Treinreise in Groot-Brittanje - Rail travel in Great Britain

Let opCOVID-19 inligting: As gevolg van die maatreëls wat in die Verenigde Koninkryk getref is om die coronaviruspandemie, spoordienste gebruik 'n gewysigde rooster, of met 'n verminderde kapasiteit. U moet 'n toepaslike gesigmasker of gesigbedekking dra as u op die openbare vervoer in die Verenigde Koninkryk is. Kyk voordat u reis: Coronavirus reisadvies van National Rail Enquiries.
(Inligting laas op 21 April 2020 opgedateer)
'N Klas 220 Voyager hoëspoed-dieseltrein steek die Royal Border Bridge oor by Berwick-upon-Tweed met 'n CrossCountry-diens vanaf Engeland aan Skotland.

Met ongeveer 34.000 km (21.000 myl) baan, is die Nasionale spoorweg passasiersnetwerk van die Verenigde Koninkryk is een van die digste en mees gebruikte spoorwegdienste ter wêreld. Dit was verskeie Britse uitvindings wat die ontwikkeling van moderne spoorweë moontlik gemaak het, miskien die belangrikste was James Watt se heersende stoommasjien, wat tussen 1763 en 1775 ontwikkel is, en die eerste stoomlokomotief deur Richard Trevithick, wat in 1804 voltooi is. gebruik stoomlokomotiewe sou begin werk tussen Stockton-on-Tees en Darlington in Noordoos-Engeland in 1825. Dit beteken dat die netwerk die oudste ter wêreld is. Die meeste is in die 19de eeu gebou in massiewe siviele ingenieurswese-projekte, waarvan baie nou ikonies is (soos die Forth Bridge) en is gekenmerk deur hul elegansie en dat hulle die grootste ingenieurswese is. Alhoewel sommige dele relatief Victoriaans is en ondoeltreffend kan wees, is daar wel nuwe beleggings gedoen. Brittanje se spoorweë het 'n sleutelrol in die Industriële rewolusie, wat grondstowwe, goedere en mense vinnig deur die land kan vervoer.

Na die Tweede Wêreldoorlog het die Britse spoorweë sterk afgeneem met die aanbreek van privaatmotoreienaarskap en kommersiële lugreise, en word hulle dikwels gesien as 'n verouderde vervoermiddel wat 'n belemmering vir vooruitgang was. Ingevolge aanbevelings wat in die vroeë 1960's deur ingenieur en destydse voorsitter van die Britse Spoorweg, Richard Beeching, gemaak is, het die Britse regering baie spoorlyne afgebreek of laat vaar ten gunste van die groei van Brittanje se snelwegnetwerk gedurende die 1960's en 1970's. As gevolg van toenemende opeenhopings op Britse paaie, verhoogde brandstofpryse en toenemend omslagtige veiligheidsmaatreëls vir lugreise, het die Britse spoorweë egter sedert die negentigerjare 'n toename in gewildheid ervaar, en die passasiersgetalle in die moderne tyd het sedert hul Tweede Wêreldoorlog oortref. vlakke - oor 'n netwerk wat skaars die helfte so lank is.

Treinreise is baie gewild in Brittanje — u sal baie dienste doen, en die passasiersgetalle het geleidelik toegeneem. Dit is een van die vinnigste, gemaklikste, gerieflikste en aangenaamste maniere om Brittanje te verken en verreweg die beste manier om tussen die stad te reis. Van High Speed ​​1, wat verbind word Londen aan Kent en die vasteland van Europa, na bewaarde spoorweë wat historiese stoomtreine bestuur deur die idilliese platteland, na moderne interstedelike dienste en die asemrowende natuurskoon lyne van Skotland, die trein kan 'n boeiende en bekostigbare manier wees om baie te sien wat die Verenigde Koninkryk bied. Die National Rail-netwerk beslaan die grootste deel van Groot-Brittanje, vanaf Penzance in Cornwall aan Thurso in die verre noorde van Skotland en meer as 2 600 stasies ingesluit.

Die dubbelpylsimbool dui op 'n spoorwegstasie of 'n spoorwegnetwerk in die hele Brittanje. Dit verskyn op alle stasies, padtekens en kaarte.

Die spoorweginfrastruktuur is in staatsbesit, terwyl private ondernemings (gewoonlik multinasionale vervoermaatskappye) treine bestuur na bestemmings en dienspatrone wat deur die regering gespesifiseer word. (Hierdie gids dek nie treinreise in Noord-Ierland nie - sien Treinreise in Ierland.) Die stelsel word streng beheer deur die nasionale en toegewyde regerings in Londen, Edinburgh en Cardiff wat dit sterk subsidieer.

Ondanks die groot aantal ondernemings, is die ervaring vir die reisiger opvallend goed geïntegreer. Kaartjies kan van enige stasie na enige ander in Groot-Brittanje gekoop word, ongeag hoe ver, hoeveel treinmaatskappye of treinveranderings nodig is om daarheen te kom. Die National Rail webwerf bied roosters en 'n reisbeplanner.

Alhoewel daar kwessies soos oorbevolking tydens spitstye is, is die trein 'n effektiewe en aangename manier om Brittanje te verken en interessante plekke te ontdek. Dit is ook verreweg die beste opsie vir reis deur die stad, met die meeste stadstreine wat teen 200 km / h ry (125 km / h), en stasies in die meeste stede en dorpe in die middestad. Streekdienste ry tot 160 km / h (100 mph). Alhoewel dit beteken dat dienste nie so vinnig is soos die hoëspoedlyne in Frankryk, Duitsland of Japan nie, is daar 'n relatiewe hoë standaard op beide hoof- en sekondêre roetes.

Die geprivatiseerde stelsel word van baie mislukkings beskuldig, en daar word gereeld gevra om die hele netwerk te hernasionaliseer, maar vandag bied die meeste treinondernemings 'n goeie diens, veral op inter- en hoofroetes, alhoewel stiptelikheid baie verskil. Dit is nie verpligtend om vooraf 'n sitplek in 'n trein te bespreek nie, maar kaartjies kos dikwels minder hoe langer u vooraf bespreek - tariewe kan skokkend hoog wees as u 'n kaartjie op die dag van die reis koop, en verrassend genoeg. laag as u 'n paar weke vooraf bespreek.

Die bekroonde Nasionale Spoorwegmuseum by York vertel die verhaal van die Britse spoorweë en hoe dit die samelewing van die 19de eeu tot vandag verander het, met baie historiese en rekordopstellende lokomotiewe, rolmateriaal en ander uitstallings. Toegang is gratis.


Die eienaarskap en struktuur is ingewikkeld, maar u sal dit nie agterkom as u op reis is nie. Die spoor, stasies en infrastruktuur (behalwe vir bewaar spoorweë) word besit en onderhou deur Netwerkspoor, 'n maatskappy wat nie deur die regering besit word nie.

Treine wat bestuur moet word, word deur die regering gespesifiseer en deur die treinbedryfsondernemings (TOC's) bestuur. Hierdie huurkontrak of eie rollende voorraad om die passasiersdienste te bedryf, word in hul franchisekontrakte geëis. Maatskappye ding mee om franchises vir 'n sekere aantal jare te wen. Die volgehoue ​​toestemming om te bestuur, of die vermoë om uitbreidings of toekomstige franchises te wen, hang af van faktore, insluitend waarde-vir-geld, prestasie en kliëntetevredenheid. Regeringsamptenare en ministers van vervoer speel 'n groot rol in die proses. Daar is ook 'n aantal oop toegangsoperateurs, wat onafhanklik van franchising is en treine bestuur in slots wat direk by Network Rail gekoop word.

Die Rail Delivery Group verteenwoordig al die passasierstreinmaatskappye en bemark dit gesamentlik as Nasionale spoorweg. National Rail het die ikoniese wit-op-rooi "dubbelpyl" -logo geërf (sien illustrasie) wat die eerste keer gebruik is deur British Rail, die voormalige staatsbeheerde spoorwegoperateur wat in die negentigerjare geprivatiseer is (hoewel die infrastruktuur in die vroeë 2000's). Die logo word baie gebruik om 'n spoorwegstasie en op padtekens, kaarte, kaartjies en ander plekke aan te dui.


Sien Brittanje se spoorwegerfenis

As u belangstel in die rol wat spoorweë in die Britse samelewing, spoorwegerfenis of net historiese treine gespeel het, besoek die bekroonde, gratis (en gesinsvriendelike) Nasionale Spoorwegmuseum by York Dit is 'n moet; dit is noodsaaklik. Dit is langs die stasie geleë en is die gewildste nasionale museum buite Londen. Die vele uitstallings bevat die vinnigste stoomlokomotief, Mallard, Koningin Victoria se koninklike trein, en die oorspronklike Vlieënde Skot.

Sommige treinbedryfsondernemings beslaan 'n bepaalde geografiese streek, terwyl ander interstadslyne bestuur wat deur verskillende streke beweeg. Vanaf 2021 is die Nasionale spoorweg netwerk van passasiersbedryfsmaatskappye bestaan ​​uit die volgende maatskappye:

Standbeeld van digter Sir John Betjeman wat opkyk na die argitektuur van die London St. Pancras-stasie. U moet ook! Belangrike Britse stasies is dikwels indrukwekkende werke van Victoriaanse argitektuur.
Treine van verskillende operateurs onder dieselfde dak by Manchester Piccadilly.

"Let op die gaping" - die Britse metro-dienste

In bykomend tot hierdie hoofspoormaatskappye, het sommige stede in die Verenigde Koninkryk ook metro- en spoorweg- / tramdienste:

London Overground en Merseyrail (sien hooflys) is op baie maniere soortgelyk aan metro's, maar is eintlik deel van die National Rail-netwerk

Historiese agtergrond

Vanaf die dertigerjare het vaartbelynde lokomotiewe van die 'A4'-klas soos Mallard 'n goue era van treinreise simboliseer. Mallard is nou in die National Railway Museum, York

Die wêreld se eerste openbare spoorweg het in 1825 tussen Stockton en Darlington in die noordooste van Engeland geopen, wat die begin van 'n spoorwegbouboom was. Die meeste spoorweë in Brittanje is deur private ondernemings gebou op soek na wins; tientalle klein ondernemings het plaaslike lyne bestuur, saamgesmelt en mekaar oorgeneem, terwyl ander die mark betree. Teen die middel van die 19de eeu het dit gegroei tot 'n nasionale spoorwegnetwerk. In die 1920's het die regering besluit dat hulle almal saamsmelt in die vier groot maatskappye wat vandag die bekendste is: die Southern Railway, London and North-Eastern Railway (LNER), London, Midland & Scottish Railway (LMS) en die Great Western (GWR) ). Wat gevolg het, was 'n "goue era" van spoedrekords, ikoniese lokomotiewe soos Vlieënde Skot en beelde van die trein as 'n elegante, maar alledaagse reisvorm (u sal moderne treinondernemings sien wat terugdwaal na hierdie goue era). Na die Tweede Wêreldoorlog, waarin die meeste van die infrastruktuur op oorlogspligte verval is, beskadig of vernietig is deur bomaanvalle, het die regering alle spoorweë genasionaliseer in 1948. Die gevolglike staatsbeheerde British Rail het treine vir byna vyftig jaar gedurende 'n tyd bestuur. van verandering toe stoom deur diesel en elektriese trekkrag vervang is, groot hoeveelhede voer- en randlyne in die "Beeching Axe" toegemaak is namate die ouderdom van die motor aanbreek, die snelheid van die lyn toegeneem het, en die nou-ikoniese dubbelpyl-logo (sarkasties) die 'pyle van besluiteloosheid' genoem, het die spoorwegnetwerk en die teenwoordigheid van 'n stasie simboliseer.

Spoorwegplakkate uit die 1940's en 50's het kuns gebruik om reisigers te lok om oorde met die trein te besoek.

British Rail (en nou National Rail) se dubbelpyl-logo en gepaardgaande lettertipe uit die 1960's word erken as ontwerpklassieke uit die tydperk (anders as byna enigiets anders wat British Rail gedoen het), maar is slegs een van die vele prestasies van ontwerp en ingenieurswese wat spoorwegondernemings behaal. in Brittanje. In die 19de eeu is majestueuse stasies soos London St. Pancras, King's Cross, Paddington en Liverpool Street deur spoorwegmaatskappye opgerig. Hierdie "spoorkathedrale" het die sukses van die maatskappye wat dit gebou het, en die plekke waarheen hul lyne deurgeloop het, gesimboliseer (bv. Die Midland-stene waarvan St. Pancras gebou is). Ikoniese brûe en viadukte van die Victoriaanse era, soos die Forth Bridge, het die streke wat hulle loop deur simboliseer. In die 1920's en 30's het vaartbelynde lokomotiewe soos Mallard word simbole van moderniteit wat nou die hoogtepunt van die Britse reis per trein simboliseer, terwyl spoorwegplakkate tussen die dertiger- en vyftigerjare 'n pionier in 'n kunsstyl was wat Brittanje op sy mooiste vertoon het.

Ten spyte van die laagtepunte van die Beeching-era in die 1960's, het British Rail in die 1970's en 80's weer teruggeval toe dit teen die nuwe snelweë terugveg. Die staatsonderneming het 'n nuwe verenigde handelsnaam ontwikkel vir sy langafstand-sneldienste, bekend as InterCity, en dit, tesame met die elektrifisering van die twee hooflynroetes van Londen na Skotland, en nuwe hoëtegnologiese vragmotors het 'n oplewing in patronaatskap gehad wat op sy beurt die verlies wat streeksroetes en oorblywende taklyne van sluiting beskerm, beskerm. Afname en verwaarlosing was egter steeds baie duidelik in die hele stelsel, aangesien dit gebuk onder die regering se belegging gehad het. Met die politieke klimaat van die tyd wat die private bedryf van openbare dienste bevoordeel, was dit onvermydelik dat die netwerk van staatsbeheer na die private sektor geskuif sou word. Hierdie era het ook twee belangrike nuwe ontwikkelings in die rollende materie gehad. Anders as Frankryk, waar nuwe hoëspoedlyne regoor die land gebou is, het British Rail dit moontliker geag om nuwe treine te bou wat aangepas is vir die kronkelende en dikwels nie-geëlektrifiseerde bestaande netwerk. Die "High-Speed-Train" (HST) was bedoel as 'n stopgat totdat die "Advanced Passenger Train" (APT) in diens sou tree. Terwyl laasgenoemde egter geteister is met tandvleisprobleme, 'n gebrek aan politieke konsensus in sy guns en uiteindelik slegs baie min inkomstediens gesien het, het die HST meer as 40 jaar in diens gebly oor interstedelike dienste, en dit was eers vanaf 2019 dat dit was stadig weer aan streeksdienste toegeken. Dit gesê, die aktiewe kanteltegnologie wat die APT baanbrekerswerk gedoen het, word gebruik in die Pendolino-treine wat tot vandag toe op Britse spore ry.

British Rail se ikoniese logo en lettertipe uit die 1960's het die voorkoms en gevoel van die spoorweg in die moderne era bepaal. Die logo identifiseer vandag nog 'n stasie.

Na 'n ondeurdagte privatisering in die middel van die negentigerjare, was die netwerk gefragmenteerd met verskillende maatskappye wat die spoor loop, rolmateriaal en tientalle klein ondernemings wat treine bedryf, maar met groot ingryping deur die regering, subsidie ​​en beheer van die stelsel. Die infrastruktuur (bv. Spore, seine en stasies) is in die vroeë 2000's hernasionaliseer na 'n finansiële ineenstorting wat veroorsaak is deur die noodlottige Hatfield-ongeluk in Oktober 2000, en sedertdien het die stelsel ingebed en ontwikkel tot 'n effektiewe vervoerstelsel, alhoewel sommige deurlopende kwessies, om 'n gemengde spoorweg van die openbare / private sektor te gee. Winste wat aan die private sektor toegeval is, maar subsidies is betaal en presiese dienste wat uitgevoer moet word, is deur die regering gespesifiseer. Teen 2013 het die passasiersgetalle hoogty gevier ondanks die jaarlikse styging in tariewe. Britte betaal die hoogste tariewe vir treinreise ter wêreld; byvoorbeeld, 'n jaarlikse pendelticket van 'n buitenste voorstad in Londen is duurder as die BahnCard 100 geldig vir reis op almal Duitse treine.

Gedurende die 2010's het dit duidelik geword dat die franchise-stelsel onvolhoubaar was: met elke franchise-hernuwing is minder en minder ondernemings aangebied, en die meeste bied slegs vir korttermynkontrakte. Daarbenewens was daar 'n toename in franchise-mislukkings, wat vereis dat die regering moes oorneem as 'n 'noodstopgap', soms herhaaldelik vir dieselfde spoorlyn. Toenemende oproepe tot verandering word grotendeels deur Whitehall tot niet bewerkstellig totdat die gebeure deur die Covid-19-pandemie: met passasiersvlakke wat daal en die spoorwegbedryf op die punt van bankrotskap, moes die regering optree. 'N Groot kontantinspuiting in Maart 2020 het die franchises effektief onder openbare beheer gebring, alhoewel dit tydelik was. Toe, in September 2020, is aangekondig dat die franchise-stelsel geskrap sou word. Alhoewel permanente hernasionalisering onder 'n konserwatiewe regering altyd onwaarskynlik was, sal die nuwe stelsel in die toekoms 'n baie strenger greep hê. Die waarskynlikste plaasvervanger vir franchising is 'n konsessiemodel waardeur 'n langtermynkontrak toegeken word in ruil vir 'n vaste jaarlikse betaling van die tesourie, met rooster en tariewe onder staatsbeheer en tariefinkomste wat weer in die openbare beurs gaan. Ten minste een deel van Brittanje gaan egter voort met volle hernasionalisering: in Februarie 2021 is vervoer vir Wallis-dienste deur die Walliese regering (Arbeid) in openbare besit gebring.

Mees skilderagtige roetes

Uitsig vanaf die trein met die West Highland Line.
Ribblehead Viaduct op die Settle-Carlisle Line, Noord-Yorkshire.
Trein vertrek vanaf Dawlish op die Riviera-lyn, langs die seewand.

Baie lyne sny deur skouspelagtige Britse platteland en loop langs dramatiese kusstede, veral in Skotland, Wallis en die noorde en suidweste van Engeland. Op baie plekke dra elegante Victoriaanse viaducte en brûe die skoonheid van die natuurlike landskap by (eerder as afbreuk doen daaraan). Van die vele sulke skilderagtige roetes, is daar 'n paar wat deel uitmaak van die National Rail-netwerk en 'n vervoerdiens bied aan die gemeenskappe langs die roete, asook toeriste lok. Bewarings- en erfenisspoorweë bedryf ander (gewoonlik met stoomtreine) op 'n pragtige platteland (sien die onderstaande gedeelte oor bewaar spoorweë).

  • Cambrian Line (Shrewsbury - Aberystwyth/Pwllheli). Dit is 'n roete wat eers deur die semi-bergagtige bergterrein van Mid-Wallis, en dan die Dovey-vallei voordat u die kus bereik. Die roete gaan deur Machynlleth voordat jy by Dovey Junction verdeel, suidwes. Die suidelike gedeelte op pad na Aberystwyth, die noordelike gedeelte tot Pwllheli in Noord-Wallis. Aan die noordelike arm is die kus van eers die Dovey-riviermond en dan Cardiganbaai langsaan. Die berge van Snowdonia is eers na die noorde en dan oos, aangesien die lyn fyn op die kus vleg. Die spoorlyn kruis die riviermonding Mawddach Barmouth Brug, noordwaarts, om te bereik Harlech en wes draai na Minffordd en Porthmadog. 'N Hardloop wes langs die noordelike rand van Cardiganbaai voltooi die aanloop Pwllheli. Die roete verbind ook met baie van die smalspoor "klein treine van Wallis" wat gebruik kan word om die bergagtige Walliese binneland te verken.
  • Exeter-Penzance (insluitend 'n deel van die Riviera Line): Hierdie lyn is ontwerp deur die beroemde ingenieur Brunel as deel van sy Great Western Railway Exeter, Devon aan Penzance, Cornwall en sluit lang stukke in waar die spoorlyn direk op die seemuur loop, soos by Dawlish. Dit loop ook deur welige valleie, verby die dramatiese Dartmoor, kruis viaduktes deur Brunel en betree Cornwall met die indrukwekkende Royal Albert-brug oor die Tamarrivier (uitgespreek TAY-mar). Beelde van golwe wat deur die spoorlyn by Dawlish breek, is ikonies van Devon. Die stuk tussen Exeter en Newton Abbot is veral mooi, terwyl die trein langs die seemuur ry deur die mooi kusdorpe Starcross, Dawlish en Teignmouth (uitgespreek "Tin-muth"). Hou u oë vasgenael op daardie venster vir daardie 15-20 minute strek!
  • Heart of Wales Line( Die hele reis vanaf Swansea aan Shrewsbury duur ongeveer vier uur en gaan deur sommige van Wallis se mooiste berggebiede en skilderagtige markdorpe.
  • Stonehaven-Aberdeen: Die lyn noord van Edinburgh aan Aberdeen kruis die ikoniese Forth Bridge. Aan die noordekant, tussen die mooi hawestad, Stonehaven en die "Granite City", Aberdeen, loop dit vir ongeveer 20 minute langs 'n dramatiese, kronkelende kus met skouspelagtige kranse wat in die Noordsee styg. Robuuste inhamme en golwe wat op die rotse breek, dra by tot die toneel. Die roete is veral indrukwekkend met sonsopkoms (soos gesien kan word as u die slaapplek van Londen na Aberdeen neem)
  • Die Verre Noordlyn van die vinnig groeiende stad Inverness tot die noordelikste stad van Brittanje, Thurso, loop deur indrukwekkende Hoogland-natuurskoon, sowel as die Moray Firth, die Dornoch Firth en die indrukwekkende kus van Sutherland. Nog 'n skilderagtige roete vertrek Inverness vir Kyle of Lochalsh, met sy skakels na die skouspelagtige eiland Skye.
  • Die Settle-Carlisle Line loop 117 km vanaf Settle in Noord-Yorkshire (of u kan vroeër by die hoofstad in die trein aansluit Leeds) na die stad van Carlisle, naby die Skotse grens. Dit is die mooiste spoorweg in Engeland en loop deur die dramatiese Pennine Hills en die Yorkshire Dales National Park. Van die vele viaduktes is die dramatiese Ribblehead Viaduct met sy 24 klipboë die opvallendste, en vanaf baie van die stasies op die roete kan daar baie geloop word. (Hierdie lyn is in die 1980's geoormerk, maar openbare druk en groeiende vragverkeer het beteken dat dit oop gebly het)
  • Die West Highland Line van Glasgow na die weskus hawestede Mallaig en Oban is waarskynlik die skouspelagtigste in die Verenigde Koninkryk en word gereeld onder die beste spoorwegreise ter wêreld verkies. Die nagslaper van London Euston na Fort William loop ook op die roete en in die somer is daar 'n daaglikse stoomtrein genaamd 'The Jacobite'. Skouspelagtige uitsigte sluit in Loch Lomond en die Gareloch, die dramatiese Rannoch Moor, die Glenfinnan Viaduct (soos te sien in die Harry Potter-films en Skotse banknote) en 'n pragtige uitsig oor die Hebrides van Mallaig, onder vele ander tydens die rit van 4 uur.


'N Prestasie van die Britse spoorweg wat vandag nog bestaan, is dat u 'n deurkaartjie vanaf enige stasie in Groot-Brittanje na enige ander stasie kan koop, met inbegrip van die trein, treinondernemings of selfs veranderings. Londense metro of Manchester Metrolink verbindings is nodig.



'N Sekonde, baie langer, hoëspoedlyn is in aanbou; Hoë spoed 2 (HS2) word gebou om die Weskus-hooflyn en Midland-hooflyn te verlig. Die eerste afdeling, wat bedoel is om in 2029 oop te wees, sal 'n opgeknapte skakel Londen Euston na 'n nuwe stasie in Birmingham, terwyl die volledige roete na Manchester en Leeds moet teen 2035 voltooi wees.

Die nuwe lyn van 400 km / h (250 mph) sal die verbindings tussen baie Britse dorpe en stede ver buite die roete verbeter, maar die hoë koste en die negatiewe impak op die omgewing en die maatskaplike belang het baie kritiek opgelewer. Ten spyte van die roete wat stede buite die suidooste vir die eerste keer 'n hoëspoedtrein gee, beskou sommige noordelikes dit ook as verdieping, en genees dit nie die Noord-Suid-kloof en die Londense oorheersing nie. Totdat die diens vir die publiek oopgestel word, is die teenwoordigheid van STOP HS2 baniere oor die lengte van die roete.

Die meeste interstedelike dienste ry teen 201 km / h, selfs op nie-geëlektrifiseerde lyne. Brittanje was die eerste land wat hoëspoed-dieseldienste in die 1970's ingestel het (gebruik InterCity 125 treine wat, wat opgeknap is, vandag nog 'n steunpilaar van sommige roetes is). Anders as in sommige lande, kos hoëspoeddienste nie meer as ander nie, behalwe die treine wat op High Speed ​​1 van London St Pancras na stasies in Kent ry. Hier betaal u hoër tariewe as stadiger dienste wat nie die spoedlyn gebruik nie, en daar is geen goedkoper voor- of off-peak-kaartjies nie. Weg van die interlyne is die snelhede tot 160 km / h op hooflyne en minder op minder klein roetes. In die ou Suidelike Streek ('n streek begrens deur die Teemsrivier en die Suidwestelike Hooflyn tot Weymouth), is selfs interstedelike dienste beperk tot 100 km / u vanweë die beperkings van derdispoor-elektrifisering.

Op nie-interstedelike dienste (veral in Suidoos-Engeland), kan u die term hoor vinnig, soos in die volgende aankondiging: "Bel by Sevenoaks, Petts Wood, Bromley South, dan vinnig na London Charing Cross". Dit verwys nie na spoed nie - dit beteken sonder ophou. Die trein in bogenoemde aankondiging sal dus die vele stasies tussen Bromley South en London Charing Cross misloop. 'N' Vinnige 'diens is onophoudelik, terwyl' semi-vinnig 'slegs by sekere stasies bel.

Klasse van reis

Standaardklas-interieur van opgeknap InterCity 125 (ook bekend as HST) wat deur CrossCountry bedryf word. Die InterCity 125 is die wêreld se vinnigste dieseltrein.
1ste klas interieur van Klas 221 Super Voyager

Twee klasse werk: standaardklas en 1ste klas. Pendeltreine en sommige plaaslike dienste bied slegs standaardklas aan.

  • Standaardklas akkommodasie het gewoonlik twee sitplekke aan weerskante van die gang met 'n mengsel van 'tafel' of meer privaat sitplekke in 'lugdiensstyl'. Sommige treine, wat ontwerp is vir meer intensiewe pendelaars, kan drie sitplekke aan die een kant en twee aan die ander kant hê, of selfs net langs die mure sit met baie staanplek.
  • Eersteklas akkommodasie op interstedelike dienste het twee sitplekke en een sitplek aan weerskante van die gang, met 'n groter sitplek, meer beenruimte, 'n drankdiens, drankies, 'n koerant en 'n koerant (nie almal by die sitplekdienste is die naweek beskikbaar nie) ; eerste klas oor pendeldienste is gewoonlik baie meer basies en kan twee sitplekke weerskante van die gang wees sonder diens op die sitplek. Afgesien van lang reise (2 uur of meer) of besige treine (dws 08:00 trein na Londen), is dit egter amper sinloos om 'n eersteklaskaartjie te koop. Dit is omdat, afgesien van die feit dat u meer geneig is om te sit (dit is in elk geval redelik waarskynlik), dit amper geen voordele vir die prysverskil het nie. Kontroleer egter die pryse wanneer u bespreek, want eersteklas tariewe buite die piek kan soms verbasend redelik wees, en op 'n langer reis is ekstra been- en elmboogkamer sowel as die (dikwels redelik goeie) maaltye en drankies lekker. Dit is ook die moeite werd om die webwerf van die treinoperateur te besoek om te sien wat die eerste klas u bied, byvoorbeeld Avanti West Coast bied 'n volledige maaltyddiens, terwyl sommige ander operateurs u net 'n groter sitplek bied. In die naweek bied baie treine 'n redelike goedkoop eersteklas-opgradering aan as u die trein geklim het. Dit word gewoonlik aangekondig, of u kan die treinpersoneel vra.

In beide 1ste en standaardklasse bied die meeste treine ook:

  • Gratis sitplekbesprekings (nie pendelaars of plaaslike dienste nie), aangedui deur 'n papierplaatjie of elektroniese vertoning bo elke sitplek
  • 'N Opstap buffet, of a trolliediens drankies en verversings wat op langafstandtreine deur die trein beweeg
  • Lugversorging (nie altyd beskikbaar vir pendelaars of plaaslike dienste nie)
  • Ten minste een wa met 'n toilet wat volledig toeganklik is vir gestremdhede en baba-kleedkamers
  • Oor interstedelike dienste, a draadlose internet diens ('n koste kan van toepassing wees)
  • Die meeste treinverbindings bied 'n "Rustige afrigter" waar die gebruik van selfone, iPod's, gesprekke en enige ander geraas nie toegelaat word nie. Dit is te vinde in treine wat bestuur word deur LNER, CrossCountry, Avanti West Coast, East Midlands Trains, Eurostar, Great Western Railway en Abellio Greater Anglia se interstedelike dienste.

Rook en alkohol

Rook is verbode vir Britte en Romeine op Wallsend-stasie

Rook is onwettig aan boord van treine in Groot-Brittanje (en in werklikheid in enige geslote openbare plek in Engeland, Wallis en Skotland). Treine is toegerus met rookalarms, ook in toilette. As daar gesien word dat u rook, sal treinpersoneel reël dat die Britse vervoerpolisie om by die volgende stasie te wag en jy sal gearresteer en beboet word. Rook is ook onwettig op stasieplatforms en enige ander spoorweg-eiendom, alhoewel dit op kleiner of plattelandse stasies oor die algemeen geïgnoreer word as u so ver as moontlik van die hoofwagarea in die buitelug rook. Aanvaarde elektroniese sigarette is nie aan boord van treine toegelaat nie, maar sommige treinondernemings laat u toe om op die perron te vape.

Alhoewel alkoholgebruik op die meeste treine en stasies nie noodwendig verbode is nie, kan u afkeurende blik van medereisigers en spoorwegpersoneel kry as u dit op die perron gebruik. Enkele uitsonderings hierop word hieronder opgemerk.

Treinmaatskappye kan tydens sommige geleenthede en op sekere tye alkoholgebruik op hul dienste beperk (byvoorbeeld treine wat na gewilde sportbyeenkomste gaan) en sodanige beperkings op die trein of op stasies bekend maak. As daar alkohol gevind word waar dit beperk word, sal dit gekonfiskeer word. U sal slegs beboet word as u u alkohol nie oorgee nie of aanhou drink nadat u gewaarsku is.

Britse vervoerpolisie kan u ook op enige tydstip van enige stasie of trein verwyder as u ongeskik geag word om deur dronkenskap te reis, en spoorwegpersoneel nie huiwer om hul ingryping te vra om die verordeninge op die spoorweg af te dwing nie, indien nodig.

In Skotland op treine wat deur ScotRail bestuur word, is dit onwettig om in besit te wees van alkohol of alkohol te verbruik voor 10:00 of na 21:00. Hierdie beslissing is nie van toepassing op die Caledonian Sleeper Service nie.

Ingevolge aparte verordeninge word spesifieke plaaslike vervoernetwerke soos die Londense metro ook alkoholverbod implementeer.

Landelike dienste

On some rural, local services (particularly in the north-west and south-west of England), some smaller stations are request stops (this will normally be indicated on the schedule as well as announced on the public-address system). If boarding at a request stop, the train will slow down and may also sound its horn - if you wish to board the train then raise your arm so that the driver can see you. If you wish to alight at a request stop, you should notify train staff as to which station you wish to get off at and he will signal the driver to stop.

Regional, local and commuter lines

A vast network of lines provide services between towns and cities of regional importance (e.g. Liverpool - Manchester), local services (e.g. Settle - Carlisle) and commuter services around many major cities (the network is particularly dense around London, Glasgow, Birmingham and Liverpool). Most towns and cities of interest or importance can be reached by rail, or by rail and a connecting bus link (e.g. a bus service connects Leuchars Station with St Andrews). It's worth trying the journey planner on the National Rail website to see if a place you're interested in is served (see section on Planning your Trip below).

Inter-City lines

The inter-city network developed from six historic mainlines. Line speed is up to 125 mph (201 km/h), but is up to 186 mph (299 km/h) for High Speed 1 which is only achieved by Eurostar with domestic trains limited to 140 mph (230 km/h), and 100 mph (160 km/h) for the Great Eastern line. The 125 mph top speed on the West Coast main line can only be achieved by tiling trains, with conventional trains limited to 110 mph (180 km/h). All inter-city lines connect to London at one end, except for the Cross-Country Route. There are numerous stations in London, with each mainline terminating at a different station (e.g. Paddington, King's Cross, St. Pancras, Euston). These stations are linked by the London Underground network.

Main concourse at London King's Cross station, terminus of the East Coast Main Line to Scotland and the north of England, as well as local and regional services to Cambridgeshire and destinations north of London.

While these are the routes showing high speed services, some operators run longer-distance "fast" or "semi-fast" connections on local lines, one such example being Abellio Greater Anglia's West Anglia Main Line "fast" service which only calls at London Liverpool Street, Tottenham Hale, Harlow Mill, Bishops Stortford, Audley End, Whittlesford Parkway and Cambridge. A much longer Arriva Trains Wales service travels regularly from Milford Haven to Manchester calling at towns and cities like Carmarthen, Llanelli, Swansea, Bridgend, Cardiff, Newport, Abergavenny, Crewe and Manchester Piccadilly. These trains are not served by high speed trains and will often operate at slower speeds. They may also call at intermediate stations on the route. It is worth checking where your train stops at, and whether there may be a quicker connection, for example, Great Northern's London King's Cross - Cambridge would be quicker than Greater Anglia's London Liverpool Street - Cambridge.

Sleeper trains

There are three scheduled sleeper trains in Britain that operate every night (except Saturday) in each direction. Travelling more slowly than their equivalent daytime trains, they offer a comfortable means of overnight travel. All feature a lounge car that is open to passengers booked in berths (although on busy nights the Caledonian Sleeper sometimes restrict access to the lounge car to first-class passengers only). A buffet service of food and drinks is available in the lounge car, offering affordable snacks and drinks.

London to Scotland

A Club room on the Caledonian Sleeper, with the top berth stowed. Club and Classic rooms include one or two beds and a washbasin, and Club rooms also have a private WC and shower.

Serco operate two Caledonian Sleepers to Scotland, Sunday to Friday.

  • The Lowland Sleeper leaves Londen Euston around 23:00, and divides at Carstairs to reach Glasgow Central and Edinburgh for 07:30; the southbound trains depart around 23:30.
  • The Highland Sleeper leaves Londen Euston around 21:00, and divides at Edinburgh to reach Aberdeen for 07:40 (returning 21:40), Inverness for 08:40 (returning 20:40) and Fort William for 10:00 (returning 19:30). Passengers for Edinburgh may not use the Highland Sleeper, as this is just a service halt. This train stops at many intermediate stations (eg Dundee, Stirling and Perth) but very early in the morning: it might be more convenient, and cheaper, to take the Lowland Sleeper to Edinburgh or Glasgow then change to a daytime train.

Reservations on Caledonian Sleepers are compulsory, and if you already hold a daytime ticket or rail pass, you need to buy a sleeper supplement.

The Caledonian Sleeper introduced new rolling stock in 2019. Reclining seats are cheapest: these are comparable to daytime first class but with no at-seat service, and the lights stay on all night. It's an uncomfortable way to spend the night; note that sitting passengers on the Fort William portion of the train must change carriages in Edinburgh. Sleeper compartments have up to two berths in three configurations: "classic" rooms include up & down bunk beds and a washbasin; "club" rooms have up & down bunks with basin, WC and shower; and double bedrooms have one double bed with basin, WC and shower. These are sold on the same basis as hotel rooms, so you pay extra for single occupancy, but you don't have to share with a stranger. Pricing is dynamic, you pay less in advance, much more at weekends or around the Edinburgh Festival if indeed there are berths available. Reckon £140 single and £170 double "classic" to Edinburgh and £45 for seating only. Booking is open 12 months in advance; you need to print out your e-ticket to present on boarding.

London to the West Country

GWR Night Riviera cabin for two. The top bunk is folded away for solo travellers.

Great Western Railway operate the Night Riviera Sleeper, which travels along a single route from Londen Paddington to Plymouth, Devon and Penzance, Cornwall, calling at numerous intermediate stations. Reservations on Great Western Railway sleepers are optional in seated accommodation, and supplements are payable on top of the basic fare to reserve a berth. The Night Riviera offers two kinds of accommodation:

  • Standard class seated accommodation (the seats do not recline).
  • Sleeper berths: either a cabin with two berths or (for a higher supplement) a cabin with just one. Solo travellers will not have to share with another traveller, but must book a single cabin instead. The sleeping compartments have been refurbished to a very high standard and each includes a washbasin with soap and towel, a compact wardrobe and electric sockets with USB charging ports. Sleeper berth passengers will be served a complimentary breakfast. There are no showers on board the sleepers, but berth passengers may use the showers at Paddington, Truro and Penzance stations free of charge. Berth passengers may also use the first class lounge at Paddington before or after their journey.

Parliamentary trains

A British peculiarity is the Parliamentary train of ghost trains. This is usually where the railway company wants to close the station, or a particular service, or the entire line, but the legal process for doing so is complex and expensive. So instead they run the very minimum service that the law requires: just one a week, in one direction only, usually at an inconvenient time. Other parliamentary trains are used to keep up driver familiarity with unusual movements. An example of the latter is the once-daily Chiltern Railways train to London Paddington instead of the usual London Marylebone, since trains are occasionally diverted there.

Some examples of parliamentary trains include:

  • London Liverpool Street to Enfield Town via South Tottenham, Saturday at 0531 (trains normally go via Stoke Newington)
  • Wolverhampton to Walsall direct, Saturday at 0638
  • Gillingham to Sheerness-on-Sea, weekdays at 0456 and return at 2132
  • Northampton to Crewe stopping at Polesworth station, Monday to Saturday at 0723

The companies’ behaviour is cynical and it's tempting to incite a flash-mob to board all such trains (ghost-costumes optional) then write to their MPs to say what a splendid service it was, that must please be kept running. There is however an upside to this. Unlike the stations and lines closed during the "Beeching Axe" when Britain lost half its rail network in the span of not even a full decade, stations (only) served by a "Parliamentary Train" can become regular stations with frequent service rather quickly. It does not happen maybe as often as some would want, but there have been instances of lines going from the bare minimum of "train service" in order to avoid the lengthy process of shutdown to regular and actually useful service.

Planning your trip

Britain's longest train journey

The longest single train journey in Britain is the 08:20 from Aberdeen aan Penzance, operated by CrossCountry . It takes nearly 13 and a half hours (arriving at 21:43) making thirty-three intermediate stops and covering 1162km (722 miles). It is operated by either a four coach Class 220 Voyager or five coach Class 221 Super Voyager diesel train, and is prone to overcrowding at busy points on the journey. A delightful travel piece in die Telegraph recounts a father and son's experience of the complete journey on a summer's day.

The best source of information is the National Rail website at It has a very useful journey planner, gives live updates for all stations, has station information and plans, ticket information, as well as a useful Cheapest Fare Finder (however "split ticketing" may still be cheaper). Most of these services are also available by telephone from the National Rail Enquiries phone service on 44 3457 48 49 50. The National Rail website gives prices but does not sell tickets (however it will link to a choice of several websites which do). Among the train operators' websites, a useful one for planning travel and buying tickets is:

The Forth Bridge takes the line north from Edinburgh across the firth of Forth, to Fife en Aberdeen.

It is advisable not to use the various independent train booking websites that also exist, which often charge unavoidable additional fees for tickets which can all be purchased without the fees from any train companies website! (e.g. for booking, using a debit card, using a credit card, receiving tickets by post or collecting them at the station).

  • Do not use third-party ticket websites: tickets sold on,, or can be purchased at a cheaper rate and without any booking or card fees from any train company's website! Some third-party ticket websites charge booking/collection/credit card fees, while the official train company websites do not. advertises frequently in the media in the UK, leaving some people convinced that it's cheaper, however in reality it's impossible to get a cheaper deal there no matter what anyone tells you!

Buying tickets

Let opNota: Deliberate fare evasion on British trains is a criminal offence and may lead to prosecution. The maximum penalty if found guilty is a fine of up to £1,000 or up to three months in prison. In most cases, you should buy a ticket before you board a train.

A feature of the network is that you can purchase a through-ticket from any one station to any other in Great Britain, regardless of which or how many train companies you will need to travel on. You buy tickets at station ticket offices of ticket machines. Smaller stations may have no ticket office and very minor ones will not have a machine; in this situation you should buy your ticket on-board from the conductor as soon as you can. Alternatively, more and more travellers buy from one of the train company's websites, all of which have a journey planner and sell tickets for all services, not just their own. If you buy on a website from one of the companies listed in the Passenger Rail Companies section above, you can receive your tickets in a number of different ways (depending on provider):

  • Post: you can have tickets sent to you by post (takes 2–3 days), but this may have to be to the address that your bank card is registered at.
  • Versameling: you can pick them up at a train station you specify that has an automated ticket machine. If you are collecting tickets from a machine, you need any bank card plus the ticket collection reference in your confirmation email. If travelling from an unstaffed station without a ticket machine, it will not be possible to collect your ticket there. You should use another method or collect your ticket from another station before travelling. However, if travelling within Scotland, ScotRail unofficially accept seeing your confirmation email instead. If travelling to a station with barriers, they may ask you to collect your ticket there to leave the station. For example, boarding a train at Achnasheen, you would show the conductor your confirmation email. When arriving in Inverness, you may need to print out your ticket from the machine there. In this case, select Inverness as your collection station when buying the ticket.
  • Print at Home: you can print the ticket at home on your printer (only on some routes).
  • Mobile: you can have your ticket delivered to your smartphone, which you just present on the train (only on some routes).

A ticket does not guarantee a seat unless you also have a seat reservation. Depending on ticket type and train company, this may come automatically with the ticket or you may be asked if you wish to reserve a seat - ask if you are unsure. Some trains (mostly local and commuter services) do not permit seat reservations. If you have no seat reservation, you may have to stand if the train is busy.

Ticket types

Typical UK rail ticket. Credit-card sized, with details of the fare and journey printed on the ticket. It has a magnetic strip on the back, which allows it to open station ticket gates.
A typical National Rail reservation coupon, in this case the paid standard class supplement required for a berth in the Glasgow to London sleeper (there is no charge for a seat reservation on a day time train). The reserved bed is in coach N, berth 23L ('L' for lower of two berths). Printed in the same format of card as a ticket, no reservation is valid without an accompanying ticket.

Point-to-point tickets come in three types: Advance, Off-Peak and Anytime. Daar is ook 'Rover' tickets, for unlimited journeys in a particular area. You can usually book any of these up to three months in advance, and less expensive tickets are more likely to be available the further in advance you book. You can choose between flexibility (generally more expensive) and value (less or no flexibility), similar to an airline. Off-peak times are usually any time after 9.30am and all weekends and public holidays, although some companies around London also have a weekday afternoon peak. Services are much more expensive outside these off-peak times. In increasing order of cost, tickets are classed as:

  • Advance - are usually the cheapest tickets (although if you are making a return journey, a return ticket can sometimes be cheaper than two Advance tickets). Advance tickets must be bought in advance and you must travel on a specific train, at a specific time. Most train companies allow booking up to 6pm the evening before travel, but some companies sell advance tickets up to 15 minutes before departure, notably CrossCountry, via their mobile app. Advance tickets are limited, so once a set number have been sold, the only tickets available may be Off-Peak or Anytime tickets. If you get a different train to that stated on your ticket, you will need to pay for a new ticket (at full price) and on some trains you will also have to pay a penalty fare (at least £20 extra). You can not board or leave the train at any station except those stated on the ticket unless you have another ticket to that station.
  • Off-Peak - Buy any time, must travel at 'off-peak' times, ticket is more expensive than Advance ticket. Change in travel plans possible. You can break your journey anywhere en route. Some lines also offer Super Off-Peak tickets with more restrictions that may be cheaper, but they will still be flexible.
  • Anytime - Buy any time, travel any time, most expensive ticket. Change in travel plans easily made, plus you can just travel any time you like.

Advance tickets are only sold as single (one-way) tickets. To make a return journey, simply purchase two singles. Off-Peak and Anytime tickets are available as single or return. With the exception of some suburban and commuter trains, the cheapest fares are almost always Advance tickets; however these are not always the best value, particularly for return journeys. Advance tickets are released for sale in limited numbers approximately 12 weeks in advance, and these tickets can only be used on the train specified on the reservation. To check how far ahead 'Advance' tickets are available, visit National Rail's "Booking Horizons" page. If you have not booked in advance, short-distance travel is still affordable if you buy on the day of travel, but if you try to buy longer-distance tickets on the day (e.g. London-Scotland) make sure your budget is prepared.

If you are purchasing a less restricted off-peak of anytime ticket, return fares are often only a small amount more than a single (one-way ticket). Off-peak and anytime return tickets usually allow travel back up to a month after departure, outbound travel must be completed the day the ticket was purchased except if the journey is not possible to complete in one day, the ticket was purchased after the last through train left, or you are using a sleeper. However, you can change trains as many times as you want en-route if you want to get out and take in the sights. For shorter distance journeys a cheaper "Day Return" may be available, where outbound and return travel must be completed on the same day (a "day" is defined at ending 04:29 the following day). Tickets are valid until 04:29 the day after the 'valid until' date shown on the ticket. Tickets purchased after midnight are valid until 04:29 the following day (28 hours after purchase). These fare are extremely flexible allowing you to travel on any train operated by any company and break your journey as many times as you like. On some intermediate-length routes, e.g. between London and Cambridge, both returns and day returns are available. Often people (including ticket officers) will use "return" to mean "day return"—this can cause confusion. It's always best to specify when buying your ticket either "period return" (return within a month) or "day return" (return the same day) just to be sure you're getting the right one.

Tips to save money

Some stations, like Birmingham New Street, have whole shopping centres integrated into the concourse. Even if you do save money on the train fare, you may find yourself parting with your cash in other ways!

There are various ways to obtain discounts, for some people, some of the time. The simplest way to get cheaper tickets is always to book as far in advance as possible.

Split-journey tickets

An example of the complexity and lack of logic in ticket pricing is that it can sometimes be cheaper to split a journey into two or more segments, and buy a separate ticket for each segment. This can apply to any of the ticket types listed above. For example, as at August 2018 a standard-class off-peak return ticket from Reading to Bristol costs £63.20. If you are making that journey in a day, however, it would be better to buy day return tickets from Reading to Didcot costs £6.60, and from Didcot to Bristol costs £24.90 - a total of £31.50, saving over 50%. You would buy both tickets before starting the journey.

These tickets are valid only on trains that are scheduled to stop at the relevant intermediate station. In the example above, you would have to use a train that stops at Didcot - some but not all Reading-Bristol trains do so. But there is no need for you actually to break your journey at the intermediate station, unless you wish to. There is little rhyme or reason as to which journeys can be made cheaper by this tactic, although it seems that journeys starting and finishing at major locations tend to be relatively more expensive (in our example, Reading and Bristol are both much bigger places than Didcot). It also tends to be cheaper to split journeys without day returns into two shorter journeys with day returns (also seen in our example). You have to do your own research by using the National Rail site mentioned above. Splitting at most locations increases the cost rather than decreasing it.

There's little risk if you're using more than one separate ticket for different segments of the journey on een train. However, this strategy carries risk if you're using more than one train: If you have two low-price, advance-purchase tickets which can only be used on specific trains and the first train is late and you miss your second, connecting train, then, although you are completely legally entitled to use a later connecting train as long as you have allowed the set 'connection time' (at least 5 minutes, up to 15 minutes for the largest stations - see and enter the station name for details) at your interchange station, some staff who are unaware of this rule may still demand that you purchase a new ticket for the second leg of your train journey. This is likely to be at eye-watering, wallet-destroying cost as walk-up fares can be extremely expensive for journeys that are not short. If you are inexperienced with travelling by train in the UK, it is safer to purchase a through-ticket direct to your destination. This means that if one of your connecting trains is late, you should still be able to travel to your final destination at no extra cost.

You can buy tickets from any station in the UK to any other station in the UK at any ticket office allowing to purchase "split tickets" you can not buy these from self service machines. If the station you are starting your journey at has no ticket office, you can buy the first ticket from the self-service machine, and in some cases tickets from other stations as well. If not, then you can usually then board the train with the first ticket and then immediately find the conductor to purchase the rest, but this is not guaranteed.

  • is a website which finds split tickets and allows you book them online (for a small fee) if you want.

Specifying a route or train company

There may be several different possible routes to your destination, with different fares. A ticket valid via 'ANY PERMITTED' routes may be more expensive than a ticket that is restricted to a specific route or to a specific train company.

Change of route excess

Picturesque Blaenau Ffestiniog once filled goods trains with slate destined for the world over.

A little known secret is the possibility to excess a ticket to a different route. This allows you to save money when travelling on a cheaper route one way and return on a more expensive route. Take for example off-peak returns from Dundee to Inverness. There are two different tickets available. One is free of any restrictions, bearing the inscription ANY PERMITTED, the other requires you to travel VIA AVIEMORE. The former costs £56.10, the latter only £36.90. An online journey planner will offer you the ANY PERMITTED ticket in this case. At a ticket office you'll however be able to buy a ticket VIA AVIEMORE and a change of route excess for the direction where you want to travel via Aberdeen (not passing through Aviemore). The change of route excess is only half the difference between the two tickets. You'll pay only £46.50, a saving of more than 17% compared to the ANY PERMITTED ticket.

Similarly, on a small number of routes it's possible to get a cheaper ticket if you travel with a specific operator. Usually this involves taking a slower or less frequent train. For example, a single with no restrictions between Glasgow and Edinburgh is 12.5GBP. A ticket for CrossCountry only is 8.5GBP. Similarly look out for Avanti West Coast only fares between the south and Scotland or Greater Anglia only fares between Cambridge and London. However, tickets restricted by a specific operator can not usually be excessed, except in special circumstances.

Break of Journey

Most tickets (other than advance tickets) allows you to break your journey as many times as you like within the day. So if you're going from A to C but getting off at B on the way, and B is on a valid route between A and C, you only need one ticket rather than two separate ones.


Discounts are available for:

  • Children - up to the age of 15, normally a half fare
  • Small Groups – of between 3 and 9 people
  • Large Groups – 10 or more people
  • Railcards – discount cards for certain groups
  • Regional Railcards – offering discounts within a specific region
  • Some European railway staff


A Two Together Railcard with the photos blanked out

The most widely used system of discounts on National Rail are Railcards. These provide a discount of 1/3 off nearly any off-peak ticket (although a minimum fare is charged for short journeys below a certain ticket price). Railcards cannot be used for Eurostar fares. Railcards can be purchased from any station ticket office (after completing a form and providing of proof of eligibility and a photograph) or online. Although these are primarily intended for British citizens, the discounts offered makes them useful for visitors to Britain who plan to travel a lot by train; if you are spending more than about £90 then the railcard would pay for itself. Some railcards are available in digital form where an image of the railcard is displayed through a mobile phone app; if you want one, be sure to state it when you apply for one online.

  • 16-25 Railcard offers a discount of 1/3 on most tickets for anyone aged 16 to 25 and full-time students of any age (with a suitably stamped form from a university). £30 per year or £70 for three years.
  • 26-30 Railcard offers a discount of 1/3 on most tickets for anyone aged 26 to 30. £30 per year, only available as a mobile 'app'.
  • Family & Friends Railcard offers a discount of 1/3 on adult fares and 60% on child fares. Up to four adults and four children can travel on one Family & Friends Railcard. At least one named cardholder and one child must be travelling together for the whole journey. £30 per year or £70 for three years.
  • Senior Railcard Offers a discount of 1/3 on most tickets for anyone aged 60 or over. £30 per year or £70 for three years.
  • Two Together Railcard New card introduced in 2014 offering a discount of 1/3 for two named people (over 16) travelling together. Both people must have their photos on the card, and must stay together for the whole journey. If you change travelling companion you have to buy a new railcard.
  • Network Railcard An unusual relic of the pre-privatisation British Rail era: it is a geographically specific railcard that relates to the now obsolete 'Network SouthEast', the British Rail brand for the region of trains that radiate from London and the south east of England. It offers a discount of 1/3 on most tickets for the cardholder and up to three other adults(restrictions apply Monday to Friday) and up to four children, aged 5 to 15 can save 60% on the child fare. Costs £28 a year.
  • Devon & Cornwall Railcard Another geographic railcard that is only available to people resident in Devon or Cornwall. The card costs just £12 for a year, and gives one third off most Standard Class Off-Peak and Off-Peak Day train tickets across Devon and Cornwall. One accompanying adult also receives one-third off their ticket and you can take up to four accompanying children (aged 5–15) for a flat fare of £1 each (£2 for Day Ranger tickets). The accompanying adult and/or children do not have to be residents of Devon or Cornwall.
  • Disabled Persons Railcard Offers a discount of 1/3 to eligible disabled or mobility restricted passengers. £20 for one year or £54 for three years.
  • HM Forces Railcard A similar 1/3 discount available to serving members of the British armed forces and their families. It can only be obtained from military facilities and cannot be purchased at a station.

Season tickets

Britain's most overcrowded train

The popularity of train travel in the UK has soared since the 1990s. Some parts of network - mostly commuter services around big cities - suffer from overcrowding. Planning journeys outside the rush hours (06:00 - 09:30 & 16:00 - 19:00) can make tickets cheaper and journeys significantly more comfortable.

Commuters can get savings similar to those offered by a railcard (but at any time of day) by purchasing a season ticket. These are available from staffed ticket offices and ticket machines for a fixed route between any two stations you specify.

If a friend or family member has an annual "Gold Card" season ticket, they can purchase tickets for you to travel together at a discount. When travelling with children, this can often be a substantial discount.

Rail passes

There are three principal types of rail pass available to visitors to the UK which permit inclusive rail travel throughout the UK. Supplements are normally payable for Eurostar and sleeper trains.

  • InterRail is a pass for EU citizens. Two different Interrail passes cover the UK. Interrail Great Britain is valid for travel throughout England, Scotland and Wales, while Interrail Ireland is valid for travel in Northern Ireland and the Republic.
  • Britrail can be purchased by any non-UK resident, but must be purchased online or in your home nation before you depart for the UK. Britrail passes cover travel in Great Britain, but nie Northern Ireland.
  • Eurail is a pass for non-EU citizens that is valid for travel in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, along with most other countries in Europe.

Sien European rail passes vir meer inligting.

Ranger & Rover tickets

A relic of the nationalised British Rail era, Ranger en Rover tickets are tickets that permit unlimited travel with relatively few restrictions over a defined geographical area for a period of anything from one to fourteen days, including options such as "three days in seven". There are numerous regions available, with a full list of tickets (with their terms and conditions) on National Rail's page. These tickets include Rovers for almost every region of the UK, but notable tickets include:

  • All Line Rover - These national Rovers allow 7 or 14 days travel on almost all scheduled rail services throughout England, Scotland and Wales. As of June 2019, they cost £526 (7 days) or £796 (14 days) for standard class, and £796 (7 days) or £1216 (14 days) for 1st class, with discounts for children and railcard holders.
  • Spirit of Scotland Travelpass: 4 days in 8 or 8 days in 15 - £134 and £179 respectively, with concessions for children and railcard holders.

Ticket add-ons

  • PlusBus. An add-on ticket, which can be purchased with National Rail train tickets in Great Britain. It allows unlimited travel on participating bus operators' services, and in some cases trams, in the whole urban area of rail-served towns and cities (notably except London). You can either buy the PlusBus ticket at the same time you buy your train ticket, or you may show your valid train ticket at your destination's ticket office if you decide to buy PlusBus on arrival. You can buy PlusBus from any Ticket Office, by phone or at ticket machines operated by Abellio Greater Anglia, East Midlands Trains, South Western Railway and Southern. Several operators now allow you to buy PlusBus from their website. The best value PlusBus tickets tend to be for major metropolitan cities since the ticket often covers the whole metropolitan area for a fraction of the cost of a normal day ticket. Between £1.60 and £3.50, depending on destination. Plusbus (Q7205621) on Wikidata Plusbus on Wikipedia
  • Travelcards are an option for most regional services in the South East, offering a return journey to London and then unlimited travel by bus, train, underground, tram, or DLR within Greater London. For example, an Oxford to London off-peak day return costs £26.60 without a travelcard. However, the day travelcard would cost £31.30, giving unlimited travel around London for less than £5.
  • Weekend First upgrades allow the holder of a standard class ticket to upgrade to first class on Saturday and Sunday on certain long distance trains. The supplement is payable on the train to the conductor, subject to availability. Upgrades usually start at £5, but distance trains there is no complimentary at-seat service in first class at the weekend.

Using the train

Die National Rail website has an information page for every railway station in Britain, with details of access, facilities, ticket office opening hours and recommended connection times. The 'live' Departures & Arrivals screen for every station can also be viewed online, with up-to-the-minute train running information.

At the station

Departure boards at London King's Cross station.

If you are unfamiliar with your journey, arrive at the station with time to spare. Stations in Britain are often architecturally significant, so if you are early, take the time to look around. Most stations have electronic departure screens listing trains in order of departure, platform, any delay, stations called at and the train operating company. At small or rural stations without electronic displays, signs will indicate which platform to wait on for trains to your destination. Platforms may not be announced until a few minutes before the train is due to depart, and can sometimes change if the train is delayed. Listen for audio announcements. Many stations now use automated subway-style ticket barriers: you insert your ticket face up, left end (with the arrows logo) first into the first slot facing you; your ticket is then returned from the slot on the top of the machine, and the act of taking it causes the barrier to open. In some cases, you either scan the ticket (if it has a barcode) or, in London, tap an Oyster card on a reader. Platform staff are always in attendance with these barriers and can also advise where to stand if you are travelling with a bicycle.

British trains do not have publicly announced numbers; they are identified at each station by their scheduled departure time (using the 24-hour clock) and destination (e.g. "The 14:15 to Manchester Piccadilly"). If there is a delay to the train's departure, the original scheduled departure time is still used to identify it. Only a few trains carry names, such as "The Flying Scotsman" between London King's Cross and Edinburgh, "The Northern Lights" between London King's Cross and Aberdeen en "The Highland Chieftain" between London King's Cross and Inverness.

While at the station, be aware of what's going on around you. Try not to get in the way, make sure you stand well back from the platform edge (there is usually a yellow line to stand behind), and do not use flash photography, as this can distract drivers, and front-line staff.

Boarding the train

If you have a seat reservation, watch the outside of the train as it arrives for your coach number (some major stations will have signs on the platform telling you where to wait). Coach A may be at the front or back of the train (depending on direction it's travelling in), and some letters may not be included (A-B-C-E, for example). Be careful to distinguish between the coach number and seat number: some seat numbers include the letters A (airline-style), F (facing direction of travel) or B (back to direction of travel). Most trains have power-operated doors, however you must press a button to open it, and they close automatically when the train leaves. There may be a significant gap between the train and the platform edge. If the weather is cold and you are the last person to board, it is polite to press the 'close door' button to prevent cold weather coming in. On older trains with manual doors (particularly sleeper carriages and InterCity 125 trains), you open the door from the outside by pulling the handle downwards and pulling the door open. Close the door behind you and make sure it shuts properly (the handle will return to a horizontal position). When getting off, slide down the window and open the door with the external handle (having no internal handle was a safety feature aimed to prevent doors being opened with the train moving, although nowadays the doors are always locked when the train is moving).

Finding your seat

Standard-class interior of Class 221 Super Voyager operated by CrossCountry. On this train, seat reservations appear on the display above each pair of seats. Others may use paper tags inserted into each headrest.

Seat reservations are marked either with paper tags on the headrest or an electronic display above the window, as well as on your reservation ticket. Usually not all seats are reserved unless the train is very busy - if a seat has no tag, it is unreserved and any ticket-holder can sit there. However, remember that unless you also have a seat reservation, your ticket does not guarantee you a seat. The reservation tag or display at each seat will specify the stations between which the seat is reserved (e.g. "DUNDEE - YORK"). If you do not have a reservation and all the seats appear to be reserved, look for one where the reservation starts at a station the train has not reached yet (and be prepared to move seats when it reaches there), or where the reservation ends at a station already called at. It is usual on most long-distance services to have an unreserved carriage, although if you are not joining at the start of the train's journey, seating may be limited, especially if travelling with others.

Keep your ticket and any reservation, pass and/or railcard with you when you move about the train (e.g. to go to the toilet or buffet car), as you may be asked to show it by the train guard or ticket inspector. Dit is ook waarskynlik dat u dit benodig om die platform by u bestemmingstasie te verlaat, want kaartstruikelblokke in die metro word op baie stasies gebruik. As u u kaartjie nie by een hiervan kan vind nie, sal u in groot moeilikheid wees en 'n stewige boete opgelê word plus die koste van 'n nuwe volledige kaartjie. Hou u kaartjie altyd vas totdat dit deur die hindernisse behou word of u die stasie verlaat!

Stopstasies word normaalweg via die openbare adresstelsel aangekondig of op blaaiende elektroniese uitstallings in die koets.

Reis met bagasie

Verskillende treine wissel in hoeveel bagasieruimte hulle bied. Byna alle treine (met inbegrip van alle treine in die stad) het oorhoofse rakke wat geskik is vir klein artikels, soos 'n klein rugsak, aktetas, skootrekenaarsak of ander klein bagasie. Interstads- en streektreine het bagasierakke wat geskik is vir groter tasse. Maar hierdie bagasierakke word vinnig vol en op langafstanddienste is daar gewoonlik nie genoeg plek vir almal nie klim so vroeg as moontlik in die trein om plek te kry. As u nie 'n spasie in die rakke kan kry nie, en dit nie help om die items daar weer te rangskik nie, moet u dalk u bagasie in enige ruimte wat u kan kry, indruk. Dit kan in die voorportaal en die ente van elke wa wees. Treinpersoneel duld nie gange en deuropeninge nie (dit is gevaarlik in noodgevalle), en in uiterste gevalle, as dit 'n obstruksie is, kan dit eenvoudig met die volgende stop op die platform gestort word. Diefstal van bagasie sonder toesig kan 'n probleem wees, dus hou die uwe fyn dop.

Op sommige treine, veral dienste tussen die stad, is daar dalk 'n spesiale bagasie-area wat nuttig kan wees as u 'n groot sak het. Byvoorbeeld CrossCountry's Voyager treine het 'n bagasieruimte in Coach D (sien die onderstaande gedeelte oor verskillende soorte treine wat gebruik word). Op LNER se interstedelike dienste van en na London King's Cross is dit moontlik om u tas in 'n bagasieruimte te plaas as u aan die einde van die ry vir daardie trein gaan (bv. Na Leeds, Edinburgh, Aberdeen of Inverness uit Londen ; of na Londen vanaf enige plek). Vra die treinwag of perronpersoneel. Op hulle InterCity 225 treine se bagasie kan in die bagasiewa / bestuurde motor aan die oorkant van die trein geberg word as die motor / lokomotief. In InterCity 125 dienste, kan dit in die wagterreine geberg word aan die einde van Afrigter B, langs die kragmotor (daar is geen afrigter A op LNER-dienste nie).

Kos en drank

Om voedsel op die spoornetwerk te kry, kan 'n wisselende ervaring wees. Baie langafstanddienste bied 'n buffetmotor met 'n snackbar of 'n winkeltjie, terwyl ander 'n trolliediens op u sitplek kan laat ry. In die meeste gevalle strek verversings nie verder as vooraf verpakte toebroodjies, warm en koeldrank, vrugte en soetgoed nie. Vervoer na Wallis sluit 'n volledige driegangmaaltyd in op hul Business Class-diens tussen Holyhead en Cardiff. LNER en Avanti West Coast bevat ligte maaltye vir eersteklas passasiers op baie dienste. Plaaslike dienste het oor die algemeen glad nie spyseniering nie.

Slegs Great Western Railway bied 'n volledige eetkamervoertuig aan Pullman dienste ry slegs op 'n beperkte aantal treine op die roetes Londen-Plymouth en Londen-Swansea. GWR se restaurante bied à la carte etes voorberei deur 'n behoorlike sjef en 'n silwer diens 'bedien. Die ruimtes is beperk en die pryse hoog, maar dit is die moeite werd om te probeer as u lus is vir 'n bederf. Alhoewel eersteklaspassasiers voorkeur geniet, kan standaardklaspassasiers in die restaurant gaan eet as daar plek beskikbaar is. Ten spyte van die Pullman naam, die etes word in gewone eersteklas-waens bedien.

Die Caledonian Sleeper het 'n klubmotor wat drankies en ligte etes bedien. Die sitkamermotor van die Night Riviera Sleeper het 'n kroeg en 'n snack-toonbank.

Privaat huur, spoortoere en erfenisspoorweë kan eetervarings op sommige dienste bied, selfs af en toe 'n Pullman-ontspanning, al is dit 'n premiekaartjieprys.

Baie stasies op die Britse spoorwegnetwerk het spysenierplekke. Terwyl sommige stasies plaaslik onafhanklik is, wat handel dryf van sowel passasiers as plaaslike inwoners, is winkels van kitskosfranchises, koffiekettings of geriefswinkels meer tipies. Groot eindpunte of hubs het 'n groter verskeidenheid afsetpunte. Marks- en Spencer-winkels bied gewoonlik die beste verskeidenheid kos en drank in die stasie, maar dit is van die duurder kant. Volledige diensrestaurante op stasies is 'n seldsaamheid, asook kroeë op die platform. Sommige terminusstasies is aangrensend aan groot spoorweghotelle wat restaurante bied.

As u seker wil wees dat u iets te ete of te drink het, bring u eie. Daar is min beperkings op u eie kos of drankies. Alkoholiese drank word nêrens op Skotland se spoornetwerk toegelaat nie, en dit is ook verbode op TfL-dienste in Londen.


Die meeste treindienste het toilette aan boord, behalwe enkele treine met 'n kort rit. Die voorsiening wissel, maar daar is gewoonlik een om die twee waens. Die meeste treine het ten minste een toilet wat toeganklik is vir rolstoelgebruikers, en hulle het gewoonlik 'n kleedkamertafel wat van die muur af kan sak. Netheidsvlakke is ongeveer die standaard van ander openbare loos in Brittanje; dit kan beter wees, maar dis nie walglik nie.

Waar daar 'n elektriese deur op die toilet is, is daar gewoonlik 'n aparte knoppie om die deur te sluit, wat u moet druk, benewens die deur wat ook deur laat sluit. As u nie op hierdie knoppie druk nie, kan mense van buite die deur oopmaak terwyl u binne is. U sal ook nie die deur kan oopmaak om uit te kom sonder om eers op die ontgrendelingsknop te druk nie.

Toilette word soms buite gebruik gestel as die trein by die eindstasie sit. As u desperaat is, moet u gaan voordat dit gebeur.


Londen St. Pancras International, die Britse eindpunt van die Eurostar-hoëspoedtrein, en binnelandse eindpunt vir treinstede in die noorde na Leicester, Nottingham en Sheffield en hoëspoedtreine suid na Kent.

Daar is ongeveer 2 560 treinstasies in die Verenigde Koninkryk, met uitsluiting van stedelike snelwegstelsels soos die Londense metro, Glasgow Metro, Tyne and Wear Metro en die Docklands Light Railway. Alle stasies behoort tot die staatsbeheerde Network Rail, wat ook die daaglikse werking van grootstasies bestuur (bv. Edinburgh Waverley). Ander word verhuur aan die treinbedryf wat die meeste dienste daar bestuur, wat verantwoordelik is vir die bedryf, instandhouding en personeel van die stasie. Stasies verskil in hul fasiliteite (sien inligting op die National Rail-webwerf), maar u sal waarskynlik sukkel om 'n vullisblik / asblik op groot stasies te vind weens die risiko van terrorisme.

Die meeste stasies is in die middel van dorpe of stede, of binne loopafstand. 'N Stasie wat eindig op Parkway (bv. Bristol Parkway, East Midlands Parkway) het 'n groot parkeerterrein sodat pendelaars daarheen kan ry en dan met die trein kan ry: dit beteken dat dit ver van die stad / middestad af is, dikwels in 'n ver voorstad of selfs in die middel van nêrens . As daar 'n keuse is van stasies, moenie by 'n Parkway-stasie uitklim as u die middestad is nie. U sal byvoorbeeld by Bristol Temple Meads afklim en nie Bristol Parkway vir die sentrum van Bristol nie. 'N Uitsondering is as u aansluit by 'n busdiens na 'n verdere bestemming. Pendelbusse ry byvoorbeeld van Luton Airport Parkway na Luton Airport.

Baie stasies wat dateer uit die Victoriaanse era, soos die beroemde St Pancras in Londen, is argitektonies baie indrukwekkend, en dit kan die moeite werd wees om te kyk, selfs as u nie per trein reis nie.

Belangrikste stasies in Londen

Wanneer u 'n reis onderneem wat verband hou tussen Londense stasies, kan 'n deurgangskaartjie gewoonlik verbindingsverbindings op Londense ondergrondse dienste moontlik maak. In die 19de eeu is dit onwettig gemaak om spoorwegterminute te naby aan die sentrum van Londen te bou, omdat daar gedink word dat dit historiese geboue in gevaar sou stel. As gevolg hiervan is die meeste in 'n ring gebou wat destyds net buite die sentrum was, maar wat die Londense uitbreiding in die 20ste eeu baie daarin bevind. Vet tipe dui 'n terminusstasie aan; die meeste Londense stasies is eindpunte, aangesien slegs 'n paar lyne die hoofstad oorsteek.

  • Blackfriars
  • Kanonstraat
  • Clapham Junction
  • Charing Cross
  • Euston
  • Fenchurchstraat
  • King's Cross
  • Liverpoolstraat
  • Londen Brug
  • Marylebone
  • Moorgate
  • Paddington
  • St Pancras Internasionaal
  • Stratford
  • Victoria
  • Waterloo
  • Waterloo-Oos

Belangrike streekstasies

Edinburgh Waverley is een van die besigste stasies in die Verenigde Koninkryk.
Bristol Temple Meads is die hoofstasie in die stad Bristol

Buite Londen, National Rail lys die volgende as die belangrikste verbindingsstasies, waar passasiers meestal van trein moet verwissel tydens 'n meervoudige rit.

Treine en rollende materiaal

Die meeste treine is modern, gemaklik en toeganklik vir mense met gestremdhede, maar veral in pendeltreine en sommige ouer rollende materieel sal lang mense beenruimte 'n probleem vind. Na 'n groot belegging die afgelope tien jaar is almal redelik nuut of binne die tyd omvattend opgeknap. U sal nie baie tradisionele lokomotiewe sien wat passasierstreine trek nie (tensy u met een van die slaaptreine ry), aangesien die meeste dienste nou deur meerdere eenhede bestuur word. Diegene wat nog lokomotiewe gebruik, word gewoonlik in a stoot trek konfigurasie, met 'n tweede lokomotief of 'n onaangedrewe sleepwa aan die agterkant, wat die trein 'agtertoe' laat ry en die behoefte om aan lok aan die einde van die ry rond te hardloop. 'N Aantal treintoere of stoomtreine word steeds lokaal getrek.

Met ongeveer een derde van die elektrifisering van die spoor kom dieseltreine algemeen voor (ook in die stadsdienste), maar dieselfde topsnelheid word gewoonlik ongeag die kragbron behaal. Britse treine het 'n klasnommer, maar die meeste verwys daarna met die naam (bv. "Ek was vandag op een van daardie Pendolinos"). In hierdie afdeling word die treine aangedui wat u waarskynlik sal moet gebruik en wat u kan verwag. Daar is minder klasse, veral elektriese treine met meervoudige eenhede op plaaslike en streeksdienste.

Hoë-spoed diens

Klas 395 "Spies" trein

HS1 is die enigste operasionele in die Verenigde Koninkryk hoëspoed-spoorweg, en skakels Londen St Pancras na die Channel Tunnel. Benewens internasionale Eurostar-dienste, bedryf Southeastern Highspeed 'n binnelandse sneltrein wat deur Hitachi in Japan gebou is. Amptelik aangewys as Klas 395, maar gewoonlik bekend as die Spiesgooi, hierdie 'mini Shinkansens' beweeg tot 230 km / h (230 km / h) tussen Londen, Ebbsfleet, Ashford, Canterbury, Dover en ander dorpe in Kent. Dit word as die "vinnigste" trein van Brittanje bemark, hoewel die Eurostar-treinstel aansienlik vinniger ry. Kaartjies vir die spiesdiens is 'n paar pond duurder as ander Suidoosterdienste, maar dit is verreweg die vinnigste manier om tussen Kent en Londen te reis, want daar is geen ander stadslyne in die land nie. Die 395 het 6 waens per stel, alhoewel twee stelle gekombineer kan word om 'n 12-motortrein te vorm. Die bynaam van Spies kom vanweë hul oorsprong in 2012 as 'n vinnige pendeldiens vir die Olimpiese Park in Stratford; 24 van die eenhede is vernoem na Britse Olimpiërs en Paralimpiërs.

Interstedelike dienste

Inter-stedelike treine in die Verenigde Koninkryk ry gewoonlik tot 125 km / h (die maksimum snelheid vir alle lyne, behalwe HS1), en is geneig om die meeste fasiliteite te hê, insluitend draadlose internettoegang, en dikwels 'n winkel aan boord of buffet. Sommige interstedelike dienste (byvoorbeeld tussen stede in Skotland) gebruik Turbostar treine wat in die streekafdeling hieronder beskryf word.

Intercity sneltrein en Azuma

Klas 800 Intercity sneltrein by Norton Fitzwarren, bestuur deur Great Western Railway

Die 800-reeks (klas 800, 801, 802) is treinstede wat deur Hitachi in County Durham en Italië gebou is, en op verskeie hooflyne van die netwerk ontplooi word. Die klas 800 is op 16 Oktober 2017 in shamboliese styl op die Great Western Railway (GWR) -dienste bekendgestel, toe die intreediens byna 'n uur laat in Londen aangekom het weens verskeie tegniese probleme. Hulle is in Mei 2019 op LNER-dienste bekendgestel.

Hulle is aangewys as die Intercity sneltrein (IET) deur Great Western en Azuma (wat beteken oos in Japannees; soos die spiestreine, gebruik hierdie stelle Japanse Shinkansen-tegnologie) van LNER. Die klas 800 eenhede is tweemodus - hulle loop op lugleiding waar dit beskikbaar is en skakel oor na dieselmotore onder die vloer waar dit nie is nie. Die klas 802 is eenvoudig klas 800-treine met kragtiger dieselenjins en groter brandstoftenks. Die klas 801 eenhede is suiwer elektriese treine. Die treine het vyf, nege of tien waens en ry teen 201 km / h (125 km / h) in elektriese modus en 160 km / uur (160 km / uur) in dieselmodus.

Elke wa het bagasierakke aan elke kant en groot bagasierakke bo die sitplekke, en daar is 'n mengsel van tafels en sitplekke in die lugdiens met elektriese voetstukke. Die treine is gekritiseer vir harde, regop sitplekke, maar dit bied goeie beenruimte en ruimer interieurs as baie treine in die stad. GWR bied 'n verversingswaentjie op die meeste IET-dienste aan, terwyl LNER se Azuma-dienste 'n buffet insluit. Tien-trein-treine bestaan ​​uit twee vyf-trein-treine wat saamgevoeg is, en dit is noodsaaklik om op die regte gedeelte te klim as u 'n sitplekbespreking het of die Pullman-restaurant van GWR wil gebruik, aangesien daar geen gang tussen die treine is nie.

InterCity 125

InterCity 125 (HST), die wêreld se vinnigste dieseltrein.

Eens die steunpilaar van Brittanje se interstedelike netwerk en vervang deur "Inter City Express" of Azuma-eenhede, "HST" (afkorting vir "High Speed ​​Train") of InterCity 125Dit word steeds regoor Groot-Brittanje aangetref op streekdienste en langafstanddienste, van Noord-Skotland tot Londen tot in die suidweste van Engeland.

Die treine was een van die weinige groot suksesse van British Rail. Die treine het in die laat 1970's 'n dieseldiens van 125 km / h (125 km / h) ingestel en hou steeds spoedrekords vir 'n dieseltrein. Afgesien van drie wat weens ongelukke afgeskryf is, het almal meer as veertig jaar in diens gebly vanweë hul uitstekende ontwerp, en sommige is nog steeds vanaf 2020. Almal is die afgelope dekade omvattend opgeknap en is heeltemal nuut binne. Hulle het meer bagasieruimte as baie meer moderne treine, met 'n groot rek aan elke punt van die wa. Almal het 'n stil afrigter en die meeste het ook plug-inpunte vir die herlaai van skootrekenaars / selfone en 'n nuttige buffelmotor wat warm en koue kos en drankies bedien. 'N Volgrootte InterCity 125-stel bestaan ​​uit sewe of agt waens en twee kragmotors (een aan elke punt), maar ScotRail en GWR loop korter formasies onder die "Inter7City" en "Kasteelklas" name onderskeidelik. Die treine word verander met outomatiese elektriese deure, maar onveranderde treine het buitedeure met skarnier aan die buitekant: net om die deur van binne oop te maak, skuif jy deur die venster en reik uit.

InterCity 225

Drie InterCity 225 treine by London King's Cross

As u reis met LNER se interstedelike dienste tussen London King's Cross en York of Leeds, sal u waarskynlik in een van hierdie elektriese treine wees wat in 1990 bekendgestel is. Dit is ontwerp vir 225 km / h (140 mph), vandaar die naam, maar dit is beperk tot die snelheidsperk van 125 mph (201 km / h). , want om veiligheidsredes moet alle treine in die Verenigde Koninkryk wat meer as 125 km / h ry, binne-kajuitsein wees en dit is tot dusver nog nie in die grootste netwerk geïnstalleer nie. Die InterCity 225 stelstelle het nege waens wat in stoot-en-trek-opstelling bedryf word, met 'n elektriese lokomotief aan die noordekant en 'n rywa aan die einde van Londen. Almal InterCity 225Dit is omvattend opgeknap en het deure vir krag, 'n buffelmotor met warm en koue kos en drankies, stoppunte en gemaklike sitplekke (waarvan baie groot tafels het wat goed is vir gesinne of groepe). Afrigter B is die stil afrigter. Daar is groot soortgelyke bagasierakke InterCity 125s, maar hulle is nog steeds vinnig vol, so vroeg as moontlik.


Klas 390 Pendolino snel deur Tamworth

Die Klas 390 Pendolino is 'n elektriese kanteltrein op die West Coast Main Line tussen Euston, Noordwes-Engeland en Glasgow. Hulle is in die vroeë 2000's bekendgestel en gebruik Italiaanse kanteltegnologie (vandaar die naam) en beweeg teen 201 km / h; maar soos die InterCity 225, is hulle ontwerp vir 201 km / h (125 km / h), maar hulle het geen sein vir die kajuit nie, dus die limiet, en kantel tot 8 grade om die hoeke. Hulle het 'n klein winkel aan boord wat tydskrifte / koerante, warm en koue versnaperings en drankies verkoop. Afrigter A is die stil afrigter in standaardklas, afrigter H in eerste klas. Pendolinos is gebou as 9-trein-treine, maar baie is nou uitgebrei tot 11 waens. In 2007 het foutiewe spoor a veroorsaak Pendolino reis vinnig teen Grayrigg in Cumbria. Slegs een persoon is dood, met die gebrek aan 'n hoër dodetal toe te skryf aan die ongelukwaardigheid van die eenheid. Die sterk versterkte bak beteken egter dat nie alle sitplekke 'n venster het nie.

Voyager en Super Voyager

Klas 220 Voyager by Newton Abbot, wat deur CrossCountry bedryf word

Die Klas 220 Voyager en Klas 221 Super Voyager is dieseltreine tussen die stad, wat omstreeks 2001 ingestel is; Super Voyager verskil hoofsaaklik omdat dit kantel as hy ronddraai om vinniger snelhede moontlik te maak. Hulle word bestuur deur CrossCountry en Avanti-weskus en het gewoonlik vier of vyf waens en ry teen 201 km / h. Elke wa het 'n enjin onder die vloer en is dus nie so stil soos sommige ander nie. Die oorhoofse bagasierakke is redelik skraal en daar is nie soveel bagasierakruimte as sommige ander treine nie. Maagd se Voyagers het 'n nuttige winkel / buffet soos op die Pendolino maar CrossCountry-eenhede het slegs 'n onreëlmatige trolliediens hoewel sommige baie lang afstande aflê (bv. Aberdeen - Penzance). Die Klas 222 Meridiaan op East Midlands is treindienste baie soortgelyk, aangesien dit deur dieselfde vervaardiger gebou is en ook tot 125 km / h ry, maar dit kan baie langer wees, tot 7 waens, is minder beknop en het winkel / buffet.

Streeks-, plaaslike en pendeldienste

Turbostar / Electrostar

Klas 170 Turbostar (links). Regs is 'n InterCity 225.

Bombardier se diesel-turbostar en elektriese Electrostar-eenhede is die meeste treine wat in die Verenigde Koninkryk gebou is sedert die privatisering van die spoorweg in die negentigerjare. Turbostars kan 160 km / h ry - u sal die enjin onder die vloer van elke wa in Turbostars hoor) en word deur baie treinondernemings oral in Groot-Brittanje gebruik, met die elektriese Electrostar weergawe meestal in die Suid-Ooste van Engeland gesien. Klas 170, 171 en 172 Turbostar treine bedryf plaaslike, streeks- en sommige interstedelike dienste en het gewoonlik digitale inligtingsuitstallings en outomatiese aankondigings. Daar is miskien 'n trolliediens, maar geen buffet nie, en nie almal het inproppunte nie. Hulle het twee tot vier afrigters en word soms gekoppel om 'n langer trein te maak. Elektroniese sterre is soortgelyk, wat gedurende die afgelope tien jaar bekendgestel is om skatte van bejaarde eenhede in die suide en suidooste van Engeland te vervang. Klas 357, 375, 376, 377, 378 en 379 Electrostar treine bedryf daar streeks- en pendeldienste en dies meer Turbostar kan 160 km / u bereik, maar met vinniger versnelling (elektries wees). Soos met die Turbostar, daar is miskien 'n karretjiediens, maar bagasieruimte is nie soveel soos 'n inter-stadstrein nie.

Druk Sprinter uit

Klas 158 Druk Sprinter uit

Die klas 158 en 159 Druk Sprinter uit is omstreeks 1990 deur British Rail bekendgestel en is ontwerp vir plaaslike en langafstand-streeksdienste. Hulle kan 140 km / h met 'n dieselenjin onder elke rytuig bereik en word veral deur ScotRail en talle ander maatskappye in die noorde, suidweste en weste van Engeland gebruik. Hulle was redelik gesog toe hulle bekendgestel is en die rit is redelik glad. Hulle het bagasierakke oorhoofs en aan die einde van die vervoer, maar nie soveel soos 'n trein wat tussen die stede is nie. Anders as die Turbostar, die deure is aan die einde van elke koets, so koue weer kom nie in as dit by 'n stasie gestop word nie, maar hulle is berug oor hul swak lugversorging, wat dikwels op warm dae misluk.

Sprinter en SuperSprinter

Klas 365 Netwerker

Hierdie klasse vorm 'n familie van veelvuldige eenhede diesel wat in die 1980's bekendgestel is (die Druk Sprinter uit is die finale ontwikkeling van hierdie gesin). Klas 150 Sprinter treine word gebruik vir plaaslike dienste of landelike lyne, met klasse 153 tot 156 SuperSprinter meer gesofistikeerd, gemaklik en geskik vir langer roetes (bv. die skilderagtige West Highland Line) en bereik almal 120 km / h. Hulle het nie lugversorging nie, maar dit is in Groot Brittanje in elk geval nie 'n probleem nie en is ontwerp vir korterafstanddienste.


Hierdie elektriese treine met meerdere eenhede (klasse 365, 465 en 466) is in die vroeë negentigerjare bekendgestel. Klas 365 Netwerker bedryf Great Northern-dienste tot 100 km / h in Noord-Londen en die ooste van Engeland, met 'n gemaklike omgewing, lugversorging, ens. Klasse 465 en 466 word gebruik op plaaslike en pendellyne suid van Londen wat bestuur word en kan 120 km per uur (120 km / h) bereik / h) gebruik van die derde spoor, met hoër digtheid sitplekke en veerkragtige vloere eerder as matte. U kan ook die dieselweergawes, Klas 165 en 166, vind Netwerk Turbo, op dienste wat wes van Londen loop.


Klas 450 Desiro

Alle rollende voorrade is vroeër in die Verenigde Koninkryk gebou, maar Siemens (Duitsland) het baie nuwe treine gebou wat dan vervoer word. Legioene van verskillende klasse van Siemens Desiro word nou dwarsdeur die land op geëlektrifiseerde lyne gebruik (meestal in die Midlands rondom Birmingham en die suide van Engeland, soos dienste na Hampshire), wat tot 160 km / h bereik, en 'n effens anders lyk dieselvariant. op TransPennine Express-dienste. Hulle het almal 'n baie vinnige versnelling (u sal regtig moet vashou as u staan), plus lugversorging, matte en elektroniese inligtingstelsels. Aan die einde van 2012 het London Midland hul Desiros teen 177 km / h op hul dienste tussen Londen en Stoke en daarna begin hardloop. First TransPennine Express bedryf ook 'n vloot van 10 Klas 350's op roetes van Manchester na Edinburgh en Glasgow, saam met hul Klas 185-diesels.

Klas 142 Pacer


Die Klas 142, 143 en 144 Pacer is in die 1980's ontwerp om 'n ekonomiese alternatief te bied vir treine met lokomotiewe (en toenemend verouderde dieselmotors) op liggies gebruikte en landelike lyne tot 120 km / h, eerder as om hele lyne te sluit. Alhoewel hulle nou onttrek word, sal u hulle op plaaslike dienste sien, veral in die noorde van Engeland, en hulle kan u dalk aan 'n bus herinner. Dit is omdat baie van die bakkie buskomponente gebruik om geld en ontwikkelingstyd te bespaar. Die meeste Pasies is opgeknap en is baie gemakliker binne as voorheen, alhoewel meer basies as ander, aangesien dit ontwerp is vir kortafstanddienste. Vanweë die swak ritgehalte, irriterende harde enjins en die algemene buitenshuise skuins Pasies word amper in die Verenigde Koninkryk verag. Aangesien dit nie effektief aangepas kan word om aan die wetgewing oor toeganklikheid te voldoen nie, word hulle vanaf 2020 teruggetrek, hoewel hul lewensduur verleng is weens vertragings met die instelling van die vervangende treine.

GWR 'Castle Class' het HST verkort.


Om die tekort aan dieseltreine met meervoudige eenhede op te ruim wat geskik is vir langer reise, het GWR die oortollige InterCity 125's aangepas om 'Castle Class'-treine te vorm vir hul langafstand-streeksdienste. Hierdie treine is verkort tot vier waens tussen twee motorvoertuie, en die tradisionele 'slam'-deure is vervang deur elektries-aangedrewe buitedeure wat skuif. Hulle behou hul interieks-standaard interieurs met lugversorging en elektriese voetstukke, maar het geen spysenieringsgeriewe aan boord nie. Hierdie treine word gebruik om tussen Penzance, Plymouth, Taunton en Cardiff te stop en ry tot 160 km / h.

Erfenis- en stoomspoorweë

Sien ook: Industriële Brittanje, erfenisspoorweë
Bluebell-spoorweg, by die Sheffield Park-stasie.
Miskien die bekendste stoomlokomotief ter wêreld - Vlieënde Skot

Na die grootskeepse sluiting en onttrekking van stoomlokomotiewe in die sestigerjare, het entoesiaste begin saamwerk om lyne as toeriste-aantreklikhede weer oop te maak, deur gebruik te maak van oorskot of historiese stoomlokomotiewe en oesjaarmateriaal. U kan letterlik tientalle hiervan besoek, regoor Groot-Brittanje, en hulle is gewild vir 'n daguitstappie. Sommige ry treine in groot formaat, ander (soos die Ffestiniog-spoorweg in Gwynedd, Wallis) gebruik 'n smalspoor, terwyl ander (soos die Romney, Hythe & Dymchurch Railway in Kent) volledige miniatuurstelsels met klein stoomlokomotiewe is. Terwyl die meeste stoomtreine bestuur, gebruik sommige ook erfenisdiesellokomotiewe of dieselmotors. Van die vele sulke erfenislyne sluit prominente in:

  • Die Bluebell Railway hardloop vir nege myl deur Oos en Wes-Sussex, vanaf die Nasionale Spoorwegstasie by Oos-Grinstead. Dit het meer as 30 stoomlokomotiewe en bedryf al meer as 50 jaar 'n openbare diens met stoom. Dit het gereeld as 'n filmlokaal verskyn.
  • Die Severn Valley-spoorweg hardloop vir 26 myl deur Worcestershire en Shropshire in die weste van Engeland, begin aangrensend aan die National Rail Station by Kidderminster. Oorspronklik deel van die Great Western Railway, verskyn 'n verskeidenheid stoomtreine saam met 'n handjievol klassieke diesel-eenhede.
  • Die Ravenglass en Eskdale Railway is 'n miniatuur spoorweg in Cumbria, Begin van Ravenglass stasie op die Nasionale Spoornetwerk. Die baanmeter is slegs 15 sentimeter en lokomotiewe is miniatuurweergawes van die groottes van die oorspronklike. dit loop sewe kilometer deur skilderagtige heuwellande.
  • Die Keith en Dufftown Railway (ook bekend as 'The Whisky Line') loop 18 km deur Moray en Speyside in Skotland met klassieke Skotse stoomtreine en dieselmotors. Daar is talle whisky-distilleerderye in die omgewing wat besoek kan word. Die lyn begin in Keith met 'n nasionale spoorwegstasie.
  • Die Ffestiniog-spoorweg is 'n smalspoor in die Snowdonia Nasionale Park in Noord-Wallis. Dit is 'n gewilde besienswaardigheid in die omgewing en het oorspronklik lei van die myne naby die hawe vir vervoer, en het ook passasiers (wat nou die enigste vervoer is) vervoer. Ongewone stoomlokomotiewe met dubbele eindes word saam met ander ongewone rollende materiaal gebruik. Die lyn se suidelike eindpunt by Porthmadog word gedeel met die Welsh Highland Railway, terwyl die noordelike eindpunt by Blaenau Ffestiniog word gedeel met hooflyndienste. Daar is ook verbindings met hooflyndienste by Minffordd.
  • Die Noord-Norfolk-spoorweg of Poppy Line is 'n bewaarde spoorweg uit die 1960's. Die museum bedryf stoom- en dieseldienste op afgetrokke treine, wat oorspronklik as passasierstreine in die land gebruik is (Norfolk). Vandag ry die treine tussen enkel- en dubbelspoorlyne Holt en Sheringham (via Weybourne), wat sorg vir 'n pragtige uitsig oor die plat, Oos-Angliese platteland en die Noordsee.
  • Die Wells Walsingham Ligte Spoorweg is die langste smalspoor in die wêreld. Die huidige spoorweg is nou 'n besienswaardigheid en is gebou op die spoorbed van 'n voormalige standaardspoorlyn. Die vorige spoorlyn was vroeër deel van die nasionale netwerk en is gedurende die twintigste eeu tydens besuinigingsmaatreëls gesluit. Stasies by Wells-next-the-Sea en Klein Walsingham.
  • Die Wes-Somerset-spoorweg loop van Biskoppe Lydeard aan Mynkop, binne die graafskap van Somerset. Dit is die langste erfenisspoorweg in die land.
  • Die Jakobiet is nie 'n erfenisspoorweg op sigself nie, maar 'n stoombedrewe uitstappiens wat gereeld gereelde treine vanaf Fort William aan Mallaig, op die West Highland Line. Ook 'n lekkerte vir Harry Potter-aanhangers, want dit kruis die Glenfinnan Viaduct, net soos in die films.

Bristol is bekend vir sy spoorerfenis. Daar is baie huldeblyke aan Isambard Kingdom Brunel wat die Great Western Railway gestig het, insluitend 'n spoorwegmuseum aan die Harbourside.

Internasionale verbindings

Die twee klasse Eurostar trein op St Pancras stasie


Londen St. Pancras is die eindpunt vir Eurostar hoëspoed treine na Amsterdam, Brussel, Lille, Parys, Rotterdam en seisoenale Franse bestemmings soos Avignon, Lyon en Marseille (somerdiens) en die Alpe (winterdiens). Verbindings met baie groot Europese stede kan in Lille, Brussel, Parys, en deurkaartjies is beskikbaar by Eurostar, RailEurope en bemande kaartjiekantore na Europese bestemmings. Eurostar bedryf twee verskillende klasse van materieel; Alstom se British Rail Class 373 (of Eurostar E300) wat sedert die opening van die Channel Tunnel in 1994 in gebruik is, terwyl BR Class 374 (Eurostar E320) sedert 2015 geleidelik in gebruik is, en word deur Siemens gebou. Die e320 is deel van die Velaro familie waarvan ander gelokaliseerde variante onder andere deur RENFE (AVE), DB (ICE) en die Russiese spoorweë (Sapsan) gekoop is.

Duits die nasionale spoorwegoperateur Deutsche Bahn beplan om nuwe direkte dienste na Duitsland te bedryf, alhoewel dit uitgestel is sedert 'n voorstel vir 'n diens wat in 2012 begin, moet u nie asem ophou nie.

Eurotunnel, Le Shuttle

Motors in 'n Eurotunneltrein

Benewens die Eurostar-passasiersdiens, is dit ook moontlik om met u eie voertuig tussen Brittanje en Frankryk aan boord van 'n Eurotunnel Le Shuttle te reis. Die verbinding is tussen Cheriton (naby Folkestone) en Coquelles (naby Calais). Pryse is relatief goedkoop vergeleke met sommige vlug- en veerbootbesprekings, en die reis is aansienlik korter. Vir kaartjiepryse en besprekings, kan u die Eurotunnel-webwerf. Om toegang tot die Channel Tunnel Terminal vanaf die Verenigde Koninkryk te verkry, kan u die M20-snelweg (aansluiting 11A vanaf Londen) of die A20 tussen Maidstone en Folkestone gebruik. As u eenmaal in Frankryk is, kan u direk na die A16-motorweg ry.


Van enige Groter Anglia is dit moontlik om 'n 'Dutchflyer' spoor- en veerbootkaartjie na enige stasie in te bespreek Nederland. Die Rail & Sail volgens die skema, is dit moontlik om 'n kaartjie vir £ 55 vanaf London Liverpool Street na geselekteerde Nederlandse stasies te bespreek (reg as 24/05/2019). U sal natuurlik u paspoort benodig, en die roete behels 'n veerbootverbinding tussen Harwich en die Haak van Holland bedryf deur Stena Line. 'N Tipiese roete tussen Liverpoolstraat in Londen en die Hook of Holland benodig 'n deurreis tussen Liverpoolstraat en Harwich International Station en 'n Stena Line-veerboot na die Hook of Holland, waar Nederlandse spoorverbindings gevind kan word.

Lughawens met treinstasies

Sommige lughawestasies, soos Rhoose Cardiff International, is aangenaam stil ...

Hierdie lughawens het spoorwegstasies, gewoonlik (maar nie altyd nie) op 'n deurgangsroete. Dit is die moeite werd om na die lughawe of die nasionale spoornavraag te gaan om reisplanne te maak:

  • Aberdeen Dyce - (slegs geadverteer as 'Dyce') - 'n Afsonderlike busreis (en kaartjie) is nodig om van / na die lughawe-terminale te kom.
  • Edinburgh - 'n Tramlyn verbind die lughawe van Edinburgh met die stad, wat na 4 treinstasies op pad is, in die volgende volgorde:
    • Edinburgh Gateway - vir treine na Fife en Noordoos-Skotland, sowel as sommige treine wat na Engeland ry.
    • Edinburgh Park - vir treine na Stirling en Perth, sowel as treine na Glasgow via Livingston.
    • Haymarket - major station serving the central region as well as trains to most Scottish cities and the wider UK
    • Waverley (At Andrews Square tram stop) - Major train station for connections to most of Scotland and most major English cities as well as the sleeper trains to London.
  • Birmingham Internasionaal
  • Cardiff Airport - the station is called "Rhoose Cardiff International Airport" with an hourly rail connection to Barry and Cardiff Central, some of which continue to Cardiff Queen Street, Pontypridd, Aberdare of Merthyr Tydfil. In the other direction, there is an hourly link to Bridgend. All services are operated by Arrive Trains Wales on a local network. The airport is not in walking distance, though the 509 shuttle bus regularly links the station to the airport for a competitive price. There are plans to improve connections to the airport with a new South East Wales Metro in the near future.
  • East Midlands Parkway (also close to Derby, Loughborough & Nottingham
...while others seemingly emulate the airport terminals they serve.
  • Liverpool South Parkway, for John Lennon Airport
  • Londen City (on the Docklands Light Railway, part of London's urban transport system)
  • Londen Luton
  • Manchester Airport station is a terminus station off the West Coast Main Line; it is served by Northern Rail, First Trans Pennine Express and Arriva Trains Wales. There are regular services to Manchester Piccadilly. Manchester Metrolink trams also serve the station.
  • Newcastle upon Tyne (is connected to the Tyne and Wear Metro light rail, where you can change at Newcastle Central station)
  • Prestwick - Remarkably well served by the main Glasgow to Ayr line. Make sure to buy you train ticket to Prestwick from a ticket desk as showing a valid airline ticket will get you 50% off your train ticket from anywhere in Scotland. This isn't available when buying online or from a machine so ensure you go to a person.
  • Southampton - the station is called "Southampton Airport Parkway"
  • Teeside Airport - this is one of the least used rail stations and airports on the UK network and a 15-20 minute walk from the airport. Only one train per week in each direction stops at the station. However, there are plans to rebuild the station far closer to the airport.

These services are operated by trains branded as "Express" services. Beware that they are sometimes much more expensive than local services, and cheaper services on other operators may be available:

A Gatwick Express in Gatwick airport station
  • London Gatwick - Gatwick Express: regular, non-stopping service between London Victoria and Gatwick Airport. Trains run every 15 minutes with a journey time of approximately 30 minutes. This is a guideline and you should always leave extra time for your journey. Other Services: The station is served by Suidelik, who run services to destinations like Brighton en Southampton, as well as London terminals. Thameslink, who operate through services between Brighton, London City Centre (e.g. Finsbury Park & London Bridge), London St Pancrass and Bedford direk. At St Pancrass, onward connections can be made to the North of England, Scotland, Luton, Cambridge, Ely en Kings Lynn. Great Western Railway operate a service to Leeswerk via Guildford. At Reading, onward connections to the South West, South Wales, Bristol, Oxford, Swindon, Birmingham en Manchester (limited) can be found.
  • Londen Stansted - Stansted Express services are regular 15-minute services run by Abellio. The service runs from London Liverpool Street, usually calling at Tottenham Hale and Stansted Airport. At Liverpool Street and Tottenham Hale, connections can be made to London Underground services. Other Services: Stansted Airport is served by other Abellio Greater Anglia services to London Liverpool Street and Bishops Stortford, where a connection can be made to Stratford. Greater Anglia also have a somewhat regular service between Cambridge and Stansted, calling at Audley End and Whittlesford Parkway. Cross Country operate very regular services between Birmingham New Street/Cambridge and Stansted Airport. Services from Birmingham call at Leicester, Melton Mowbray, Stamford en Peterborough, amongst other stops. Between Cambridge and Stansted, the train calls at Audley End but not Whittlesford Parkway. At many of these stations, onward connections can be made to North Wales, the North, Scotland, Liverpool en Manchester.
  • Londen Heathrow - Heathrow Express: An expensive, non-stopping service between London Paddington and the airport, operated by the airport itself. From Paddington, onward connections can be made to Berkshire, West London, the London Underground, Leeswerk, Oxford, Bristol, the South West and South Wales.
  • London Heathrow - TfL Rail: A cheaper alternative to the Express, operated by Transport for London in preparation to the start of Crossrail services in 2019/2020. This service begins at Paddington (for onward connections), calling at Ealing Broadway, West Ealing, Hanwell, Southall and Hayes & Harlington. These services go directly to Terminals 1,2,3 & 5 only. There is a free shuttle between the Terminal 1,2 & 3 station and Terminal 4.
  • London Heathrow - London Underground Piccadilly line services are a very cheap but much slower connection between central & north London and the airport. Arriving at all terminals, the line begins at Cockfosters in North London while stopping at a number of stations including King's Cross St. Pancras (where onward connections can be made to the North and East), Leicester Square and South Kensington. It is part of the integrated TfL network, and bookings cannot be made. There are no toilets, catering or WiFi on most London Underground services.

Most airports without integrated rail services offer a bus connection to the nearest station. Bristol Airport, for example, is served by a 20-minute bus ("A1"). Tickets are available as part of the National Rail Network.

Seaports with railway stations

Through tickets are available from any UK railway station to any station in Noord-Ierland of die Republiek van Ierland. In the west of Skotland, rail and ferry timetables are often integrated, and through tickets are available. For details of routes and fares, contact Nasionale spoorweg.

Trains go right to the waterfront at Portsmouth Harbour station

Bly veilig

British Transport Police at Stratford.
British Transport Police sign, in Welsh and English. Bilingual signs are a requirement in Wallis.

The railway network has a low crime rate, but you do have to use common sense. The most common incident is diefstal of unsupervised luggage. If travelling with bags, keep them within sight, especially during station stops if your bags are in racks near the doors of the carriage. The UK (except Northern Ireland) operates a railway police called the British Transport Police (BTP), and you may see signs for them at major stations. They are responsible for the policing of trains, stations and railway property. In an emergency all emergency services including the BTP can be contacted by dialing 999 or 112 from any telephone or mobile phone (these work even if you have no calling credit or the keypad is locked). If you wish to contact the British Transport Police themselves and it is not an immediate emergency, dial 0845 440 5040. This is also the number to contact if you have concerns about something which although not immediately dangerous, represents a possible safety or crime issue (such as unauthorised persons trackside, or damaged lineside fencing.) You can also text (SMS) the BTP on 61016, which is widely advertised across the rail network and is the preferred way to contact the BTP discreetly.

Due to a history of terrorist incidents in the UK using placed explosive devices, any unattended luggage may be treated as potentially being such a device by the authorities, leading to closure of entire stations, (particularly in London, with even major termini being occasionally affected) whilst specially trained officials investigate and render any suspected device "safe". Both posters and announcements will often ask passengers to keep a sharp eye for and report any unattended bags straight away.

Safety of rail travel in Britain is high with a low rate of accidents. After privatisation in the 1990s, the accident rate increased for some years. Inquiries found this was due to cost-cutting and profiteering by the private owners of the infrastructure and their subcontractors and this was one factor leading to the re-nationalisation of infrastructure in the 2000s. Since then, safety has improved massively and there have been fewer major accidents. All trains display safety information posters on board, telling you what to do in the event of an emergency. The simplest advice is that unless your personal safety is threatened, you are always safer on the train than if you try to leave it.

In the event of an emergency

Should there be an emergency, such as fire or accident aboard the train:

  1. Get the attention of a member of staff, any staff member will do.
  2. If you cannot get the attention of staff and you are certain that you, anyone else or the train is in danger because of the motion of the train - pull the emergency stop handle, this will be either red or green and will be visibly identified. Pulling the emergency stop handle between stations will make it more difficult for emergency crews or police to reach the train.
  3. If you are in immediate danger try to move to the next carriage, internal doors can be pushed apart if necessary. Do not pick up personal items. It is usually safer to remain on the train.
  4. If you must leave the train, only then should you attempt to leave the train via the external doors. Methods for unlocking and opening in an emergency differ between types of train however, the emergency open device will be at the door with instructions.
  5. If this is not possible, leave through an emergency window which will usually be identified as such. There may be a hammer next to it. If there is no indicated window, use the most convenient one facing away from any other tracks if possible.
  6. Strike the hammer against the corner of the window (if you strike the middle it'll just bounce off) until both panes crack, then push them out with a piece of luggage.
  7. You should lower yourself carefully from the train and move away from it as quickly as possible.
  8. Look and listen for approaching trains, and possibly the electric 3rd rail. Do not step on any rails; you could be stepping on the 3rd rail, depending on how the track is electrified. Get off the track as quickly as possible.

If an evacuation of a train is ordered by train crew, instructions will be given. Most carriages have specific windows that can be broken or pushed open for emergency escape.

A conductor or guard is present on most trains (with the exception of certain commuter routes in the South East). If they have not made themselves visible during the journey, they can usually be found in the cab at the rear of the train. Communication panels are normally throughout the train. Emergency brakes are also available, but a heavy penalty can be levied against someone who unnecessarily stops the train. Many communication panels are also emergency brakes. Unless someone's safety is threatened by the movement of the train, contact the guard or driver and wait for assistance or the next station stop.

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Dit reis-onderwerp oor Treinreise in Groot-Brittanje het gids status. It has good, detailed information covering the entire topic. Dra asseblief by en help ons om dit 'n ster !