België - Belgium

Let opCOVID-19 inligting: 'N Afsluiting is in België in plek. Massageleenthede (konserte, ens.) Word gekanselleer. Restaurante en hotelle werk met beperkte kapasiteit en met beperkings. Nie-noodsaaklike ondernemings is gesluit. In verskeie provinsies is dit nodig om 'n gesigmasker te dra, of ten minste een by u te hê. Nie-noodsaaklike reis na en van ander lande is beperk, veral vir lande buite die EU, Schengen-gebied en die Verenigde Koninkryk. Aankomende reisigers sal moontlik met aankoms in kwarantyn moet wees afhangende van waar hulle vandaan kom. Kyk na die algemene reëls en situasies België se coronavirus webwerf en die webwerf van die munisipaliteit vir plaaslike regulasies.
(Inligting op 25 Desember 2020 laas opgedateer)

N laagliggende land in die Benelux, België (Nederlands: België, Frans: Belgique, Duits: België) sit op die kruispad van Wes-Europa. Dit trou met die historiese landmerke waarvoor die kontinent bekend is, met skouspelagtige moderne argitektuur en landelike idille. Sy hoofstad, Brussel, is die tuiste van die hoofkwartier van die Europese Unie.

Alhoewel België 'n betreklik welgestelde land is, is dit ook een van die mees polities ingewikkelde lande ter wêreld. Verskille in taal en kultuur tussen Vlaandere (die Nederlandstalige deel) en Wallonië (die Franssprekende deel) het gelei tot verskeie ingrypende hervormings, en hierdie voortdurende antagonisme maak die Belgiese politiek so ingewikkeld dat selfs gewone Belge nie in staat is om sin te maak nie. van wat werklik aangaan. Ten spyte van dit alles vorm die twee helftes 'n land wat van die mooiste en historiese stede van Europa bevat, en is 'n ware "moet-sien" vir elke besoeker aan die vasteland.


KapitaalStad Brussel
Geldeenheideuro (EUR)
Bevolking11,4 miljoen (2019)
Elektrisiteit230 volt / 50 hertz (Europlug, tipe E)
Landelike kode 32
TydsoneSentraal-Europese tyd tot UTC 02:00 en Europa / Brussel
Noodgevalle112, 100 (mediese nooddienste, brandweer), 101 (polisie), 102 (Awel)

Die Belgiese onmiddellike bure lê aan die Noordseekus Frankryk na die suidweste, Luxemburg na die suidooste, Duitsland na die ooste en die Nederland na die noorde.

België is 'n digbevolkte land wat probeer om die teenstrydige eise van verstedeliking, vervoer, nywerheid en kommersiële en intensiewe landbou te balanseer. Dit voer groot hoeveelhede grondstowwe in en voer 'n groot hoeveelheid vervaardigde goedere uit, meestal na die EU.


België is die erfgenaam van verskeie voormalige Middeleeuse moondhede, en u sal spore hiervan oral sien tydens u reis in hierdie land.

Na die ineenstorting van die Karolingiese Ryk in die 9de eeu was die gebied wat tans België, Nederland en Luxemburg is, deel van Lotarië, 'n kortstondige koninkryk wat binnekort in die Germaanse Ryk opgeneem sou word; die spesiale karakter van 'Neder-Lotharingia' het egter in die feodale ryk ongeskonde gebly: dit is die oorsprong van die Lae Lande, 'n algemene term wat die huidige België, Nederland en Luxemburg omvat.

Cathedral of Our Lady wat bo uittroon Antwerpen

Die wyd-outonome liggame van die Lae Lande was een van die rykste plekke in die Middeleeuse Europa, en u sal spore van die vorige rykdom sien in die ryk geboue van Brugge, Brussel, Antwerpen, Gent, Leuven, Doornik, Bergen, ens. Hierdie stede het geleidelik geval onder die beheer van 'n magtige en ambisieuse gesin: die Hertoges van Bourgondië. Die hele ryk van die hertoë strek vanaf die Lae Lande tot by die grense van Switserland. Met die gebruik van rykdom, strategie en alliansies het die Hertoges van Bourgondië daarop gemik om Lotharingia te hervestig. Die dood van die laaste hertog, Charles the Bold, het 'n einde aan hierdie droom gemaak. Die skatte van die Hertoges van Bourgondië bly egter as 'n getuienis van hul reëls in Belgiese museums en landmerke.

Die magtige Habsburgse familie het toe van die Lae Lande geërf. Hervorming is die rede dat België en Nederland vir die eerste keer van mekaar geskei is: die noordelike helfte van die Lae Lande het Protestantisme omhels en in opstand gekom teen die Habsburgse bewind, terwyl die suidelike helfte getrou gebly het aan sy heerser en die Katolieke geloof. Hierdie twee helftes stem ongeveer ooreen met die huidige België en Nederland.

België is Oostenrykse Nederlande genoem, daarna Spaanse Nederland, afhangende van watter tak van die Habsburg dit regeer. Die magtige Duitse keiser en Spaanse koning, Karel V, is in die Belgiese stad Gent gebore en regeer vanuit Brussel. Baie plekke in België is na hom vernoem, waaronder die stad Charleroi en selfs 'n handelsmerk bier. Die Brusselers boots elke jaar sy eerste parade in hul stad na, wat die Ommegang genoem word.

België was kortliks deel van die Napoleontiese Ryk. Na die nederlaag van Napoleon is 'n groot Koninkryk van Nederland geskep wat uit die hele lae lande bestaan. Die godsdienstige opposisie het egter steeds gebly en die skeuring is vererger deur politieke verskille tussen Belgiese liberale en Nederlandse aristokrate. België het in 1830 onafhanklik geword van Nederland na 'n kort rewolusie en 'n oorlog teen Nederland.

Dit is tydens die Eerste en Tweede Wêreldoorlog deur Duitsland beset en het baie oorlogsgrafte naby die gevegsgebiede, waarvan die meeste rondom Ieper is (in Engels, argies weergegee as Ieper, met Yperite 'n ander naam vir mosterdgas weens intensiewe gebruik daar in die Eerste Wêreldoorlog). Dit het die afgelope halwe eeu voorspoedig geword as 'n moderne, tegnologies gevorderde Europese staat en lid van die NAVO en die EU. Spanning tussen die Hollandssprekende Vlaminge in die noorde en die Franssprekende Walloniërs in die suide het gelei tot grondwetlike wysigings wat hierdie streke formele erkenning en outonomie verleen.


Plat kusvlaktes in die noordweste, sentrale golwende heuwels, beboste heuwels en valleie van Ardennes Forest in die suidooste.


Gematig; sagte winters met koel somers. Oor die algemeen taamlik reënerig, vogtig en bewolk. België se gemiddelde jaarlikse temperatuur in die dekade tussen 1976 en 2006 was 10 ° C - 'n ietwat betekenislose maatstaf vir nie-weerkundiges.


Elektrisiteit word voorsien by 220 tot 230 V en 50 Hz. Uitlate is CEE7 / 5 (uitsteekende manlike pen) en aanvaar CEE 7/5 (geaard), CEE 7/7 (geaard) of CEE 7/16 (nie-geaarde) proppe. Ouer Duitse CEE 7/4-stekkers is nie versoenbaar nie, want dit akkommodeer nie die aardpen wat op hierdie tipe uitlaat gevind word nie. Die meeste moderne Europese toestelle is egter toegerus met die baster CEE 7/7-stekker wat pas by beide CEE 7/5 (België en Frankryk) en CEE 7/4 (Duitsland, Nederland, Spanje en die grootste deel van Europa).

Reisigers uit die Verenigde Koninkryk, Ierland, Australië, Nieu-Seeland, Denemarke, Italië, Switserland en al die ander lande wat 230 V en 50 Hz gebruik, wat verskillende stekkers gebruik, benodig bloot 'n stekkeradapter om hul toestelle in België te gebruik.

Reisigers uit die VSA, Kanada, Japan en ander lande wat 110 V 60 Hz gebruik, het moontlik 'n spanningsomskakelaar nodig. Sommige skootrekenaars, selfoonlaaiers en ander toestelle kan 110 V of 230 V aanvaar, en benodig dus net 'n eenvoudige stekkeradapter. Gaan die spanningsplate op u toestelle na voordat u dit aansluit.


België bestaan ​​uit drie streke, gelys van noord na suid:

50 ° 51′0 ″ N 4 ° 21′0 ″ O
Kaart van België
Kaart van België

 Vlaandere (Wes-Vlaandere, Oos-Vlaandere, Antwerpen, Vlaams-Brabant, Limburg)
Die noordelike, Nederlandssprekende streek van die land. Dit sluit bekende stede soos Antwerpen, Gent en Brugge.
Die tweetalige hoofstreek van die land en die hoofkwartier van die Europese Unie.
 Wallonië (Henegouwen, Luik, Waals-Brabant, Namur, Luxemburg)
Die suidelike, Franssprekende streek, met 'n klein Duitssprekende streek in die ooste naby die Duitse grens.


België het 'n baie hoë verstedelikingskoers en het 'n verstommende aantal stede vir so 'n klein gebied

  • 1 Brussel - Die hoofstad van België en die nie-amptelike hoofstad van die EU. Mooi historiese sentrum en verskeie interessante museums. Een van die mees multikulturele stede in Europa.
  • 2 Antwerpen - Die tweede grootste stad van België, met 'n reuse-katedraal, middeleeuse strate en artistieke erfenis, en 'n uitstekende plek vir mode.
  • 3 Brugge - een van die rykste stede van Europa in die 14de eeu, dit is toeristies, maar steeds baie outentiek, middeleeus en stil in die nag, met klein gastehuise en familiebesighede wat baie kettinghotelle oorskry.
  • 4 Gent - eens een van Europa se grootste stede, nou 'n perfekte mengsel van Antwerpen en Brugge: 'n gesellige stad met kanale, maar tog met 'n ryk geskiedenis en 'n lewendige studentepopulasie.
  • 5 Leuven - 'n klein stadjie wat oorheers word deur een van Europa se oudste universiteite. Pragtige historiese sentrum en 'n lewendige naglewe.
  • 6 Luik - die tweede grootste stad van Wallonië, langs 'n wye rivier, 'n industriële stadsbeeld met staptogte en oorde in die nabygeleë heuwels, dit het 'n baie sterk, onafhanklike karakter en 'n opwindende naglewe.
  • 7 Mechelen - 'n klein middeleeuse stad met 'n mooi historiese distrik rondom die katedraal.
  • 8 Mons - het die buitengewone voorreg gehad om twee webwerwe op die WV-Unesco-icon-small.svgUNESCO Wêrelderfenisgebied Lys en een gebeurtenis op die Verteenwoordigende Lys van die Ontasbare Kulturele Erfenis van die Mensdom.
  • 9 Namur - hoofstad van Wallonië, by die samevloeiing van Sambre en Meuse met die Citadel.

Ander bestemmings

Pouhon Pierre le Grand in Spa, wat die mineraalwaterfontein bevat wat vernoem is na die Russiese tsaar Peter die Grote
  • 1 Kraainem - 'n munisipaliteit met 'n ryk nywerheidsgeskiedenis aan die buitewyke van Brussel met baie historiese landmerke.
  • 2 Tervuren - bekend vir sy nabyheid aan die welige Sonian Forest, sy parke en koninklike somerwoning.
  • 3 Grimbergen - bekend vir die bier met dieselfde naam, het wêreldwyd bekendheid verwerf, maar steeds in sy klooster geproduseer.
  • 4 Ardennes Vlaamse Ardennes op Wikipedia - die mees yl bevolkte streek in Benelux, dit is 'n heuwelagtige plattelandse streek bedek met woude
  • 5 Dinant - klein stad in 'n pragtige natuurlike omgewing, 'n gewilde plek vir avontuurlike sportsoorte soos kanovaart en rotsklim, die beste besoek in die winter
  • 6 Pajottenland - ook genoem die "Toskane van die noorde", is 'n groen streek wes van Brussel, bestaande uit glooiende heuwels, weide, klein dorpies en kastele. Die tuiste van die Geuze-bier en ideaal vir stap-, fietsry- en perdrytoere.
  • 7 Spa - die warmwaterbehandelings van die kuuroord wat sy naam aan alle spa's ter wêreld gegee het, trek besoekers al eeue.
  • 8 Ieper, 9 Poperinge en omliggende dorpe - vernietig tydens die Eerste Wêreldoorlog, word hierdie voormalige militêre vesting gekenmerk deur gedenktekens en begraafplase.
  • 10 Sint-Niklaas - bekend vir sy markplein (die grootste in België), sy jaarlikse ballonfees en die nabygeleë natuurskoon langs die Schelde-rivier.

Gaan in


België is 'n lid van die Schengen-ooreenkoms.

  • Daar is normaalweg geen grensbeheer tussen lande wat die verdrag onderteken en implementeer nie. Dit sluit die grootste deel van die Europese Unie en enkele ander lande in.
  • Daar is gewoonlik identiteitskontroles voordat u op internasionale vlugte of bote gaan. Soms is daar tydelike grensbeheer by landgrense.
  • Net so, a visum toegestaan ​​vir enige Schengen-lid is geldig in alle ander lande wat onderteken het en het die verdrag geïmplementeer.
  • Sien asseblief Reis deur die Schengen-gebied vir meer inligting oor hoe die skema werk, watter lande lid is en wat die vereistes vir u nasionaliteit is.

Inwoners van bogenoemde lande mag in België werk sonder om 'n visum of enige verdere magtiging te bekom vir die tydperk van hul visumvrye verblyf van 90 dae. Hierdie vermoë om visumvry te werk, strek egter nie noodwendig na ander Schengen-lande nie.

Met die vliegtuig

A330-vliegtuie van Brussels Airlines, die nasionale lugdiens, by BRU

Lughawe Brussel (BRU IATA), ook bekend as Zaventem vanweë die stad waarin dit hoofsaaklik geleë is, is die belangrikste lughawe van België. Dit is nie in Brussel geleë nie, maar in die omgewing Vlaandere. Die lughawe is die basis van die nasionale lugdiens Brussels Airlines. Ander full-service-lugrederye gebruik BRU, sowel as begrotingsverskaffers soos Ryanair, Vueling en JetairFly.

Daar is 'n trein (€5.10) elke 15 minute na die Brussel-sentrum neem, neem dit 25 minute, en sommige gaan voort Gent, Mons, Nivelles, en Wes-Vlaandere en buslyne nommer 12 en 21 (€3 by die outomaat /€5 aan boord) elke 20 tot 30 minute na Place Luxembourg (distrik van die Europese Parlement). Die bus stop by NAVO en Schuman (vir die EU-instellings) op pad na die sentrum. Daar is ook twee treine per uur na Leuven, neem 13 minute. 'n Taxi na die sentrum van Brussel kos ongeveer €35 - goedkoper as dit vooraf bespreek word. Taxis bleus: 32 2 268–0000, Taxis Autolux: 32 2 411–4142, Taxi-verts: 32 2 349–4949.

Charleroi-lughawe Brussel-Suid (CRL IATA), ongeveer 50 km (31 myl) suid van Brussel, bedien meestal laekostevervoerders, soos Ryanair en Wizzair. U kan binne ongeveer 'n uur met 'n bus na Brussel Gare du Midi gaan (€13 eenrigting, €22 terugkeer). As u na enige ander deel van België gaan, koop 'n buskaartjie met 'n kombinasie per Charleroi Sud-treinstasie by die TEC-verkoopmasjiene buite die lughawe vir €19.40 eenrigting.

As u regtig vasval, is dit egter nie ongewoon dat taxibestuurders kredietkaarte neem nie. Die prys van 'n taxirit na Brussel is 'n vaste tarief (ongeveer €85 vanaf Januarie 2020) en u kan by die taxibestuurder navraag doen of hulle u kredietkaart aanvaar of nie.

Antwerpse lughawe (ANR IATA) het 'n paar sakevlugte, insluitend CityJet'n redelike prys skakel na die lughawe London City. Ander lughawens sluit in Oostende, Luik en Kortrijk, maar hulle hanteer slegs vrag- en huurvlugte.

Vlugte na lughawens in buurlande kan die moeite werd wees om te oorweeg, veral na Amsterdam Schiphol-lughawe wat 'n direkte spoorverbinding het na Brussel, maak ook stop by Antwerpen en Mechelen.

Luik Lughawe (LGG IATA) is naby die stad Luik geleë. 'N Klein lughawe bedien slegs deur TUIFly, 'n goedkoop lugdiens. Dit duur daagliks tussen 5-10, hoofsaaklik vanaf Spanje, soms na Griekeland en Marokko. Dit ly aan baie swak vervoeropsies na die stad Luik: daar is 'n bus nommer 57 wat 'n paar keer per dag ry, dit gaan na die treinstasie van Luik-Guillemins, hierdie bus ry slegs gedurende die week. 'N Ander opsie is om bus nommer 53 of 85 te neem wat soms via die lughawe na die middestad gaan, ongeveer 30 minute. TEC-busse het geen spesiale pryse vir Luik Lughawe nie en sal kos €3.50 per persoon.

Huurmotors kos ongeveer €25.

Met die trein

Daar is direkte treine tussen Brussel en:

  • Luxemburg (normale treine, wat elke uur ry). Alle openbare vervoer in Luxemburg is gratis. Dit duur ongeveer 2 uur 30 minute van Luxemburg na Brussel, 3 uur van Luxemburg na Luik.
  • Parys, Keulen, Aken, Rotterdam, Amsterdam (Thalys )
  • Lyon, Bordeaux, Parys-CDG lughawe en baie ander Franse stede (TGV bedryf deur SNCF).
  • Londen, Ebbsfleet, Ashford, Lille, Calais, Rotterdam, Amsterdam (Eurostar). As u na 'n ander Belgiese stad gaan, bevat die "enige Belgiese stasie" -kaartjie (£ 5,50 eenrigting in die 2de klas) plaaslike vervoer in u Eurostar-kaartjie. Afhangend van die afstand, kan dit goedkoper werk as om 'n aparte kaartjie te kry. Passasiers wat van die Verenigde Koninkryk na België reis, gaan deur die Franse paspoort- / identiteitskaartkontroles (namens die Belge) in die Verenigde Koninkryk voordat hulle aan boord gaan, eerder as by hul aankoms in België. Passasiers wat van Lille / Calais na Brussel reis, is binne die Schengen-gebied.
  • Frankfurt, Keulen (ICE bedryf deur Deutsche Bahn)
  • Zürich, Switserland, via Luxemburg (normale treine, 2 daagliks)

Daar is uurlikse intercity-treine vanaf Brussel via Antwerpen na Rotterdam en Amsterdam in Nederland. Die interstedelike dienste loop van Brussel na Amsterdam via Mechelen, Antwerpen, Rotterdam, Den Haag en Schiphol. Die ander direkte verbinding met Amsterdam is die duur Thalys (bespreek vroegtydig vir redelike tariewe). Alternatief is om 'n trein van Brussel of Antwerpen na Roosendaal (NL) te haal, waar verbindings met intercity-treine na Rotterdam en Amsterdam beskikbaar is. Passasiers wat vanuit Nederland na België reis, moet hul kaartjies by die NS Internationaal-lessenaar koop webwerf wat verskil van dié wat kaartjies vir binnelandse treine verkoop. NS Internationaal verkoop ook Thalys-kaartjies teen dieselfde pryse as op die Thalys-webwerf.

Internasionale treine verbind met binnelandse treine by Gare du Midi / Zuidstation in Brussel, en met alle Eurostar- of ICE- en sommige Thalys-kaartjies kan u u reis gratis met binnelandse treine voltooi. Vir alle sneltreine moet u vooraf bespreek vir goedkoop tariewe, aanlyn of met 'n reisagentskap. Daar is nie meer gereelde slaaptreine nie.

U kan ook die TGV-verbindings na Lille nagaan. Die treine vanaf die res van Frankryk na Lille is meer gereeld en gewoonlik goedkoper. Daar is 'n direkte treinverbinding vanaf Lille Flandres na Gent en Antwerpen. As u TGV in Lille Europa aankom, sal dit 15 minute loop na die Lille Flandres-treinstasie.

Beplan u reis met die Deutsche Bahn-rooster. Dit het alle binnelandse en internasionale verbindings regoor Europa.

Rook is nie toegelaat in Belgiese treine nie.

Die treingeld vir passasiers 65 wat binne België reis, is dikwels beperk €6 en is geldig vir retoer op dieselfde dag, maar so 'n tarief mag eers na 09:00 vereis word.

Met die motor

Belangrike Europese snelweë soos die E19, E17, E40, E411 en E313 ry deur België.


Die goedkoopste manier om na België te kom (€3/ 100 km (62 myl) van oral in Europa - as u 'n bietjie buigsaam en gelukkig is - is dit gewoonlik taxistop. Baie ritte word ook aangebied BlablaCar.

Met die bus

U kan vanaf heel Europa na België kom Eurolines afrigters. Internasionale busse het tussenstop in Antwerpen, Brussel Noord-stasie, Leuven & Luik.

Daar is busmaatskappye wat die Bosniese diaspora bedien, wat goedkoop en goedkoop is skoonmaak manier om aan die ander kant van die Europese vasteland te kom. Semi toere loop drie keer per week vanaf verskillende bestemmings in Bosnië en Hercegovina na België en Nederland, buite seisoen ongeveer €132 vir 'n retoerkaartjie.

Per skip

Daar is oornag-veerbote na / vanaf Zeebrugge vanaf Hull in Engeland, maar dit is nie goedkoop nie.

Kaart van België

Van Frankryk af

  • Daar is binnelandse Belgiese treine wat eindig in Lille (stasie Lille-Vlaandere).
  • Tussen die De Panne-eindpunt van die Belgiese spoorweë (en die kustram - Kusttram) en die Franse kusstad Duinkerken, is daar 'n buslyn wat deur DK'BUS Marine bestuur word: [1]. Dit is ook moontlik om 'n DK'BUS-bus te neem wat na die naaste moontlike afstand van die grens gaan en dit dan te voet oorsteek deur op die strand te stap en by 'n gerieflike stasie van die Coast Tram, soos Esplanade.

Vanuit Duitsland

  • U kan 'n bus neem tussen die treinstasies van Eupen (België) en Aken (Duitsland), wat redelik vinnig en goedkoper is as om dieselfde reis met 'n internasionale treinkaartjie te doen.
  • As u bestemming in België verder van die grens af is, kan u die plaaslike trein neem Aken aan Welkenraedt en skakel dan oor na die InterCity-trein wat Eupen verbind met Oostende, verby Leuven, Brussel, Gent en Brugge. Die reis van Aken na Brussel duur minder as twee uur.

Van Nederland

  • Vir 'n lys van grensbusse tussen België en Nederland, kan u die lys raadpleeg op [2].
  • Behalwe dat dit 'n eienaardige resultaat van die antieke Europese geskiedenis is, het die stad Baarle (formeel Baarle-Hertog in België en Baarle-Nassau in Nederland) is 'n moontlike veranderingspunt, aangesien die stad se belangrikste bushalte is Sint-Janstraat word bestuur deur beide Vlaamse (Belgiese) en Nederlandse busse.
  • Die Vlaamse (Belgiese) maatskappy De Lijn bestuur 'n grensoorgangsbus tussen Turnhout in België en Tilburg in Nederland, wat albei eindpunte in die onderskeie land se spoorwegnetwerk het.
  • Daar is 'n bus (lyn 45) wat deur die Vlaamse (Belgiese) maatskappy De Lijn bestuur word tussen die treinstasies van Genk (België) en Maastricht (Nederland). Daar vertrek nog 'n bus (lyn 20A) Hasselt, gaan na Maastricht. Daar word 'n treinverbinding gebou.

Kry rond

Omdat u so 'n klein land is (300 km as sy maksimum afstand), kan u binne 'n paar uur enige plek kom. Die openbare vervoer is vinnig en gemaklik en nie te duur nie, terwyl dit ten volle funksioneer. Tussen groter stede is daar gereeld treinverbindings, met busse wat kleiner afstande aflê. N nuttige webwerf is Slim mobiliteitsbeplanner, wat 'n deur-tot-deur-roetebeplanner het vir die hele land, wat alle vorme van openbare vervoer (insluitend trein, bus, metro en tram) dek.

'N Kykie op die kaart kan aandui dat Brussel 'n goeie beginpunt is om Antwerpen, Gent, Brugge, Namur en Leuven op daguitstappies te verken. Antwerpen is gewild onder diegene wat op 'n kosmopolitiese plek wil wees, en Gent is die beste by diegene wat van 'n goeie mengsel van openhartige provinsialisme hou. Luik is pragtig, maar te naby aan Duitsland om 'n goeie basis vir daguitstappies te wees. Mechelen word deur toeriste as vervelig beskou, maar het 'n baie goeie jeugherberg langs 'n treinstasie met treine na elke ander plek elke 30 min.

Om plaaslike besienswaardighede te doen, veral in Vlaandere, is baie infrastruktuur beskikbaar vir fietsry. Fietse kan feitlik oral gehuur word. Op die platteland van Wallonië is bergfietse beskikbaar, en vlotvaart is gewild langs die grens met Luxemburg.

Met die trein

Brussel-Zuid / Bruxelles-Midi is die grootste treinstasie in Brussel
  • reisbeplanner. Gebruik die amptelike reisbeplanner wat deur die National Railway Company of Belgium bedryf word om treinroetes en pryse te vind

Die grootste deel van België is goed verbind met die trein, bestuur deur NMBS (SNCB in Frans) met die meeste hoofroetes wat deur Antwerpen, Namur of Brussel gaan. Dit is waar u met internasionale treine sal aankom, en albei kan met die trein vanaf die lughawe Brussel of per bus vanaf die lughawe Antwerpen of Charleroi bereik word. Oordragte is baie maklik. Alle ICE- en sommige Thalys-kaartjies laat toe gratis oordragte op dieselfde dag met binnelandse treine na enige ander Belgiese stasie. Daar is ook Thalys-treine vanaf Parys direk na Gent, Brugge en Oostende, sonder om in Antwerpen of Brussel oor te skakel. Vanuit Londen (per Eurostar) moet u in Brussel oorskakel na Antwerpen, Leuven of Gent, maar vir Brugge kan u reeds in Lille (Frankryk) oorskakel sonder om die omweg via Brussel te maak. In Lille en Brussel is die personeel baie behulpsaam en bereid om te glimlag.

Die treine is stiptelik en meestal modern en gemaklik.

Normale tariewe op Belgiese treine is goedkoop in vergelyking met Duitsland of die Verenigde Koninkryk, en dit is nie nodig om te bespreek nie. 2de klas tariewe gaan nie hoër as nie €21.30 vir die langste binnelandse reise (eenrigting). 1ste klas kos 50% ekstra. Treine kan gedurende die spitstyd baie vol raak, daarom het u dalk 'n 1ste klaskaartjie nodig om op daardie tye plek te kry. In die treinstasie kan u met kontant of kredietkaart betaal. Retoerkaartjies is die naweek 50% goedkoper.

Die meeste kaartjies word op 'n bepaalde dag vir 'n aangewese roete verkoop, sodat u op die dag van u kaartjie enige trein kan neem. Daar is geen ekstra geldigheid as u op 'n trein stap nie.

U kan u roete beplan via die SNCB / NMBS webwerf, app (beskikbaar in Engels, verskaf intydse inligting oor vertragings en kansellasies) of deur stasiepersoneel te vra.

U kan kaartjies via die webwerf, app, vending masjiene, kaartjie balies en op die trein. As u 'n kaartjie in die trein wil koop, moet u die treinleier waarsku. Vermy die koop van kaartjies in die trein, want u moet ekstra betaal €7 per kaartjie. Baie kleiner stasies het nie meer kaartjies nie, en indien wel, is dit nie baie gereeld oop nie. In elke stasie is daar ten minste een outomaat. As kaartjietoonbanke gesluit is en vendingmasjiene nie werk nie, word geen toeslag in die trein gehef as u die kwessie aan die kondukteur rig nie.

U kan met kontant en kredietkaart betaal. U kan ook via PayPal via die webwerf of app betaal. Kontaklose betalings word in die meeste treinstasies en by sommige vendingmasjiene aanvaar. Wat kontantbetaling by outomate betref, laat dit slegs muntstukke toe, geen papierrekeninge nie. As u nie 'n kaartjie koop nie, kan dit tot boete lei tot €225.

'N Goedkoop opsie as u verskeie treinreise beplan, is Gaan slaag[3] vir reisigers onder die ouderdom van 26, wat u 10 enkele 2de klas reise (insluitend treinveranderings indien nodig) gee vir €53. Dit is 'n jaar geldig en kan sonder enige beperkings met ander mense gedeel of gegee word. As u 26 of ouer is, kan u die Spoorwegpas. Dit kos €83 vir 2de klas of €128 vir 1ste. Maak seker dat u met die hand 'n leë lyn met die hand ingevul het voordat u op die trein klim. Die treinleiding kan baie kieskeurig wees as die pas nie korrek ingevul is nie. As u egter personeel van die treinstasie spreek voordat u inklim, sal hulle u graag help. Dit is ook gebruiklik om ander mense op die platform te vra om hul pen te gebruik as u nie een het nie.

Die goedkoopste opsie as u gedurende Belgiese skoolvakansies reis, vir mense jonger as 26, is: Gaan onbeperk slaag vir €15 per week of €25 'n maand (slegs gedurende Julie en Augustus). Met hierdie pas kan u op en af ​​van enige NMBS / SNCB-trein in die 2de klas op enige (nasionale) roete klim. U benodig 'n persoonlike MoBIB-kaart vir hierdie pas. U kan dit koop vir €5, slegs by 'n bemande kaartjiekantoor. Die skoolvakansie is die somervakansie (twee maande: Julie en Augustus), herfsvakansie (die week van 1 November), Kersvakansie (twee weke wat beide Kersfees en Nuwejaarsdag insluit), lentevakansie (een week aan die einde van Februarie - begin Maart), Paasvakansie (twee weke rondom Paasfees). Die presiese datums van die laaste twee vakansiedae wissel elke jaar.

As u 'n sekere geleentheid of konsert besoek, moet u seker maak dat u treinreis nie reeds by die kaartjie ingesluit is nie. Sommige groot feeste en konserte soos Rock Werchter, Pukkelpop of I Love Techno bevat treinreise in die kaartjieprys. As u spesiale plekke soos temaparke of museums besoek, moet u die opsie inlig 'B-ekskursies'. Op hierdie manier koop u u toegangskaartjie en treinkaartjie in een by die treinstasie. Dit is altyd goedkoop, wat normaalweg lei tot 'n normale toegangskaartjieprys plus €4-5 vir reis. Die lessenaar sal u sekerlik die besonderhede wys.

Daar is IC-treine (InterCity), L-treine (plaaslik, stop by elke stasie), P-treine (ekstra treine tydens spitstyd) en S-treine (bedien voorstede van groot stede). Vir toeriste, IC-treine of IKT-treine (toeristetreine) is die beste opsie omdat dit vinniger, meer gereeld en gemakliker is. U moet slegs L-treine en S-treine gebruik as u bestemming nie deur 'n IC-trein bedien word nie. L-treine en S-treine is gewoonlik minder druk, behalwe tydens spitstyd. S-treine is hoofsaaklik bedoel vir pendelaars in nabygeleë gebiede, maar kan ook gebruik word vir sekere reise in die stad. As voorbeeld neem die reis Gent-Brugge 25 minute met 'n IC-trein en 42 minute met 'n L-trein, maar dit kos dieselfde.

Treinskedules verander gewoonlik rondom 10 Desember. Die veranderinge is gewoonlik beperk tot die bekendstelling van 'n paar nuwe treinstasies en die byvoeging van 'n paar gewone reëls. Geen reëls is baie lank gestaak nie. Hier kan u 'n kaart van Belgiese spoorweë en stasies.

Met die bus en trem

Busse ry die hele land saam met trems en metro in die groot stede. Die meeste roetes ry kort afstande, maar dit is moontlik om van stad tot stad per bus te gaan. Dit is egter baie stadiger en net effens goedkoper as om 'n trein te neem. Daar is ook die Kusttram [4], wat byna die hele Vlaamse kus langs Frankryk en Nederland loop - beslis 'n reis in die somer werd.

Binne stede kos 'n normale kaartjie vir een sone nooit meer as €2, en daar is verskillende reiskaartjies beskikbaar. Plaaslike vervoer word aangebied deur verskillende maatskappye: STIB / MIVB in Brussel [5], De Lijn in Vlaandere en TEC in Wallonië en buite Brussel aanvaar hulle nie mekaar se kaartjies nie. Kaartjies is goedkoper as u dit by kaartjiemasjiene koop.

Die meeste toeriste het nie busmaatskappye nodig nie, want dit is baie gebruikersvriendeliker om treine tussen stede te neem en te voet binne te gaan. Net Brussel en Antwerpen het 'n metro, maar selfs daar kan u te voet rondloop. Die historiese sentrum van Brussel is net ongeveer 300 m by 400 m (1.300 voet) lank. Antwerpen is baie groter, maar 'n rit met 'n perdekar gee 'n beter uitsig as die metro.

Met die motor

Verkeersteken in die Franssprekende deel van die land

België het 'n digte netwerk van moderne tolvrye snelweë, maar sommige sekondêre paaie in Wallonië word swak onderhou. Tekens is altyd slegs in die plaaslike taal, behalwe in Brussel, waar hulle tweetalig is. Aangesien baie stede in België heel verskillende name in Nederlands en Frans het, kan dit verwarring veroorsaak. Byvoorbeeld, Mons in Frans is Bergen in Nederlands; Antwerpen is genoem Antwerpen in Nederlands en Anvers in Frans; Luik in Frans is Luik in Nederlands en Lüttich in Duits, ensovoorts. Dit geld selfs vir stede buite België; ry jy langs 'n Vlaamse snelweg, sien jy dalk borde vir Rijsel, wat die Franse stad van Lille of Aken, wat die Duitse stad van Aken. Uitgange is gemerk met die woord Uit (uit) in Vlaamse gebiede, Sortie in Waalse gebiede en Ausfahrt in Duitssprekendes.

Bestuurders in België moet ook bewus wees van die "prioriteit van regs" -reël. By kruisings het verkeer wat van regs kom, die reg om te beweeg, tensy anders aangedui deur borde of sypaadjies. U sal waarskynlik sulke kruisings in stedelike en voorstedelike gebiede teëkom. Oplettende besoekers sal baie motors met duike langs hul regterkant sien! As u verdedigend ry, sal u motor dieselfde lot vermy.

In België is die snelwegborde berug, veral op sekondêre paaie. Daar is geen eenvormigheid in uitleg en kleur nie; baie is in 'n slegte toestand, in 'n ongemaklike posisie geplaas of bloot vermis. 'N Goeie padkaart (Michelin, De Rouck, Falk) of 'n GPS-stelsel word aanbeveel. België is een van die min lande wat slegs die Europese E-nommers op hoofroetes gebruik.

Behalwe vir vaste spoedkameras op die snelweg en sekondêre paaie, is daar ook gemiddelde spoedkameras wat 'n hele paar kilometer op snelweë rondom groot stede loop.


Sommige huurmotors is toegerus met satellietnavigasie, maar dit is 'n goeie idee om dit aan te vra wanneer u u motor bespreek. Dit is waarskynlik die betroubaarste manier om van A na B in België te kom. Op hierdie manier sal u sommige van die terreine van België so plat as moontlik sien, maar argitektuur in die dorpe is iets om te bewonder. U sal aangenaam verras wees oor hoe skoon die dorpe en dorpe in België is. Ry elke middag deur en jy sal sien dat mense die straat versorg voor hul huise - 'n ware, teruggedateerde dorpsgemeenskap.

Spoedlokvalle word gereeld langs paaie geplaas en dronkbestuur van slegs klein hoeveelhede hou ernstige boetes in, soos: €125 ter plaatse boete vir 0,05 persent en 0,08 persent. Meer as daardie hoeveelheid alkohol in u stelsel en u moet tot 6 maande gevangenisstraf en verlies van rybewys vir vyf jaar opgelê word.

Deur duim

Die beste plek vir lifters. Vra net vir 'n lift! As u kartonborde met die name van die dorpe daarop het, kan dit vinnig help.

  • Vertrek uit Brussel: suid (bv. Namur) kom na die metrostasie met die naam 'Delta'.

Langsaan het u 'n groot 'park and ride' en 'n bushalte. As jy naby die bushalte ry, moet jy minder as 5 minute in die verkeersure ry.

  • Op pad na Gent / Brugge: Goeie plek naby die winkelsentrum genaamd 'Basilix' in Berchem-ste-Agathe. U kan hierdie plek bereik met die bus N ° 87.

'N Alternatiewe plek om na die noorde te gaan, is in Anderlecht, naby die hospitaal Erasme / Erasmus (metrostasie Erasme / Erasmus.)

  • Op pad na Luik / Hasselt: Neem die pre-metro na die stasie 'Diamant' in Schaarbeek. As u die stasie verlaat, moet u baie uitgaande motors net onder u sien. Loop en volg die bordjies met die vermelding 'E40'. U moet in 'n klein straatjie aankom wat toegang verleen tot 'n pad wat aansluit by die E40 (die motors verlaat tans 'n tonnel). Stap net op die noodbaan op hierdie punt, in die gedeelte naby die tonnel. Motors moet op hierdie stadium nog stadig ry en sien dat jy vir hulle sigbaar is, so dit is nie so gevaarlik nie.
  • Verlaat Louvain-la-Neuve (Universiteit) na Brussel (noord) of na Namur (suid), staan ​​by die rotonde langs die uitgang / ingang "8a" naby die "Louvain la Neuve-center" padtekens. Vinnige hysbak gewaarborg. Vermy afrit 7 of 9, want hulle het baie minder verkeer.


Grand Place in Brussel gedurende die Kerstyd

Mostly known for its key role in European Union administration, the small nation of Belgium might leave you surprised by its rich and gorgeous heritage. It boasts a number of fascinatingly historic cities packed with medieval and Art Nouveau architecture and famous for their long traditions in arts, fashion and fine dining. If you've seen the best of them, the Belgian countryside offers anything from sandy beaches to the densely forested hills and ridges of the Ardennes.

Brussels, the country's vibrant capital, is a modern world city with a highly international character. It combines massive post-modern buildings in its European Quarter with impressive historic monuments, such as the World Heritage listed Grand Place, surrounded by guildhouses and the Gothic town hall. There's Laken Castle and the large St. Michael and St. Gudula Cathedral, dedicated to the cities patron saints. Die Royal Palace is a more recent but no less grand structure. One of the city's most famous landmarks is the Atomium, a remarkable steel structure and remnant of the 1958 World's Fair. And yet, with all those magnificent sights at hand, many travellers' favourite is a tiny bronze fountain in the shape of a peeing boy: the curious Manneken Pis. Die Walloon Brabant province, a few kilometres south of Brussels, is certainly worth a visit. There you can visit the Lion's Mound in Waterloo or the beautiful Villers Abbey in Villers-la-Ville.

Book flea market along a canal in Ghent

Perhaps the most popular of the Belgian cities is Bruges. Much of the excellent architecture that arose during the towns Golden Age, roughly the 14th century, remains intact and the old centre is a valued UNESCO Wêrelderfenisgebied. Among its most prominent landmarks is the 13th century belfry, where the carillonneur still rings the bells on a daily basis. With countless other noteworthy monuments, Bruges is a highly popular destination and get a bit overcrowded during holidays. And then there's Ghent, which in ages past was one of the wealthiest cities in northern Europe. Although larger and much busier than Bruges, its excellent medieval architecture can definitely compete. Its beguinages, belfry and former cloth hall are World Heritage Sites. Or visit Antwerp, the country's current place to be as it is a hotspot of the Belgian fashion, clubbing, arts and diamonds scenes. Nevertheless, the city's timeless old centre is right up there with the others, boasting the countries most stunning cathedrals. Other pleasant cities with good sights include Leuven, with the oldest Catholic University still in use and Liège.

In Wallonia, don't miss the city of Mons which has been the Cultural Capital of Wallonia since 2002. In 2015 the city had the honour of being the Cultural Capital of Europe. Mons is the largest and most important city in the Province of Hainaut, of which it is the administrative and judicial centre. One of its primary aims, however, has been to safeguard its heritage to better share it with the growing numbers of tourists to the area. Three major masterpieces, the Belfry, the Neolithic flint mines at Spiennes and the Doudou, all of which have been added to UNESCO's World Heritage List, can be found in and around Mons.

Landscape in the Ardennes

For hiking, biking and camping, head to the rugged hills of the Ardennes with their tight forests, caves and cliffs. They are home to wild boar, deer and lynx and hide a number of friendly villages, lots of castles and a few other notable sights. The impressive caves of Han-sur-Lesse, die castle of Bouillon and the modern Labyrinth of Barvaux are some of the best picks. The city of Namur makes a great base from where to explore the Ardennes and has some fine sights itself too. The city is beautifully located along the rivers Meuse and Sambre and from the ancient citadel you'll have a great view over town.

The Belgians brought forward a good number of world famous masters of art, and their love for arts is still today reflected in the range of fine arts museums. Die Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts in Brussels and the Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten in Antwerp are just a few excellent examples. However, the Belgians love museums, with over 80 of them in the capital alone. Besides arts, they display anything from history and folklore to industry and technology. As some of the worst fighting of both World Wars took place on Belgian territory, there's also a large number of memorials and museums dedicated to those dark times, along some humbling military cemeteries.


  • Mons International Love Film Festival: yearly festival of cinema (February)
  • Ritual Ducasse of Mons: Doudou is the popular name for a week of collective jubilation that takes place in Mons on the weekend of the Trinity each year. There are four key moments: The Descent of the Shrine, The Procession, The Ascent of the Car d’Or and The Battle called Lumeçon (Trinity Sunday).
  • Ethias Tennis Trophy: one of the better matches in the world. (October / Mons)
  • Ommegang: a parade in Brussels that celebrates the beginning of the reign of Charles V of Habsburg. It takes place on the stunning cityscape of the Grand Place and involves thousands of stunts in period costume.
  • Zinnekeparade: the yearly celebration of the Brusseler's spirit - the theme changes each year and involves costumes & chariots made by volunteers and locals.
  • DOCVILLE - International Documentary Film Festival, Naamsestraat 96, 3000 Leuven, 32-16-320300. International Documentary Film Festival in the beginning of May, with national and international competition in the city of Leuven. Selected films have a focus on cinematography. €4.50-6. Docville (Q2467491) op Wikidata Docville op Wikipedia
In Flames performs at Graspop 2008
  • Carnaval de Binche. Three days in February the town of Binche is transported back to the 16th century for one of the most fantastic festivals of the year. Highlighted by music parades and fireworks, the climax of this event is when the Gilles appear on the Grand Place and throw oranges to the spectators. This infamous festivity has been classified as part of the world's cultural heritage by UNESCO along with its renowned Gilles.
  • Rock Werchter. End of June, beginning of July, Werchter.
  • Dour festival. "European Alternative Music Event" - 12–15 July 2007 - Dour.
  • Pukkelpop. Mid- August
  • Atomium built for the 1958 Brussels World Fair (Expo ’58), it is a 102 metre tall representation of an atomic unit cell. More precisely, it is symbolic of a unit cell of an iron crystal magnified 165 billion times. Nine steel spheres 16m in diameter connect via tubes with escalators 32 m long.
  • Gentse Feesten. 2nd half of July. Huge, ten day long street festival in the historical centre of the city of Ghent. The biggest street festival in Europe, with theatre, music in all genres, techno parties, and so on - Gentse Feesten
  • Activiteiten Gent & Antwerpen, Rerum Novarumlaan 132 (Merksem), 32 475 696 880. Great boat tours around Ghent and Antwerp.
  • 24 hours cycling, Louvain-La-Neuve Louvain-La-Neuve is in the Wallonia not far from Brussel, it's a small pedestrian city created in the 60s for the French-speakers students. Every year, in October, they organised a bicycle competition. Actually, the course is a pretext to enjoy the event... And to drink beers. This party is one of the most important consumption of beers of the whole Europe.
  • Belgian Beer Tour Belgian Beer Tour is a tour operator specialising in tours of Belgium breweries. It offers a great way for beer lovers to visit their favourite breweries and discover new ones. The tours cover a wide range of beers and appeals to connoisseurs and amateurs alike.
  • International Short Film Festival Leuven, Naamsestraat 96, 3000 Leuven, 32-16-320300. International Short Film Festival with many foreign guests and directors. Focus on the best Flemish and European short films. €4.50-6. Internasionale kortfilmfees Leuven (Q33057036) op Wikidata
  • TomorrowLand, De Schorre, Boom.
  • Flowercorso Loenhout, Loenhout Centre. one of the largest flower corsos of Belgium. With the title of Royal Corso their theme cars and floats are totally covered with over flowers and go up to 80 feet length. Every year, start of September €2-8.
The 'bloemencorso' in Antwerp


Sien ook: Dutch phrasebook, French phrasebook

Belgium has three official languages at the federal level: Dutch, French en German. However, one will quickly notice that the Belgian versions of these languages possess a few idiosyncrasies:

  • Flemish Dutch is not always easy to understand for other Dutch-speakers. Flemings tend to sound more formal than the Dutch, and certain vowels may be pronounced differently, often in a way that sound like British English. Flemish Dutch is also a lot less "guttural" than its northern counterpart.
  • The French spoken in Belgium, whilst marked by distinct annunciations and intonations, is mostly intelligible to the average French person, and younger generations in urban areas like Brussels tend to speak with a relatively standard French accent. Nevertheless, some "rural" accents can come off as harsh to the casual listener (especially those around Charleroi and near the German border). Walloon French also incorporates rather archaic sayings and idioms, and Anglicized words are used more profusely than in France or Quebec.
  • The German spoken in Belgium is nearly identical to Hochdeutsch (standard German) but, not unlike Walloon French, incorporates antiquated sayings. German-speaking Belgians also speak a lot more slowly than Germans.

Although Belgium has three official languages, that does not mean that all of them are official everywhere. The official language of Flanders is Dutch and the official language of Wallonia is French. Brussels' official languages are Dutch and French (though French is more commonly spoken) and German is the official language in nine municipalities in Wallonia (Eupen and its surroundings).

Virtually all Flemish people are bilingual in both Dutch and French, whereas the Walloons are typically monolingual and don't speak any Dutch. Even though German is an official language, less than 1% of the population understands it fluently and you're unlikely to find speakers of the language outside the German-speaking community.

English is widely spoken by the younger generations in the Dutch-speaking areas and Brussels. In contrast, English is not as widely spoken in the French-speaking areas, though it is still possible to find English speakers. English may not be understood by the oldest of Belgians.

It's important to note that language is a highly sensitive issue in Belgium, and there's no place in Europe other than Belgium where you can get into trouble for using the "wrong language". Refer to the section on 'Respek' for more.

A very small number of inhabitants of Wallonia, particularly the older generations, still speak the Walloon language. This language, while not official, is recognized by the French Community of Belgium as an "indigenous regional language", together with a number of other Romance (Champenois, Lorrain and Picard) and Germanic (Luxembourgian) language varieties. On the flipside, Italian is rather commonplace in Wallonia due to immigration. (At least 10% of Walloons can trace their origins back to Italy.)

Due to its international status, Brussels is home to a myriad of other languages; in addition to English being widespread, it is possible to find people who speak Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic, etc.

In Belgium, foreign films and TV shows are available in their original language with French and Dutch subtitles in Flanders and Brussels cinemas and in the Dutch-language TV channels. Only children's TV shows and movies are dubbed.

In Wallonia, all movies and TV shows have a dubbed version in French or German and selected foreign films/TV shows have an original language version (marked with a "VO" in the cinema listing or in the case of TV shows, can be accessed through the remote control).



Exchange rates for euros

As of 04 January 2021:

  • US$1 ≈ €0.816
  • UK£1 ≈ €1.12
  • Australian $1 ≈ €0.63
  • Canadian $1 ≈ €0.642

Exchange rates fluctuate. Current rates for these and other currencies are available from

Belgium uses the euro, like several other European countries. One euro is divided into 100 cents. The official symbol for the euro is €, and its ISO code is EUR. There is no official symbol for the cent.

All banknotes and coins of this common currency are legal tender within all the countries, except that low-denomination coins (one and two cent) are phased out in some of them. The banknotes look the same across countries, while coins have a standard common design on the reverse, expressing the value, and a national country-specific design on the obverse. The obverse is also used for different designs of commemorative coins. The design of the obverse does not affect the use of the coin.


Tipping in Belgium is not usually done as service charge is always included. However, you may tip as a sign of appreciation. Usually, this is done by paying in bank notes with a total value slightly higher than the price of the meal and telling the waiter/waitress that they can keep the change.


  • Belgian chocolate: A long tradition has given Belgian chocolate a superior refinement process that is recognized worldwide.
  • Laces in Bruges
  • Designer fashions in Antwerp
  • Jewelry in one of Antwerps many jewelry shops
  • Bier
  • Belgian comic books and related merchandising, especially in Brussels


Restaurants at Rue des Bouchers/Beenhouwersstraat, Brussels

Belgians like to eat. Belgium is famous for its good cuisine and people like to go to restaurants frequently. Best description for Belgian food would be "French food in German quantities".

General rules

  • As anywhere else in the world, avoid the tourist traps, where the touts are trying to get you in the restaurants. You will get average to bad quality food for average to high prices, and, at busy times, they will try to get rid of you as soon as possible to make space for the next customer. A good example of this is the famous "Rue des Bouchers/Beenhouwersstraat" in Brussels in this picture.
  • Belgium is a country that understands what eating is all about and can be a real gastronomic paradise. You can have a decent meal in about every tavern, from small snacks to a complete dinner. Just pop into one of those and enjoy it.
  • If you want to eat really well for not too much money, ask the local people or the hotel manager (that is, supposing he does not have a brother restaurant-manager) to give some advice for a good restaurant. Not a bad idea is to find a restaurant or tavern a little bit outside of the cities (if advised by some locals) they are usually not too expensive but deliver decent to high quality food. And ordering the specialties during the season will be both beneficial for your wallet and the quality of the food.
  • Quality has its price: since the introduction of the euro, price for eating out in Belgium nearly doubled. Expensive food like lobster or turbot will always cost a lot of money at any restaurant. But you can also find some local and simple dishes, rather cheap and still very tasty (such as sausages, potatoes and spinach). Normally a dinner (3 dishes) will be around €30-50 depending your choices of food and restaurant. And for cheap, greasy food, just find a local frituur, also called a frietkot of friterie, it will be the best Belgian Fries you'll have had in ages. However, when you are in such a frituur, it may be best to avoid snacks (other than the fries themselves, and the rich choice in sauces that comes with them), which are generally fried and made out of low-quality scrap meat. Do NOT order a cheeseburger or hamburger in such a place! The so-called burger which you would get if you do, is especially notorious for being fried and containing a mixture of low-quality meat.


Moules et frites/Mosselen met friet, Brussels
Stoofvlees/Carbonade flamande

A number of dishes are considered distinctly Belgian specialities and should be on every visitor's agenda.

Mussels are a firm favorite and a side-dish of Moules et frites/Mosselen met friet (Mussels with French fries). The traditional way is to cook them in a pot with white wine and/or onions and celery, then eat them up using only a mussel shell to scoop them out. The top season is September to April, and as with all other shellfish, do not eat the closed ones. Belgium's mussels always come from the nearby Netherlands. Imports from other countries are looked down on.

Balletjes/Boulettes are meatballs with fries. They will either be served with a tomato sauce or with the sauce from Liège, which is based on a local syrup. For this reason they will often be introduced as Boulets Liégeois.

Frikadellen met krieken are also meatballs, served with cherries in a sauce of cherryjuice. This is eaten with bread.

Stoemp is mashed potatoes and carrots with bacon and sausages. It is a typical meal from Brussels.

Stoofvlees (or Carbonade flamande) is a traditional beef stew and is usually served with (you have guessed it already) fries.

Witloof met kaassaus/Chicons au gratin is a traditional gratin of chicory with ham and a cheesy bechamel sauce, usually served with mashed potatoes or croquettes.

Konijn met pruimen: rabbit cooked in beer and dried plums.

Despite the name, French fries (frieten in Dutch, frites in French) are proudly claimed as a Belgian invention. Whether or not this is true, they certainly have perfected it — although not everybody agrees with their choice of mayonnaise over ketchup as the preferred condiment (ketchup is often considered to be "for kids").

Every village has at least one frituur/friterie, an establishment selling cheap take-away fries, with a huge choice of sauces and fried meat to go with them. The traditional thing to try is friet met stoofvlees, but remember the mayonnaise on it .

Waffles (wafels in Dutch, gaufres in French) come in two types:

  • Gaufres de Bruxelles/Brusselse wafels: a light and airy variety.
  • a heavier variety with a gooey center known as Gaufres de Liège/Luikse wafels.

The latter are often eaten as a street/ take-away snack while shopping and therefore can be found at stands on the streets of the cities.

Last but not least, Belgian chocolate is famed around the world. Famous chocolatiers include Godiva, Leonidas, Guylian, Galler, Marcolini and Neuhaus, with Godiva, Leonidas and Neuhaus being official suppliers of chocolate to the Belgian royal family. In nearly all supermarkets, you can buy the brand Côte d'Or, generally considered the best 'everyday' chocolate (for breakfast or break) among Belgians.


As a small country in the centre of western Europe, the cuisine is influenced not only by the surrounding countries but also by many other countries. This is also emphasized by many foreigners coming to this country to make a living here, for instance by starting a restaurant. You can find all types of restaurants:

  • French/Belgian: A traditional Belgian restaurant serves the kind of food you will also find in the best French restaurants. Of course there are local differences: at the coast (in France as well as in Belgium) you have a better chance to find some good seafood, like mussels, turbot, sole or the famous North Sea shrimp. In the southern woods of the Ardennes (remember the battle of the Bulge?), you are better off choosing game or local fish like trout.
  • English/Irish: There are Irish bars and pubs everywhere and Belgium is no exception, try the Schuman area of Brussels for more Irish pubs than you can shake a stick at. There is also an English pub just off of Place de la Monnaie in central Brussels.
  • American: There are McDonald's or lookalikes in most towns. The Belgian variety is called "Quick". You may also find a local booth serving sausages, hot dogs or hamburgers. Try it: the meat tastes the same, but the bread is much better. Ketchup in this region is made with less sugar (even the Heinz brand). Pizza Hut, Domino's, and Subway also have establishments, but you won't find Burger King. There are no real American restaurants, although there is an American bar on the Toison d'Or in Brussels that serves food.
  • Italian: Roughly 500,000 people in Belgium are Italian or have Italian heritage, and ties have been historically close between Belgium and Italy, so finding a tasty pizza or mouth-watering pastas is not difficult, especially in Brussels and Wallonia.
  • Mexican: Only in the cities and rather costly for only medium quality. ChiChi's (near Bourse) serves Mexican American food but would not be considered a good value by American standards. ChiChi's uses reconstituted meats.
  • Chinese: They have a long tradition of restaurants in Belgium. Rather cheap, but an acceptable quality.
  • German/Austrian: Maxburg in the Schuman area (next to Spicy Grill) makes a good schnitzel.
  • Greek/Spanish/Italian: Like all over the world, nice, rather cheap, with a good atmosphere and typical music (Greek: Choose meat, especially lamb) (Spanish: Choose paella and tapas) (Italian: Choose anything).
  • Japanese/Thai: You usually find them only in the cities and they are rather expensive, but they give you great quality. The prices and the quality are both satisfying in a concentrated cluster of Thai restaurants near Bourse station. Avoid Phat Thai though if you don't want disruptions - as they let pan handlers and flower pushers enter and carry out their "work".
  • Arabic/Moroccan: Rather cheap, with a great variety of local dishes, especially with lamb; no fish or pork or beef.
  • Turkish: Rather cheap, with a great variety of local dishes, especially with chicken and lamb and also vegetarian dishes, dishes with fish are rare; no pork or beef.
  • Belgium offers a wide selection of other international restaurants.


For party-minded people, Belgium can be great. Most cities are close to each other and are either large urban areas (Brussels, Antwerp) or student areas (Leuven, Liège, Ghent), etc. In this little region, you will find the most clubs, cafés, restaurants per square mile in the world. A good starting point can be places with a strong student/youth culture: Leuven around its big university, Liège in the famous "carré" district, etc. You can expect a wide variety in music appreciation, going from jazz to the better electronic music to even some solid heavy metal bars. Just ask around for the better clubs and there you will most likely meet some music fanatics who can show you the better underground parties in this tiny country.

The government has a mostly liberal attitude towards bars, clubs and parties. They acknowledge the principle of "live and let live". As long as you don't cause public disturbance, vandalize property and get too drunk, the police will not intervene; this is also one of the main principles of Belgian social life, as drunk and disorderly behaviour is generally considered offensive. Of course, in student communities this is more tolerated, but generally, you are most respected if you party as hard as you like- but with a sense of discretion and self-control.

Officially, drugs are not allowed. But as long as you respect the aforementioned principles, you are not likely to get into serious trouble. Beware though, that driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs is not tolerated and traffic laws are strictly enforced in this matter. Especially in the weekends on main roads, you have a good chance of being stopped for an alcohol check.


Tap water is drinkable everywhere in Belgium, but most restaurants do not serve it. Hot spring or some other mineral water is typically served and costs about €2 per bottle.Spa is like bru and chaudfontaine a very famous water brand.


Shop in Brussels advertising 250 different types of beer

Belgium is to beer what France is to wine; it is home to one of the greatest beer traditions in the world. Like other European countries in medieval times, beers were brewed in a huge variety of ways with many different ingredients. In addition to the standard ingredients of water, malted barley, hops and yeast, many herbs and spices were also used. This activity was often done in monasteries, each developing a particular style. For some reason, uniquely in Belgium many of these monasteries survived almost into modern times, and the process was handed over to a local commercial brewer if the monastery closed. These brewers would often augment the recipe and process slightly to soften the taste to make it more marketable, but the variety survived in this way. These beers are called Abbey beers and there are hundreds and hundreds with a range of complex tastes unimaginable until you've tried them.

Die Trappist label is controlled by international law, similar to that of Champagne in France. There are only six Trappist Abbeys in Belgium that produce beer qualified to be called Trappist. In order to carry the Trappist label, there are several rules that must be adhered to during the brewing process. The beer must be fermented within the walls of the abbey, the monks of the abbey must be involved in the beer-making process, and profit from the sale of the beer must be directed towards supporting the monastery (similar to a non-profit organization).

Belgium offers an incredible diversity of beers. Wheat / white beers (with their mixture of barley and wheat) as well as Lambic beers (sour-tasting wheat beers brewed by spontaneous fermentation) originated in Belgium. For the non-beer lovers, lambic beers are still interesting to try, as they are often brewed in fruity flavors and don't have a usual beer taste. Several well known mass-produced Belgian beers are Stella Artois, Duvel, Leffe, Jupiler, Hoegaarden. The names given to some beers are pretty imaginative: e.g. Verboden Vrucht (Forbidden Fruit), Mort Subite (Sudden Death), De Kopstoot (Head Butt), Judas and Delirium Tremens.

Warmly recommended are also Kriek (sweet and sour cherry beer) and, for the Christmas season, Stille Nacht (Silent night).

Plain blond draughts (4%-5.5%): Stella Artois, Jupiler, Maes, Cristal, Primus, Martens, Bavik.

Trappist ales (5%-10%): Achel, Chimay, Orval, Rochefort, Westvleteren, Westmalle.

Geuze: Belle-Vue, the lambic Mort Subite (Sudden Death), Lindemans in Sint-Pieters-Leeuw, Timmermans, Boon, Cantillon, 3 Fonteinen, Oud Beersel, Giradin, Hanssens, De Troch.

White beers: Hoegaarden, Dentergemse, Brugse Witte.


The city of Hasselt is well known in Belgium for its local alcoholic beverage, called jenever. It is a rather strong liquor, but it comes in all kinds of tastes beyond your imagination, including vanilla, apple, cactus, kiwi, chocolate. Hasselt lies in the east of Belgium, and is about one hour away by train from Brussels and 50 minutes from Antwerp. Trains go two times an hour from Antwerp.


Pubs, or cafés, are wide spread. They all have a large variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic, hot and cold beverages.Some serve food, others don't.Some might be specialised in beer, or wine, or cocktails, or something else.Smoking in pubs is forbidden by law.



  • Couchsurfing. has a lot of members in Belgium
  • Vrienden op de fiets. If you are travelling in Flanders by bicycle or by foot, there is a list of 260 addresses where you can stay at private homes with bed and breakfast for no more than €18.50 per person per night, although you must also pay €9 for membership of this scheme.


Belgium has many fine hotels. Capital Brussels has countless rather expensive business hotels catering to the European Union's bureaucrats, and while you can usually get a good room for under €100, prices can spike if there's a big EU shindig in town.


The Faculty of Philosophy building at Liège University

The different stages of education are the same in all communities:

  • Basic education (Dutch: basisonderwijs; French: enseignement fondamental), consisting of
    • Pre-school (kleuteronderwijs; einseignement maternel): -6 years
    • Primary school (lager onderwijs; enseignement primaire): 6–12 years
  • Secondary school (secundair onderwijs; enseignement secondaire): 12–18 years
  • Higher education (hoger onderwijs; enseignement supérieure)
    • University (universiteit; université)
    • Polytechnic (hogeschool; haute école)

Education is organized by the regions (Dutch-speaking Flanders on the one hand, French and German speaking Wallonia on the other) and the small federal district of Brussels has schools run by both the Flemish and Walloon authorities. Both states recognize independent school networks, which cater to far more students than the state schools themselves. Most Flemish students go to a Flemish Catholic school. However, every independent school needs to follow the official state curriculum, and Catholicism in Flanders has long been extremely liberal anyway.


Having one of the highest labour taxes in Europe, Belgium is struggling to reposition itself as a high-tech country. In that struggle, Flanders is far ahead and much wealthier than Wallonia, in contrast to the previous decades, where Wallonia's steel industry was the main export of Belgium. Highly skilled people will have the most chance to find work, and knowing multiple languages (Dutch, French, English and perhaps German) is almost a standard requirement. Interim offices providing temporary jobs are flourishing in a search to avoid the high labour taxes.

Belgium has one of the highest tax rates in the world. An employer who pays a salary about €1500 a month actually pays another €1500 or more in taxes. Where does this money go to? It goes to social security. People only pay a small charge for healthcare, for example. And the budget for education, arts and culture is enormous. The budget for defense is however very tiny.

Although Belgium is undesirable for building wealth, it's a good place for someone who already is wealthy to reside because there is very little capital gains tax (some forms of capital gain is not taxed at all).

Bly veilig

With the notable exceptions of certain parts of Brussels (mostly the northern and western sections of the region) and Antwerp, Belgium is a very safe country. Tourists should not have to fear for their lives when taking basic precautions and knowing where they are going. Crimes such as murder are uncommon and natural hazards are rare.

As with much of Europe, however, petty crimes like pickpocketing do occur regularly, mostly in Brussels and more touristy cities, Bruges and Antwerp being prime examples. Aggravated assaults have occurred sporadically throughout the years, but they rarely involve tourists, except in Brussels.

Muslims and people of North African or Middle Eastern ancestry may experience mild resentment from certain people, a problem that is particularly acute among older generations, in rural areas, and wealthier sections of Brussels en Antwerp. Die burka en niqab is onwettig in public. With all that said, Belgians are noticeably more welcoming towards Muslims than other Europeans, and public expressions against Islam have become widely condemned.

People who are recognisably Jewish, such as men who wear kippot, have also experienced harassment and worse, and should check on current conditions for Jews before they go.

Marijuana laws are quite lenient, with small amounts only punishable by fines. You may get into trouble for smoking weed in public, though.

Die emergency phone number in Belgium (fire, police, paramedics) is 112.

Bly gesond

In the winter, like most other European countries, only influenza will cause you a considerable inconvenience. No inoculations are needed to enter or leave Belgium.

Kraanwater is safe to drink throughout Belgium.


Belgium has a modern telephone system with nationwide cellular telephone coverage, and multiple internet access points in all cities, free in most libraries. Also in multiple gas stations, NMBS/SNCB train stations and diners on the highways there is Wi-Fi available.

  • Many cafés offer free Wi-Fi nowadays, but don't write it on the door for whatever reason...
  • if you can't find any you can always fall back on Quick, McDonalds, Lunch Garden, Carrefour Planet of Starbucks which all offer free Wi-Fi.

Belgium has some of the slowest internet speeds in Western Europe.


Belgium uses the GSM standard of cellular phones (900 MHz and 1800 MHz bands) used in much of the world except parts of the Americas. There are three main companies (Proximus, Orange and Base, and a large number of MVNOs) offering wireless service. The country is almost totally covered.

It is no longer possible to buy anonymous prepaid SIM cards in Belgium as a result of new Belgian anti-terror legislation. Buying a SIM card in advance from Mobile Vikings now requires name and address registration. If you stay for some time, buy a pre-paid cell phone card that you can use in any phone that supports the GSM standard on the 900/1800 MHz bands. With these cards, incoming calls and SMSes are generally free. You can get SIM cards for the three main companies in dedicated phone shops.

All networks provide UMTS and HSDPA (3G) mobile internet coverage, and are rolling out a 4G network, mainly in the big cities.


Giving tips in bars or restaurants is virtually unheard of, even in larger cities. Doing so does shows that you were satisfied with the service given, but you are absolutely not obliged to do so. Depending on the total, a tip of €0.50 aan €2.50 is considered generous.

Belgians in general are very proud of their comic book artists. The "Belgian school of comic books" is hailed as a national point of pride. There are dozens of beautiful yet expensive merchandise items, and the Belgians are fond of them. A plastic figurine of a comic book character or a special artwork of a hailed comic book artist would be a perfect gift for your Belgian friends and in-laws, for example.

Try to show appreciation for some of the things made in Belgium. For instance, French fries, beers, comic books, chocolate, and the like. Inquiries about them will be welcomed and appreciated by the vast majority of Belgians.

Do not speak French in Flanders or Dutch in Wallonia. Even if you're looking to practice your language skills, try not to speak the wrong language in the wrong region as it can be considered offensive. Some people won't hesitate to either dismiss you or at worst give an icy response. This doesn't apply to the German-speaking areas (as the German-speaking community is an observer in the Flanders-Wallonia dispute) and Brussels. As a tourist, it's better to communicate in English as it's considered to be the "diplomatic" language of the country.

Die Flanders-Wallonia dispute and the possibility of Belgium partitioning are highly controversial issues and should be avoided. You should avoid discussing them where possible.

As with many countries in Europe, Inquiring about someone's salary or talking about your own is uncommon and in conversation is a great way to make someone feel uncomfortable. Similarly, discussing personal, political, or religious convictions are no-go areas until you're better acquainted with someone.

Do not tell the Walloons (and most of the people of Brussels) that they are French. Most Walloons, despite speaking French, are not and do not consider themselves French. And, for similar reasons, do not tell the Flemish (and also the people of Brussels) that they are Dutch. Most Flemings, despite speaking Dutch (Flemish), are not and do not consider themselves Dutch. The same applies to the 75,000 German-speaking Belgians, who have a heavy historical background with their neighbour Germany.

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