildings in the vicinity.

By tram (streetcar)

the tram network as of 2015

Die trems (Straßenbahn) are mostly found in East Berlin, as the West Berlin tram network was shut down in the 1960s in an effort to make the city more car friendly. If you don't already have a ticket, you can buy one inside the tram. Since reunification there has been a gradual "reconquista" of areas once served by trams in West-Berlin and in some parts of Mitte it is hard to tell from trams alone where the wall used to be. In outlying districts of West Berlin, however, trams are still nowhere to be found - in stark contrast to the East, where they provide much needed access to planned bedroom communities from East German times. The red-red-green coalition sworn in in 2016 has stated a firm commitment towards more trams and there are plans to expand and improve the network before the end of the parliamentary term in 2021.

There are two types of tram. Metrotrams usually have a 24/7 schedule as well as higher frequencies during daytimes, although stops are more spread out. Metrotrams are marked by an "M" in front of their line number (e.g., M10). "Regular" trams stop more frequently and even incorporate picturesque single-track rides through forested areas far east of the Mitte district.

Despite being called "tram" the network has almost all characteristics of light rail and new lines are always built with their own right of way, making travel times faster than by bus. Even compared to some other trams in other German cities, the newest generation of Berlin trams have impressive acceleration, so take care when boarding and try to get a seat or hold onto something, especially if you're not sure on your feet.

Met die bus

Berlin's buses are a very important form of public transportation, as they complement the light rail systems wherever they were removed (trams in the West) or remain incomplete. Due to the heavy loads and demands of narrow streets, Berlin is one of the few cities in Europe to use double-decker buses extensively - over 400 of the 1400 buses in operation in Berlin are double-deckers. A ride in a Berlin double-decker should be on the to-do list of every first-time visitor to Berlin. However, there are a couple of important things to be aware of. The double-decker buses have two staircases - by custom you go up the front staircase and down the rear one, not the other way around. Most drivers will not wait for you to descend the stairs while the bus is at the stop - unless there is a queue of people descending the stairs you should make sure you are at the exit door when the bus pulls up. Unlike other world cities, you should not flag down buses at stops in Berlin, even if there are multiple routes serving the stop. Some drivers may consider it an insult to their professionalism. A frequent problem with buses, particularly busy lines during rush hour and especially in the West (where they have to cope with levels of patronage more common for light rail lines) is bunching. Aangesien daar gedurende drukke tye elke vyf minute soveel busse kom, sal die eerste bus die meeste passasiers haal, wat beteken dat die bus agterna inhaal, wat beteken dat die tweede bus nog minder passasiers kry wat nog meer inhaal, totdat uiteindelik twee of drie busse kom. minuut uitmekaar of selfs op dieselfde tyd en dan kom daar geen bus vir 15 minute nie, ondanks 'n nominale vooruitgang van 5 minute. BVG is nogal minagtend oor die saak, maar behalwe om nuwe tremlyne te bou, kan daar baie min daaraan gedoen word. Om vinnig in te klim en weg te kom van die deurdeur is die beste wat u kan doen om die probleem te versag.

Daar is verskillende soorte busse in Berlyn wat elk afsonderlik op kaarte vir openbare vervoer aangedui word:

  • Metro busse is bedoel om die afgebreekte tramlyne meestal binne die westelike deel van die stad te vervang (hoewel baie Oos-Berlyn ook raakloop om die afgesnyde tremverbindings te vervang). Hulle word met die letter "M" en twee syfers aangedui, en word beskou as 'n aparte vervoermiddel van die ander busse, wat oranje gemerk is op bewegings en kaarte net soos die trems is (die oranje "M" -logo beteken "MetroBus" of MetroTram). Die MetroBusse is geneig om langs die vernaamste vervoergange te ry en word gewoonlik met dubbeldekkerbusse bestuur, wat dit baie aantreklik vir toeriste maak. MetroBuses ry gewoonlik elke 10 minute vanaf elke stop wat hulle bedien. Onder die lyne wat veral vir toeriste aantreklik is, is M19 en M29, wat langs die Kurfürstendamm en die M41, wat die distrikte Kreuzberg en Neukölln via die Potsdamer Platz met die hoofstasie verbind.
  • Snel buslyne uit verbind belangrike plekke, soos lughawens en treinstasies, op 'n baie vinnige manier deur baie stopplekke oor te slaan. Hulle ry elke 5 minute in die middestad met dubbeldekkerbusse of gelede busse. Die uitdrukkingslyne word aangedui met die letter "X" en een of twee syfers. 'N Uitdruklike bus wat veral vir toeriste interessant is X7 vanaf die lughawe (wat beide terminale 5 en terminale 1/2 bedien) tot by die eindpunt van U-Bahn U7 in Rudow.
  • Gereelde buslyne het syfers met drie syfers en hul syfers het elkeen die betekenis dat toegewyde liefhebbers van openbare vervoer kan ontsyfer om vas te stel wat die bus is. Die meeste busse sal slegs vir reisigers van nut wees as hulle na 'n spesifieke plek wil ry wat nie met ander vervoer vervoer word nie, insluitend metro- of snelbusse.
    • Twee uitsonderings is spesiale toerustinglyne 100 en 200, wat van die belangrikste toeriste-aantreklikhede in die middestad af loop en uitsluitlik met dubbeldekkerbusse bestuur word. Die 100 loop van Zoologischer Garten na Alexanderplatz deur die Tiergarten park, Regierungsviertel en Unter den Linden straat. Die 200 lei van daardie roete af om die Kulturforum, Potsdamer Platz te besoek en verder oos van Alexanderplatz na Prenzlauer Berg te strek. Die een of ander rit is 'n moet vir besoekers in Berlyn. Die Berlynse aanvang "City Pirates" bied 'n gratis klankgids vir die bus 100 wat outomaties klankinligting oor die besienswaardighede langs die roete afspeel via GPS-lokalisering (Duits en Engels, Android und iOS). In die somerbus 218 neem u langs die skilderagtige rit deur die Grunewald-woud in Wes-Berlyn, begin by die metrostasie Theodor-Heuss-Platz (U2) en eindig naby die beroemde Pfaueninsel in Suidwes-Berlyn, waar u 'n klein veerboot na genoemde eiland kan neem en besoek die park en die klein kasteel daar.
  • Nagbusse werk in die nag as die ander vervoermiddels dit nie doen nie.
    • Die enkelsyferlyne vervang die metrolijnen in die nag wanneer laasgenoemde nie werk nie, en stop by die haltes direk bo / langs die U-Bahn-stasies. Die nommering volg die nommering van U-Bahn-lyne, maar gebruik "N" in plaas van "U", sodat N7 is 'n buslyn wat die U7 U-Bahn-lyn.
    • Ander dubbelsyfer-naglyne (N10 deur N97) ander roetes dek, maar sonder om reguit na die roetegetalle oor die dag te verwys

Daar is geen verskil in tariewe tussen verskillende soorte busse nie - selfs die MetroBusse, die 100 en 200, eis dieselfde tariewe as gewone busse. Om met die stadsbusse te ry, is dus 'n baie koste-effektiewe manier om die stad te verken in vergelyking met die talle privaat "hop-on / hop-off sightseeing bus toere". Daar is twee uitsonderings op hierdie reël, maar hulle dien eintlik geen punt binne die stadsgrense van Berlyn nie, naamlik 'BER1' en 'BER2', lughawebusse na Berlynse lughawe Brandenburg wat bo-op die gewone BVG-tarief 'n toeslag hef. Lees die lughaweartikel vir meer inligting hieroor.

Met die fiets

Sien ook: Fietsry # Duitsland

Berlyn het geen steil heuwels nie en bied baie fietspaaie (Radwege) dwarsdeur die stad (hoewel nie almal baie glad is nie). Dit sluit in 860 km heeltemal aparte fietspaaie, 60 km fietsrybane op strate, 50 km fietsrypaadjies op sypaadjies of sypaadjies, 100 km fietsrypaaie vir gemengde gebruik en 70 km gekombineerde busfietsbane in strate. . Fietse is 'n baie gewilde vervoermiddel onder inwoners van Berlyn, en daar is byna altyd 'n sekere vlak van fietsverkeer. Die politieke debat in die 2010's het beslissend geswaai ten gunste van fietsry, met 'n stadswye volksraad wat veroorsaak het dat die regerende sentrum / linkse rooi-rooi-groen koalisie 'n uitgebreide program onderteken het ten gunste van meer en beter fietsinfrastruktuur, wat die inisieerders van die volksraad het gesê dat hulle noukeurig moet monitor om implementering te verseker. In die loop van die Covid19-pandemie 'n klomp "pop-up fietsbane" is regdeur die stad opgerig, maar veral in Bezirke oorheers deur groenes en linkses. Mediadekking en openbare uitsprake deur politici dui aan dat die meeste 'pop-up fietsbane' sal bly, selfs nadat die pandemie geëindig het.

Om Berlyn per fiets te sien, is ongetwyfeld 'n wonderlike manier om kennis te maak met die groot toeristegebiede, en ook met die klein spiertjies en systraatjies. Die waarskynlik bekendste fietspad is die Mauerradweg, 'n fietspad langs die voormalige Berlynse muur. Alhoewel dit goed is om u eie kaart te dra, kan u ook altyd u ligging op enige U-Bahn-stasie en baie busstasies nagaan. Jy kan maak u eie fietskaarte aanlyn, geoptimaliseer deur minder besige roetes of minder verkeersligte of u gunsteling plaveisel.

Toere en huur

Tradisionele huurplekke is wydverspreid, veral in toeristebesoeke. Kyk rond of vra na jou akkommodasie. Die meeste plekke het 'n huurfooi van € 8 tot € 12 per dag - dit is 'n uitstekende prys en gee u die vryheid om die groot stad te verken.

As u nie vertroud is met u eie pad deur die stad nie, of meer inligting wil hê oor die besienswaardighede wat u besoek, kan u begeleide fietstoere kry (met fiets ingesluit) op Baja Bikes of Berlynse fiets.

Berlyn het ook 'n fietsdeelprogram, LIDL-FIETS (voorheen Call a Bike) stel fietse regoor die stad beskikbaar om op te laai en te gaan waar u wil. Die fietse is grys / groen en kan in die sentrale distrikte van Berlyn gevind word. Volg die aanwysings op die fiets-aanraakskerm of gebruik die mobiele app. Huurkoste, basiese jaarlikse fooi van € 3, dan € 1 vir elke 30 minute, tot 'n maksimum van € 15 per dag. U verkies egter om die maandelikse fooi van € 9 of 'n jaarlikse fooi van € 49 te betaal en die eerste 30 minute van elke huur gratis te kry, selfs net nadat u u vorige fiets terugbesorg het.

Fietse met openbare vervoer

U kan u fiets op enige S- en U-Bahn, treine en trems neem met die aangewese gebiede. Veerbote het gewoonlik plek vir fietsry, maar kan gedurende druk tye en goeie weer druk raak. Busse neem nie fietse nie, met die uitsondering van die nagbusse N1-N9 in die nagte tussen Sondag en Maandag en Donderdag en Vrydag (dit is dan wanneer daar geen U-Bahn-diens is nie). Hierdie busse het plek vir een fiets. Fietsruimte in enige openbare vervoer is beperk en u kan toegang geweier word. Rolstoele en buggies het voorkeur bo fietse.

U moet ook 'n kaartjie vir u fiets koop. Die pryse is soos volg:

  • Enkel reis. Berlyn AB € 1,90, Berlyn ABC € 2,50.
  • Dagkaartjie. Berlyn AB € 4,80, Berlyn ABC € 5,40.
  • Kort reis (Kurzstrecke). Prys: 1,20 €.

Met die taxi

Taxi-dienste is maklik om te gebruik en 'n bietjie goedkoper as in baie ander groot Sentraal-Europese stede. U kan 'n taxi bestuur (die geel lig aan die bokant wys dat die taxi beskikbaar is), of 'n taxistaanplek vind (Taxistaanplek). Taxibestuurders kan oor die algemeen Engels praat. Soos in ander groot stede, is baie taxibestuurders immigrante of kinders van immigrante, en sommige praat ook die ervare taal, behalwe Duits en Engels. As u 'n kort reis vra (Kurzstrecke), solank dit minder as 2 km is en voordat die taxibestuurder die meter laat loop, is die rit normaalweg goedkoper, € 4. Dit is slegs van toepassing as u die taxi op straat afmerk, nie as u by 'n taxistaanplek inklim nie. Hier is daar 'n taxi prys sakrekenaar vir Berlyn.

Met die veerboot

Die veerboot lyne in Berlyn

Ten spyte daarvan dat dit nie 'n maritieme stad soos Hamburg of Venesië, Berlyn het bruikbare waterweë en die BVG bestuur 'n paar veerbote wat met gewone BVG-kaartjies verkry kan word. Die meeste van die veerbote is slegs van plaaslike belang, maar die veerbootlyn F10 beslaan 4,4 km (2,7 myl) regoor die land Wannsee en verbind aan die S-Bahn aan die een kant. Ferry F24, wat 'n toeristeaantreklikheid is as die praktiese vervoer, is die enigste veerboot wat met 'n roeiboot in Berlyn bestuur word en die enigste roeibootboot wat deel uitmaak van 'n kaartjie-stelsel vir openbare vervoer in Duitsland. In 'n poging om 'n "groener" stad te word, word sommige van die veerbote gebruik met elektrisiteit wat deur sonpanele op hul dakke of op laaistasies op land voorsien word.

Benewens die openbare vervoerverbindings, is daar toerbote wat langs die rivier die Spree rondkyk en meestal as sirkelroetes. Dit is baie duurder as BVG-kaartjies.

Met 'n gondolhyser

In die loop van die 2017 internasionale tuinuitstalling in Berlyn / Oos, Het Berlyn sy eerste ontvang gondelhyser, wat in werking gebly het nadat die uitstalling gesluit is. Dit skakel langs die U-Bahn-stasie Kienberg (Gärten der Welt)  U5  aan die een kant en het al drie stasies met 'n lynlengte van 1 580 m (5,180 voet) wat vergelykbaar is met U55. dit is nie deel van BVG-kaartjies en teen 6,50 € per retoer is kaartjies relatief duur.


52 ° 31′1 ″ N 13 ° 23′24 ″ O
Landmerke van Berlyn
Individuele aanbiedings kan in Berlyn gevind word distrik artikels

Berlyn het talle besienswaardighede wat dateer uit sy onstuimige geskiedenis en deels as gevolg van die feit dat dit 40 jaar lank 'n 'dubbele hoofstad' was. Terwyl die instandhouding van sommige 'n voortdurende kopseer vir die tesourier is, is dit 'n plesier vir besoekers en baie inwoners.


Bode Museum is deel van die Museum Island, a UNESCO Wêrelderfenis werf

Berlyn het 'n groot verskeidenheid museums. Verreweg die meeste van hulle word in die Mitte distriksgids, wat onder andere die 1 Museumsinsel Museum-eiland op Wikipedia ('n eiland aan die Spree bedek met historiese museums) en die 2 Kulturforum Kulturforum op Wikipedia ('n versameling hedendaagse kulturele instellings). U sal ook 'n groot hoeveelheid museums in die ou hartjie van Wes-Berlyn en Steglitz-Zehlendorf omgewing van die stad, maar daar is groter of kleiner museums in byna elke distrik. Daar is museums wat alles dek, van kuns tot die geskiedenis van Berlyn en Duitsland tot verskillende takke van tegnologie en wetenskap.

Die meeste museums vra toegang vir mense van 18 jaar of ouer - gewoonlik € 6 tot € 14. Afslag (gewoonlik 50%) is beskikbaar vir studente en gestremdes met identifikasie. Kinders en jongmense kan dikwels gratis inkom, maar kyk wel na die ouderdomsbeperkings in spesifieke museums. 'N Lekker aanbod vir museumverslaafdes is die driedaagse Museumpas vir € 29 (konsessies: € 14,50), wat toegang verleen tot al die gereelde uitstallings van die ongeveer 30 staatsbeheerde museums en openbare stigtings.

Die meeste museums is op Maandae gesluit - opvallende uitsonderings sluit die Pergamon Museum, die Neues Museum en die Deutsches Historisches Museum, wat daagliks oop is. Museumsportal Berlyn, 'n gesamentlike webinisiatief, bied maklike toegang tot inligting oor alle museums, gedenktekens, kastele en versamelings en oor huidige en opkomende uitstallings. Sommige museums bied gratis toegang tot een of twee keer per week, een keer per maand of gedurende sekere tye van die dag. Hierdie webwerf het daaglikse opdaterings oor gratis aanbiedings in Berlyn.

Oorblyfsels van die Berlynse muur

'N Oorblywende gedeelte van die Berlynse muur
Berlynse muurgedenkteken in die Bernauer Straße

Terwyl die Berlynse muur lank reeds afgebreek is en baie van die terreine wat dit beset, heeltemal herontwikkel is, kan u steeds dele van die muur rondom Berlyn bewaar. Dit verwys nie na baie klein stukke van die muur wat die Oos-Duitse regering onmiddellik na die aftakeling verkoop het nie, wat nie net in Berlyn in verskillende kafees, restaurante en hotelle te vinde is nie, maar ook na die bewaar fragmente van die muur wat nog steeds in hul oorspronklike liggings. Vir groot dele van die afstand wat die muur in die middel van Berlyn geloop het, wys plaveiselmerke sy vorige ligging.

Die ikoniese 3 Brandenburghek Brandenburger Tor op Wikipedia is reg by die hoofstraat, Unter den Linden. Een van die meeste besoeke is die 4 Kontrolepunt Charlie Checkpoint Charlie op Wikipedia by die suidelike grens van Mitte en Kreuzberg, wat 'n herskepte legendariese grensoorgang binne die Friedrichstraße is. U kan nie die werklike muur daar sien nie, maar hierdie ikoniese (en uiters toeristiese) punt is op byna elke besoekerslys. Wes van daar af, kan u 'n stuk muur langs die Niederkirchnerstraße langs die Topografie van terreur museum in Kreuzberg. 'N Ander gewilde webwerf is die East Side Gallery langs die Spree in Friedrichshain, 'n baie lang stuk behoue ​​muur met kleurvolle graffiti. Al die bogenoemde fragmente is verander en is nou toeriste-aantreklikhede eerder as werklike historiese monumente - as u 'n werklik bewaar gedeelte van die muur wil hê, gaan dan na die noordelike grens van Mitte en Gesundbrunnen in die straat Bernauer Straße en besoek die 5 Berlynse Muur-gedenkteken Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer op Wikipedia, met 'n volledige gedeelte van die muur in al sy somberheid. 'N Kleiner deel van die oorspronklike muur kan vanaf die S-Bahn gesien word as u tussen Nordbahnhof- en Humbolthain-stasies reis.

'N Fiets- en wandelpad van 160 km (99 myl) langs die voormalige Berlynse muur, die Berliner Mauerweg (Berlynse Muurroete), is goed gemerk en bied afwisselende dele van historiese belang en natuurlike skoonheid.

Privaat kunsgalerye

Aangesien Berlyn 'n kunsstad is, is dit maklik om 'n kunsgalery op pad te vind. Dit bied 'n uitstekende geleentheid om gratis na moderne kunstenaars se werk in 'n nie so druk omgewing te kyk nie. Sommige galerystrate met meer as 'n dosyn galerye is Auguststraße, Linienstraße, Torstraße, Brunnenstraße (almal Mitte, noord van die S-Bahn-stasie Oranienburger Straße), Zimmerstraße (Kreuzberg, U-Bahn-stasie Kochstraße) en Fasanenstraße (Charlottenburg). U kan 'n lys van al die uitstallings en galery-openings vind, sowel as 'n kaart op Berlynse kunsrooster.

Hoë geboue met waarnemingsdekke

Die oorwinningskolom

Berlyn het 'n groot deel van die hoë geboue en aangesien die stad nogal uitgestrek is en nie een sentrum het waar alle hoë geboue geleë is nie, kan u van die meeste van hulle 'n mooi uitsig geniet, selfs die wat nie volgens die wêreld standaard is nie. .

Die meeste uitkykpunte is versprei binne die Berlyn / Mitte distrik. Duitsland se hoogste konstruksie, die 6 Fernsehturm Fernsehturm Berlyn op Wikipedia (TV-toring), geleë op Alexanderplatz, is 368 m lank en die uitkykdek met kroeg en restaurant is ongeveer 205 m. In die omgewing kan u die Park Inn Hotel met 'n klein terras op die 40ste verdieping. Van daar het jy 'n pragtige uitsig oor die Fernsehturm. 'N Ander uitkykpunt in 'n moderne gebou op 101 m is die Kollhoff-toring by Potsdamer Platz, wat ook die vinnigste hysbak in Europa bevat.

Een van die drie belangrikste historiese geboue met uitkykpunte is die Reichstagsgebäude, die gebou waar die Duitse parlement in Spreebogen / Regierungsviertel), met 'n skouspelagtige glaskoepel, wat 'n wonderlike uitsig oor Berlyn bied. Die toegang tot die koepel is gratis, maar dit is nodig bespreek u plek vooraf. Let asseblief daarop dat u tot en met wanneer u 'n plek aanlyn bespreek drie e-pos in die proses: die eerste bevat 'n skakel om 'n lys van lede vir u groep te skep (u moet op hierdie skakel klik om voort te gaan met die proses); die tweede bevat 'n kennisgewing dat u versoek ontvang is, maar nog nie bevestig is nie; die derde e-pos is die bevestiging wat u op die dag van u besoek (as afdruk of op u foon) moet saambring, saam met die regerings-uitgereikte foto-ID (dws paspoorte vir buitelanders).

Die beroemde 67 m lange monument 7 Siegessäule Berlin Victory Column op Wikipedia (Oorwinningskolom), eens direk voor die Reichstagsgebäude, maar nou in die middel van die Straße des 17. Juni in Tiergarten, het 'n kykplatform. U kan ook bo-op die Berliner Dom (Berlynse katedraal) in Berlyn / Mitte op die Museumsinsel vir 'n uitsig oor die stad.

Die uitkykpunt in 'n ander distrik is die Funkturm (Radiotoring) in Westelike punt. Dit is 'n 150 m hoë tralietoring met opelug-observasie dek 124 m bo die grond.

Die enigste gratis uitkykpunt is die een op die Reichstagsgebäude, die ander wissel tussen € 3-13.


Berlyn het twee dieretuine en 'n akwarium. Die 8 Berlynse dieretuin Berlynse Dieretuin op Wikipedia in die weste (Berlyn / Mitte) is die historiese dieretuin. Dit is 'n oase in die stad en baie gewild onder gesinne en skole. Dit het die grootste verskeidenheid spesies ter wêreld en is bekend vir sy pandas. Die Akwarium Berlyn is die grootste akwarium in Duitsland en deel van die Berlynse dieretuin (kan apart besoek word). Dit is naby die Olifantpoort (Budapester Straße), een van die ingange na die dieretuin, en 'n tradisionele fotostop vir die meeste besoekers vanweë die argitektuur. Die Tierpark Berlyn in Friedrichsfelde (Berlyn / Oos) is ruimer as die historiese dieretuin van Berlyn en is ongeveer 50 jaar oop en dateer uit die era van afskorting toe owerhede in die Ooste hul eie dieretuin wou aanbied. Die kompleks bevat ook 'n klein kasteel met sy aangrensende park.


Individuele aanbiedings kan in Berlyn gevind word distrik artikels

Tel 'n eksemplaar van Exberliner, die maandelikse Engelstalige koerant vir Berlyn om uit te vind wat op, wanneer en waar. Dit bied joernalistiek van hoë gehalte en bygewerkte lys. As u Duits verstaan, is die aktiwiteitsbeplanners vir die stad, zitty en wenk, is by elke kiosk beskikbaar. Wees bereid om tussen 'n groot aantal opsies te kies.


Openbare buslyn 100 met dubbeldekkerbus
"Molecule Men" -beeld by Berlyn Osthafen

Gaan op 'n toer van Berlyn. Die Mitte en omliggende distrikte is kompak genoeg om 'n aantal uitstekende wandelroetes deur sy strate met baie geskiedenis toe te laat. U sien wonderlike dinge wat u anders sou mis. Besonderhede is gewoonlik beskikbaar by die ontvangsbankies van koshuise en hotelle.

  • 1 Berlynse toer per openbare buslyn 100 en 200. Die 100 en 200 buslyne is net gewone buslyne, maar dit gaan verby baie van Berlyn se beroemde landmerke. Albei loop elke 5-10 minute tussen S U-stasie Zoologischer Garten en S U-stasie Alexanderplatz. Alle BVG-kaartjies word aanvaar. € 2,70 (enkel) of € 7,60 (dagkaartjie).
  • Bunker toer (self begelei). Berlyn het nog baie bunkers van die Tweede Wêreldoorlog wat regoor die stad versprei is - sommige val uitmekaar, sommige word as lokaal gebruik en ander kan op 'n privaat / betaalde toer besoek word (byvoorbeeld naby Gesundbrunnen). Baie is nog in 'n baie goeie toestand, dikwels bedek met baie graffiti. Hulle meng dikwels in die stad se argitektuur en is skaars waarneembaar tussen gewone geboue, maar net as u twee keer kyk. As u van hierdie geboue wil verken, gaan na OpenStreetMap (uitvoer), of gebruik 'n app soos OSMand en soek na bunker.
  • Stern und Kreisschiffahrt. Verreweg die grootste bootmaatskappy in Berlyn. Hulle bied toere op die meeste mere aan.
  • Segway Tour Berlyn. 3. Bied verskillende Segway-besigtigingstoere in Berlyn aan. Begin naby Brandenburger Tor, vir klein groepies tot 10 mense. 75 EUR.
  • Kaartjie B. Vertoon die stad Berlyn op argitektoniese roetes met die hand uitgesoek. Gelei deur argitekte in Duits, Engels, Frans, Italiaans of Spaans. Toere vanaf die water, op die land of in 'n helikopter word aangebied. Hulle reël u spesiale toer oor kontemporêre argitektuur in Berlyn met baie eksklusiewe besoeke aan die binnekant van geboue.
  • Yachtcharter Werder. Bied die moontlikheid van 'n langdurige verblyf op die waterweë van Berlyn en die omliggende federale deelstaat Brandenburg.

Buitelug ontspanning

Berlyn het baie groot parke wat baie gewild is in die somer. Groen Berlyn sommige van hulle bedryf.

Berlyn se grootste park is Großer Tiergarten (in Berlyn / Mitte). In die somer en naweke sien u baie gesinne met hul braai.

Daar is 'n paar noemenswaardige parke in Berlyn / Oos-Sentraal. U kan 'n uitstekende panoramiese uitsig oor Suid-Berlyn geniet Viktoriapark in Kreuzberg. Boonop vind u 'n nasionale monument van Schinkel. Mauerpark is bekend as die Bearpit Karaoke wat elke tweede Sondag in die somer plaasvind, en ook vir die groot vlooimark. Dit is ook 'n gewilde braaiplek. Görlitzer Park het 'n braai-area, 'n sokkerveld en 'n minigolfmaatskappy.

Aangrensend aan die Charlottenburg-paleis in Berlyn / City West is Schlossgarten Charlottenburg. Die groen dele van die park is gratis, en u kan soontoe gaan om te stap, selfs al is u nie in die paleis belang nie.

'N Entjie verder met metro-toegang in Berlyn / Oos is die Gärten der Welt (Wêreld se tuin). Binne-in vind u 'n groot, gevestigde Chinese tuin, 'n Koreaanse tuin, 'n klein Bali's Garden / Glasshouse, 'n Oosterse tuin met mooi fonteine ​​en 'n klooster en 'n Japannese tuin wat 'n projek is deur die stadsvennootskap van Berlyn en Tokio. Die beste tyd vir 'n besoek is in die lente of somer. 'N Entjie verder in die teenoorgestelde rigting, in Berlyn / Steglitz-Zehlendorf, is die Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlyn-Dahlem (Botaniese tuin en botaniese museum Berlyn-Dahlem).

Die groot Treptower Park in Berlyn / Treptow-Köpenick langs die Spree is dit mooi en skoon. Dit is bekend vir die Insel der Jugend (Isle of Youth) en sy talle bootverhurings en bootritte.

Berlyn het ook 'n hele paar mere en strande geskik vir swem. Hulle het dikwels een betaalde area met fasiliteite en gereelde onbeheerde plekke met gratis toegang. Sommige het aangewese areas vir naakbad (FKK). Wannsee in Berlyn / Steglitz-Zehlendorf word Berlyn se 'bad' genoem. Die Strandbad Wannsee is die bekendste badgebied vir plaaslike inwoners. Neem die S-Bahn-lyne S1 of S7 na die Nikolassee-stasie en volg die skare! In die suidooste van Berlyn in Berlyn / Treptow-Köpenick, sal u die vind Müggelsee wat 'n gewilde swemplek is.

Feeste en jaarlikse geleenthede

Franse koepel by die ligfees
  • Ultraschall Berlin - Festival für neue Musik. In Januarie. 'N Jaarlikse fees wat in 1999 begin is, word gewy aan nuwe musiek wat beide wêreldpremières en musiek van onlangse komponiste bevat. Konserte vind op verskillende plekke regoor die stad plaas en word uitgevoer deur klein ensembles tot groot orkeste.
  • Berlinale - Berlynse filmfees. In Februarie. Die stad se grootste kulturele gebeurtenis en 'n belangrike deel van die wêreldwye filmbedryf se kalender (daar bo met Cannes). 250 000 kaartjies verkoop, 400 verskillende films vertoon en elke jaar 'n aantal geassosieerde partytjies en geleenthede. In teenstelling met Cannes is alle vertonings op die Berlinale oop vir die publiek. Kaartjies is goedkoop en relatief maklik om te kry vir die "International Forum of Young Film" -vertonings en die "Berlinale Panorama" (films wat nie in die kompetisie is nie). Berlynse Internasionale Filmfees (Q130871) op Wikidata Berlynse Internasionale Filmfees op Wikipedia
  • MaerzMusik. In Maart. 'N Fees met kontemporêre musiek en optredes oor kwessies van ons tyd, gereël deur Berliner Festspiele.
  • 2 Open Air Gallery Oberbaumbrücke, Oberbaumbrücke tussen Kreuzberg en Friedrichshain (in Berlyn / Oos-Sentraal, net onder die brug Oberbaum). Junie: 10: 00-22: 00. Kunstenaars verkoop hul werke, amateur-tangodansers lewer openbare optredes en u kan bydra tot 'n samewerkende skildery op 'n baie lang doek wat op straat langs die fees versprei word. Vry.
  • Fête de la Musique (Wêreldwye Musiekdag). 21 Junie elke jaar. Op hierdie dag word alle soorte musiek regoor die stad gekoördineer met 'n soortgelyke dag in die meeste Franse stede.
  • Jong Euro Classic. In Augustus. 'N Musiekfees wat in 2000 gestig is, met jeugorkeste van regoor die wêreld. Die konserte vind plaas in die Konzerthaus Berlyn op Gendarmenmarkt. Die fees duur gewoonlik ongeveer 2 weke. Konserte het dikwels wêreldpremières. Young Euro Classic (Q2601217) op Wikidata Young Euro Classic op Wikipedia
  • Lange Nacht der Museen (Lang nag van museums), 49 30 24749888. Einde Augustus. 'N Groot kulturele geleentheid met baie museums (ongeveer 80) is oop tot 02:00 en ekstra geleenthede regoor die stad. Volwassenes € 18, toegewings € 12, onder 12 jaar gratis. Kaartjie sluit onbeperkte gebruik van die pendelbusdiens en openbare vervoer (BVG en S-Bahn) in. As u vooraf koop, is die kaartjies goedkoper.
  • Deure se opedag van die federale regering (Tag der offenen Tür der Bundesregierung). Verlede naweek in Augustus. Vir een naweek reël die federale regering deure wat oop dae is waar toegang tot die meeste federale ministeries en ander regeringsinstellings verkry kan word. Dele van die Duitse kanselaresse is ook toeganklik, waar die huidige kanselier gewoonlik sal verskyn. Gratis vervoer tussen die plekke word voorsien. Daar is veiligheidskontroles en hulle raai u aan om nie groter voorwerpe (soos tasse) saam te bring nie. Bring 'n amptelike ID saam. Vry.
  • Musikfest Berlyn. Einde Augustus. 'N Groot fees vir klassieke musiek wat die begin van die seisoen aandui. Sowat 2 weke lank is daar konserte in baie van Berlyn se musieklokale. Bekende internasionale en Duitse orkeste tree op. Georganiseer deur Berliner Festspiele.
  • Fees van die ligte, 49 30 25489244. In Oktober. 'N 10 dae lange fees, waar beroemde geboue in Berlyn op 'n spesiale manier verlig word. Vry. Liggiefees (Q125715) op Wikidata Festival of Lights (Berlyn) op Wikipedia


  • Karneval. Aan die einde van Februarie of vroeg in Maart. Aangesien baie mense in Berlyn oorspronklik uit die suidelike of westelike gebied van Duitsland gekom het Fasering, Vasnacht of Karneval gevier word, is 'n karnaval-parade ook in Berlyn ingestel. Dit het al hoe groter geword (ongeveer 500 000 tot 1 miljoen mense het gekyk), maar die kostuums en motors is taamlik vervelig en die mense is nie so aangetrek soos in die 'oorspronklike' groot karnaval-parades nie (Keulen, Mainz, Düsseldorf). Sedert 2007 is die tradisionele roete oor Kurfürstendamm gekies. Mense uit Berlyn steur hulself nie aan Karneval nie; dit is meestal 'n geleentheid vir mense wat uit die streke van Duitsland met 'n Karneval kom. Om die waarheid te sê, die meeste Berlyners sal vir jou lag as jy noem dat jy na Karneval is - dit is nie 'n Berlynse tradisie nie, maar 'n instelling ná 1990.
  • Karneval der Kulturen (Karnaval van kulture). In Mei of Junie (op Pinksterdag). Die idee van die "Carnival of Cultures" is 'n parade van die verskillende etniese groepe van die stad wat tradisionele musiek, kostuums en danse vertoon. Ander meer moderne, alternatiewe en politieke groepe neem ook deel. Soortgelyke geleenthede word ook in Hamburg en Frankfurt. Karneval der Kulturen (Q457590) op Wikidata Karneval der Kulturen op Wikipedia
  • Christopherstraat-dag. Laat Julie. Berlyn se gay trots. 'N Bekende jaarlikse politieke demonstrasie vir die regte van die gay-kultuur wat in alle Duitse groot stede gereël word. Al is u onverskillig oor die kwessie, is die Christopher Street Day gewoonlik 'n waardevolle gesig, aangesien baie deelnemers in wilde kostuums opdaag.
  • Fokparade. In Augustus. Die Fuckparade (Hateparade in die vroeë dae) het begin as 'n antiparade of demonstrasie teen die gekommersialiseerde Love Parade, en was eers op dieselfde datum as die Love Parade, maar later is die datum verskuif. Die Fuckparade is 'n politieke demonstrasie, met politieke toesprake aan die begin en einde en die parade met musiek tussenin. Die algemene leuse van die Fuckparade is 'teen die vernietiging van die klubtoneel'. Die musiek is heel anders as tydens die Love Parade: meestal onafhanklike / alternatiewe / ekstreme elektroniese musiek. Fuckparade (Q562198) op Wikidata Fuckparade op Wikipedia
  • Hanf Parade. In Augustus. Die Hanfparade is die grootste Europese politieke demonstrasie vir die wettiging van hennep vir gebruik in die landbou en as stimulant. Daar is bekend dat daar konflik met die polisie is, en dit is nie 'n goeie idee om enige vorm van cannabis tydens hierdie demonstrasie te verbruik nie. sal beheer mense al is dit net om te wys dat hulle kan. Hanfparade (Q175219) op Wikidata Hanfparade op Wikipedia

Kulturele lokale

Konzerthaus Berlyn aan die Gendarmenmarkt

Berlyn is waarskynlik die lewendige kulturele sentrum van Duitsland. Aangesien dit die kulturele infrastruktuur van twee groot hoofstede tydens die verdeling gehad het, is daar baie teaters, opera's en universiteite. Dit lei tot die leë munisipale geldkas en lei tot klagtes van mense uit ander dele van Duitsland oor subsidies, maar dit help om een ​​van die lewendigste kulturele tonele in Europa aan die lewe te hou.

'N Omvattende platform met 'n lys van kulturele geleenthede word aangebied deur Berlynse Bühnen namens ongeveer 80 lokale. Berlyn se opvallende kulturele instellings vir uitvoerende kunste, sowel klassiek as modern, is meestal in Mitte en Stad Wes. Selfs as u nie 'n toneelstuk of konsert gaan sien nie, is baie plekke argitektonies indrukwekkend en as sodanig besienswaardighede.

Op die teater kant, die "grand old" titel kan gaan na Deutsches-teater, 'n klassieke teater met 'n indrukwekkende reeks akteurs en regisseurs. Oor die algemeen het beroemde teaters in Berlyn egter 'n meer moderne karakter. Dit sluit die Berliner Ensemble, die Maxim Gorki-teater, die soms omstrede Volksbühne am Rosa Luxemburg Platz, die Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz sowel as die Teater am Kurfürstendamm met TV-bekendes in moderne toneelstukke. Die stad het ook 'n Engelse teater in Oos-Sentraal-Berlyn, as u optredes in Engels verkies. Sommige teaterlokale is bekend vir hul musiekblyspele: die historiese Theatre des Westens, die Teater am Potsdamer Platz, en die Friedrichstadt-Palast, laasgenoemde, wat die grootste vertoning van Berlyn is met meer as 100 kunstenaars op die grootste teaterverhoog ter wêreld.

Aanhangers van opera het verskillende plekke om van te kies. Die belangrikste klassieke operahuise is Deutsche Oper, en Staatsoper Unter den Linden waarvan die indrukwekkende gebou en die koninklike geskiedenis die gebou alleen die moeite werd maak. Vir meer moderne operas, gaan na Komische Oper Berlyn, Schiller-teater of Neuköllner Oper, verskeie kere as beste buite-operahuis gekies en bekend vir sy moderne en kontemporêre stukke. Meestal in Duits, wat gewoonlik verband hou met ontwikkelinge in Duitsland, en baie kreatief en innoverend.

Berliner Philharmoniker is 'n groot konsertsaal wat ontwerp is deur Hans Scharoun en die tuiste van die Berlynse Filharmoniese Orkes. Bekende gebou en uitstaande musikante. Besprekings word aanbeveel, maar goedkoper kaartjies is gewoonlik 2-4 uur voor die konsert beskikbaar indien dit nie uitverkoop is nie. Elke Dinsdag (September tot Junie) 13: 00-14: 00 gratis middagete-konsert; kom vroeg. In die winter is laataand-konserte (22:30 of 23:00) 'n winskopie en het hulle dikwels meer avant-garde of onkonvensionele formate. Die aangrensende Kammermusiksaal (Chamber Music Hall) is later bygevoeg en bied kleiner konserte aan. Ander plekke om klassieke musiek te geniet, sluit in Konzerthaus Berlyn en Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler (HfM). Die HfM (Berlynse Akademie vir Musiek) bied baie konserte aan deur hul studente en ander professionele musikante, waarvan die meeste gratis is.


Daar is ongeveer honderd bioskope in Berlyn, alhoewel die meeste van hulle slegs films in Duits genoem, sonder onderskrifte. Hieronder is 'n paar van die belangrikste bioskope wat films in die oorspronklike taal vertoon (kyk na die OmU - "origineel met onderskrifte" - notasie). Die meeste films wat in Duits gedoop word, verskyn 'n bietjie later in Duitsland. Kaartjies is normaalweg € 5-7. Maandag tot Woensdag is spesiale bioskoopdae met minder toegang.

There are three notable cinemas in Kreuzberg in Berlin/East Central within close proximity. Babylon Kreuzberg, a small cinema built in the 1950s, which shows non-mainstream movies. Kino Moviemento which is the oldest cinema in Germany (1907). And Eiszeit. In Berlin/Mitte near Hackesche Höfe there is Kino Central, a repertory cinema located in an ex-squat, and Filmtheater Hackesche Höfe showing a very broad range of movies. Kant Kino in Berlin/City West is one of the few old cinemas (founded 1912) left in Berlin's western city. It shows mostly non-mainstream European movies.

The mainstream cinema, CineStar Original, shows only movies in original version (e.g. in English, without subtitles); en CineStar IMAX is a 3D cinema with special laser and sound technology. IMAX films are usually available in English. Both cinemas are located in the Sony Center at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin/Mitte.


In Berlin, nearly all sports are on offer; some speculate that the lukewarm support Hertha enjoys even in times of success is due to the huge offer of other sports (similar to how Los Angeles failed to maintain an NFL team due to the diverse cultural offerings):

  • Watch association football i.e. soccer. Berlin has two professional teams, both in Bundesliga, the top tier of association football in Germany.
Herta BSC is the best known: they play at Olympia stadium in Charlottenburg west of the centre. The stadium itself is worth seeing - it hosted the 2006 Fifa world cup final and the infamous 1936 Olympics.
Union Berlin: their home stadium is in Köpenick southeast of the centre.
There are no city teams in the 2nd or 3rd tier of Bundesliga, but several at lower levels: the Berlin FA lists them all.
  • Berlin Handball has had a hard time competing with the north German powerhouses but these days the Füchse Berlin van Reinickendorf who play their home games in Max Schmeling Halle are a force to be reckoned with.
  • 3 Basketball. Alba Berlin, known as The Albatross are consistently the best basketball team in Germany, and one of the best in Europe. With fans crazier than most in the NBA, Albatross games at the o2 World arena are an exciting way to take in one of the world's greatest sports.
  • Public swimming pools. Can be found around the city. Check out BBB for pool listings and opening times.
  • Sailing, on one of the many lakes is also popular. You can find sailing clubs and most universities have ships as well.
  • Golf. You can find golf clubs all around Berlin, although for non-members Motzen has one of the best.
  • 4 Ice hockey. The Berlin Eisbären (Polar Bears) play this fast, exciting and very physical sport during the winter. The excitement is heightened by the singing and chanting of the crowds, who are fueled by the copious quantities of wurst and beer available.
  • Floorball, is booming faster than ever before in the German capital. A sum of teams defines the cascade of the local floorball scene, whereas the decorated Bundesliga site of BAT Berlin probably embodies the most prominent one.
  • American Football. After the closing of NFL Europe and the related end of Berlin Thunder (triple winner of the World Bowl), the Berlin Adler (Eagles) have historically been Berlin's No. 1 team playing in the German Football League (until 2017) they are one of the oldest and most storied teams in Germany being a founding member of the first American Football season in 1979 but have entered something of a slump, often falling to their crosstown rivals. Apart from the "Berlin-Derby" a highlight of the season is the match against the Dresden Monarchs as the two teams share an intense and storied rivalry. Die Berlin Rebels (in 2018) have somewhat overtaken them in on-field success playing in the first division German Football League. The 2017 season saw the Adler lose the promotion/relegation round against a team from Potsdam so 2018 will see the Rebels and Potsdam but no Adler in the GFL1. American Football in Germany is a very relaxed and family friendly affair and you can definitely show up in any NFL, German or no Football gear at all and have a chat with fans of either side.
  • 5 Australian Football. The Berlin Crocodiles host regular matches in the summer.


Universities in Berlin

Berlin has three major universities, and one art university. Freie Universität was founded after World War II in West Berlin and today the city's largest university by number of students. Its name (literally "Free University") refers to the ideological conflict during the Cold War. Humboldt Universität is the oldest university in Berlin with an impressive record of alumni and professors – Albert Einstein, G.W.F. Hegel, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, to name but a few. During the Cold War it was the main university in East Berlin and after reunification there have been efforts to reinstate its former glory. Die Technische Universität was founded in 1879 as Technische Hochschule Berlin with a good reputation for its research. Die Universität der Künste Berlin is one of the largest institutions of music and arts in the world. This institution was for the most time of its existence called Hochschule der Künste, and you can still find the abbreviation HDK in the logo on some buildings.

The German capital naturally has some good options for learning the language:

  • 1 Goethe-Institut Berlin, Neue Schönhauser Str. 20, 49 30 259063, . Learn the German language with a variety of courses of different durations. Certificates from this institute are globally recognised as the standard for German language ability.


The current economic climate is stable but to find work in Berlin is not easy. A sound level of German improves your chance as only few multinational companies are present in Berlin. Any kind of skills (especially language) that separates you from the masses will definitely improve your chances for a job. Berlin has a lower GDP per capita than the German average, but slowly but surely new startups founded in Berlin are becoming bigger and bigger players and some companies have decided to open representative headquarters in Berlin following reunification - most notably Siemens, a company founded and intimately linked with Berlin that had most of its production and even de facto headquarters in Erlangen en München during partition but is to reoccupy "Siemensstadt" (a part of Berlin/Spandau) with a railway line built in the 1920s to serve Siemens to be reactivated.

If you have an academic background then teaching English (Spanish, French and Latin are good, too) or private tutoring (e.g. math) for pupils is always a possibility as Berlin is a young city and education is in strong demand. Otherwise working in a bar might be an option but it'll be tough, because wages are low and big tips are uncommon. Chances are much better when big trade fairs (e.g. "Grüne Woche", bread & butter or ITB) or conventions take place so apply at temp and trade fair agencies. The hospitality industry and call centres are constantly hiring but wages are very low unless you can offer special skills (such as exotic languages) or background.

Berlin has a growing media, modelling and TV/movie industry. For daily soaps, telenovelas and movies most companies look for people with something specific. Apply at the bigger casting and acting agencies.

For English-language jobs, if might be worth checking out the classified ads of this monthly magazine for English-speakers, Exberliner.


Individual listings can be found in Berlin's distrik artikels
Breitscheidplatz (between Ku'damm and Tauentzienstraße) in wintertime
The famous Ku'Damm
Galeries Lafayette, Friedrichstraße


The main shopping areas are:

  • Ku'Damm and its extension Tauentzienstraße in Berlin/City West remain the main shopping streets even now that the Wall has come down. KaDeWe (Kaufhaus des Westens) at Wittenbergplatz is a must visit just for the vast food department on the 6th floor. It's reputedly the biggest department store in Continental Europe and still has an old world charm, with very helpful and friendly staff.
  • Schloßstraße in Steglitz (Berlin/Steglitz-Zehlendorf) with the shopping centre Schloss-Straßen-Center, Forum Steglitz, Karstadt, Boulevard Berlin, Naturkaufhaus and Das Schloss, between the subway stations U9 Walther-Schreiber-Platz and U9 S1 Rathaus Steglitz.
  • Friedrichstraße in Berlin/Mitte is the upmarket shopping street in former East Berlin with Galeries Lafayette and the other Quartiers (204 to 207) as main areas to be impressed with wealthy shoppers.
  • Alexanderplatz in Berlin/Mitte. The renovated Galeria Kaufhof department store is worth a visit. For alternative souvenirs go to ausberlin.

The main shopping area for the alternative, but still wealthy crowd is north of Hackescher Markt in Berlin/Mitte, especially around the Hackesche Höfe.

For some more affordable but still very fashionable shopping there is Prenzlauer Berg, Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain in Berlin/East Central with a lot of young designers opening shops, but also lots of record stores and design shops. Constant change makes it hard to recommend a place, but the area around station Eberswalder Straße in Prenzlauer Berg, around Bergmannstraße and Oranienstraße in Kreuzberg and around Boxhagener Platz in Friedrichshain are always great when it comes to shopping.

For souvenirs, have a look just in front of the Kaiser Wilhelm Gedächtniskirche (Berlin/City West); these shops sell almost the same items as others, but are cheaper. However, not all members of staff speak English. You can also get cheap postcards there (from €0.30 while the average price for normal postcard is €0.50-0.80).


There are four market halls selling fresh produce and ready-to-eat food. Marheinecke Markthalle en Markthalle Neun are both in Kreuzberg (Berlin/East Central), Arminiusmarkthalle is in Moabit (Berlin/City West), and Markthalle Tegel is in Tegel (Berlin/Reinickendorf and Spandau).

You can find dozens of flea markets with different themes in Berlin (mostly on weekends), but worth checking out is the big one at Straße des 17. Juni (between Ernst-Reuter-Haus and S-Bahn: Tiergarten). Two other flea markets are at Mauerpark in Prenzlauer Berg (Berlin/East Central) and at Arkonaplatz (Berlin/Mitte), which is close to Mauerpark. Both are on Sundays, so you can combine visiting them.

Opening hours

Shopping hours are theoretically unlimited on weekdays. Nevertheless, many of the smaller shops still close at 20:00. Most of the bigger stores and nearly all of the malls are open until 21:00 or 22:00 from Thursday to Saturday.

Sunday opening is still limited to about a dozen weekends per year, although some supermarkets in train stations (Hauptbahnhof, Bahnhof Zoologischer Garten (under the S-Bahn bridge), Friedrichstraße, Innsbrucker Platz (U4 in the underground) and Ostbahnhof) are open on Sundays.

Many bakeries and small food stores (called Spätkauf or colloquially "Späti") are open late at night and on Sundays in more gentrified neighbourhoods (especially Prenzlauer Berg, Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain). Stores inside the Hauptbahnhof (central station) have long working hours (usually until about 22:00-23:00), also on Sundays.

Credit cards

Although credit card and VISA/Mastercard-branded debit card acceptance is becoming more common, many stores still take only cash. Most places in tourist zones will accept credit cards, but it is still a good idea to ask in advance if you intend to pay with one. Many restaurants require a minimum check amount, sometimes in excess of €30.

For Americans, Germany uses the chip-and-pin system so you may have trouble at places like unattended gas stations and automated ticket machines. Often, a cashier will be able to swipe the magnetic strip, but don't be surprised if someone refuses your credit card because it doesn't have a chip. If possible, contact your card issuer before leaving home to see if they can replace your existing card with one that has a chip.


Individual listings can be found in Berlin's distrik artikels

Ich bin ein Berliner

in some parts of Germany - but not Berlin, jelly doughnuts are known as Berliner, but in Berlin, they're called Pfannkuchen. This in turn means "pancake" almost everywhere else, so if you want a pancake in Berlin, you have to ask for Eierkuchen. Confused yet?

Lovers of street food rejoice! Berlin has an incredibly wide variety of different styles and tastes at very affordable prices (for European wallets, that is). You can find superb food in small stalls tucked away under the tracks of elevated U-Bahn stretches for well under five euros.

Berlin Currywurst

A staple in Berlin is currywurst. It's a bratwurst covered in ketchup and curry powder. You can find them all over Berlin by street vendors. It's a must try when in Berlin. Two renowned currywurst stands are "Konnopke's Imbiss" below Eberswalder Straße U-Bahn station on line 2 and "Curry 36" opposite the Mehringdamm U-Bahn station in Kreuzberg (only two stops south of Checkpoint Charlie). Both of these offer far friendlier service than many of Berlin's more upmarket eateries.

Another famous thing to eat in Berlin is döner, a flat bread filled with lamb or chicken meat and vegetables, available at many Turkish stands.

Berlin may seem like carnivore heaven, but vegetarians en vegans can eat quite well. Berliners are generally environmentally conscious, and that extends to their food; most of the inner neighbourhoods have a handful of good healthy vegetarian or vegan restaurants using local ingredients, though they tend to be more expensive than the ubiquitous kebab and sausage stands. If you're a vegetarian on a limited budget, many kebab restaurants have a good selection of roasted vegetables and salads, and you can usually get falafels (fried chickpea balls, suitable for vegans) and halloumi (a type of dense cheese) in place of meat.

Eating out in Berlin is incredibly inexpensive compared to any other Western European capital or other German cities. The city is multicultural and many cultures' cuisines are represented here somewhere, although they are often modified to suit German tastes.

All prices must include VAT by law. Only upmarket restaurants may ask for a further service surcharge. It is best to ask if credit cards are accepted before you sit down—it's not that common to accept credit cards and cash is preferred. Most likely to be accepted are Visa and MasterCard; all other cards will only be accepted in some upmarket restaurants. European debit cards are not always accepted because due to debit card fraud, some processing companies stopped intra-European cards from specific countries. This does not apply to debit cards that are from German banks. Better have cash or ask the restaurant staff.


Restaurants between Nollendorfplatz and Winterfeldplatz in Schöneberg

One of the main tourist areas for eating out is Hackescher Markt/Oranienburger Straße. This area has dramatically changed during the years: once full of squats and not-entirely-legal bars and restaurants, it had some real character. It is rapidly being developed and corporatised, and even the most famous squat - the former Jewish-owned proto-shopping mall "Tacheles" - has had a bit of a facelift. There are still some gems in the side streets, though, The "Assel" (Woodlouse) on Oranienburger Straße, furnished with DDR-era furniture, is still relatively authentic and worth a visit, especially on a warm summer night. Oranienburger Straße is also an area where prostitutes line up at night, but don't be put off by this. The area is actually very safe since several administrative and religious buildings are located here.

For cheap and good food (especially from Turkey and the Middle East) you should try Kreuzberg en Neukölln with their abundance of Indian, pizza and Döner Kebap restaurants. Prices start from €2 for a kebab or Turkish pizza (different from the original Italian recipe and ingredients). If you are looking for a quick meal you could try getting off at Görlitzer Bahnhof or Schlesisches Tor on the U1 line - the area is filled with inexpensive, quality restaurants.

Kastanienallee is a good choice too - but again not what it used to be since the developers moved in (much less exploited than Hackescher Markt, though). It's a popular area with artists and students and has a certain Bohemian charm. Try Imbiss W, at the corner of Zionskirchstraße and Kastanienallee, where they serve superb Indian fusion food, mostly vegetarian, at the hands of artist-chef Gordon W. Further. Up the street is the Prater Garten, Berlin's oldest beer garden and an excellent place in the summer.

All restaurant information is in the corresponding borough articles of

  • Kreuzberg & Friedrichshain – Young and independent student area with a big Turkish community in Kreuzberg, slowly but surely gentrifying.
  • Stad Wes – Heart of West Berlin with good quality restaurants.
  • Mitte – Political and new centre of East Berlin with upmarket restaurants.
  • Schöneberg – City slickers and street cafe atmosphere.
  • Prenzlauer Berg – Buzzing Prenzlberg and its lively student scene.

Waiters and tipping

Except at very high-end restaurants, nobody will seat you. If you see an open table, just sit down. You may need to go get a menu yourself from another table or a pile near the cash register. If you sit outside, expect slightly slower service.

As in most European countries, you need to tell the waiter when you want to pay and leave. The waiter will come to you usually with a money purse, and the custom in Germany is to tell the waiter how much you're paying (including the tip) when you receive the bill — don't leave the money on the table. If there is confusion with the tip, remember to ask for your change, Wechselgeld (money back).

Add a 5-10% tip (or round up to the next Euro) to the bill if you are satisfied with the service. If you received shoddy service or are otherwise unsatisfied it is perfectly acceptable to not tip at all - waiters and waitresses have the same €8.85 an hour minimum wage any other job has, so they don't depend on tips as the biggest part of their salary like in the US.


It is very common to go out for breakfast or brunch (long breakfast and lunch, all you can eat buffet, usually from 10:00-16:00, for €4-12 - sometimes including coffee, tea or juice). See the district pages of Berlin/City West#Breakfast en Berlin/East Central#Eat.


Individual listings can be found in Berlin's distrik artikels

A word of warning: Berlin's famous laissez-faire attitude is perhaps most evident in its approach to indoor smoking. Although technically prohibited in all but the smallest bars, you should assume that everywhere you go out, if no food is being served, will be quite smoky. This is also the case at clubs and large concert venues. If you have any medical issues, then you should be prepared, and either change your plans or bring a well-fitting mask. If not sure, call the venue and ask.


The club scene in Berlin is one of the biggest and most progressive in Europe. Even though there are some 200 clubs in the city, it's sometimes difficult to find the right club for you since the best ones are a bit off the beaten track and most bouncers will keep bigger tourist groups out. If you want to go clubbing, you will almost always have to pay an entrance fee. However, entrance is cheap compared to other big European cities, normally €5-15 (usually no drink included).

The main clubbing districts are in the east: Mitte (north of Hackescher Markt, around Alexanderplatz and around Köpenicker Straße), Friedrichshain (the "techno strip" along the Spree river), and Kreuzberg (around Schlesisches Tor). In once legendary Prenzlauer Berg almost all clubs have disappeared due to gentrification since the 2000s, while it still has many trendy bars and cafés. A few mainstream clubs are also located in Charlottenburg and at Potsdamer Platz. Techno is still the biggest sound in Berlin, with lots of progressive DJs and live acts around. But there are also many clubs playing '60s beat, alternative rock and of course mainstream music. Clubbing days are Thursday, Friday and especially Saturday, but some clubs are open every day of the week. On weekends partying in Berlin starts around midnight and peaks around 2AM or 3AM in many clubs, a bit later in techno clubs. Berlin is famous for its long and decadent after hours, going on until Monday evening. In regard to electronic music, you can check Resident Advisor for the best parties before you go out.


Berliners -especially young Berliners- love cocktails. People like to meet their friends at a cocktail bar before going clubbing. Prenzlauer Berg (Around U-Bahnhof Eberswalder Str., Helmholtzplatz, Oderberger Straße and Kastanienallee), Kreuzberg (Bergmannstraße, Oranienstraße and the area around Görlitzer Park and U-Bahnhof Schlesisches Tor), Schöneberg (Goltzstraße, Nollendorfplatz, Motzstraße for gays), and Friedrichshain (Simon-Dach-Straße and around Boxhagener Platz) are the main areas.

Some bars charge a small refundable deposit for glasses - you are given a token with your drink to return (with your glass) to the bar.

At Warschauer Straße (which you can reach via S-Bahn and U-Bahn station Warschauer Straße) and more specifically Simon-Dach-Straße and around Boxhagener Platz you can find a wide variety of bars. It is common for locals to meet at Warschauer to go to a bar there. Also Ostkreuz ("Eastcross") and Frankfurter Allee are well known meeting points. Especially to visit the alternative ("underground-/left-szene") locations in houseprojects (so called squats), like the Supamolly at Jessnerstreet (Traveplatz), the Scharni38 (Scharnweberstreet) and so on, or famous alternative clubs on the Revaler Straße, like the R.A.W. or the Lovelite on Simplonstraße.

There are lots of Irish bars all over the city, as there are in all European cities. If you like off-the-shelf Irish bars or watching football in English then you won't be disappointed, but in a city with new cool bars opening pretty much daily and a huge range from which to choose, you'll find that these cater mostly to the Irish construction workers and Germans attracted by Irish music, which is often played in them. The Irish pub in the Europa Center at Tauentzienstraße is famous. Located in the basement of a skyscraper, you will find a big Irish pub and a rowdy crowd on the weekend. It also claims to have the longest bar in all of Berlin!

There aren't as many illegal bars as there were in the 1990s but bars open and close faster than you can keep up - check out the bar and cocktail guides in the bi-weekly magazines Tip of Zitty. For recommended bars, have a look at the district pages.


There are well over 1000 rock concerts a year in Berlin.You can find concerts in the big known locations but there are also many interesting little venues.You can find a good overview of the current concerts on the Ma Baker concert page.Every day the concerts are updated and displayed there.


A Brauhaus (brewery) brews and sells its own beer on the premises. There is usually a public viewing area onto the brewery. Try Gaffel Haus, Brauhaus Georgbraeu, Brauhaus Mitte, Brauhaus Spandau en Brauhaus Lemke.


Cafe Einstein is one particular example of a home grown coffee chain which has nice staff, great coffee and is fairly priced. In particular, the Einstein on Unter den Linden is as far from "junk coffee" as it's possible to be.

If you want to get some tap water, ask for "Leitungswasser" (if you just say "water" (Wasser), you will receive mineral water.) This is common if you drink coffee. They should not charge you for it but you should order another drink as well.

Street drinking

Kiosks (off licences) can be found all over the city and sell bottled beers and other drinks. A kiosk will generally have a bottle opener on the counter and it is permitted to drink alcohol in the street. A refundable deposit of 8 to 25 cents per container (Pfand) is charged on plastic and glass bottles.


Individual listings can be found in Berlin's distrik artikels

Berlin is still witnessing a construction boom of hotels and offices since the end of the Cold War. The boom leads to a significant oversupply of hotels which results in comparatively cheap prices even in the 5 star category (off-season prices of €110 per night are not unusual). Especially for a short visit, it may be best to stay at a place in Berlin-Mitte (around Friedrichstraße), as most of the main sights are located there. Due to its history most hotels in Berlin are still located in the City West (i.e. Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf), especially close to Zoo station. Alexanderplatz and Anhalter Bahnhof have clusters of 2-3 star budget hotels (i.e. Ibis, Motel One). You'll find only budget hotels (Motel One and Meininger) located directly at the new main train station but some large constructions are in progress. The (oddly named) budget hotel chain 'Motel-One' operates various 2-star hotels in the city centre. There are also many 3-4 star 'NH Hotels' offering good value. All major hotel chains are present in Berlin. A good idea to check that the hotel is close to public transport (U-Bahn or S-Bahn) to avoid too long walks.

Cheapest are youth hostels (called Jugendherbergen, only for members) and hostels (similar to youth hostels, but for everyone, mostly backpackers stay here, usually in one to 32-bed rooms). You will also find bed and breakfast offers (often private) and boarding houses (Pension, more familiar and smaller than hotels). The majority of private flats on platforms like AirBnB are offered illegaly in Berlin and contribute to the ongoing housing crisis. Try to choose your accommodation responsibly!

Check the district pages for individual accommodation listings. Popular hotel districts include:

  • Mitte - mostly high-end hotels in the main tourist areas and some cheap hotels and hostels on the outskirts
  • Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf - the largest number of mid-range and upscale hotels can be found here, mostly grouped around the Zoologischer Garten railway station and the Ku'damm
  • Prenzlauer Berg - here you will find many independent small hotels, hostels and guesthouses in the relaxed atmosphere of this district
  • Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg - the centre of alternative life in Berlin offers many suitably-themed accommodation opportunities, mostly hostels and guesthouses

You may find accommodation at reasonable prices in almost any district of Berlin, but be mindful of the time it may take to get from that place to where you want to visit, as Berlin is a very large city.


You can find internet cafes and telephone shops all around Berlin. Do a bit of research with the telephone shops because most focus on a particular region in the world. Many bars, restaurants and cafes offer their guests free wi-fi. Customers of the ubiquitous Einstein Coffee get 30 minutes of free wifi. Metro (U-Bahn) stations offer free wi-fi to everybody: BVG Wi-Fi.

The mobile network (3G/GPRS/GSM) covers the whole city. If you are coming from a non-GSM country (e.g. the United States) check your mobile phone for GSM compatibility. United States carrier Verizon, for example, will advertise phones that work on GSM networks as "World Devices." In general, however, any iPhone model from iPhone 6s onwards will support both CDMA and GSM, and will work perfectly in Berlin.

A free wireless network covers parts of Berlin, but requires special software on your computer. More information including maps of Berlin with coverage is available online.

Bly veilig

Berlin might be a safe place, but it is a huge city, and as such has some not-so-well maintained areas. No specific rules apply with the exception of public transportation and tourist areas where pickpockets are a problem. Watch your bags during rush hours, at larger train stations (with the central, Warschauer, and Revaler stations being notoriously sketchy at night).

The police in Berlin are competent, not corrupt; therefore, if you try to bribe them you are likely to spend at least a night behind bars to check your background. They are generally helpful to tourists. Most of the officers are able to speak English, so don't hesitate to approach them if you are frightened or lost. Police are generally more relaxed than in more conservative places like München and do not necessarily engage in a "zero tolerance" policy (but even then blatantly smoking a joint in front of police will land you in trouble even in Berlin). In general police will focus on crime and traffic safety rather than petty misdemeanors or drunken tourists unless things get out of hand.

The nationwide emergency numbers are

  • Medical emergencies and fires, 112.
  • Police emergency number, 110.

Since the 1980s, there have been localised riots on Labour Day (May 1). In general they take place in Kreuzberg around Oranienstraße/Mariannenplatz. Nowadays they usually start the night before May 1, especially in the Mauerpark (Prenzlauer Berg), at Boxhagener Platz and in Rigaer Str. (Friedrichshain) and start again in the evening of May 1 in Kreuzberg and in the mentioned areas. The violent riots have become rather small since 2005 due to the engagement of the citizens who celebrate the Labour Day with a nice "myfest" in Kreuzberg and well-planned police efforts. It is still better to stay out of these areas from 20:00 until sunrise. Vehicles should not be parked in these area as this is asking for damage!

Racially-motivated violence is rare but the risk is higher on the outskirts of East Berlin. It is recommended for non-white tourists to be attentive in areas such as Lichtenberg, Hellersdorf, Marzahn, Treptow and Köpenick in the evening/night especially if alone.

In the bordering neighbourhood of the districts Neukölln and Kreuzberg (between Hermannplatz, Schönleinstraße to Kottbusser Tor) and Wedding (Moabit and Gesundbrunnen) the risk of falling victim to robberies and assaults is higher. Tourists should visit these areas with some caution during the night as a mixture of drunken party people and poor neighbourhoods might lead to trouble.

National media and conservative politicians like to make a huge story out of certain well known drug dealing hot spots. Areas such as Görlitzer Park are well known for all sorts of illicit substances being on offer, but if you don't sell or buy this shouldn't preoccupy you. Despite media portrayals to the contrary, police doen frequently raid those places and try to catch drug dealers, but only a small handful are usually caught as they have developed certain measures to evade capture. Organized criminality does exist, but in general they try to focus on less violent activity in Germany and hardly ever target outsiders.

Although harmless, panhandlers have started to beg at local tourist spots such as Pariser Platz next to the Brandenburg Gate, Alexanderplatz and the Museuminsel. They are usually women accompanied by their daughters who ask if you speak English and say that they are from the new EU countries and trying to raise money to fly home. The story is false, so don't give them money, which would encourage further exploitation of the women and their kids. They also have a new tactic where they hand you a card telling their "story" and asking for money; beware that the children that they carry in their arms will search through your bags while you are reading the card. The best way to avoid this is simply to ignore them and not to respond when they ask you "Speak English?" If you feel scared, don't hesitate to contact the police, as they will help.


Prostitution is a legal business in Germany. Berlin has no major red-light district though some big brothels have been built. Berlin has no restricted areas for prostitutes (called a "Sperrbezirk" in German) so the "apartments" or brothels are spread throughout the whole city. Oranienburger Straße in Mitte is infamous for its prostitutes at night. These women are a tourist attraction and the ladies focus only on tourists to request exorbitant prices.

The proximity to Eastern Europe, relaxed visa rules, and the illegal migrant community increases the number of prostitutes. Advertisements are in the tabloids and online. Human trafficking and illegal immigration is a problem; therefore, police raids do take place and close down illegal operations. Brothels and prostitutes must register just like any other businesses, or they will be prosecuted for tax evasion. In general, police officers are not interested in the clients (especially if you stay calm and don't try to argue) but you must have a photo ID (a photocopy of your passport is fine) with you. Otherwise, you might spend a night at the police station while your background gets checked.

Bly gesond

Berlin is home to Charité, perhaps one of the world's most famous hospitals, former workplace of medicine legends like Robert Koch, Rudolf Virchow, Emil von Behring or Emil Fischer and current place of employment of Christian Drosten, a world renowned expert on Coronaviruses.



Berlin has a large number of public libraries throughout the city. One of the largest is the Amerika-Gedenkbibliothek (America Memorial Library) on Blücherplatz 1.


Gaan volgende

Sommige mense uit Berlyn sou u vra waarom u ooit sou wou vertrek, maar daar is 'n paar lekker plekke in die nabyheid - sommige is selfs binne bereik van die Berlynse S-Bahn. Buiten 'n dun ring van voorstede (in vergelyking met die meeste ander Europese metropole), is Brandenburg meestal landelik, so 'n kort rit sal u in die skilderagtige natuur lei. Berlyners noem hierdie gebied "JWD" (uitgespreek yott vay dag), afkorting vir "janz weit draußen", dit is "in the back of beyond". Brandenburg en Berlyn werk in baie fasette van streeksbeplanning saam en die grens tussen die twee is nie altyd maklik om uit te maak nie. 'N Deel van die samewerking is 'n plan om (in teorie) ontwikkeling te fokus op 'n "stervormige" net van spoorlyne op pad na Berlyn.

Die snelweg Raststätte Grunewald by die S-Bahn-stasie Nikolassee is 'n goeie plek om vas te trek as u suid of wes op pad is.

  • Potsdam (35 km) - die hoofstad van die omliggende federale deelstaat Brandenburg, nie ver suidwes van Berlyn nie, en maak 'n perfekte daguitstappie. Veral die park Sanssouci, 'n wêrelderfenisgebied met sy groot beroemde paleise, is die moeite werd om te besoek. U kan daar aankom met die S-Bahn S7 of Regional-Express RE1 na die stasie Potsdam Hauptbahnhof of Park Sanssouci (tariefsone C). Dit duur ongeveer 'n halfuur vanaf Berlyn Hauptbahnhof of Friedrichstraße.
  • Oranienburg (35 km) - 'n stil voorstad met die oorblyfsels van KZ Sachsenhausen, een van die min bewaar Nazi-konsentrasiekampe op Duitse bodem. Daar is ook 'n klein paleis in die sentrum van Oranienburg. 'N Halfuur per RE trein.
  • Spreewald (ongeveer 85 km) - 'n beskermde UNESCO-biosfeerreservaat. Dit bevat laagliggende gebiede waarin die rivier die Spree in duisende klein waterweë kronkel deur wei en woude. Dit is 'n pragtige, unieke landskap ongeveer een uur suid van Berlyn en die moeite werd om 'n daguitstappie of 'n naweekuitstappie te ontspan van die bruisende stadslewe.
  • Frankfurt an der Oder (100 km) - aan die Poolse grens, met baie internasionale studente, is binne maklike bereik. Net meer as 'n uur per RE-trein ('n halfuurdiens).
  • Lutherstadt Wittenberg (110 km) - ongeveer 40 minute suidoos van Berlyn deur ICE. Schlosskirche was die kerk waar Martin Luther sy proefskrifte aan die kerkdeur vasgespyker het, en die kerk begin Protestantse Hervorming. Oorkant die straat is daar 'n besoekersentrum met uitstekende inligting. Groot stad om te toer en mens kan maklik te voet verken.
  • Müritz-streek (Mecklenburgische Seenplatte; c. 145 km) - 'n nasionale park in die noorde met 'n paar honderd mere. Ideaal vir kampeer en kanovaarte naby die natuur.
  • Leipzig (190 km) - Oos-Duitsland se mees lewendige en vinnigste stad, bekend vir sy kreatiewe kulturele toneel, wat soms pretensieus die "Nieu-Berlyn" genoem word, maar steeds baie kleiner en meer ontspanne as die hoofstad; 1:15 uur per trein na die suide.
  • Dresden (190 km) - die voormalige koninklike hoofstad van Sakse met sy barokke paleise, kerke en kosbare kunsskatte; twee uur per trein of motor na die suide. Intense kompetisie op die Dresden-Berlyn-roete beteken 'n buskaartjie (2,5 tot 3 uur) is beskikbaar vir so min as vyf euro.
  • Die mooi Oostelike strand (bv. Usedom, Stralsund en Rügen) naby genoeg is vir 'n dag- of naweekreis per motor (2,5 tot 3 uur) of trein (byna drie uur na Stralsund; 3–3: 45 uur na Usedom).
  • Hamburg (290 km) - die tweede grootste stad in Duitsland, is minder as 2 uur weg met ICE; die IRE neem 'n bietjie langer (3 uur), maar die spesiale aanbod van € 19,90 enkele reis (te alle tye beskikbaar) is moeilik om te klop en dit is steeds vinniger as die bus.
  • Lusatian Lake District en Sentraal-Duitse meredistrik ongeveer so ver na die suide as die Oossee in die noorde - voormalige bruinkoolputte het in kunsmatige mere verander

Die Pools grens is net ongeveer 90 km ten ooste van Berlyn, daarom kan dit interessant wees om 'n reis te doen:

  • Szczecin (Stettin; 150 km) - ongeveer twee en 'n half uur per trein.
  • Poznań (Posen; 270 km) - drie uur per trein.
Roetes deur Berlyn
Hamburg Hamburg ICE-Logo.svg München Lutherstadt WittenbergLeipzig
ErfurtHalle Frankfurt ICE-Logo.svg Berlyn EINDE
HannoverWolfsburg Keulen ICE-Logo.svg Berlyn EINDE
Hierdie stadsgids vir Berlyn het gids status. Dit bevat 'n verskeidenheid goeie, gehalte-inligting, insluitend hotelle, restaurante, besienswaardighede en reisbesonderhede. Dra asseblief by en help ons om dit 'n ster !