Barcelona - Barcelona

Barcelona is Spanjese tweede grootste stad, met 'n bevolking van byna twee miljoen mense, en die hoofstad van Katalonië. 'N Groot hawe aan die noordoostelike Middellandse See-kus van Spanje, het 'n wye verskeidenheid besienswaardighede wat toeriste van regoor die wêreld inbring. Die vele gesigte van Barcelona sluit in die Middeleeuse ou stad, en die unieke straatrooster as gevolg van stedelike beplanning uit die 19de eeu. Die stad het lang sandstrande en groen parke op die heuwels, baie naastenby. Dit is ook bekend vir 'n aantal prominente geboue, waarvan die bekendste deur die argitek Antoni Gaudí, insluitend sy Sagrada Família, wat Barcelona se simbool vir baie geword het.

Gestig meer as 2000 jaar gelede as die antieke Romeinse dorp Barcino, Barcelona is so histories soos modern, met 'n konstante stroom projekte wat die stad se gesig verander en 'n lang voorliefde vir ontwerp en innovasie. Danksy die rykdom van besienswaardighede, 'n baie goed ontwikkelde akkommodasiebasis, 'n lewendige naglewe en 'n robuuste vervoerstelsel, het Barcelona een van die grootste en mees gewilde toeristebestemmings in Europa geword.


41 ° 23′30 ″ N 2 ° 8′30 ″ O
Kaart van Barcelona

 Ciutat Vella
Die ou stad van Barcelona, ​​insluitend die Middeleeuse Barri Gòtic, La Rambla (Les Rambles), Raval en El Born (ook bekend as La Ribera)
Modernistiese wyk, sentrale middelpunt van die stad, en die gebied om na Antoni Gaudí se werk te gaan soek.
Voorheen 'n onafhanklike stad, het dit in die 20ste eeu by die stad aangesluit. Smal strate en 'n kosmopolitiese en jong atmosfeer met nie te veel toeriste nie
Plaça Espanya en Montjuïc was die fokus van verskeie groot kermisse en uitstallings. Hulle het museums, monumente en feeste agtergelaat wat reisigers kan verken.
 Sant Martí
Meer strande langs die kus, maar oor die algemeen minder toeriste en toeriste-aantreklikhede.
 Binnelandse voorstede
Meestal residensieel, maar daar is 'n paar besienswaardighede as u wil verken. Dit sluit in Camp Nou, die tuiste van FC Barcelona; Tibidabo, die hoogste punt in Barcelona; en meer Gaudí-argitektuur.
Kuslyn van Barcelona in die hoogsomer


Dit sneeu selde in Barcelona, ​​maar as dit gebeur, beklemtoon dit die nabyheid van die bergreeks aan die een kant van die stad aan die ander kant

Wanneer om te besoek

Klimaatkaart (verduideliking)
Gemiddelde maks. en min. temperature in ° C
NeerslagSneeu totale in mm
Keiserlike bekering
Gemiddelde maks. en min. temperature in ° F
NeerslagSneeu totale in duim

Augustus is waarskynlik die besigste tyd vir toeriste in Barcelona. Baie winkels en restaurante is egter van vroeg tot Augustus tot vroeg in September gesluit. Gedurende hierdie tyd sal u die duurste hoteltariewe vind (buite konferensietye soos die Mobile World Congress), en die stad is sonder inwoners, want die oorgrote meerderheid inwoners gaan in Augustus met vakansie en laat die hitte en humiditeit agter aan die hordes toeriste wat aankom. Dit is ook een van die hoogste periodes van huisbraak, aangesien misdadigers weet dat baie plekke 'n hele maand lank nie beset is nie.

Terwyl Barcelona ordentlike, hoewel druk strande het, sal die plaaslike inwoners baie waardeer as besoekers nie Barcelona as 'n strandoord beskou nie en absoluut nie stranddrag dra as hulle kerke, restaurante, ens. Besoek nie. As u net 'n strand en 'n goeie strand wil hê dit, suidwaarts na Costa Daurada, noord na Costa Brava of uit see toe vir die Baleariese Eilande.

Barcelona kan buite die seisoen besoek word en is ondanks die koue weer 'n lieflike stad, selfs in die wintermaande van Januarie en Februarie, solank die reën min is. Gegewe die hoë humiditeit word 19-23 ° C (66-73 ° F) as 'n gemaklike weer beskou, wat gewoonlik die temperatuur van Mei tot Junie en van laat Augustus tot Oktober is. Dit is die beste tye om die stad te besoek. Enigiets warmer as dit kan te warm voel, en die tydperk van November tot April is nogal koel en soms somber.

Met kinders

Kleutergeluk word in Spanje as 'n openbare verantwoordelikheid beskou. In enige openbare plek sal mense rondom u alles in die werk stel om u kleuter gelukkig te maak: wanneer hy of sy verveeld lyk of huil, doen almal hul bes om hulle te vermaak of te kalmeer. U sal 'n uitstekende lys van dinge om met kinders te doen kry tydens u besoek aan Barcelona.


  • 1 Toeriste-kantoor op Plaça de Catalunya, Plaça de Catalunya, 17-S (Metro: L1, L3. Bus: 9, 22, 28, 42, 47, 58, 66, 67, 68. Trein: R4). 08:30-20:30. Dit is die belangrikste toerismeburo in die stad.
  • Toeriste kantoor op Plaça de Sant Jaume, Ciutat, 2 Ajuntament de Barcelona (Stadsaal). M-F 08: 30-20: 30, Sa 09: 00-21: 00, So en openbare vakansiedae 09: 00-14: 00.
  • Toeriste kantoor by Estació de Sants, Plaça dels Països Catalans (Metro: L5, L3. Bus: 63,68). Daagliks 08: 00-20: 00.
  • Toeriste kantoor by Aeroport del Prat (Terminaal 1 en 2.). Daagliks 09: 00-21: 00.

Alle toeristekantore is op 1 Januarie en 25 Desember gesluit. Kyk na die skakel hierbo vir 'n volledige lys toeriste-inligtingspunte.

Die warenhuis El Corte Ingles publiseer 'n gratis straatkaart vir toeriste. U kan 'n eksemplaar by die winkel of by een van die vele hotelle in die stad kies.

Die Turisme de Barcelona webwerf kan nuttig wees.


Barcelona City Pass is 'n pakket wat voordelige skipkaartjies en vervoerkaartjies in Barcelona kombineer. Hierdie amptelike stadspas-pakket bespaar u geld tydens u besoeke aan Barcelona.

Barcelona-kaart. Hierdie kaart bied gratis toegang tot meer as 25 museums en ander webwerwe in Barcelona. Vir meer as 70 moresites bied dit verskillende soorte afslag. Dit bevat ook 'n reispas vir openbare vervoer in Barcelona (sien besonderhede Hola BCN! kaartjie hieronder). Die kaart is beskikbaar vir periodes van 2 tot 5 dae. As u nie van plan is om elke dag baie museums te sien nie, is dit miskien goedkoper om slegs vervoerkaartjies te koop (sien hieronder), en as u baie tyd in die grootste museums spandeer, kan die Barcelona Art Passport beter waarde hê. Hierdie kaart kan nie op die kabelbane of funiculars gebruik word nie (behalwe Montjuïc). In die algemeen, as u van plan is om net die beroemde hoogtepunte te sien en nie museums besoek nie, is hierdie kaart nie die moeite werd of die moeite werd nie. Baie reiswebwerwe beveel hierdie soort afslagkaarte aan en bevorder dit omdat hulle 'n kommissie ontvang. Kry eerder die T10 vir vervoer. Vanaf € 20 vir 'n Barcelona Card Express (tweedaagse), tot € 60 vir 'n 5-dagkaart (10% afslag as u vooraf aanlyn koop); 'n weergawe vir kinders is ook beskikbaar..


Die Sagrada Família-kerk van Antoni Gaudí is miskien die bekendste baken van Barcelona
Sien ook:Katalaanse frase-boek, Spaanse frase-boek

Die amptelike tale van Barcelona is Katalaans en Spaans. Ongeveer die helfte praat verkies Katalaans, 'n oorgrote meerderheid verstaan ​​dit en feitlik almal ken Spaans. Die meeste tekens word egter slegs in Katalaans aangedui omdat dit deur die wet as die eerste amptelike taal bepaal word. Tog word Spaans ook baie gebruik in openbare vervoer en ander fasiliteite. Gereelde aankondigings in die Metro word slegs in Katalaans gedoen, maar onbeplande onderbrekings word deur 'n outomatiese stelsel in 'n wye verskeidenheid tale aangekondig, waaronder Spaans, Engels, Frans, Arabies en Japannees. Aan die ander kant, sal FGC-aankondigings - hetsy gereelde of onderbrekings - slegs in Katalaans gemaak word, en onderbrekingsaankondigings op RENFE se netwerk sal gewoonlik slegs in Spaans uitgesaai word. Soos in die meeste ander stede, word besoekers se moedertale altyd gewaardeer. Die meeste inwoners is tweetalig in Katalaans en Spaans en spreek instinktief buitelanders in Spaans aan. Katalaans is 'n taal, nie 'n dialek nie, en klink op baie maniere nader aan Italiaans, Portugees en Frans. Vermy om na Katalaans as 'n dialek te verwys, wat Katalaans sal aanstoot gee.

Sommige inwoners sal miskien in Katalaans antwoord kry nadat hulle in Spaans gevra is, dit is nie omdat hulle onbeskof is nie, maar omdat hulle aanvaar dat u tweetalig is. In Katalonië is dit nie ongewoon dat mense in dieselfde gesprek hoor kode wissel tussen verskillende tale nie. As u nie kan verstaan ​​wat hulle sê nie, vertel hulle dat u nie Katalaans praat nie en vra hulle beleefd om dit in Spaans of Engels te herhaal.

Die hoofoorsaak van Spaanse en Katalaanse sosiale tweetaligheid in die moderne Katalonië is 'n grootskaalse immigrasieproses uit die res van Spanje, wat gedurende die 20ste eeu plaasgevind het, omdat Katalonië 'n beduidende industrialisering begin het wat 'n toename in die arbeidsmag van elders vereis het. 60% van die mense in Katalonië gebruik Spaans as hul eerste taal, en 40% gebruik Katalaans. Die kwessies rakende taal, nasionale identiteit en politiek is soos politiek oral.

In toeristegebiede het byna alle winkels en kroeë 'n aantal Engelssprekende personeel. Mense sal gewoonlik probeer om u te help as u Engels praat. As u 'n moedertaal Engelssprekend is, sal u min probleme ondervind, aangesien Barcelona baie toeriste huisves.

Gaan in

Met die vliegtuig

Internasionale lughawe in Barcelona

Die belangrikste lughawe is 1 Barcelona El Prat (BCN IATA). Sommige goedkoop vervoerders, veral Ryanair, gebruik die lughawens van Girona (GRO IATA), byna 100 km (62 myl) noord, of Reus (REU IATA), ongeveer dieselfde afstand na die suide. Aangesien Ryanair by BCN begin werk het, moet u mooi kyk waarheen u vlug gaan. Die IATA-kode met drie letters moet deel uitmaak van u besprekingsproses.

Internasionale lughawe in Barcelona

Hoofartikel: El Prat-lughawe in Barcelona

Internasionale lughawe in Barcelona (BCN IATA), ook bekend as El Prat, is 'n belangrike vervoersentrum, met vlugte van regoor Europa en verder. U kan die middestad van Barcelona met die trein of per bus met 'n T1-kaart bereik. Dit kos € 10,20 vir 10 reise met enige metro, tram of bus in die metropolitaanse gebied van Barcelona, ​​en kan deur meer as een persoon gedeel word. Dit is ook baie goedkoper as die Aerobus (€ 5,90 vir 'n enkele reis). Die trein vertrek vanaf Terminal 2, en daar is 'n gratis pendeldienst vanaf Terminal 1 na terminale 2. Treine ry elke 30 minute tot ongeveer middernag. As u met 'n laat vlug aankom, kan u Barcelona binnedring met die N18-nagbus, wat stop by Plaça d'Espanya op pad na Plaça Catalunya.

Girona – Costa Brava-lughawe

Die Barcelona Bus-diens bestuur 'n pendelbus vanaf Estació del Nord (wat loopafstand is van die Arc de Triomf-metrohalte) in Barcelona na Girona-lughawe, wat met verskillende vlugtye gesinkroniseer is. 'N Eenrigtingkaartjie kos € 16 en 'n retoerkaartjie kos € 25. Die reis duur ongeveer 1 uur en 10 minute. Roosters is beskikbaar aanlyn.


Die maklikste manier is om daar te kom, is om die bus te neem wat deur Hispano Igualadina bestuur word vanaf die Barcelona Sants-busstasie na die lughawe. Bus vertrek word gesinchroniseer met Ryanair vliegtuig vertrek / aankomelinge. Eenrigtingkaartjie kos € 13 en 'n retoerkaartjie kos € 24. Die reis duur van 1 uur 30 minute tot 1 uur 45 minute, afhangend van die verkeer op die snelweg. Roosters is beskikbaar aanlyn. 'N Ietwat goedkoper, maar tog langer opsie is om 'n trein te neem vanaf die Barcelona Sants-stasie na Reus en dan die plaaslike bus nr. 50 lughawe toe. Die trein kos € 7,25 en dan kos die bus € 2,5. Dit duur ongeveer 2½ uur. Treinroosters kan by Renfe's nagegaan word webwerf en die busrooster is beskikbaar by die webwerf van Reus openbare vervoer.

Barcelona Sants-treinstasie

Met die trein

Supersnelle treine sal u na Barcelona van regoor Spanje en Frankryk bring

Barcelona is goed verbind met die Spaanse spoorwegnetwerk en met die res van Europa. Sneltreine ry gereeld vanaf die hoofstasie 2 Barcelona Sants Barcelona Sants-treinstasie op Wikipedia (in die suidweste van die stad) na Madrid, Sevilla en Malaga. Daar is ook gereelde langafstandverbindings wat gedeeltelik hoëspoedinfrastruktuur na alle groot Spaanse stede gebruik.

Die historiese 3 Estació de França Barcelona França-treinstasie op Wikipedia bedien nou meestal streektreine.

Direk gereeld hoë spoed trein diens gaan na bestemmings in Frankryk. Benewens twee daaglikse TGV-dienste vanaf Parys (reistyd ~ 7 uur na Barcelona), daar is 'n daaglikse diens vanaf Toulouse (3 uur), 'n daaglikse diens vanaf Lyon (5 uur), en 'n daaglikse diens vanaf Marseille (4 uur). Pryse begin by € 39, alhoewel die trein langer as 'n vlug kan duur, is dit dikwels 'n goedkoper en meer ontspanne alternatief.

Die voormalige Talgo-treine van Montpellier na Barcelona en Cartagena via Portbou het opgehou om te ry toe direkte hoëspoeddienste begin het. Dit is steeds moontlik om via Cerbère / Portbou met plaaslike treine te reis, maar dit is omslagtig, pynlik stadig en die koördinasie van die rooster aan die grens is verskriklik; dit kan egter die enigste alternatief wees as alle TGV's vol bespreek is. As dit vooraf bespreek word, kan TGV ook goedkoper wees as om hierdie plaaslike treine te gebruik. Vir reisigers wat Eurail- en Interrail-passe gebruik, is hierdie plaaslike roetes egter 'n nuttige manier om die hoë addisionele besprekingsfooie op internasionale TGV's te vermy, wat byna net so hoog kan wees as 'n voorafbespreekte losstaande kaartjie op sommige van die langer roetes.

Daar is ook 'n minder bekende spoorlyn oor die Pireneë na Toulouse. Daar is ongeveer een trein elke 3 uur aan die Spaanse kant en een elke twee of vier aan die Franse kant, insluitend 'n slaaptrein vanaf Parys (met 'n tak na Portbou wat by Toulouse verdeel: kyk na alle roosters om te sien of die roete vinniger is, dit hang baie af van die wagtye aan die grens). Dit kan moeilik wees om kaartjies vir hierdie roete te koop. Die Spaanse lyn word beskou as 'n pendelaar, hoewel dit ver van Barcelona af is en in geen wêreldwye Europese rooster verskyn nie. Dit is dus onmoontlik om 'n internasionale CIV-kaartjie te kry, elke gedeelte moet apart gekoop word. Ook vir die reis na die suide verkoop die Latour-de-Carol-stasie slegs SNCF-kaartjies, dus die Spaanse gedeelte moet direk by die kaartjie-inspekteur gekoop word, slegs kontant. Die reis duur 7-8 uur (vervoer ingesluit) en kos ongeveer € 30.

Die bekendstelling van die hoëspoeddiens het die einde van die oornagdiens vir slaapplaats genoem Trenhotel tussen Barcelona en Parys. Trenhotels hardloop egter steeds tussen Barcelona en Granada, 'N Coruña en Vigo.

Barcelona is 'n gewilde aanvoerhawe vir cruiseschepe

Per boot

Die stad se hawe is een van die besigste aan die Middellandse See.

Groot cruiseskepe lê 1-2 km (0,62–1,24 mi) suidwes aan. Baie van hulle bied busverbindings aan na die suidekant van La Rambla. Die veerbote lê feitlik direk op die Ramblas aan.

Daar is gereelde veerbootverbindings met die Baleariese Eilande (Alcúdia, Ciutadella de Menorca, Ibiza-stad, Sant Antoni de Portmany, Mahón, Palma de Mallorca), Italië (Savona, Genua, Livorno, Porto Torres en Civitavecchia vir Rome) en Tanger, in Marokko. Vanuit Rome (Civitavecchia) dit is eintlik goedkoper om die veerboot te neem as 'n bus.

Sommige van die grootste rederye sluit in Baleària, Grimaldi Lines en Trasmediterranea maar daar is ook verskeie kleiner ondernemings.

Met die bus

Alle busverbindings is by 4 Barcelona del Nord Estació del Nord (Barcelona) op Wikipedia (Barcelona Nord, Estacion del Norte) stasie ( 34 902 260 606). Dit sluit nasionale (byvoorbeeld 18 busse per dag vanaf Madrid) en internasionale roetes in.

Megabus bestuur busdienste tussen Barcelona Nord en die Victoria Coach Station via Parys en Toulouse. Hulle verbind ook met Amsterdam, Keulen, Brussel en baie Britse stede. Dit kan baie goedkoop wees, maar wees voorbereid op 'n 24-26 uur lange rit van Londen! Daar is 'n besprekingsfooi van £ 0,50. Daar is al dan nie plug-sockets of Wi-Fi aan boord nie. Megabus beveel aan dat u ten minste 30 minute voor vertrektyd by u vertrekpunt is (behalwe Londen Victoria waar u 60 minute voor vertrek moet arriveer).

Met die motor

Verskeie hoofweë verbind Barcelona met Frankryk en met die res van Spanje. Verkeer is gewoonlik relatief min buite spitstye. Gratis parkeerplekke is 'n paar metrohaltes vanaf die middestad.

Blou parkeerplekke word betaal tussen Ma en 09: 00-14: 00 en 16: 00-20: 00. By sommige kruispad begin die betaaltyd om 08:00. Almal kan 'n blou spasie gebruik, maar dit is nie so maklik om te vind nie. U betaal op die meter en plaas die kaartjie op die paneelbord. Groen parkeerplekke is slegs vir inwoners beskikbaar. Wit parkeerplekke is te alle tye gratis, maar daar is geen in die middestad nie.

Stadsparke word dwarsdeur die stad aangetref.

Kry rond

Met die openbare vervoer

Die openbare vervoer in die stad en omgewing word bestuur deur Autoritat del Transport Metropolità (OTM) konsortium. Die hele gebied word deur die Geïntegreerde tariefstelsel, wat verdeel is in 6 sones. Hierdie stelsel bevat die meeste openbare vervoer in die omgewing: metro-, stads- en intercity-, tram- en pendeltreine.

Die stadsgrense van Barcelona is heeltemal binne sone 1. Die openbare vervoer in die stad word meestal bestuur deur Vervoer Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB). Hulle het 'n aparte webwerf toegewy vir toeriste. Die ander twee operateurs in Barcelona is Rodalies de Catalunya en Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FGC).

Barcelona se metro-stelsel en 'n paar spoorlyne.

Kaartjies en reiskaarte beskikbaar:

  • Enkel kaartjie. A nie-geïntegreerd kaartjie is slegs geldig vir enkele vervoermiddels van 'n spesifieke operateur: bus, metro of kabelbaan, ens. €2.20.
  • Hola BCN! kaarte deur TMB. Vir onbeperkte aantal reise vir 2, 3, 4 of 5 dae. Dit is geldig vir TMB-metro-, bus-, tram-, FGC- en streektreine in die stad en metropolitaanse gebied. U vind die T-10 en sy susterskaarte beter. Tweedaagse kaart € 14,50.
  • Geïntegreer vir 'n vaste aantal reise. T-10, T-50/30, T-70/30. Hierdie kaarte is verskeie persone vir onderskeidelik 10, 50 of 70 enkele reise. Tydens elke reis is dit moontlik om tot drie oordragte te maak. Die reisduur mag nie langer as 1 uur en 15 minute duur nie en binne zone 1. Die T-10 is die beste opsie vir gewone toeriste na die stad. Dit is geriefliker as om enkelkaartjies te koop. Dit is beter as die enkelkaartjies vir meer as vyf reise. Dit is baie goedkoper as die verskillende afslagkaarte met gratis vervoeropsies. En uiteindelik bind dit nie aan spesifieke roetes soos die hop-on-hop-off-busse nie. T-10 vir sone 1 € 11,35.
  • Geïntegreer vir 'n onbeperkte aantal reise vir 'n aantal dae. T-Dia (1 dag), T-Mes (30 dae), T-Trimestre (90 dae). Hierdie kaarte is nie oordraagbaar nie, dit wil se deur een persoon gebruik moet word. T-Dia vir sone 1 € 8,40.

Reiskaarte is 'n uitstekende waarde in vergelyking met 'n enkele kaartjie. Sorg dat u goed na hulle omsien, aangesien gebuigde of beskadigde kaarte nie deur die kaartjiemasjiene gelees kan word nie. Sulke kaarte kan by een van TMB se kliëntedienssentrums vervang word.

TMB bied ook 'n paar aan roetebeplanners op hul webwerf: weergawes vir desktop, vir mobiele blaaier en mobiele apps vir Android en iPhone. Nog 'n roetebeplanner is op die kitsbank beskikbaar.

Per Metro

Die Metro (metro) is 'n doeltreffende manier om in die stad rond te kom. Bedryfstye is 05: 00-24: 00 (M-Do), 05: 00–02: 00 (F), en deurlopende diens vanaf Saterdag om 05:00 tot Sondag om middernag. Stasies is op die meeste kaarte gemerk; elke stasie het 'n gedetailleerde kaart van uitgange na die stad. Treine is vinnig en kom gereeld met tussenposes van twee minute. Op vakansies en naweke ry treine egter net elke 6-8 minute en kan dit maklik ingepak word. Aankondigings word slegs in Katalaans gedoen, hoewel tekens en kaartjiemasjiene gewoonlik ook Spaans en Engels insluit.

Gebruik die T-10 (1 sone) is die goedkoopste manier om binne Barcelona te reis

Let op die feit dat u van metrolijnen wat deur TMB bestuur word ( L1 ,  L2 ,  L3 ,  L4 ,  L5 ,  L9 / L10  en  L11 ) aan diegene wat deur FGC bedryf word ( L6 ,  L7  en  L8 ), of andersom, moet u verlaat en dan deur 'n nuwe betaalhek ingaan. In hierdie geval, as u 'n eenkaartjie gehad het, moet u 'n nuwe kaartjie kry. As u 'n meerdere reiskaartjie gebruik het, word u nie vir 'n tweede keer in rekening gebring as u van lyn verander nie, solank u binne die genoemde reistyd vir 'n enkele reis is. U kan ook nie die operateur herhaal nie, dus kan u nie 'n FGC-rit gebruik om 'n kortpad te maak nie. Byvoorbeeld: om oor te skakel na L9S naar L1 via L8 met Fira en Espanya, sal u twee ritte vra, u moet eerder via Torrassa gaan, alhoewel dit langer is. Alle treine is met lugversorging.

Wees ook versigtig wanneer u na die lughawe reis: hoewel die T-10 geldig is vir Renfe-dienste, word dit nie by Metro aanvaar nie. As u met die T-10 met die metro na die lughawe kom, moet u die volle tarief betaal, wat € 4,50 is, en die kaartjie wat u gebruik het, word nie terugbetaal nie.

Met die bus

Die busnetwerk in Barcelona is redelik uitgebreid. Die beste opsie om u roete te beplan, is om met een van die bogenoemde roetebeplanners te konsulteer.

'N Groot herorganisasie van buslyne is in November 2018 voltooi, dus ignoreer ou busskedules en kyk weer na roetes. Byvoorbeeld, buslyn 92 na Park Güell, wat deur baie toeriste gebruik word om na 'n besoek aan die Sagrada Familia daarheen te kom, is opgeskort, en 'n nuwe lyn V15 stop daar, maar neem 'n ander roete deur die middestad (Passeig de Sant Joan ).

Hier is 'n paar wenke vir buskodes:

  • Hxx-lyne loop parallel met die kuslyn, lae getalle loop aan die hoë kant, hoë getalle aan die seekant.
  • Vxx-lyne loop van die strand na die heuwels, hoë getalle aan die noordekant (Besòs), lae getalle aan die suidelike (Llobregat).
  • Dxx-lyne loop in 'n ietwat skuins pad, hoewel interessant genoeg nie een van die Diagonale of Meridiana-laaie, die hoof skuins strate, beslaan nie.
  • Mxx-lyne kan gevind word aan die buitekant van die metro-dekking en verbind 'n metro-halte aan 'n buurt met 'n metro-diens.
  • Bxx-lyne loop op die noordelike gebied buite Barcelona of verbind Barcelona met naburige munisipaliteite in die metropolitaanse gebied, B staan ​​vir die rivier Besòs.
  • Lxx-lyne loop op die suidelike gebied soos Bxx-lyne, L staan ​​vir die Llobregat-rivier.
  • Sommige munisipaliteite het lyne volledig binne die dorpsgrense met twee letters en 'n syfer, hierdie twee letters herinner aan die dorpsnaam. Voorbeelde: BDx vir Badalona, ​​LHx vir L'Hospitalet ...
  • Nxx-lyne loop slegs snags as alle ander lyne nie loop nie, ongeveer 23:00 tot 6:00.
  • Cxx-lyne verbind Barcelona tussen verskillende noordelike Maresme-stede tot by Mataró.
  • Exx-lyne is snelbusse van / na Barcelona na verskillende munisipaliteite vanaf 10–60 km buite die metropolitaanse gebied.
  • Lyne met een of twee syfers sonder enige letter volg historiese roetes van voor die H-V-D-skema.
  • Lyne tussen 100 en 199 is gewoonlik baie plaaslike lyne wat bedien word met lae kapasiteit motors en 'n swak frekwensie, 30 'of erger. Opvallende gevalle is lyn 111 na die pretpark Tibidabo, lyn 120 deur Ciutat Vella, en lyn 150 na Olimpiese lokale en die Montjuïc-kasteel; ander is meestal nutteloos vir toeriste.
  • Lynommers vanaf 200 word gebruik vir sommige roetes wat buite die metropolitaanse gebied gaan, terwyl ander van dieselfde soort glad nie 'n nommer het nie.

Busse H-V-D ry ongeveer elke 6-12 minute weekdae, 15-20 'naweke. N busse ry elke 20 nagte. Ander lyne kan so gereeld as 5 'of net een rit per uur of minder wees.

Let daarop dat sommige lyne spesiale tariefbeperkings het: Barcelona-kaarte (onbeperkte reis vir 2 tot 5 dae) is slegs geldig op Hxx-, Vxx-, Dxx- en lynnommers onder 200. Enige tarief 1-reiskaart is nie geldig vir Cxx-, Exx- en reëlnommers nie. meer as 200 - in werklikheid is reise ten volle binne tariefsone 1 op hierdie lyne nie toegelaat nie, ongeag watter kaartjie gebruik word; as u op een van hierdie busse binne tariefsone 1 klim, sal u nie kan afklim voordat u 'n ander tariefsone bereik nie .

  • Busbus Barcelona. Hierdie bus het drie roetes (kaart verskaf as u aan boord gaan), insluitend 'n noord- en 'n suidelike lyn wat van weerskante van die Plaça de Catalunya. Elkeen neem 1–2 uur. Met die hop-on / hop-off-formaat kan u afklim by enige interessante halte, sien wat u interesseer, en dan weer terugkom op enige latere bus by daardie of enige ander stop. Een benadering is om 'n hele roete aan te hou, en gaan dan voort terwyl u afklim op plekke waar u vroeër belang gestel het. Busse is dubbeldek, met die buitelugdek met 'n beter uitsig ... sonskerm is belangrik in die somermaande, baadjies in die winter / vroeë lente / laat herfs. Oortelefone word aangebied wanneer u die eerste keer klim, sodat u die kommentaar kan hoor as u op belangrike plekke ry. Met winkels naby elke sitplek kan u kies uit baie tale en speelvolumes. Die busse kom baie gereeld voor. Kies vir die metro en die T-10 vir 'n goedkoper opsie met meer buigsaamheid in roetes. 1 dagkaart € 27, 2 dae € 38; kaartjies kan by die bushaltes, sommige hotelle, ens. gekoop word aanlyn met 10% afslag.

Per bromponie

Behalwe vir aflewerings, is elektriese bromponies op sypaadjies en alle voetgangerswandelings dwarsdeur Barcelona verbode. Deur dit te doen, kan 'n mens hewige boetes oplê, sowel as gereelde, hoorbare minagting van voetgangers. Elektriese bromponies is toegelaat in fietsrybane en mag die pad met motors deel.

  • Mattia46, 50cc 125cc 150cc 200cc bromponies te huur.
  • GoCar is 'n tweesitplek-voertuig met drie wiele wat met 'n 49cc-grootte bromponie-enjin werk. Dit word wettiglik as 'n bromponie geklassifiseer om op die paaie te ry. Die GoCars is geskep met die doel om aan toeriste verhuur te word as 'n ander manier om 'n stad te sien.
  • Bromponies[dooie skakel] vir enkellopendes of paartjies is 'n uitstekende manier om Barcelona op hul eie spoed te verken. As u as 'n groep saamkom, kan u 'n persoonlike rondleiding maak deur al die plekke wat u wil sien.
  • Cooltra Motos Scooter huur. U kan 'n brommer vir 1, 2, 3 dae en tot 1 maand huur. U kan ook aan privaat- of groeptoere deelneem.
  • BookYourMoto Bromponie- en motorfietsverhuring in Barcelona. Goedkoop motorfietsverhuur in Barcelona.

Per fiets

  • Donkey Republic Fietsverhuur Barcelona. Die oranje Donkey Republic-fietse is oral in die stad geplaas. Toeriste kan 24 uur per dag die fietse via die Donkey Republic-app huur en ontsluit. Die app werk om die fiets te sluit en te ontsluit sonder internetverbinding, en fietse begin by € 12 per dag.
  • Barceloneta Bikes. Naby die hawe en die strande het hierdie maatskappy verskillende soorte fietse wat u kan huur.
  • Fietsry in Barcelona. Ondersteun deur Biciclot, 'n koöperasie wat die gebruik van fietse in Barcelona bevorder.
  • Budget Bikes. Gehalte Nederlandse fietse te huur. Bied groepverminderings aan.
  • e-bikerent. Elektriese fietshuur vanaf € 7-20 per dag.
  • Mattia46 fietse en motors huur. Fietse en motors, 1 dag (24 uur) op die fiets vir € 6.
  • Terra-afleidings. Groot verskeidenheid stadsfietse, bergfietse, basterfietse, padfietse en kinderfietse in verskillende groottes.

Barcelona het ook sy eie gedeelde fietsstelsel, genaamd BiCiNg. Dit blyk egter net toeganklik te wees vir plaaslike inwoners.

Deur segway

Op voet

Barcelona is 'n baie wandelbare stad. Dit neem iets meer as 'n uur om van Port Vell aan die see na Park Güell aan die voetheuwels van die bergreeks aan die noordoostelike deel van die stad te stap, en u kan 'n verskeidenheid besienswaardighede, waaronder La Rambla en Sagrada Família, op u manier. Daar is oral geleenthede om te gaan sit en 'n drankie of 'n ete te geniet. As u fiks is, kan u die stad net te voet alleen verken, tensy die hitte u in die warmer maande klop (en dan kan u altyd die lugversorgde metro gebruik).

Met die motor

Parkering rondom alle belangrike toeristebestemmings is duur (€ 3 / uur, € 20-36 / dag) en die ruimtes is moeilik om te navigeer, aangesien daar verskillende klasse openbare parkeerplekke is, met ingewikkelde reëls vir elke klas. Barcelona word geteister met dieselfde probleme wat ander groot Europese stede teister; massiewe verkeersknope en uiters nou straatjies in sommige gebiede, tesame met 'n baie ingewikkelde padstelsel. As sodanig kan u nie rondry om toeriste te besoek nie, veral nie diegene wat geen ryervaring in groot stede het nie. Openbare vervoer sal u na al die hoofareas bring, en u moet dit as u vernaamste vervoermiddel gebruik.

Dit is noodsaaklik om 'n bestuurskaart te hê - beplan u roete voordat u vertrek. Om met 'n gemiddelde toeristekaart te navigeer, is gereeld misleidend: baie strate is eenrigting; links draai is meer skaars as regte (en is onvoorspelbaar). As 'n voorbeeld, Gran via de Les Corts Catalanes is eintlik 'n eenrigting noordwaartse straat tussen Espanya en Marina, die teenoorgestelde rigting is slegs vir busse en taxi's gereserveer.

Sommige gratis parkeerplekke wat deur reisigers gerapporteer word, is:

  • Naby Moll de Sant Bertran (wat suidwes vanaf Museu Maritim) - ry by B-10, afrit na WTC en maak 'n volledige ronde by die rotonde, op pad na pakhuise - en parkeer langs sy werknemers se motors.
  • Iewers naby Guell Park.
  • Naby Font Màgica, in Plaça Espanya en die Montjuïc-heuwel.

Om met die motor rond te kom is sinvol as u van plan is om meer tyd buite die stadsgrense te ry as binne - en ideaal as u glad nie van plan is om oornag te parkeer nie. Andersins, oorweeg dit slegs vir vervoer in die stad, om 'n bromponie te huur of eerder openbare vervoer te gebruik.

Met die taxi

Vanaf Januarie 2019, saamry-dienste soos Uber benodig ten minste een uur kennisgewing. Vir minder as een uur kennisgewing moet u 'n gewone taxi skakel.


41 ° 23′30 ″ N 2 ° 8′30 ″ O
Kaart van Barcelona

Wat om in die donker te sien

Die skouspelagtigste besienswaardighede in die nag is:

  • Musikale fonteine, in Plaça d'Espanya. Mei-Oktober: Do-So 20:30. Elke sessie duur 30 minute, en die laaste sessie begin om 23:00.
  • Casa Batlló.
  • Torre Agbar kantoortoring, uitgelig F-So 19: 00-23: 00.
  • Uitsig oor die stad vanaf Montjuïc heuwel
La Pedrera (Casa Milà)

Die ou stad

Loop deur die kronkelende strate en verborge pleine, fonteine ​​en paleise in die Barri Gòtic (Ciutat Vella). Hoogtepunte sluit in die 1 Catedral Barcelona-katedraal op Wikipedia, die Museu d'Història de Barcelona Museum of the History of Barcelona op Wikipedia (voorheen bekend as die Museu d'Història de la Ciutat), en 2 Plaça Reial Plaça Reial op Wikipedia.

Modernistiese argitektuur

Gaudí se Parc Güell is 'n moet in Barcelona

Sedert 1984 is sewe geboue deur die argitek Antoni Gaudí (1852–1926) in of naby Barcelona gelys as "Werke van Antoni Gaudí" op die UNESCO Wêrelderfenislys: die basiliek van 3 Sagrada Família Sagrada Família op Wikipedia, 4 Casa Milà Casa Milà op Wikipedia (La Pedrera) en 5 Casa Batlló Casa Batlló op Wikipedia in Eixample, 6 Palau Güell Palau Güell op Wikipedia in Ciutat Vella, 7 Parc Güell Park Güell op Wikipedia en 8 Casa Vicens Casa Vicens op Wikipedia in Gràcia, die 9 krip van die Kerk Kerk van Colònia Güell op Wikipedia in Colònia Güell.

Hospital de Sant Pau deur Lluís Domènech i Montaner

Die werke van die Katalaanse art nouveau-argitek Lluís Domènech i Montaner is op die UNESCO-werelderfenislys gelys: 10 Palau de la Música Catalana Palau de la Música Catalana op Wikipedia in Ciutat Vella en 11 Hospital de Sant Pau Hospital de Sant Pau op Wikipedia op die grens van Eixample.

Die Ruta del Modernisme hardloop verby Modernisme Sentrum (Pl. De Catalunya, 17, subterráneo; telefoon 34 933 177 652) is 'n gids- en afslagbewysboek wat € 12 kos. Dit neem u na al die beste modernisme (art nouveau) geboue in Barcelona. Die hoofdeel van die roete kan oor 'n paar uur geloop word as u nie te ver van die hoofroetes afdwaal nie. Die toeristekantore bied 'n pakket met afslagkaartjies vir baie besienswaardighede soos La Pedrera en La Casa Batlló. Almal is gratis van buite te sien.

Met kinders

  • Natuurhistoriese museum in die Forum - Museu Blau
  • CosmoCaixa: Museum of Science Ongelooflike museum vir kinders vanaf 4-5 jaar. Volwassenes sal dit ook baie geniet.
  • Dieretuin en Parc de la Ciutadella.
Uitsig vanaf Gaudi's Park Güell in die rigting van die ou stad van Barcelona en die see


Spring aan boord van die Bus Turistic om al die belangrikste besienswaardighede te sien sonder om 'n spier te beweeg
  • 5 Aeri del Port de Barcelona (Telefèric del Port), C / Taquígrafo Garriga, 97 - Esc.B -2º9ª, 34 934 304 716, . Jun-Aug 11: 00-20: 00; Mrt-Mei, Sep-Okt 11: 00-19: 00; 11-Feb 11: 00-17: 30. Ry 'n draai by Port Vell Aerial Tramway. Port Vell Aerial Tramway is die 1450 meter lange hawelugtrap met rooi motors wat verbind word Montjuïc en Barceloneta. Dit begin in Barceloneta op die bokant van die 78 meter hoë 6 Torre San Sebastian Torre Sant Sebastià op Wikipedia toring, wat ook 'n restaurant aan die bokant het, wat met 'n hysbak toeganklik is. Dit het 'n tussenstop by 7 Torre Jaume ek Torre Jaume I op Wikipedia toring (naby Columbus-monument), wat met die hysbak vanaf die grond bereik kan word — 107 meter hoë toring, die tweede hoogste tram-ondersteuningstoring ter wêreld. Die finale punt van die lyn is Miramar op die hange van die Montjuïc-heuwel. Overall, the whole system is quite old (built in 1929, albeit restored a couple of times), and the car is packed with tourists during the daytime — particularly sensitive for a stroller or a wheelchair. But if you start from the Montjuîc side, there are fewer people waiting. single €11, return €16.50; it's not a part of Barcelona's integrated fare network. Port Vell Aerial Tramway (Q1567972) op Wikidata Port Vell Aerial Tramway op Wikipedia
La Rambla, Barcelona's main boulevard
  • Stroll along the following famous streets in Ciutat Vella:
    • 1 La Rambla La Rambla, Barcelona op Wikipedia (Las Ramblas), a gorgeous tree-lined pedestrian walkway, the busiest and most lively street of the city. Mostly occupied by tourists, expect to pay higher prices for food and drink. Avoid the groups of people supposedly betting on a game played on a cardboard table - they are thieves. Head off into some of the side streets for a cheaper, more local, and authentic experience of Barcelona. Often called Las Ramblas, because it is a series of several different streets each called 'Rambla de ____', the sections also have distinct feels. As you get closer to Plaça Catalunya, you find more street performers doing stunts. In the middle, you'll find street performers in costumes. Towards the pier, there are artists who will do pencil drawings, paintings, etc.
    • 2 Plaça de Catalunya Plaça de Catalunya op Wikipedia. Connecting all the major streets in the city, the Plaça is known for its fountains and statues, and the central location to everything in the city. A favourite meeting spot for locals.
    • 3 Portal de l'Àngel Portal de l'Àngel op Wikipedia. Large pedestrian walkway with many new and stylish shops in which to browse.
  • Cruise miles of beachfront boardwalk starting from Barceloneta, or get a tan on the beach. Eat good seafood and rice dishes at La Barceloneta neighbourhood
  • Sit on a wooden bridge to Maremagnum in Ciutat Vella and cool your toes at the water's edge with a book, sandwich, or just for a short rest.
  • Wander the Barri Gotic in Ciutat Vella, the largely intact medieval center of the city and visit the Cathedral and its wonderful cloister.
  • Enjoy your Sangria at La Plaça Reial in Ciutat Vella, near La Rambla Street. Great place to sit, relax, and drink. (People from Barcelona do not drink sangria, it's just a tourist drink! But you can enjoy it anyway!)
  • Walk in El Born neighbourhood in Ciutat Vella, a former very popular area with great restaurants and places to have a few drinks. If your accommodation is on Rambla, El Born is a great place to enjoy a more relaxed atmosphere, and find more creative shops and craftsmen. El Born means jousting field, and its history and stories can fill one of those huge books stored in old libraries. There are interesting and quirky details to uncover while walking around, such as the name given to its streets, the medieval signs to brothels, and remnants of the secession war of the end of the 18th century. Indulge yourself at Hofman or Bubó bakeries and make sure you visit the Santa Maria del Mar church.
  • Visit a Flamenco Show in a real tablao. One of the best is Tablao de Carmen in Sants-Montjuïc. A cheaper alternative is in the jazzclub Jazz Si in Ciutat Vella. (Although Flamenco is mostly just a touristy activity, Catalan people are not into flamenco. It's a dance and music from Andalucia, the southeast region in Spain)
  • Ry die Cable Way to get from the sea front to Montjuïc mountain in Sants-Montjuïc
  • Sit and sip on a coffee in Plaça dels Àngels in Ciutat Vella, while admiring the whiteness of the MACBA and the best street skate tricks in town.
  • Catch a performance at the beautiful Teatre del Liceu of die Palau de la Musica Catalana, both in Ciutat Vella.
  • Rent a bike, or join a bike tour, and see the highlights of the city in a different way. Ride from the magic beaches of the Mediterranean to Gaudí's modernist buildings through the medieval atmosphere of the Gothic Quarter.
  • Sail 3 hours to see Barcelona from the sea.
  • Mail boats serve almost all populated in Barcelona, and are among the cheapest way, to reach many areas, though far from the fastest or most comfortable. The government has a mailboat schedule of routes aanlyn which may or may not reflect reality.
  • Sail on a classic yacht. Enjoy a day trip sailing along the Barcelona coastline on a classic yacht.
  • Walk in Gracia neighborhood, a very popular area with a great variety of restaurants, cafés and terraces where you can still feel the local ambiance that has already been lost in El Born.
  • For good views over Barcelona: visit Park Güell, Tibidabo, Montjuïc or Carmel's bunkers.
  • Artoba Tours, 34 656 855 866, tolvry: 1 888 538 7377, . City and day tours of Barcelona and Catalonia led by a professional archaeologist. €54–200 pp, depending on tour.


The Spanish sports conglomerates that dominate soccer are also active in other sports. For example, FC Barcelona is by far the most successful team in Spanish handball and among Europe's top basketball teams.

  • Kyk sokker: the big famous soccer team is FC Barcelona playing in La Liga, the top tier of Spanish football. Their home ground is Camp Nou (capacity 98,000), 1 km west of Sants railway station. Nearest Metro is Palau Reial.
RCD Espanyol were relegated in 2020 so they play in Segunda División, the second tier. Their home ground is RCDE Stadium (capacity 40,500) at the western edge of the city. No metro, take a bus towards Ave del Baix Llobregat.

Die El Clásico rivalry between FC Barcelona and Real Madrid is one of the most intense in the world as a result of its political undertones; Real Madrid is seen as a symbol of the Spanish ruling establishment, while FC Barcelona is seen as a symbol of Catalan identity. Similarly, the local Derbi barceloní is a politically-charged one, with FC Barcelona traditionally being supported by pro-independence locals, and Espanyol traditionally being supported by anti-independence locals. Be careful not to wear team colours of the opposing team when you are in a crowd of supporters of one team, as violent confrontations have been known to occur.

Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya is a motor-racing circuit hosting Formule Een and other big events. It's in the northern suburb of Montmeló.

Feeste en geleenthede

Correfoc in La Mercè

Barcelona hosts a number of annual fiestas, many of which are unique to Catalonia and offer an insight into its distinctive culture.

  • Sónar. An annual three-day music festival. It is described officially as a festival of Advanced Music and Multimedia Art. Music is by far the main aspect of the festival. The festival runs for three days and nights, usually starting on a Thursday in the third week of June. There is a day location and a night location. €52 daypass, €76 night entry, €199 festival pass on internet booking, higher fees for entrance passes.
  • Monegros Desert Festival. The most famous and biggest one day/night electronic music festivals in Spain is in the desert of Fraga, 200 km (120 mi) from Barcelona. More than 40, 000 people gather every July to celebrate electronic music with the best DJs representing styles from house, electro, minimal, techno, to drum&bass, dubstep, and hiphop. 20 hours nonstop, it is a unique desert experience.
  • Festes de la Mercè. Barcelona's main annual festival around 24 September, encompassing many events such as human towers (castellers), free live music events on the streets, firework displays, and processions of wooden giants. It is a holiday and the city offers a lot of activities to have fun. Enjoy a fountains and fireworks show at the base of the Montjuïc hill.
  • Festes de Gràcia. The Festes de Gracia is a Catalonian celebration, held around 15 August each year to commemorate the Assumption. During the week of festivities that mark one of Barcelona's most important fiestas, the city of Gracia explodes with fun, excitement, color, and fireworks. Many streets are decorated by neighbours, and there is live music, food in the streets, and the parties continue all night.
  • Festes de Sants. Similar to Gracia's event, but smaller and later on in August. If you can't go to Gracia's event, try to go to this festival.
  • Sant Jordi. 23 April. Considered to be like Valentine's Day. People give roses and books around the streets. Traditionally, men give women roses and women give men books. It is one of the most popular and interesting celebrations in Catalonia.
Casa de l'Ardiaca during Corpus
  • Corpus. Late in May (Corpus Christi day). An egg is put over the fountains (most of them in the churches, and decorated with flowers), and it "magically dances" over the water. Most of the churches are in the city center: Cathedral's cloister, Santa Anna, Casa de l'Ardiaca, Museu Frederic Marés, and over 10 more fountains.
  • Fira de Santa Llúcia. From 2/3 December to 23 December, to commemorate Sta. Llúcia (13 December). During this time, in front of the Cathedral, Christmas objects are sold. Some places sell Christmas trees, but most of them sell elements for making the pessebres (Nativity scenes). These include small sculptures, wooden pieces, and moss used to simulate grass.
13 December is the feast day of Santa Llucia, patron saint of fashion designers and blind people, who gather at the Santa Llucia chapel in the cathedral to pay their respects.
  • Barcelona Jazz Festival. A brighter way to celebrate the colder Autumn days, the annual Jazz festival has been running for nearly 50 years now and runs roughly from the last week in October and all the way through November Tickets prices differ for each event.
  • Revetlla de Sant Joan. This is the midsummer solstice celebration. It is celebrated on 23 June every year and is signified by the fireworks (there are frequent and loud amateur fireworks all night long, which may make it hard to sleep) that are permanently on display during this time.
  • Fira de Barcelona. There are trade events all year round in Barcelona.

During festivals and especially during Mobile World Congress which is a major trade show at the Fira, accommodation in Barcelona and especially near the Fira is much more difficult to find and more expensive than usual.

La Biblioteca de Catalunya


For those wishing to make a real attempt at learning the language, there are plenty of Catalan and Spanish language schools in Barcelona.

El Corte Inglés in Plaça de Catalunya is one of the few stores in the chain that is not an eyesore to look at - and provides a good view of the Plaça as well from its top-floor restaurant


Most shops and shopping malls are closed on Sundays because of law restrictions. In Ciutat Vella you will find plenty of small fashion shops, souvenir shops and small supermarkets open on Sundays. The souvenir shopping scattered throughout the Barri Gotic and all along La Rambla are tourist traps, none of them sell Catalan or Spanish products but the typical array of Chinese general souvenirs, they should be avoided. Moreover on the Port Vell, right at the end of The Ramblas there is Maremagnum, a shopping mall that stays open all Sundays.

La Boqueria
  • 1 La Boqueria (Mercat Sant Josep). In Ciutat Vella. Large public market with a diverse range of goods and produce. Enjoy freshly squeezed organic fruit juices for €1.5 per cup. If you go near closing time (20:00) sellers will make you a special price (2 or 3 for €2). Closed Sundays. La Boqueria (Q1334899) op Wikidata La Boqueria op Wikipedia
  • Stamps are actually sold in 'Tabacs' or tobacconists. Once you know what they look like, you'll notice them on every block or so. To post your mail, you need to find one of the rare geel letter boxes along the sidewalks.
  • Rekords For vinyl records, try the wonderful shop Discos Revolver at 13 Carrer dels Tallers.
  • Supermarkte are spread across the city. BonÀrea, Bonpreu and Condis are the most popular supermarket chains from Catalonia. Mercadona, Consum, and Dia are other popular chains from the rest of Spain. All of them are a cost-effective way to purchase grocery items. There are also organic/specialty supermarkets like Casa Ametller or Veritas which are pricier. Small corner stores are the most visible on city streets, but tend to mark up prices in exchange for convenience.


As with all cities which welcome large numbers of tourists, Barcelona's cuisine is inconsistent in quality, but there are plenty of restaurants serving excellent food at very reasonable prices, if you know where to look. The usual rules of thumb apply: to save money and get better food, look for places off the beaten track used by fellow travellers, and seek out cafés and restaurants which the locals frequent. In practice, this usually involves searching out eateries in residential districts away from the main sightseeing attractions. Avoid restaurants with touts outside, and have a basic understanding of the traditional foods served in restaurants, as well as the local drinks. One slightly crafty way of sussing a place's authenticity at a glance is to take note of how they spell a certain word: a menu board advertising tapas, written the Spanish/international way, is likely to be somewhere which primarily caters to tourists, whereas somewhere offering tapes, using Catalan spelling, is in all probability a venue frequented by locals.

Some districts to check out include Gràcia, which is a hub of quality, affordable Catalan cooking of both the traditional and more avant-garde varieties, and the Eixample, whose chic boulevards have upscale restaurants aplenty worthy of your splurge money. The fishing quarter of Barceloneta (in Ciutat Vella) is an example of a neighbourhood where it pays to be picky: closer to the gentrified seafront, a slew of mojito beach bar-style places serve up expensive tourist tapas; for the real thing, head into the backstreets, where many traditional bars are still tucked away. In all cases, be prepared to "promenade" in search of the most attractive-looking menu; that's what the locals do, after all.

Where to eat during siesta

The majority of restaurants and cafes are closed 16:00-20:00 for migdiada. If you failed to plan for that, here are some places you can eat during this period:

  • tapas in bars
  • international chains
  • food stands in market halls

Set menus (menú del migdia / menú del día) Most restaurants (and some bars) offer a menú del migdia / menú del día (menu of the day), which usually means a three course meal (a first plate often a salad or rice-based or pasta-based dish, a second plate usually a meat or fish, and a drink; plus a dessert or coffee), 3 or 4 options for each course, for €12 to €20, depending on the restaurant. The portions may be quite generous, or rather small. During the week, some smart restaurants offer lunch specials from 14:00 to 16:00. The savvy traveller will try the hip places for a fraction of the price during the day.

If you're looking for a place where everyone can choose their own meal, ask for restaurants that serve platos combinados, which is the closest thing to an American/Northern European meal.

Rook is not permitted inside bars and restaurants since 2011, but it's usually allowed in terraces.


A plate of tapes

You can get food from any part of the world in Barcelona, but make sure you try some Catalan food.

Sien Catalan cuisine section in the Catalonia article.

The selection of seafood is consistently great, although not a lot of it is local (this part of the Mediterranean is pretty well fished-out).

A treat to try that no travel guide mentions is waffles sold at street stands. They will tempt you with their mouth watering smell and taste.

Tapas restaurants are now all over the city (although tapas originated in Andalusia in the south of Spain). Each Spanish region has its native tapas; signature 'Catalonia' tapas is delicious. Some Catalans eat a more French-style three course meal (appetizer, main dish and dessert) and would more likely go for a pre-meal beer/vermouth and some snacks (olives, chips, etc.); others go for a meal entirely of tapas. This pre-meal snack is called 'fer el vermut' or 'making the vermouth'. As you travel to smaller towns in Catalonia outside of Barcelona, it is less likely that you will find tapas and more likely you'll see restaurants serving traditional Catalan food in three courses.

Beyond Catalan food, there is no shortage of durum of shawarma stands in Barcelona, offering tasty beef or chicken and salad in toasted flatbread for around €3.50. Gyros are delicious! You can also consider the Asian selection, with a lot of Chinese, Japanese and Indian restaurants. As with anywhere else, there are plenty of Italian restaurants, while Latin American offerings, particularly Argentine and Mexican, are well-represented too.

Food tours

If you feel lost in the variety of food choices there are - Catalan, Basque, Spanish, and beyond, it may be helpful to do a food tour to quickly get oriented. Many independent tour operators run food and wine tours in the city.

Areas to eat

Depending on where you are in the city, there may be restaurants galore, or none at all. The following areas tend to be restaurant "hubs", with a large variety of restaurants to choose from:

  • Barceloneta: A popular quarter for locals, where you can try fish based dishes, such as Paella (a name that may hide many different kinds of rice concoctions) or Arròs negre (Black Rice), that takes its colour because it is made using squid ink. Barceloneta is a very good place to eat tapas ook.
  • Sant Antoni is the new addition to the culinary scene in Barcelona where old and trendy cuisine mingle.
  • Eixample Esquerra (between Gran Via and Mallorca)
  • Barri Gòtic (especially for tapas)
  • "El Born" (next to Barri Gòtic)

Around Plaça Catalunya there are dozens of restaurants serving tapas. One should be careful with the tourist traps as the area is highly populated with tourists.

For budget eating you may choose "menú del migdia" in small bars on the Avinguda del Parallel for €9-11 per person. Be aware that sometimes the menu and the staff are only in Spanish.

The large cafes that line the Passeig de Gràcia and the Rambla Catalunya, just north of the Plaça Catalunya, offer a variety of acceptable tapas. This part of the town is quite touristy and a bit expensive.

Hierdie bladsy gebruik die volgende prysklasse vir 'n gewone maaltyd vir een, insluitend koeldrank:
BegrotingUp to €10
Midde-reeks€10 - €25
Splurge€25 and up


In several supermarkets you can find a wide stall with a great selection of ready-to-eat dishes. You can get a two-course lunch for less than €5.


Individual listings can be found in Barcelona's distrik artikels
  • Comer y no Bombas (Location is variable). Shares free vegan food.
  • Juice bars. More and more the city is being populated by bars that serve organic/vegan food and cold-pressed juices.
  • El Glop. Three locations, in Eixample en Gràcia. Excellent mid-range Catalan meals. Allow about €20 per person, although you could get out of there for half of that if you let the price dictate your choice of dishes.



Try a "café con hielo" an espresso served with a glass of ice cubes on the side and any local 'cafeteria'. Cafes are found on each corner in Barcelona, and these days a conscious movement in favour of top quality coffee is changing the scene in the Catalan capital with a new trend in terms of coffee houses.


  • Chupitos are found in several locations throughout the city, including one in Barceloneta. Chupitos is Spanish for "shots" and offers hundreds of unique shots including the "Harry Potter" (a shot that sparks as cinnamon is sprinkled over it), and "Monica Lewinsky" (a variety of flaming shots) among others. As much a show as it is a place to get a drink, it's a fun night out.


The sail-shaped hotel W Barcelona is one of the city's newest landmarks

Barcelona offers a great range of accommodations, from cheap, decent apartments, hostels and guest-houses to five-star hotels. Every district has plentiful offerings, and thanks to the efficient public transportation you can stay comfortably in any of them, depending on your budget and preferences.

  • Ciutat Vella offers a mix of luxury hotels and cheerful hostels within a dense urban environment. Staying there means being at the heart of Barcelona's nightlife - which is both lively and noisy.
  • Eixample en Gràcia en Sants-Montjuïc are calmer, but quite as dense, and popular due to closeness to attractions. You will find more mid-market properties there.
  • Sant Martí contains most of Barcelona's beaches and a string of very modern hotels along the Diagonal
  • The suburbs are not as far away as you may think thanks to the metro and local railway. Some hillside hotels offer great views, but may be far away from public transit though.

See the district articles for detailed listings of accommodation opportunities.



  • Barcelona WiFi. Daily 08:00-01:00. An internet service provided by the city council. There are more than 700 Wi-Fi hotspots in the city, mostly at various municipal buildings. The speed is limited to 256 Kbps, VoIP applications are filtered. No registration is required. Vry.

Bly veilig


Pickpocketing is the most pressing issue for visitors to Barcelona. Never keep your wallet, cash or important documents in trouser pockets or in bag pockets: a money belt is an easy and inexpensive way to prevent being robbed. As always, be alert in crowded places, such as public transport, train and bus stations, La Rambla and Raval. People may approach you asking for change, or to change money. Just ignore them. If you are asked to change money, then official looking police may approach you afterwards to 'check' your wallet for ID, etc. These are not police, so be at your most vigilant or you might find they have taken a few cards or cash upon returning your wallet. If you are in a crowd of spectators watching street entertainment, beware of anyone getting suspiciously close to you.

Pickpockets use the football trick as the local specialty. At certain tourist hotspots, there are people who will try to show you a 'magic trick'. This involves tying a piece of string around your finger. While you are distracted (and your arm is effectively disabled), an accomplice will pickpocket you. It is also possible that criminals will pose as tourists and ask directions to approach their victims. Keep your distance and be careful in tourist places.

The subway is a hotbed for pickpocketing activity, which can range from simple opportunistic thefts to coordinated attacks. Be especially wary on the subway platforms at Sants train station and Sagrada Família. A group of men will come out of seemingly nowhere while you attempt to enter a subway car and block your entrance en exit in a coordinated manner, effectively pinning you against the doors while they close. They will act as if the car is just crowded and they are trying to get on as well, but, in reality, they have already gone through your pockets.

Once they take stuff, they quickly return to the platform and walk off calmly while you are trapped in the departing subway as they make sure they exit just before the doors cannot be reopened. Violence in these situations is rare, and in most cases the goal of the thieves is to rob you undetected. Stay vigilant: do not leave anything in a back trouser pocket (except maybe a map of the city). Hold on to your bag or purse at all times. Do not leave anything unattended while you sit in a cafe or restaurant.

One guy acts like he's reading a newspaper and is about to go into the subway gate (he's scanning his target). While you insert your subway card to enter and before the gate opens, that guy immediately enters his subway card also, which causes the gate to jam and alarm sound. Immediately 3-4 other people appear and, while acting like trying to help, (pointing to the gate telling you 'the door is jam') will try to snatch your backpack or wallet while you are still surprised. Check and make sure no one tailgates on you, or, simply, just let the guy go first.

While you are at an outdoor table of a café, don't leave your smartphone on the table. Someone will try to steal it. For example, a guy babbling for change with an unreadable poster in his hands, getting closer and closer to the smartphone until he eventually picks it up, passes it to a second guy that will run away with it.


Sien ook: Common scams

People in Barcelona are often very friendly and love to practice their English, so don't be unfriendly. That said, you should, of course, be suspicious if someone approaches you in a touristy area speaking your language and asking you for help. This should put your guard up immediately. Do not be tempted to sign their petition, give them directions, or help them with their problem. You don't know anything about where you are, since you're a tourist, so you won't be able to help them in any case.

Professional scam artists exhibiting a high degree of coordination are active in many areas of the city. Be careful in tourist areas. A variety of methods are employed, including the No-change trick. A common scam involves fake cops who will show up ask to see your passport, then take your belongings at the first opportunity. The story varies, but they are almost certainly not real ones. When it happens, the best strategy is to just walk away instead of starting any sort of conversations with them. Another trick is that one seemingly confused person will ask you for directions, diverting your attention and then suddenly fake police will appear asking for your ID. This is a co-ordinated move to divert the attention and steal whatever is possible. If such incident happens, just walk away, without listening to any of their conversation. Stay alert, especially in busy tourist area near the Sants station and Plaça d'Espanya.

Another popular scam happens in the metro. A group of scammers (often middle-aged women) will take advantage of the fuss while people are entering the metro and surround a tourist, frantically asking for directions. Most tourists won't know what to say while one of the scammers empties their pockets. They will try to confuse the tourist while the metro stays in the platform, and will get out just before the doors are closed. When you realize you've been scammed, the train will have already left and they will be safely outside with your belongings.

The bird excrement scam is also common. One or more accomplices will secretly spray or throw a smelly liquid on you. When you look up thinking a passing bird has pooped on you, they will run up to you and tell you that they saw a bird poop on you. They will offer to help you clean up, and while you are cleaning they will go through your pockets and any bags you have set down. It is wise to beware of anyone who is attempting to touch a complete stranger.

A version of Three Card Monte is one of many common scams played on Les Rambles. There are also people holding petitions to install a wheelchair lift in locations with a lot of stairs. Once your signature is obtained they will then aggressively ask for a donation. Sometimes there can be crowds of children demanding money with hardly anyone else in the area, making it difficult to get away.

Violent crimes

In 2019 there was a surge in violent crimes around Barcelona: in just the summer, there were almost as many violent deaths as there were for the whole previous year. While tourists are very rarely targeted, so for the regular tourist this should be not a concern, many of these deaths are either drug-related or take place during drunken fights, so you are best advised to avoid such situations.


Local club FC Barcelona (also known as "Barça", a term used by locals to refer strictly to the club and not the city) is seen as a symbol of Catalan nationalism, and has a very heated and politically charged rivalry with Real Madrid, which is seen as a symbol of the Spanish state and ruling establishment, and violent confrontations between the supporters of both clubs have been known to occur. Avoid wearing Real Madrid jerseys while you're in Barcelona, especially on matchdays, as that could result in you being singled out for violence by local fans.

On the other hand, wearing an Atlético Madrid (the other Madrid club) jersey might get you some stares and a couple of harmless teasings, but certainly no violent reactions.


Barcelona offers ATMs in many locations. Many provide a wide range of services (withdrawals, transfers, mobile credit recharges, ticketing, etc.), and most accept ATM/debit/credit cards of various banks. Choose an ATM in a secure or highly-public space (e.g., in a bank lobby or airport terminal) to avoid machines modified by criminals to skim/video your card data or where you might be robbed after use. Ensure early in usage that the ATM supports a language you understand. For a full discussion of safe/effective charge/debit/ATM card usage and their cost trade-offs, see Geld.

Areas of caution

Be very careful in the Barcelona Sants train station where thieves prey on new arrivals, even on the platforms. In general, try to stay away from suburban trains (cercanias in Spanish or rodalies in Catalan) late in the evening, as you may encounter young offensive drop-outs that disturb passengers, smoke, break windows and vandalize equipment. Don't rely too much on the railway security staff, as they prefer not to get involved, and by all means avoid messing with those troublemakers.

Women travelling alone should exercise caution while exploring the more isolated parts of Montjuïc. The city beaches, particularly the ones adjoining Barceloneta, have proven to be quite lucrative for bag snatchers. Anything that you would rather not lose is best left, locked, in your hostel or hotel.

Men traveling alone should expect the prostitutes on Les Rambles, St. Antoni, and Raval in the early hours to be very aggressive and in league with pickpockets and robbers.

Also, people need to be careful when leaving the bars of the Olympic Port late as there are many pickpockets around.

Women should be wary of wearing exposed jewelry such as gold chains and necklaces. People walking down a street may be attacked from behind by a thief who may grab the necklace and try to rip it off the woman's neck before quickly running away, often down a convenient side street. Be especially careful of seedy looking men on bicycles, as grab and snatch assaults can occur.

In the event of such a robbery, people will need to find the local police station to report the incident, especially if a travel insurance claim is going to be made. Don't expect any police action beyond the report, though, as these types of events are par for the course and arrests, even when made, almost never lead to prosecution due to a slow, antiquated, and overburdened legal system.

Parts of Barcelona are covered by closed circuit TV surveillance, but only the more popular spots.

Anti-tourism movement

Many Barcelona residents have the impression that there are too many tourists in Barcelona and that it has increased living costs, as landlords prefer to rent to tourists and not to locals to make more profit. Also, a lot of local shops have closed to make way for souvenir spots, so many locals feel they are being expelled from areas they have lived their whole life. In some areas, particularly the ones next to the beach where drunken tourists often stroll in swimming suits, there were anti-tourism demonstrations by locals, which had the backing of the Mayor of Barcelona. By October 2019, this movement had nearly disappeared from scene.


Tourist drivers may attract special attention, such as Red light bag snatch of Flat tire scams

Publieke vervoer

Besides being a particular pickpocket hot spot, there are plenty of fare evaders who will stick to you when crossing a fare barrier. Do not even attempt to block their way and let them pass, as many of them can be quite aggressive. Although stations are full of surveillance cameras, they are seldom used to either enforce fare payment or as a proof for filed assault charges, except in the most severe cases. Lack of staff in many stations and few ticket inspections effectively mean carte blanche for them. The fare evasion fine is just €50 if paid on spot, no matter how many times the culprit has previously been caught, and many fines remain unpaid because payment enforcement is legally way too cumbersome.

Reporting crimes

If you need to report a crime (for example, to claim on travel insurance), be prepared for the reality that in the downtown police station, officers generally do not speak English, even though the theft report form is in English, Spanish, and Catalan. The police station most often used to report theft is the one underneath Plaça Catalunya beside metro station, where they have some translators for common world languages.



EU citizens can get free or reduced cost medical treatment on presentation of an EHIC card and passport.

  • Hospital Clinic I Provincial De Barcelona, C/ Villarroel 170 (Metro Stn Hospital Clinic (Line 5)), 34 932 275 400.


Gaan volgende

Day trips from Barcelona include:

  • Canet de Mar - Is small enough to walk almost anywhere. See the historical centre, the churches and cathedral, and visit many architectural works of Lluís Domènech i Montaner. Canet is the smallest town in Katalonië with many historical and modernist buildings. It also has a lot of blue flag beaches, recognised at the European level for their quality.
  • Colònia Güell — is a tiny settlement famous for its modernist architecture. It is on the railway to Montserrat.
  • Costa Brava - The coast North of Barcelona has rocky cliffs and a mix of pebble beaches and sandy beaches.
  • Figueres- Home of the most impressive Salvador Dalí museum.
  • Girona - A quiet town with an ancient Jewish section, narrow streets, imposing walls and plenty of cafes. See directions to the north airport above.
  • Montseny - UNESCO Biosphere Reserve 40 km (25 mi) northeast of Barcelona. Go there by car or bus/train
  • Montserrat - Visit the monastery nestled high in the mountains to see the Black Madonna or hike to the peak to earn a fantastic view of the surroundings. 50 km (31 mi) from Barcelona.
  • Pyrenees - A mountain range around 150 km (93 mi) north from the city.
  • Sant Cugat del Valles - Has one of the most interesting Romanesque cloisters in Catalunya, with many interesting carvings. The town itself is full of expensive vilas.
  • Sitges - A traditional beach side destination for the locals. Full of fashion shops open on Sundays. Is a popular gay destination too.
  • Tarragona - Old Roman period capital of eastern Spain, and today small seaside city off the tourist trail compared to Barcelona.
Routes through Barcelona
Tabliczka E9.svgGirona PyreneesTerrassa N C-16.svg S ENDS AT VIA AUGUSTA
Hierdie stadsgids vir Barcelona is 'n bruikbaar artikel. Dit bevat inligting oor hoe u daarheen kan kom en oor restaurante en hotelle. 'N Avontuurlustige persoon kan hierdie artikel gebruik, maar verbeter dit gerus deur die bladsy te redigeer.