Verenigde Arabiese Emirate - United Arab Emirates

Die Verenigde Arabiese Emirate (Arabies: دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة) of bloot die Emirate is 'n land ryk aan geskiedenis en kultuur by die ingang na die Persiese Golf. Dit is 'n maklike beginpunt vir reise in die middel ooste.


Die VAE is 'n federasie van sewe emirate (imaratenkelvoud - imarah):

24 ° 11′56 ″ N 54 ° 5′28 ″ O
Kaart van Verenigde Arabiese Emirate

 Emiraat Abu Dhabi (Abu Dhabi en Al Ain)
 Emiraat van Dubai (Dubai en Hatta)
 Emiraat van Sharjah (Sharjah, Dibba, Kalba en Khor Fakkan)
 Emiraat van Ajman (Ajman)
 Emiraat van Umm al Quwain (Umm al Quwain)
 Emiraat van Ra's al Khaymah (Ra's al Khaymah)
 Emiraat van Fujairah (Fujairah)

Die grootste hiervan verreweg is Abu Dhabi, terwyl dit waarskynlik die bekendste is Dubai.


Die Verenigde Arabiese Emirate het verskeie stede, dorpe en dorpe regoor die land. Die sewe hoofstede van die sewe emirate vorm die belangrikste stad en vervoersentrum in elke onderskeie emiraat.

  • 1 Abu Dhabi (Arabies: أبو ظبي) - Die hoofstad van die land, gevul met groot museums en monumente.
  • 2 Dubai (Arabies: دبي) - Die finansiële hoofstad en handelsentrum en grootste stad van die VAE.
  • 3 Sharjah (Arabies: الشارقة) - Die land se kulturele middelpunt wat bekend is vir sy Arabiese en Islamitiese argitektuur.
  • 4 Ajman (Arabies: عجمان) - Die kleinste emiraat, een van die stil bestemmings met 'n ontspanne atmosfeer.
  • 5 Umm Al Quwain (Arabies: أم القيوين) - 'n Skiereiland wat strek tot in die kloof met verskeie strandoorde.
  • 6 Ras Al Khaimah Ras Al Khaimah op Wikipedia (Arabies: راس الخيمة) - 'n Avontuurhub in die Midde-Ooste, met die hoogste berg in die VAE en baie opwindende aktiwiteite.
  • 7 Fujairah (Arabies: الفجيرة) - Gewilde toeriste- en blyplek-bestemming aan die Oman-golf. Bynaam as Die bruid van die ooskus.

Ander bestemmings

Ander bekende bestemmings sluit die volgende in:

  • 1 Al Ain (Arabies: العين) - Eens 'n klein oase en nou 'n belangrike stad naby die Omaniese grensdorp Buraimi.
  • 2 Hatta (Arabies: حتا) - eens 'n bergagtige dorpie, maar nou 'n belangrike avontuurlike bestemming vir kajak en stap.
  • 3 Khor Fakkan (Arabies: خورفكان) - 'n Stad geleë in 'n skilderagtige baai met verskeie historiese wagtorings en 'n tradisionele Vrydagmark.
  • 4 Liwa-oase (Arabies: واحة ليوا) - 'n Halfmaan van plase rondom 'n oase aan die rand van die Leë kwartaal. Bied maklike toegang tot die leë kwartier en is bekend vir veldren-avonture oor sandduine.
  • 5 Ruwais (Arabies: الرويس) - 'n Industriële en energiedorp in die westelike streek in die emiraat Abu Dhabi.


Verenigde Arabiese Emirate ter wêreld (Verenigde Arabiese Emirate gesentreer) .svg
KapitaalAbu Dhabi
GeldeenheidDirham van die Verenigde Arabiese Emirate (AED)
Bevolking9,4 miljoen (2017)
Elektrisiteit220 volt / 50 hertz (Europlug, AC-kragproppe en -stekkers: Britse en verwante soorte, BS 1363)
Landelike kode 971
TydsoneUTC 04:00
Noodgevalle112, 997 (brandweer), 998 (mediese nooddienste), 999 (polisie)

Reeds tot in die 20ste eeu was die VAE nie op iemand se toeristeplan nie. Maar belegging van fantastiese olie- en gas rykdom, sowel as 'n relatief liberale interpretasie van die Islam (as u 'n welgestelde vreemdeling is, dit wil sê), het dit in 'n groot mate verander - megaprojekte, waaronder kunsmatige eilande, reusagtige winkelsentrums met alles wat aangebied word vir dié van beursies wat groot genoeg is, en die hoogste gebou in die wêreld, het baie opwinding in die Emirate veroorsaak. Die vinnige uitbreiding van die VAE se lugvaartbedryf in die 21ste eeu, hoofsaaklik as gevolg van die plofbare groei in Dubai-gebaseerde Emirates en Abu Dhabi-gebaseerde Etihad Airways, het die VAE waarskynlik die middelpunt van die wêreld verander. Die minder bekende kant van die VAE bevat afgeleë, manjifieke woestynduine aan die rand van die UAE Leë kwartaal en ontsagwekkende waadjies en berge in die noord-oostelike Emirate wat grens Oman.

Onder die skitterende gevel is daar egter 'n groot onderklas van trekarbeiders wat dikwels gruwelik mishandel word, om nie eens te praat van 'n taamlik outoritêre stel regerende gesinne wat nie kritiek van enigiemand sal ontlok nie - nie eens 'n “onbehoorlike” lid van hul eie gesinne nie. .


Die stigtervader van die VAE, Sheikh Zayed, word hier gesien met 'n kandora (grys; ook buite die VAE genoem), bisht (wit), ghutra (hoofbekleding) en 'n Saker-valk, die nasionale dier van die VAE.

Die aankoms van gesante van die Islamitiese profeet Mohammed in 630 lui die bekering van die streek in Islam. Na Muhammad het een van die grootste gevegte geveg Dibba gelei tot die nederlaag van die nie-Moslems en die triomf van die Islam in die Arabiese Skiereiland. Histories as 'n versameling hawedorpe aan die kus en oase in die woestyn, is die Emirate 'n versameling van sewe stamverbande wat regeer word deur Sheikhs wat hande gevat het aan een federale staat vorm. Die Sheikhs van die verskillende emirate het besluit om 'n unie te stig en hul bronne saamgevoeg om ander stamme-ekspansionisme teë te werk wat destyds in Arabië en in die omliggende streek oorheersend was, veral die Saoedi-Arabië en Omani se ekspansionisme. Die sjeiks van die 7 emirate het in 1820 ingestem om 'n Britse protektoraat te word en het as die Trucial States bekend gestaan. Die Verenigde Arabiese Emirate verklaar op 2 Desember 1971 onafhanklikheid van die Verenigde Koninkryk toe die Sheikhs van Abu Dhabi en Dubai vergader en Sheikh Zayed van Abu Dhabi voorstel om 'n unie te stig met Sheikh Rashid van Dubai. Sharjah, Ajman, Umm al Quwain en Fujairah het almal die uitnodiging aanvaar en tot die vakbond ingestem. Ras Al Khaimah het ingestem om 'n paar maande later op 10 Februarie 1972 aan te sluit. Sheikh Zayed word beskou as die dryfveer vir die skepping van die VAE en word toegeskryf aan die vorming van die staat as die stigtervader. Daar word na Sheikh Zayed en die res van die Sheikhs van die emirate verwys as die stigters van die VAE.


Die land is meestal woestyn, maar ander terreine kan ook gevind word. In verskeie emirate, veral Ras Al Khaimah, is berge en waadjies oral te sien. Die verskillende landskap gee die noordelike emirate hul eie kenmerke. Waterdamme en plaaslike wildlewe kan regoor die land ervaar word. Verskeie mangrove-moerasse is aan die kus aanwesig, veral in Abu Dhabi en Umm al Quwain, waar u dalk daarheen kan kajak. Binne groot stede sal u amper vergeet dat u in die woestyn is, want die stede is versier met groen, parke en wye grasvelde.


Daar is drie verskillende faktore wat die Emiratiese kulturele landskap bepaal. Enersyds die tradisionele Islamitiese Bedoeïene kultuur, insluitend die tradisionele kledingstukke. Mans dra wit klere genaamd Kandora, terwyl vroue swart klere met die naam Abaya dra. Dan is daar die immigrasie van swak betaalde werkers meestal (maar nie heeltemal nie) uit Suid-Asië wat skaars geïntegreer is in die samelewing en dikwels as onsigbaar behandel word deur die hoofstroom-Emiratiese samelewing. Derdens is die 'moderne' en 'westerse' beeld wat veral die Emirate van Dubai en Abu Dhabi vir die res van die wêreld wil uitbeeld met glinsterende winkelsentrums, ligter interpretasies van Islam as in die naburige Saoedi-Arabië, en 'n algemene atmosfeer van luukse vir diegene wat bereid is en daarvoor kan betaal. Hierdie drie is natuurlik geneig om te bots, soms skreiend, maar meestal is die inheemse Emirate tevrede om deel te neem aan die rykdom aan fossielbrandstowwe en ignoreer alle, maar die mees blatante 'on-Islamitiese' praktyke van ryk buitelanders, solank hulle die toerisme en inkopies gaan. Daar is egter meer plekke waar die plaaslike bevolking steeds 'n meer tradisionele leefstyl leef.

Die naglewe is duidelik in groot stede soos Dubai. In vergelyking met sekere lande waar die land of stad na 17:00 of 19:00 kronkel, gaan die UAE se naglewe voort in alle emirate (behalwe miskien in klein dorpies of dorpe). Straatligte, geboue en ligte in die hele land verlig steeds die land snags. Die meeste restaurante, winkels, winkelsentrums en dienste bly gedurende werkdae tot ongeveer 22:00 en gedurende die naweek middernag. Alkohol is algemeen beskikbaar by baie restaurante en kroeë in alle emirate, behalwe in Sharjah. Daar is 'n wettige vereiste om 'n lisensie te hê om drank in drankwinkels te koop (waarvan daar min is). Die alkohollisensie is 'n bewys dat die draer 'n nie-Moslem is. 'N Paspoort is nie voldoende nie. U kan egter alkoholvry op die lughawe koop om na die VAE te kom. Sharjah-emiraat is heeltemal droog. 'N Alkohollisensie is nodig in die emirate van Dubai, Abu Dhabi en Ajman; die oorblywende emirate van Ras Al Khaimah, Fujairah, en Umm al Quwain geen lisensie benodig nie. Die vereiste word soms by sekere winkels oor die hoof gesien.


Skyline van Dubai. Die hoogste gebou ter wêreld, Burj Khalifa, kan in die agtergrond gesien word.

Die Verenigde Arabiese Emirate is 'n federasie van sewe emirate, wat elkeen 'n absolute monargie is onder leiding van sy eie sjeik. Elke emiraat behou aansienlike outonomie, elk met hul eie wette. Die sjeik van elke emiraat word deur die inheemse bevolking van Emirate vereer (en as hy dit nie is nie, sal hulle beslis nie 'n ewekansige toeris vertel nie) en word dit beskou as die leier en visioenêr van die emiraat. Elke sjeik van die Emirate is die dryfveer vir die bekendste eienskap van sy Emirate. Dubai is byvoorbeeld progressief en het meer kosmopolitaans geword en 'n belangrike toeristebestemming as gevolg van sy sjeik se visie op Dubai om 'n toeriste-sentrum te wees. Die regerende sjeik van Sharjah is meer konserwatief en is 'n groot voorstander van onderwys sowel as Arabiese literatuur en argitektuur. Sharjah is dus gasheer vir verskeie universiteite, het baie Abbasidiese en Ummayyad argitektoniese geboue, en alkohol word nêrens in die stad bedien nie. Abu Dhabi is die hoofstad van die Emirate en het die presidensiële paleis (genaamd Qasr al Watan), al die land se nasionale instellings en alle buitelandse ambassades. Abu Dhabi bied ook baie monumente, museums en meer politieke atmosfeer aan. In teorie word die president en premier verkies deur die Federale Hooggeregsraad, wat saamgestel is uit die sjeiks van elk van die sewe emirate. In die praktyk word die sjeik van Abu Dhabi altyd tot president verkies, terwyl die sjeik van Dubai altyd tot premier verkies word, wat die poste maak de facto oorerflik.


Die infrastruktuur in die VAE is modern en goed ontwikkel. Die meeste geboue is splinternuut. Ligte skyn byna alle strate, potgate is amper nie beskikbaar nie, misdaadsyfers is baie laag, geen dakloosheid kan gesien word nie, telekommunikasie-seine kan oral gevind word, en verkeerstekens met tweetalige Arabiese en Engelse tale is goed geplaas in alle stede. Dadelpalmbome is die simboliese boom van die land en kan gesien word langs byna alle paaie. Die land is redelik nuut, so baie dinge verander vinnig en nuwe geboue spruit uit die niet. Dit is amper soos Sim City op steroïede.

Die paaie en ander openbare fasiliteite is modern as dit soms baie druk is. Supermarkte bied 'n groot verskeidenheid produkte uit Europa en die VS, afhangend van die winkel, sowel as plaaslike en plaaslike artikels. Belangrike internasionale kettings soos Ikea, Carrefour en Géant is teenwoordig en kitskoskettings (byna alle groot kettings) soos McDonald's en KFC is wyd werksaam. Aan die ander kant is daar nog 'n paar stampvol tradisies souks gevul met produkte van regoor die wêreld en tapytwinkels. Dit kan moeilik wees om vir die gemiddelde reisiger te vind, aangesien die winkelsentrums oorweldigend baie aandag trek. Die soeks is gewoonlik teenwoordig in die ou historiese distrikte van die stede, wat gewoonlik die mees besige sowel as die mees kultureel aangename gebiede is.


Die land is buitengewoon droog en kry slegs 'n paar dae reën per jaar. Die watergebruik is egter baie hoog, met breë stukke gras in die groot openbare parke, en landskap kan in die oorde of ander openbare plekke uitgebrei word. Die meeste van hierdie water kom van ontsouting. Die weer van einde Oktober tot middel Maart is redelik aangenaam, met temperature wat wissel tussen 27 ° C (85 ° F) en lae lae 15 ° C (63 ° F). Winters kan 'n bietjie koel word waar u 'n warm baadjie of trui nodig het, maar niks irriterend koud nie (die woestyn is egter gewoonlik yskoud). Dit is amper altyd sonnig. Reën kan tussen November en Februarie val, en kan sodoende padgevare veroorsaak. In die somer styg die temperatuur en die vogtigheid is amper ondraaglik. Die gemiddelde temperatuur vir Julie wissel van 34,8 ° C tot 37,2 ° C. Temperature kan bo 45 ° C styg en in uiterste gevalle selfs 50 ° C (120 ° F). Die hoogste gematigde temperatuur is 51,8 ° C en is in 2017 aangeteken. Byna oral in die VAE word die temperatuur beheer en lugversorg deur die VAE National Central Cooling Company genaamd Tabreed.


Sewe emirate, baie mense

Nadat u in die VAE geland het, dink u miskien nie dat dit 'n Arabiese land is nie. U kan dink dat u in is Indië of die Filippyne. Dubai, sedert die stigting van die oliebedryf, het duisende migrante gelok op soek na werk van regoor die wêreld, veral uit Pakistan, Indië, Bangladesj en die Filippyne. Vandag het Indiërs en Filippyne hul invloed in die emiraat gelaat: Indiese restaurante en Pakistanse bakwinkels is oral, terwyl die Filippynse supermarkte groei. Europeërs (meestal Britse en Franse) en Sri Lankane vorm die volgende grootste gemeenskappe. Chinese en Indonesiese migrante neem toe.

Die bevolking is ongelooflik uiteenlopend. Slegs 20% is inheemse Emirate; die res kom van die Indiese subkontinent: Indië, Pakistan, Bangladesj of Sri Lanka (50%); ander dele van Asië, veral die Filippyne, en Maleisië; en Westerse lande (Europa, Australië, Noord-Amerika, 5-6%), met die res van oraloor. Op enige dag in Dubai of Sharjah, byvoorbeeld, kan u mense van elke vasteland en elke sosiale klas sien. Met hierdie diversiteit is taal een van die min samewerkende faktore, en gevolglik praat byna almal een of ander weergawe van Engels. Alle pad- of ander inligtingstekens is in Engels en Arabies, en veral in die gasvryheidsbedryf word Engels gepraat. As gevolg van sy aansienlike olie-rykdom en hoë BBP, bied die Verenigde Arabiese Emirate sy burgers een van die wêreld se mees omvattende welsynstate, ondanks die feit dat hulle geen inkomstebelasting hef nie.



Ramadan is die 9de en heiligste maand in die Islamitiese kalender en duur 29–30 dae. Moslems vas elke dag vir sy duur en die meeste restaurante sal gesluit wees totdat die vinnige skemer breek. Niks (insluitend water en sigarette) is veronderstel om van dagbreek tot sononder deur die lippe te gaan nie. Nie-Moslems is hiervan vrygestel, maar moet steeds nie in die openbaar eet of drink nie, aangesien dit baie onbeleefd word. Die werksure word ook verminder in die sakewêreld. Die presiese datums van Ramadan hang af van plaaslike astronomiese waarnemings en kan ietwat van land tot land verskil. Ramadan word afgesluit met die fees van Eid al-Fitr, wat 'n paar dae kan duur, gewoonlik drie in die meeste lande.

  • 13 April - 12 Mei 2021 (1442 AH)
  • 2 April - 1 Mei 2022 (1443 AH)
  • 23 Maart - 20 April 2023 (1444 AH)
  • 11 Maart - 9 April 2024 (1445 AH)
  • 1 Maart - 29 Maart 2025 (1446 AH)

As u van plan is om tydens die Ramadan na Verenigde Arabiese Emirate te reis, oorweeg dit om te lees Reis tydens Ramadan.

Die naweek in die VAE vir die meeste regerings- en openbare dienste sowel as besighede duur vanaf Vrydag tot Saterdag; vir baie kan Donderdag 'n halwe dag wees (alhoewel dit meestal Saterdae die hele dag werk). In byna elke stad sal kommersiële aktiwiteite op Vrydagoggende gedemp word, maar na die middaguurdienste by die moskees is die meeste besighede oop en Vrydagaande kan daar druk wees.

Die belangrikste uitsondering is gedurende die vasmaand van Ramadan, wanneer die lewensritme drasties verander. Restaurante (buite toeristehotelle) bly gedurende die daglig gesluit, en hoewel die meeste kantore en winkels soggens van 08:00 tot 14:00 oop is, sluit hulle gewoonlik die middag terwyl mense die laaste uur van die vas wag (of slaap). . Na sononder kom mense bymekaar om vas te breek met 'n maaltyd wat bekend staan ​​as iftar, word gereeld in buitetente gehou (nie ongewoon in die Verenigde Arabiese Emirate nie), wat tradisioneel begin met dadels en 'n soet drankie. Sommige kantore heropen na 20:00 of so en bly goed na middernag oop, aangesien baie mense laat tot die oggendure wakker is. Net voor sonsopkoms bel 'n maaltyd sohoor geëet word, en dan herhaal die siklus weer.

  • Nuwejaarsdag (1 Januarie)
  • Hemelvaart van die profeet (Gebaseer op Hijri-kalender; datum wissel in Georgiese kalender)
  • Eid al-Fitr (Gebaseer op Hijri-kalender; datum wissel in Georgiese kalender)
  • Eid al-Adha (Gebaseer op Hijri-kalender; datum wissel in Georgiese kalender)
  • Islamitiese Nuwejaar (Gebaseer op Hijri-kalender; datum wissel in Georgiese kalender)
  • Mawlid (Gebaseer op Hijri-kalender; datum wissel in Georgiese kalender)
  • Gedenkdag (30 November) - Gedenk die datum van die eerste gevalle Emiratiese soldaat.
  • Nasionale dag (2 Desember) - Die datum van die unie en die stigting van die VAE.

Gaan in

Visabeleid van die Verenigde Arabiese Emirate

Beplanning en dokumentasie voor aankoms

Visumvry of visum by aankoms

Burgers van die Golf Cooperation Council (GCC) lande (Bahrein, Koeweit, Oman, en Saoedi-Arabië) het nie 'n visum nodig nie (behalwe vir Katar). 'N Visum vir kort verblyf sal by aankoms toegestaan ​​word aan inwoners van GCC-lidlande wat nie ook burgers het nie, ongeag hul nasionaliteit.

Inwoners van sekere lande betree die VAE sonder 'n visum of 'n 30-dae- of 90-dagvisum by aankoms wat by aankoms gratis in hul paspoort gestempel word. 30 dae visums kan verleng word tot 90 dae na aankoms teen 'n bedrag van 500 Dhs Andorra, Australië, Oostenryk, België, Brunei, Bulgarye, Brasilië, Barbados, Kanada, Sjina, Kroasië, Ciprus, Tsjeggiese Republiek, Chili, Costa Rica, Denemarke, Estland, Finland, Frankryk, Duitsland, Griekeland, Grenada, Hongkong, Hongarye, Honduras, Ysland, Ierland, Israel, Italië, Japan, Letland, Liechtenstein, Litaue, Luxemburg, Macau, Maleisië, Malta, Mexiko, Monaco, Montenegro, Nederland, Nieu-Seeland, Noorweë, Pole, Portugal, Roemenië, Rusland (kan verleng word tot 30 dae na aankoms), San Marino, Seychelle, Singapoer, Slowakye, Slowenië, Suid-Korea, Spanje, Swede, Switserland, Verenigde Koninkryk (behalwe BN (O) paspoorte), Verenigde State en Vatikaanstad.

Die verkryging van 'n visum

Alle ander nasionaliteite wat nie van visum vrygestel is nie, moet vooraf 'n visum aanvra. U sal borgskap benodig deur 'n Emirati-lugredery, hotel of toeroperateur om vir 'n visum aansoek te kan doen. Elke VAE-lugredery bied visumdienste aan as u daarmee saamvlieg. Afgesien daarvan kan reisagente en hotelle ook 'n toeristevisum vir u reël. Die koste van 'n visum vanaf 2015 is 250 dirham plus reisagentskoste vir 30 dae enkele toegang, en daar is geen uitbreidings meer beskikbaar nie. Die nuwe visumtarief en -reël is om toeriste te vermy om werk in die VAE te soek. Terwyl die vervoervisum vir 96 uur deur die lugdienste geborg word, is dit 100 dirham.

Anders as baie lande in die streek, het die VAE en Israel diplomatieke betrekkinge aangegaan. Vlugte tussen Tel Aviv en Dubai / Abu Dhabi, onderhou deur flyDubai en El Al, begin 1 Julie 2021. Israeliete en burgers van die VAE mag visumvry die ander land binnekom, maar dit kan verander as gevolg van die voortdurende COVID-19-pandemie. Israelse burgers het geen probleem om die VAE binne te gaan nie, en as u 'n Israeliese visum of stempel het, hoef u nie bekommerd te wees nie, en daar is 'n Israeliese ambassade in die VAE.

As u 'n burger van Indië of Pakistan is en van u land van burgerskap af reis, en die ECR-stempel in u paspoort het, sal u 'OK to Board' moet goedkeur. U sal dit ook benodig as u 'n burger van Sri Lanka of Bangladesj is wat buite Indië of Pakistan reis. Dit word meestal deur u reisagent of lugdiens gereël. As dit nie die geval is nie, neem dit, u paspoort en kaartjie na u lugdienskantoor sodra u u visum kry en kry die stempel 'OK aan boord'. Sonder dit mag u dalk nie na die VAE reis nie.

Paspoorte moet 6 maande vanaf aankomsdatum geldig wees.


Elke nie-Moslem volwassene kan dit binnekom vier items alkohol, bv. vier bottels wyn, of vier bottels sterk drank, of vier kaste bier (ongeag alkoholinhoud).

Die VAE neem berugte streng aan medisynes, met baie algemene middels, veral iets wat bevat kodeïen, diasepam (Valium) of dekstrometorfaan (Robitussin) verban word, tensy u 'n genoteer en geverifieer doktersvoorskrif. Die Verenigde Arabiese Emirate, veral Dubai, word deur dwelmhandelaars gebruik as 'n poort om dwelms van die ooste na die weste te versend, en daarom is die wetgewing rakende die besit of gebruik van dwelms streng. Besoekers wat die reëls oortree, al is hulle per ongeluk gedeporteer of tronk toe gestuur. Die UAE se regerings aanlynportaal hou instruksies, advies en 'n lys met beheerde stowwe wat verbode is.

Dwelms wat in buurlande gebruik en geduld word, is ook verbode. Gebruik khat / qat ('n blomplant met 'n alkaloïed genaamd cathinone) wat gewild is in ander nabygeleë lande (veral Jemen) is ook hoogs onwettig. Cannabis- en middestadverwante produkte word ook as onwettig beskou.

Met die vliegtuig

Binne die terminale 3 van die Internasionale Lughawe van Dubai (DXB).
Paspoortbeheer in Abu Dhabi Internasionale Lughawe (AUH).


Vir laekostevlugte,

  • Air Arabia het 'n spilpunt by Sharjah lughawe (wat baie naby Dubai is), en vlieg daarheen vanaf baie stede in Afrika , Europa, middel ooste en Indië.
  • Cebu Stille Oseaan vlieg van Dubai na Manilla in die Filippyne met tariewe van so laag as US $ 150.
  • Vlieg Dubai vlieg van Dubai na die Midde-Ooste, Europa, Afrika en Indië.
  • Pegasus-lugrederye vlieg van Dubai na baie stede in Europa.
  • Wizzair vlieg van Dubai na baie stede in Europa.
  • Smartwings-lugrederye vlieg van Dubai na baie stede in Europa.
  • Noors vlieg na baie stede in Europa en Noord-Amerika

Met die motor

Daar is toegang tot die Verenigde Arabiese Emirate vanaf Saoedi-Arabië in die suide en Oman in die ooste. Alle snelweë in die VAE is in 'n uitstekende toestand en met straatligte geïnstalleer. Daar is 'n groot hoeveelheid verkeer tussen Sharjah en Dubai tydens spitstyd. Al die emirate is verbind deur snelweë met verskeie vulstasies, kos- en rusplekke en snelwegpolisie. Die langste snelweg verbind die stad Abu Dhabi met die stad Ras Al Khaimah. Die snelweg strek vanaf Abu Dhabi om met Ruwais te verbind en dan na die grens met Saoedi-Arabië.

Verskeie elektroniese tolhekstelsel word in paaie in Abu Dhabi en Dubai gebruik. 'N Tolgeld van AED 4 word gehef om die Salik-tolhek in Dubai oor te steek. Hiervoor is 'n voorafbetaalde Salik Tag nodig. 'N Tolhekstelsel wat AED 4 tydens spitstye en AED 2 gedurende spitstye hef, is ook nodig om toegang tot die eiland Abu Dhabi in die hoofstad Abu Dhabi te kry.

Per boot

Daar is 'n veerbootdiens twee keer per week vanaf Bandar Abbas in Iran na die hawe van Sharjah deur die Iranse redery Valfajre-8. Dit is 'n oornag-veerboot wat 10-12 uur duur en sondae en Donderdae vroeg in die aand vertrek. Pryse begin by 160 dirham vir ekonomiese klas.

Afgesien van gereelde dienste, is daar 'n groot netwerk van tradisionele dienste dhow handelsroetes wat goedere deur die Golf vervoer en selfs na Indië. Dit is moontlik om deurgang op een van hierdie bote te koop. Afhangend van die manier waarop u beland, kan hulle na alle kusstede in die VAE gaan, insluitend Dubai en Abu Dhabi.

Kry rond

Afstande in die VAE is relatief kort en hou almal verband met verligte paaie, snelweë en oorvloedige vervoermetodes. Die VAE is nie baie stapvriendelik om rond te kom nie, veral as gevolg van die warm weer, sterk son en relatief uitgestrekte besienswaardighede. Vervoer word toenemend uitgebrei met 'n trein wat al die emirate bou, sowel as 'n funksionele netwerk van openbare vervoernetwerke wat u maklik na enige plek in die VAE kan vervoer.

Met die openbare vervoer

Openbare vervoer binne stede is wyd beskikbaar en gevorderd, met busstasies in Abu Dhabi, Dubai en Sharjah wat skadelike stop met lugversorging bied om mense teen die son en warm weer in die somer te beskerm. Daar is 'n uitgebreide metrostelsel in Dubai wat verskillende dele van die stad verbind, asook 'n monorail in Palm Jumeriah en 'n trem in Dubai Marina-omgewing. Alle openbare vervoer oor al die stede in die VAE is verbind met 'n taxi, bus, metro, monorail of tram. Interbussebusse is ook talryk, en busse neem u tot by Muscat in Oman. Busdienste tussen stede is vinnig, gemaklik en redelik gereeld.

In alle stede van die VAE is taxi's algemeen beskikbaar en relatief bekostigbaar. Plaaslike ritaandele-toepassings soos Uber en Careem is ook algemeen in die VAE, maar die pryse is relatief dieselfde in vergelyking met taxi's as om nie 'n uiteenlopende markmededingingsprys te skep nie. 'N Hyperloopstelsel word ontwikkel met toekomstige aanlegte om al die stede in die Verenigde Arabiese Emirate met mekaar te verbind. Die hyperloop, wat eenmaal verswak is, sal na verwagting die reistyd tussen Abu Dhabi en Dubai verminder tot 6-10 minute in plaas van die gewone rit en 45 minute se ry.

Met die motor

Groep veldmotors wat vir 'n woestynsafari in die woestyn in Dubai gaan.
'N Sandstorm in die VAE. Stormstorms is gewoonlik ongewoon, maar kan soms voorkom.

Die VAE het 'n moderne padinfrastruktuur met regs-verkeer. Om 'n motor te huur of in die VAE te ry, benodig u 'n internasionale rybewys, wat bloot 'n vertaling van u standaardlisensie is en by 'n plaaslike motorvereniging verkry kan word. As u 'n inwoner is, moet u 'n plaaslike bestuurderslisensie verwerf, aangesien 'n internasionale bestuurderslisensie nie gebruik kan word as u 'n inwoner is nie. As u 'n bestuurslisensie van 'n ander land het, kan u dit dalk vir 'n Emirati-rybewys verruil. Dit is 'n eenvoudige proses en kan binne 20 minute gedoen word, maar slegs as u van 'n spesifieke lys lande kom. As u van 'n land kom wat nie vrygestel is nie, moet u 40 klasse by 'n plaaslike bestuurskool ondergaan en 'n taamlike moeilike lisensieeksamen aflê. Dit is egter besig om te verander, en die uitruil van lisensies kan binnekort op alle nasionaliteite van toepassing wees, dus kyk na UAE-regeringsamptenaar aanlyn Portaal - Vervoer om te sien of u land een van die lande is wat in aanmerking kom om u uitheemse rybewys te omskep. Motorhuur is effens goedkoper as in Noord-Amerika. Daar is 'n vaste fooi per dag vir die huur van 'n motor, gebaseer op die grootte van die motor. Petrol (petrol) is volgens internasionale standaarde goedkoop. Die padstelsel is gebaseer op Europese standaarde, met baie rotondes en baie gekanaliseerde verkeer. Tekens is almal tweetalig (Arabies en Engels) en is maklik verstaanbaar en is op die meeste plekke duidelik en samehangend. Die spoedbeperkings is almal in Wes-Arabiese syfers gedokumenteer. Vulstasies is beskikbaar rondom snelweë sowel as in stede. Tesla-aanjaers is ook beskikbaar en word vermeerder.


'N Waarskuwingsverkeersteken vir kameeloorgange.

Inhaal word van links uitgevoer. As u stadig ry op die linkerkantste baan, moet u verwag dat u deur 'n vinniger inkomende motor agter u "geflits" word. Dit is in hierdie geval met vergunning om van die linkerbaan af te beweeg en die motor agter u te laat verbysteek. As u nie van baan verander nie terwyl die persoon agter u ligte flikker om u te wys dat u moet beweeg, word dit as aanstootlik beskou en kan u 'n woede ondervind. Moenie die linkerkantste baan gebruik as u stadig ry nie. Die meeste paaie het 'n soliede geel lyn aan die kant van die pad wat op sigself as 'n hele baan kan dien. Moenie die geel streep oorsteek nie (dit kan aanloklik wees in verkeer aangesien daar 'n lang leë sybaan is). Die geel lynlyn is slegs vir noodvoertuie gereserveer en kan nie op enige tydstip deur burgerlike gebruik gebruik word nie, behalwe in noodgevalle. As u 'n ongeluk of motoronderbreking ondervind, kan u langs die pad parkeer en die geel kantlyn oorsteek. As u die geel kantlyn van paaie anders gebruik, is dit onwettig (deur beide motors en motorfietse) en sal u 'n stewige boete oplewer as u dit oortree. Moenie beledigende gebare maak terwyl u êrens in die Emirate ry nie. Die gebruik van 'n beledigende gebaar soos die middelvinger is volgens die wet verbode en word beskou as 'n vorm van mondelinge aanranding, en u kan in die polisie se aanhouding of in die hof wees omdat u beledigende gebare op die pad gebruik. Paaie in die VAE word sterk gemonitor.

Die derde hoogste oorsaak van sterftes in die VAE is weens verkeersongelukke (die eerste is kardiovaskulêre siektes en die tweede is kanker). Mense in die VAE ry uiters vinnig, en sommige is heeltemal roekeloos. As gevolg hiervan hou die meeste paaie streng spoedbeperkingswette. Die snelheidsbeperking het 'n marge van ongeveer 20 km / uur (behalwe in Abu Dhabi, as u die geskrewe snelheidsperk oorskry, kry u 'n kaartjie). Die meeste van die paaie word gemonitor deur middel van afgeleë radarstelsels wat u kan beboet sonder om u te stop. Moenie verwag dat 'n polisiebeampte u aan die kant sal trek om vir u 'n kaartjie te skryf nie. U sal die kaartjie ontvang deur 'n boodskap op u telefoon (as u foon aan die motor gekoppel is in registrasie) en u moet alle verkeersboetes betaal wat u teëkom voordat u die VAE verlaat. Drones monitor ook die snelweë en paaie in landelike gebiede, dus moet vragmotorbestuurders sorg. Hommeltuie fotografeer gewoonlik vragmotorbestuurders wat nie hul spesifieke baan hou nie of vinniger ry as die spoed wat daarvoor gestel is nie.


Woestynsafari's en duine-bashing is goeie besienswaardighede in die omgewing van al die Emirate, maar daar moet met groot sorg omgesien word tydens die keuse van 'n gehuurde voertuig; dit moet 'n vierwielaandrywing wees. Woestynsafari's word gewoonlik ook saam met reisagente ontwerp en kan u ook baie kos. Moenie met een motor of alleen die woestyn binnedring nie. As 'n algemene reël moet meer as twee vierwielaangedrewe motors saam die woestyn binnevaar, sodat die een dit kan uithaal as een van hulle vasval. Woestynbestuur is 'n moeilike vaardigheid om aan te leer. Safaris en toergroepe neem u gewoonlik saam na 'n woestynsafari, en u kan selfs uself duineer as u wil.

Vierwielaandrywings soos die Toyoto Land Cruiser of Nissan Patrol en vragmotors soos die Ford Raptor is gewild in die Emirate vanweë die natuurlike woestynterrein en die nodige veldry in sommige gebiede. Die meeste motors is swart getinte vir beide privaatheid en om te voorkom dat die warm sonstrale in die motor binnedring, wat 'n koeler temperatuur in die motor bied. As u na die woestyn ry, moet u aandag gee aan kamele wat die paaie oorsteek.


Die amptelike taal is Arabies, hoewel die meerderheid van die bevolking uitgewekenes is en dit nie praat nie. Uitgewekenes uit Iran, Indië, die Filippyne en Westerse lande is meer as die inheemse Arabiere, veral in Abu Dhabi, Dubai en Sharjah. Engels is die lingua franca, en die oorgrote meerderheid van Emiratis weet hoe om dit te praat. Alle verkeers-, winkels- en bestemmingsborde is in Arabies en Engels geskryf. Om in Engels met enigiemand in die Emirate te praat, moet goed wees, en u hoef nie Arabies te leer om rond te kom nie. Dit gesê, as u Arabies kan leer praat, sal dit die inwoners beslis beïndruk.

Aangesien Arabies die amptelike taal is, kan regeringsdokumente slegs in Arabies geskryf word, hoewel Engelse vertalings of weergawes algemeen voorkom. Die enigste plek waar Arabies byna uitsluitlik gebruik word, is in die Verenigde Arabiese Emirate se weermaggeboue en hoofkwartiere.

Die VAE het 'n baie uiteenlopende bevolking; daar bestaan ​​baie tale en gemeenskappe. Tale wat in die Verenigde Arabiese Emirate algemeen gepraat word, sluit in Hindoestaans (Hindi & Oerdoe), Maleis / Tamil, Farsi (Persies) en Tagalog (Filippyns). Die meeste mense met sekondêre opleiding beskik oor ten minste 'n basiese beheersing van Engels, alhoewel dit nie ongewoon is om mense te ontmoet wie se Engels beperk is nie. As 'n belangrike middelpunt vir Arabiere, Midde-Oosters en Asiërs wat nie die Engelse taal as moedertaal praat nie, verwag hulle dat hul Engels op 'n beginner- of middelvlak sal wees. In this Muslim-majority country, expect to be greeted with the Arabic phrase of "Peace be upon you" - as-salām `alaykum - even if you are not a Muslim. The proper response would be to state "Peace be upon you too" - wa-`alaykumu s-salām.


Qasr al Sarab in Liwa Oasis.
Jebel Jais in Ras Al Khaimah.

There's plenty of things to see in the United Arab Emirates, both in terms of the Earth's natural wonderful landscape as well as the best of human's constructed attractions. From the world's largest tower in Dubai to the world's largest contiguous sand desert in the world in Liwa Oasis (which was the film set of planet Jakku in Star Wars: The Force Awakens). Most of the United Arab Emirates lies on the coast of the Persian Gulf, except for Fujairah which lies on the Gulf of Oman, offering both experiences of beautiful beaches in both gulf waters. The western side of the UAE's landscape is a sand terrain, with the Empty Quarter desert forming the south side of the UAE and containing some of the largest sand dunes in the world. The golden sand dunes form a wonderful sight and offer great adventurous safari rides into the wilderness of the desert. The northeastern side terrain is mountainous, offering mountain climbing activities in Ras Al Khaimah as well as the world's longest zip line that shoots from the tops of a mountain.

The UAE was initially a collection of small fishing villages with Eastern Arabian culture which has boomed significantly after the unification of the seven emirates. Hence, in every emirate's capital you will find an old district with old buildings consistent of mostly windcatchers and military forts that were common in the region then, and more progressive glass skyscrapers that signify the advanced progression of the emirates. Archealogical sites from the Umm Al Nar period are scattered across the emirates, with distinctive cultural variations found in the Hajar mountains in the northeastern emirates. In the western side of the UAE, oases are common across vast majority of desert landscape as they formed the major population centers in these areas such as Al Ain city (once only an oasis, now an entire city) and Liwa Oasis. Although outdoors in UAE may seem dull and uninteresting to the knowledgeable traveler, there are actually amazing natural destinations in the UAE - the difficulty is in knowing where to find them! There are pristine waterfalls, cliffs lined with fossils, even freshwater lakes.

Other than the natural beauty of the Arabian desert and mountainous regions of the Al Hajar mountains which may seem dangerous due to the rough surrounding environment, the UAE offers tourists a whole new experience in terms of comfortable living with tall skyscrapers and skylines and enormous malls and huge indoor theme parks as well as an entire indoor ski resorts in the middle of the desert!

There's also multiple islands around cities in the United Arab Emirates. Abu Dhabi, the capital of the UAE, is surrounded by natural islands with green mangroves surrounding the city. The water surrounding Abu Dhabi is light blue in color and is considered one the biggest coral reefs in the entire Persian Gulf region. In Dubai and Ras Al Khaimah, there are man-made islands that extend from the desert into the sea such as Palm Jumeriah and Murjan Island, allowing people to live in close proximity to the sea and green landscape while surrounded to a rough desert in Dubai and rough mountains in Ras Al Khaimah just south of these two respective cities.


Dubai's skyline

Burj Khalifa

Burj Khalifa is the world's largest skyscraper since 2009 extending to 828 meters and is located in Dubai. It is the easiest sighted landmark once you land in Dubai and a major tourist attraction site. You can see the vast desert outside Dubai and the sheen and progressive buildings that form Dubai from the top. You can also see planes flying from the top!

Grand Sheikh Zayed Mosque

Grand Sheikh Zayed Mosque is one of the most beautifully created mosques in the world. The architecture and designs of the mosque is a marvel and attracts tourists from all over the world to this magnificent religious site. The mosque is open to non-muslims and allows people of all faith to visit and explore the structure.

Hajar mountains

In the south, the Hajar mountains are easily distinguished by the rough and rugged landscape that pop out of suddenly from the desert. Jebel Hafeet in Al Ain is an accessible peak that is considered the outline of the Hajar mountains. The rough mountainous landscape forms a major hiking, trekking, and bird-watching opportunities, while the vast amount of picturesque wadis in the area are fun to explore. It offers a different landscape than just the desert found mainly in Abu Dhabi and Dubai.


From Islamic museums in Sharjah to international and global musuems in Abu Dhabi, the UAE offers voyagers a great deal of museums that dig into the area's historical past as well as displays the historical artifacts of the empires surrounding the region. Most popular museums are the Louvre museum in Abu Dhabi, the Sharjah Arts museum, and the Sharjah Museum of Islamic Civilisation. Of course, each emirate has its own national museum which showcases the emirates original history and displays iconic eastern Arabian items such as dhows, khanjars, and other aspects of earlier life such as clothing and vocation.

Jebel Jais

Jebel means mountain in Arabic. Jebel Jais is located in Ras Al Khaimah and is the highest accessible mountainous peak in the UAE and is a great site for camping in the winter. Similarly to the Hajar mountains, Jebel hafeet is a great location for major hiking, trekking, and mountain climbing.

Al Bidyah mosque

This is the oldest mosque found in the UAE and it is located in Fujairah. The mosque and its surroundings are a major archaeological site. This is a great attraction for history and archaeology fans. Although the mosque is very simple and modest in size, many excavations of pottery and metal artifacts are found in this area.


The turquoise waters surrounding the Islands of Abu Dhabi along the Corniche.
Fujairah fort in Fujairah.

One of the main focuses of tourist life (other than shopping) is the beach. The waters of the UAE, although cloudy due to heavy coastal construction, are still, for those from less torrid climes, remarkably warm, clean, and beautiful. There are long stretches of white-sand beaches, ranging from completely undeveloped to highly touristed (even in cities like Dubai). The snorkeling and diving can be magnificent, especially along the eastern (Indian Ocean) coast. Vast swaths of desert stretch to the south of the major urban areas, offering dramatic views and terrifying rides in fast-driven safaris. The mountains are dramatic, steep rocky crags, and a visit to them (for example, the town of Hatta) is well rewarded with amazing views. Women wearing bathing suits will draw unwanted attention at the public beaches; it is advisable to pay for a one-day entry pass to a private beach at a hotel.

There are plenty of man-made wonders to enjoy as well. Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi is the world's largest indoor theme park, and as the name suggests, is centered around experiencing the world of Ferrari and includes the fastest rollercoaster in the world, accelerating from 0 to 149 mph (240 km/h) in 4 seconds. This is alongside the Yas Marina Circuit, which hosts the Abu Dhabi Formula One Grand Prix. The Yas Marina Circuit is widely known as the most technologically advanced circuit on the planet, and, along with Formula One, hosts various national and international racing series, including the GP2 and GP3 series, and V8 Supercars. The Burj Khalifa in Dubai is the tallest building in the world, and visitors can travel up it to a viewing station situated near the building's peak to enjoy stunning views of the city and beyond. Wild Wadi and Aquaventure are two world class water parks that cater to the whole family. Those looking for proper retail therapy can visit Dubai Mall, one of the largest shopping malls in the world, and also the location of the world's largest dancing fountain, with multiple shows starting after sunset, and one of the world's largest indoor aquariums, Dubai Aquarium.

Ski Dubai in Dubai Emirates Mall is the world's third largest indoor ski slope, measuring 400 m and using 6000 tons of snow. Ski Dubai resort is the first UAE indoor ski slope to open, and more are planned. All equipment, except for gloves and a hat, are provided—skis/snowboards, snowsuits, boots and socks are all included in the price (the socks are disposable). The adjoining ski store sells equipment, including gloves. A ski slope in Ra's al Khaymah is also in the works.

"Desert safari" trips can be a fun experience for tourists. They can be booked ahead, but can often be booked as late as the day before, and most hotel receptionists can arrange this for you. Trips normally start late afternoon and end late evening. You will be collected from your hotel and driven to the desert in a 4x4 vehicle. Most packages include a heart-pumping drive over the dunes, a short camel ride, an Arabic buffet and a belly dancer. Another option would be renting/buying a 4x4 and joining the many growing 4x4 clubs in the UAE, which are varied and each carry their own different flavour: ad4x4, uaeoffroaders, emarat4x4, etc. They offer a free learning experience for all newcomers with scheduled weekly trips to suit all levels of driving skills. Some of them have over 2,000 members from many nationalities.



Exchange rates for Emirati dirham

Vanaf Januarie 2020:

  • US$1 ≈ 3.67 (fixed) dirhams
  • €1 ≈ 4.1 dirhams
  • UK£1 ≈ 4.8 dirhams

Wisselkoerse wissel. Huidige tariewe vir hierdie en ander geldeenhede is beskikbaar vanaf

The currency is the United Arab Emirates dirham demoted by the symbol " د.إ"of"dh"(ISO-kode: AED). It is pegged to the US dollar at 3.67 dirhams for $1. Notes are in denominations of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, and 1,000 dirhams. There is a one dirham coin with sub-units of 25 and 50 fils coins (100 fils = 1 dirham). There are 5 fils and 10 fils coins but these are rarely seen (and provide an excuse for traders to 'short change').

Cash and travellers' cheques can be changed at exchanges located at the airports or in all the major shopping malls. ATMs are numerous and generously distributed. They accept all the major chain cards: Visa, Cirrus, Maestro, etc. Credit cards are widely accepted.

If you pay with an overseas credit card, most merchants will attempt to apply dynamic currency conversion, charging several percent more than the issuer conversion would have cost. The credit card terminal will offer the choice of whether the conversion should be accepted. The merchant will nie ask you about this, and will choose to accept the conversion. If you pay attention, you can intervene and ask for "No" to be answered. If you ask upfront, some merchants will have no idea what you mean, but many will.


Basic commodities used to be cheaper than in most Western countries, although this is changing rapidly (Dubai has moved up the ranking to be the 25th most expensive city to live in; Abu Dhabi is close behind). Hotels rates are not cheap—there is a shortage of hotel rooms available, especially in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, which keeps the hotels often at above 90% occupancy. Vast numbers of new hotels are scheduled to come on line during the next five to ten years, but as tourism is on the rise, it is unlikely that prices will come down. All things touristy also tend to be rather expensive. Rents in Dubai are starting to compete with cities like Paris or London, and other prices tend to follow. Some places have shared accommodations available and are quite reasonable.


One of the things the UAE is most famous for is shopping. There are no sales taxes in the UAE, but it is very difficult to find any real bargains anymore as inflation is at an all-time high. If you are interested in shopping, you can't leave the UAE without visiting Dubai. Dubai boasts the best places for shopping in the whole of the Middle East, especially during the annual shopping festival, usually from mid-January to mid-February.


Sien ook: Midde-Oosterse kookkuns
Popular Emirati dessert called Lugaimat.
A fancy Arabic-cuisine mixed grill. Clockwise from top: lamb kofta, chicken shish tawuk, beef shish kebab, pilaf (Arabic rice), vegetables.

The UAE's traditional cuisine is the Emirati and Eastern Arabian cuisine, however the country also offers a global cuisine. The more than 165 nationalities residing in the Emirates have made the country a destination which offers and caterers to all cuisines or religious compliant food for everyone.

Eastern Arabian cuisine

Eastern Arabian cuisine forms the major traditional food in the UAE. Emirati cuisine is sampled and widely marketed as the traditional food of the state. However, traditional Emirati cuisine is somewhat difficult to find due to the minority presence of Emiratis in their own country. Al Fanar restaurant is a famous and common Emirati-styled restaurant that was established to offer Emirati food and atmosphere for foreigners wishing to experience the country's traditional food. Emirati food is commonly platters of fragrant rice topped with lamb, camel meat, chicken or fish that has been slow-roasted in a pit. If you have Emirati friends, being invited to their homes would generally be the best chance you have to sample the local cuisine. Arabic coffee, camel milk, and dates form the staple food of which the Emiratis have lived on for generations. Camel milk is widely available in supermarkets and is a common sight to see in an Emirati grocery store. There's even flavors of chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry camel milk. Camel milk or Date flavored milkshakes are commonly found. Chocolate made of camel milk is also available. The UAE has established companies that use camel milk and camel meat as a major alternative to the regular chicken, lamb, and cow meat that are commonly available worldwide. Camel milk and camel meat is commonly available in the UAE and is a great chance for tourists and visitors to experience a new type of delicacy for an inexpensive price. Another famous Emirati dessert is Luguaimat (called Luqaimat in standard Arabic). The dessert is widely available and offered in almost all Emirati gatherings and is sold in a lot of restaurants and outlets as well. Ramadan is a great time to be invited to an Emirati house to experience a lot of their traditional foods.

Tourists in Dubai being presented with Emirati food and taught about the eating etiquette.

Global cuisines

Abu Dhabi en Dubai and, to a lesser extent, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm Al Quwain, Ras Al Khaimah, en Fujairah all offer a vast spread of food from most of the world's major cuisines. By western standards most restaurants are quite affordable although it is easy to find extremely expensive food too. Most upper-end restaurants are located in hotels. South east Asian cuisine such as Indian and Pakistani restaurants are also widely available and can be found in every corner. Arabic cuisine such as Lebanese, Syrian and Jordanian cuisines are also available. Persian cuisine is proudly marketed around the country due to the proximity of Iran. Persian restaurants proudly present Persian atmosphere; both Islamic Persian design, Persian Empire-styled, and even Imperial Iran atmosphere with pictures of the Shah and Imperial Iranian flag adorning the restaurant depending on the Iranian owner's fidelity. The Iranian Club in Dubai proudly caters to Iranians and is funded by the Iranian government and is run by the Iranian community in Dubai. If you have an Iranian friend its a great opportunity to be invited to experience the Persian cuisine in the Iranian Club. Since the UAE forms the home of major Middle Eastern, south east Asian, and western communities its safe to say that almost every cuisine exist around the country. South African, Nigerian, and Ethiopian restaurant are few but are still present. Chinese restaurants are also increasing in number due to the increasing Chinese community in the country. There's even a famous North Korean restaurant in Dubai. All types of cuisines African, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, European, and American cuisines are all widely available. Finding a favorite restaurant chain should not be a problem. There's also a lot of local chains and business start ups which offer different types of food which you may have not experienced. Pork is also available and is sold in supermarkets, albeit in a specifically designated location marked "For Non-Muslims".


Famous restaurant chains have also established branches in the country. Restaurants by the world's most famous chefs such as Gordon Ramsey, Gary Rhodes, Guy Fieri, Nobuyuki Matsuhisa, and Salt Bae all operate restaurants around the country. In fact, some of the world famous chefs, such as Salt Bae, primary restaurant and base of operation is in Dubai such as Salt Bae's Nusr-Et restaurant in Four Season Hotel in Jumeriah (Visited by Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, among others). Other international food chains such as Cheesecake factory, Texas Fried Chicken, Red Lobster, PF Chang's, Chili's and many more all operate branches throughout the country. Fast food is also common, with many chains such as McDonald's, KFC, Burger King, Popeye's, Hardee's, and Wendy's are almost found everywhere. The major ice cream chain is Baskin Robbins, but other ice cream brands such as Cold Stone Creamery, Marbles Lab, Moishi, and Amorino are all available. Local branches of gelato and other desserts are also common. Pakistani and Indian restaurants are also very common. South Asian food in the UAE is more authentic than the food found in Europe or elsewhere due to the proximity of India and Pakistan to the Emirates. Indians, Pakistanis, Malayalis, Malabaris and Sri Lankans can be found everywhere and form the majority of the population in the Emirates. The UAE is a favorite destination for Keralites outside of Kerala, and proper authentic eastern Asian restaurants are found all over the Emirates.


An Emirati Majlis. A majlis can be way larger depending on the event or who's invited.

In public, general global and mostly western etiquette is required to be adhered. If you are invited to an Emirati's house for food, it depends on how cultural the family is. You may be required to sit on the ground, eat with your hands, or share the same plate with everyone. It is not uncommon for Emiratis to present a feast in one big platter, and everyone sits around it and eats with their hands. The key thing to remember when doing so is to use only your right hand, as the left hand is traditionally reserved for handling dirty things. Being invited to break bread or share a platter with Emiratis is a considered a huge sign of respect and fondness. Young Emiratis are however, very understanding if you choose to have your own plate or eat with utensils, and some of Emiratis don't even adhere to the traditional floor sitting and eating with hands style of cultural eating etiquette. A more modern etiquette is to sit on the ground with everyone having their own plate, spoon, fork, and knife while eating the food in front of you or politely asking someone next to you to serve the food away from you. Do not get up and attempt to move to the place where a certain type of food is put.

If you are invited to a Majlis (a traditional and common gathering commonly men-only or women-only), you will be presented with dates and Arabic coffee (called gahwa). The majlis is a big room or a tent with places to sit where people talk and converse. A person will rotate around the maljlis and offer you dates, dessert, or Arabic coffee. If you eat dates, remember to take them in odd numbers (1 or 3, etc..). Taking dates in even numbers is not a problem but its preferred to take them in odd numbers to adhere to the Arabic culture. If you are presented with Arabic coffee the person who rotates to pour the coffee will continue to pour you coffee until you shake the cup while presenting it to him. This signals that you do not want more coffee and he will take the cup from you. In a traditional setting, if you are entering a majlis you'll be required to move to the chair closest to your right and shake hands with the person starting from there until you shake hands with everyone. If you're sitting in a chair and someone is coming to greet you, you will be required to stand up and shake hands with that person before sitting down. If there is a Sheikh in the majlis, its customary to greet him first before going back and shaking hands with everyone else. Arabic men from the same tribe perform a nose kiss (also called Eskimo kiss). It may also be performed by very close friends. In an nontraditional majlis, its not customary to do any of that and simply going in and goofing around with your friends is totally fine.

If you are presented with food in an Emirati house, its customary to eat. Its considered disrespectful if you do not eat anything. If you're full, eating small amounts is better than rejecting the food entirely. You will be presented with a lot of food if you visit an Emirati house for lunch or dinner, as Emiratis consider generosity a virtue and you'll be disrespecting them if you don't eat or touch any food they present you with.

Godsdienstige diëte

All food in the UAE is Halal. Kosher food is also increasingly available. Companies and restaurants such as Kosher Arabia and Eli's Kosher Kitchen, which is supervised by Chief Rabbi of the UAE Rabbi Yehuda Sarna, are also available. Vegetarian restaurants are also widely available due to the major presence of Hindus in the country. Finding your local or favorite or religiously compliant cuisine should not be a problem in the Emirates.


Fast Track Lobby Bar at the Radisson Blu Hotel in the capital Abu Dhabi.

Dubai has a burgeoning nightlife scene and even formerly straitlaced Abu Dhabi has loosened up and tried to catch up. Alcohol is available in alcohol stores, 5-star hotel restaurants and bars in all emirates except Sharjah, where you can only drink in your home or in an expat hangout called the Sharjah Wanderers. As a tourist, you are permitted to buy alcohol in bars and restaurants to drink there. If you are a resident, you're supposed to have an alcohol license (never asked for in bars) which also allows you to buy alcohol at alcohol stores (they do check).

During Ramadan, no alcohol is served during daylight (fasting) hours. Dubai and Abu Dhabi permit bars to serve alcohol at night, but bands stop playing, background music is off or quiet, no dancing is allowed and nightclubs are usually closed. On certain holy days in the Islamic calendar, no alcohol is served publicly in any of the UAE.

Doen nie under any circumstance drink and drive in the UAE. If by chance you are in an accident, this becomes a card for going directly to jail — especially during Ramadan. Taxis and ride-share apps such as Uber are widely available if you have been drinking and are a much safer and wiser option given the insane driving habits in the region.


Palm Jumeriah in Dubai

For the visitor, the UAE has one of the most spectacular ranges of tourist accommodations in the world. There are staggeringly beautiful, modern hotels, which can be expensive. However, more modest housing is also available. Hotels and accommodation in the Emirates are always available - in fact, hotels are a major revenue source for investors in the UAE. The hotels and accommodation throughout the Emirates are stunning and extraordinary luxurious due to the fact of the high luxury standards in the Emirates (particularly in Dubai) as well as the relatively new buildings and skyscrapers. Some of the most famous lodging destinations that are famous for being portrayed in movies are the Emirates Palace in Abu Dhabi and the Burj Al Arab in Dubai. Emirates Palace in Abu Dhabi also serve as a lodging destination for foreign head of states or diplomats visiting the capital city Abu Dhabi.

Almost all hotels serve alcohol with the notable exception of hotels in Sharjah. Most hotels also have various bars, night clubs, and meeting hot spots. Most resorts are built on artificial made islands such as the Palm Jumeriah in Dubai and Al Marjan Island in Ras Al Khaimah. Beach access and amenities are a given when booking a resort or a hotel on a beach.


University City Hall in University City, Sharjah.

Per the Times Higher Education (THE) and the QS World University rankings in 2019, the highest ranking universities in the UAE are:

  • 1- Khalifa University
  • 2- United Arab Emirates University
  • 3- American University in Sharjah
  • 4- American University in Dubai
  • 5- University of Sharjah
  • 6- Abu Dhabi University
  • 7- Zayed University
  • 8- Ajman University

The UAE has government-sponsored universities that are limited only to citizens or high achieving non citizens only. The four local government-sponsored universities are Khalifa University, die United Arab Emirates University in Al Ain, die Higher Colleges of Technology with various campuses throughout the UAE, and Zayed University with campuses in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

In addition to the local universities, the UAE also hosts branches of several well-known American and European universities. These are primarily concentrated in the cities of Dubai en Abu Dhabi. Examples of global universities with campuses in the UAE include New York University Abu Dhabi, Paris-Sorbonne Abu Dhabi, London Business School, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, and University of Exeter.


You will need a work visa to be allowed to work in the UAE, and receiving one requires a local company or sponsor to apply on your behalf. A 10-year, 5-year, and 6-month visa schemes are also available for investors, entrepreneurs and outstanding students. Die UAE government official online portal has all the details to apply for visas or long term visas.

Qualifying investors, entrepreneurs, professional talents, researchers in various fields of science and knowledge, and outstanding students are offered a permanent residency scheme called the Gold card.

Obtaining UAE citizenship is only possible for foreign women who are married to Emirati men (but nie for foreign men married to Emirati women), but is otherwise next to impossible for other foreigners. A foreign woman must be married for 7 years with at least one child or 10 years with no children to be eligible for citizenship. Citizenship may also be granted by a decree from the president if a person has done extraordinary accomplishments for the country.


Emirati men wearing traditional attire and performing an Emirati weapon dance called Razfah.

Emiratis are proud but welcoming people and, when not in their cars, are generally extremely civil and friendly. Like most peoples of the world, they welcome visitors who are willing to show some amount of respect and can be extremely generous. (Some expats and visitors do not understand that revealing clothing can be quite offensive to some people, even if nothing is said to the offenders.) Their culture is unique and can be highly conservative, but overall they are quite attuned to the ways, customs, events, media, and manners of the world.

Local men usually wear a "Kandoura", a long robe (typically white), and ghutra, a red-checked or white headdress. Local women wear a black robe-like garment (abaya) and a black head scarf (shayla).

The UAE is more conservative than most Western societies, though not as much as some of its neighbors. Travelers should be aware and respect the more traditional outlook in the UAE, as there are behaviors typical in the West (for example, making "rude and insulting gestures") that will result in arrest in the UAE. On the other hand, Western travelers will find most of the UAE quite comfortable.

Although women are not legally required to wear the hijab, revealing fashions such as tank tops and shorts are discouraged. Hijab and modest clothing are necessary to visit mosques or religious sites. Some mosques such as the Sheikh Zayed mosque in Abu Dhabi provide modest clothing for tourists visiting the site. Short skirts and shorts are acceptable, although you might incur stares. However, there are quite a few tourist or expatriate-dominated zones where even "provocative" dress may be seen, although not necessary respected. Bikinis and other type of swimwear can be worn there. These include many areas of the Emirate of Dubai and, for example, beach resorts in Ajman or Fujairah. Public nudity anywhere is strictly forbidden and is considered a crime. Sharjah is the most conservative of the Emirates with public decency statutes (i.e., forbidding overly revealing clothing or certain kinds of beach wear), but few of them are enforced (although that varies).

The Emirates are not gay-friendly, and consensual homosexual activity is potentially subject to the death penalty (although never carried out in the history of the country). However, discretion is the key: like many things in Emirati society, what happens behind closed doors is - well - what happens. Public display of affection is considered impolite or ill-mannered to the Emirati population. On the other hand, it is not uncommon for Emirati men or women to show physical affection but not across gender; Emirati men often kiss one another's noses in greeting and women greet one another with cheek kisses and may hold hands or link arms.

Don't tell locals that the UAE is part of Saudi Arabia. Don't compare it to Bahrain, Oman or Qatar either. Many locals and expats are proud of their country and culture so some would be deeply offended. Don't discuss the crisis between the Emirates and Qatar either as it is a touchy topic to the locals.

Bly veilig

Dubai Police uses a fleet of super-cars. The super cars police patrols are found in tourist hot spots and allows tourists to take pictures with the officers.

The UAE is exceptionally safe. The country is considered one of the safest places to live. Abu Dhabi is ranked as the safest city in the world in 2019, while Dubai was ranked the 6th safest city in the world.

Visitors should be less concerned about crime, than the harsh law enforcement. Homosexuality is a crime that may carry the death penalty in the UAE (although never enforced in the history of the country), so gay and lesbian tourists should be discreet. Same-sex public display of affection is illegal and punishable by fine or jail.

Sex outside marriage is also illegal but not enforced unless it results in pregnancy. Public sex, nudity, and any form of sexual activity conducted in public is illegal. Caution is definitely advised.

There are a couple of things you should be aware of to do with drug laws in the UAE. Some common painkillers in western countries are illegal narcotics in the UAE like codeine. Don't bring any with you unless you carry a copy of your prescription or you may join others who have received jail sentences. In contrast, antibiotics are freely available over the counter at pharmacies. If you receive a prescription for controlled drugs in the UAE, such as some painkillers and antidepressants, be sure to keep the copy of the prescription with you when traveling out of the country.

Another trap for the unwary is that if you are suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, a blood test can be taken, and if it shows evidence of substances that are illegal in the UAE, then you will probably end up in jail even if the substances were ingested in the country that you were previously in. In addition to testing your blood, they will likely check your belongings. People have been jailed for possession for finding microscopic specks of drugs on them with highly sensitive equipment.

Under cyber-crime laws if a person makes a defamatory statements about someone in the UAE on social media, even if a number of years ago in another country, they can be jailed or fined.

Another cause for concern is the very high rate of automobile accidents: besides due care while driving a vehicle, crossing the road on foot can be quite dangerous as well.

Bly gesond

Generaal medical care in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Sharjah is quite good, with clinics for general and specialized care widely available, including some which are now open 24 hours. Hospitals in the major centers are well-equipped to deal with any medical emergencies. There is an ambulance system in all major population centres; however, coverage can be patchy in the more remote areas. Ambulances are designed for transportation rather than providing care as first responders, so don't expect top-flight on-site care.

The main government hospital in Abu Dhabi is quite good; as is the Sheikh Khalifa Medical City, now managed by Cleveland Clinic.

In Dubai, the government hospitals are Rashid hospital, which has a new Trauma Centre and Dubai Hospital which are very good. Welcare Hospital International Modern Hospital American Hospital Zulekha Hospital NMC Hospital, and Belhoul Hospital in the private sector all have a good reputation. The country is free of malaria and prophylaxis is not needed. In Sharjah, the Kuwaiti (Goverrnment) Hospital accepts expatriates. The private hospitals in Sharjah are the Zahra hospital, Zulekha Hospital and Central Private Hospital. Prices including healthcare are generally cheaper in Sharjah and although all hospitals meet the Ministry of Health standards the Central Private Hospital and Zulekha Hospitals are considered more affordable.

Al Ain is served by modern hospitals and care centers: Tawam Hospital, now managed by John Hopkins, and host to the UAE University Faculty of Medicine and Health Science; Al Ain Hospital (also called Al Jimi Hospital as it is in the district of Al Jimi), now managed by the Vienna Medical University; and the private Oasis Hospital, previously known as Kennedy Hospital, which was founded and run by Christian missionaries, and which was the first hospital in the city.

Die water is safe to drink in the UAE, although most people prefer bottled water for its taste. The food is clean and in most restaurants is served to Western standards, particularly in tourist areas; however, hygiene can be an issue in some establishments outside, particularly roadside stalls. That said, food poisoning does happen, so use your common sense!

Die heat in summer can reach 50°C (122°F), so avoid outdoors activity at the height of the day and watch out for signs of heat stroke. Be sure to drink lots of water as dehydration happens easily in such heat. If travelling off road (most of the country is desert), ensure you carry sufficient water to allow you to walk to the road should vehicles become bogged.

Although the UAE is somewhat more accommodating to travellers with disabilities than other countries in the Mideast, it would nonetheless be a difficult country to navigate in a wheelchair. Curbs are high and there are few, if any, ramps or other accommodations. This includes an almost complete lack of handicapped-friendly bathrooms.


As of July 2019, free prepaid SIM cards - loaded with a three-minute talk time, five SMS and 20MB mobile data - would be given to tourists upon their arrival at any of the UAE's entry points as per the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) initiative to welcome new tourists.

Landline area codes

The country's international calling code is 971 in reference to its independence year (1971)

  • 01 - was intended to be used by the planned capital 'Al Karama' but never put in use.
  • 02 - Abu Dhabi area code
  • 03 - Al Ain area code
  • 04 - Dubai area code
  • 06 - Sharjah, Ajman, Um Al Quwain area codes
  • 07 - Ras Al Khaimah area code
  • 09 - Fujairah area code

Calling internationally, 971 (the second number of the area code) followed by the number calls a specific landline in that area.

Per telefoon

The country code is 971. The mobile phone network uses the GSM technology (as in Europa en Afrika) en gebruik is wydverspreid. The format for dialing is: 971-#-### ####, where the first "#" designates the area code. Key area codes include Dubai (4), Sharjah (6) and Abu Dhabi (2). Calls to mobile phones use the operator's area codes: (50/56/58) for Etisalat and (52/55) for Du. Like other countries, when dialing locally, "00" is used to access an international number (and followed by the country code) and "0" is used to access a national number (followed by the area code).

By internet

Internet cafés are fairly common in the larger cities, and web censorship is at times odd, but rarely obtrusive. Instant messaging and voice-over-IP services like Skype sometimes work. The government owned telecommunications operator blocks access to these services to varying degrees. The blocking does not always stop calls and may vary depending on the network used. It also appears to be able to block Skypeout calls whilst allowing Skype-Skype calls. Even if the services are not blocked, connection speed can be an issue. Most people use a VPN service to bypass local Internet restrictions.

Etisalat and Du both provide USB Internet connections.

By post

A postal stamp from Abu Dhabi in 1967.

The United Arab Emirates has a fairly efficient postal system run by the Emirates Post Group. There are dozens of post offices scattered across the major cities. It costs 4.50 dirhams at standard rates to send a standard letter weighing 29-30 gr (1 oz) locally and between the emirates within the country; 5 dirhams to neighboring Gulf states (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain); 9 dirhams across the gulf to Iran; and 11 to 13 dirhams to most other countries. Mailing to nearby conflict zones (Iraq, Syria, Yemen) can only be sent on the premium rate starting at 165 dirhams. Sending parcels can get costly, being counted per kilogram and by distance. A full list of rates and branch locations can be found on the Emirates Post Group website[dooie skakel].

All mail sent within and to the country are sent only to PO Boxes without zip or post codes. Therefore, address should be formatted as:

Name of recipient
Name of company or organization if relevant
PO Box xxxx

Such as:

John Doe
Raffles World Academy
PO Box 122900

If sending by private courier (DHL, FedEx, UPS, etc) to a physical address be sure to confirm the delivery address with recipient and provide the recipient's telephone number on the package so that the delivery driver can call to clarify the location if necessary as physical addresses are vague and inconsistent. Such as:

John Doe
Raffles World Academy
Al Marcup Street، Umm Suqeim 3
Jumera 3

Many expats working in the UAE typically use their employer's PO Box to receive personal mail. But, there is no concept of 'privacy' and mail can be opened by the employer, especially after the employee has left the company. Therefore, it is recommended that anybody staying long term to establish their own mailing address than to have personal mail sent to them via their employer.

Hierdie land reisgids vir Verenigde Arabiese Emirate is 'n buitelyn en benodig dalk meer inhoud. Dit het 'n sjabloon, maar daar is nie genoeg inligting aanwesig nie. As daar stede en Ander bestemmings genoem, is hulle dalk nie almal by nie bruikbaar status, of daar is dalk nie 'n geldige streeksstruktuur en 'n "Kom in" -afdeling wat al die tipiese maniere beskryf om hierheen te kom nie. Duik asseblief vorentoe en help dit groei!