Delhi - Delhi

Vir ander plekke met dieselfde naam, sien Delhi (onduidelikheid).

Delhi (Hindi: दिल्ली, Punjabi: ਦਿੱਲੀ, Oerdoe: دلّی) is Indiëse hoofstad en regeringsetel. Dit vorm die National Capital Territory of Delhi, eerder as om deel te wees van 'n staat. Delhi is een van Indië se grootste stede, en die kern van een van die grootste metropolitaanse gebiede ter wêreld, met meer as 21 miljoen inwoners. Binne Indië is dit 'n belangrike sentrum van kuns, handel, onderwys, toerisme en vervoer. As hoofstad van verskeie ryke gedurende die afgelope 2000 jaar, bevat Delhi ook 'n opvallende verskeidenheid goed bewaarde historiese terreine wat die toeris kan besoek.


Reisigers met min ervaring om megastede te ontwikkel, sal Delhi chaoties, druk en vir 'n groot deel van die jaar besoedel vind. Gedurende die laat lente en vroeë somermaande is die stad versengend warm. Gaan egter 'n bietjie dieper, dan kry u 'n blik op die orde onder die chaos, sowel as die tradisionele en moderne kulturele rykdom van Indië wat langs mekaar floreer. Besoekers wat die eerste keer die kultuurskok voel, word aanbeveel om dit nie te vergroot deur tydens ongunstige weerstoestande te besoek nie en 'n ordentlike hotelkamer te kry sodat u gemaklik kan bly tussen u besienswaardighede.


Delhi is een van die oudste bewoonde stede ter wêreld, met bewyse van voortdurende vestiging uit die 6de eeu v.C. Daar word gedink dat dit elf keer gebou en vernietig is, en bewyse van ten minste agt verskillende nedersettings is steeds in Delhi te sien. Die mees behoue ​​historiese terreine kom uit die tydperke van die Moslem- en Britse bewind, tussen 1193 en 1947.

Kaart van vroeë nedersettings in Delhi

Die legendariese stad Indraprastha uit die epiese Mahabharata is na bewering geleë waar Delhi nou lê, maar geen oorblyfsels daarvan is gevind nie.

Van die 10de tot die 14de eeu was die stad in die huidige Suid-Delhi gesentreer:

  • 1 Surajkund - Gebou in die 9de tot 10de eeu aan die nou suidelike buitewyke van Delhi. 'N Groot waterreservoir kan gesien word, goed bewaar.
  • 2 Qila Rai Pithora (of Rai Pithora) - Gestig in miskien die 11de eeu as 'n stad met die naam 'Lalkot' onder Hindoe-bewind, in die huidige Mehrauli-omgewing. In ongeveer 1180 het die hindoe-heerser Prithviraj Chauhan hierdie stad uitgebrei en herdoop tot Qila Rai Pithora. Sommige van die ruïnes van die vestings uit hierdie tydperk is steeds sigbaar rondom Qutab Minar en Mehrauli.
  • 3 Mehrauli - Kort daarna, in 1192, verslaan die Moslem-leier Muhammad Ghori Prithviraj Chauhan in 'n geveg. Ghori het sy slaaf Qutub-ud-din Aibak as sy onderkoning agtergelaat, wat weer die volgende jaar Delhi gevange geneem het. Na Ghori se dood in 1206 het Qutub-ud-din homself tot die heerser van Delhi uitgeroep en gestig wat bekend staan ​​as die Slawe-dinastie van die Delhi Sultanaat. Qutub-ud-din het 'n groot bydrae gelewer wat argitektuur betref deur Mehrauli te bou. Sy belangrikste bydrae is die begin van Qutub Minar (wat uiteindelik in 1220 voltooi is). Die grafte en ander geboue naby die Qutub Minar dateer ook uit hierdie tydperk.
  • 4 Siri - Die slawedinastie is gevolg deur die Khilji (of Khalji) dinastie. In 1303 stig hulle Siri, eers as 'n militêre kamp om te beskerm teen moontlike Mongoolse inval, en later as 'n versterkte stad. Deesdae bevat die Hauz Khas-kompleks (noord van Mehrauli) ruïnes van die Siri-fort, 'n madrassa en ander geboue uit die tydperk.
  • 5 Tughlakabad - Na die Khiljis was daar chaos totdat Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq ('n Turkse goewerneur) Delhi in die 1320's binnegeval het, die Tughlaq-dinastie begin het en 'n nuwe hoofstad Tughlakabad gestig het, in Suid-Oos Delhi. Sy seun, Muhammad Bin Tughlaq, het 'n ander stad genaamd Jahapanah in die gebied tussen Siri en Qila Rai Pithora geskep, wat hulle in een stad verenig het. Tughlakabad was egter steeds die hoofstad.
Purana Qila - ruïnes van Shergarh

Vanaf die 14de eeu is nuwe gebiede verder noord gebou, naby die huidige middestad:

  • 6 Firozabad (of Kotla Firoze Shah) - gebou deur Muhammad Bin Tughlaq se seun, Firoze, in 1354. Daar is nog 'n paar ruïnes wat sigbaar is rondom die Feroz Shah-krieketstadion in Sentraal Delhi, naby die rivier. Die stad was 'n ingeslote groot gebied en het baie paleise, moskees, pilaarsale en 'n waterreservoir met veel vloere bevat. Firoze het ook 'n 1500 jaar oue Ashokan-pilaar (voorheen in Meerut deur Samrat Ashok opgerig) bo-op die paleis opgerig. Firoze is in 'n hoë graf in Hauz Khas begrawe. Na sy dood het die sultanaat onstabiel en swak geword, en Delhi is verower en afgedank deur Tamerlane. Die Sayyid- en Lodhi-dinastieë wat Delhi regeer het na die Tughlaqs, het minder gebou, en die enigste relevante argitektuur wat uit hierdie tydperk sigbaar was, is die grafte by Lodhi Gardens. Die laaste Lodhis is verslaan deur Babur, wat toe die vestiging van die Mughal-ryk in 1526.
Delhi-hek by die Rooi Fort
  • 7 Shergarh - In 1533 bou Babur se seun Humayun die nuwe stad Dinpanah, naby die rivier suid van Firozabad. In 1540 word Humayun deur Sher Shah Suri verslaan en gedwing om hom uit Delhi te onttrek. Sher Shah Suri het die nuwe stad Shergarh op die ruïnes van Dinpanah gestig. Shergarh is wat jy sien Purana Qila vandag, naby die dieretuin in Delhi. Humayun het Delhi later weer verower en weer aan die bewind gekom. Hy het die konstruksie voltooi en voortgegaan om vanaf Shergarh te regeer.
  • 8 Shahjahanabad - die volgende keisers het van Delhi af weggetrek en gemaak Agra hul hoofstad. Shahjahan (agterkleinseun van Humayun) het na Delhi teruggekeer en Shahjahanabad (modern) gestig Ou Delhi), insluitend die Jama Masjid en die Rooi Fort. Baie van die stadsmuur, en drie van die ses hekke, bestaan ​​vandag nog.
  • 9 Lutyen se Nieu-Delhi - Nieu-Delhi is in 1911 gestig nadat die Britte besluit het om die hoofstad van Indië te verhuis Kolkata. Dit is 'n beplande stad, ontwerp deur argitek Sir Edwin Lutyens.


Nie alle afstammelinge van die bouers van die vele Moslem-monumente in Delhi woon in Delhi nie. Baie van hulle het tydens die verdeling na Pakistan gemigreer, met die gemeenskap in Ou Delhi wat ou hoflike tradisies kleiner hou as wat dit vroeër was. Die stad is ryk aan monumente, waaronder 174 ASI-beskermde monumente.

Die bevolking van Delhi is 'n heterogene mengsel van mense wat oorspronklik tot verskillende dele van Noord-Indië en daarbuite behoort. Onder die prominente Noord-Indiese gemeenskappe tel die Punjabis. Delhi het ook 'n prominente Suid-Indiese gemeenskap, hoofsaaklik in buurte soos Karol Bagh, RK Puram, Mayur Vihar en Munirka. 'N Bengaals nedersetting, die Chittaranjan Park in die suide van Delhi, is die Mini Calcutta van Delhi. Kwalitatiewe onderwys lok ook studente uit verskillende state, wat een van die mees uiteenlopende studentepopulasies in die land is.


Soos die res van die Gangetic Plains, is Delhi so plat soos 'n pannekoek. Die enigste geografiese kenmerke van enige belang is die rivier Yamuna, wat langs die oostekant van die stad vloei, en die Aravalli-heuwels wat 'n wye, maar lae boog dwarsoor die weste vorm. Aan die westelike oewer is die drukke en drukke Ou (Sentraal) Delhi en in die suidweste die breë, omliggende bome van Nieu-Delhi, gebou deur die Britte om hul ryk te regeer. Die res is 'n eindelose laagheid van voorstede en krotte, met suidelike Delhi oor die algemeen ryker.


Klimaatkaart (verduideliking)
Gemiddelde maks. en min. temperature in ° C
NeerslagSneeu totale in mm
Bron: w: Delhi # Klimaat
Keiserlike bekering
Gemiddelde maks. en min. temperature in ° F
NeerslagSneeu totale in duim

Die klimaat in Delhi gaan deur vyf verskillende seisoene. Die winter, van Desember tot Januarie, is koud (die temperatuur daal tot snags vriespunt alhoewel die dae warm is) en is berug vir die dik mis wat oor die stad hang, wat lei tot gekanselleerde vlugte en vertraagde treine. Die lente, in die maande Februarie en Maart, is aangenaam met warm dae en koel aande. Die somer, in April en Mei, is ongemaklik warm met temperature wat tot 45 ° C styg. Temperature is matig gedurende die moesonseisoen (Junie tot September), maar dit is vogtig. Die herfs, van Oktober tot November, bied warm dae met relatief koel nagte.


  • Delhi - Indiese sjarmante chaos deur Johnny Fincioen. Hierdie boek konsentreer op die huidige kragsentrum van Nieu-Delhi en die historiese konteks daarvan. Die teks en die 117 oorspronklike foto's bied die leser 'n holistiese siening van die lewenswyse in die hoofstad van Indië.
  • Kultar se mime: verhale van Sikh-kinders wat die slagting in Delhi in 1984 oorleef het, Sarbpreet Singh se boek oor die volksmoord op Sikhs in 1984 deur anti-Sikh-skares. (ISBN 9781523834136)
  • Toe 'n boom Delhi skud: die bloedbad van 1984 en die nasleep daarvan, Manoj Mitta; 'n boek oor die 1984 anti-Sikh-onluste. (ISBN 9788174366191)
  • Tibetane in Delhi, deur S. Khurana, oor vlugtelinge uit Tibet wat in Delhi woon. (ISBN 9781542954198)
  • Delirious Delhi, Dave Prager; 'n portret van Delhi deur 'n inwoner uit die buiteland. (ISBN 1611458323)


Die kleure van die distrikte verteenwoordig die kleur van 'n hoofmetrolyn wat daardeur beweeg:

28 ° 38′24 ″ N 77 ° 6′0 ″ O
Kaart van Delhi
Kaart van Delhi

Die hoofgebou van die Britse hoofstad van Indië. Gekenmerk deur wye boulevards, rotondes (verkeersirkels), koloniale herehuise en regeringsgeboue met monumente uit verskillende dele van Indië se geskiedenis. Connaught Place (nou Rajiv Chowk genoem) en Khan Market is gewilde winkelsentrums, en die nabygeleë Paharganj-gebied het baie goedkoop hotelle. Nieu-Delhi en Nizamuddin treinstasies en 'n aantal metro stasies is hier.
 Sentraal Delhi
Bevat die historiese kern van Delhi, ook bekend as Ou Delhi, met belangrike toeriste-aantreklikhede soos die Rooi Fort en die Jama Masjid. Delhi Junction treinstasie is hier. Die rooi metro-lyn loop hier oos-wes, en die geel lyn noord-suid.
Bevat 'n aantal luukse woonbuurte, baie hotelle en gastehuise, winkelsentrums en markte en restaurante. Belangrike besienswaardighede sluit die Qutub Minar in. Die geel bedryfslyn word deur die gebied bedien.
 Suid-Oos Delhi
Oor die algemeen 'n hoë-inkomste distrik soortgelyk aan Suid-Delhi. Daarbenewens bevat die huidige distriksgrense van Suidoos-Delhi 'n aantal belangrike terreine naby die middestad, soos Humayun's Tomb, Purana Qila en die suidoostelike deel van die beplande stad New Delhi. Die perseel word bedien deur die pers metro-lyn.
Vier westelike distrikte - Noord, Noordwes, Wes, Suidwes. Die tuiste van baie van Delhi se markte en skoue.
Die drie distrikte - Oos, Noord-Oos en Shahdara - oos van die Yamuna-rivier. Die bekendste trekpleister is die Akshardham-tempel.


Die moedertaal in die Delhi-omgewing is Hindi, wat toevallig ook die belangrikste amptelike taal van die Unie-regering is. Hindi word deur byna alle plaaslike inwoners gepraat, gereeld met Bihari- en Punjabi-aksente. Die meeste opgeleide mense kan ook Engels magtig wees, en baie winkeliers en taxibestuurders kan Engels goed funksioneer. Punjabi en Oerdoe is ook die amptelike tale van Delhi, wat albei baie deur die plaaslike inwoners gepraat / verstaan ​​word. Die Hindi wat in Delhi gepraat word, is redelik gepersianiseerd, soortgelyk aan die Hindi wat in Delhi gepraat word Wes-Uttar Pradesh, en baie minder gesanskritiseer as die Hindi wat in Madhya Pradesh. Naamborde is gewoonlik tweetalig in Hindi en Engels, en sommige padtekens (veral in Suid- en Sentraal-Delhi) is in Hindi, Engels, Punjabi en Urdu. Aankondigings oor die metro is in Hindi (mansstem) en Engels (vrouestem). In teenstelling met ander groot stede, is plaaslike inwoners nie veeltalig nie, en plaaslike toergidse praat nie ander Indiese tale nie. Alhoewel mense van regoor Indië in Delhi woon, is dit nie so maklik om iemand te vind wat ander Indiese tale kan praat nie.

Gaan in

Met die vliegtuig

  • 1 Indira Gandhi Internasionale Lughawe (DEL IATA, soms afgekort as IGI). is die aankomspunt vir baie besoekers na Delhi. Daar is verskeie veiligheidscontrolepunte op die lughawe en u moet dalk u instapkaart en paspoort 'n dosyn keer wys voordat u op die vliegtuig klim. Wanneer u Delhi van die internasionale terminale verlaat, moet u drie uur voor die vertrek arriveer. Vir binnelandse vlugte moet twee uur voldoende wees, afhangend daarvan of u in die toue moet wag om bagasie te gaan kyk. Alhoewel dit soms tydrowend is, is die proses soepel, en die winkels en restaurante van die nuwe terminale is verstandig by die hek geleë, nie voor die beveiliging nie. As u egter Rupees in buitelandse valuta wil verander, moet u dit doen voordat u sekuriteit skoonmaak. Indira Gandhi Internasionale Lughawe (Q821275) op Wikidata Indira Gandhi Internasionale Lughawe op Wikipedia

Gedurende die winter ervaar Delhi dikwels digte mis en die sigbaarheid word aansienlik verminder, wat vlugte land en opstyg moeilik maak. Beide internasionale en binnelandse vlugte word dikwels herlei, gekanselleer of vertraag.

Die lughawe in Delhi het drie operasionele terminale:

  • 2 Terminaal 1D (Palam, huishoudelik), Terminal 1 A Rd, 91 88004 93897. Dit word slegs deur laekostedieners IndiGo, GoAIR en SpiceJet gebruik. (Vreemd genoeg, hul vlugte aankom by naburige Terminal 1C)
  • Terminaal 2, vroeër slegs tydens die Hajj-pelgrimstog vir vlugte na gebruik Mekka en Medina, word ook nou gebruik vir sekere GoAir-, IndiGo- (6E 2xxx) en SpiceJet (SG 8xxx) binnelandse vlugte.
  • 3 Terminaal 3, T3 Aankomepad (Metro (Oranje lyn) 'I.G.I. Die lughawe-stasie hier neem u na die middestad). Hierdie enorme hoofterminaal word gebruik deur alle internasionale vlugte en alle diensverskaffers met volledige diens, insluitend Vistara en Air India.

'N Gratis pendelbus ry elke 20 minute tussen die terminale; die pendeltuig is egter slegs gratis vir aankomende passasiers met aanstaande kaartjies in die ander terminale. Alternatiewelik bestuur die openbare stadsbus nr. 4 (£ 25) dieselfde roete en benodig geen vliegkaartjie nie. Terwyl die terminale dieselfde aanloopbane deel, is die verbinding tussen die twee 'n enorme ompad nodig via 'n nabygeleë snelweg, dus laat dit tot 20 minute toe om te vervoer.


Die lughawe dien as 'n middelpuntstad vir binnelandse lugdienste soos Air Asia, Air India, GoAir, IndiGo, SpiceJet en Air Vistara.

Internasionale lugrederye sluit in Lugdiens, Air Arabia, Air Canada, Air China, Air Mauritius, Air France, Air Asia, Alle Nippon Airways, Alitalia, British Airways, Cathay Pacific, China Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines, Emirate, Ethiopian Airlines, Etihad Airways, Finnair, Flydubai, Japan Airlines, KLM Royal Dutch, Koreaanse lug, BAIE Poolse lugdienste, Lufthansa, Malaysia Airlines, Oman Air, Singapore Airlines, SriLankan Airlines, Switserse internasionale luglyne, Qatar Airways, Thai Airways, Turkish Airlines, Oekraïne Internasionale Lugdiens, United Airlines, en Virgin Atlantic.

Om tussen die lughawe en die stad te reis

  • Delhi Lughawe Metro Express is 'n treinspoor tussen New Delhi Metro Station en Dwarka Sector 21, met 'n stop by die lughawe Terminal 3. Treine ry elke tien minute tydens spitstye; sien die webwerf vir die presiese skedule. Die reis na New Delhi Metro Station duur 20 minute en kos ₹ 60 (aug 2017). Vanaf die treinstasie kan u na die Metro ry (deur die stadsstraat oorsteek om die stasie te bereik).
  • Magenta Line van Terminal 1 na Wes-Delhi en Noida, meer soos 'n gewone metro en is dus meer beperk, die beste vir diegene wat minder bagasie het
  • Delhi Transport Corporation en EATS (Ex Serviceic's Airlink Transport Service) busse 24 uur per dag tussen die lughawe en die stad bestuur. Reistyd is ongeveer 50 minute en die koste is £ 50 per volwassene, £ 25 per kind jonger as 12 jaar en £ 25 vir swaar bagasie. Busse ry na ISBT (Inter State Bus Terminal) naby Kashmiri Gate, Connaught Place, Delhi Treinstasie en baie hotelle in die middestad, en vertrek vanaf 60: 00-23: 20 elke 60 minute vanaf albei lughaweterminales. Kaartjies kan gekoop word en 'n vaste sitplek kan bespreek word by 'n lessenaar in die Aankomssaal.
  • Huurmotors vanaf die lughawe moet slegs vanaf die lughawe bespreek word geel voorafbetaalde taxistandplekke deur die Delhi-polisie bedryf. Daar is een direk buite die lughawe en een naby die huurbalies aan die regterkant van die uitgangsdeure. U kan genader word deur touts wat voorafbetaalde taxi's aanbied; ignoreer dit net, aangesien daar veiligheidsvoorvalle gerapporteer is. Dit is die moeite werd om in die lang ry te wag vir 'n voorafbetaalde taxi. 'N Voorafbetaalde taxi na die middestad kos ₹ 500-600. Ignoreer enige versoeke deur die bestuurder vir addisionele betaling. Daar is geen praktyk om taxi-bestuurders oral in Indië te laat kantel nie. As u u bestemming bereik, neem dan eers u tasse, gee dan die bestuurder die kwitansie en stap weg sonder verdere bespreking. Let daarop dat taxi's gereeld tydens spitstyd in die verkeer vasloop, maar die reis na die middestad is sneller baie vinniger.
  • Voorafbestelde bakkies is ook by die meeste hotelle beskikbaar. Die koste kan die dubbele bedrag (of meer) van die voorafbetaalde taxi-hutte beloop, maar daar is iemand wat op die lughawe op u wag en u naam op 'n bordjie en u hoef nie in die taxi-ry te wag nie.
  • Uber is relatief eenvoudig en kos ongeveer £ 500 om die stad binne te gaan. Uber sal na die algemene oplaaiplek kom (wat nie te georganiseerd is nie).

Ander lughawens

Hindon-lughawe (HDX IATA) in Ghaziabad bedien sommige streeksvlugte as 'n burgerlike enklave binne 'n lugbasis. Daar word beplan om oop te bly totdat verdere uitbreiding by IGI voltooi is.

As gevolg van massiewe groei in lugreise, word 'n nuwe lughawe by Jewar gebou.

Met die bus

Busse arriveer vanaf Katmandoe en Chitwan in Nepal (36 uur) en feitlik elke stad in Indië. Alhoewel dit nie so gemaklik soos die treine is nie, is busse die enigste keuse vir sommige bestemmings, veral in die berge.

Delhi het drie groot interterminale busterminale (ISBT's) - Kashmere Gate ISBT, Sarai Kale Khan ISBT en Anand Vihar ISBT. Die Delhi Transport Corporation is die belangrikste operateur, maar elke staat bestuur ook sy eie busse en daar is ook 'n paar private operateurs.

  • 4 Kashmere-poort ISBT (Maharana Pratap) (Metro Kashmere-hek, lyn 1/2), 91 11 43090100, . Dit is 'die' ISBT en die grootste van die lot. Busse na noordelike punte: Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Garwhal, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu en Kasjmir en Nepal
  • 5 Sarai Kale Khan ISBT (Vir Hakikat Rai) (langs Hazrat Nizamuddin-treinstasie). Busse na punte suid, (Agra, Madhya Pradesh)
  • 6 Anand Vihar ISBT (Swami Vivekanand) (Aan die oostelike oewer van Yamuna, M: Anand Vihar). Busse na punte oos (Gelukkig nou, Kumaon)
  • 7 Bikanerhuis, Pandara Rd, Nieu-Delhi (M: Sentrale sekretariaatstasie). busstop. Busse, insluitende Volvo-busse met lugversorging vanaf Jaipur kom by hierdie plek aan. Hierdie bushalte is baie skoon, minder druk as ISBT en maklik bereikbaar vir die reis tussen Jaipur en Delhi.
  • 8 Majnu ka Tilla, Nuwe Aruna Nagar, (Tibetaanse kolonie, 'n kort riksja-rit vanaf Metro Vidhan Sabha). Busse na Dharamsala

Met die trein

Sien ook: Treinreise in Indië


Nadat u voor die reis 'n kaartjie by die kaartjiekantoor of aanlyn gekoop het, hoef u slegs na die spoorwa te gaan waarop u klas diens gekoop het. U kan opklim en op die eerste beskikbare sitplek gaan sit, of, as u 'n hoër klas diens lewer, plaas hulle dikwels 'n passasierslys op die motor as dit stop. Soek u naam en gaan na die toegewese motor, kajuit en sitplek. Daar is nooit 'n instapkaart nodig nie, so as iemand uit die skare kom om jou dit te vertel, moet jy nie na hulle luister nie; dit is 'n bedrogspul. As u dapper is, kan u eenvoudig 'n algemene 2de klas kaartjie koop en dan in enige motor klim waar beskikbaar is. Die dirigent sal verby kom en u kaartjies nagaan nadat die trein begin beweeg het. As u in 'n hoër tariefklas is as waarvoor u 'n kaartjie het, hoef u slegs die verskil in tarief aan die dirigent te betaal. Die enigste risiko hier is dat die trein vol kan wees en dat u in die laagste tariefklas kan sit, wat baie druk kan wees met min sitplek.

Kaartjie koop: Die maklikste manier is om aanlyn via die Indiese spoorweë besprekingswebwerf. Registrasie vereis dat 'n e-posadres EN 'n Indiese selfoonnommer geverifieer word. As u nie die telefoon het nie, kan die verifikasie handmatig voltooi word deur 'n paspoort-scan na IRCTC te stuur. Volg die aanlyn-instruksies noukeurig en verwag 'n antwoord binne 'n week of twee.

Moenie vertrou vreemdelinge wat uit die skare verskyn om u te help; ignoreer hulle. Vra altyd hulp by die ondersoekbank of polisiemanne (in kakie-uniform).

Enigiemand wat spontaan na u toe gaan, moet dit wees heeltemal geïgnoreer. Gebruik een van die portiers (in oranje uniforms met metaalwapenwapens) om u trein te vind en u bagasie te dra, in ruil vir 'n fooi.

Stasies en kaartjiekantore

  • 9 Delhi Junction-stasie (Ou Delhi of Purani Dilli) (M 2: Chandni Chowk-stasie. Daar is 'n ingang net buite aan die oostekant van die stasie en ook net oor die hoofweg buite (laaste metro omstreeks 11:30). As u 'n Auto Rickshaw van hier af neem, sal die voorafbetaalde lessenaar u probeer soveel as drie keer die werklike prys wat in die amptelike prysgids aangedui word, duidelik in hul venster vertoon - bedinging is ongelukkig dikwels goedkoper.). (kode DLI). Groot en verwarrend.
  • 10 Nieu-Delhi stasie (in Sentraal Delhi. Voorafbetaalde taxiboks wat deur die Delhi-polisie bestuur word. As u by die stasie aankom en 'n taxi wil neem, gaan u na die voorafbetaalde taxistandplek van die Delhi-polisie. Ongelukkig is hierdie hokkie aan die uiterste noordelike punt (ongeveer 50 m van die hoofuitgang van die stasie) van die taxiparkering af, en u sal touts kry wat beweer dat u voorafbetaalde taxi's bied; ignoreer hulle net en vind die voorafbetaalde taxistandplek wat deur die Delhi-polisie bestuur word, wat veilig en goedkoopste is. - Metro die uitgang is aan die kant van die Ajmeri-poort (tweede ingang) naby platform 16. U kan ook voorafbetaalde riksja's en taxi's vanaf die plein buite die hoofingang neem. M2: Nieu-Delhi). (kode NDLS) is net buite Paharganj geleë, ook bekend as die backpackers-ghetto. - Dit neem ongeveer 40 min-1 uur om vanaf die New Delhi-treinstasie met die motor na die lughawe te reis, afhangend van die verkeer. 'N Taxi-tarief kos u ongeveer ₨ 400. - 'n Toeristekaartjieskantoor bel die Internasionale Toeristeburo is oop gedurende kantoorure bo, maar steeds binne, die hoofstasie van New Delhi (aan die kant van die metro, naby platform 1). Let daarop dat dit net vir buitelandse toeriste is, dus jy moet 'n toeristevisum hê (dws studente- en werkvisums is nie aanvaarbaar nie). Nie-inwoners Indiërs kan ook hul kaartjies deur hierdie kantoor bespreek. Paspoort sal aangevra word. Selfs die visumnommer is nodig. Hulle aanvaar ook debiet / krediet vanaf Visa / Mastercard. Hulle aanvaar ook RuPay-kaarte (wat 'n Indiese manier van betaling is). Om 'n kaartjie te kry, gaan u eers na die middel van die kamer en kry nommer vir die besprekings- en inligtingsbanke, asook 'n vorm om in te vul. Ryg dan aan by een van die twee u-vormige stoele, vul die vorm in en berei voor vir 'n lang wag. Wanneer u inligtingsnommer gebel word, laat die klerk die beskikbaarheid van die trein (treine) nagaan en beantwoord alle vrae oor die vorm. Wag dan totdat u besprekingsnommer gebel word. Let op: teen die tyd dat u by die besprekingsafdeling aankom, is u trein moontlik nie meer beskikbaar nie, in welke geval u 'n ander een kan bespreek. As u 'n badkamer benodig gedurende hierdie langdurige proses, is daar 'n relatiewe skoon manlike en vroulike toilet net buite op die stoep deur die sydeur (die deur waardeur u nie gekom het nie). - Die stasie is groot, stampvol, verwarrend en propvol touts. Laat toe een uur om u trein te vind die eerste keer dat u dit besoek. Vertrou nie die elektroniese vertoonborde nie, wat dikwels verkeerde inligting toon. Luister eerder na die aankondigings en vra meer as een persoon in uniform (polisiemanne) totdat u u trein vind. Oop van 06:00 tot 23:00
  • 11 Hazrat Nizamuddin-stasie, Harsha Rd, Nizamuddin-Oos, ('N Paar kilometer suid. Bus 261, 306 na die Sarai Kale Khan Inter State Bus Terminal (ISBT) op die ringpad en loop dan na die stasie (400 m).). (kode NZM). Baie treine op pad suid. Dit is die minste chaotiese van die Groot drie, maar steeds redelik groot en sleg aangedui; luister na die aankondigings om u trein uit te vind. Die stasie het 'n redelike goeie koshof wat goedkoop, higiëniese wegneem-snacks, insluitend toebroodjies en samosas, verkoop.
  • 12 Anand Vihar-terminale (Oos, naby Ghaziabad - Grens Delhi. M 3: Anand Vihar, oorkant die Anand Vihar Interstate Bus Terminal (ISBT)). (kode ANT) Die stasie is herhaaldelik vertraag en is uiteindelik in Desember 2009 geopen en sal geleidelik alle oostelike dienste oorneem.
  • 13 Delhi Sarai Rohilla-stasie, Spoorwegbeamptes-kolonie, (M: Shastri Nagar, of bus 71, 89).
  • 14 Kantonmentstasie in Delhi (Bus 518, 545, 588 na Delhi Cantt stop).
  • Kaartjiekantoor (op die pad na Connaught Place met langer ure). Dit het wagtye dikwels nie veel langer as by die toeristebesprekingskantoor nie. U moet die nommer of naam van die trein wat u wil neem, ken.

Kry rond

Om Delhi te ontdek is altyd 'n avontuur. Verkeer is oor die algemeen verskriklik druk en baie bestuurders dink niks daarvan om tien keer die lopende prys aan 'n toeris te gee nie. Gebruik die pryse hieronder as breë riglyne, kom ooreen oor pryse voorheen vertrek. Die beste manier om te reis is via die metro, waar daar aparte hutte vir vroue is (wat baie nuttig is tydens spitstyd). Metro is skoon, doeltreffend en word gewoonlik gery deur relatief gegoede middelklasstudente of pendelaars op pad na / van die werk; daar is byna nêrens in die stad waarheen u nie met die metro kan kom nie.

Met die metro

Die moderne Delhi Metro, 'n teken van die ekonomiese ontwikkeling van Indië
Delhi Metro- en spoorwegnetwerk

Die vinnig groeiende Delhi Metro netwerk bied 'n goedkoop, vinnige, moeitevrye en lugversorgde manier om die stad rond te rits. Vanaf Mei 2018 is die volgende reëls oop:

  • Rooi lyn: Dilshad Garden - Rithala
  • Geel lyn: Samaypur Badli - HUDA-middestad, Gurgaon
  • Blou lyn: Dwarka Sektor 21 - Noida Electronic City
    • Blue Line tak: Yamuna Bank - Vaishali
  • Groen lyn: Mundka - Inderlok
    • Green Line tak: Ashok Park Main - Kirti Nagar
  • Viooltjie lyn: Kashmere Gate - Begeleid Mujesar
  • Airport Express: New Delhi Treinstasie - Lughawe - Dwarka
  • Magenta Line: Janakpuri-Wes - Botaniese tuin
  • Pienk lyn: Majilis Park - Shiv Vihar

Tariewe wissel van £ 10-60, koop net 'n teken, verander lyne soos nodig, en deponeer die teken in die gleuf wanneer u vertrek. Tokens kan slegs vanaf die gekoopte stasie gebruik word, dus u kan nie twee koop en die tweede gebruik om terug te keer huis toe nie. As u van plan is om 'n rukkie te hou, kan u 'n 'Smart Card' koop vir £ 100, wat £ 50 werd is en 'n deposito van £ 50 bevat; As u dit gebruik, bespaar u 10% en, nog belangriker, kan u die rye vermy. Daar is ook 'n "Tourist Card" wat onbeperkte gebruik vir £ 150 (1 dag) of ₹ 300 (3 dae) toelaat, maar dit is hoogs onwaarskynlik dat u genoeg sal reis om dit te laat betaal. Spesiale tariewe geld vir reis met die Airport Express. In die spitstyd moet u dalk 20 minute in die ry staan ​​as gevolg van veiligheidskontroles, veral in die sentrale stasies.

In die besonder is die geel lyn (lyn 2) nuttig om na die Ou Delhi (Chandni Chowk, Jama Masjid) en Nieu-Delhi treinstasies, die ISBT-busterminaal, die backpackergetto van Paharganj, Hauz Khas en Qutub Minar te kom. Die Blue Line (Line 3) is ook handig om Akshardham te besoek en toegang tot die westelike dele van Paharganj te kry via die RK Ashram Marg-stasie.

Pasop: Metro-stasies gebruik almal die nuwe, amptelike, geïndianiseerde name, dus Connaught Place is "Rajiv Chowk", die Ou Delhi-treinstasie is "Chandni Chowk" en ISBT is "Kashmere Gate".

Die eerste afrigter in elke trein is slegs vir vroue gereserveer en oortree die straf. Manlike passasiers wat vroulik vergesel, is ook verbode.

Let daarop dat as u tydens spitstyd by 'n hoofstasie wil vertrek, u die pad sal moet aanpak om uit te klim voordat die teenoorgestelde stroom passasiers u weer binnedring. Moenie bang wees om u krag te gebruik om u uit te stoot nie.

Met die plaaslike trein

Daar is beperkte pendeldienste op die spoorweë in Delhi, maar die geriewe is ver van die gebruikersvriendelike metrostasies af. Treinstasies is meestal ongerieflik geleë. Daar is geen passasiersdiens op die Delhi Ring Railway buite spitstyd nie.

Die Indiese Spoorweg-webwerf aanvaar nie buitelandse kredietkaarte nie.

Met die bus

Jy is nooit alleen op 'n bus in Delhi nie

Alle dele van Delhi is goed verbind met busse en met kaartjies wat wissel van £ 15-15, is dit baie goedkoop, maar hulle is ook meestal druk. Die rooi gekleurde busse het lugversorging en die groen kleur nie. Aangesien daar geen busroetes op bushaltes behoorlik geskryf is nie, kan dit moeilik wees om u weg te vind. Om ander mense by die bushalte te vra, is dikwels die beste manier om uit te vind oor busroetes na u bestemming. Die busse is egter redelik gereeld en ry elke 15-20 minute op die meeste roetes. Daar is twee soorte busse in Delhi:

  • Regeringsbestuur DTC busse (rooi en groen gekleur met groot vensters)
  • Privaat bestuur Blou-lyn busse (oranje gekleur)

As u 'n keuse het, kies dan vir 'n DTC-bus. Hulle stop minder gereeld en sal oor die algemeen ook minder druk wees. Let daarop dat baie busse, ook DTC's, feitlik oral stop as daar genoeg mense is wat aan- of afklim.

Stuur busse aan die agterkant en betaal die kaartjieverkoper wat reg langs die deur sit. Hou u kaartjies vas, want die kaartjeks is redelik gereeld. Sommige sitplekke aan die linkerkant van die bus kan gereserveer word vir vroue en gestremdes. As dit tyd is om van stapel te gaan, beweeg na die voorkant van die bus. Soos u sou verwag, word al hierdie riglyne gereeld geïgnoreer as busse baie druk is.

Hop on Hop off

Hop on Hop off Delhi Toerismebus
  • HOHO, 91 11 4094 0000 (Hulplyn). Delhi Tourism bedryf 'n Hop On Hop Off-busdiens. 'N Vloot met lugverkoelde lae vloerbusse volg 'n voorafbepaalde stel haltes in die stad, en passasiers kan hop van die bus af, sien die plek op eie gemak en hop op die volgende bus. Die diens duur 45 minute en dek belangrike monumente, gedenktekens, museums en winkels in die stad. Elke bus is beman met 'n kundige Engelssprekende gids. Die kaartjie kos ₹ 300 en is geldig vir twee agtereenvolgende dae. Die diens werk nie op Maandae nie.

Met die taxi

Amptelike taxi

A taxi of huurmotor (gewoonlik met bestuurder) is nodig om baie van die verafgeleë terreine in en om Delhi te sien. Die metro is egter 'n baie goedkoper en ewe gemaklike opsie.

Die meeste taxi's in Delhi is ou, maar betroubare CNG-bestuurde ambassadeurs of Omnis in kenmerkende swart en geel lewering en 'n groen streep. Die gehuurde gesinsmotor van keuse is gewoonlik 'n Toyota Innova of Chevrolet Tavera. Alhoewel almal met meters en moet kos ₹ 15 vir die eerste km ₹ 8,5 per km, die meters word dikwels opgetuig en dit is beter om vooraf oor die prys saam te stem. Die meeste reise deur die stad moet 200-500 £ wees, terwyl die lughawe hoër sal wees, afhangende van die beginplek. 'N Handves van agt uur moet ongeveer £ 1500 kos, en 'n fooi word verwag as die bestuurder behulpsaam is. Die pryse hang ook af van die voertuiggrootte. Let daarop dat swart en geel taxi's nie lugversorg is nie. Selfs as daar wel lugversorging is, word ekstra ekstra gehef vir u (en die tariewe is op die bestuurder vas, so beding moeilik).

Die doodsklok van die ambassadeur was in Desember 2006, toe dit modern was radio taxi dienste van stapel gestuur is. Teen £ 20 / km is dit meer die lysprys van die kompetisie, maar hulle gebruik moderne voertuie met lugversorging en GPS en kan 24 uur per dag geskakel word. Die vlagprys is £ 20 en die prys styg met £ 5 vir elke 250 m na die eerste km. As u 'n SUV benodig, moet u die maatskappy vooraf in kennis stel, maar die tarief bly dieselfde. Nagkoste (25% ekstra) geld tussen 23:00 en 05:00. Bespreek tot 'n paar uur vooraf. Many corporate people rely on these cabs for their daily commute and they may be booked during office hours. Tipping is not expected. After booking, you will receive an SMS with the car licence plate number, and the driver's name and mobile number. Usually the driver will call you and inform you that they have arrived. Many drivers speak English at a very basic level, so use short phrases.

You can use TaxiPixi services and avoid all the hassle. Download the app on your iPhone/Android.

Don't take non-official taxis, they might take you to wrong hotels, or to a "tourist information centre", and try to sell you overpriced things. To be on the safe side, Check that whether the driver has their official documentation or not.

Transportation Network Taxis

Delhi is also serviced by various transportation network ("ridesharing") companies including Uber and Ola Cabs. Make sure to check the tariffs in these before you pay. While most of these services accept cash, many can also be linked to online wallet services like Paytm, so overcharging is rarely a risk.

By auto rickshaws

Auto-rickshaws - no doors

Auto rickshaws (also called three-wheeled scooters, tuk-tuks or simply autos) are good for shorter trips. Always in a distinctive yellow-and-green livery, auto rickshaws are three-wheeled partially enclosed contraptions that run on CNG and can seat three people in the back. In general, they are much cheaper than taxis and can be hailed from the street. Although by law the rickshaw drivers should charge according to the meter in their vehicle (₹25 for the first two km, ₹8/km after), this rate is unrealistically low and they will almost always try to haggle for price. Try to negotiate a price before entering the vehicle. As rules of thumb, expect even the shortest journey to cost ₹30-40/person regardless of the meter, but you should never need to pay over ₹150 for any trip within the city. If you're overquoted, don't be afraid to walk away. It's usually easy to find another one soon, usually with a driver who won't rip you off.

If you have any trouble with drivers, go to any of the numerous tourist police stations in the city centre and they will give you a complaint slip which will result in a ₹500 fine for the auto driver. There should also be a telephone number written on the vehicle to call in case of any complaint.

There are a number of "Pre-paid" auto stands run by the Police. Tell them where you want to go and pay them upfront. The charge will include ₹5 for the service. You then take the coupon and stand outside where a policeman will direct you to the next available Auto. When your journey is completed you hand the coupon to the auto driver and that's it. Nothing more to pay (despite what they may say).

By cycle rickshaws

Traffic in Old Delhi's Chawri Bazaar, facing Jama Masjid

Cycle rickshaws are three-wheeled, pedal/electric powered rickshaws with seats in the back to seat passengers and a driver in the front. They are good for short distances, or places which are too far to walk but too short for taking a bus/taxi/auto rickshaw. Cycle rickshaws don't use meters, so establish a price before getting on. ₹20-50 is reasonable for most journeys of a few km.

Cycle rickshaws are best to use in Old Delhi to visit the intricate galis (walkways) and to enjoy the smells and sounds of the city.

By Electric Rickshaws

Electric rickshaws, popularly known as tuk-tuk or e-rickshaws, are also used to enjoy the streets of Old Delhi. These are battery-operated alternatives to auto rickshaws and cycle rickshaws because of their low fuel cost, and less human effort compared to cycle rickshaws.

On foot

Much of Delhi is quite pedestrian-hostile. Distances are long, road signage is poor, and in the more tourist oriented areas, you'll be constantly accosted by beggars and touts. Crossing roads often involves wading across multiple lanes of heavy traffic. Try your best to move in a predictable straight line, so vehicles can weave around you. Better yet, latch onto a group of locals and cross in their shadow. If you really want to walk around, these places would be good:

  • Walk from Rashtrapati Bhavan (President's house) to India Gate on the Rajpath (a walk of close to 3–4 km).
  • Walk from Jama Masjid to Red Fort in the Chandni Chowk area.
  • Far South Delhi go walk about in the forest. Try starting from south of Indian Institute of Technology through Sanjay Van to Qutub Minar. Note however that Sanjay Van is not always safe, and it is advisable to go there in a group, preferably during daylight.
  • South Delhi-Green Park-Hauz Khas Village, then to the Hauz Khas ruined madrasa, offers a newer shopping area, an up-market arts village, old ruins, and some quality gardens.


Delhi is known for its impressive range of structures - fortifications, mosques, and tombs - built during the centuries when Delhi was the center of large Muslim empires. There are literally dozens of notable sites scattered around the city, and several of them are internationally famous as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The most visited sites are the Red Fort (the 17th century palace of the Mughal emperor), Jama Masjid (a vast and beautiful 17th century mosque), the Qutub Minar (a 73-meter high tower, dating to the 13th century but still with well-preserved intricate carvings), Humayun's Tomb (the vast 16th century tomb of a Mughal emperor), and Purana Qila (a 16th-century Mughal citadel).

Newcomers are often confused about the relationship between Delhi and New Delhi. In fact, New Delhi, which is the capital of India, is one of the districts of Delhi city. New Delhi began to be built in 1911. Being centrally planned in the modern era, it features wide boulevards, large parks, and roundabouts between its government buildings. Popular sights here are the India Gate, the Rajpath "national mall" connecting the main government buildings, and the Rashtrapati Bhavan (presidential palace). Many of the most important museums in Delhi are located here too.

Another popular attraction is the Bahá'í Lotus Temple in South East Delhi, a modern structure built with a flowerlike shape. It is arguably the most visited building in the world.

Detailed listings of all sights in Delhi can be found in the district articles.


There are various private "tourist information" offices around Connaught Place openly claiming to be the official government tourist office. They're actually just travel agents that have nothing to do with the Government of India, and since they prey on tourists, anything you buy from them will be grossly overpriced compared to doing it yourself.

The staff at the Delhi tourist office is very helpful, and the office has a lot of free information:

  • 1 The Government of India Tourist Office, 88 Janpath, Connaught Place, 91 11 2332 0005, 91 11 2332 0008, 91 11 2332 0109, 91 11 2332 0266. The Government of India Tourist Office offers daily tours, coverings all of the major Delhi sites. If you should choose to go with the government-sanctioned day tour, be aware that due to the heavy agenda, you will need to have a quick foot, only 20-40 min are given for each sight, which is next to no time. Consider this day tour as a sampler. If there is a sight of particular interest, bookmark it and return at a later date.


  • Take a walk at Connaught Place (CP), the heart of New Delhi. The British-designed colonial equivalent of a shopping mall, it's laid out in two concentric rings divided into blocks, all bursting with shops and lots of pampered pigeons waddling about. Long neglected, the area received an upsurge after the opening of the major Metro junction of Rajiv Chowk under it, and it's going more upmarket by the day. At the centre is a small but pleasant park, while on one edge is the notorious Palika Bazaar, an underground den of cheap wares, many pirated or smuggled from overseas. The area is surrounded by tall office buildings on nearly all sides. Train fans will want to check out the Metro Museum inside the (Patel Chowk) station, open 10:00-16:00, Tue-Sun (free with valid Metro ticket).


Delhi is a key centre of learning in India. The most famous universities in Delhi are JNU, DU, IGNOU, DTU, JMI and IIT. The official website of the Delhi Government's Directorate of Education is a good starting point for learning more about study opportunities in Delhi.

Apart from undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral courses, there are many training and diploma-level institutes and polytechnics that cater to the growing demand for skill-based and vocational education. Besides conventional educational institutes, more and more foreigners also make the effort to learn Hindustani language (Hindi-Urdu) and Delhi is these languages.


Delhi's economy is expanding rapidly. In analogy many interesting work opportunities emerge. Monster, Jobted and other online job platforms are a good starting point to see what kind of jobs are on offer. Traditionally foreigners often work in the social sector or in teaching. Increasingly, however, expats work for multinational companies and even local Indian companies.

There is a great variety of employment opportunities in Delhi for foreigners, whether they would like to work in business, NGOs, educational institutes, or even government. Still, there is one caveat: the labour market in Delhi is highly competitive and so at many prestigious organisations, the number of applicants far exceeds the number of positions available, which allows employers to receive highly talented applicants for rather meagre salaries (especially when compared to other international destinations).


fabindia - a clothing chain store

If you're not afraid to haggle and bump elbows in bazaars, Delhi is a great place to shop. Most of the well-known bazaars are located in the most central parts of Delhi, both Central Delhi en New Delhi. Western-style malls are plentiful, and are found further south - in South Delhi en South East Delhi, as well as the suburbs of Gurgaon en Noida. Many shopping districts are over crowded on Saturdays and closed on Sundays.

See district articles for specific listings.


For clothing, you can go either to the bazaars, or to Western-style shopping malls (mostly in the southern areas).


Nehru Place

For computers en software, the best place to look is Nehru Place IT market complex in South East Delhi, an interesting combination of modern technology products and old world marketplace sales techniques. You can find cheap hardware here as well as both original and pirated software. There are also several similar markets in other parts of Delhi, mostly in the Western districts.


The Indian book industry is huge, producing annually about 15,000 books in English, and obviously far more in Hindi and other native languages. Delhi is hub of this industry, so small, specialist bookstores abound. Locally produced books can be very inexpensive and many popular Western titles are published and available here for a fraction of their original cost.

In general, good places to buy books are in Central Delhi (Daryaganj neighborhood and the Nai Sarak Bookshop Area), plus shopping malls in the south of the city.

Die Daryaganj Sunday Book Market is a flea market-book market open on Sundays from 10am to evening, with a vast selection. Bargain for best prices.


  • Ankur (Romeo), 4374/4b, Ansari road Delhi-2, 91 9811663052. Assamese tea


Sweet jalebis are very popular in Delhi

Delhiites complain about many things in their city, but the food will satisfy even the most demanding gourmet. Not only can you find some of the best Indian food on the subcontinent, there is also an increasing number of excellent (if often pricey) international restaurants offering cuisine from around the world. When ordering, do remember that Delhi is about 1,000 km from the nearest ocean, so vegetarian, chicken and mutton dishes are the way to go.

Do visit Paranthe Wali Gali in Chandni Chowk. This street has shops that make and sell solely parathas (stuffed Indian bread). These are available in all the possible flavours and stuffing you may imagine, with hundreds of varieties from bitter-gourd to ice cream.

Delhi has arguably the best street food in India. However, do not eat unhygienic or open food. There are plenty of restaurants offering street food in a potentially more hygienic environment.

You can join local groups of foodies who go out regularly to sample and savour what new and old dishes the city has to offer. If you want a fully customized food tour tailored specifically for you, then Food Tour In Delhi is a good choice. The guests can explore street food of Delhi in a fun and safe manner. Their tours cover food joints which are in business for 50 to 120 years and serve some of the best street food in world. The tours cover winding streets of Old Delhi as well as swanky upscale markets located all over the city. The food tours are lead by chefs and culinary experts with extensive experience and offer facilities such as pickup and drop, unlimited food which covers all major varieties of food available in city. Another one of the most active groups is Food Enthusiasts of Delhi. They organize regular food walks, better known as Raids to various parts and joints in the city. It's a non-commercial group, brought together by passion and love for food.



If you want to eat chaat, the North Indian street side snack food, Delhi is the place to be. Like Spanish tapas or Greek mezze, chaat can cover a vast variety of things, but Delhi style tends to mean a deep-fried pastry shell, stuffed after cooking with potatoes, lentils or almost anything else. They're then topped with yogurt, chutneys and chaat masala spice mix and eaten fresh.

Some typical chaat items are paapdi chaat (a mix of small round fried crispy things with yogurt and other sauces), paneer tikka (cubes of cottage cheese baked in a tandoor with spices), pani puri or golguppa (small round hollow shells filled with a potato-based filling and a spicy sweet blend of sauces).

Haldirams RajKachori.JPG

The best place to go for chaat is the Bengali Market (near Mandi House Metro Stn) near Connaught Place in the centre of town. The restaurants are high quality and the food is great. There are ATMs as well. One of the best known restaurants there is Nathu's. But for the really good chaat you have to make your way to Old Delhi, and particularly to Ashok's near Chawri Bazaar. While connoisseurs insist that the best chaat is prepared on the street, most travellers try to find a comfortable middle ground between hygiene and authenticity.

  • Amritsari Kulcha Wala, Paschim Vihar Red Light, (near Jwala Heri Market). If you are into amritsari kulcha, you probably can't miss this. People on dieting beware: the amount of butter that the vendor puts in is huge. However, without it you will not enjoy the Amritsari Kulcha so much. It is kind of a road side dhaba or shack. ₹60 for two kulchas is what he charges. It is actually on Outer Ring Road, Adjoining to a park wall. You can ask anybody about the Kulcha wala and they will be able to tell you the direction in Paschim Vihar/Meera Vihar Outer Ring Rd.
  • Andhra Pradesh Bhavan Canteen, Ashok Road (near Man Singh Road). Open for lunch and dinner this is a favorite of local Delhi foodies who are looking for an authentic Andhra meal. They serve all you can eat veg/non-veg thalis for ₹ 80-150. For carnivores, you have a variety of non-veg options (chicken/fish/mutton) but the mutton fry is recommended. The service is quick and efficient (slipshod and aggressive), and the joint crowded and noisy. Another favorite is the Karnataka Bhavan canteen beside Ansal Plaza near Mool Chand offering all possible South India food.
  • Bitto Tikki Wala, (also known as BTW), Netaji Subhash Place, Pitampura. The best aloo tikki (potato and vegetable burger) available in town. It has a branch in Sarita Vihar, Near Apollo Hospital and Badarpur border. It has branches all over the city now, in shopping areas.
  • Egg parantha Wala, Lajpat Nagar, (opposite to Surya hotel). This guy owns a shack and has been running the parantha business for ages.
  • Haldiram's, 1454/2 Chandni Chowk (just west of the fountain) and other outlets around town. This is a famous manufacturer of Indian snacks and sweets that has now gone global. This always-packed, two-story outlet in the heart of Chandni Chowk was its first in Delhi and dates back to 1924. The ground floor houses a vast array of sweet and sticky Indian confections, while the first floor has a popular vegetarian restaurant. This is a great place to try authentic and hygienic Delhi chaat and other Indian snack foods. Try the Raj Kachori, a mixture of different types of stuffing with sweetened yogurt and chutneys in an oversized hollow dough shell. All chaat is under ₹ 50, or you can get a full daily thali for ₹ 90. Choley Bhature, and the various Dosas are great options to try as well from their Southern Indian selection. Be sure to save room for dessert, as Haldiram's offers some of the best rasmalai, rasgullah, gulab jamun and other tasty delights in India.
  • Kake Di Hatti, Chandni Chowk near Old Delhi Railway Station. The most extensive varieties of naans (Indian bread) you will find in Delhi. They make the biggest and best tasting naans for your money.
  • Nangarg, Rajgur Marg Road (side road off of Main Bazaar), Paharganj. A really good hole-in-the-wall restaurant that serves vegetarian and non-vegetarian food for about ₹ 60. The workers there are genuinely good people, which can be hard to find in this area. You'll have more luck finding a sign that says "Veg-Nonveg" than their actual restaurant sign.
  • Tadka, 4986, Ram Dwara Rd, Nehru Bazar, Paharganj, (side road off of Main Bazaar). A notably clean restaurant by Paharganj standards. Serves only vegetarian food, a full thali for ₹ 60. Their tea is really good and their most popular dish is paneer masala.


You will find McDonalds, KFC, Subway and Pizza Hut in malls and throughout the city. The Indian menu without beef and with lots of veggie options can be interesting even if you would otherwise steer clear.

  • Tafree Cafe, F-12, 13 Second Floor, Connaught Place, Delhi (Near Metro Gate No 5, New Delhi), 91 073035 02271. Mon-Sun 11AM-1AM. It is known by these services Restaurants, Restaurants & Bars, Fine Dining Restaurants. ₹100-200.
  • Gulati Restaurant, 6 Pandara Road Market. Voted as the best North Indian Restaurant. ₹639 for buffet.
  • Kitchen Cafe Roof Top @ Hotel Shelton, 5043 Main Bazaar, Pahar Ganj, 91 11 4182 4386, . 24 hours daily. Great view and ambiance.
  • Moti Mahal Delux, Several locations. Famous for their tandoori chicken and North Indian food. Their family-sized naan is delicious and the size of a 4 year old child. Home of where the original Dal Makhani, Butter Chicken, and many of the other dishes now highly popular in the UK were first created.
  • Sagar Ratna, Several locations, 91 11 2433 3815, 91 11 2155 1097. Considered by many to be the best place for authentic South Indian food, Sagar does justice to the reputation. The menu features dosas, idlis, vadas, uttapams, rasam and thalis. A/C. There's likely to be a queue for seats during peak hours and definitely on Tues nights. Has many branches.
    • Sagar Ratna (at Ashok Hotel), 50-B Chanakyapuri, 91 11 2611 0101. The upmarket version, is quieter, better laid out and more expensive.


  • Bukhara, Maurya Sheraton, Regularly tops the charts as India's best restaurant (and certainly among the priciest), the roast lamb and the Bukhara Dal here are renowned. Always make reservations or be ready to stand in a queue for about 2 hr. ₹ 2,000 .
  • Chor Bizarre. Hotel Broadway, 4/15A Asaf Ali Rd. Now franchised worldwide, the original restaurant serves Kashmiri food in an eclectic surrounding like a chor bazaar (thieves market). The buffet is laid out inside an old car. ₹300-₹400 for each dish. A bit on the pricey side (relatively for India), but worth a splurge. If going by foot, look out for the Delhi Stock Exchange on same strip 0.5 km from here.
  • Naivedyam, East Patel Nagar, (opposite Jaypee Siddharth Hotel), Offers quality South Indian meals and service at great prices.
  • Punjabi by Nature, Rajouri Garden, MGF City Square Mall (Lifestyle). One of Delhi's best-known Punjabi restaurants. ₹ 800 or so, more if you order seafood.


  • Barbeque Nation, B-1 623, Opp. District Center, Janakpuri. Offers an option where customers can make their food on their personal grills, which are embedded in each table. Vegetarian and non-vegetarian BBQ starters, a main course buffet, soups, salads, desserts and a variety of liquors.
  • Pirates of Grills, C-12, Vishal Enclave, Rajouri Garden, ('Rajouri Garden metro'). Same concept as Barbeque Nation, Janakpuri


  • Enoki. The Grand, Nelson Mandela Rd, Vasant Kunj-II. Pseudo-rustic yakitori (Japanese chicken kebab) restaurant offering fairly authentic food, including a limited range of sushi and sake. ₹ 1,000 .
  • Mamagoto, Khan Market, One of Delhi's most popular Japanese restaurants, the fun manga style interiors and great food are a great experience.
  • Sakura, Level 1, Hotel Metropolitan, Bangla Sahib Marg, 91 11 4250 0200. Japanese style restaurant, carries the tag of being one of the most expensive restaurants in India.
  • Side Wok, Khan Market. Japanese, Chinese and other Asian food. Some choice of sushi. Beautiful decor. No alcohol. Mains about ₹ 400.

Middle Eastern

  • Felafel Man, Main Bazaar, Paharganj. (About a 10 min walk down Main Bazaar from New Delhi train station). Small shop selling falafel rolls and sabeekh. Multilingualcook, the rolls come with hummus, tahini and mineral water washed vegies. Don't forget to wash it down with the seasonal fruit lassi, so thick it takes some effort to suck it up the straws.


Delhiites have eagerly adopted Thai food into their culinary pantheon, although the recipes and ingredients are often rather Indianised.

  • EGO Thai, Friends Colony Market.
  • Chilli Seasons, Lodhi Colony market.
  • Culinaire, Greater Kailash 2.
  • The Kitchen, Khan Market, 91 11 4175 7960, 91 11 4175 7961.
  • Thai High, 91 11 26644289. Mehrauli. Should go at night for a view of the lit up Qutab Minar.
  • Turquoise Cottage, A 5 , Green Park , Main Aurobindo Marg, South Delhi, 91 11 2685 3896, . True to the name, the decor is turquoise and stylishly rustic, but the food is Thai-Chinese and, while somewhat adapted to Indian tastes, quite tasty. Also check out the popular The Other Side bar downstairs. Reservations recommended. ₹ 500.


  • Tibetan Food, (near Shivaji Stadium-which actually is a bus stand, Connaught Place). Tibetan food, run by Tibetan refugees.


Chinese is Delhi's most popular non-Indian cuisine. For a long time, only Indianised Chinese was available, but high-quality options are available today.

  • Mainland China, Vishal Enclave, Rajouri Garden metro station. Oriental/Chinese cuisine. Other branches at Greater Kailash 2 and Saket
  • Nan King, Chinese food in a nice location with a private lounge. Good for groups or a special occasion.
  • Rice Bowl 18/31 East Patel Nagar Market, New Delhi – Chinese/Oriental food.
  • The Yum Yum Tree, 91 11 4260 2020. As much as a fantasy-land as a restaurant, it's one of the largest Chinese restaurants in the city. The influence is from Singapore, and the Dim Sum Menu is good. The cuisine here is extremely high quality. Sectioned into separate areas. The Grill for a quick lunch, or the more formal dining area for dinner. Includes a funky bar called New Friends Colony.


  • Gung The Palace, Ground floor. D-1B, Green Park, South Delhi. A very up-market place with good food. 1st floor features a live karaoke, but the ground floor is the place to be. Book in advance for the ground floor.


  • Afghan Restaurant, H-7, Krishna Market, (near Gurdwara, Lajpat Nagar I). Owned &: run by members of the Afghani community settled in the area. Very tasty biryani.
  • The Lazeez Hotel And Restaurant, I-87, Afghan Restaurant, (near Centeral Market, Lajpat Nagar II). Owned &: run by members of the Afghani community settled in the area.


  • Iraqi Food - E-178, Lajpat Nagar-I.


Delhi's nightlife scene has changed in the last decade. There are plenty of modern, cosmopolitan places to separate you from your rupees. In a desperate attempt to keep the sex ratio vaguely equitable, many lounges and clubs have couples only policies (that is, no single men or men-only groups), enforced with varying degrees of strictness. While everything is theoretically to shut down by 01:00 things can keep going much longer.

Coffee / Tea

The coffee culture in Delhi consists mostly of large, heavily standardised chains. The two most common, Barista en Cafe Coffee Day, can be found in multiple locations across the city, most notably around Connaught Place. The partly UK-based Costa Coffee has also made a foray into the market.

  • Chill&Chai @ Khoj, S17 Khirki Extension (opposite Saket Select Citywalk). A great tiny place for good coffee, tea and international food inside one of Delhi's best known cultural centre KHOJ. Mediterranean style with cool terrace
  • Independent coffee shops are harder to find in Delhi, but they do exist, and are worth seeking out.
  • Aap ki Pasand Tea Shop, Sterling House, 15 Netaji Subhash Marg, Daryaganj (opposite the post office, walking distance from Red Fort), 91 11 2326 0373. A great place to sample Indian chai and the exotic Darjeeling and Assam teas and purchase the same. Located in an old colonial era building, its teas have been savoured by Bill Clinton, Gorbachov, Koizumi and are taken as official state gifts of India.


Indian bar food, hookah and an amazing lounge experience. The crowd that frequents these two places is young, hip and trendy.

  • Hookah, 91 11 4166 3522. Basant Lok (in Priya Cinema complex), Vasant Vihar. 3 level bar-restaurant offering surprisingly good (but pricy) Middle Eastern food. They offer a wide range of drinks and an even wider range of flavored water pipes. There is no outdoor seating, nor do they offer hot drinks.
  • Toast by Lazeez Affaire, Rajouri Garden, West Gate Mall (level III). Great collection of flavored tobacco sheesha, and drinks, international food, Greek, French, pan European and Indian cuisines.
  • Mocha, Defense Colony.
  • Ziya- The Morockin Cafe, 91 92 1263 1306-1-2. This is a chain of neuvo Middle Eastern cafes with a wide range of drinks, food and flavoured tobacco. Budget prices.


  • Aqua, Poolside bar at the Park Hotel (close to Connaught Place), has a lounge atmosphere and an extensive drinks list.
  • Aura, (at the Claridges).
  • Decibel, Chanakyapuri. One of two clubs in the Samrath Hotel next to the Ashok Hotel. ₹ 500 entrance fee.
  • Elevate. Noida (adjoining South Delhi).
  • F Bar & Lounge (by Fashion TV), Chanakyapuri. (in the Hotel Ashok). Trendy bar and night club. Claimed to be the largest bar in Delhi in 2008). Cover charge is redeemable against drinks. Fri, Sat is ₹ 3,000, free on Wed before 22:00.
  • IndoChine's Forbidden City, South Delhi (Lado Sarai, adjacent to Qutab Golf Course). Singapore chain that opened in Delhi in 2007. Madame Butterfly restaurant upstairs serves very good Chinese food. The BarSaVanh loungebar is downstairs, very cool ambience outside. Meal for two around ₹ 3,000.
  • Manre, Bar/lounge, Saket Market, City Mall. Open bar on Thursday for ₹ 800.
  • Orange, (Ashoka Hotel). Nightclub.
  • The Other Side, 91 11 2685 396. 81/3 Adhchini (basement of Turquoise Cottage), Sri Aurobindo Marg. Ssmoky brick-walled basement covered with Western memorabilia. Eclectic music with an emphasis on rock, expect anything from Beatles to AC/DC. It is a good crowd, particularly on Wednesday's media nights. ₹ 500 minimum for drinks and food. Couples only.
  • Shalom, N-block market, GK-1. Cool Mediterranean-themed lounge bar/restaurant with chill-out music.
  • T.L.R., 31 Hauz Khas Village. Delhi's cozy, arty refuge for tourists, expats and locals comes alive in the evenings. Live bands, DJ nights and pub quiz.
  • Toast, Bar & Grill by Lazeez Affaire, Rajouri Garden, West Gate Mall (Level III). Flavored tobacco sheesha, drinks, international food, Greek, French, pan-European and Indian cuisines.
  • Urban Pind/Bar/Cafe, Greater Kailash I (GK-1), block N, number 4. Bar/lounge on 3 floors. Regular events like Salsa, open bar for ₹ 720, electro night, great expat nights.
  • Xes Cafe, Saket, DLF South Court Mall. A the quintessential coffee shop. Good food with an eclectic bar menu. Loud music.

Gay and lesbian Delhi

  • Amigo, Bar
  • Peppers, Bar.


Prices quoted may not include taxes of up to 22.5%, calculated based on the published rack rates - not necessarily the price that you actually pay, which could be discounted. Smoking is not allowed in Delhi hotels.


Delhi has plenty of budget accommodation options, priced from ₹400-2,500. Many of them are located in the city centre (Central Delhi en New Delhi), while others are further south, in the affluent southern areas or towards the airport.


Delhi's chronic lack of quality hotels has led to a mushrooming of guest houses of widely varying quality and price. The new official 'Delhi Bed and Breakfast scheme' has also contributed a range of private rooms available for bed & breakfast accommodation. These rooms range from cheap dumps to classy rooms in the best areas of Delhi.


Most of Delhi's expensive hotels are located in New Delhi, roughly along the axis between Connaught Square and the airport.

A few are located in areas further south.

Prices in this category are generally over ₹8000.

Bly veilig

Delhi at night

Many first-time travellers to India find themselves falling victim to scams and touts, and unfortunately Delhi has a lot of both. Be on guard for anybody trying to help you by giving you unsolicited directions or travel advice. Do not blindly rely on the advice of taxi and auto drivers. If this is your first time to India, do not openly admit it, as this will make you more vulnerable to touts.

Delhi is among the three unsafest cities for women in India. It is not uncommon in some areas to receive lewd remarks or even physical touching. If you are arriving into Delhi at night, stay in either the airport lounge or well lit areas until daybreak if this is your first trip to Delhi and if you haven't booked a hotel. Try to avoid walking around alone in lanes without many people after sunset and be cautious when hiring cabs at night. Dress conservatively (preferably in Indian clothing so as to blend in). Learn to shout and consider carrying mace/pepper spray.

Carry your cash, passport, and cards in a secure money belt, with only enough cash for a few hours at a time in your wallet or other accessible place. Some recommend carrying an expendable wallet with a few ten rupee notes in it in an obvious place such as your hip pocket as a decoy to Delhi's ubiquitous pickpockets.

Several tourist agencies have been known to swindle tourists, such as by changing their travel plans or charging them extra commissions and fees. The best way to secure train tickets is by navigating through Indian Railways' website. If you have problems booking online - the Indian Railways site is unreliable - you can buy tickets in person. The best place to do so is at the Tourist Information Centre, these are located within transit hubs. Be baie careful, there are many scammers surrounding the train station looking for anyone on foot and out-of-place who will "help" you find a "ticket office for foreigners," usually located in a nondescript building some blocks from the train station, where you will be overcharged and cajoled into signing up for cars, tours, etc. When in doubt, look at reviews for the information center you are at (for example, on Google Maps). Some scammers will stand at the entrance to the train station and physically try to block you from entering, demanding to see your tickets (never mind that you need to enter the station to buy tickets!). Remember - you should be able to enter any train station just by going through a metal detector. Nobody will check your tickets before you get on a train.

You should also book your flight tickets online, as all the airlines have online booking systems. Otherwise, prepare to spend a good hour sorting through the charges that the tourist agency will charge.

If arriving late at night at the airport or train station, be very wary of taxi drivers trying to scam tired and unprepared tourists. A common scam is to drive you an area of town where there are roadworks or a roadblock, and tell you that the path to your hotel is blocked off and it's not possible to take you there. They'll then suggest to take you to another hotel, where they receive a commission for bringing customers. They may take you to a number of hotels first which all say they are full up, so as to increase your desperation, and hence openness to paying more. There have been reports also, of bringing tourists to a "travel agent", who will feign ringing your booked hotel to confirm that either the way is blocked, or they are overbooked and there is no room available. If you've let on that you were only staying in Delhi for the night, they may also try to convince you, that there are no hotel rooms available anywhere, and sell you an extremely overpriced private car ride to your next destination. This can be a very confusing and tiring process if you've just come off a long flight, short on sleep.

If you're arriving after midnight, it is therefore highly advisable to have accommodation pre-booked and arrange pick-up from the airport or station with your hotel, or at least have the phone number with you, so that should you get lost or caught in a sticky situation you have someone reliable to call up.

Delhi is one of the most polluted cities in the world, with pollution levels often in the "very unhealthy" or "hazardous" range. Keep an eye on air quality data and consider wearing a surgical mask or other approved N95/N99 mask, especially if spending an extended time in Delhi or North India.

Delhi Police

The Delhi Police is a 70,000-strong force serving the capital region. While most of the police officers are honest and helpful, you may find some officers who may be corrupt and unhelpful.

For police assistance during an emergency dial 100.

Police vehicles (called PCR vans) are parked on almost every major intersection.

For non-emergencies, or to report a crime, visit the nearest police station.

Stay healthy

Let opNota: Delhi and the surrounding cities, including the Taj Mahal in Agra, throughout the year experiences moderate to unhealthy air quality, resulting in smog that potentially harms the health of all residents and a few flight delays due to low visibility. Air quality tends to be the best in summer because of the prevailing monsoon winds and frequent rain. It is worst during the winter as the unfavorable topography and stagnant weather trap all pollutants emitted within the valley.

Anyone visiting the area should try to limit outdoor and exhausting activity. Have masks (single-use surgical masks are okay), tissues, and eyedrops ready when going out.

Summer begins in early April and continues till the end of June, with the heat peaking in May. By the latter part of April or during early May. The temperatures regularly exceed 40 °C (104 °F), meaning that proper hydration is of the utmost importance. Keep yourself covered in summers to avoid a heat stroke. Drink a lot of water, 3 litres a day, particularly in the summer.

Winter arrives in Delhi by late November or early December and continues till mid-February. In winter there can be seasonal fog; on particularly foggy days, it can be difficult to see across the street. If you are flying in or out Delhi during the winters, be aware of fog-related flight delays.

Drink only packaged bottled water, to avoid water-related illness. Sticking to freshly, well-cooked food will lessen your chances on acquiring the "Delhi belly".


Cell phone coverage in the city is excellent. There are many service providers offering a wide variety of plans. Among them are Airtel, Vodafone, Jio, Reliance, and Tata Indicom. It might be a good idea to buy a cell phone and use one of those prepaid plans to get yourself connected while you are in the city.

Phone numbers in Delhi begin with 011, typically followed by eight digits. To call Delhi from outside India you will need to dial the international prefix for your country, followed by India's country code 91. If you want to dial a landline no. from a mobile, then you have to add 011 before the number.

Delhi emergency numbers

Here are the Delhi emergency contact numbers

  • Police, 100.
  • Fire Department, 101.
  • Ambulance, 102. or dial the nearest local hospital
  • Women`s Helpline, 1091.


Power outages en water shortages are common in Delhi, often occurring multiple times a day with summers being particularly bad. Better accommodation have water tanks and generators to alleviate the inconvenience, but keep a flashlight handy at night and do your part by not wasting too much water.

  • Laundry service is offered in most hotels, even in budget accommodation. If you would rather save the money and do it yourself, buckets are found in almost all bathrooms - but perhaps wash it out well first.
  • Exercising outdoors is not recommended due to the level of pollution and swimming in rivers is also not recommended. Instead, look for a hotel with a gym or a pool since many offer day passes. You can always try a morning or evening walk in the parks.

Embassies & High Commissions

Gaan volgende

Delhi is 'n belangrike internasionale transito-sentrum vir treine, vliegtuie en busse, sowel as 'n uitstekende verbindingspunt vir binnelandse bestemmings in Indië. Dit is ook 'n uitstekende basis om die beroemde Hill Stations te verken.

  • Agra en die Taj Mahal is 'n 3-6 uur rit of 2-5 uur treinrit elke rigting. Per pad kan Taj Mahal binne 3 uur bereik word deur die Yamuna-snelweg vanaf Delhi. Bespreek kaartjies in die treinwaens met sitplekke ver vooruit, en soek die sitplekke wat spesiaal vir toeriste opsy gesit word. U kan ook 'n motor en bestuurder vir die dag huur, en u moet nie meer as ~ ₹ 5,000 retour betaal nie (indien nie minder nie). Die Taj Mahal is Vrydag gesluit.
  • Bandhavgarh Nasionale Park en die Bandhavgarh Fort, is die "Tiger Reserve" by M.P. Dit is 'n tierbewaringsprojek en het die hoogste digtheid van tiere in Indië.
  • Char Dham- Delhi is die beginpunt van die beroemde bedevaartsentrums Badrinath (die woning van Vishnu), Kedarnath (die woonplek van Shiva), Gangothri en Yamunothri (die oorsprong van die heilige riviere, onderskeidelik Ganges en Yamuna).
  • Corbett Nasionale Park, die eerste nasionale park van die land, is ongeveer 5 uur se ry vanaf Delhi
  • Dharamsala, die setel van die ballingskap van die Dalai Lama, is 10-12 uur noord. Kaartjies kan gekoop word by Main Bazaar Tourist kantore, Majno ka Tilla Tibetaanse nedersetting of die I.S.B.T.
  • Gurgaon, 'n suidelike voorstad van Delhi, is 1 uur ry of met die metro.
  • Jaipur en Rajasthan is per vliegtuig of met die treintog bereikbaar.
  • Die heilige stede van Haridwar en Rishikesh, aan die voetheuwels van die Himalaja, is dit 5-6 uur per bus of trein.
  • Katmandoe, in die naburige Nepal, is ongeveer 36 uur per bus, of langer (maar gemakliker) op 'n kombinasie van trein en bus.
  • Ry die Maharajas 'Express, a luukse trein loop tussen Delhi en Moembaai.
  • Mussoorie - een van die oorspronklike Britse heuwelstasies in Indië; ook bekend as The Queen of the Hills.
  • Nainital - nog 'n pragtige heuwelstasie in die Kumaon-heuwels met die manjifieke Naini-meer.
  • Shimla - die somerhoofstad van Brits-Indië en die koningin van alle heuwelstasies in Indië. Dit het baie skilderagtige en historiese plekke en is ongeveer 8 uur ry of 10 uur in 'n bus. 'N Direkte vlug vanaf Delhi neem net 1 uur om Shimla te bereik.
Roetes deur Delhi (nasionale snelwegroetes)
RohtakBahadurgarh W NH9-IN.svg E GhaziabadMoradabad
EINDE ← Smelt saam met NH44-IN.svg W NH19-IN.svg E MathuraAgra
LudhianaKurukshetra N NH44-IN.svg S NoidaAgra
EINDE N NH48-IN.svg S GurgoanJaipur
Roetes deur Delhi (Asiatiese snelwegroetes)
LudhianaKurukshetra N NH44-IN.svgTabliczka AH1.svgNH19-IN.svg E GhaziabadMoradabad
RohtakBahadurgarh W NH9-IN.svgTabliczka AH2.svgNH44-IN.svg N KurukshetraLudhiana
Hierdie stadsgids vir Delhi het gids status. Dit bevat 'n verskeidenheid goeie gehalte-inligting, insluitend hotelle, restaurante, besienswaardighede en reisbesonderhede. Dra asseblief by en help ons om dit 'n ster !