Sanya - Sanya

Sanya (三亚 Sān yà in Mandaryns; Ta-ah in Hainanese) is op die suidelikste punt van Sjina, aan die punt van Hainan eiland.


  • Strand van Sanya Bay - strek ongeveer 25 kilometer, maar is nogal besoedel en sonder swemmers. Dit is gevoer met seekosrestaurante en hotelle wat 50-5 000 ¥ kos.
Sanya sentrum
  • Sanya stad - gevul met aandenkingswinkels en straatbraaie in die nag. U sal saans plaaslike inwoners langs die strand sien dans en 'n verskeidenheid mense wat aandenkings, straatkos en kermis-speletjies verkoop. Probeer die openbare karaoke in die buitelug as u dit waag! Steek die Sanya-rivier oor (三亚 河 Sānyà hé) om 'n minder toeristiese, goedkoper en lekkerder deel van die stad te bereik.
  • Dadong Hai (大 东海 Dàdōng hǎi) —het Sanya die beste balans tussen ontwikkeling en natuurskoon. Die stad agter Dadong Hai is duurder as Sanya, maar het beter restaurante en 'n pragtige strand. Die inkopies is egter nie so goed soos die stad van Sanya nie. Die dominante tale in hierdie gebied, beide gesproke en geskrewe, is Chinees en Russies.
  • Yalongbaai (À Yàlóng wān) - is verder van die stad Sanya af as Dadong Hai en 45 minute van die Phoenix-lughawe af. Die bestemming is ontwikkel tot 'n internasionale vakansiesentrum met verskeie 5-ster-oorde, gholf, ens. Die verskillende hotelle sorg vir die lang strand. Daar is baie restaurante in die nuwe winkelgebied. Beslis die moeite werd, maar wees voorbereid op hoër pryse ten opsigte van Sanya.
  • Haitangbaai - Nie so druk soos Yalongbaai nie. 35 minute vanaf die Phoenix-lughawe met die G98-snelweg. Toekomstige tuiste van die grootste belastingvrye winkelsentrum in China. Verskeie luukse vakansieoorde werk al, sowel as 'n multiplex- en skousentrum.
  • Yacheng Town (崖 城镇) - Voorheen bekend as Yazhou (崖州), is dit die oudste stad in die Sanya-streek met 'n geskiedenis wat dateer uit die Song-dinastie. Dit is ongeveer 46 km wes van die stad Sanya en bereikbaar met die bus (busroete 58) en 'n hoëspoed-trein (afgaan by die Yazhou-stasie). Alhoewel dit op geen manier vergelykbaar is met een van die beroemdste antieke dorpe op die vasteland nie, is dit dalk die moeite werd om te besoek as u in Sanya is en 'n dag het. Die belangrikste besienswaardighede is die gerestoureerde Wenming-poort (文明 门) en die Yacheng Confuciaanse tempel (崖城 学 宫). Daar is ook 'n aantal interessante dorpies in die omgewing, veral Baoping Village (保 平 村), wat baie voorbeelde bevat van residensiële geboue in die Ming- en Qing-styl.


Dadonghai strand

Sanya word as 'China's Hawaii' bestempel en het 'n stuk strand van 20 km. As die enigste tropiese stad aan die kuslyn, is dit beslis hoogty gevul met baie watersport, soos snorkel en jet-ski, reënwoudstap en ontelbare hotelle wat wissel van nul tot vyf sterre.

Met sonskyn die hele jaar, kan die temperatuur selfs in Januarie en 30 ° C in die somertyd ongeveer 25 ° C wees. Sy eilande en strande is mooi en die water in Yalongbaai en Dadonghai is skoon genoeg om lekker te kan swem, maar u kan ook na Wuzhizhou-eiland of verder noord gaan om ongerepte en natuurlike natuurskoon te besoek.

Terwyl toeriste elke seisoen inkom, begin die spitsseisoen van 1 Oktober tot die einde van die winter. Gedurende die winter is Sanya 'n gewilde ontsnapping vir Russe wat hoofsaaklik in Dadong Hai (大 东海 Dàdōng hǎi) en Noord-Chinese bly om ysige weer te ontsnap. In die Chinese Nuwejaar sal die stad oorstroom word deur toeriste en verwag dat alles buitengewoon duur sal wees.

As die suidelikste stad in China, Sanya en Yangshuo dien dikwels as die laaste stop vir rugsakreisigers wat die oorblywende dae van hul visum in China wil deurbring.


Hainanese is die belangrikste plaaslike taal wat in Sanya gepraat word. Die dialek van Hainanese verskil ietwat van die standaard Hainanese wat in Wenchang gepraat word, wat dit moeilik maak om te verstaan, selfs as u standaard Hainanese magtig is. Dit gesê, die meeste inwoners kan standaard Hainese ook verstaan.

Soos met elders in China, Mandaryns is die hooftaal wat op skool geleer word, en word deur feitlik alle nie-bejaarde inwoners gepraat. Sanya huisves ook baie migrante uit ander dele van China wat Mandaryns praat, maar nie Hainanees nie. Dit is veral in die winter waar baie welgestelde Chinese uit die noordelike provinsies hierheen trek om die bittere koue in hul tuisdorpe te ontkom.

Soos in die meeste ander dele van China, word Engels nie wyd gepraat nie, maar personeel in die duurder hotelle en oorde kan gewoonlik basies Engels praat. Aangesien Sanya 'n gewilde bestemming vir Russiese toeriste is, kan personeel by sommige toeriste-aantreklikhede basies praat Russies.

Gaan in

Met die vliegtuig

  • 1 Sanya Phoenix Internasionale Lughawe (三亚 凤凰 国际 机场 SYX IATA) (neem bus nommer 8 vanaf die lughawe na die stad (en terug), wat stop hier in albei rigtings). Sanya se lughawe vlug na die meeste groot Chinese stede soos Guangzhou, Sjanghai of Hongkong. Tariewe wissel aansienlik, afhangende van die seisoen en die spesifieke toer. Die lughawe het 'n hoë spoedstasie, wat u kan gebruik om na ander kusstede in Hainan te reis. Sanya Phoenix Internasionale Lughawe (Q684964) op Wikidata Sanya Phoenix Internasionale Lughawe op Wikipedia

U kan dalk geld bespaar deur eers met 'n bullet-trein te ry Haikou en vlieg uit die groter lughawe van die provinsiale hoofstad. Die Meilan-spoedstasie is in dieselfde gebouekompleks as Haikou se internasionale lughawe. Vir busverbindings kan kaartjies en oornagverblyf die verskil oorskry, en u moet rekening hou met die reis van 3-4 uur in elke rigting. Benewens die bus, kan u maklik 'heiche' (黑 车 hēichē) taxi's vind wat u tussen die twee stede kan neem, teen 350-500 ¥ per motor. Alhoewel dit onwettig is, kan u bestuurders vind wat hoflik, veilig en betroubaar is, hoewel dit baie moeiliker is sonder om ten minste basiese Chinees te kan praat.

Met die bus

  • 2 Sanya busstasie (三亚 汽车站), 425 Jiefang Road, District Tianya (天涯 区 解放路 425 号) ('n paar treë suid (weg van McDonald's) van die oostelike punt van 'Shopping Street' (步行 街 bùxíng jiē). Plaaslike busse wat die stasie bedien, sluit roetes 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 18, 22, 26, 40, 42, 50, 51, 52, 54, 58 en reëls 1 en 3 in. van die busdiens op die Sanya-lughawe), 86 898 88252656. Sanya se belangrikste sentrale busstasie. Die stasie het busdienste na bestemmings regoor die eiland.
  • 3 Sanya-Wes Busstasie (三亚 客运 西 站), National Highway 225, Tianya District (天涯 区 225 国 道旁) (aan die oostekant van die lughawe-aanloopbaan; plaaslike busse wat die stasie bedien, sluit roetes 14, 16, 32, 34 en 42 in), 86 898 88350899. Het hoofsaaklik busdienste na bestemmings in die westelike deel van Hainan soos Danzhou.

Die 3 ½ uur lange busrit vanaf die East Bus Station in Haikou kos ongeveer ¥ 50. Busse tussen Haikou en Sanya vertrek gewoonlik ongeveer een keer per uur, alhoewel daar 'n gaping van twee uur is tussen die tweede laaste bus en die laaste bus; die laaste bus vanaf Sanya na Haikou vertrek omstreeks 18:00.

Met die trein

Sanya kan direk per trein vanaf Beijing (35 uur), Sjanghai (36 uur) en Guangzhou (15 uur) bereik word. Die hele trein word na 'n veerboot gelaai vir die reis vanaf die vasteland van China na die eiland, en gaan dan voort om die weskus tot by Sanya. Aangesien treine vanaf Sanya vertrek, is dit makliker om kaartjies van hierdie kleiner stad te kry as om van Haikou te vertrek.

Sneltreine verbind alle groot stede en dorpe aan die oostelike en westelike kus. Dit duur 1½ tot 2 uur vanaf Haikou en ry tot 250 km / h.

  • 4 Sanya Treinstasie (三亚 站), 10 Yuxiu Road, Jiyang District (吉 阳 区 育 秀 路 10 号). Sanya se hoofsentrale treinstasie. Die stasie is ongeveer 7 km noord van die middestad. 'N Taxi na Dadongbaai (大 东海), die gewildste toeristegebied), beloop ongeveer 25-30 ¥. 'N Openbare bus kos ¥ 2. Lyne 2 en 4 lei deur die stad Sanya en gaan deur (en verby) Dadongbaai. Sedert Oktober 2020 is dit ook moontlik om 'n trem na die stad te neem. Trems ry tot by Jiangangweg (sien die afdeling Rondkyk vir meer besonderhede). Sanya-treinstasie (Q7420781) op Wikidata Sanya_railway_station op Wikipedia
  • 5 Yalongbaai Treinstasie (亚龙湾 站), Kruising van Gaoxin Road en Tiandu Road, Jiyang District (吉 阳 区 高新 路 与 田 独 路 交叉口). Yalongbaai-treinstasie (Q7800167) op Wikidata Yalong_Bay_railway_station op Wikipedia
  • 6 Yazhou-treinstasie (崖州 站), G225, distrik Yazhou (崖州 区 G225). Yazhou-treinstasie (Q24836925) op Wikidata Yazhou_railway_station op Wikipedia

Kaarte van Sanya toon ook 'n stasie naby Nanshan-tempel genaamd Nanshan North Railway Station (南山 北 站). Hierdie stasie word egter nie meer gebruik nie.

Kry rond

18 ° 15′25 ″ N 109 ° 30′10 ″ O
Kaart van Sanya

Te voet

Baie mense bly in strandgebiede met min of meer alles binne loopafstand.

Met die bus

Om in, rondom en tussen Sanya en Dadong Hai te vertrek, kan die beste met die stadsbus 2 (vinnigste) of 4 (voeg 'n paar haltes rondom Sanya-rivier by) vir ¥ 2. Die busse ry langs die Jiefangweg van Sanya (解放路), dit is die straat waarop McDonald's is, en tref Dadongbaai by Luling Road (鹿 岭 路), net een stop verby die Deer Turns Head Square (鹿回头 广场)

Vir reise verder buite die stad, kan u buskaartjies by die busstasie van Sanya koop, of net busse op die pad langs Sanya se strand haal. Kaartjies vir die meeste bestemmings beloop ¥ 1-30. U kan ook 'n bussie huur met (of sonder) 'n Engelssprekende gids by hotelle of mense met wit en blou uitstallings in die strate van Sanya City of Dadong Bay. As u saam met 'n Chinese toergroep gaan, is daar moontlik 'n paar uur se gereelde stop by 'infomercial' sentrums, kompleet met advertensies wat deur mikrofone afgelewer word.

Met die spoorlyn

'N Ligte spoorwegnetwerk is in aanbou. Die eerste lyn het amptelik in Oktober 2020 begin. Dit loop vanaf Sanya-treinstasie na die middestad. Stopplekke sluit die Sanya-treinstasie (三亚 火车站), Yuxiu Road (育 秀 路), Fenghuang Road (凤凰 路), Shuicheng Road (水城 路), Sanya River East Road (三亚 河东 路), Jiefang Road (解放路) in, Jinjiling Street (金鸡岭 街), Youyi Street (友谊 街), Yingbin Road (迎宾 路), Jixiang Street (吉祥 街), Tuanjie Street (团结 街), Xinfeng Street (新 风 街), Guangming Street (光明 街) , Yuejin Street (跃进 街) en Jiangang Road (建 港 路). Die tarief is ¥ 3 en dit neem 35 minute om die einde van die lyn te bereik.

Met die taxi

Taxi-tariewe begin vanaf ¥ 8 vir die eerste 2 km, en ¥ 2 vir elke ekstra kilometer. As gevolg van die goedkoop tarief, hou taxibestuurders graag oral buite die middestad rond om passasiers met kort ritse te vermy. Dit maak dit moeilik om 'n taxi in die middestad te kry. Huurmotors is redelik goed gereguleer en dit is meestal goed om 'n meter te gebruik, maar bestuurders is hoofsaaklik immigrantewerkers wat miskien nie met elke plek vertroud is nie. Sommige van hulle probeer ook toeriste mislei dat die plek waarheen hulle wil gaan, gesluit is, en probeer u verder neem. 'N Ander probleem is dat daar genoeg taxi's is om rond te gaan, aangesien Sanya slegs gedurende die winter druk is. En die regering huur nie meer taxi's nie, want gedurende die somer sou daar te veel taxi's wees en die bestuurders sou nie geld verdien nie. Om hierdie probleem te help, het die regering 'n ander klas geel taxi's aangestel wat per telefoon geprys kan word. Bel 96789 om u plek te vertel en hulle sal u oplaai as daar 'n motor naby u is en die tariewe dieselfde is as gewone taxi's.

Daar is ook talle motorfiets- en syspanmotors. U moet die prys beding voordat u vertrek. Die pryse is effens laer as gereguleerde taxi's, maar dit hang af van u onderhandelingsvaardighede en weet wat die plaaslike bevolking vir dieselfde reisafstand betaal.

Met die motor of motorfiets

U kan ook 'n motorfiets of 'n motor huur. Daar is verskillende plekke om dit te doen, met pryse per uur (¥ 60), 4 uur (¥ 150), 8 uur (¥ 350) of per week (¥ 1500). Afslag is buite spitstye beskikbaar. 'N Bestuurder wat nie die verkeersnorme in Sanya ken nie, moet egter twee keer dink oor die huur van 'n motorfiets. Verkeersreëls word halfhartig toegepas en die toestand van die pad kan gevaarlik wees, selfs al is u 'n goeie gedissiplineerde bestuurder. As u teen 'n voetganger vasloop, is dit waarskynlik dat u die bestuurder die vergoeding sal betaal.

As u 'n motor of motorfiets huur, moet u 'n geldige Chinese rybewys hê (internasionale lisensies is nie geldig nie). Daar is geen vrystelling van hierdie reël nie en u kan tot 15 dae tronkstraf opgelê word deur sonder lisensie te ry. In die meeste gevalle sal dit met jou goed gaan sonder dit, maar in die geval van 'n ongeluk sal dit 'n groot probleem wees.


Parke en strande

  • 1 DaDongHai (BigEastSea) (大 东海; Dadonghai), Distrik Jiyang (吉 阳 区) (vanaf die lughawe, neem bus nr. 8, lughawe bus 1 of lughawe bus 3; klim af by Dadonghai Square (大 东海 广场); ander busse wat die gebied bedien, sluit in busnommers. 2, 4, 15, 18, 19, 25, 28, 34, 36, 41, 53, 55, Pendelbus 4 en Pendelbus 6; Pendelbus 4 kan gebruik word om die omgewing te verken), 96 898 88212189, 86 898 88212680. Die hele dag oop. Die belangrikste 'vreemde gebied' (veral Russies - in besoekers en bewegings is daar min Engels hier!) Dadonghai is 'n maklik toeganklike, pragtige strand - en toeriste / laowai-toevlugsoord. Dit het 'n goeie balans tussen ontwikkeling en natuurskoon. Die water is ordentlik skoon; die seebodem is meestal net sand met 'n seldsame vis of paling. Die strand is gevoer met duur (en oor die algemeen nie baie lekker) restaurante nie, maar die strand is gratis (alhoewel dit in 'sones' toegesluit is om te swem en te vaar). Die strand is snags gesluit, maar daar is 'n gedeelte in die ooste (die "militêre sone") wat net anderkant 'n groot heining (met 'n groot gat in) is wat altyd oop is. Dit word nie gepols of skynbaar beheer nie. Die dorp agter Dadongbaai is duurder as Sanya, maar het buitelandse restaurante. Die inkopies is miskien nie so goed soos Sanya's nie. Kyk na die strand in die oggend, teen sonsondergang (sit pragtig oor die heuwels) en snags (wanneer mense skaars is). Oor naweke is daar strandpartytjies, veral vroeg, maar later (gewoonlik na-ure) by die 'Beach Bar' in die middel van die strandkop. Kyk net na musiek, buitelanders, vuurfakkels en dans na middernag. Toegang tot die gebied is gratis.
  • 2 [dooie skakel]Dongtian Park (大小 洞天), Yacheng Town, distrik Yazhou (崖州 区 崖 城镇) (neem bus nr. 25 of 30 vanaf die stad of vang Yazhou 6 vanaf die Yazhou-treinstasie), 86 898 88830188, 86 898 88830029. 08:30-17:30. 'N Kuspark in die weste van Sanya. Bekend vir sy rotsagtige strand en historiese kalligrafie. Swem is verbode en klim op die rotse is ook nie toegelaat nie. Die omgewing is gewild onder paartjies wat hierheen kom om troufoto's te neem. ¥ 90 (spitsseisoen), ¥ 75 (slap seisoen).
  • 3 Luhuitou Park (鹿回头 公园, 鹿回头 风景区, uitgespreek Loo Hway Toe Park, of Deer Looks Back Park), Luling Road, Jiyang District (吉 阳 区 鹿 岭 路) (bo-op die berg in Sanya waar al die groen lasers uitskiet, neem die pad in die rigting van Da Dong Hai, draai regs op Li Lingweg en gaan dan die heuwel op totdat jy by die kaartjiehokkie kom; van daar af kan jy die res van die pad stap of vir 'n pendeltuig betaal; busse wat hier stop, sluit roetes 26, 54 en 55 in), 86 898 88213740, . 09:00-22:30. Dit is een van die toeriste-aantreklikhede in Sanya. Bo-op een van die hoogste berge in Sanya staan ​​'n standbeeld van 'n hert wat terugkyk, geflankeer deur 'n Li-seun en 'n Li-meisie. Die legende lui dat die seun op die takbokke gejag het totdat die takbok 'n krans nader, terugkyk en op 'n magiese manier in 'n pragtige meisie verander en hulle verlief raak. Hierdie plek simboliseer jong paartjies wat verlief raak. Snags sien jy groen lasers uitskiet naby die standbeeld wat van regoor Sanya sigbaar is. Onder die standbeeld is 'n buitebraai-sitarea wat om 23:30 sluit. U sal wilde ape sien wat ook voedsel van mense neem. Agterop u kaartjie sien u 'n kaart van die park sodat u uself kan lei. Hier is ook 'n verlate rolkus. U sien die roesende spore en die afgeslote ingangsarea. Daar is ook 'n muur met kettings daarop, waar u 'n hangslot met u name kan koop, en u hangslot aan die ketting kan sluit, om te simboliseer dat u liefde vir ewig is. Of totdat die slot breek. Toegangsgeld is ¥ 42 in die hoogseisoen en ¥ 35 in die slap seisoen. Die pendelbus van die park kos ¥ 15.
  • 4 Paddy Field Nasionale Park (水稻 国家 公园), Wanpo Road, Haitang District (海棠 区 湾 坡路) (bus nrs. 23 en 33), 86 898 38895599. 08: 30-18: 00, geen inskrywing na 17:30 nie. 'N Park wat bestaan ​​uit skilderagtige rysvlaktes en gevul met lewensgroot dinosourusmodelle. ¥ 75 (slegs toegangskaartjie), ¥ 110 (toegangskaartjie-toer).
  • 5 Phoenix Hill (凤凰 岭 Fenghuangling, 凤凰 岭 海誓山盟 景区 Fenghuangling Haishishanmeng Scenic Area), 300 Longling Road, Jiyang District (吉 阳 区 龙陵 路 300 号) (bus nrs. 17, 22, 24 en 55), 86 898 88665778. 08: 00-21: 00, geen kaartjies verkoop na 19:30 nie, geen toegang na 19:40 nie. Die hoogste landformasie in die sentrale deel van Sanya. Neem die kabelkar tot bo vir 'n panoramiese uitsig oor die stad, maar wees versigtig om nie foto's van die militêre basis te neem nie. ¥ 106 (Oktober-Apr), ¥ 88 (Mei-Sept), insluitend tweerigting-kabelkarretjiekaartjie.
  • 6 Tianya Haijiao (天涯海角; Tianya Haijiao - Rande van die hemel, hoeke van die see) (30 minute vanaf Sanya met bus 16, 25, 26, 30, 57 (kaartjies ¥ 4 per persoon, eenrigting) en die dubbeldekker-toeris), 86 898 88910131, . 07:30-18:00. Een van die bekendste strande in China, en 'n tradisionele gewilde plek vir romantiese paartjies. Die strand word dikwels te veel deur toeriste oorrompel om besoekers die natuurskoon daarvan te kan waardeer, maar daar is beroemd deur verskeie antieke Chinese skrywers en in die moderne Chinese popkultuur verwys. ¥ 68 (Mei-Sep), ¥ 81 (Okt-Apr). Kinders onder 1,2 meter en volwassenes ouer as 70 geniet gratis toegang. Afslag is beskikbaar vir kinders tussen 1,2 en 1,4 meter en ook vir volwassenes tussen 60 en 69 jaar. Tianya Haijiao (Q857031) op Wikidata Tianya Haijiao op Wikipedia
  • 7 Yalongbaai Internasionale Roosvallei (亚龙湾 国际 玫瑰 谷), 9 Bohou North Road, Jiyang Town, Jiyang District (吉 阳 区 吉 阳镇 博 后 北路 9 号) (bus no. 27), 86 898 88568895, 86 898 88567881. 08: 30-18: 00, geen inskrywing na 17:30 nie. ¥ 60 (slegs toegangskaartjie), ¥ 90 (toegangskaartjie-besigtigingsmotor).
Die glasbrug by Yalong Bay Tropical Paradise Forest Park.
  • 8 Yalong Bay Tropical Paradise Forest Park (亚龙湾 热带 天堂 森林 公园), Yalong Bay Road, Jiyang District (吉 阳 区 亚龙湾 路) (neem bus 15, 24, 25 of 27 en klim by die Yalongbaai-vulstasie), 86 898 38238888 (parkeer), 86 898 38219999 (oord). 07: 30-18: 00. Geen kaartjies is na 17:30 verkoop nie. Aanlynkaartjies mag nie na 17:00 afgehaal word nie. Die park was die hoofinstelling vir If You are the One 2, 'n romantiese komedie uit 2010 wat deur die Chinese filmregisseur Feng Xiaogang geregisseer is. Besoekers kan spesifieke tonele uit die film besoek, waaronder die beroemde toukettingbrug. Ander belangrike besienswaardighede sluit 'n orgideetuin en 'n glasbrug in. As u op die glasbrug is, moet u oppas dat u nie per ongeluk foto's van die militêre basis hieronder neem nie. na regs). Verblyf is beskikbaar by die Yalong Bay Earthly Paradise Bird's Nest Resort (亚龙湾 人间 天堂 鸟巢 度假村). Die inskrywingsgeld is ¥ 108 gedurende die hoogseisoen (Oktober tot April) en ¥ 90 gedurende die slapgat (Mei tot September). Die besigtigingsmotor kos ¥ 50.


  • 9 Wes-eiland (西 岛), Distrik Tianya (天涯 区) (die veerboot na West Island vertrek vanaf die West Island Wharf (西 岛 码头), wat ongeveer 2 km oos van Tianya Haijiao is en bereikbaar is via busnommers. 16, 25, 26, 30, 32, 55 en 57. Die laaste veerboot terug na die vasteland vertrek om 18:00), 86 898 88910888. 08:30-17:30. 'N Klein eilandjie naby Sanya Bay. Soos op die eiland Wuzhizhou, is daar baie geleenthede vir snorkel, duik, jetski en ander watersport. Daar is ook 'n paar besienswaardighede op die eiland, insluitend 'n tradisionele vissersdorpie, met 'n paar ou huise gemaak van koraal en 'n paar klein museums. Die meeste hotelle op die eiland aanvaar nie buitelandse gaste nie. Na verneem word, is die Sanya Xidao Xige Inn (三亚 喜 岛 喜 阁 客栈), wat ¥ 138 per nag kos. Inskrywingsgeld is ¥ 95 (insluitend 'n tweerigting-veerbootkaartjie).
  • 10 Wuzhizhou-eiland (蜈支洲岛), Haitang-distrik (海棠 区), 86 898 88751258, 86 898 88751256, . 08: 00-19: 00, geen toegang na 16:00 nie. Die waters rondom hierdie eiland is die mooiste in Sanya. Hierdie eiland is 'n gewilde plek vir snorkel en duik. Die eiland het die slagoffer geword van die gewildheid. Water is minder helder en vis minder volop as voorheen, kies dus datums en tye om die sigbaarheid so maksimum moontlik te maak. Duik kos ¥ 400-500. Sien ook Sunrise Rock (观 日 岩). Dit is op die krans in die suidooste van die eiland geleë. As u op die rots staan, kan u die hele eiland en die Suid-Chinese see sien. Die Guanri-rots is soos 'n natuursteenboeddha wat na die see kyk. Dit is ook soos 'n groot skilpad wat na die uitgestrekte oseaan kruip. Die rots is die ideale plek om die sonsopkoms te geniet. Die hoteltariewe is buitensporig, so dit word nie aanbeveel nie, tensy u baie geld het. U kan reeds om 08:30 met die veerboot op die eiland klim. Die laaste veerboot vanaf die eiland is 17:30. Die veerbootherminal, formeel bekend as Wuzhizhou Ferry Terminal (蜈支洲岛 客运 码头), kan bereik word via busnr. 28 as u van die stad af kom. As u in Haitangbaai bly, kan u Haitang Bus 3 (海棠 3 号) of Haiyang Bay Bus 1 (海棠 湾 1 catch) haal. Gratis pendelbusse is ook op sekere plekke in die stad beskikbaar, maar u moet aanlyn bespreek met behulp van die enigste Chinese besprekingstelsel. Standaard toegangsgeld is ¥ 133, wat die veerbootkaartjie insluit. Kinders jonger as 1,2 meter geniet gratis toegang. Volwassenes tussen 60 en 69 en kinders tussen 1,2 en 1,5 meter lank betaal ¥ 68. Mense ouer as 70, swanger vroue en mense met mobiliteitsprobleme word om veiligheidsredes van die eiland verban. Wuzhizhou-eiland (Q8039419) op Wikidata Wuzhizhou-eiland op Wikipedia


  • 11 Jingrun Pearl Museum (京 润 珍珠 博物馆), Haiyu Highway West, Tianya District (天涯 区 海 榆 (西) 线) (naby die lughawe; neem bus nr. 16, 34 of 42 en klim af by die Jingrun Pearl Museum-bushalte), 86 898 88341805, 86 898 88341167. 08:30-17:30. 'N Museum wat deur 'n pêrelhandelaar bestuur word. Hier is ook 'n winkel, sowel as 'n hotel en restaurant met 'n pêrel-tema. Vry.
  • 12 Sanya Natuurhistoriese Museum (三亚 自然博物馆), Dongtian Park, Yacheng Town, distrik Yazhou (崖州 区 崖 城镇 三亚 大小 洞天 旅游 区内) (sien aanwysings vir Dongtian Park hierbo; die museum is 'n entjie oos van die ingang van die park), 86 898 88830188, 86 898 88830029. 08:30-17:00. Onderhou 'n klein maar redelik gerespekteerde versameling fossiele, veral uit ander dele van China Skakeling. Die gewildste artikel van die museum is 'n volledige fossiel van 'n Sanya Pterosaur - sogenaamd nie omdat dit in die Sanya-streek gewoon het nie, maar omdat die Sanya Natural History Museum dit die eerste was wat dit geïdentifiseer het. Die inskrywingsgeld is ingesluit by die toegangsgeld vir Dongtian Park.

Godsdienstige terreine

  • 13 Nanshan-tempel (南山 寺, 南山 文化 旅游 区 Nanshan Kulturele Toerisme Sone), Nanshan Village, distrik Yazhou (崖州 区 南山 村) (Nanshan is ongeveer 'n uur buite die stad Sanya met 'n stadsbus, wat by die busstasie of langs die strandweg (三亚 弯路) aangegryp kan word; busse wat hier stop, sluit busnommers in. 16, 25, 30, 55, 57 en Yazhou 1), 86 898 88837946. 08:00-17:00. Gebou as toeriste-terrein in 1998 met 'n reusagtige standbeeld van Guanyin (die godin van barmhartigheid) op 'n platform op die see. Die standbeeld is die belangrikste hoogtepunt van die park en lok die grootste skares. Die belangrikste tempelkompleks - ongeveer 2 km wes van die standbeeld - is rustiger en minder gekommersialiseer. Ander besienswaardighede sluit 'n paar klein tempels in, 'n klein museum oor die Nepalese Boeddhisme, en 'n plek met die naam Long Life Valley (长寿 谷), met 'n kort staproete. 'N Karretjie-motor kan u teen 30 ¥ ekstra deur die park vervoer, maar dit word die beste geniet sonder die karretjie, want dit is nie so groot nie. Sommige besoekers vind die omliggende platteland interessanter as die park self. ¥ 108 (Mei-Sep), ¥ 145 (Okt-Apr). Nanshan-tempel (Q4494941) op Wikidata Nanshan-tempel (Sanya) op Wikipedia
  • 14 Yacheng Confucius-tempel (崖城 学 宫), National Highway 225, Yacheng Town, Yazhou District (崖州 区 崖 城镇 225 国 道) (direk agter Wenming-poort, 1,7 km suidoos van die Yazhou-treinstasie; die meeste busse van die Yazhou-treinstasie stop hier), 86 898 65308072. 09: 00-17: 00, op Sondae gesluit. Een van die min belangrike historiese terreine in Sanya. Die Yacheng Confucius-tempel is die suidelikste Confucius-tempel in China. Dit is oorspronklik in 1054 gestig en is al meer as 'n dosyn keer herbou en hervestig. Die huidige strukture dateer uit 1832, maar daar is natuurlik sedertdien 'n paar opknappings gedoen. Om van die stad af hierheen te kom sonder om die trein te neem, neem bus nr. 58. As u van die Nanshan-tempel kom, neem Yazhou-bus nr. 1. In albei gevalle moet u by die Guchengmen (古城 门) bushalte voor Wenming-poort afklim. Vry.


Engelse hoeke

'N Engelse hoekie is 'n informele gereelde byeenkoms waar plaaslike inwoners mekaar ontmoet om hul Engels te oefen. As u opdaag en sigbaar vreemd is, sal mense gretig wees om met u te praat. Dit gee u die kans om plaaslike inwoners te ontmoet en gesellig te verkeer, selfs as u nie veel Chinees praat nie.

  • Engelse hoekie, Jie Fang Lu (naby Mingzhu Square, oorkant die winkelsentrum, dit is op die 3de verdieping in 'n polisiekantoor. As u eers op Jie Fang Lu is, sien u 'n boog met ongeveer 5 of 6 vlae bo, gaan deur die boog en u sal 'n polisiekantoor aan u regterkant. Gaan na die 3de verdieping. Nadat u op die 3de verdieping aankom, draai links, u vind die Engelse hoek in 'n kleuterskool aan u linkerkant. As u wit ouens in die kamer sien, is u op die regte plek. Daar is geen tekens nie.), 86 13637633655 (Jellie). Woensdag 20: 00-22: 00. Plaaslike inwoners kom hier bymekaar om Engels met mekaar te oefen, besoekers besoek ook af en toe. Die vlak van Engels wissel, maar is oor die algemeen goed genoeg vir gesprekke. Goed om binne-inligting oor Sanya te kry, baie van hulle sal u graag wys om 'n kans te hê om Engels te praat.
  • Engelse hoekie, by YoungBar (DaDongHai — langs Dolphin Bar). Elke Sondag om 15:00.

Speletjies en sport


Sanya is 'n gewilde bestemming vir pro-amateurfietsryers wat graag op die hele eiland wil sweef. Byna alle fietsryers neem egter hul eie fiets. Fietsverhuurdiens is nie so alomteenwoordig soos ander toeristiese plekke soos Yangshuo of Lijiang. Die meeste fietswinkels is geleë in Sanya Hexi Lu (Sanya River East Road). U moet ¥ 1000 betaal vir die deposito en die pryse begin vanaf ¥ 40 vir 1 dag huur. Verskeie koshuise het ook 'n fietshuurdiens. 'N Roete van Dadonghai na Yalongbaai, dan na Haitongbaai, het 'n goed geboude, verligte en gladde pad wat oor 30 km strek en dit ideaal maak om te ry. Die stedelike gebied van Sanya het egter die ergste verkeer in China, en die plaaslike polisie is berug daarvoor dat hulle onmoontlik is om verkeersoortredings hok te slaan.


Sanya is die tuiste van talle oefenreekse, geskik vir beginners en verskeie veeleisende gholfbane vir meer uitdagings. Sommige internasionale toernooie vind gereeld in verskillende Sanya-gholflokale plaas. Hotelle bied weeklikse pakkette aan waar u elke dag op 'n ander baan kan gholf.


In Sanya loop jy waarskynlik meer as stap. Met sy mooi plat landskap en goed ontwikkelde paaie, is voetslaan nie baie gewild onder toeriste nie. Stappers neem gereeld 'n bus in die Sanya-busstasie by Jiefangweg en ry na Wuzhishan (五指山) om hul staptoer te begin. Die bus van 90 minute is elke uur van 07:00 tot 16:00 beskikbaar en die tarief is ongeveer ¥ 16.

Paintball en geweer speletjies

  • Crystalball Gun-speletjies (水 弹 枪), Da Dong Hai (BanShanBanDao), 86 15024310072. Naweke, 14:00 tot sononder. Daar is 'n klein groepie buitelanders en 'n groot groep Chinese wat geweer speletjies (水 弹 枪) in Sanya speel. Die gewere is "waterbal" of "crystal ball" gewere (水 弹 枪). Hulle skiet 'n klein 'kristal' of 'water' bal, soortgelyk aan 'n verfbal (maar kleiner, teen 'n laer snelheid en sonder gemors), en die gewere lyk soos hul eweknieë van ware staal (dit is aangepaste airsoft-gewere). Twee plekke: een is 'n 'amptelike' Chinese veld (doolhof) buite GuoXing-sportarea (naby die treinstasie) (kos 70 RMB); die ander een is 'n verlate hospitaal wat ons met hout en buitebandbedekking / bunkers ingerig het spesifiek vir wapenspeletjies (koste is deur donasie). Kom skiet! Bel of stuur 'n sms aan "Reyn" vir meer inligting, foto's en pryse by 86 150 2431 0072, of op WeChat: adamreyn ¥ 20 (verlate hospitaal) of ¥ 70 (Guoxing-veld).


Hainan het die meeste van die jaar redelik bestendig. In die somer bring die suidewinde golwe na Sanya se suidwaartse strande. In die herfs tot die winter, die piekbrandseisoen, is die oostkus van Hainan die perfekte plek. Hainan bied nie golwe van wêreldgehalte nie, maar bied 'n redelike konstante tropiese branders, wat byna heeltemal leeg is. As u na die branderplank ry, is daar 'n aantal maatskappye wat u kan kontak.

  • Insig Avonture (鹿回头 村 第四 組 203 號), LuHuiTou Village (gebruik die beste e-posadres of telefoon), 86 898 88226130. Insight Adventures is die grootste operateur in Sanya en bied branderplankry en vele ander aktiwiteite, soos kajak, fietsry, snorkel en opstaan ​​paddleboards. Insight bied 'n groot aantal buitelandse en Chinese gidse aan.


Yalongbaai, Dadongbaai, Haitangbaai en Sanya-baai het almal 'n versameling jetski, parasail, valskermsweef, snorkel, duik, boot met glasbodem en strand-ATV-ondernemings. Pryse is oor die algemeen nie baie onderhandelbaar nie (behalwe vir duik en snorkel), maar die duur van die rit kan wel. Om veilige redes moet u nie te goedkoop op scuba gaan nie.

Uitvoerende kunste

  • 3 Beauty Crown-teater (美丽 之 冠 大 剧院), Xinfeng Street, Jiyang District (吉 阳 区 新 风 街) (die naaste bushalte is die Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (中医院), wat bedien word deur busnommers. 9, 10, 29, 36, 50 en 53). Op die terrein van 'n selfverklaarde 7-ster-hotel, die Beauty Crown Hotel (oftewel Beauty Crown Grand Tree Hotel).
  • 4 Red Detachment of Women Performance Park (红色 娘子军 演艺 公园), Liyun Road, Distrik Tianya (天涯 区 黎 韵 路) (bus no. 54 eindig hier), 86 898 88818588. Die park is elke dag van 09:00 tot 22:00 oop. Die opvoering begin om 20:00 en duur vir 60 minute. Die Red Detachment of Women-ballet was een van die min amptelik goedgekeurde ballette tydens die Kulturele Revolusie en is bekend gestel vir die Amerikaanse president Richard Nixon tydens sy besoek aan China in 1972. Hier word dit daagliks opgevoer en met spesiale effekte wat nie elders gesien word nie. Reisigers wat belangstel in die werklike verhaal van die Red Detachment of Women, moet dit besoek Qionghai waar die losmaking gestig is. Kaartjiepryse begin vanaf 238 ¥.


  • 5 Atlantis Sanya (三亚 · 亚特兰蒂斯), 8 Haitang North Road, Haitang Bay Town, District Haitang (海棠 区 海棠 湾镇 海棠 北路 8 号) (busroetes 33, 35, Haitang 3 en Haitangbaai 1; die dubbeldekker besigtigingsbus stop ook hier), 86 898 88986666, . Die Aquaventure Waterpark is oop van 10:00 tot 18:00. Die Lost Chambers Aquarium is oop van 10:00 tot 22:00. Dolphin Cay en Sea Lion Point is oop van 09:00 tot 18:00. Die C Show begin om 16:30 en eindig om 17:30. 'N Luukse 5-ster-oord met 'n waterpark, 'n akwarium en spesiale swembaddens waar besoekers naby dolfyne, seeleeus en ander seediere kan kom. Daar is ook 'n teater waar 'n sirkusagtige teatervoorstelling, bekend as die C Show, gehou word. ¥ 358 (waterpark), ¥ 258 (akwarium), ¥ 428 ('dolfynfoto-pret'), ¥ 188 ('seeleeu-foto-pret'), ¥ 358 (seeleeu-ontmoeting), ¥ 298 ('seeleeu-bootpret' ), ¥318 (boat feeding), ¥428 ('ultimate snorkel'), ¥1488 ('ambassador dive'), ¥988 (beluga encounter), ¥148 (ray feeding), ¥428 (shark safari), ¥258 (C Show). Discounts are available for children under a certain age or height.
  • 6 Sanya Beluga Discovery Ocean World (大白鲸·三亚海洋探索世界), Xindao Street, Yazhou District (崖州区新道街) (neem bus nr. 30 if coming from the city; take Yazhou Bus no. 6 if coming from Yazhou Railway Station or Dongtian Park), 86 898 88825888. 10:00-17:00 (weekdays), 10:00-18:00 (weekends). Standard adult tickets are ¥124 if bought on site. Cheaper prices are available online.
  • 7 Sanya Haichang Fantasy Town (三亚海昌梦幻海洋不夜城), 168 Hai'an Avenue, Haitang District (海棠区海岸大道168号) (neem bus nr. 33, 35, or Haitang 3 and get off at Haitang Bay; or use the double-decker sightseeing bus and get off at the Haichang Fantasy Town bus stop), tolvry: 86 400 6016699. 10:00-22:00 (amusement rides begin operating at 16:00). Part of a major Chinese theme park chain. General entry is free. Fees for each attraction are charged separately. For example, a ride on the ferris wheel costs ¥98. Children under 1.2 meters in height, however, are exempt from all charges provided they are accompanied by an adult.
  • 8 Sanya Romance Park (三亚千古情景区), 333 Yingbin Road, Jiyang District (吉阳区迎宾路333号) (take bus nos. 1, 6, 7, 9, 23, 27, 40, 45 or 53 and get off at the Sanya Romance Park bus stop), 86 898 88658333. 15:00-21:30. Includes Sanya Ice & Snow World, which has ice sculptures and ice-skating facilities. There is also a theater where a reportedly spectacular song and dance show is performed twice a day. The first performanance starts at 17:30 and ends at 18:30. The second performance begins at 20:00 and finishes at 21:00. ¥280 (general entry admission to the theater), ¥340 (general entry entry to Sanya Ice & Snow World admission to the theater). Discounts are available for children and family groups.


  • Sea Turtles 911. The only non-profit organization promoting sea turtle conservation in China, Sea Turtles 911's primary facility is a floating sea turtle hospital in Lingshui near Nanwan Monkey Island, as well as programs in Sanya and Haikou. While on Hainan Island visitors are welcome to volunteer with the sea turtles and the organization's educational programs. Recommended donation.


Study Mandarin

With such a beautiful environment, relaxing on the beach and studying Mandarin Chinese is a fun and productive activity for those with more time. It's also easier to focus on the studying without the distractions of the big cities.


The area produces pearls in abundance and they are sold everywhere.Prices are highly negotiable; overcharging tourists is common.Tour guides get a fat (often 50%!) commission for bringing touriststo pearl shops; try to go without one and beat the price down.

Coconut powders and teas are also popular Chinese buys, but for Westerners looking for something less commercially produced... the cone-shaped hats that women wear here with pictures inscribed are only ¥5 at The First Market (第一市场 dìyī shìchǎng) in Sanya city. Lines 2 and 4 have a stop there. Don't head into the department store; instead, stick to the side of it and walk down the road filled with small shops and street vendors.

  • 1 Corner's Deli (每一角落), 三亚市愉亚大道夏日百货五楼, 5/F, Summer Mall, Yuya Avenue, Dadong Sea (at Summer Mall, fifth floor of south end, in Dadonghai), 86 898-88216733, faks: 86 898-88216771, . until 22:00. Offers a wide range of imported food and drinks. For anyone living in China and wanting to take back a few western groceries that can't normally be found, this small deli is worth the trip.
  • 2 China Duty Free Sanya Mall (CDF Sanya Mall, 三亚国际免税城), 118 Haitang Road North, Haitang District (海棠区海棠北路118号) (free shuttle buses are available from several of Sanya's five-star hotels; you can also take public bus routes 33, 34, 35 and Haitang Bay 1), tolvry: 86 400 6996956, . 09:00-22:00. A government-run duty free shopping center for luxury goods. Here you can buy all the Gucci, LV, etc. to your heart's content. You would need proof of a plane ticket leaving Hainan and you must pick up your goods at the airport when you leave.



There are plenty of good Chinese regional-food restaurants, including many Sichuan, Cantonese, and DongBei places. There are also a few foreign / Western food restaurants, especially Dolphin and Young Bar, and of course the ubiquitous McDonald's (DaDongHai [3] and Jiefang Lu), Starbucks (in Summer Mall) and KFC (105 Jiefang Lu; Duojialian; 63 Guoxing Dadao; Renmin Lu). Seafood is of course also a mainstay in the cuisine of Sanya, and DaDongHai is filled with overpriced seafood restaurants. Inspect the tanks for freshness before eating and beware of the different charges that are often handled by different people at the restaurant (fishery, cooking fee, and sitting fee can be separate). Shellfish go for ¥10-25 per jin (half kilo).

  • 1 No. 1 Agricultural Products Market (第一市场), Xinjian Street # 155. close midnight. This is not a restaurant, but a live seafood supermarket, and it's worth mentioning because of its popularity. You buy seafood here, take it across the street around the corner and all the restaurants will cook the food for you. They have seafood, poultry, lamb, pork - almost anything you can think of besides beef. As you are shopping for food, you will get approached by touts that give you a business card with their price list for cooking your food for you. If you agree, after you finish buying, they will take you to their restaurant around the corner and prepare the food for you. If you want to eat seafood but don't want to pay the outrageous prices at seafood restaurants, this is a great option. Varieer.
  • 2 Bohemian (波西米亚), 三亚市凤凰路三永凤凰城3号 (Phoenix Road (凤凰路 fènghuáng lù)), 86 898 88882333. Newly-opened restaurant with an international menu. Very well decorated and furnished and the service by waitresses wearing faux-Bavarian uniforms is exceptional. As soon as you walk in, you have to go up a winding staircase. Very high class feel. You can tell they spent a lot of money to renovate the place. They have private rooms where you can eat as well. Prices range from very expensive (for things like Japanese beef or caviare) to very reasonable for more conventional Chinese dishes.
  • 3 Casamia Italian Restaurant (卡萨米亚意大利餐厅), 三亚湾路蓝色海岸门面旁B211号,2nd Floor (by the entrance of Lan Se Hai An Complex), 86 898 88889828. A really upscale restaurant with two locations in Sanya with excellent service with authentic Italian dishes. Prices are fair, the presentation is good as is the taste, as is the quality of food. Clean and well run. Recommended for western foods that will delight the palate. All wines and beer served. English speaking staff. Italian owner who is the Maitre D aided by his Chinese wife.
  • 4 [dooie skakel]Coffee World (考菲乌), Herton Hotel at Dadonghai Beach-1st floor (东海旅游区荷泰海景酒店1楼) (opposite Resort and Time Hotel), 86 898 88677995, . 10:30-23:30. Offers pizza, pastas, salads, soups and the tastiest BBQ chicken wings in Hainan. Dining on a lovely balcony which overlooks Dadonghai Beach. Tel: 0898-88677995. The restaurant delivers to customers within a 5 mile radius of Dadonghai Beach. Engels word gepraat. Moderate price.
  • 5 The Dolphin Sports Bar & Grill, 99 Yuya Road, Dadonghai (tell the cab driver to drop you off 100 metres before Summer Mall in dadonghai, and look across the main road, you will see us between a couple of Russian shops), 86 898 88215700. Western restaurant and sports bar with a wide selection of Western favorites such as hamburgers, soups, salads, pasta, Tex-Mex and sandwiches. There are usually good specials on imported beers and international cocktails. Check with the manager and he can probably make something off the menu for a reasonable price. A local mecca for foreigners (along with YoungBar next door), it's usually a loud environment with countless big screen TV's showing major sporting events. Also has typical bar games: pool, darts, foosball, and eating competitions. Live band every night after 9pm. It can get quite rowdy here late at night. Meals ¥60-150.
  • Young Bar (Yang's Bar), 97 YuYa Lu, DaDongHai (beside Dolphin Bar). Young Bar is a Chinese-owned foreign food pub. Yang, the owner, often creates community English events (including running an English Corner). The food is Western and Russian, and decent (it and Dolphin Bar often battle for #1 spot in Western food). The staff are often Kazakh or from other central Asian cultures. The customers are often Russian. ¥70 - 100 for a meal and drink.
  • 6 Hot Pot Fashion, 时代海岸西区2楼.
  • 7 Jing Fu Gong (景福宫), 三亚市凤凰路三永凤凰城4号 (Phoenix Road, right next door to the Bohemian), 86 898 38295105. Korean restaurant run by South Koreans. Part of a chain, there is one in Haikou too. Very authentic, to the extent that it is a favourite for Korean tour groups who want a taste of home. Attentive service. They have an upper level where you can take off your shoes and sit on the floor and private rooms. Reasonable prices.
  • 8 Lemon Grass Thai Restaurant (柠檬草泰式餐厅), 三亚湾蓝色海岸餐饮街二楼 (Next to Casamia in Sanya Bay), 86 898 88290819.
  • 9 Marco Polo (Italiaanse restaurant), 海韵路8号 (look for the big Marco Polo sign), 86 13518095143. Offers a slightly more upscale take on Italian. There is a large, outdoor seating area and the pizzas are highly recommended. Offers pizzas, pastas, soups, meats and more! The food and the service are great. As of May 2013, they don't have adequate wait staff, so the only way to get a meal there is to show up around 18:00 and maybe the owner is in and can cook a meal for you. Expect ¥80-100 for a meal.
  • 10 Mr Cat (张猫猫的店), 2-2 Haiyun Road, Jiyang District (吉阳区海韵路2-2号) (in the Dadonghai area, close to Summer Plaza), 86 898 88281685. 10:00-22:00. A well-established and very popular Hainanese restaurant. Serves a wide variety of Hainanese dishes. Try to get here early, as there's a good chance you'll have to wait in a queue.
  • 11 Russian Restaurant & Bar (俄式西餐酒吧), 大东海愉亚大道66号华豫苑首层俄式西餐酒吧 (in between City Plaza Hotel and Hawaii Hotel), 86 898 8821-1527.
  • 12 Wanjunlong (旺君隆餐馆), Yuejin Street #86 (corner of Shengli Road and Yuejin Street), 86 898 88265889. close when sun comes up. Popular place for late night barbecue and beer. Not as big as Shangping Road, but a good alternative if you get sick of shangping road. various.
  • 13 Xinya Seafood Restaurant (新亞海鲜餐厅), 海南省三亚市三亚湾路19号 (Corner of Sanya Bay Road and Xin Feng Jie), 86 898 88388886, . Very popular Xinjiang restaurant next to Sanya Beach. Has typical Xinjiang dishes such as Dapanji, a wide range of seafood that can be cooked as you wish and Indian Roti. Along the coastal road from the restaurant are a number of very popular seafood restaurants. Two restaurants in one.


Hainan grows a great variety of tropical fruits. Mango, apple, pineapples, durian, jackfruit, mangosteen, lycee are very popular and their breeds are colorfully diverse. Hainan is famous throughout China for its coconuts and they are worth trying, especially the red coconuts (红椰 hóng yē). Away from the beach, expect to pay about ¥8-10 for a coconut. Prices increase as you get closer and you may end up paying about ¥15 for a coconut on the beach. Note that fruit price is fluctuating and cheating on its weight is common. Visit any big and well-established chained supermarkets in the downtown of Sanya along Jiefang Road to check the current market price.


A bit after sunset and well in to the midnight, Sanya city's streets are filled with small barbecue stands, noodle stands, and other snack vendors. There is a well-known seafood supermarket called The No. 1 Agricultural Products Market(第一市场)(See address below). You buy live seafood and then take it around the corner to a crowded street where all the restaurants will cook(Jia Gong,加工) the seafood for you for a small fee per dish. It's the most crowded night market in Sanya. You will find a constant assortment of musicians and kids that sell flowers to proposition you while you are eating. It's a great way to save money on eating seafood because there is no markup for the seafood because you purchased the seafood yourself. It's quite a lively environment with guitarists playing, saxophonists playing, customers singing, beer flowing all night long, garbage trucks to come by to pick up the garbage, and the occasional fight. This street starts dying down around the midnight and the crowds head to bar street.

After Bar Street closes, the crowds head to the night food market located at the 1st Lane of Shangping Road (商品街一巷) which is close to Jiefang Road (解放路). Most foods are at the fixed price but try to negotiate a bit for the seafood barbecue. The food and beer flows until the sun comes up.

Another popular after-hours barbecue place is at Wan Jun Long. Not as popular as Shangping Road, but if you are sick of seeing the same people all the time, this is another alternative.(address below)



The vast majority of coffee shops here open around 10:00 or 11:00. There is a Starbucks in the Summer Mall (in DaDongHai). The Jiefang Lu (解放路) McDonald's has thus become a morning pilgrimage for many Westerners (debatable).


Times Coast (Shi Dai Hai An) Bar Street

This is where all the hottest clubs in Sanya are; it's one big circle with about 10-11 clubs. The big three first tier clubs with all the tourists are Soho, MJ, and 88. The rest of the clubs are second tier clubs that have mostly locals and are less expensive. To get here, hop in a cab and say "Jiu Ba Jie". The most popular local brew is Anchor (actually Singaporean but produced in Hainan). Ask for the 'red label' or 'old' brew, which is the original. It is very hoppy and can be a great escape from Yanjing (燕京) or Qingdao (青岛) beer. Those are available, of course, as well. There are also local pineapple-based beers. Odd, but worth a try.

Most of these bars will ask you to buy many bottles at a time (standard practice in China). They are loud, flashy, often bland EDM-anthem places filled with FuErDai and Russians. Mostly tables with people just sitting and drinking, the dance floors are often small and shaped like a model-runway, and often have shows that take place and so everyone just goes and sits at their tables. Foreigners will not get free drinks at these Chinese clubs; you have to go to smaller cities for that (too many Russian tourists in Sanya for that white privilege).

  • Soho Bar (苏荷酒吧), 三亚市河东路36号 (first bar you will see on Bar Street, across the bridge from Pizza Hut), 86 898 88706677. close 03:00. The most popular bar for mainland tourists. More attractive people here than other bars. ¥180 for 6 beers.
  • [voorheen dooie skakel]MJ BAR (三亚名舰国际娱乐会所), 三亚市榆亚大道时代海岸酒吧街 (exit Soho, make a right, walk half a block), 86 15108982345. close 03:00. This is the club with the most foreigners. The bar counter is a Russian hangout. Every Wednesday night is ladies night where all girls drink for free. Managed by an Anerican-born Chinese from New York City named Eddie. ¥180 6 beers.
  • Gold Baidu (金百度), 时代海岸酒吧街愉亚大道2号附近 (next to Golden Club), 86 898 88609898. close 02:00. Second tier club on the ground level around the corner from Allen Story
  • 8090 Bar (8090后酒吧三亚店), 榆亚大道2号鸿洲时代海岸内 (next to Gold Baidu), 86 898 88889998. close 02:00. Second tier club, they have KTV rooms on the second floor, and a lounge section on the 3rd floor
  • 123 Bar (123酒吧), 三亚旅游区榆亚路时代海岸酒吧街(近名舰酒吧) (before you reach MJ walking from Soho, there is an alleyway, first bar in the alleyway), 86 898 88912398. close 02:00. Second tier club, but full of people always. mostly locals.
  • Wang Jiao (旺角酒吧), 三亚市时代海岸酒吧一条街 (exit Soho and make a left, walk past rainbow and Eadry Hotel), 86 898 88989898. close 02:00. Second tier club, mostly locals, have KTV rooms on the second floor ¥100 dozen beers.
  • [dooie skakel]No. 88 Bar (88酒吧), 海南省三亚市愉亚大道时代海岸1号楼101号商铺 (exit Soho, make a left and keep on walking until you see it), 86 898 88601266. close 03:00. Franchise club, always packed and they have balcony levels for more private partying. Less foreigners here, but more foreigners than Soho. Russians who live in Sanya can apply for a free drink card. ¥180 6 beers.
  • Rainbow Bar & Grill (三亚云波西餐酒吧), 三亚市榆亚路时代海岸鸿洲埃德瑞首层(游艇码头旁) (exit Soho, make a left, first bar you see), 86 898 88606063, . close 02:00. They have both and indoors and outdoors section. The outdoors section is more popular. They have a pool table and a live band. Indoors, they have a foosball table. The burgers here are pretty good.
  • Neem (台客), 愉亚大道时代海岸酒吧街9号 (exit MJ, make a left, go into alley and it's the first bar on the right), 86 898 88609996. close 02:00. New bar with a live band. long bar counter stocked with alcohol and girls.
  • The Dolphin Sports Bar & Grill (海豚吧), No 99 Yu Ya Rd, 86 898 8821-5700. close 02:00. This is the foreigner hangout in Sanya. Live band and western food. You will find mostly Russians sitting outside and a mix of people sitting inside. More description of this bar in the restaurant section.
  • Sanya Surf Circus, Dadonghai Beach (in the middle of Da Dong Beach), 86 13976190715. close 02:00. During the day, they sell and rent surf boards, have surf lessons. Almost every Saturday or Friday, they have a beach party. During these parties, you will see all the foreigners in Sanya. About 25 percent of the crowd will be Russian, another 25 percent black, and the rest a mix of Americans, Europeans, and Chinese. Run by some Italian guys. They send a mass text message out the day before there's a party. To get on the list, send an SMS to Darci, phone number listed here above. The owners' names are Lillo, Darci, Paolo, and Luca ¥10 a beer.
  • Heroes Valley Bar (英雄谷酒吧), 三亚市港务局码头开发区 (go to Gang Wu Ju and look for Heroes Valley Bar), 86 898 38899898. close 02:00. They have a big lounge area, but this bar is a "high" bar, most people come here to go to the private KTV rooms on the second floor to do their preferred drug of choice.
  • Rings Lounge (年轮音乐酒吧), 文明路100号 (near the 123 Food Garden), 86 898 31805577. close 02:00. They have two floors. On the second floor you can sing karaoke where all the customers can hear and see you - not a common thing in China. They also sell Pizza. This is a relatively new bar and they don't have a lot of customers yet. They do have one problem though - because residents live upstairs, they have to turn down the music after 23:00. ¥100 6 beers.
  • 阳光地带 (Yang Guang Di Dai), 520 解放路, 4th Floor (across the street from McDonald's, in the building that says New York Studio or something like that, take the elevator to the 4th floor), 86 18656710101. close 02:00. This is where all the gay and lesbian people in Sanya hang out. You will find the men in one corner and all the women in another corner. Most of the women have short hair. They sell Anchor beer. There is a wireless microphone and you can sing karaoke. You can pick the songs yourself from the computer. If you are a good-looking male, you will get hit on. ¥120 12 beers.
  • Street Dancers, 河西路双龙大夏 basement (it's in the building called Shuang Long Da Xia, across the street from the 123 Garden Bar). all night. By day this is a Hip Hop Dance Studio, by night it's an underground private Hip Hop Club. Many professional dancers from the clubs come here after the bars close. It's got mirrors on the walls so you can watch yourself dance. They have a DJ Booth. Once a month they have a huge party here. To get in, you would need to know someone who can bring you or just wander in and knock on the door to see if they are friendly.
  • Bierfabriek, Interkontinentale hotel. They have their own brewery with German beer. Chinese owners brought German brewmasters over from Europe, had them set up the brewery, and then kicked them out (thinking they could run the place without them). As a result, the beer is not very good. You can see all the big canisters and pipes where the beer is brewed and served to you. There's outdoor and indoor seating. Indoor seating has a live band from the Philippines, sometimes. If you come here on Wednesdays, all the beer is half price. ¥36, ¥50, ¥80 for small, medium, big draft beer.
  • Mos Blues. at the Mandarin Oriental Resort. A beautiful sunset bar with usually very tasty cocktails, however it's very expensive. Go at happy hour to make it reasonable.
  • Ajiya (Haitang Bay Gloria Sanya), No. 9 Haitang Bay, 301 Road, Haitang Bay (Highway G98), 86 898 3888 8855. French Teppanyakki.
  • Left Bank Coffee Bar, Guang Ming Lu #8 (near the roundabout to the entrance to Phoenix Island).
  • [dooie skakel]123 Garden (呀喏达), 三亚市河西路金河公寓一楼 (金宝菜后面), 86 898 88886123. This pub had live entertainment. Wooden tables are scattered through the place. They serve food and drinks. The DJ girl wears a hot bikini! They will open the second floor for KTV rooms.
  • Hao Shi Ya Yu (豪士雅娱乐城), 三亚市河西区文明路金河公寓一楼 (near 123 Garden), 86 898 88368889. A run down local club. The second floor is the main lounge. They have a dance floor with live entertainment. They also have KTV rooms. The crowd is a more local young crowd. Not as sophisticated as the crowd on bar street.
  • 1 Top 10 Pub, 三亚迎宾路山水天城平安保险旁 (approximately on 73 Yingbin Road), 86 898 38218711. This bar has a stage ready for a live band performance. They have miniature motorcycles and ATVs locate throughout for their motif. In addition to the general lounge area, they also have more private bungalows. On the second floor, you will find a pool table.
  • Xun Mi (寻宓海景音乐吧), 三亚湾路8-1(凤凰岛公交站) (across from Phoenix Island, 2nd Floor), 86 898 8819898. close 02:00. They have live music on the second floor, and a quieter section on the rooftop level.
  • Monte Carlo Lounge European Dining Local Bar (蒙兰圣罗酒廊), 三亚市河西路长顺三香1号门牌 (it's in an alleyway.), 86 18876688518, . This place is surprisingly well renovated inside. The surrounding alleyway is not much of a feast for the eyes, but inside has a European motif going on. They serve food and drinks and have three floors. It's a nice place to take a date if you've already seen all the places in town.
  • Bud Cafe (早苗咖啡厅), 海南省三亚市吉祥路盛世新第大夏10层 (next to Night Coffee), 86 898 38269388. close 01:30. Relaxed Coffeeshop (Taiwanese owned) with a variety of coffee drinks and some food (didn't try the food), Reggae music etc. Nice balcony with great view. Good internet connection, good to hang out and surf. Very unique feel to the place. Looks like you can write notes on the coasts and leave them underneath the glass at your table as a memento of your presence here. If nothing on the menu suits your fancy, you can get take out from the BBQ on the street level.
  • JRH (佳仁仁), 三亚时代海岸东区金壁辉煌左侧 (next to the Golden Club), 86 898 38272222, . They sell red wine here. Looks like a wine cellar inside.
  • Night Coffee (三亚夜色咖啡屋), 三亚吉祥街盛世第大夏12楼阳台 (rooftop of the building, next to Bud Cafe), 86 898 88262273. close 01:30. They occupy the 11th and 12th floor. The 11th floor has a home theater set up, and 12th floor rooftop is an open air setting over looking the ocean.


  • In Time. Hostess Club ¥1000 for room and alcohol. ¥500 for DJ, ¥300 for Prince and Princess, ¥500 for girl.
  • Ke Bao KTV (科宝KTV), 解放路316号, 86 898 38251515. close 02:00. Local KTV place. Tips for girls ¥100-300.
  • Jia Li Lai KTV, 解放一路148号路宏湾宾馆2楼(嘉利莱KTV) (148 Jie Fang Road, 2nd Floor of the hotel), 86 898 88269998. close 02:00. ¥100-300 tip for the girls. From ¥250 for small room including drinks.
  • Royal New International Chamber (新皇家国际会所), 中国三亚市海南三亚大东海旅游区海韵路18号新皇家国际会所 (not too far from the beach), 86 13876869199, faks: 86 898 88675855. Another glamorous hostess club. The tip for the girls are ¥500 and up. ¥680 for small room.
  • Golden Club (金壁辉煌俱乐部), 三亚市愉亚大道时代海岸(市委对面) (around the corner from Allen Club), 86 898 38215555. close 02:00. This is a KTV Hostess club. You have to get a room that has a minimum charge of more than ¥1000. Then you pay for girls to drink with you. The girls charge ¥500 tip. From ¥1000 for a room.


As a general rule, accommodation prices in Sanya are very expensive, particularly during the winter months due to the huge influx of wealthy tourists from northern China.


In Sanya city and Dadonghai there are many small, clean moderately priced inns and hotels (¥50-100, even in high season, for 1-3 beds). Some may be located in alley ways just off Sanya's beach street, sometimes several floors up without an elevator (but the view is worth it!).

  • 1 Blue Sky International Youth Hostel (三亚蓝天国际青年旅舍), 1 Lanhai Alley, Haiyun Rd, Dadonghai, Jiyang District (吉阳区大东海海韵路蓝海巷1号) (take bus 4 to Xia Ri Bai Huo (夏日百货), walk down Haiyun Road and into the alley), 86 898 88211770, . Inboek: 15:00, uitteken: 12:00. One of the oldest hostels in Dadonghai area. The staff is friendly and some can speak English. The hostel can organize trips to all over Hainan. It has internet access, towels, laundry service, mats and hats for the beach. Scooters and motorcycles can be hired. Dorm ¥50, double from ¥160.
  • 2 Sanya Backpackers Hostel (三亚背包客国际青年旅舍), 8 Haihua Road, Dadonghai (大东海海花路8号) (take bus 8 from Phoenix Airport 凤凰国际机场 to Dadonghai Bay 大东海 alight at Luling Lukou 鹿岭路口 bus stop junction Yuya Road 榆亚路 and Haihua Road 海花路), 86 898 88955890, . A resort hostel run by a Singaporean couple. 3 minutes away from the beach in a private palm-tree-covered alleyway. The hostel is very clean (no shoes inside). It has a nice garden around a skate-ramp and pool table and bar. Gratis internet. The owner can speak some English. Great live music from resident musician and very nice vibe. Also offer PADI scuba diving courses and outdoor adventures. Has an outdoor pool table, bar, and small skateboard ramp. Used to be excellent, now it's only good for the atmosphere of the bar -- which, sadly, closes very early. Dorm ¥75, double from ¥200.
  • 3 Sanya Lama Temple International Hostel (三亚雍和国际青年旅舍), 7 Dazhenling alley (大真岭巷) (take a bus to Luhuitou square (鹿回头广场), head up the road onto the hill next to the duty free store.), 86 898 88224486. Small and quiet hostel about 10 minutes walk from Dadonghai beach. Clean, friendly and dorms far cheaper than anywhere in Dadonghai proper. There is no temple here, the name comes from its affiliation with Beijing's Lama Temple hostel. Dorms ¥25-30, rooms from ¥130.


  • 4 Guoxi Hotel (果喜大酒店), 13 Jiefang Si Road, Jiyang District (吉阳区解放四路13号), 86 899 88254888. Four-star hotel with rooms with views of the mountain and sea along Sanya's coastline, cable TV, and free internet and breakfast. Shopping mall, night club, outdoor pool, sauna, and Chinese and Western food. Rooms start at ¥418.
  • 5 Tianze Beach Resort Sanya (三亚天泽海韵度假酒店), 28 Sanya Bay Road, Jiyang District (吉阳区三亚湾路28号) (along the ocean, next to the coffee shop), 86 898 88893018, faks: 86 898 88893066, . The hotel is right along Sanya Bay, surrounded by a magnificent shoreline and a stretch of coconut palm trees. Has a pool facing the ocean. ¥299.
  • 6 Sanya Royal Garden Resort (三亚半山锦江海景度假酒店), 21 Luling Road, Dadonghai (大东海鹿岭路21号), 86 898 88228888. Offers 239 air-conditioned rooms, all of which have mini-bar, color TV, DVD/ CD player, and high-speed Internet access. Some of its amenities include outdoor swimming pool, sauna, and health/fitness center and massage service. Best rates on official website start at ¥388 .
  • 7 Sanya Emerging Seaview Hotel (三亚新兴海景大酒店), 2 Jiefang Yi Road, Jiyang District (吉阳区解放一路2号), 86 898 88895888. This hotel offers various pretty rooms. Dining options include an authentic Chinese restaurant in addition to a lobby bar. In terms of recreation, the hotel offers 18 KTV rooms, massage services, a beauty salon.
  • 8 Yin Yun Seaview Resort (三亚银韵海景度假酒店), 215 Sanyawan Road (三亚湾路215号) (west of the Airport), 86 898 8833 6088, . The resort is a charming 80-room hotel that evokes Hawaii more than China. Online booking available on the official website. This place is far from the city center. Even farther than the airport. ¥168.
  • 9 Barry Boutique Hotel (柏瑞精品海景酒店), 三亚市大东海旅游度假区 (walking distance from the beach), 86 898 88888808, faks: 86 898-88705588, . Near the beach. ¥2000.


  • 10 Banyan Tree Resort. This is a five-star resort with its own private beach. You can have a romantic dinner right on the beach.
  • 11 Mandaryns Oosters. 5 star resort
  • 12 Haitang Bay Gloria Sanya (三亚海棠湾9号温泉度假酒店), No. 9 Haitang Bay, Road 301, Haitang Bay, Haitang District (海棠区海棠湾301路海棠湾9号), 86 898 38888855, . 5-star luxury resort.

Bly veilig

Sanya exists solely for tourism which is accompanied by annoyances including pickpocketeting and overcharging.

Before arrival, travelers should be wary of getting the right address and most up to date telephone number for their hostels/hotels. Some hostels are located in a new district whose roads have just been laid out. Not many people, including the police, know where specific locations are in new districts. When you get lost, always ask drivers to call the staff.

Para-sailing, diving, snorkeling and boating are popular but operators may not be trained or certified. If you go for diving, always check air tank pressures before. Some Wikitravelers have reported that they received half-empty scuba tanks and found it difficult to inhale smoothly.

Sanya has a lot of local tour packages. Some tours to outlying islands may look cheap, but once you arrive on the spot, operators may charge you extra money for using their equipment. Masks, snorkels and fishing rods can be shabby and expensive to rent. Other tours are shopping traps, complete with ridiculous commissions for the tour guide. Before you join any tour, ask specifically what is included in the fee (beach chair, drinks, boat, fishing rod, snorkel, mask, transportation, admission fees, return transportation, etc.), and what is not (shopping).

Thanks to a heavy crackdown on gangsters, Sanya has become much safer than in the early 2000s. While violent crimes against tourists are rare in Sanya, be wary of pickpocketing, bicycle theft and bag snatching. There are occasional reports of professional drivers zooming alongside a tourist and grabbing their bag. Pickpocketing is common on buses. You should avoid bringing any valuables to the beach as theft is occasionally reported. Lockers on the beach, along their showers and beach chairs, are nie free. They will charge ¥20-50, or more, per use.

Sanya is also notorious for overcharging. Scams in seafood restaurants were heavily reported in the Chinese media in 2011. To avoid very unpleasant sticker shock, make sure you know the price of what you are ordering.

As a tourist area, everything sold close to the beach will be 30-100% more expensive than in downtown Sanya due to high rents and the law of supply and demand (lots of tourists, limited prime real estate for restaurants). Furthermore, market prices anywhere in Sanya are slightly higher than Haikou due to the cost of transportation. For seafood lovers who just traveled from inexpensive Haikou, do not expect to pay ¥10 for 4 scallops or 6 oysters.

Traffic rules apparently do not exist. Cars and motorcycles drive on both sides of the road and careen down sidewalks as if they had right of way. Irritating honking is ever-present, even when driving on sidewalks. Tourists should not trust the green traffic light and zebra crossings, because changing lights sometimes encourage drivers to speed up. As elsewhere, do not trust drivers to avoid you; you should always avoid them.

Cars will only stop at red lights. Bikes will only stop at red traffic lights if they are managed by police, otherwise you will watch them zip and weave though all directions of oncoming traffic.

The road dividers on main arterial roads are not there to stop people from running across; they are in place to stop cars from going down the wrong side of the road. Watch a road without these installed and you will see this in practice.

The tap water, even in nice hotels, should not be considered safe to drink as the tap water in Sanya is generally not potable. Bring or buy bottled water if you plan to be outside of your accommodations for long periods of time. If you have access to a kettle in your hotel room or rented apartment, boiled water is fine to drink.

Hainan is considered an active malaria en knokkelkoors streek. Note that while there are pills to prevent malaria, there is no way to grow antibodies against dengue fever. If you plan to visit tropical forest zones, bring your own strong mosquito repellent and coil incense.

Gaan volgende

Terwyl die meeste toeriste Hainan besoek vir die toenemend lewendige stad Sanya, is die eiland groot en het baie ander afgeleë plekke om te sien.

Stryery (保亭), 'n provinsie net noord van Sanya, is 'n gewilde bestemming vir sy skilderagtige en kulturele besienswaardighede, waaronder die Yanoda Rainforest Cultural Tourism Zone (呀 诺达 雨林 文化 旅游 区), die Betel Nut Valley Li & Miao Cultural Heritage Park (槟榔 谷 黎苗文 化 旅游 区), en die Mount Qixian Hot Springs National Forest Park (七仙岭 温泉 国家 森林 公园).

'N Entjie verder van Baoting af, ongeveer 70 km noordoos van Sanya, is die land Lingshui. Ongeveer 15 km suid van die hoofstad van Lingshui is Nanwan Monkey Island (南湾猴岛), eintlik 'n skiereiland, met ongeveer 2500 bedreigde ape van ape deur wie se habitat u vrylik kan dwaal. Lingshui is ook die plek van Perfume Bay (Xiangshui Bay, 香水 湾), 'n relatief stil en rustige kusgebied, en die skilderagtige eiland Boundary Island (Fenjiezhou Island, 分界 洲岛).

Die oostelike stad van Wanning (万宁), tussen Sanya en Haikou is die tuiste van Shimeibaai (石 梅 湾 shí méi wān) en Riyue Bay (日月 湾 rìyuè wān), die voormalige wat die groot en baie afgesonderde gevoel Le Meridien huisves, en die laaste wat 'n gewilde plek geword het vir surfers met 'n begroting. Die goedkoper hotel is ¥ 480 per nag, dus geen superbegroting nie. Neem die stadige (nie-eksplisiete) bus na Haikou vanaf die busstasie en vra om afgelaai te word by die onderskeie snelwegafrit (¥ 30, 90 min, betaal met die bus). Maak seker dat u eers u kaartjie vir hulle wys, anders neem hulle u na 'n ander dorp waar u 'n taxi van 5 km terugry, wat hulle 100 ¥ hef. Om terug te kom, stap na die snelweg en vlag 'n bus af. Snelbusse stop nie om u op te laai nie. 'N Taxi na enige plek sal ongeveer ¥ 300 kos.

Die Paracel Eilande, in China bekend as die Xisha-eilandgroep (西沙群岛), is pragtig, afgeleë en vol tropiese lewens. Na wat verneem word, was een van hierdie eilandketens 'n eksotiese vakansieplek, maar is dit nou buite die land vir buitelandse reisigers weens territoriale geskille. As u toevallig 'n Chinese burger is, kan u egter 'n vaarboot neem vanaf die Phoenix Island International Cruise Terminal (凤凰 岛 国际 邮轮 港). 'N Rondreis duur ongeveer 64 uur en kos ongeveer ¥ 4000.

Hierdie stadsgids vir Sanya is 'n bruikbaar artikel. Dit bevat inligting oor hoe u daarheen kan kom en oor restaurante en hotelle. 'N Avontuurlustige persoon kan hierdie artikel gebruik, maar verbeter dit gerus deur die bladsy te redigeer.